Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Dec 1883, p. 1

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JfefJeiiFy . . M fjjljUalied Every Wednesday by J. *trA.X SI.YKR, ioixott *N"n ran,nWK,>v: i~: .I ';V; ' 41 u\:'v[fH'.' |)ffiee til Bishop's Block, PEHRT ft OWEX '8.-- . TEBBH. or i"- v- * I ! * *{' • . ! .» ,i '<&• i .1:" .<• f •\ 1 *'5 J * V f i" * . 0rPO8TTE g: \,?T i^d- ir " "tftleVenr (ifl ..".V...U. ,..1!;ii'.W > v- T?i If Not P-iii within Three MonthV-! 2. (*> ...'*/ Sniwr.riptinns received for tlvhsie ttr si* ; j months in tho same proportion. l-v .;.. f;:'/ .*. m Ii<) • i '.! ••• ' ' f. Kates of Advertising-. • Ve Mtnomtce libernl rate* for advert-lsms* in the Pt,»nmf.,- and «ti\tr>w.>r to-state them ho plain! v that ttiov will !>e readily. un- & derttood. They areaa t'oljows: '• 1 I«eh one w»r -fv# rwi; * J • ?! 00 2 Inches one vear c^:h • t Inchesone jrear -tfAii.... . IHolumii one year "W ^ » j , • . , . . SO '»i . ii f'eluran one wr- KOno I Column one year - >"*' iM 00 -One >tnr,li means the ttie** w?ament of one Inch down the column, s!n^1e>oTnmn width. • Yearlv fHvertisei-8, at. th« above rates, have ttie privilege of nhansrinir as often as they r.booae, without extra charse." Ueenlar advertiser* (ineanin? those 1iaTin*r standing cards) will he entitled to insertion i of loral notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be cliarsrefl 10 cent* per "tne the fi'st week, and-5 cents'per •4' line for each (?nb*eqitent week. Transient adverti«e;nen'ts will be c.htrsel "" lit the rnt.e of 10 cents pr- line, (nonpareil type, same ns this is net in) the first iisije. and Scents per I'nc for stibseq'tent issne*. ^Tli's, •n inch advertisement will cost SU.ttnforone week, $1.S0 for two weeks, ti.00 for three weeks, and so on. The Pt,Ati«t»T.M.Kit will be liberal in srlTln* - -^jlitorial notice*, hut, as a business rule, it will reqnire a suitable fpe from pvervlml r necking; the use of it a columns for pecuniary K*in. MART <i. BARBIAX. HATR WORKE1L All kinds of H*ir Work done in Brst class style and at reiiMona hie prices. Kooais st residence, north­ east corner of I'uUlic Square, Mclltjnry, III. C.9.UREEN. y-ETETl^AKV SURGF.OK, Richmond, JEsWlt A. BAfjtfWfH, * , A TTOUHEY AT t,AXV. business in i\ Every part of the State receives prompt attention, lloom 24, i>9 Washington St., Chi­ cago, 111. 1>R» O. E. WII.LtAMS. ESTT^T. Residence r»ttndee. Wilt be at Mi'ifenVr. at Parker House, the Wtli and S5th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the followin'ft Monday. D1 JOHN Kl.EIFGEX. HOUSE Painter, Grainer, Calciinmer find Pai>er. Hanster. Uesiden- ; one Block West of Riverside lIou«e. Work attended to prom ply and on'reaS'KiaWe terms. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN,M. 1). PHVStCIAV W!> «mtnEOV. OfUce AVer the Post OTlce, ownositc Poitv ftlMiirtln'S Itorr tip etairs, McHenry, 111. » i. r. ' C.'«. V '5 I j»ffrsiciis AHD »fTR«Eo>r, •&&&&?, I Ills, omen at Residence, on the Comer, Opposite "Rli»fce'* Furniture Store. O. J. IIOAVARO, M. D. ITStCIAN VXD SURGEOX. Office at mv residence, opposite M. E. Church, McH enrv. 111. rHI m\ LilW Brali i^c > f > . 7 • ' # lilOHMO^D, VLC; , I Unrgh, Til. The choicest brand* of Wines, can'S^V^H »,4'of MOSET RECKIVEO FOR INVKSTMF.VT and loaned on inortaapfl security nt cur­ rent riles, wiihoui char-re to the lender. Vara hmmm made at nix pev cent. , K .1. w. U AX^T+: AO. > .. - at ?,, tnnd2 Itorrten Block, Kl?rin, III^ J. J. MYERS, ...m i-'q raWPr. «»h liquor* and (Jisrars W() see me. alwavs on TRATT HOUSE. K. PR.VTT, Proprietor. First liani. J conmoti t.ions Waucond.v Til. e4*^« ne- Geod Burn in connection BAUni.VN BUOf. «**» CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Or-<le»-8 solicited. Shop, 11 Old McHenw, .0 Keller Block, two doors west of Plain- •EAr.RK Office. ItlCUAiU) OOMPTOX. TIJSTIOK of the Pencean I Omveyaneer.