Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Dec 1883, p. 5

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rr.-i*' f-<-: ' •• 'i- -- m 1 m V'..n.,, - Jr, ,!*A H i&Otid Woodstock Dqwrtmeiit W*D1T*SDAY, DEC. 36. TSSS, Railroad Time Table* OOIHO SOUTH.} ; , team Uka Passeager .......7:37 A. '•'?'-6|0eaeva Uk« Express .8:22 ...... 1:»B r. • .„ ..S:SS " |«*4n Ukt Freight Geneva Lake numfir , „H 1 w «•>!*<» , • BM«W Iittke Fralitht * ^iOwmlAk# .......9:M * - - ,8«i#nUke E*prt» .iMr. u ' B e * * v a U k « P a s s e n v e r . . . * : 5 7 - Y. B. BCIIJ IKWT. »VBB| McHenry, Ill ' } j M ATOXIC * #1 Mc?lKWHY Lodor, Sa ICR V. F. m4 A. M.--1 -,»,i (teentar Oommunir*tlon» the Saturday on or 4 before the fall of the moon and every two ',*'^VMkitkeratft«r. _ „ . "\jf CHAS. C. OKBT, W. M. hi.* Tf<j*wnv n<t.%rra« tfo. %i R. A. M --Rejrn- , V." ir OOIT«MHOD« held on the second and toartb Frtds? a in each tnoneh. £ ' R. V AWDKttSOW, H. ?. y %.• • Ir V WE wloii our reari«r», one mid all, A HAPPY NEW YEAR.* THC Public School closed oa Friday ,r "^tast for two weeks vacation. ' lis «nler to allow onr help a Floilday |Vi«« New Years, toa PLAIN DEALER will '^not b« Issued next w- ek until Thursday. Tnc Report of the McHenry Public chool will appear next week, as it <411 not reach us in time for this. ' , FE TUT the new brand of Cigar*, made - Jby BarMan Bros„ named "Thrice 'Crowned." They take the lead. WE leant tlrat John Myers has taken Fthe contract to 911 mou of the private 'fee HOWM is tills village, and will f commence operations on the Pond to- •Aay. The Nse Is aew about eight inched thick. lu As next year l« Leap Year, it will < "devolve apon the ladies to make tlie <calls en Tuesday next. Bnt ns yet we * lijtve lieard no gentlemen who have signified their intentions of receiving Vails. What is the matter? 'JiOHN ERWIK, son of Heavy Rrwln, Invito we reported two week* l{n A« "very low with typhoid fever, died on fe'Vueerfay even Ing. jBe wtt« a young man *ary character, mid liis early •death wll! be mourned by a ho»t of ? friends, both old and yowng. THE School Sociable on Friday even- 1n( last was well attended and a very «n|oyable afialr. The net proceed# Ve learn were about $16. whltJli are to lie msed for purchasing a picture of the late Prof. S. D. Baldwin, whleV.Is lo be ^huttg is the school room. ^Wtc would call the attention Mf«ur readers to the new advertisement of . Sonslett, Sto#e1 A Co„ whkft.can lie • Tmmd in another place in this paper. Their goods are all new and were <«• ^looted with especial reference to t!ie wants of the 'thU'is.fbfead die adHrer- tlsomcut. ,. j* f TSI1& AW* Lawrence Dramatic Onm- jpany closed a very unprofitable we^k "here on Saturday Might, for some rea- . eon our lover* of the play not turning *>ut as usual. They were a No. 1 trmipe and certainly deimrved mctfM. We hepo they may see fit to pay our village ^another visit at some future day. "LOST, on Saturday last, between .!«. Treund's SHIOOII and the Iron Bridge, a flieckst hook containing about 814Qtn paper money, a part of which caa be •identified bv onmfter o«~ bill*.' The •finder will he litieralty rewarded Hy re- <tnrning the same to Tlios. Pow*TS, f>r Heaving it at this office. 1 WE would otll especial attention to flie II oil (lav notice of the Woucoiula Drug Store and Book Haunt, which can lhe found <ntinedlately f^Uowing 4»ur Wauconda correspondencif Owr irenllers In that section can there find a •fine -line of goods to select Presents ffrom,both useful and ornamental. WOMXLAM THOMAS had the misfor- «luiieato get hi6 black team into the Tond on Saturday last. lie was draw- ftngMvood across the nq-thwest end of ifhe'Pond when the ice gave away, and fcoth horses were precipitated into the-irafter. Fortunately help was near AIIH t+iey were rescued without injury, except a few slight scratches. ClMfiTXAS exercises were held at the Unlve realist and Methodist churches„1n the former on Monday and the latter on Tuesday evening, and ware .both very interesting. There ww#e also several family Christmas treea in thia village, which are reported very fine and which bore some very ttandsome and valuable presents, #emr THALKN died at his residence In Joli«sburgta. on Sunday, evening last, after'an Illness of only about six weeks J H^sni well and favoraJWy [sown in thi«ta»*ti, hayiuf WVecT here nearly alt Ms life. aW.ynt il the past year or t*»o «pon a farmVbnVjjitterly XhaMlvcd tn Johwsborgh. JWe was about (39 years or age, a«i^ leave* a wife and •even «liiidrea, who have the sympathy ofaH. s <1. 3. Oiu.cs has lately papered, paltited and grained his place ot biwi- nees, and otlierwiso fixed it up In first claee eha-peu, asfl will, early in the Spring, open ttp a first class Bakery tliemein. Be has secured the services of ae good a Baker as caa be found in the State, ar4 wiii spare no pains to cusfeeU an iMStitutioii that McHenry wIM fed p#o«d or. We wish him suc­ cess. - WE received by Express on Monday eveidtig a asysterlons little package, whidi apoa opening we found to con­ tain a box of those celebrated "E. M. D.