Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Dec 1883, p. 8

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hp Jl Coll!"1» Uif v Atnoiig tliat Thanksgiving. Mifsabiw |f«K>d look> Joolwd old ami Miat far nw-ny. i |>eeu!lar to person* •done d utt iiopes #f Co* Jot in the prison wrote t»k«giviti£, and Charley fcjjftyty is to rfsd all letter* sen the contlcts and their time Treading all ttm, What »ec<Tt* lift Ifftt that adamantine heart ie KJUti, xln^pfet of the prison^ Iiplcnous among thf»8e sitting Krtitn «n Thanksgiving, by m hair, dark blue eyes, the §||p(PWRldn ©f her features and of apparel. Poor hnppv. *11.. She krio\v*,iu>Uiiiig the world. She w Ithe prison about thr»e j'earg «*»« dait^hter of I>ora Hent- was sent up for 16 year?, county, tor the murder iff two* father. The mother sat In tlifej it raw with the other female con* lift her countenance wore a until cpres8*»ct, no doubt t|»e reflex filled with remorse fqt -<the iandeed]she committed." i 4{-J: OF ALL KIIYDS. Store in I^nsing's NEAR THK liEFOf, McHMRY ILL. W> hare nUrire o Mud our price* will be as *,•«#* **0&* of l"nr. rail Knitf* to be fouml In tho comity, price* wilt he as LOW AS THE LOWEST. We keep none but the best and persons wishing i» bnv furniture ofany kind will save money by giving; us a call. . • V. V fi* We al«o keen a full line of samples of .v^- fon Valpeau is reported by ttw temHfigara as saying to a prisoner fcfetmi fco be •Xecuted, "You know that #>6 Of the most interesting Questions of fhysiology ts whether any ray of lllpiW»r»,1reflection. or real sensibility in the brain of a man after the the head. In tli« morning when the knife falls I shall be standing at ybur aide, and your head will at once JiglKfiVni the executioner's hands inlo irijllti ^ I will then cry distinctly into yofcr oar, %Couty de la Pons me raise,-eat. y«Hi at this moment thrice lower the Kd of your right eve while the left re- The hext day, when the the condemned coll. lie ted man practicing thjp •port. A few minutes later bad done its wdrk. the WU In Valpean'8 handa, and the |£iN)-put. Familiar as he was with and ghastly scenes, •Was almost terrified when ^blight lid fall, while the other cod fixedly at him. "Again TUe lida moved, but they did It was all over. Ann can sell you ODC from the cheapest grade to a Brussels, as cheap as any house outside of Chicago. Give us a call und wc are sure wc can save yon money on any thin gin our line. Undertaking. A full Assyrtment of COFFINS AX» CAJ|. tCHTS always o.i linnd. " ^ " »"A Hearse Furnished at the m;it Reasonable Rates. J1TSTEN BROS. MeHenry, ifov, 58 th, 18Jt.' « - tenet] tho' .••PPUv r a j*k| ' ' i t uarriage* ^farmer Groesbeek of Fisliklll Y^thlnkWi* to {day doctor, sent for As tiie doctor's -carriage farmerVyar<l he iittedljr to be shown to tlto, The Joker led htm to th# house, and pointed out a goose »n leg. The doctoi;, witli^ (mediately set the leg le|jj tl^OOtions for the care of the, saying he would call again lit rnlng* stepp'd into his carriage ><feoine. He kept up his a&> mntll the goose coulri walk as the accident. In Meantime the 'farmer was having V Wfpm telling his neighbors <of the joke-, Hi to smile when the doctor .vouud bill. At first the sd to pay, but when le­ adings were talked of he ilsed the case to the doctors Ion. it " •! - , JL#- IWS