-- Will uttsu-l uoaiptly to the collection of Ubts. Volo, Lake County, III. «. E. RrCHVRttS. ffw* complete Attract or TIM#* to land ft ln >t Henrv bounty, Tll'nois. Office with County Clerk Woodstock UK I' r E. M. OWEX Dealer aul Manufitctilrers „ . A^enl in l.eidins Farm ^rnchtnCvy.-- Prices Jew and terms fivoaabie. M Henry, II*. QRNERAT, K. G. SMITH. r>OOT AXI) SHOE MAKER. Promot *tten- IF tlon sfiveti to Retnlvin-x. S'tepr_ In Gr« K- »ry's Harness Shop, opposite Riverside Hou -e, tlcHenry, Illinois. ABCTJS GERMANS 1 Manufactured F. MARCUS, --DEAI.ER IX-- PUREWINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock The host Tonic, in the world. Pint and Quart Botllcb. F. MARCUS, Patentee. TWELVE REASONS, FOR INSURING WITH Asa W. Smith, Ol Woodstook, I1L 1. Because hois endorsed by leadinjr l»ns iness men and the press, and pirticn arly where l»est known. ' „ . 1 Because his U the oldest a*ency in the eonnty. , ^ & Because he wpreseut# the Itest line of ompanies ofany ajrunttv in the county. 4. Because, with one exception, lie renre- sents the oldest eoinpanie* in the- United States. 5. Because, in case of loss, he Rives his patrons the benefit of his long experience in teeming an ei)tiitahWadjii«iinent. 6. Because lie has always it sued full (Kit leies. 7. Because he pavs lo*<es on farm property liv ligliiiiinx. wUeili«r lire ensues or not. ' 8. Because he lusnre* live slock un/where against lightning. 9. Because he insures agatnst tornadoes, Cyclones an'l wind storm*. in. Because you can thus save yourselves from disaster for auiere iriSo. 11'Because vow will ISnd him equally as active to aid vou in iretting your money after loss as to secure your patronage for his com­ panies, j4 Upmusc snv 011c of the ubf>vc fffiwns can be fullv verified hv calling011 E. A. Mur­ phy, E. Sessions, J. W. Miller, Iroin their own experience, and 011 the etttire circle ot his acquainliiiices from observation. In balialf of ihe Old UelUble, the Ph<enix, of Hartford, Cwnueclicut, I lake areat id<;as- itre iii returning the thanks oftlie couipany to MTrs. I.. l>. Kellv forlier proinptnes> andnn, usual preeeuee of uuud 111 exunguisliingn lire Alher, kindled froai the burning ot. K. A. Murphy's residence on Hie morning of ihe 13ih inst . as by her indiridnal effort, nroperty was saved "on which the company 13Av.s|(mL Horsemen* Attention ! i\N lovers of tine Horses are respectfully invited to c.ill at mc farm, half .1 inile west of McHenry, 011 the Woodstock wad, and see my tine Morgan anil Draft Horse#. I have a Percheron Norman Draft Colt that is hard to beat. Cull an I see him. 4s#"Xj business doue on Sundajr. ...... ? % i *. S/COKBY. McHenry, May 1st, l#3l. i « f i,. . C. N. CULV3R, . DR. C.' R. WE1.I.S. PHYSICIAX AXD MriKiKOX, Waneonda, T,ake Co., III. All calls promptly attend­ ed, day or night. Office on Main Sti east of Bark«r*e harness * bo p. . ,*5^ H. K. JOll X30N * COh ^ i ' SOI.ICITORs of Talents, 1005 F St., X. _ Washinston, p. <\ Refeuexces.--Hon. J. A. I.ogan, Hon. W. u Allis':n. Hon. D. C. Smith. Pek'n, M. W. Storfe, editor Chicago AVm h, firmer'* Review, Chicago.™ Senil lor instruceions. JOSEPH X. FRECKto. Saloon axi> ret \uraxt Bonsiett's old staml, opposite Bishop's Mill, Mc- Henrv', 111. The c loicest Wines, Liquors and iiirars to be found in the county. Fresh in any Ovsters in their season served up shape desired or for sale by the C»n. GOUU STABLIXG FOR UO^ISES. ».i^, »It V ••..s. ANTOKY ENGEL.N, ' '*• i' . , \to6X and Restaurant, Buclc's old stanH O MclVenrv, 111.