•'I: t« ,*->,?• !tU - ttf.A // •.; • ^>^•4"' *mr&&r«k MX-j,- v . % V" f t v - - . • ii K «s. «*> -m ihth 9t&USiM. Published Every Wednesday 1»F •^TJCS. hxvihkj©. IEDITOR AKB PUBLISHES. • . - - ' • , . : : / ' r ' • In Btebop's Block, --Orrosrre P»*BT * Owen's.-- . ¥>i: Sfcr* w SUBSCRIPTION. i& .»»' #1 ir noi rti'i wi luui nircc jcnrn three " :'i w-tQiw Tear (in A<tvaiyie) .'„ ,• >•( Xot Pall within Three Months ?»T :-'f .7 • Wiii SuosoHptlons rMelre.1 (or » .month* In the same proportion. ,...ti.so ... 2.W or six t«4f. Kates%of Advertising. . ( > Wa. announce lifcnral rates for advertising tb« PuimtuuR,' and 'en (eav.ir to state . r+Am M t.h«tm BO PLAINLY that thev wULb» ro*DIL# Hn dorstood. They «rs a# follows; 11nch one year - ' ,500 >8 Inches one rent .•••'. t W « UH- V * Wiv!® v Column one year ' ^ .i; X C»tumn one vear- *- '•iw!r. 1 Coinmn one year V \my <% -f i 1000 !0(VO >000 i/.JfeS.V .•:,.?•>• 4 One inch means the meamrpment of one ssfill .•*}?• ,,%t Inch down the «nluinn, single column width. \,lvn, t.i Year I v advertisers, at ihn above rates, -have £,*>_ i»rivi1esie of ehrvncrinsr as often as they P . .. . . ehoose, without extra charjre." '-T, « Reenlar advertisers Cmeanin* those having Cii^jstanding cards) will be entitled to insertion •1 * 1" 4 of local notices at ttie rate of 5 cents per line BA.ex^ -each week. All otters trill be «h'»V»d 10 |/y. • cents per Ine the fi-at Week. anil & cents per l! *' »• "' •> •line for earhsubsequent weefe. t'.tf %» i-*C: Transient. ndvertisemonts will be c.harjred : , at the rate of 10 cents iw line, (nonpareil •th"r. i • *'-V ;'tvpe, same a« this is set in) the first issue, and Iti.* <-••( * <%entn per line for subsequent issues Th~s, » *« 1»eh ad*e*tiaom«M will cost tl.OOforane ;,v' wi.pl;, $1.50 for two greeks, #8.00 for three K/j{- \\ 21 »«<* so on. . « The PT,AtNf»RAi.!tR will be liberal in pivlnsr a editorial notices, but. as a business rnle,-it; t J i > will require a suitable fee from everybody !EV v- ® seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary F"'^'v:< gain, 1 fi/ - • • . *-,'4' '-+1^ WM 'ivit <X f.'x BUSINESS CARDS. £i\ -v; 'W:\% H. T» BROWN, Iff, D. OHTStOI VN AND StTRGKOtf. Ortee Viref 1 the Post Ofllce, opposite Perry ft'Martln's ttoir up stairs, Me.Heliry, 111. f,1> »:i i . '• "• v 1' .*{•'i tSl.*- r.rt-.s , •' f-ne* f LHB« \fwi»"W nil aivjincii'A-j "TI VI ";*->igZ:^ Opposite.Bls-ke's Furniture store. vmP>&. w .. . . j , vnnvmnrAx AVD STTRIIKOV. Om O.'H. W"? iwrsiciAN AND 1 1118. •" } O't.M , D- snnr. RON, MclTenry, Office at Re-jidence, on the'Cortlw, >"V~; '<• O. J. HOWA*+», M D ; >'•* flfrrSTOlAN AND atTRllKON. Olft*? lit . W ^ " my residence, opposite M. B. Ohnrch, *' Dtcllcnry. Til. MOSKY RRCKtVBD FOR TNVK^TMtCNT #nd loaned on mortRasre security ntc«r« v 1 j? fen't rues, without churcc to the lender. ' •"-J, f4rm loans made at nix p<-v rent. J. W. RANSTRAD, ' ' * .. • ' '* 1 and S Borden Block, Kigln, Ml " •uMam* u> *TT J. J. JJIYKttS, #ialoon und Restaurant, BASEMENT of Knhnert's Store, .lohns- v., '"•- %n<\ see mo. , rBASKMKNTof Knhnert's Store, .Johns-burgh. Til. Tlid.cli^ioest bvands of \^|«|68, i ii0: IHCATT HOUSB. J A. PRATT, Proprietor First class ac-eommodations. Uood Barn in cenneotion IVatiaonda. III. BARBIAN BROS. CIO AR Manufacturers, Mi-IIcnry. Ul. Or-ders soliciletl. Sli.»p, ».» Old Mclfenry, Keiter Hlock, t)fo doors west of PJUAHf- »CALRK Office. .RICHARD COMPTON. Xr^TlCKofthe Peaceand Conveyancer.-- <1 Will attend promptly to the collection of >lebts. Volo, Lake County, III. ;sS;:' ,*jr 'mm*-, K. 15. RICnAR®3. XT.VHAfompl^to Abstractor Titles to land Ti in M HenrvOounty, Illinois. Offlce with 111. •CoHBty Clerk Wood3tock 'I " ' ' " E. M. OWEN OBNKRAT. Dealer and Manufacturers Agont in I.eadinsr Farm Machinery.