\Oij[»n, froas wtr old friend, Hon. E. lit Dennis,of St. Paul. MinnM to- getlier with his compliment* and a "wish you a Merfj Chrinaw." -Words are iaa<lqi»'Ue to express our pleasurl at this kind remetnbfeace by a friend ~whom wo so highly esteem. That bis lot may always bo caxt in pleasant places, and that he-may, fn Che words of Rip Van Winkle,ulive long tHuhbroe- |>er," is our sincere wist*. \ nmaoHAL. JAMES FmsiMXows. of Lake City, Minn., is visiting friends In this vicin­ ity, JOHN WKXTWOBTH IS spending the Holidays with his parents, la this vil­ lage. -J,-.,-"* C, A. KMIOHT, wife and daughter, of Chicago, are spending Holiday waek with the family of Dr. H. T, Brown. PAUL BROWN came out from Chicago Monday night to spend the Holidays with his parents in this village. ROI.UK WAITS had a Christmas Present of a nine pennd hoy. Father and child are as well as could be ex­ pected. AT a regular Communication of Mc­ Henry Lodge, No. 158. A. F. and A. M., held on Saturday evening, Dec, 22d, 1888. the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Cha«. C. Colby. w;a» : ^ E. W. Howe, S. W. , «; J. Van Slykc. J. W. 4 . : " Page Colhy, Treasurer, C. H. Morey, Secretary, mpv * R. Wftlte, S. D. ^ Jabe* (,'nrr, J. D. O. W. Owen, Ctiaplaln. Henry Colhy, James Ladd, Steward*, Wm. F. Tilton, Tyler. Programme for the Ring wood Cem­ etery Aid Society, which meets at B, H. Cnrr>, Saturday evening, Dec. 39: 0|»ntn| Song. Prayer. Instrumental Katie .. .t.ela Chane Rpmllng Mrs. Jennie Pay Solo Vincent Lnirlcjr Dialogue........Loe AndrnftB an<1 J- K. Orlttf Uecl.'imn tion Hen rr 8 te phenaon Duet Mr. and Mr*. Churchill ...Mrs, MnrySUodge Reading Kliaa Carr Duet Flora Harsh and (!«», Himnioni ReaMing Nellie Merchant Declamation ....Phil Hurrinon Closing Song. CABL PAT. See. F THE.following statement shows the amount of Tax to be collected from each town In this County, this ye«r: Riley... Marengo Dm haia. •I ••4 • Cliomung-... Alden... ... Hnrtlaad.... Seiu'.cit Coral Gmfiou...., Dorr C>rvfiivr(x»<l X .... Hebron Hiohnion«l Burton McUcnry. Ninula ............... Algomii'.la Total, r Railroad tax... Telegraph tax.. f 52 JO as m i««-i (i| 047B 91 , 14«.2 3S ' »W2 TS . 5S|« |,1 r ««7I 11 J 7252 64 Wffil 93 17471 01 5Son in ; 5t»m 9» Wilfi 14 ir.45 01 , H»»t«» 95 , I2S30 117'W 1»7 •"W;- ......149.046 16 15,.«9 2» iiorr- 186,37 AN exchange rightfully says that too much ef on? thing is good for nothing; that the journal filled to the extremes with display advertisements Is no good to either subscribers or ad­ vertisers, but that the journal with the amount of advertisements and good racy local reading matter evenly bal­ anced is the Journal for all; no matter how many stale and ancient stereotyped circular* may be Issued by the pub­ lishers in vainly endeavoring to make up what they have cheated their sub­ scribers ont of through the year, by craiutiiiiig.their papers full ot advertis- ment8 that are never read, at the ex- clutien of local and instructive reading matter that would be wennl contained therein:such sheets can never com­ mand respect or patronage.jascan those which from we*k to week present to their renders Just what they bargained for when they subscribed--the beat paper In the county or the one that con tains lio more advertising than what is read, and that Is filled full everv week with rich, rare, racy and instructive readiug matter. THE following from the Sandwich Gazette will apply to other places, and Is a subject that will bear thinking about. THAT OI.D COAT,--It Is not quite good enough to wear on the street, but too goo<l to throw away. It lias a good deal of real service in it yet and i« warm and comfortable, but it looks a little seedy and I* frilled about the edges It lia*> been hung up in the CIO?Q£ awaiting a time when it may be needed, hut somehow It is never woro, is covered with dust, is a trouble for it is in the Way. is never used, and the moths make their nests in H. There ma)' come a joh when au old coat will came convenient, hut when the job comes the coat will hang there still. There i« a man who has no work, who lias a I org* family to snpitort. who has beeu unfortunate, that this vary old coat will keep Irom shivering. There is a bwy f«»r whom this old coat might be fixed over a little, and which would fit, him up nicely to go to school. There itre a great many better places for that old coat than hanging in tho closet in the way on that hook- If you have the right human feeling it will ?;lve you the 7ery richest kind of satis-action to bestow it somewhere where It will becto*' warmth and comfort. If you have a narrow, miserly feeling it will be a satisfaction to you to let it hang there and let the moths eat it tip. The old trousers, vest, boots, dress, clothing of all sorts that has yet ser­ vice in it, but which has been laid aside, comes under the same category with that old coat. : T ---- -- "'<.