Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jan 1884, p. 5

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? * £ j ;,vv:' vV.'.' *" . , 4"WwC, ivff- , .-'Mfctf** , , •*1... - ',. AJK.V V *.*»«4> jHk' w'4rj» .,>.»!*« !• lib . *<• " '• Raltrond Time Table 001*0 IOPTH. geneva toko Puwntnr 7:*J A. Betti* take Iiwmi |M«n take frofcht. IM* atiefct' <t )ita. Qntri: P«*nger... ,.S:« geneva t.e*e freight. Q«imUk«Pu*tifir OiWinMM K* press... Mum Uk« fMM«Wr. ..s-m*. M 9:.V» •* .»:S7#. It «:»7 ** B. Btrss.Ageni. MrHenrr. Ill MVSOVIO KoRmw Ixwsi, Xo. iw V. F. A- *•-- Reciter Corns*unicatinns th* Mturilay on or Oofer* the fnfl of the mow and every two wett* thereafter. „ _ w CHA*. a Cowr. W. M. V9s<r«r nmriw *0. t( R. .v. * r:Re?i,w mr Coevoeattons held on the senon-t and fourth fritor* »<*ek MMk JOHW I. STORT, H. P. •m: PRMOilAL, Mm till KKI.TBK, of Chicago, «u falling en friends this week. Miss MAT MA.LT.ORT, of Nunda, made the PLADTOBALKB a call to-day. Geo. CLARK returned from hie West* am trip to-day. Wednesday. Miss BABBITT, of Elgin, was the guest of Mr*. Geo. Owen last week. K. ORIS WOLD and wife returned from their trip South Ian week. A. M. CHURCH and wife, of Chicago, spont New Teat's with friends In this village. Miss ELVA McDgiiMtnrr. of Elgin, was the guest of Misses Jessie and Clara Wightman, New Tears. CHAS. GOING foes to Chicago this w*ek. to work for S. B. Hariley, In tlie milk .business. . , FRANK TORUKNCB cams oyer from Woodstock and speii*. New Years with his mother and sister. JUDGES MURPHY and Siulth'of Wood­ stock, were in this village on legal business, day last week, ASA W. SMITH, of Woodttecfc, made oar sanctum a pleasant call ou Wednes­ day of last week. ' FRANK J. FOSTER, of the Elgin frank, made us a call 011 New Tear's %! + H. O. Bttow* of Kidder, Mo, ^wlll please accept thanksfor files of Mis­ souri papers. , .«• . SBB the notice of "Farm for Sale,** t>yC,Grimolby, which can bo found In another column. - ; TRT the new brand OfClgars, faarie fey Barbfan Bros., named •'Thrice Crewne4." They take the load. M day. W* learn that Stephen P. Smith wiilW Hiss ADA GRANOKR, spent New "bund early In the spring on his lor. f Years with her parents in this village, •north ef the Riverside House, a brick I she is teaching school at Itaska, III. Ixttdlag, three stories high, suitable! t Miss EOLESOK, of Itaska, III., has 'or* store or other business (y the selection of the Committee* •eff tlie House of Representatives, Congressman El I wood Is a member of two Important Committees, that of Manhfactures and Clsl ms.. Ir you don't think its fan while riding out with yonr girl on New Year's day to get tipped out *n the «no)*,aad have your team fight out and leave you six or seven mile * from tioipe, just ask Charley. He knows. Til ERR will be an oyster copper at the tesldenoa of Sr. L. A. Waterman, Ring wood Friday evening Jan. 11, under tite direction of the Rlngweod Cemetery Aid Society. Single tickets, •35.70 cents jwr couple. Children. 30, 40 cents per couple. OABL rut, sac. P$0<MtAMMB of the ne*t meeting of the li. C. T. A. t# be JifJd at Harvard Jan. 12tll, 1884: Ttoll Call.. .... ... .. iftviiaary Geography...-- MissS. Water Philosophy H. A. ruber •Squareend Cube Root..., 4. A. Sheldon (Teacher's duty at intermission* Wm. Wire iHiaterv of Aboriginal America.. . W. I,. 8hunb Synthesis and Analysioof the English Unguaie B. H. Renale Crit icslleport J. A. SHKLDOH, & AT the. New Year's Pasty at Grand •Hall, Parker House, one hundred and thirty couple use reported, and all nirouneuuce it one ol the moat pleasant .and enjoyable parties ever held in that Hall. The tr usic waa superb and every­ thing pnsaed off to tho entire satis­ faction of »IL 4 Sloe uu'a Orehestr*. ' '<Sd:»ifi6secl plefc^s, .furn i»lie«f the music, and we hear It highly . spokstn of, by these in attondance. WE liave received the Legal AdvUer •for 'January, 1884. It con tains several- .new feature which will command atteti- ilon from a large class -of renders. Among the 'new department added ate Ilia following: "Farm Ltiw," ' "Sdhoola and School Law,*1 anfl "Pub­ lic Roads." These are subjects of Heueral inte^at in every community.. Price, one dollar a .ffftt. Adttress the Legal Adviier, Chicago, III. aB New Year's Party at the River* House was attended by one hun and twelve couples, and had It nrtt beea tot the severe storm which eet in early in the afternoon the attendance would have been nuch larger. The music by Nevin's Military Band could not be snrpns*ed. It was composed-eif Si* pieces, including Major Nevans, tH« ^^"^ctiampion Drummer, and S. L.*Dean, the eldest aud bedt Prompter in the State. Tho Drum iu a Qtiadrillo Band Is a new feature In this scction. but all who iheard It pronounoed it superb. 'They also introduced the Chime Bells another new fea'ure, which was grand. 