-- (Prices low and terms favorable. Mc.Henry, II'. B. G.SMITH. BOOT AND SHOK M VKKR. Prompt atton. tlon Riven to Itepaliini?. Shop In iirog- >ry's Harness Shop, opposite Riverside House, itlnHenry, Illinois. uistm „«s-4v V i' 'C* d M A R C U S 1 CERMAW ^ Manufactured toy J". MARCUS, BUSINESS CARDS. MART (i. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. AH ku.ds of Hair Work done in flrst clas9 style and at reasonable jitices. Rooms st residence, north- Coriier df Public Square, McIIebry, III. VETERINARY Illinoit > C.S. GREEN. SURGEON, Richmond, JESSE A. BALDWIN, TTORNEY AT LAW. Law business in Every part of the State receives prompt ttention. Room 24, W Washington St., Chi cago, III. ;a' 'ittei D8. C. %. WILLI AMS. ENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Mc Henry, at Parker House, the 10th and 25t!i on"eai-h qionlh. . When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday. D' JOHN KLEIPGEN. HOTTSE Painter, Grainer, Calcimin«»r and Paper Hanger. Residence one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to prom ply and on reasonable terms. Horsemen, Attention ! all lovers of line Horses are respectfully Invited to call at my farm, half a mile west ot Mcllenry, on the Woodstock rond, and see my fine Morgan and l>raft Horses. I have a Percheron Norman Draft Oolt that'is hard to beat. Call and see liirn. 4SF*N3 business doue on'Siinday. S. 8. 00I.BY. McHenry, May 1st, 1883. , i w -- C. N. CULVER* *•+- Richmond, Illinois. Sales of Stock, Fsirmins: Tools arid Goods ot nil kinis attended to on tlie most Keusouable Tenuis and satisfaction . guarauteedv Post Office address, RICHMOND, ILL. WWill attend sales and furnish prijitlw ami advertising as cheap as r an l>e proc.u-r clsewbercfin the ;ounty. ROBERT 0. 3EBHETT, --rBREEDER OF S. F. BESNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. AlsoVr.Ued States Examining, Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. DR. O. R. W^LLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Wauconda, Lakt Co., Ill, All calls ed, day or night. Office on Barker's harness shop. i prom ptly attend - Main St., east of H. K. JOHNSbk lb CO,, IOT, LICITORSof Tatsnts, 100B Wasqlngton, D. C 9 at., .m . k >ian, Peki RKFEREKCES. .. _ , . R. Allison, H«rt. D. C. Smith, I'ekin, M. E. Stone, editor Chicago News, f-\irmer,t Review, Chicago. Send tor instrucelons, JOSEPH N. PREUXD, S AND RET AU1S VNT Bpnslett's old stand, opposite Bishop's Mill, Mc* Henry, 111. The c loicest Wines, Liquors and digars to lie tmimi in the eonnty. Freslj Oysters in their season served up in any, shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING, FOR HORSBft. ' .ANTONY ENGELN, SAT.OON and Restanrnnt. Buck's old stand McHenry, 111.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, «our Masii, Wines, Cigars, etc., aUvavs on hand, We buy none but the best, and w;ll at Reasonable Price*. Fresli Oysters in' tlioirl season, Richmond Hou86f RICHMOND. ILL ^ AN. CULVER - ^ ̂ PROPRIETOR. HWTNG recentlv pnrrMf ed the altove House. I have put it i" tliorongh repair, with new fipnitue throughor.t, and would respectfuIIv invite the patronage ot the trav. eling public and others.. The tables will al- wavs be provided with the best that can be procure 1, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend the wants of snests. \o p:itns will be spared to make this a Kirst Class House. Large and commodious bams on the premises. ^ Freq Omnibus to and from all trains, sample BofWMAu first litfor. , : -** ^mnf E. WIG HTM AN,, l'roprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonnble rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. H , , FOWLS, • • ' 4l\ »W ... ;^|tICB]ttON0^ 'IfcVr.r (FfKST PHBMIUM 4T NUT^OUNT V f AtR ) Mv fowls are of the Tftlebrated IWltp OF YORK strain, remarkable for their great s.size vsnstf' Eggs, lier setting of thirteen. delivered to purchaser in Hiehuiond, Shippod, securely (Husked.