#<• .. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thftttfffc Com­ mittee appointed by the Board ef Supervisors at Hi late session, to Inves­ tigate the feasibility of eatablishing a County poor farm, solicit proposi­ tions for a farm, consisting of from 100 to 200 acres. In proposition give locality, number of acres, etc. All propositions must be made on or before Jan. SO, 1884. X Address, LESTER BABBER, Chairman Committee, Marengo 111, To the Dancing Public. The undersigned would respectfully announce to the dancing public that Riverside Hall has been refitted in the best of manner, and with the new floor lately put in is now in better shape than ever before to accommodate tlios* who love to -trip the light fantastic." NEVIN'S MILITARY BAND, of Chicago, five pieces, will furnish music for the New Year's Party, and are pro­ nounced by all who have heard them to be the best Baud iu the State. Prof. Nevins himself will be precent. and during the evening will give one of his celebrated Drum Solos, which of Itsslf is worth going a good wnys to bear. With the Hall well fitted, warmed and lighted, we can promise aii who favor us with their presence on New Year's night, a pleasant and enjoyable tlwe* Wu^ YAOIE, PiepT. MAfttNOO. . EDITOR PJUAIKDEALER:--A marry Christmas and. a happy Now Year te all, i The merry Jingle «f «l,lgh bells rings oat upon the keen fatstjr air, and we know that winter lias set lo with Its cold and snow. Now Is the time when tne little ones about the hearth are endeavoring' to unravel the mysteries connected with Santa Clans' advent and his wonderful passage down the chimney, etc. Some­ how or other, we were never very lucky In this regard. Santa Claus never found but one of our stockings aud that had a hole in it. Our streets are full jif teams nowa­ days. and our merchants were never more smiling and attentive. The hol­ iday trade Is oxcellent. and that, of course, makes every-ono happy. New Years' ove the A. O. U. W. give the play ot "Dora," under the management of Capt. Ames and the Marengo Dramatic Club. Immediately followiug the Marengo fire corps give a ball. All at the opera house. Come all aud have a good time. We wish to say a few words In reply to an article which appeared In the last Issue of tha Marengo He&ubNcan, signed J. K. Wheeler, and wa shall en­ deavor to be as consistent In oar posi­ tion as he was severe In his denuncia­ tion of the modern style* of dancing. And wo certainly think we are unprej­ udiced tn tlie matter for our No. 9 French Kips positively refuse to trip the circles and halt circles of the mazy waits. We will admit, for argument's sake, that the behavior of some waltz* ers upon tlie ball-room floor Is not what it should be. but because certain ones exhibit evidences of a questionable na­ ture, Is it just or right for us to say that these undue proclivities had their conception iu the ball-room and thus condemn the sport? ds it just or right for us to say that because an occasional couple manifest too much familiarity, that all lovers of the waits are morally degenerating and have a common ten­ dency toward that which is corrupt ami iincleau* Is it not compatible with reason and good sense that a Inly who l« pure and modest at home can maintain iter dignity while at a hall? It Is an insult to onr ladies when they wish to indulge in Innocent amusement te be charged with gross Improprieties of behavior. In no other way can the evils alluded to by Mr. Wheeler be so quickly precipitated upon us as in the course pursued by him. It is grossly unjust, absurdly Inconsistent, aud not becoming the enlightened age in which we live. Let Mr. Whaeler romember that his insinuations are base and un- gentlemanly. Let him remember that his Interference with the social affairs of Marengo Is uncalled for. Let him remember that he has ministerial du­ ties at Terra Haute to perform, and that all concerned would be nnder last- ing obligations te him If he Would IU- tend to them exclusively. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PI.AINDKAI.KR:--Wm Morton arrived on Thursday of last week with a car load of mllcli cows and the bills are up for the sale on Wednesday Dee 28tli. J. M. Ford, qnr Tax Collector, has got his bonds slgni'd and Is now ready to receive his liook«, preparatory to commence collecting the taxes. Mrs Wm Estergrene, Is quite sick. Dr. Neson Is attend ing her. Mrs R. H. Reniile has A brother from Iowa spending the holidays with her. Churl In Wnndrack intends going to house keeping this week. He has fitted up his residence on Chicago Street good style, and they will have a very comfortable and pleasant home. Mrs. Helm is laid up with the neu­ ralgia. We are to have two Christmas trees fn town on Monday evening of this week, one at the Congregational church and one «t tlie German church. Our Ptiblle School closed on Friday, of !ast week, for two weeks vacation. Our Telephone office is a running In good sliat»e. Oifloe hours from 7 a m to 9 pm. Oftlce at Dr. Nasou's Drug Store. R. H. Rennle Is attending the an­ nual meeting of the , State Teachers. Association, at Springfield, 111., this week. Mr. Joseph Dwarek. ot Chicago, Is spending Christmas, with tlie John Nlckles* family. At this writing. Monday, Mrs, J, H. Lund is very sick, and there are doubts of her recovery. AFTEn January 1st those of onr sub­ scribers In this village, who are now receiving their papers by carrier, will receive them through the Post Offices. The reason for this change Is that It takes a good deal of valuable time on the most busy day of tlie week for us. and as all go to the Post Office at least once a day It will be no Inconvenience to them. We trust this will be satis­ factory to all and will certainly be a great help to us. Notice* F. A. Parker, of the Parker Bouse wishes te announce to the dancing public, that N. E. Slocnm will have three extra men 13 his band on New Year's night, making In all seven men, playing nine instruments, viz: 1st and 2d Violin. CUrionet, Ba«s», Piano, Cor­ net. Flute, Piccolo aud Harp. During the evening Mr. Slocum will play a Clarionet Solo, "Coming Thro' the Rye," with variations. Prof. Tlilele, of Milwaukee, will also plav a combi­ nation Solo, on Cornet and Piano, play­ ing both Instruments at the same time, a very difficult fest. This music Is not only expected to but will positivelv play at the Parker House on New Year's night. W. A. PASKSB. SMOKERS, call for Barbfan Bros 'High Art." They bar* few equals. Good Goods, low prices, and an hon­ est deal, can be had at J. B. Wells A Sou's, Wauconda. Old ladies beaver foxed warm lined home com tor to; sizes 8 to 8, at W. H. Dwl^ht's, Woodstock. CONvaiBCTED BT ASA W. SMITH. Christmas trees audi onr Churches. Our merchants have been very busy, and coiiMequently happy,since the Holi­ day trade commenced. Marshal, alias Long Jones, wss In town one day last week, and judging by appearances his mission ' was more political than official. There Is a rumor or another incipi­ ent fire in the Wood range on Main street. Would It not be well to use some of the whitkv tax to detect some of this gross carelessness, or base crim­ inality, whichever it is* HAHBIAGB LICKKSBS. •' Benjamin Frame t* Carrie Kern. Janten Davis to Dora MeCalwn. Myron Francisco to Oarrie Grander. Chas. rranklln tTooxbtirv to Ella link. H. Q. Vow to Sarah Pete'rnon. M. K. Hitrhcock to Sarah K. Stafford. • - Thee. IF. Hays to Be«sio Sntton, Diao-- At her home, near the Fair Grennda, Mrs. Fred Schmidt, of heart disease, on Satur- day the 2M inst., at 4 o'clock a m. Deceased was a native of Germany, and has with her husband resitted In this county many years. They were a childless conple, lived happily and labored for eacli other, esteemed by all who kuew them. I might and perhaps should have mentioned my first experience at a Basket Festival which was very enjoy­ able and financially satisfactory to the Red Ribbon Cluh. but at this late date I refrain from particulars. This Mon­ day evening I expect to sit under a Christmas tree, but not with expecta­ tions that Santa Claus will permit any of Ids goodies to fall Into my basket. Nevertheless I can enjoy the scene for the! enjoyment it brlugs to the little ones/.; - ;" Tft^Rsraaii. /' % T A Ploreefct n: toG E ed. * N W Wanaer to L B ford, q c <1. I< K A C B Warner to Jno Kitzsintnions, • d. 8 Kartng et HX to W A MeConnoll, m deed. £ M Stockton et nx to W A M<*c»nnetl, m d. O VanValkinberget nx to J IiucknolU, w d C Bondlow et nx to F C D.vcr, \r deed. Asihel Harris to-M H Fitzs'minions, n deed. Town of Coral, assessor's nlat. K A F Kenich to J J Murpliv, mort deed. Henry Orock to John N Ocook, w deed. Dcnnts Biisrom to Knima Stevenson, q c d. i J Q Alams i't ux t-> 3 K Peterson, w deed. S E Peterson to J Q A"ams, \r deed. I. K1J A Irish to M D Hoy, ni deed. S K Harris to Flora Colbj, w deed. J Legpett et ux to Rlica Neil, w deed. K T Arnold to c R Brown et nx, release d. G I. Hherwoed to Town of Dorr, Collector's bond. Philo Wilkinson te Town of Cheraunjr, Ool. lector's bond. Lester Woodard to?f <J Mallorv, release m. K D Slafter to Tryphenla Howe, m deed. H W Bnnn to A W Andersen, w deed. U A A J Hammers to Gluts Ma lone, w deed. Beat Finch to chas Earnist. <-lint iu. J A Dufield te M D Hl>r A Son, chat m. T D Murphy and R Bishop to John Mctihee, w