WEEKLY. * 'r- - , lUuotrato^, •i- " stand* at the head of Am«. iy rnais. Uy its un» politics, its admirable-'earufuliy Phoaeu serials, bssand poems,coiitributod, iirtisis and authors of the day, 'ttetion and entertainnient to 'iWtncncan bonier. be t!»e mm of the publishers p*r"t Weekly the most popular faintly newiepapcr in the lj i»*the pur.iuanee of tiiis design, eonntani improvement in alt ttt^s which have gained for it the Stpatliy and snpport of it^ large E|B A ft the followinK critical opinions of "Bullet aud Shell." "Abookof really nbsorbins: int^rpst,"-- Phtla. Pre**. Ifcre ids asthoiun it had b^en written on the fluid of battle.*'--.V. J". Critic. "Itwiii be tJie most widely cir­cuit ed wo; k ou lUe Civil War that has been published." --Boston Globe, "Warmly welcomed everywhere."-- JVmrs, "It-is a plea*u'o to he:irtily endorso •Bullet and Shell.' *Ch,U%agt* Tribune. * It is very cor­rect history."- Gen, U. S Qrant. 4'I hare no hesita­tion i n reco mmendinR i t to the reading public of Amer-ica."-<?en, W.T. Sherman. AGENTS WANTED for DIM I CT Afresh,, sbov.-ina lIULLL 1 and AND SHELL war as the soldier saw it Beilinn at the rate a • • of tbonsanda of cop-1 if'S weekly. Euer- J| U 11 petic men, members of theO. A. R and XI |« l| others desiring espe­cially profitable W emplojnueut,bhonUi investifrate and secure agency •with exclusive territory. Spe­cial terms and full particu-___ lars free. Address A.Q. WETTLETOH & CO-, PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. III. C. CHOATE'S, ART ffiSEUS!!^^ . ' " ii • r Witli && umtau*ify large fcssoftnieiit 0C/ 2 Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Granite Iron-Ware, &c, '«ff; AT PEICISS. X. At the old stand of Jacob Storv, McHenr> ;• invites the attention TV; u *tr » Jif r*W-~ i -u.> • r.%r> r t -mi t >V in 'I !'»»•«? I ^ --.V"' - ns the lowest, workinnnship and quality of goods rruaianleed. Tin UoOfius:. EaveTiouirhinp, JolTbit)^ and Repairing .promptly attended to JjgTllemeniber, oxtm good bargains can always be obtained Stoc Jl'e und Oooils Attcuuc Uca&ontibL West McHenry, .tu*i .I.y UK ' 7 v* •< b ff-'. , ^ ^ i-ff »!?)>• 14 « Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Toilet Articles, &c. >>}»**<&' 'H, • V ' JTIio. follow I h§ are a few of the articles to be found inonr linnginpr Lampsy * racket Lamps, AU-kitHSa and ,, V ish'Ci lobes, i Imported China MotistafthcJOups. ' • > »« Vases, Toilet Sets, Smoking Sets, Odor Oases, .Jewel Caskets, Gipsy Kettles, t'hoio.CjJ'erfunierv, all kinds, very fancy sets. Flon iu-e, Celluloid, Knbbeuf j^ressinghCases in blue, red and green plusn. litinl Minors in blue, red and green plush "loronne II.tihI Mirrors,. lair. ('ioth"amt;Toooli Brushes, all kinds, Jombs. Fancy Toilet Soaps. Pn-ff Boxes, ipeciacles. Face Powder, ("osmetics. fancy Box paper, \, nil .Kinds eacliors schedules, ItewariljCaids, •*1>cs1;h, Pads, IllankboOks, Memorandums, at! ' kinds and sizes Autograph Albums, /I'eucils, .: CHEAPER THAN Two Doors North of Perrv. & O 'My stock nf?tirftltnre is hnmplcte with a' larffpr stftck th'M» tfvf,- and will be sold as choap asuny other in the county, aud it will be to the interests of the,]^yUi^ <'a w;be^ m waut pf anything in ^lut liiwDu ^ " . . T.St ^ ( K f - ' ' • 5 . i 'k'« Iv : UNDERTAKING •: - • rf- M ^~v. Without n m*!i 87s, Ssv«m»3, »4: HARPER'S PERIDICALS. X»E®l ^r»3Aiii S WBRKT-Y:.;..... If A<!A'/.INK ,ZVK ....... 