^.^. frjgfaitjf+jp, jtofjyjygfr. WM.H COWLIN [isrCCESSOJt to M. M. rr.OTHIERi U. I WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Prosecute? pension or any other claims against the government, relating to the lnle, or former wats. Complicated cases and re jected claims made a specialty. If stamps are enclosed for reply, all j:ommnnicati«a« will be promptly answered. Hit , MADIS9N 5T., s WOODoTOCK, ILL. Referertccs by permission as regards ch**- i*cter, business anility, relhtbitity, Ac < Jfce. : Gen. John A. Logan, U. S. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gun. J. C. Smith, State Treasurer of Illinois. Hon. R Klhvootl, M. C. Sth III. Dist., Syc amore, III. Hon. John P. Sherwin. ex-^T. C. Sth III. .©1st., Aurora, III > Hon. A. SI. Jones,U. S. Marshal, Chicago, ill Col. Jas. A. sexton, Pres. Union Veteran Club, Chicago, III. • ' Jetse A. Baldwin, Ass't U. 8. Attorney, Chi cago. 111. Jlossrs. ^ol*, Schwab A Co., WholesaJLe Boot mid Shot) IW ilers. Chicago, 111. Also hundreds pf county »«d home referen. ces. --DEALER~I»-- timJUNES, UQUOIMMi CIGARS. • . i Woodstock III. The best Toni the world. itMd ljubrt Bullies :<*• Put tu« ,ln< MARCUS, Patentee. JWELVE REASONS, FOR INSURING WITH Asa W. Smith, • )»! Oi W oodstoelc* 111. i ' ' t'lBecanse 'he is endorsed by leading V«w men and the press, anil pwrtlcu *Hy rn -I&i-m} VMre Wst kfiown. . f i » * i t B e c a u s e b i s I s t h e o l d e s t a g e n c y i n t h e ffip,-- #ounty. « r W ' S. Because ho represents *lie boat lute of j .& r ompanies «f any ageney in the county. t ^ Beeafise. wjth one exception, he renre- " aents tpe oldest companies in the United jj. Because, in case of loss, he gives (lis patrons the benefit of hit long expe'rieneo in deeming an e<juitable adjustment. 6. Because he has always ics^ed full pol lcies. T7. Because he pays losses on farm property J>v ILrlitniiig, whether fire ensues or not. a. Because W insures lire stock any whore agaiost lightning. V. Because lie insures agaut«t tornadoes^ jcycloneg and wind storms. l<t. Beeniiee you can tiius save yourselves from disaster for amere trifle. II. Because vou will tind him equally as •active to aid you in getting your money after •Jossas to secure your patronage lor bis com panies, i'i. Beciiuge fiu.y one of the above reasons ,«u» be fully verified by exiling on E. A. Miir. >V^y, E. Sessions, J. W. Miller, Irom tbeir own ^XpJjrience and"on the entire circle ot his •Mcqnaintttn'cesfrom observation. In behalf of "the Old Reliable, the Phmnix, K)f Hartford, Connecticut, I take great ideas- .ure in rexiu-mwig the thanks of Win coin pa ny •to Mrs. L. I>. |{e 11 v for her promptness and un usual presence ofinind in extinguishing a Ure avher residerce, kindled from tlu: bumii.gol j,JZ. A. Mui-phy'i £6iiUoiiCC OH the morning of "•the 13th inst. as by ber individual eflbrt, troperty was saved on wbich the company "U ^ policy yf^i.OOO. tlj6 Dcpt^t, JJ McHENRY - - - ILUNOIS. K-ecps cojist'intlv on hand the finest lirande OfVlotirand Feed of all kinds, which he will i| soil a>t Wholesale or Retail at »•«! Bottom Prices. Five diBerent brands of Fionr always: on hand and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand WFlour delivered anywhere In the Cor poration. Orders may be given bjy Postal 6;ira, Box 107, P^ist Office. I^VK JIE A CALL. * • f 1. BONSLETT. T. Warch sth, l«f i. vi-' i»«•». 