'The DEUIO Solo, by Major Nevans. was :attent!vely listened jte aud loudly ap plauded at its ciose. The Hall was in «plendid ehafte, the supiter all ihatoeue , .could wish, and in short the Party wns j a sucoe«s In every particnlar, and one „ * of which Mr. Yager has just cause to M feel proud. ^ TUB postal note1 does not se/eo» to Vrow in fopillar favor, aud eveu its friends admit that it has not met their .expectations. It was hoped by bust new firms generally that the tedious s!g .uing of the Post Ofliee orders would be ,done away with in tlie (tosal notes, and that the latter would be payable to • hearer without requiring any signature. To sign a hand full of postal notes .each day or so, involves a lots of much <valuablo 4lme te business men, and be rsides, tliere Is but little apaee for sig .nature. The postal uotea are printed •on a brittle pape.r, that after signing .and blotting leave but a faint traoe ,of the aignature. The design or form As faulty and they do not present that aieat af\pearauco which usually prevails tn the printing of blanks etcn for the Fost Offlee Department. Reports received from -all sections «re to the efleet that as a substitute for the money order the postal note is a failure* The sales do not seem to iu crsasa aad people do not appear dls posed to adopt the note for the trans­ mission of money except where only * suiaU amount of odd cents is involved The snle of the postal note lias thus far not decreased tlie use of the rncney Orders,except in very rare instances, Money to Loan. Money to Loan Iu sums of from $600 to il.500. on Real Estate security Foj- further particulars Inquire at this ofle*. • •' • WE now have the finest, assortment M Visiting Cards ever seen ID thle Motion. Call and see tbem. been tlie guest of Miss Ada Granger, In this village tlie past *veek. (I saw Ksaii? sawing wood!) « J. W. SMITH aud wife, of Aurora, •pent N'iW Tears with the mother of Mrs. Smith, in this village, (Mrs. Joha McOmher.) MRS. A. S. WRIGHT, of Woodstock, spent New T«ar.s with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. O, W. Owen, In this vlll «fe. ••• . MARSIBD.--At the residence ef the bride's fir.hcr, Mr. >R. BtancharJ, at Athol, MASS., T>IM\ MIL, 18M, Mr. GEoaoa H. WIHTSOM, ot Woo<!stock, III., anU Miss M. A. BI<AHCBABD, Of Alhol, MUSH. The Woodstock correspondent of tlie Harvard Independent has the follow lug to say In-relation to the above: 'Only tlie relatives of tlie hride and groom Were present. A number of valuable gifts were presented the bride ere her departure for the home of lier husband, which took place soon after the aiarntage ccreinony. The newly married arrived at their home iu this city Monday night. December 84, hav­ ing stopped a few hours on their jour­ ney west to visit relatives at Spring- Held. Maes., aid Brooklyn, N. Y. Tlio bride comes to her new home a stranger to all except one or two of her hus­ band's family, she having lived all lier life in tiie<east. Ufeat the future may be as pleasant in her oew home as her girlhood life has been passed in the on* so recently left, is our sincere and earnest desire. We know whereof we speak in laying that Mr. aud Mrs. Whitson have the best wishes for fu­ ture happiness and prosperity by many in this community.*' Aud wo uiiii add that the many friends of Mr. Whitson in this vicinity wish Win bo/t vqyagtt, and that the path of hlin and estimable bride may ever be ^trawn with roses is tlie wish of y01:rs truly, ~~ P«l>llc ending Ma-en or #«*** Mfwi*. Dtaa-Dee. BO, INlef tv*M«l lever, at die re«i<te«ee at Mtiamu ii H««U towa. ship, Jou* Kawui, S(*J U yeats* | MS(k •»«!. M Jmys. Five weeks ago the deceased waa In perfect health, enjoying the pleasures of life equally with any of us; but lie was destined to become a victim to that disease known as typhoid fever; hut up to a abort tliuo preceding his death his friends thought he might re* oover, but death having marked him ferltsewn the best medical skill was of no avaiil, aud he died calmly and peacefully, as those whose conscience to at perfect peace with their God always die. His familiar face will be seen no more among his numerous friends, nor his cheerful voice be heard In his once cheerful and happy home. For happy indeed was that home until death had entered aud laid its Icy hand •n one of the fairest members of that family circle. His comrades will long speak of his worth arid mourn his loss. He died as he lived, without an enemy aud with tut repro ich. He made good use of the means afforded for an education In ^he district sehool an<f finally dosed his studies by a course at the Valparaiso Normal, wliere.hls standing was excellent, and where he waa highly respected by his teachers and associates.. More recently ho fitted himself for a life of usefulness by mastering tlie art of Telegraphy, to which he gave too much attention and unrest, thus sowing tlie scads of the disease which caused death. Ills family have lo«t a loving brother and son; his frienfls a frank and gener< ous companion, and his homo the In* flue lice of a klrtd and-gentle spirit. His funeral took place on Thursday •flroni his home to the Catholic church of McHenry, where the sermon was delivered by Rev. FatherO'Nelll, whose