deed, Isrnel Kline to M D Hoy, chat mort. John Mctihee to T D Murphy ami it Btsbep, mort deed. The burden upon the qnindsof states­ men seems to he. What must be done with the whitdcy laxP Lognu wants to educate tlie world with ft. Blaine wants to distribute it pro rata. The Demo­ crats want It'KboliMied. If some benev­ olent cuss who doesn't care whether anybody votes for hijn' or not should move to make It aTpeclaf fund to feed orphan children and hungry, heart­ broken wives, build poor-houses and jails, erect penitentlarlffc and scaffolds, aud purchase rope to bsug the red- handed murderers that it incite*, lie would come nearer striking the popular idca. It Is alter all a "'potter's-field" fund, and one «aunot muke anything eUe. Wa have got to col'ect it, as it is the best thing we can do under the circumstances as they exist. But cover it into the Treasury and mix it up as quicklv as possible, for whisky meney alone has too many suggestions for an honest man who loves his neighbor as himself to make merry erer.«--/wter Ocean. Now. I am just that ̂ cuns." But why not pay off Vanderbilt his $47,000,000 upon which he does not pay a cent of tax. aud which yields him au Income of between 93 and 94 per minute? Why not pay off the entire Natloual debt and establish our banking system upon some firmer basis than the Nations poverty? Let the bond-holder invest liU capital where It can be assessed the the same as the poor man's homestead, or solitary cow or pig. If the whisky tax must be collected. If the fund must exist, why not pension every soldier now living who is tlie possessor of an honorable dlscarge? Why not pension every widow of a faithful soldier though his death might not have hap­ pened while in the service? Why not pension every indigent father oi moth­ er ef any faithful soldier upon whom they loaned for their support, though that soldier may have survived the war, If he has passed away? At the close of the war our National debt was of such gigantic proportions that there was some excuse for the exercise of rigid economy, even to the stinting of the scrfdier. But now, when our income as?jlfies a magnitude which pussies our best men for its distribution, there is no longer any excuse for delay to pay off to some extent a debt which never could have beeu incurred for money*s sake iu the absence of patriotism. For how many would have voluntarily ex­ posed themselves to all the dangers and privations of- war but for the love o'f country? If there Is more than Is needed for thle purpose, set it apart as a charity fund to meet such emer­ gencies as the Chicago fire, the desola­ tions by flood, the devastations of cyclones, the ravage* of yellow fever. Let a portion be set apart as a detec­ tive fund to hunt out crime aud meet out speedy puulshment to the criminal. Use it to build Homes for the Friend­ less, Hospitals for Foundlings, for the blind, for the weak-mipded. for the In­ sane. Alas! where.can we turuour thoughts without finding a much needed place where every surplus dol­ lar can be constitutionally Invested where It would alleviate suffering and add to the comfort of our race. - New Year's Gifts will be oil sale early Friday morning and until Jan. 1st, at reduced prises. We have spent nearly a whole night in marking Goods down, and what Is left must go regard­ less of Cost. Also a lot of Ladles Hoods and Nubias at half pr!ce. We will try aud make It profitable for the Ca»h buyers to call In over at thQ Weat End--we mean rmsiiuoKi A JCvAjfaos's. Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BV S. F. BKNNSTT. We wish all the PUAINDBALBB read­ ers a llappy New Y*ar. J ® Another child died ..r diphtheria at Genoa Junction, Saturday* The Holiday trade m Richmond, on Monday before Christmas, was simply Immense. :< Paxson & Crocker, en Monday, sold out their market complete, for spot cash, to Win. M« tie v. * The first of a series of ten dances nnder the auspices of the Richmond Cornet Band, was held at the Band's Hall last Friday evening. The com­ pany was a good one, and the party a very pleasant aflair. It i-* proponed to 'hold the pnrties on alternate Friday nights during the winter. The new firm of Heck A Leggettf succeed A. P. Gray In the Blacksmith, ing and Wagon-Making business at GrAy's old stand near the Mill. The new firm start out with skill as work­ men and the pluck which commands success. They will do a general lilack- smithiug. wagon atid carnage making' and repairing business, and invite a share of the public trade. At a regular communication of Rich­ mond Lodge No. 143, A. F. and A. M„ held at their hall on Monday evening Dec. 24th, the following officers were elected for the e.isuing year: W. M., J. V. Aldrich ;S. W., P. K. Allen; J. W.. H. Christian; Treas., J. R. Hyde; Sec., A. R. Alexander ; 9. D., John