4^y-wm & : •4i. tij.v O, W. OWEN, • ff<> 'iiS-DEALER IN- Cl«ck#, ^Watches, Silver ard Plated ̂ areeto. A. WENDELL^ CAEPS1TER 4ID McHenry, III. Wili tnko w>ntr»iMs for pHlliiig up Bitildliigs nn;} jjiiaraiitee inv work wHl tompaie with any man In tho iStat«. 04H ulid will do work from 15 U> pet' CPiit cheaper Utnti.other i-arpeliters. 1 1IHV« two itt my bp?*! #w«wk wjtli ' HUB. do 60. All .Fobs in the Carpenter line promptly-attended to. Give me aeati* A. WENDELL. J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER 5 JEWELER, MbHeupj', - iniuoiat. moved into my new store, East ot Mrs dearies' MillinoVy f tore,"I anJ now prepared to show to the buying public as lljic a slock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, As can be found in the eonnty, which I offer at ppu&S that cannot be beat. The fln«gt Jine .of ftmGEB . ,®.y^ ||eii lljj this seetian. , . ,, . '• • AgoiilifOrth* Poimli*.K.-iV'>i^;' Bbw Some Sswiag Machina A Fine Stock of Choice Coutectionor An 'w rv9. aciiaifgs and. WCall in, examine good^j T and ldi'rn prlfces. fKMember 1 will uol be undersold; ̂ MUlty or goods eon^i lei ed. J. P. SMITH, McHenry, -111., Nov. «7tb.:1883. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE : And Commercial Institute. ' FIVE ten-weeks terms per year. FIFTEEN COURSES:--Teachers'. (;olleglate, Mod ern Language, (Vnniuercial, Art, Music, Telegraphic, Phonographic,, Penmanship, Elocution, Medical, Engineering, Drawing*. Ac. Who(e expense for <?ae year. $lio Wes-S tern Normal Levture Bureau. Western,, Normal ••Advocate." Catalogues and specif men copy of paper FHE C. I- GREGOltr, Principal, _ Bnsbnell. III. pairing ^Ijfite House i Chicago, Ilillh,^ Rfchmt Calls attend! tentlon given tiif DON'T "fi ;SI§i Woodlptool Barked by INDEMNITY *1 FiV9i Li^tl GTC'LOi Drop me a poa| call 011 me and wnen either' orl ments devas^tt ynu be if yon hi will surety visit ' 1 will not forsak inett, M, D. iOook County tfolpftal, i*ht, atvJ special ajt- Snrglsal cases. lUinolfli. olu you !of money trttonage by Wind Storlhtf t %TORtfADOE& and I will visit you; rrite you a j>olicy, and (these destructive el^- "property, hapuv will »»f my policies, fbr I lid minister unto you. W. SMfTlf, tien'l lnnu anee AgU. HJIY jo atur THK KBt^ouv somr nexiNKss. •. ' WASHlCRON, B. C. The popular Capital, omty to all the street \ tin year. • O.'i Late of the Thorn •hotel of the National Sweated and accessible I of the city. Often all STAPLES, PROPRIETOR. Island House. OQlflg, General N Aim ,4m < Would res; and' the pnfell than ever pre pa RISCH, Illinois, If inform his ri)stnmers rally that he is now bettei if to do 411 work tn his' lt*e. REMtlllllNG, Of all kinds on Vatl and wo will and jtflco of wotk." . M49e«ryt I natjlre. a^-Give us a lis Xt»u both in quality HAUPERISCH. vm. Maayof yon are. ©ANGKtl *'** (TO UFE Ac PROPERTY Beset yon on *very hand. The mutter of the slycoon, sick loon, saloon, cyelone, tornado, windstorm, or whatever name may be given it, is heard in some section of the country nearly every da:'. The Fire Fiend May break ont at fanv moment--the eennomr of a jiiteMiiie be consumed. Death must come to -II. Bv a small pavmenl each year you can aecure to yoiirsjelfn foi tune, should yon live, or, in tb« event death before the time expires, your family is provided for. (150.. ooo.roo is represented bv this agency. Our rates are as low as experience has found to 1h» safe. Yon -will save Hio-ney by insuring with me. General Insurance., Life, F-ire,. Lightning and Tornado a speciality. Thanking afl my friends for their lit^eraj patronage.. sn<L boil ing, by square dfajitig, to inerU a cont4ni»an«fe of the*same. I bog to .subscribe myself, Respeet fwll v \uM<rs, C. II. MOltKV* McHen,ry, III.. Jqm JJ, 188S. t;t f STANDARD Preserves Linen, gives a teiitlfal finish puevonts the;imn trm stlc klntr, saves labor 5 CenW » Oak©. MADE BY Standard Oil C»^ CL1YELAND » - 4WI0. FOll SALE JN MclTgNRT BY . PEBBY Jk OWEN. ?i>,o ^7 '-2 ^COilTINENTAL cViS H«PFJ?1NTWENT, ifCCRES Cracked T keep in stock the celebrated Springfield Wat<fh,*rb1ch is pronou uoetfcby ail 4® i»o <he .best wateb. now on the marh«t. Mil not be tfetfersel#, On »ny'«oods in my lUii." Q. v. QWXir. STATE OF 11,-fJNOiS McHenrv Caiinty, ss.