kind words gave strong evidence ot the ^pod life lie had led. He lias gone, and the short volume of Ills life is now a sealed book to the hearts of his dearest friends. The many fond dreams of his morning have gone before the noon of his riper years were fairly reached,and we are feeling tlie truth, and, oh, how true! that earthly things are only drosa, A precious one from us has gSBC* A voice we loveit'is »ulle<I,,. : ; A place is vacant in our hoinie . That never can oe illleU. * X- Gnri In His wU'lom hath recalled The boon Ms lore h*tli Kir on, AikI though the txxty mouMcr* here* HI* soul is Mfe IA IUMVOU. --u. w. r. REPORT of the McHenry School for tho twenty daye D 'cember 21«t,jl88i: No. Days Taught 18 No. Enrolled*vi27 No. G5rl< Enrolledi; 2# No. Pupils Enrolled......... Ml No. Days Atteudancc *018 Average Dtily At»«»inlaiice.., 51 Per cent, ol »ttenduic<. 91 No. of visits from pair<>tia. 1 No.of visits from otliers........... 3 Owing to e«lra outeide work the halanee «f the srep"Kt <wili not appear this week. J. A. SHKLDON, Prln. 1NTERM«SDI^T£ JslCFAItTMBNT. No. Bays 'rav^ht..^......... .<w..... 18 No. B<»v« k>ui'«»!l(,(l'...........V.;.81 No. 6ilis Enrolled......... -- ..%..... 34 Days Atteiidiinee .^,87« Average Dnii<^ Aitendauce........, 49 Per cent, of attendance. 88 No. of Visits by School OlHcers.1 No.or Visii« hy Others 2 Number neither absent nor tardy. 27, viz.:l.CBiiie Bishop. Mary Block, Reaka Block. Maud Solhy. Dwiglit Kennedy. Katy Henry. Nellie Hill, Elfio Kennedy Chas. KIII£, Frank Mead, Chas. Nord- quest, Minnie Parks, Belle Whiting, Alfred Perry, John Ralston, Florence Searles, Grace Mevens, Frank Smith. NJMa Wells, Louis Walsh, Josie Wheeler. Anna Nonlquest. Nellie Knox, Alvah Mead. Matthew Smith, kddie Wirfs, Lena Buck. : BTTA £• TOBBAKCB, tj i n FBI* ART UKPABT*KMT. No. I>ays Taught. 18 No. Boys Enrolled ..... 20 No. Girls Eurolieil 20 No. Pupils Enrolled................ 46 Days Attendance .....783 Average Dully Attendance ..,»•• ••. 44 Percent. 01 Attendance 90 No. of Visits by School Officers.^.; 0 No. of Visits by Others .T.. Number not absent. 19, vis.: Edgar Bishop. Daisy Hill. Agnes Perry. Ustile Ilill, George Gtlle*, Willie Myers. Herbert Bennett, Miles ColbyJ Pearl King, Agues Colbv, Dell Parkt^-, Lou- tile Smith, Stella Morey. Villa Morey. lrrna Powers. Harry Eldredgc, Jacob T^eickem, Lula Covey, Lottie Covey. BKM<K STODUAU. OAGETOWN DiViSlOM. No. Days T»njtht,........«wv»*ii«si 18 No. Boys Emolled/... No.Gir!s Enrolled. .*•• No. Pupils Enrolled ...... No. Days Attendance..... Average Daily Attendance....'. Per cent, of Attendance No. of Visitors Tlie following named pnplls stood highest in written examinations: Ed­ die Granger. Chas. Wright, Wm. Law­ rence. Jav Giliiert, Julius Kraut*. Wal­ ter Besley, Chas. Blackmail, and Cora Wheeler. Those who received prizes for best work in C. Arithmetic a«*: Guy Clemens. Thomas Welsh, Gostave Kr uise. Lilile Brever, Gu*ta Nlckl«*s aud Eva Scliaid. Number nnither ab­ sent nor tardy. 17. via.: W iliiam Law- rence, Tims. Welsh. Clris, Biackmau. Walter Evansoo, Lonnla Howard. Bertha Kittles, Emma Nickies, Lizaie Buss. Allie Smith, Asnliel Stevens. Ollle Blackmail, Lewis Petera. John Krause. Gusteve Kranse. Herman Velts, Ollle KambolU aud Julius ltrauso. J. J. T4Mf» ORKCtiWOOD. EOUTOB PLAi!ll>BAT.KR : -- Herbert Condfy returned to Chicago Monday. Stella Pailir Is home again. Joe Dawson Is sndsstvorlag to bttltd a sleigh--a regular Canada pung. One day last week Will Allan's team went through town at quite a rapid pace. One of tlie horses was qalto se­ verely injured. Dr. J, SootliiU was visltfng ill town about two weeks ago, Alfred Anners lately returned from the east, and will remain tore until next fall, Orie Howe l« recovering from *ila late sickness.. f Mrs. Rawson, from Olean. ST. la visiting at her slaters, Mrs. Jariies Crookshank's. There was a turkey and glass hall shoot at Hunt Bros'., the first. It is too early for particulars. H. M. Soper and wife, of Chicago, are visiting at D. W. Soper's,his broth­ er. Mr. aud Mrs. I. W. Soper are aico there, they having returned from their eastern tosr. A disastrous ire occurred in Athol, Mass., the morning of the 26th af De­ cember, incurring a lots of #70,000 aud turning 250 h&nds out of employment. This article will be of Interest to tho people in this vicinity who came from the above named place. -List of letters remaining In the Greenwood post office for the month ending December St are as follows: Fred Bramsted, August Martin (2), J. W. Hoover, Mrs. John Hi me. Rosa Mc- Ceol,*Eugeue Clayton, Jenny Gapllney, Miss Olive Reed, M. C. Laden. POSTAL CARDS: Jacob Qeorge, L. P. Smith, Wm. James. D. W. SorBR, P. M. W, A. Baker Informs tis that he Is having a run ou Chester Whites, hav­ ing ?t>ld seven last week. W. A. has first class stock at a moderate {>ricc, which acoounts for ft, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander were la town the lutter part of the week. Northwestern Dairyman' Association. jEighteenth Annual