J. More; J. D., Geo. Sltihley; Stewards. H. Hast­ ings and Rooert Tweed; Tyler, Chas. Coulman, . Tlie Market Fair on the 20th. like its predecessors, brought ont r. large crowd of people aud a good display ef stock. We have not the figures on the sales, but they must have been pretty large. The city horse buyers did not put In an appearance. Something of a con­ troversy arose on the question of re­ quiring license from parties out of town to sell goods other than stock and agricultural Implements, but the man­ agement have the matter under con­ sideration. am? will, no doubt, arrange the matter satisfactorily by#the time next fair is held. * The Glass Ball nrtioot toft Friday brought out a good number of sports­ men, and the contest for the prltes was spirited. Below, we glp, the scores: • ;-;'!•>* . MATCH KTK'T : ' I f C h e r H I « m . . , . ; i . ^ i „ . r . . e 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 0 0 l-S ..n i o l n i i b i o-n ....i l l o 11 o i l l-a ....l i l l l o t l j i-a ....1 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 1 o-s ... eonooenso o--o .. .o i » i o l » o t i-« It >l*»<tli)K«.. 1. Simons o o o o e i i i n s - s 1 0 1 1 ) 0 0 0 1 A -- 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 B»l> Wilnon. A .larkson.. F < I afford ... D Wilson.-.. C (Jvecn.--,. S Hold™!?., O S DnrtUl. IV. W lls<*n wins first; In the shoot-off Stafford wins second; O. 8. Dart takes tiri?}. . : "V *ATCB KO. S. Bennett;,.,,. ..0 « 0 1 0 o 1 o 11--4 O t.reen.i.l 1 0 1 0 1 A 0 SO 1--4 I I H a s t i n s t : . . . 0 1 ( 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 -- « «i Stewart- .... 0 0 0 1 II 1 0 T 1 0--4 Bob Wilson 1 0 1 1 I l» 0 1 1--7 F suflovd 1 0 I 1 C 1 1 I 1 |-a F Walters v., . . . . 0 0 11 11)100 1--S G Trvon.... 00 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0--5 I» WiUon....... , ..0 1 l 0 1 1 11 I 1 1--7 A J:t<k*>n......*v 1 Ot II I 1 1 1 1--8 K J a e k * o u . , I 1 U I I 0 ( 1 r t -- S >S llolden »;v .. f. ... .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--0 I , s n n o n # . . . , . . . . 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 8 3 Dnirv ....,^,....1 0 1 10 0 10 1 1--« O S Dart. I... ...1 00 1 00 1 0 1 0--4 II Clievillnn 1 0 0 0 1 I I ( 1 0--5 in the shoot-off Stafford wins first; B. Wilson second; Hastings third. TIIIKU MATCH-SHARK ri'KSB. D Wilson A Jn<'kson Bol> AViUon.... . ... ...100 00 1 ISO 1-4 : e i l i l l l I o i-s Simons takes first money; B. Wilson second. FOURTH HATCH--SHAKE FL'RSB. Boh Wilson ... 1 110 11111 i-- ft I. Simons 1 I 1 1 I 0 1 1 1 1--0 I > W i l s o n . . . -- 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 0--9 H Hastings 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1--« F Tryon ... 04 0 0 0 1 1 10 1-4 L. Simons takes first money; Hastings second. RINCWOOD. JFCI>TTORPT,A!NDKAI.EB:-Jerry Smith's folks have commenced tAklng boarders The first one is solid, weigliiiig four and one half pounds/ B. K. Duers Is closing out the re­ mainder of his stock qf goods at cost Those*wishing a bargain pie ass give him a call. Another carpenter and painter has gone. Chas. Carter has moved to He­ bron prairie. Those wishing to employ him will find him on the old Tryon place." FROM ANOTHER COBBESI*t)NDKJtT. EDITOR PLAINDKALEK:--Not teeing any news from our town for the pa-t two weeks, 1 thought I would let you know we are still alive. Tlie Aid Society will meet at Mrs^R. H. Oarr's next Saturday eveuing. Come one, come all. Mr. Richard Harrison is slowly re­ covering from his long sickuees, and his many friends hope to seex him around Soon. James Carr and wife are visiting friends at Elgin. * * \ Mi*. George Smith called on friends in Elgin last week. Rev. Seurl has closed his meeting till after the Holidays are over, and then we understand he is going to start again. Ned Duers has stopped running Ills wagon till spring. He reports a large trade this summer. We called it at Mr. Grimolby's shop last week and found him very busy making sleighs and cutters. Any one wishing a eutter should give him a call and he will give you prices that will surprise you. There will btf an Exhibition at the church next Friday evening. There will be speaking, singing and dialogues. Let all turn out. Anyone wishing goodb at cost should CRII on Ik K. Duers, as he is closing out at cosr. Case and Furst A Bradley Sulkey Plow* at E. M. Owen A Sou's. <3o to Mrs. M. Schtuuactiefs for Mill a«ry, Dreas .Vl*kin{ «nd .Fancy Good# . Go to M. Englrii's for Christmas and New Year's Presents. MA ICY AXM, Little .John and No.l. for siuokers, at Geo. W. Bealey's. Do not fail to call at B»sley's store before buying your Christmas presents New aud attractive Holiday Good- just received at FlTZStMXOXS dt KVAXSOKS. Silk Velvets Perry A Owen's. and • Velveteens n« Go to Mrs. Howa's for MI Dressmaking. • ;• - 4 Ns ttouble to g«»odi | que«tion« at it. bishof s. ^| Velvets, black aud In 00loss, Coloy's. Buy the Estey Organ if yon want best. i). W. Owen, ih llenry.Agent. City residences tor sale.