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, "Jour Mash, Wines, C-gars, etc., ahva\ s on hand. We bnv none but the best, and sell At Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their; sea son. • • A. M. CHURCH, Watclnnnker a nd Joweler NO. 10f. <T\TE ST., Chicago, 111. Special ai teutioraiven tovepairingFine watch e#itnd<Ciirononu ters. • Full Assortment of Goods in lii$ l\nc n:ichmo^d. Illinois. Sales of Stock, Farm in? Tools {intl Goods ot all kims atlended to on the most Reasonable Terms and satisfaction guaranteed.' l'ost Offico address, ^ * IUIUIMOXD, ILL. Will sittciid ^alcg nnd furnish prlntisg • nd adi crt iiin^ ns cjieap as enn lie procured elscwbere^in the Joniily. ' c. - mrnvs, BREEDKIl OK-- last season's -chicks weighing XI' piunds.. Eggs, per setting >f-thirteen. $1.51, delivered to puli Ua.sei- in UichtuuiKl, Shipped, securely packed, J^.OO. rojikrT C. XEWETT. W,M tt ^OWLIN 4 t* tsncnEBMiRTO *: OIX>TBtBRl 1-TSjj' A N D id ouLisn ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUIJLiC. ̂ '• h Prosecutes pension or any other, claims against the government, the late, or former wais. Complicated cases and re­ jected claim* made a specially. If stamps arc enclosed for reply, ill coumiUniuaUotia Will be promptly answered. ' Office at Residence, MAJ5IE0K ST., ' - If, '» ' W03DbT3GK, ILL- . Reference* hy nermission «« regai-ds char-l acter; business aliilit.v, reliability, &<• , &<• : (i'iii. John A. J.ogui, 17- s. Senator, Chicago, Illinois ticn. ,r. C. Smith, State Treasurer of Illinois. Hon. R lillwood, M/C. 5th III. Dist., -Syc­ amore, 111. Hon. John r. siierwiu. ex-M. C. 5th III. (Dist.. Aurora, 111 lion. A. M: Jones, U. S. Marshal, CWcago, 111 Col. .las. A.fexion, Pres Union Veteran t'lnh. t'hic,ago, III. i- .Jesse A. Baldwin, Ass't U. S. Attorney, Chi­ cago, III*. Messrs- Sal*, Schwab & Co. ̂ Wholesale Boat an : >!i >e 1) f ilers. Chicago, 111. . ' , Also hundreds of county and home referen­ ces. - Richmond House, 11*1 SUCMia^.lO..; ItL % ' • > ' C.N. CULVER. - - Proprietor. HWIXG recentlv purchased the ahovo House, ! have put it in thorough repair, with new fnvhtfne throuahort, an<t would resnectful'v invite the p-Urona . 'e of the trav­ eling public and others. The tables will «l-1 ^ 1 , > . j : . t. » 1% a Im.'i- I'O ters to the W!i«ts of srnests. Vo pains will be spared towil»e thl«a First .Class H-.tise. Large and i-oi.imoiMniis barns on the premiees. rtmr.lbus to and ftrtm a*l tra|na. Room a on first floor. - ^>ate House Surgeon, Chicago, (li.) Richmond, Calle attended rtnv Arifclht, nr"' special «t tention given to diflii-uIrSHir " ett, M. D. County Hospital, Illinois. >d speci r^ical cases. DON'T YOU BEGET IT! 1 asa w; . UtrJ#.. -t • i U W oodstock, Backed hy Mill ions INDEMNITY against 4. Fira» Lightning, CTCLOXES A \". Drop me a postal card call 011 me and I Mrili w| w.ien cither or any ofi ments devastates "yourij you be if you hold one L will surety visit yen, mi3 I.wilt not forsake y^i ^4.5 one v age by - Illinois. offea you Stovms, XADOE& I will viMtyo*;, "it a (Ktlicy, and destructive ele. perty, happy will toy policies, for I lituMev unto yon. : W. SHTTH, 7»:.< trance AgX Speaking of nine-mouths men of tl»p War, General A. I*. Harttn, of Boston, »»y»: "I have seen men wit* have rot served more than five minute*, au<l]hn<l their liead» knocked off. It is eno'ijjh tliut • than'hns mr^in<(]er fire.'* WASHINGTON, D. C. The popular palace hotel of the National Capital. Convenient! v iMK^ed and aceessilile to alt the street car liiic»«jt the city. Open all the veat. . J O. G. ffitAPLES, M, Proprietor. Lateofthe Thousand IstCiid House. wavs 1>e provided with the best that can 1« uiN'c«re-d, and polite ami attentive waiter will'be in readiness at all times to attend t- Kre< Sample riSj; ( ; I'i&isjf,1 He. WIGITTMAK, proprietor/ First class rigs, with or without drivers tnrnlshed at reasonable rales. Teaming »* <11 kinde done on short notice* ^ :• A. WEfiSDELL, iris • .McHenry, III. WiH take oontraidp f.»r pu.ltiiig Hp Btiiiilitrgs ami Ktu'.ratiUM* mv .vork wilt compart* with any man in the State. 