Convention. The Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Northwestern Dairyman's Associa­ tion will be hold in the city of Maukato; Minnesota, commencing Tuesday, Feb. 12th, 1884, and continuing with three sessUins^a day. closing Friday tlie 15th The spieudid success of tlie meeting of last year, which wa* held at Maukato Induces] tlie executive committee to secure the s;ime locality for the ineec ing of 1884. Every Indication warrants the conclusion that tlie coming oonven tloii'Will prove the grandest success In the hlstorv of tho Association. A full array of<the best dairy talent of the entire northwest will be present. The meetings of the Association have always been characterized by a large and free discussion of topics calculated to Instruct and profit the Individual dairyman, and it Is especially desired that as many.of this class as possible make an effort to be preseut at this meeting, Mankato Is easily reached by three Important railroads, the Chicago. A Northwestern, the Chicago, Mlnneapo* II* & Omaha, and the Chicago, Milwau­ kee A Sr. Paul. Rcduced rates of fare will be accorded to all members of the Assmiallou who attend the convention. Manufacturers and dealers In dairy and stock implements are Invited to he present and exhibit the same, for which purpose- a convanient room will be provided. Dairymen are invited to bring samples of their butter and cheese for exhibition. The pufnose is, both in the arrange* ment of the programme aud In the conduct of the disciisslous. to make of the coming convention an institute for study and instruction, which 110 Intelli­ gent and progressive farmer can afford to miss. For turtlier particulars address the undersigned. mp. HOARD, President, i-M' Pert Atkinson, Wia R. P. MOOLIKCT. 9ec., Elgin, 111. 34 23 .. .. 57 .....034 ...... 49 80 6 AN OLD FRIEND.--Who of us does not enjoy meeting an old friend, especially when we can congratulate him on look* ing well! It is with some such feeling that we welcome to our table Vick's floral Guide, which comes to us dressed In the neatest and most ele> gant cover that enterprising house has overissued To every lover of garden work we eooimenU. In the heartiest possible manner, this beautiful and exceeding practical publication. There is not a flower or a vegetable grown that Is not illustrated Iu it, and some valuable advice given as to how to raise and care for them. Besides all this, the book contains a charming colored plate of flowers, one containing a collection of vegetables, and a third shows a specimen of Vick's Extra Early Potato. Vick presents this Floral Guide (how , appropriate the title!) to all his, Ifst year's customers ms a Christmas proasent. and to all others *t the low price of ten cents, and tells such thAt they can deduct the cost or it from their first order for seeds. To our farmer friends, to every market gardener for pleasure, we say--Gat Vick's Floral Guide, of James Vtek Rochester, N. Y. Form to Rent. A farm of 120 acres, si tuated one-half mile south of Fox Lake. It is well sup­ plied with wood and water. On it, are ?ood buildings, meadow Isnds, aud everything desirable. Terms easy. < .... MRS. JAMBS MCQAVICK. and terms inquire qf _ Lake, 111.» Irl2-iu3* J4KBI DOIIKBIT. HEBRON. EDITOK PLAINUKALER:--Everybody Is trying to tnjoy the sleighing. Ella Rowe spent the holidaya at home. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Soper returned last week from a long visit In tho East. They had been gone Ave mouths from home. George N. Mason and wife are visit­ ing friends In Harvard and Hebron. Frank N. Foote returned from the city last week. Christmas night there wap * Christ­ mas tree at Mr. L. Glass*, about forty invited guests being present. The tree was laden with presents for all. After the presents were distributed they par­ took of a bountiful repeat, such as only Mrs. Glass could prepare. Frank Woodbury was married Christ­ mas day, and we understand that M|ss Ella Fiuk was married at thi sated time. School commence)? Wednesday morn- tfig, after a w*ek*l Vacation. flenry J. Mcad, onr honored Captaiii of the "Peanut Brigade." arrived In town last week from Norris, Nebraska, bringing a wife with him. We wish litem much joy and a long life of pros­ perity. Jim Mills, of Geneva, was In town on last Thursday s^id Friday, practicing the toniorlal art. >• The Christmas entertainment at tite M. E. church passed off pleasantly. The exercises by the Sunday School scholars a-as llstene.d to with interest. Orson Boughton*s "Night Before Christmas" caused much merriment. Tite tree* were valued at t53&. Mr. H. R. Baldwin was the recipient of a lovely writing desk as a Christmas present from his book-keeping claw. Woodstock Department. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER At Morton A Chapelt's cow sale on Wednesday of last week cows said osi an average of •49. On Thursday of last week Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Ferguson, Sr., started for Kansas to visit David Mitchell family. t Professors Morse and Henderson gave a vocal and Instriintontal entertainment at the Algonquin House on Christmas night, and it WAS very good as far ss it went. Miss Maggie Donavin was the most popular young lady In tlie audi­ ence as Indicated by tlie vote of the gentlemen present. She got the prize. Mrs. Chas. Fletcher aud lier son and daughter, of Sharon, Wis,, are visiting friends here. Christmas passed off very quiet here* There was neither a wedding nor fight In town. That Is pretty good for All- gon-quin. The Free Methodists are holding a revival at their church. We have'nt heard what success tiiey are having. Dr. Nason is going to have a new clerk In liiti drug store, it) the person of \Vm. Sinclaire, son of our Free Metho­ dist pastor. • . Joe Fisher, a young man who worked at tlie carpenter trade with ('has. Ku- blank, of this place, last fall, went j^o Carpentersvllle last week to work m the ice house, and on Thursday evening lie went into one of tlie Dundee saloons and got into a scuffle and got his leg Horace you want to go slow when you are riding down hill, aud look out for the bjMIUPer*< COKlBtaCTKD BT ASA w. SMITH. '•Sweet sixteen" is a danaeroas ags. Mr*. R. c. JstirM* is visiting ott frisads of ker ehlldhtod'* home.* L. J. Gate* name home Aw> •(. Paul to spend the holidays with his dually and friends. She ffrst said she was "M old maM.M How she says ska "wilt be of age era m.iny sum­ mers." For Sal*. Tlie undersigned offers for sail tilV* farm.situated one mile from King wood Station and Cheese Factory, containing 160 acres of choice laud, 40 acres of which is timber and pasture. There are good buildings on the premises, an orchard, and in short it is one of tite most desirable farms In this section. For terms and other particulars in­ quire of G. GBUIOLBT, McHeary. . Itl-sd Farm For Sale. What is known as the Keuneally farm, in the town of Nunda. two and one-half miles south of McHenry, now held and occupied by James Keuneally. contain* ing '220 acres of good land with goocf buildings. Title perfect. For priee "All sorts ef female lady Sxlajs thrill my •out jnet as thevM orter, Bnt psstisc Ops and 'sweet sixteen,' ars death and nvthing shorter.* " If*Tinj? received, through the column* ot the Amtfnef, a pressing invitation, I expect to visit Richmond "before I cross over to -the r e a l m s o f t h e ' S w e e t R y - * n . | - B y ^ •AKBIAOB Licaaeaa. Christopher C. Zaliet to Miaai* WtllH. Old 9anta OUna remembered Rev. Mr. Hoover. Pastor of the M. E. Church In a very substantial way. Aa'onx b'.s goodies was a tine ftrt tnrkev which was fonn l mosting on the Jhrlstmas tree, another was the present of a barer by his friends from Praaklinviile where he was qaits sticcessfnl as a revivalist. The American Insurance Onmpaitr, has re- insnraii its policy holders in Iho Home Insur­ ance Company of New Tork, thn* placing Its tvttrons on aoeuritr before tendered them Iw the American,«n<1 Wit* chcuiars to its agents acknowledging the fhllacy and wcakneu of Mm anrnmeat that those eompaales which re­ frain from commercial business are safer than those which do bo both commercial and dwelt ing imsines*. The American is entitled to much credit for it* selection. f trast Woodstock, or rather the town of Do»r, WiS! not !*e fteifiSireni. of lier interests In seconding the movement of the county Imant looking to the establishment of a comitv hos­ pital mr insane. The Inhuman practice of locking these unfortunates In our jails with criminals might lie excusable under some clr- rimif tances, but McHenry Gountv has toe much enal tli, and ought tonave, and I believe han. too mnch pride, now that the matter is fairly mooted, to hesitate or delay until tbe project is complete. TRaNsesas. M a»d * K Mason to John OMraa. war. teed. J I< Ooaover et a* to Was Avery, mortgage QM<1. C W Carter et as to M X Clothier, mortgage deed. Burton Wright at ax to G W Baird, war. deed. * U. W. Bainlet ax toBurtoa Wright, asort. deed. Helms Heritage to Mrs. M. Tymlaoa, chattel Chaw to Sown ef Daakam. collector's bond. Heery Myler to Renrv I>aak war. deed. L It Bartholomew to Haary Daak, war. deed. How that the Board of Hopervi*or» are mak- ing a move ia the direction nf fnrnlshiag a place for tho accommodation of the county's Insiinc, it will be AO more than proper for the Democrat to offer a few suggestiona. A eom- mittee appointed by that Board is advertising for proposition* tor a form of from MS to 9W> acres Wi be used for that purpos*. It seems to ns that Woodstock should offbr aome In du'iement whereby said institution may lie built near this cltv. The resolution 08%red before the Hoard at it* reeeat meeting hints that iuducement* will betaken Intoaeeount In the selection nf the site, henee tho town that baa the meat enterprise and go-ahead is very likely to secure this ln*titntton. Wood­ stock surely I* a* well able to slir some tell. Ing inducement aeaajr townta She eonnty, and our cilisens SIMMMNET let this opportun- itv to bcneAt our village, paaa by uaaeeded. We almply throw ent thlssiiggestMn that vou may think about it and come So some deAaite couctution in tbe matter.