--In the -Circuit Court, January, 1883. Adella H. Hoard, vs. Andrew J. Hoard, in. Chancery. Affidavit of non residence of the| ^ defendant having been fljwl in the Clerk's- olft<*.e of Hie Oiri-.viit Court of aaid county, no. lice is therefore berebv «iven to the saht non resident defendant that Uie complainant filed her bill ot complaint in said court, on the Chancerv side thereof, oo the flrst day of December, H*3, and that thereupon a sum- mens isstMMi out of said Gpui't, wherein ea:d suit ts- now pending, returnable on the 14th day of the month of January next as is by law required. Now unless you, the said non-resi dent defendant al>ove named, shall personally' be and appear Jjctore said Circuit Court, on the f irst <lav of the next term thereof, to be holdeu nr. Woodstock in and lor the said coun ty, on the 14th 'lnv in Janualrv next.and plead, answer or demur to th6 sjlid complainant's bill of eompiaint, the s»ime, and the matters and things therein rhnrjred and stated will lie taken as confessed. , and a decree entered against you acuo>rdtng to the prayer of taid .b»U. v j;. E. RTCHAR0S, 01*1^ f*ecember 1st. rt#3. ; * Uooft, AND SOKES •Woodstock, III, fee I RWtK A EdAlf, Com pt's Sol. Case aud Furst & Bradley $ulkey PJowa at E^M. Oweu & Suu'a, W- IN HO iSES, CATTLE ft SHEEP. \a gk your Storekeeper for it/Of writ* di* id to the Manufuciurer^ • r ; f AMEBICAH LtJBEJCATIHO iUCC. , • t ' -t 4" CLEVELAND - - OHIO, r • , • FOBMAL% S$ mBWNMjr BY v H, COLBY, • UMBT'm Witlll . ! IJ 'I'.111 'i 'J" *The We8tinln»t«r.'" the boas co» stove mi the market. If you don't be llev.e it. vail on E. M. Howe, nod he will prove it to ?0ti tn IIQ Mine, and If you want a stove, vrill Mil yg^ Mite b«- jfore yt>ule»ye. e" Tl>e Rlohuiund (V».) State, one of the most prominent Bonrbon~organs of the South, assails the Ropublic^n papers of the Xorth and chargen that* they are wantot.lv vilifying mul tra- dttcinij that section by their comments -dipon the "aflair1' at Danville, the ^'affair** at. Copiah, ami tlie various •"Other "adalri" which have occurred In South Carolina and elsewhere. -It de- clareithat they,are appealing to prej udice, Ignorant*, and peotioual ani mosity. that tliey are Peeking to"arouse ftgaln that dangerous spirit whii-ii sljoiUd long ago have ceased to exist In this conntry, and* that they ire waving the bloody «lilrt to arotiae sec tional hate and promote partisan ends. If the Richmond State does not want the bloody waved, shirt why does It not join hands with our Bourbon pa pers In the South and urgt Its people to remove the necessity of waving It? They have It In their own hands to stop the waring, of the eitutugulned banner any time they choose. Al| they li*ye to do ts to demand of their people that perwcutlon, bulldozing and murder shall stop {that evpry man in the South shall have the right to rate as he pleases, free from intimid ation and peril to life; that the negro shall have the stme. right to #«.» Co tlie polls and deposit hit vote that a Bour bon has. and his vote shall be counted the same; ai<d that Republican sshall have the right U> exprcea their obin- lons« to d*ctai% them cn thit *l|iiup, and to carry elections where tliey hap pen to be in th« majority. If this were done there