4 <*) iAZVK.. 4(H) HANKLIN SQUA.BK 1.1* e yen r--53 intmltofs 10 (W t ree h aU subtcriberi in Ike United Canada. " ' Weekly be?ln with tho ^5|r January of each year. Whan ames or the will be understood tinbscrUter wishes to commence with Mier next niter the receipt of order ftfnnr Annual Volumes of Harper'*"}' lit nr»t cloth binding, will be went l.y "»lje paid, or by express, tree of ex-prided the freight does not exceed lolliir pervolame) for $7.00 per vol. C ites for each volume, suitable for will be sent by nirtU, postpaid,on re-' SI.<K) eactr. Smances should tie made by Post-Office Order or Drift, to avoid chanee of xpert are not to eop» thin adverHxe.mmt ' ; express order of 11 AKI>kk Sl BROS., HARPER & BROTHERS, , , Bew Yorlfc. Ready for the Holidays. Thi« is the place to buy. Prices are low. Prices will please. The display: will astonish. The fchow will surprise. ('orae before the assortment is broken. Come now and ses the novelties. 'Jorae now and secure rare articles that cannot be dup­ licated by and byf The crold linished Lamps and Chandeliers wi}1 give the house a modern appearance. The new! house an elegant completeness. The Grocery Department will be especially complete. • |8@4. Youm •cr's Youn^ People, if|XfJ8TRATBl> WEKKLT-10 PAOES'IC •Beys and Girls From Six to Sixteen Years of Age. ; Commences November 6, 1883. *t Yavtop People i.v the best weekly tren iu AM*rten,--J6buthweaterti Chrt*- vtin. . • irtiwi's skill cab accomplish in lustration Huts been done, und the ]t>ie country has conirlbu1 ed to S?/ijgland Journal of JEdvoation, .1 there is nothinff^that can fttlt it-IJp ffoni Ecening PotL prormi,. . r ,|t« rrcpald f • »• . ' Ive Cents oac%. •"fe Silljfiii rejei))' of a cents. '•fya-pfr'ti Yvivg People for mto«ini»mcly hound XI iu in in. »eftl bv mail, pre-•tich. Cloth Cases for 1 for binding, will'be on recei pt of 6i> seuis e by Pii#-OfBpe i4 jy?.'».»'•'? of loss, I thl» •fy' >iat'|t,«r ^ Bros. *o^yotk. ORANGES, LEMONS, Orapes,' PI« '̂AprIco«j.. Rainino, Candy, &c. ; J. C. Choate. ^ - , • " - tO / jtoODSTOCK, ILL. Koy.,20,t1883., ..„.c ̂ '•PATENTS. In'rflWtfirs, send model or sketch of ytii ven'ion ami I will make careful preliminary examination, and report as to patenUbilitv with advice, circnlurs, etc., piike op oiiakoh. All bnfiu«8S before U. s. Patent OHlce at-tended to tor moderate fees, NO CIIAuge Djr-ttliSS VJtTKNT IS OBTAINED. J. & LITTEJLL, Patent Attorney, "i&i' TPorttent. A new house, situated about three miles oast of the village of McHenry. Is on land -viiere there Is grubbing and other work to be done, ami it good Huti»i*e will tie given a tenant. For kill particulars inquire of f Joiin A. SMtrir, " six *Wrlln^«,IIVe j**s and one #tW8V/' ^Ftll l#e Sold rea- iipal»le. ^ 1 - Janx A. Smrn. J In tlii =t department. T keep a h^ortrntfh^ Cn^lci^ty stwd ('offins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A lieu toe Tarnished Ut ra»)UBi(W<> r:ites. ' ; JOHN B. FOR SCHOOL BOOKS. tfe'i. \W:<- *<¥' • , plain and /ancy, Pnns, Inks, all kind, Inkstands, tnn«y desk,"Slates, Miiscilage. ft ay l'aints, Playing Cnnls, Checkers, hecker boards," Dominoes, Dicc, Dice Boxes. V'olin Strtngs aud Bridges, , . , "School Crayons,-JiANKS, Jolly Niggar, Kicking3{a)e» Toyltqn