1 can and will do work from la to 2i. per (»i*nt i*!i«'Hi>er tiian other carpenter?, as 1 have two uf my hoys who work with me. which makes it possible for mej to do so. All Jobs J11 the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give 1110 a cull. A. WENDELL. • i> ,'i P. SSViiTH, lATCHIiKEH 2 JEWELER, McHenry, - Illinois. Horse spetng^ General Elacjfsmithing, WAGO . HA UP McIIciirr, Would respectfully in and the public, generally than ever prepared to do ISCH, 11311 OlfS« bis customers it be igtiow better .irk'iu his- line. Tt EPAI& IIS G, Of all binds on short too cMl and w» will ploa-ifc y and price of work. ns a bat h u\ qnaiity RI3CH. Still Out of the Ark of Safety . ® 5 fliA luiei tnaan In mm oAakn»i> m..«1 »I.a . "MMijrsdl-iSWia*!!.-- - ^ -.- *- >«-.*< DANGER ' TO WE iV PHOPISltTY Beset yon cn every hand. The mutter of the slycnon, sick loon; saloon, cyclone, tornado, windstorm, or whatever name* mav bo" giveu it, is heard in some section of the country nearly every day. ' The Fire Fiend May break out at fany moment--the eronomr ef a litetiuie be consumed . Death must come to *11. By a small p.tvment each year you ean secure I o yourself a foitune, should voti live, or, in tho event .Tf death before the lime expires, your family is 'provided lor. $ <i(Hi,coo is represented by this agency. Our rates are aslow as experience has touiid to lie safe. Yon will saveinoney by insnring with me. General Insurance, T.ife, Kire. Lightning and Tornado a specialty. Thanking ai! my friends for their-"liberal"patronage, and, hop­ ing, liv Mjuare dealing, to merit a continuance of tUesaiue, I he*} to subscribe myself, • f : • . • - • liospectfnllv vours, . , v- C. H. MOUSY. ilcUenrjr, IlL.Juue 11,18SJ. Now that the pensiop-I'dtof the Gov­ ernment Is made a«vess>ib!« to public exaniliuitlon. the Plttsbnr^h Leader suggests that the Grand Army of ths Republic might do a noteworthy ser­ vice by earefylly inspecting Ihft llsts nnd exposing cases ot fraud. 1 ' - ' •' . .. There-if a man in Warren County, Ga., who was in seventeen battles dur­ ing the Confederate war. was wounded feveral time*,has he«n struck by light­ ning three times, lay infusible from 'oile shock three (lays, and is now not more than forty years of age. and is as healthy as any man, audi weighs over two hundred pounds. ' The Illinois Asaociatiott rtf ex-Prtfton- ers or War has resolved to ask of Con­ gress a half pension lor those who were in captivity from two to six months;a three-fourths pension for those im­ prisoned from six to twelve months, a full pension for all who suffered loss of liberty for one year or more, besides two dollars for each dav's confinement. Re-election of Officers of Hebron Post 191, G. A. It.: Commander--J. D, Rodgers. S. V. Com --II. D. Wiilllny » j. v. cdm.-n. Fish. - > Q. M.--Joseph Cliatmaiv Ad.ft.--(.'has. W. Carl ofi v ; * Surgeon.-- Dr. E, O. Grntton. , j; Chaplain,-- -- Page. 1 O. !>.--,E. E. Taylor. O.G.--Joel Elliott. The new list of officer* will he in­ stalled Jan. 6th, 18SJ. Tl»* Inst Ration will be superintended by Capt. Kelley. ot Woodstock. up to give battle to Rragg, and was standing guard hiinwlf over the spring that the much needed water might gv to all the men in Its purity. While issuing his orders for the formation of his line of battle (and never did line of battle show in grander way than on this occasion), this careful commander was looking to every little detail, and -perfecting his plans. Everybody up* predated his care except Sergeant K. who had so completely "put hi* Uwt in It." Two Brother*, P iC>i»4 iilgltC a squad of pickets Irt frttnt ftf tTliattanooga heard from the front: *"Hist, 1 say, ain't yon fellows ftotn Louisville?" One of the men answered that he was, "Then." said the voice, "1 want to come over and see you." T i t o m e n d e b a t e d , a n d s a i d f i n a l l y . " I n ­ structions; Hint's played out, you know .Frank," and a bright .voting fellow ifistepped irom behind his tree and came boldly forward, lie wanted to see his brother who was in an ln Jiatia