woold be no waving of the bloody shirt, there would be no cause for unfriendly criticism of South ern political methods, and it Is little less than folly to suppose, that the North -will stand Idly by and witufees such rank political Injustice and per secution and the disfranchisement of t h o u s a n d s o f ̂ ^ 1 1 ^ « o u - demnliig It, Does the Ktdimond Siftife In its Re nunciations of Northern newspapers f«r waving the bloody shirt mean to imply that there I* any tiling like poll- tlcnl jnMlce or eqiiaTity in the Southf That voters wiio oppose Bourdoulsm are allowed n free aod unrestricftil exeiclse of tlie bailor t -That a negro has il'.e wine political freedotn m a whit* Bourbonf. That tfn ftny city. CTHWtyor Repuhlitiiin niajority, however over whclittitijr it may be that majority ctii be voted ai;d declared? Tlia* when the negro vote cannot be cup- pressed by violence, It Is not counted out by ?very fraudulent device that In genuity can suggest? If so then the history of events in the South during the last year and through many previ ous years "stamps the Iinnlimotion as false. The record of MM last year, the massacre at" Danville, the murder at.Copiah, tlie'frauds In the South Carolina Congressional districts.which the Nation*! Government Is now Inves tigating. the reduction of the vote in1 representative district* at least fifty per cent, below the average vote in the North, shows that there Is no In tention in the South to depart from the policy which It hafc pur*ue«l for years of denying free suffrage and praetienllv restricting It to Bourbons. Mr. Matthews was shot down like a ^ '«k»g at "i/gpltth for t>o other reason ^itlMu-tliat^ he voted agHilist Uie Bbur- bona. lie Coroner declined'to liold an , irquest. TiUe murderer gave hlniselfnp and wne««»c free-at once. The entire Bourbon 4!04«i4«uniy met and passed res olutions cemmendiag hie act, and tlie murderer has announced himself a candidate for Mayor and will be electr ed upon tlie sgle Issue of murder. This Is the vinl#nt< method. Tlte other Is the fraud method, And If was so gross in South Carol'iia that the United ;]Stat<>s Court at Colombia will try the knaves who engaged In it. which the yState will prohabaly regard as another "wave of the bloody shirt. Any Infrac tion «f National or State Election laws 'that wit! insure the success of the B<HU'bou jt^ket and suppress Republi can majorities is eonsidered justifiable In the jjoutfc. and ar.y exposure of Injustice or demand for equal poljtlesl fights is resett«d as hostile to tlie (South. • « ,Tlwe Sontbj, tu we have said, has It la Its power to/bury the bloody *hlrt out of sight at any time by conceding to ail Its people tlie right to speak, and act and vote as they please without •interference; but until that right is fully and freely ei'tended «s it is in tlve North the bloody »lrift will be wftved, and the fault lies at t!i« door of itiie iouth. So long as a white or black' i |Ropublican Is dlslranchlsed by vio lence ou the one hand or trickery on tUs other II will be waved. So long as men are murdered, perseonted, ter rorized, tortured or driven from their' homes,lor speaking or voting their opinions It will be waved. So long as legitimate majorities are suppressed by fraud it Will be svaved. So long as every election in the Sou Ui Is chnrae- terlzed by brntal outrage and unblush ing corruption on the part ot Bourbons it wilJ be waved, 411 d the Bichnaoud State need nei lay the flattering unction to Its soul that Its cotnplaiutsor whines are going to stop it.