Gymnastic, Tin, ' ' •®iu .xo/8,«ujyua4& « • ? Nnrsery. D'B, «.,>»' Dolis--wax, bisqit0,^,11 kinds and si»««^trom 2 cents up, Toy Dishes, Castojs, ' *;: Ladief Ua^ts, l'ocket Books, Purses, -f \ Specie Huge, •xr', Ilarironicii Floten, Harmonicas, all kf^ltu' Rickter, Famous Double itickter. .Y Concert. . . Pipes, all kinds, Meerschaum Cigar tloldeVs. Crgar Cases, i' Lrtiillsrd famous n. Plus, Silver Coin, Navy ring, Fine Cut. ' Cigars--Kainons No. 1. Mary Ann, Little Joli-nLc ..Wertie, Bouquet, Barbian.Bros. Staudartl MS Tea Itests. , ... Bazors and StroDS.lFamouelHida Key ltings, '-" Tooth Powder. * - • ,11 i -face Powder. • • *. /-'-'v, Pocket Mirrors. • v"' ' ToothJPIcks. . ' i..- "./.jV-Lead Erasers, . , Smoking Tobacco--t>T<1 Navy Cll)).„Golden 'Chain, i'eerleM, Just Tiling. " ; v,t' Plush Picture Framesw * 1* ,-f *\ '-V ,'W • f^ilre Wipes and Lrqu6r« to/ Medicinftl tisei. Ateo Bottled Ale jind Porter for^Family use. "Iff best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on band. w e-s f -g cians | j^rescrip carefully compounded. cmk tions "• ' r.-;* \lh\i j»-1- 1 •.« W, iN^reralier t8th^ - 'ss4ifs ii'li;'r(f .Iiliifi jVj'-f. ffSp ; i/y •V.' d fiw'i'*' : if'.:- '.-..-f- to the Drug Store. Having nscertained the different books used in all tfce different districts tributary ^o Wauconda, we can carry a stock which, in quantity, quality and variety, will be promptly tupply your wants. You will also remember that, this is the placets get bargaffis in Albums ot all kinds, Pocket Hooks, Ladies lland Stationery, Cards, Music,* Spectacles and Rattling Good <• ••' r SV'F- •. : • ,<t-ii'fm i iispUP. • - /> r' - ertit 6SE AND tern. WONT FORI, F. B. HARRISON. WaiiQoii(]a« 8^t, 1#t, ^83, ' - ; • - i4J JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon a \i Restaurant, NKAIU THE DEPOT, McHENR/, - LUNOlS The best Brands of Wines, Liquors er. Cigars always on Hand. Good stabling fo\ Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Lager Beer, Beer in Large or Small Kegs or*fiotties a ways on hand cheaper thau any other, quul tv considered. ^ Tliif ISeer has a world wide reputation, anc* srooii judges acknowledge'it cannot oe sur l>a&«ed in ttie world. dmtovS by mail promptly attended to. Ji>^WlE0EMAK^ M^Hca.-y, tit Au?. i?th, iw*. DO YOU WANT TO BUY Machine? IlK-.StlC I have on ban est prices, tin Home, Siirlngflcid, winji Alacliines, sellinfrat the Low. Kldredgu, New ew American, and Singer idw'llnot be itudersold by any agent in the bounty. ' A (riK»d .^inpfer Machine lf>r 20. warrfinte*f to do the w irk of tiny Singer UaohiiMi i» thr wo-ld. Call an<l see me. V. W, O W£X, .-Gi^eat Bargaihs in men's Md;hay^Veal Calf, Stoga Kip * Fine Oalf Pegged and Hand Sewed Boots, (j Men's j boysv youths children's Rubber and Gum Boots; men's • women's, misses£? and children's Buckl#aA.rctics,r~Snow Ex­ cluders, self-acting Alaskas and women's Siberian But­ ton Arctics, mens, womens, misses and childrens staple and fine Shoes, mens wool lined boots in calf, kip^ and grain leather. ^ A1 ;o a tremendous stock of M6nVand Womeni*s ^lain ftiid fancy Slippers, bought expressly tor the Holiday tiade abd received this week. It w411 pay you to come from all over the county to trade at Dwight's old reliable cash store, ^ N* B.--iiOUS^ ESTABLISHED IN 1865. - « . . . 