--DmmemL I heartily endorse the abevs, b-it would suggest that Woodstock first Work to secure the ••nterprise regard less ot location, as any­ where in the county is better than none. Nevertheless, as such an institution I* a per. mauenrv it will better accommodate ail cocrerned, the nearer tae center. Judiclarr proceedings testing the question of sanitV must be nt the county-seat and the asylum should be as near to the court house as may be, othei things being equal Ueod locations can be had within an area of ene to three miles of tlie court house. T would suggest to former* who propose to build dairy barns to vialt the form ot Homei Wattlos, of McHenry, for a model. Hie i« 4< x.w foet with » foot posts. The basement is full sice, half wall Snd h.ilf peats. The north east and south aides are ewwUed with ataa- chlons foclag the ccnter. For feeding. The , west side furni*hea his stair room and steal tttn f»<J ft-otto a larger meal bin on the flrst floor. The center is used fur hone power to feed cutter, com skelter etc. The tlrst cutter is on tho upper floor from which the cut feed drops ihr.mjch to center ot basement in front «f stork handy for feeding. Tbe IM> .• <iiwp. pe«i from the loft through a tunnel to ssrae renter equally a« convenient for distribution. The bam is located about 7S foet front his creamery which is In the haaemont ot his dwelling house. He uses Oooley'a Creamer which tupuMc't by a constant flow of spring w.iter which maintains a uniform teeipera- ture, Summer and Winter. The waate water is connected under ground to his steak yards and supplies abundant drink for Ms entire stock. His buildings are situated ia a shel­ tered po«Hion soas to be protected tram the west, north and oast winds, and>are swerrau. god as to shield his sleek, from these wind*. This is nn naportiat consideration «M it is much better for stock to have the rangeet the vnrds in winter a* welt as samnser, a portion or the riino. Midway between the Bouse and i«rn i* the house already well filed. The farm consist* of 1SS seres, which ha* vleided the past season a net laoeme of seven per cent on a #MM per acre. Mr. Wattles makes the dairy a specialty, which at present con. m«U of n eews <>l high grade Jerseys and hnve yielded lbs. or butter ,/er heud, and the yield averaged a nit of SSct#. pet pound, Mr. Wattlea lias a fishery of Brook Trout which ha* been neglected, but he Intend* giving it apec!iW attention in the future. WAUCONOA. KDITOB PLAIXDBAMCB :--11 Is offi­ cially reported that ninety-nine couple attended the danre at Mai man's Hall Chrla tinas night. It being impossible to procure estra music, the other hall wss not opeued- Notwithstanding the crowd it wa»a very pleasant affair. Friday evening, a party of Mr. Mai- man's friends from McHenry. visited hlin. He opened his hall and they availed themselves of the opportunity to enjoy a social daace. Saturday evening tlie hall became a roller skat­ ing rink, so to spenk, under the chnrge of Mr. Sheflner, of Barrlngtou. The hall was well filled with spectator aud skaters who seemed to enjoy the sport immensely. It seemed so perfectly easy and simple that wo decided to try a pair of skates, but-- * * * E. W. Brooks Is said to have gone Into a mercantile business at Nttnda. There was no tree this year at either of the churches. There was, iiowever, no Inok of beautiful presents. Mrs. H. B. Burrett received an elegant sliver fruit basket with gold plated Interior from her son Fred, now living in Gun­ nison, Colorado* The gift is highly xppredated at homo, as Indeed It richly deserves to bo. ^ NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that tho Com­ mittee appointed by the Bo:trd of Supervisors at its late session, to inves­ tigate the feasibility of establishing a County poor farm, solicit proposi­ tions for a farm, consisting of from 100 to 200 aervs. In proposition give locality, number of acres, etc. All propositions must be made on or before Jan. 20, 1884. Address, LBSTBB BABBBB, Chairman Committee, Marengo 111. The Croat Russian Remody. C Viekinton <& 8m, BarringUm, 111: GKNTI.EMEN:--I was suffering with rlieuniatixin so that I could hardly walk and a friend recommended your Great Russian Liniment, and after using two small bottles I was completely'Hired. I Hurl it equally as good for sprain*, bruises, etcH and I would recomrnrnd It to all M the best Liniment In use. MRS. M. M. MCIVINZIK, SIT ifu 1.