--Chicago Tribune. ..a •' From the Uhioago Herald, Dee. S!tt. I Lagan tn the Hkl4s ot Uls rrltsds >. Mr. Swigart, the vfflvlent Auditor of the State of Illinois, expresses the be- Nef that the selection of Chicago as the place for holding the national conven tion increased Senator Logan's chance of securjng the Preside iitialnoinlnatiAii. TW* opinion is very generally held, but Senator Logan's friends cannot ex pect that tills single incident of the campaign Soon to opiin will assure him even so much ft« iha delegation from his own stsite, without the major por tion of which It i* impossible that he should have any standing in tlie con vention, If tiiey assume that because the local press and the soldier senti ment of Chicago Is at lenst not hostile to the hopes of their favorite thfy oan win without organ 2 tat I on. they are laboring {under a mistake which may preve fatal. Chicago and Its news* papers are bound by the laws of hospi tality to give all candidates'during the convention week a fair showing. There lire federal office hoi tiers here who will labor with great assiduity In the Caiise* of tl»«lr patron, President Arthur, bnt* as a rule, gratilied as Chicago would be by the selection of one 9f |(9 own citizens to head the Republican ticket, it is constrained to giro a fair- field and no favors. Only a few months remain before the state convention wlll( meet, during which time Illinois Republicans favor able to the nomination of Arthur will endeavor to promote his ambition by urging a delegation favorable to the selection of Robert Lincoln for the second place. This movement will he made in direct Hostility % candidacy, now practically Announced, and, if Logan has as many friends In Illinois as li reported, they will have to make a demonstration of their strength by local organization, or let the delegations from the 'various Con gressional districts, as woil%s the dele gation from the st*!# »t !*rgv, pais to his bitterest foes. * The Herald has no particular Interest In the candidacy of Senator Logan, but It csn discover no-good reason why, since he is a representative ftHpnfcttiiiu, he should not bo the choiot o£ fillooil, especially against sqol» « e«ndlilate #s Arthur. As a eandjdsto Ulinsslf. Mr, Lincoln wonid be entitled to comldov- stlon, hut, *s a mere Glider to Arthur a» a means of securing tltitt gentleiftftn llta rfnhwrnhinHhw ftflaoii M dacv % hardly worth consldoriug. Illinois is a rti-st-clnss state, It la not Apt to put up with a M»oond dans place. WE now havo tine tinest assortment of Visitinjf Cards ever seeIJI lu this feectlou, jC^fU a*u| a«# iUeui,. Weep, Hen, women and ohlldren require just s&mucli sleep, and if they do not have it, suffer in consequence. I 4o not think a person should be waked in tbo morn ing, and for this reason, when a man falls asleep he is In the shop for repalisi as the railroad men ray. His frame and all Its Intricate machinery Is being overhauled aud made ready for the next day's work. Tho wear o( the pre vious day Is being repaired. Nature Is doing that herself. Sk« knows what the tired frame needs just as she knew* how to make the heart throb, and *»nd the blood eouraing through tlte reins. Then she takes that tired fraino.Iays It down ou a bed. surrounds it with the refreshing air of night, cerers It with the soft darkness and lets tke man rest. * T|red nature's sweet restorer, balmy steep" vl*U«him, and as the hours wear by his euerglet are renewed, and his strength eoiues back, and linally when morning breaks and the sunlight steal-t thmngfc the lattice, he opens his eye* and is himself again. Or If he is early to bed J>e awakes with the cock's crow ing. Vow who stall go to that man's side an hour before he opens his eyes, and sty to nature, stand aside and let him get up: he ha* had euongli of rest? Well, nature will say. "fnu can take him If you will, but I will charge him with an hour's loss of sleep, and I'll collect it out of hie bonee and nerves and his hilr and eyesight. You can't cheat me. I'll And property to.,3b|yf? 011!"