0 . W - H . D W I C H T . • Cor. Main St. and Public Square, Woodstock, III. P- Chicago & Ptoriti-Western OLD EaTABLjU^^HORT LINE C H I C A G O And all points in Northern IttUutit, Cm- -tral. Eastern end Northwestern I»w«, Wisconsin, Northern Michif»nn, Mirnio-BOta, Halentn, Manitobn, Central audi Northern iVt"mn/!n, Colorrnl't. Wynnw' tag1, Utah, Idaho. Montana, Nevada,?' California, itrcyon, Washington Terri­tory, Rritiih Columbia, china, Japan, tho Sandwich Islands, Australia. jfiHv Ki-alntui,'and-all principal points m th» NORTH, NORTHWEST and WC8t. With its OTvii lines it traverse#North-em Illinois, central and Northern IOWA, Wisconsin, Northern HICHf. OAN, min ssc.sOTA, and Central DAKO­TA- It oifera to tlio traveler ell accctm-mod i.tiona that can to offered by any railroad. Its train service equal# that, 9f any road: their speed is as great am* *3% oomiort and safety will permit- they1?-: make closo connections in union a®pot84'̂ P> at junction and terminal points »«^ the leading railroads of tho We^Mtnd'.-MM Northwest, and offer to these that them SPEED, COW3FOKT ABD SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes closo connec- i tion with nil other r.. ih-or.dr; r.t thnt- city. ,¥:.' It runs PALACK- 8M1KPINO CAU8 oniw' , all through trails, PARI/»R CARS on itaa":: 'princm-51 ror-.^s. r.nd N:?IITH-WESTEUNI ©IKINfi CARS on its'1 COUSCI!• er.d on i'.s ST. PATJ^Etid Minneapolis:-^ tHrou?h day egress tr-lns. t ; ^ I ̂ you Aviah the Best Tra v^liirer Accorc» •r\*; NfTtJona you will buv vonr xictteta " •'•>'<5 TOUtO' -AND. Will. TAKE NONtf" >-;&• ""ri. , r -tes for giin^le or round trip 1 r.nd for full infemrition in re- . >'«s? - ,jO-fll pr.rts of the West. North end 'ft ^,ht7e:;t, write to General Passontrer Ohici-To, 111. ̂ Ail O r o n Ticket Aj?ent3 sell Tickets . ter tai3 Lino. J. D. LAYWG, MARVIN HUGI-TITT, Gen. Si:p"t. 2d Vice-i'rt s. and Wen. Jiaaasret -g;-ArW. H. BTBNNETT, ' ^ v V'° Ocn. Pass. Ast., Chicago.; i •M'tfaWi - ' • : i'A' m B. Sherman, WCGDSTCCK, ILL., - 1)K AI.K1!" IN-- ' >?•» Breech and Muzzle Loading bhot Guns. ' -! ^Powder, Knot, Oain \V:t lit and for sale.* VUblttf . At.'dud• of OnrtrMge» O AND REPA1KING DONE. A good Ui'.cech T^oadinsr, Donbltl Barrtled Ghn,. WHtr:tiile-l Twist * -v .'i^ Wir.c.hftstei-.Rille, 7«> m>.<lel, lS shoi«, 38, Nickel plated 6 shot, «2190k Self coi-kiiiK Priiisl. liuH,l)o'fr Pisiol, .03. A jrood s>iiifrlo li;irrel, Bieecli Lo ^ 8ingle G1111, M-arranted, *5. . i ' sj I will nnd.ersel: any house in the county l;i -• Guns itnd Sjiofiiiiff <ioods. If yon want a irooii ^un it will imv you to call iind' Bee me. I warrant every ^uii I sell.. Clothes Writigers repaired and new Kolls put 011. Price p^r pair warranted, $2.50. R. SHEItMAtt. Woodstocfe, July lotlj,1883. %v .' SWp»\ TENTIOS-jM^a eccKoaiYis WEAM*^ Ton can save money by gi*inff your order! F. W. SOIAD, -. mCHMCK^ i r IE.LINOI8Tr rcti-- tw*-; f all description*. B* . S, ienenil Luck. *' Wag'ons, Carriages o , ^ itairihv', I* liniiu.., .. _ i . •' , '/>gmittilng, Ac., Ite. Repairing of plows and all other form hn-pleinmits is .utven particulnr attention. Li my manufactures I n«<«onlv the best mate I. a!", and, keeping rlie vei^- best workmen in .11 departinents, fain enab'led to giiHrantt'e^ i t warrant Jill Work thnt pops from my shot) .ts , fl##i in jyveiy pttrttc^uf. t5 All f:>rm wrisrons nianiifactuved at my aliO| are warranted for Tuu.K» ykaru. AC^ICULTUilA'L IMPLEMENTS ; ,1 sell every agricultural imnleinont, inclti'rt' )'"Ki c«iieci;illy, Norwegian Walking and Hid- '. insr-lMows, N. C 't'li'Mu|,son and GesVey Bros* > Mowsniid CultivatorK. 