<>n street, Chicago, til, sale by «n liruggi*t>< XL PtOBIBSOSi * HOB. Richmond Department. OOHTBIBCTBO BT & f. ItKMllKTT. Born, to the wife of John Cairns, Dec. i7,1883, a *o.i. The clult dance last Friday night, o week, was a pronounced success. Jantea Overton, who has had a sevwre attack of acute bronchial Inflammation Is much better at this writing. Our oltlaens, mostly,spent Christma1 at homo and discussed the convontivna. turkey en famille, / Hi 11 . On Tuesday, Jan. 1st, a special com­ munication of Richmond Lodge A. F. aud A. M. was held in Masonic Hall, Richmond, for the purpose of confer ring tho Msatera degree upon Dr. E. R. Bennett. Dr. K. R, Bennett, finding Minneapo­ lis, Minnesota, an Inviting field for the practice of his profession, lias concluded to go there at once, instead of remain­ ing in Richmond this winter, fllsofflce will be on the corner of 7th Street and Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis. The bat masque at Culver's Hall on the evenlog of Dee. 96th, was, accord­ ing to our lady Informant, "Just splen­ did." There were not a great number en costume, but a sufficient number to add much to tho "Interest of tho occa­ sion." Tho aupper, as Mrs. Culver's sup pers always are, was good, and the "weesma' hours"were lengthening be­ fore the merry dancers sought repose. On Christmas morning, at 8 o'clock, Christ Ehlert, who lived on Chas. Cold- man's farm, east ot tho village, died of cancer of tho rectum. He Informed tlie writer some six or eight months ago that he had been treated by .several medical men for piles! He leaves a wife and seven children In Indigent circumstances. His ago was 44 years, 4 months and 17 days. VOSS-?KTRIWON.--At the cesldeMe ef the bride's mother In Marengo, III., Mrs. r. Peter­ son. Decent her SSth, by Rev. J. N. Hntchlsoa, Mr. Henry U VoaaauU Miss Sarah I. Peter. •on. Miss Peterson will be remembered lis the efHcient assistant in our I'ost Office for the past t«o years nearly, and who during her residence Here has made a host of friends, all of whom extend their boot wishes for future hsppinesl. The newly-wedded eouple took their departure Wednesday afternoon for Maadau, Dakota, tlielr future home,-- MoMttga Kepublknn. Last Thursday, a fellow from Rich; mond was up here and getting Icto a little dispute with Chris Delgnan, of Genoa, he attempted to settle matters by trying to split Chris' head open with an ax. Fortunately he dlan't strike very straight and only cut a bad gash in his head. IThe fellow thought he had surely killed Chris, and skipped out. cutting across the country for Illinois, and he Is probably still run­ ning. (lis name Is MeLaln.-- Geneva Herald. > Not much, Bro. ifegg] McLaln never II zed in Richmond. You will hato to locate him further do*vn the road towards Chicago. Last Thursday we had tho pleasure of shhking the hand of the Hon. Henry Wood, momberof the Legislature from DeKalb County, aud author of the law requiring the proprietors ol cheese fac­ tories to give bonds to secure their customers against dishonest practices, and otherwise regulating tho builuese of audi establishments in the Interest ot the dairyman. Mr, Wood Is a wide awake farmer, and his visit to McHenry count} was for the purpose of improv­ ing his stock ol blooded swine by par- chase from the pens Of Hunt, of Hebron whose Poland Clilua hogs are SS good as can bo found anywhere. •OLON MILLS. EDITOR PLAINUKALKK:--J.3.0verten took a severe cold and haa beeu coo* flood to the house for a few days. R. B. Gardner has finally concluded to close out his out ire stock on account of continued poor health. ' Mrs. Monear, who lias been sick some time, had a very poor spell last week, but Is better again. John Haldeiuan has had another of his poor spells, hut Is recovering. He will celebrate hit crystal wedding on Jan. 1st. J. Bobbins, our Agricultural man. ia very bu>y for this season of tlio year, bnt Is taking care of a nice plump boy. Everything passed oft nicely at tlie Christmas tree. All hat) a good time, and the children all seemed happy. We are all very much pleased with the passage or the Chicago A Kvaastoa railroad ordinance iu Chicago, which makes the prospects for a railroad here better than ever before. And following this Is an application from a party in Chicago to rent the Null property for four years, for the purpose of starting a straw board factory. They asked a great many questions about the amount of rye, wheat and oat straw raised around here, cost of fitting up tlie property, supply of water, eoet of day labor, etc., which seems as though they meant business. The only fears Solon people now have Is that the person now controlling the property will hold it above or just out of reach of any and everyboby who would like to do some­ thing with It; but let us hope for tho best. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at pabltc auction. 011 the premises, three miles east of Ringwood and two andonefhalf miles south ef Solou, on the Spring Grove road, on Friday. January 4. 1884. commencing at ten o'clock, A. M., tho following property: 2 cows, coming in in January and February. 1 two- year-old heifer. 1 yearling heiter. 1 seven months-old heifer. 1 pony, 1 sin­ gle buggy with harness, a quantity of Timothy hay. about twenty bushels of potatoes, household turnil ure and other articled too numerous to mention, TKHMS op SALE:--Sums of ten dol­ lars unci under. ca»h. Over that sum a credit of eight months will be given 011 approved notes at 8 percent. Interest. 