* A|Pp}f Asa W. Smith. Wimdstcck. H¥< Cloak*. Dolman's aud Ulsters for Latlies and Misses at Perry & Owen's. All ttie leading Owen & Sou's. Walking Plows at Tlie largest line of Ladles' a*d Gents'Knit Underwear at II. Colby's Zinc Boards, iu all stvles mid prices. Joux I. STORY. A fin# H#e #f Overcoats just received at Perry & Owen's. The Jewel Parlor Base Heating Wood Stove, a perlect beauty, at "John I. Story 's. Call and see tlie ITul rerssl Coal Stove at John I. Story's. Also, the Jewel Star, ' . We have A lot of Hats worth from 60 cents to $3.00. Your choice fer 50 ceuts at 11. Colby's. We sell the celebrated axe called the Wood-chopper's Pride. Fully war­ ranted. JOHN 1. STOUT. Beth Combination and Platform Wagons at E. M. Oweu Jb Son's, of the best make. A large assortment and oomplete line of Coek Stoves, the best in tlie market at John I. storv's. A full line of the jus:ly «lcbrated Buffalo Boots always to be obtalued at 11. Colby's. • , I,. . The largest assortineat of Coal and Wood Stoves, te be found in the fonntf at John 1. Story's. NECK TIES. The finest line ever shoW* .Jti Mo- Henry can be found at H. Colby's. The Jewel and Crown Jewel Coal Stoves, with or without ovens, at Jeiiu I. Stery's. The best stove In the mar­ ket. The lightest Drop Snlkv Plow In the world Is the llapgoed. found at E. M. Owen & Sou's, and sold as Jo»v as the common sulkey. Goods suitable for Holiday Present* of all kinds, both useful aatr Ornamen­ tal, at Goo. W. Besley's. Piano for Sale. A ffne Square Piano Is offered fer sale. Will be £.ald cheap If applied for « u o h & < ' - , * C . L . P R A T T . ,• ' Wauconda, III. ; wanted. -Will buv Hll classes of Fur, Rat. Coon. Skunk and Mink, ond will pay the Highest Msrket Price. G. W. PRATT. WatMonds, 111. Inspect the new Clothing Depart­ ment at Fitzsiuimons & Evansou's. • . If you want to buy Cloak-! and Dol­ man* at herl' rock prices. Call on, J. R, IN ells & Sou, W uucoutbu to PoultrymeM. 5 For 'Sale: Full Blood BNi'k Cockerels, Brown Leghorn Cockerels, and a tew Plvmouth Rock Pulle'.s and Cockerels, at my residence. Wauconda III. G. W.PBATT. Jfaaeonds, Dec. 5th, 1W9, SVmS • - THE UT1CA FAME. titles Jem and Mohawk Cottage Par lor Wood Stoves can all tie found, at John 1. Story's. 8eed Barley for Sale. 4 1 have a lot of Pure Mensury Barley for sale, if sailed for soon. HOMER WATTLHS. lfcRonry, 111., Nov.n, 1S8S. Call in and see the suits K. Lawlus Is selling. Heavy winter suits only $4.75. Ovsrcosts tliat will wear 3 years. .S3 50 Heavy Suits. 5 00 Boys' Pants, heavy lin«.1......... 1 50 Also Boots below Chicago price*. E. LAW1.US. Lumber Wagons, Milk W"ogOns, f*la|* 'orin Spring Ungglee for «tdo as K" oislivp's ttHrtln»iir< The finest line of Siltef ahd PlSMlK Ware to be found in the cotTOty, a( f, W. Owen's. An elegant Hue of Hrejw buttons and iriuiminut> always lo be found at Bear? Colby's. CO»»SE1f», , A full Kite af Dr. Wafotrt In sis Vera! styles at Perry A Owon's. The Curt Sr. nd ri<le-l>ar Top Bog g}r li light and fine, aitd is fit* otosf dunhlft t ugge made. Can aiWafs see fhPSl E. M. Owen A 8«II'H. • cr.OTillNO. ^ X A complete Mock ot Men^s and BdgPlf Clothing at betlom price*. I'BKBT* OwshS. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot ou haod* steel tooth aud mun sell. Foe sale MP It* Blshoj.. ' , . Ir you want any thing lees time |ft« Estey Orgnn 1 can soli you one for aud upwards. O. W. Own A full line of choice grocsrti always to l#c obittitietl at HKNBT COLBY'S. The Waveily. Glen Acorn, Rouad Acorn and Forreat Aeom Wood H<M|- ers. at E. M. Howe's, opposite Blsh«g*e Mill. Celluloid. Florenee and RR|||| Dressing Cases, at Geo. W, Bosley*s» DIAMOND DYES. We have all colors of thc cefebrstedi Diamond Dyos only 10c a p nek age. H KNKT COA.BV« Wheat Wanted* WlvTKiXat tl»e Fox River Yall^ Mill*, good Mllliog Wheat, for whlel* the highest price in cash will be paid, Helhrarv/JlU Ont. Kth, Msa The Prize Acorn. Biask Aeom aad I'O.val Acoru Cook Stoves. Has BO sa- perier. At E. M. Howe's, opposite Bishop's Mill. Everything in farming ImplemenMi from a . Swill Cart to a McCorialek Twine Binder, can be . found at Ik* warehouse of it. Bishop. . i, For first-class Insttranee agStnst frt and Lighiuing. wind storms, ejeioee*,. tornadoes, etc.. etc., apply to Asa "•"'•'t, Woodstock,-111. 