11 Kanny !5ee<t«-i>* /* and (7orn (Jnltivnicu s^ tho Downline Sj»riii c Tooth jo'eders, the I'liuio ami l>. 51. Osborne JC Co.'s Harvester and Tu ine Bintler, the War- • riorand Hopkins' Mower, nnd all other llrsJ. class machines. Warranted II rat-class or- a • sale. -ULACKSMITHING of every kind attended to promptly and satisfaction, guaranteed. ..JFlltflfi PAINTING A SPECIALTY. I have cnga-red J. STII.l.WKT.T,, tho bos-painter of thf; Northwest, for one year, o< joniier, to take charge of my jwint shop, wliio.i is » fe<;fllcient guarantee th'atall work o4 lthat kind will be done in the best iinfl most anisti * stvle. It slipnld not, lie forytitten that I employ.f. Repass, wiiod-worUin:in of twentv year.-i' ex-perience, and t. Howe, carriage *blackcmU!i, boMi in sur|»issed^Rarti/ans in their line. Finally, come anil see me and I will guar­antee satisfaction its -to prices- and quality of vyork to all interested. . - , C F. W. ME A D, DR. JOHN BULL'S STILL LIVE* A»d will be pleased to show yod' our atock, con«i^tirig of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CL0T3INI.I •----AND-' -Tfi.i' .it-" hi ' • &»• 3' & »*- adies'viind (Rents' Underwear, Ladies' and Geitte'|ti<9«SfliJt<:fl> " " *' (iloves «Sb Mittens. " " ** HosieiT, A nice stock; of Corsets and Hoop Skirts, an EXTRA QUALn'lf j^f W< oltn Yarns? 'Carpet Warps, Cotton Batting, and al! the Sia£ V Ar ieles knpt in a General Store, and at prices to suit the prei-ie -t depreciated markets. GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS WA&TEI). and-the Highest'Market'Price Paid." w„'v; ' Ti FOR THE OURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, *«D ALL f AlABIAL DISEASES. * proprietor of thia eelebiated mttt* «ine justly olaims for it a superioritr ever all remedies ever o&red to the pnUie for the SAFE, CSSTAJOr, «S9X api PBk HAWKHT oure «fA|M MSWver, and Fever, w^«fi»r sf tet «r tantf MUd« ing. He rei% *• the VNt«|«tj Southern oedRry to bMr klpjtestiaMayto the truth of tte aatertio* tiwt ia no oaw whatever «iBit fidl |» mrTif the dine* tiou s are strietly followed amd earned out. In a great many eMM 4 eiotle doM ha« been suffieieat for a «im, aM vhole fimi* lies havehe» oured bjr a dagle bottle, wifli a perfect xeatoratioa of the general health. It ia, however, pr-adent. aad is ererr caee more certain to cure, if its iise i«eeWSaned in smaller Uoses for a week or two after the disease has been checks*, mors especially in diffloalt aati lag-stMdiaf itmm ally this mediefaw will set re^oire aay aid to keeo the bowels in food order. Should the patient, fcowevey, require a oatb&rtie medicine, after baviri*- t-tkee three or four doses of the Tonic, m single test of BuL&'ft VBGBTABLI FAMlLY PItls will ba Mfc fioient. • BttlW fAEiAFAEILIii it the old jij ^«m-s vmakwtt wou*^ r-aiT-I* " piepaxee 1ft tha form ef t0»» ***** ..m 1 to the taste. :*m- Joi» :W ^IAYES& BARTLETT , , Centre will®, MoHenry «^V"" > • •»r> is", 'i Stw'i : M :,aeTje.*L!z.- %>£ " ^ , , *#• toxic sv;up ««i'S S.f,SAP*Bl • BUVdFfc WOftM t"0' Mx*x*wm

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