regi ;ineul in the Union citnp. hut the boyp would not agree to assist hitn, nnd although two of them 'Were old chums they pushed him back toward the rebel line. The next day the two brothers each carrying a paper, met midway between (lie lines, shook hands, said a lew nervous words and parted, not to meet ai;niu. Chicago Herald;--*No. none of mv boys are In Chicago,"-said an old larmer from Western Illinois, just returning from the ITulen Stock Yards, Where he had sold three carrf of hog« of hi* own raising. "No, sir, my boys are all at home. The three oldest are teaching school winters and helping on the farm summers, I've had all my boys in the city, though, and they know what it is. I showed 'em all anuitxl myself. 1 ain't one of those kind that lets boys go on thinkin' a city is the nicest place in the world, when it is just as easy as nothin' to show *em different, 1 had my boys in some Of the saloons along on State slreet and on the West Side, to show 'em the poor loafers, sbme of them evidently farmers' boys come to town to get. rich. We all went up into the Public Library, as I wanted ihe boys to see the poor cusses there find­ ing a goon warm place to sleep until 10 o'clock, anyhow. We was also in some of them dives along the Levee, and 1 tell you the boys was disgusted with the dirt and vulgarity. My oldest boy went Into the wine room to see the girls, and came out mad, saying they was nothing but paint, powder and stuffing, and charged him 92 for o<ie little bottle of wine worth ab^ut 25 vents. 1 had the boys look in the morn­ ing papers to soe How many situations there were vacant,and how many more there were wantiif places. When we started for the train next marniirairly we see a sign out, 'Oierk wanted,* and thirty or torty fellows itandin' around waitin' for the doors to open. Oh, I tell you, tli» boys haven't any love for Chicago, and they are stayin' home and 'tendiu' to business. James has a small fariu of his own, and 1 am guln1 to give him half the money from them hogs to furnish his house with, 'cause lie is to £»,- Bcnalettt-" Near the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly en hand the llnesl Inands of Hour and Feed ofa.ll kinds, which ho will nSell at Wholesale or Betail at Bottom Prices. Five diflerent. brands of Fiour always" on hand and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand «WFIonrdelivered anywhere In the Cor porat*on. Orders may tie given by Postal Card, Box 107, l'ost Office. ' G1VK ME A CALL % ' L. B NSLETT. Mc.llen y, MurchSth. 18»M. O, ' W. OWEN, DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver ard Plated Ware etc. -1XM. flavlnpr moved into my new iitore, one door K»"t<d Mrs Hernias' Millinery store, 1 am now prepared to show to the buying public at> line a *loek of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ^ Silver and Plated Ware. Aacsn lie found in the county, which I offej; At price* that cannot Ire best. The Hnultline of , FINGER RINGS Ere# M«* la (Ala section. Also Af-'enl for the Popular lew Some Sawing Machine i -./s,,!! A Fine Stock of »v«{ .- Choice Gonlectionery, if . A»d Cigars, Alwavs on hand. ia-Call in, examine (foods and learn prices. Remember I will not be undersold, quality of g'MvIs considered. J. P. SMITH, Mcilenry, 111., H4v. 27th. 18S3. .. STANDARD taiJr? Wax. Pre«6rvct hinnn, rire» s beautiful *ni*h •events tho Irun s tickinB, sates tobor pre & e. Astyoir Steretaper for it ^MADE BY * Standard Oil Co.y CLEVELAKB » - - mHo. SALE IN McHENRY BY ; PERRY 4c OWEN. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute, FIVK I in-weeks terms pefvoar. •"IKTKBX COUR-iBS:--Teachers'. Coilejtiale, Mod- ern l.anjruMoe, Coiumercuil, Art,, Teleirraphir. Phonoirraphie, PenmHimhip, Klocntlon, Medienl, Enjrineerlnx, l>rawing, Jte. W hole expense for one year. fliS Wes­ tern Normal Lecture Bureau. Western Xormal "Advocate." Catalogues and speci­ men copv of paper KUKh. "C. L. tillEtiOUi. Principal, Itii8hnell, III. CONTINENTAL . HOOF OINTMENT, . • • v,.,- .. Crackel ' Hbofs, Sprains, 'au^k the celebr Watch, which i^ pronounced liy nil to be the licut watch flow ou (he market. J Will not be Undir*o!d, On any goods In my' lino. UcHenrjr, F«b. 188S. o.w. oMm Fine Shoes. Our stock of Foster's celebrated; Beloit 8boes is complete. For style and duia!»ilit\ they cannot be eKCelied. Ask to see them ; • Uexuy, - ; --. ti+j- »•) - HO iSIi,'l&ATr £E«E z1 sk your Storekeeper for it or. writ* di* 3d to the Manufacturers. • . AMEBIC AH ̂ WC|,^p9JL CO.. CLEVELAND ' \4 , - Oil 10. SALE IN McHENRY B r ^ Uw,.' H. COLBY. Matched Team For Salo. A gooil uiniflievl team for sale. Four iiid rive yfars olil, ami will weigh be- tweeii uitin aml teii binnlr«-«l ^ach. Are well broke sin«l good roaders. Will be »a|«t cheap. ol fimS ^ PHlfJP GlEBfcLK^. Gossamer circulars and'coats for ladies and gentlemen, Hit l a lull line Of rubber goods always to be had at * .QWKby Colby's Put Ml* Foot In It. 3«%eftnt was a conpequcntlAf bl'Mi- slerer. He was ag Important and dlgtii lied as a Major General up to a certain point, and then he eollapfred. The boys culled him Sir Thomas, the Flapper, and then with army directness short­ ened it to Flap. Sergeant Flop was majestic and lorbidding 011 the slight­ est provocation. Wheiiou picker cUity he woo id challenge a man with par.-ide and formality, but he never could tell whether the challenged party gave the right countersign or not. When things came down to business the Sergeant became nervous; wheii excited he always blundered. Once on a gram] review, when the company came to n halt. Flop matched majestically for­ ward head erect, and eyes cast at regu­ lation distance en the ground to tlie front, unconscious of the laughs and words of ills companions,until lie came up against the company in front. Then casting at the men a withering glance, tie suddenly realized what he had done |nd caine buck tlie very picture of $ |illy boy. On the mareli of tha Array of tite Ohio northward, after Bragg, Sergeant Flop became very Indignant because there were no springs in Southern Ken­ tucky. As the command neared Cave City, a large spring was discovered, and the Sergeant started for it, blundering along, trying to take oil his'canteen, which he failod to see vns buckled under his belt. lie came to the spring fn great heat and walked up to It and into it. As liis foot touched the water, and as lie stooped to till his canteen, a quiet mail wearing a dusty coat and a little straw hat, sitting erect 011 a Horse, said sharply: "take your loot out sir." Sergeant F. straightened himself up, gave the mail in the straw Jiata withering glance an<l said: "Who are y«u, sir? No quartermaster's clerk can order nre arot|iid,sir." The man in the straw hat simply repealed: "lake-- your--foot--out of that water, sir." ami the foot came out. Just then a cavally man said, "that's General Buell." This jaiinounceuiejir^ewildered him. II tie Iwd an aiiLbilion to lie like any man except himself, t-iiat man was General Buell. Here had met his hero and had Hot known liitn. lie made a blind dash to get awav, and in so doing tioundered through the spring, going to his middle in the clear, cold water, and then without a drop of water In c?mteen'er stoinaeh, he rolled away like a turkey witli-a4»roken wing. Getiepf Buell was moving hU army the besi team in our county, and the haudtfotuost gal. My boys have seen Chicago with their eyes open, and are satisfied to fltny at home, behave tlium- selrtv:, and take the old farm when I 2fet through willi It. I believe till* keeping ot boyb In Ignorance of what a great city really Is Is wrong, ftp 1 (W' • g ' . • 1 ? (0*Tw» of Postmaster General Qreshani's recommendations .in his amuial reports are likely to meet with wide spread endorsement. The first is the