--Hall's JowncU of Heaty. -? A 1k*e«rS8Aw^^;ut|«t To * northern man's eye tfciigK if nothing more interesting th-in turkeys to market*' in Kuiitttoky. about election day, in all norrfii«4 oities, until Ifew Year's d»y has come and gone, the turfc/ey is reflly the great American bird; but we seldom think about wlu»re tlie thousands upon thoust amis of £#rkeys conje from. I ain i>re pared to take oath that Kentucky fnr- nisbes them all, Ju one day's ride in Bourbon county I believe I saw 10,00(1 turkeys. They are bunched t-ogethor lu dioves of from 100 to 1.000, their wlngBpropped,and then driven leisure ly to market, like great droves of stoojt:. I ain told that nearly every towquftf any size in Kentucky has Its abattoir, where these fowls are crly prepared for the more intpqi-t^nt .city market. The inkling I pot ot the matter will always brin» lyitlj my Thanksgiving or Christinas turkey pleasant pictures of corn »tud«l«H| with girdled, gathered corn, or b}p- grass fields, and of smooth, siiii^s pikes crowded with these jtowfc of Jlhu festival time--all In a land of opulent pleuty, lying -placidly b»W*th J&J» autumnal Kentudky *m.^£aiitka)i//6 Ciwier-Journal. L*rWliii «• Bditor] ing of Ki for OoNtral1! days wltha 86 In 'February dear and near rntptito*/ p. m. of the through Madlsof M we glided grand and remarkable f* scenery--* bfttj known inlet or < ed by qnart^r^fi The first ii lioaval liiw.onc* the rocks In piaevs Into lestlc diso«d*r npo# tlte )«fii of the track. side gradually rsi*» ap a 1 wall of rock for o*erwMt«ft*4 and are fully six hundred This wall is eapped by grei pmentiBg nnSBhem study* shaped by the dillel of into the lilten^M of h«iM*t j phants, m< view of Ibi Point 1 by this fHHS I eel positive ptottT or ei Dev«s lafee man»eth In relief probably further «*th 4 «n«e deiuided ^eill " rocks down t«? ,, (primitive), an^i; be/ of ilk a«Uon of im above Ufcl country, Thfi these wltnosees 1. (Iv« henthwd - theileliej at tbii great nm y In Wf Jollet, ill. { In several ^ oonnt|es granites _ bf Bhade^ew*: in nowatlllseti Kaolin |4 found end vloh^y in by a^plwniiiee la a Is slilMwd frs Phl» tuatls frMi l-besee»«. tho best pottery, sneh^ ware, Porcelain and withont the . ingi-edif nt wh«e.̂ ;, locality |M Asearfen Kaolin and fuel are ground, and eaoh money and ' I owtf.of tmfyf » prtp- jtf...-' ,1M Ail V,,« ..4.. . E. Lawlus be^M UUU&jjfi iMTfV?? «aKj»^VF*4^i^4, ' S*rr * * , - ean be b»iltforf^^i«#lH^| skilleil man or eompany that I business here, a* llf'y to ene per cent Is a certainty upon the factured article. On the 3d of December Sfevoha Point toeee soe«» bage Indians, as Undo chased their Meiervatlon was paying thesfr the ff|| of |»ltts eachMvlng Then Sir, Lo gets the yearly"Nr lenf yeara taMMf also bsv«fh4^ti»4ftf TO*** they toia>tm«e pr«vedth*j I wilt not tjiit they the upon Motif liiirci and vhoee cheaitf* theyirttfel red predominating. A" blue nnd gray, Qoo •bout tweuiy hed, on oi necktie, black I box gaite> ' ^rrible' not u »y. bt^t itefi gtory, m yeseeng^ tms eeeaps lj technfcniity dt«4 t*l tboi iast weel-t. He eulistedrU| atiHf, *nd •»» wheu tile was wretetod. constantly hy the n|»«soif 1 and was y*ry bitter 1 of Appeals far li e^ecnjyhm of hi# tfy»t tn •nllatlng |o tfM piOnipted solply ll H*' n>ight be l(iUaU. ^ej age tn eo'tiaj|* >nrtpide,*i to h%ifp hi* S«S J«HNN IM might be tried tgeio ^t la=it be becat^f $ was taVen to the wbfjh» for m -feflml over-Hi.! Wtl»«ictilll Wllf i "i^e^iug a«H> ***«. He I |W»*erv *»St V iiis ; hair f hUa|»|lttMt^^ " * • < ' ' " " ri ' " V " "