8 per cent, oil for cash. No properly to be removed until settled lor. MART A. BAT. Qao> H. SXBWABT, Auctioneer. BnstiMifKoti***. Go to M««» Bowoi*a for Mlllluei 1 Agfat. • siMoutaflL-.Mll • Cur -Aarblsui High Art.1" They have few eqt No trouble to show goods or auswef ] questions at K. Bishop'*. Buy tlie feetey Organ If you want UNSI best. O, W. 0*M,Tlt:llettfJ't' ty re Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, III. Go to Mrs. M. .Schumaclier** fer Mill uery, Dress Moking.and Fancy Geode Silk Velvets and Perry ft Owen's. City residences for sate. Apply i»:, Velveteens at Cloaks. Dolman's end Ulster* for Ladies and Misses at Perry & Owea'a* All the leading Walking Plows at. Owen is iton's. A flue line ef "Overcoats just reeelvod at Perry ft Owen's. Everything In «he H«r4tart 8so m bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Call In and see tlie salts K. Lewlus to selling. Heavy winter suite only W.75. A fine lot of Cldthfhg at bottom pri­ ces, at J. R. Wefts .ft Son's, Waoeonda. Both Combination and Platform Wagons at $. M.Owelt ft Sent, of tho best make. Good Goods, low prices, and an hon­ est deal. Can be had at M. B. Wells ft Son's, Wauconda. Lumber Wagons. Milk Wagona. Plat­ form Spring Bugglea f«r sate at M. Bishop's warehouse. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found In the etfthty, at O. W. Owen's. .. CALL and see the nobby aew Salts at E. Lawlos'. Ho lias sold 39 sul is of one kind. If you want to buy Cloak# and Dol­ mans at bed rock prices, mil on J.R; Wells ft Son, Wauconda. The Banner of the World, tho nobbi­ est little Parlor Heaief Made, at R.JM. Howe's. v.*.- Drags Drags, Drags, a !<* ou hand, steel tooth aud most'sell. For Sale by K. Bishop . Ir you want itiiythingness than tho E8tey Organ I can sell you one for M8 and upwards. O. W. Own The Wavjrly. Glen Adorn, KOSMI Acorn and/Forr*st Acorn Wood float­ ers. at E. X. Howe's, opposite Bishop's Mill. ' ^ The PrlBo Acorn. Black Aeora Bad Loyal Acorn Cook itoveo. Haa ooao- perier. At E. M. Howe's* oppeaite Bishop's Mill. Everything In farming 1mpleaMBtO from a Swill Cart to a McCor«sf£ Twine Binder, can he found pi tfto warehouse of ft. Bishop. For flrat-class ln*nntnc» Sgalost ffro and Lightning, wind i**W»ii, eyeiOOOs, tornadoes, etc^ etc., apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111, • CORSETS. N A full line of Dr. Wtrmffl Inseverai styles at Perry ft Owen'a. The Hortlnnd side-bar. light and fine, and la fTie tuggy made. Can always see thefp M E.M. Owen ft Sou's. r CLOTHING. A complete stock ot Mea% aad Bsfs< Clothlug at bottom prices. | <*BBBTFTOPS» Overcoats that will wears y^ars..8S 80- Heavy Runs fi W- Boys' Pants, heavy lined. t 80' AJeo Boots below Chicago prlees. ( * UVLtSi The Westmlt^iter Coal Stove, both Round and Square. For beauty and durability has no equal In the martoft.. For sale by E. M. Howe. The Rghlfest Dlfep Siilky Plow In tho> world Ir tl^ HapgoOd. found at E. I.. Owen-AdBon'a. ^id sold as jow anHMM oo«mon sulkey. , ' , TINE SHOEa.^ r'/ _! Just Received. The finest sto<dt *ff" Ladles' and Chlldreh's Wear ia county at bottom prices at Perry Owen's. Ir your horse le lame s« aOro In any war. do not Ml to col) at Henry Colbr'V and get a box of Continental Hoef Ointment. It is no ex|teeknoat. It ka» beau.^1 and hevci failed, % . Flano tor 9mlm ' a ' A fine Square Piano Is offerettfar sale. WIU bosoid cheap It applied for soon. C. L. I'BATT. Waneoadoi. iik. * WANTED. Will buy all'classes of Fur. ltst^ Coon. Skunfc and. Miuk. end wlU pajt- the Highest Market Price. 6. W. PRATT, Waueouda,^ To Poultryinen ̂ Tor Sale: Foil B|oo4 JJl.ick Jara Cockerels. Brown Leghorn CiVckerels^ aud a few Plyinwotb Ha*k"PiiMe :s un«t Cockered at nsv resldmieo. Waacondav 111. <>. W. Pitarr. ^aaeond*. Ds«.ttK IMS, Seed Bmrta^for 1 have a lot of Pure' Me for sale. If sailed for some: - HOMER WATTUB McHeary, 111., Mov.S, WSS, MAKRKICD. WAI.KTVGTOX--rOItTU--At lJteS« Decsssber sth, HRS, by the Bev. M* t;ksv Evan*, Ma. WILLIA* O. W^LKI^OTOW to Mm*. I.ICT J.Foaru, hothof Greenwood. Me Heery Co^ lit. Harper's Young AN lLLt'STBATKU WKKKI.T-18 PSSSS Salts*tolars and Oirls Frem StetsMMmt Tears tf Ago. VoL Y. Commences Nwmnb^r 8, Unnar1! Yom*g Ptomt* is the beet vsthlr lor children iu Aiaeriua,-4heSS«miMm Han Adaoea/e. . All that the artist's *tUl can aeeaaapiMi to the way of illusAnstioa haa beea doM.MMl (Bo best talent of the catintry has costtwew 1% Its mt,-MwJh«M JbiiwilV In its spec 1*1 Soi l there lo nothing Uslsta be omn^wed with U.-Bariflar* Aastet At TEllMth . f,:;: .;v • 4RPKK*n TOIIHI for Iwr. Pwlsfs CrsjMM Single Snmbers, Five Oats Aiiecimen *e»t <>n remote*•faoeaea The Valnmo »f //«n*?r'* mro #WMS f>C VMI. Mi. and mt. h« uA s.tiaely haiad lAamm a led Cloth, sent hr wwfc WSWgSJpiO- p*i»l on receipt of CsMbCSiMpmo Mch rvinn«> nuiwi'w for MeliSt _WiK BO ent hy uwiii, pus»Jp;nU, ou receipt w eech. Remittance* *hoaH be »r Monev Or*ler,or Urutl. loavoW chai rpr* *V fa i MksO M> COMIW* ortlrr Uaryer m 1 Addre** BAgPKB « BHOTIIK«\ K*«

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