unit of letter postage be changed from half an ounce to one otmc«. This1 Is the weight allowed in England and as we have Imitated the English postal system in the rate, and even In tlie Ap­ pearance of the stamp, why not follow in this respect. He also recommends that the rate ot'newspaper postage be changed ffum one cent for two ounces to one cent for three ounces. In these days of blanket sheets many news* papers weigh more than two^oirnces. It is the general Impression that one cent is suftlcient for any paper and consequently a great number are not forwarded on account of InKutHcleut postage. The postmaster general estimates that on this account alone at least teji per cent of the newspapers mailed fail to renoh their rtostiuationk These tw» changes would be a great convenience to the people and not se rlou-ly diminish the revenues ot the department.--Belvitiere Standard, otm rtr*xr i«kvtkr r«o* it. Upn OibrW il*(«r> Mnnhi WWi » Hareu BTL 1.1*. "Ye*, bflf*." ert**f>)fTy leaning ajfnliuit» ml *11 iMMrrel, **| bare *»n n fearful l»t of hard driving tfor» lug mr ereuJtal fffe, On« tlrwe, 1b U; I think it wm, 1 owued a little luare. fast enough to Iw sure, bat balky as t bunder. J started «mt en* maritfnj t* drive to New Orleans. m»* hundred sal . 1,1 si* miles distant. Well, (lie mare west ,„ij all right for'rbeut six miles, wfiem suddenly stopped. tnrnf«l aream!, awt with an awful eye, that eaoHtil mf t»iigiTo to curl up like a paneake, • gazed at uie. 1 plainly saw tli«t ihi ; meant bnslnes*. The^eewhlde l>«4 , |>erc«>ptlble effect en her and I begpjt i', to think she would »tlek there. I bwgai* - to weep, when wtddenlv a brilliant * u entered iwy efwrmehs head. Sa!4 I. 'Old woman, I'll butt jronf Is wit I " * * = got and gave her a with «yjlkta^ ; ; She started «« suddeti|like tlM( IjnhiM : - not Jump into tlie buggy, !rltf WltlfcgTit "* to grab the end Iward. s« 1 had tf n*a T behind. At the end ef seventeen «<II*> ^ the mare stopped sa sitddiitly tfiai f" AS ran against the end board Jm4 twal^ lowed a foot of (t. together with ion* I teeth. I kept on bntilng and ruifritnff * until we reached New Orleans. Whea I nrilvcd;tlierc 1 found the liffjjliiji * was alilgone, the skia worn fl|al my t feet, while my head was a» MlNra»a ^ hyenas and my forehead was a qoivtr* * Ing mass--of flesh. 1 now belters that " had I given the mare one more butt my - Intellect would have run alt ever air stare clothes which"--Here Gabriel mm % ̂ interrupted by one of the listeners r*, ^ s| marking in aii uiioerlotie. "Oh, why M !®| he fail to give that extra butir* Qahr ? f riel looked at the oflemler la so sttfn A ^ utanuer that lie csnsed him to Ml {»is, f "1' a trance. II* then resumed-^*ip|il^i> 1 cost me seven dollara and a pound of" ^ v butter. It took «e Just tw<hottrs to j ¥u,n that one hundred miles.- I starit a porous plaster and eight yards of - «o«irt plaster on my head :aomo frl^ads< , » * I met soon after asked whothor l had- f | been struck by lightning or hy reotkiOK*. "j In-law. I left their corpses where thoy j fell, deeming it too much iroobto tsil expense to bury thoia.. My asHsn system was lo badty shattorod that ( dare not use a knife or fork at meala^ ^' but rigged up a feeding machine whitlb Bow « l're««h«r NhtciI (lis Lift.: The following aneodote Is related of the Rev. Dr. Sheldon Jackson, who was for several years a missionary in Utah. Some years ago Dr. Jackson was in Salt Lake city and desired to address tlie Mormons 011 the subject of religion. ,Of all the gentiles then in the city, he was probably tue most hated hy the Mormon fanatics, and it was^generaliy believed that bv going to the public meeting he would meet his death Nothing daunted however he was early at the piac-s which lie found tilled with an immense throng all thirsting for liis blood. After speak ing a few mo. tnents he noticed that many Imd drawn their pistols, and he therefore turned to the Mormon bishop &nd demanded protection. Tlie bishop declined to Interfere. "Very well* said Dr. Sliel- on won't protect me, I must yself,'* whereupon lie drew a nnd pointing it at tH« bishop sai(k"At tlie first sound of a weapon being cocked,,I will >hoot you.