1, r 'HOLIDAY GOODS in endless varioiy, at O. C. Numla. CHitiSTXAg and Birthday cards,ell styles and very hands**)*, al O. Owen's. * French calf nioiocvo leg. hand s*wed Opera Boots at Dwlglit^. \Voodst/>ck. CALL and see the nobby new Suits at E. Lawlus'. He has sold 29suits of one kind. GREAT REDUCTIONS, fn order to close out my entire stock of mens, boys and childrens Overcoats before January 1st. I have marked tliem down to prices that d»fy competition. O. C. Joi.BT, Sunda, .1. H. Bag ley A Son, Woodstock. Ills., will furnisti you with Bran and all kinds of Mili Feed. Corn. etc.. at vert- lowest market quotations. Prices lur- nished on appiicntion. JUST REPLENISHED. I have just received a new supply *f mens, boys and chjldrr us suits especial­ ly for tlie holiday trade. O. C. COLBT, Nunda. FOR THIRTY DAYS, I will make very low prices in Cloaks Dolmans ai d Shawls--a large stock to select from. O C. COI.BT, Nunda. FINE SHOES. Ladles will find the bent assortment of flue sh«es in the comity Oolby's. Nunda. j Farm to Renfc A farm of 120 acres.'Ituated one-horlf mile sontyh of Fox Lake. It Is well sup­ plied with wood and wat*r. On H ar«> s ood buiMiii^!1. meadow lxud-*. aud everything desirable. Term* easy. MRS. JAMKS MCOAVICK. Fox Lake, 111. HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned offers tor sale his house aud o no "acre of land, situated in the village ef McHenry, near the pub­ lic school building On the premi**i> is a gooil ham aud outhouses, and small Iruit ot nil kinds. Will be sold reasonable and on easy terms. In­ quire on the premises. 0. STBUtttAlIK, Mellonry, 111., Ansrnst 1st, 189S. Everything in the Hardware line at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Don't fargot the tact that Dwlghr has the tinest. and largest assortment of men's and women's H^ll day Slipper ever brought to Woodstock. We desire to call the attention ef She> ladies to our dre*s goods •lepartRBSnl. We have added a fine line et cashmeres, came lie tie*, silk*, satins, etc., wfcMfc will be sold on very close margins. HKNRT Coin, : For Sale or Ben|i THe building one door northef Riverside House, is offered for Stale or' or Rent. Will be sold al a reasonable figure, or rented en reasonable loruMw- Persons wishing lo took it ever eaa ia4> the keys at the saloon of A. Keytar. STBVBBJt F. SKtVfk Subttaiitial Holiday Present* at R. Wells Jt &on> Wauconda.. Wanted--To Kent a Farnu Wsnted, to r*iit a Isrin of front flU* to 150 acres: rent will be paid. Apply te tilts olUce for furl bar yartle«^ iars. r • ' • •- - ? „ ". FINE SiiOKS. , \ Just Reived. The finest itaelt IMP Ladles' and Children's W>ar la tJNr c o m i t y a t b o t t o n i p r i c e * a t F e s r f ' • Owen's. A fine lot of Clothing at bottom ^r|U^ ees, at J. R WeHs A Son's, Waneonda*. '*--^ -Great Saving to Dairymen, •Seventy-live dollars saved by givtp^* one bottle of Dickinson's Con Pfeeserftf* * tlon soon after the cow salvet^t*pre­ vent milk fever. Never was »ease of milk fever known wlior* this medlefcso was ghren. It wilf »1J>O prevent ntfeV aud all etber (hse.nsrs to thw cow. For sale by^all druggiats. Mama^ faetmretl by - •<& DICXIMOX A Son. Barringlon, Ml Farm For Sale. What is known as lb* KeutieaMy farasw in the (own ot Xnndn. twofind oiie-halr " miles south of MtrH-urv. now held andl occupied by James K>nii*nUy, ooMtaln* Ing 220 acre* *f good laud wlilt goyjL. s buildings. Title perfect. For prlip**' tnd terms Inquire of JAXK* DoBxnrr« Our stock of <lni«^, chemical^ iin<i prttoot roe<Virhres was never more complete. Goods relutMt autl prices ri^ht. > - H'KNKV CWSR, . •' I * .! Particular Notice. Persons knowing themselves indebt eil to Peter Smith, now deceased. ar»* requested to call ou the undersigned and settle the same wklioaf ik-Jay. li th'sirable^aml' necessary that his books be se/tled up at once. JACOB aisswr. McHenry, pec. iCtU, U&k The .Westminster C*a! Steve. k*||; Round and Square. For heaafy aim durability has no w<)osl in the mashetfe For sale bv E. M. Howe. The Banner oi the World, rh# aolNU est little Parlor Heater at K. Howe's. "The Weetmiii*ter.rt .(ho stove an the marker, ff yo« don*t h# iieve it. call on E. M. M«*», and ho will prove it to you in no lime, and If J'ou want.a stove, wtVi sell you one on you leave. Aimoa w moiwnt; Are yui uiMoroeo at night au eu of j'our res: by a sKk ciilH SHflSllaf ami crying with pain of enttlM teethr If so. sVnd at "iiu* and get a bottle of Mrs. Wiri.tlowN Soothing Symp •*» children teething. lt» vahie Is |oe->lea|* aide. )t will relieve 'ho poor&Mte snfleref immediately. Depend up*»a It m i* I iters., tin re is no taistafto »bo«t II* It cures dysi-ntery -uttl »Mtirrb"et. fega- 1'iie^ the tituntuK aud itowr)*,faf*t wiml«Hi)U\ s<>rtou« the gxoi*. rsdnrfS hifiamuut'i«ui. and gives tono aadea* ergy to I be wb<>Te «v>lem. Mrs, Wt»«* lows Soothing Syrup" f»»r ehildrei| 'teething is |>I<'»«.-Hit to tbe ta*t* aa^ is thc pr»"scrip'l«*n ««f one of the sdtl| a«>l beet fen»:»l- pbv*ii'ians and in the United States, and is for sale M| all -dru?gi«ts tl>rxnsrb*uw thift Price 35 veuts a botUe. f UHHI

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