*' It is needless to say that the meeti ig pro­ ceeded without further interruption. interfere. d|»ii. "II yc mroteor- mi revolver ai They say that at a prayer nieet- irg in West Held. Mass.. the other night a good brother rose and s^id lie "wanted to hear sung that beautiful hymn.'Split Doors " Kvery one |ook<*d at. every body else in perplexity far h i»om»»t, and then a quick wilted sister -mu-k up "Gates Ajar," which was what llto good brother wanted. •Toiix I. St«*KY lias just added to his stock tiie finest assortment of Lamp* lo- be found in tli* county. Hanging Lamps. Braeket I.amps, Hand Lauitis, and. in short, everv style to be thought of, and the finest designs, can be fodn^l itt Itls store. &Ul *ud $e« the ut. (Closely to 9«e that it got no at*«^ i* my eye or did not stab me in Mm pipe. This scar you see on my font* lieari wk« caused by Ih* maehlao.'*' fie re tlie old uintt took a bottle of an. 'a ig liniameiit frotu his pocket a*4 bathed a large acar 011 hi* faeo, whllo tears flowed freely dowa tho *hectyof' lila sympathetic hearers. Th* old mafti took his without sugrfr iu It, rexlug fllteen mluutes he *osi«mmo| again, "But b'hoys, that was tioni^r to what occurred in I tiita omoit a horse which had no logs, only barrel staves. He weighed 900ft 1 sterling. 1 fed ̂ lm two barrels of I ev;ry day, but to toll tho tmfth that, boss was a tinggy and--and--bis oyo* were tiiusfly--yailer-- and-- man's lieikd nodded and lie fell on lb* floor fast asleep^ T!i« boya,«fter gola^ through his pocket* and tttliug biavlf with snuff, sneaked out of th*ba*k door leaving him to his night* About midnight the nolghbors awakened by, a tremeudons saeealag- and snorting, together with a b«uim| that sonuded like furniture rnwlaf into a looking glasa. The done Us fiendish work. s ~ f ' ' neoth ot a Vaniaiu. Ohl 1Nhm^: Sojourner Truth, eolored: died ro» cently at Battle Creok, M leb, ag»d Tfli yenrst Sli* was born at Settunklll, Ulster county $\Y* In 1778. Par lb» first forty years of lior.Ufo *b* was % slave. KM until sho «aa ao**at*o%. years of age could sh* *p*ak Enftlsb. having lived among Hollander* uMI spoken their brnguag*. Sho a*var learned to r*ad. she was next to ibo youngest of twelve elilldren and w*a twice married, having one child by hor first hns ha mland four by her nr*nd. Three of lier daughters are living tbo oldest being elglily years of ago oa4 the youngest having grandchildren Hv* ing at Mt. I'leaaant. Iowa. She bs* longed to no church, bat called h*m|f •a servant *f God," Sojournor Ttslk was no more remarkable for h*r loo* gevlty than lor her iatellcvtuol a*4| moral wfirth. Her mind was WMMMt* monly penetrating, clear,, togfe*) m4 original. She *aw the |^ith«l a w»tt*e instantly, and r*anoned up>ui tt wtMt great, swtf tnesa. Oti owy aubj^Ot aim entertained clean-tHtt and InriepMwIoab opinions whloit&lie defewWd with *bl ty and ob^iMaoy. Ai<Uongh sho uot read a worti her 1 mgmijs wst OA% ' only gr uunkitic illy ooreeet, hut tlafS* larly perspicuous and nervous. Hef> eiiunciatl<Mt a»d proaunviatlou wo«* iaulties*. Sho haii lived afc Battl% Creek fo«» twenty-two year*- Kastmau. C»., |* an tree tltteeu and a half leet in draunlola enue two and a half feet above (tOw4 It has t>eeu struck by lightning, bntf !»• ••- still Hvlnj. At 1 he*base ol this tre^ wo separate streams of water spring forth--one running directly ena| fie other west. The tre* isal»iM|%^|a enty-llve or eight v \i>^n old, * abl«« *ou|4 Men's fine kipv veal calf, lined and mdliied Buou in ft I tt Uwi^iit'^ Wouda^wUu

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