Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jan 1884, p. 1

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3f|«'I r' .-iv:' V' '-' it? T&j~n * ft " f.T ! " > . £ » ' 4 ' ' ^ V * / « * ^ ^ v " * , . " V ^ . " / t '•*** ' '{• _' . .«r iv' '" , 1.1,^4-a." • 1 -'.-I " " f" • ' ' r "'--' "" '•••"--1-- ------ - * " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty avt4| ^ M --jd v. »•.! in " f-.C.) •r '• VOL. 9. t M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, W jll^eiry pitifiiealer. Published Every Wednesday by ir\i - \ VA^ SLYKE, K ^EDlTOtt A5TD PUBLHHEE. , f V JWBce hi Biri»op'<> Block. • ••*%$£$• ppobiTK PiBST **' ". BUSINESS CARDS. *>|%>rroei*K PKUEY *" TKUSt* OP SffBSOtttPTIOSr. Owe Tear (In Aavaaoe) W • r>Tf Xot f»awl within Three Months Siihw.riptlnnii roceivel for three • "'""Jmonthe in the same proportion. 1 f *"•••* • • - *....*•1.50 ... ..*«• or six Kates of Advertising. w« announce lihfcral rates for arlvertisinif n the Pr,A (Ni)fi alf.h, an<l en leaver to state hem ?o plainlr that ther \rilt be readily itn- 'erslood. They arc as Follows: ! Inch one venr - , -. ,.v. 5 00 i Tnohe* one vear %* ' *«" ^ • .. 1ft flo • S Inches one year . -V '• « t • . IK no •' :-i.V Oolninn one year .-«,<<• ,r *>••,»* . So "0 , T-'vUtf 0«iumn one year. ,+ • rs »y;i 5 4' H000 1 Column one year 100 00 One inch means the measurement of one ,/*lnch down the column,sinjrldcolumn width, i' .***, Vearlr advertisers, at the above rate*, havo the privilege of nhanirinar ns'often as they m -(Choose, without extra oharjre.' Regular advertisers (moanintr those havinar >tandin|t cards) will he entitled t.o insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will lie charged 10 'kent* per "ine the fl-stweek, and 5 cents per it <-P3|ine for each snbsc<|iient week. Transient advertisements will he charged jUit the vate of 10 cents ptf line, (nonpareil f^ivtatypo, same as this is set in) the first issue, and cents pet line for subsequent issues. Th^s, . an inch awertlseinent will coat • l.OOforonc •week, $1.50 for two weeks, #2.00 for three 'weeks, and soon. The PtAiwnRAt,RR will be liberal In srivlna "Editorial notices, hut. as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody •eeking the use of Its coin inns for pecuniary jnlp. X BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWS, M. l>. PHVSTCIW AVD SITRGKOV. 0«ce over the Post Office, opposite Perry &;Marttn's ttore up stairs, JlcHcnry, HI. J. H. SOOTH I LI., M: D. HIYSH'IAX ANI> SITRtiKOV. ClUce oppo- «tc PostOQlr.e, Ifingrwood, III. ; i C\n. FRGER, M, D- ^ v IClAV AND SUR«iKOV. Mc.tfenry, • Ills. Ofllce at Residence, on the Corner, Opposite Blake's Kurniture store. O. .I. HOWARD, M. D. f>«rstr,iAN ,ASD ariRGEox. office at 1 My residence, opposite M. E. Church, j®clfcnry. 111. MOXKT UEOKIVKD KOR INVKsTMBNT and loaned on mortgage security at cur- ."••t r*it«s, without charge to the lender. (Farm loans made at aix per cent. \V. RA5f*TKAI>, 1 and 2 Rorden Block, Klgin, III flnloon an<l Restwirant, V BASK*MKXT of KnhnoH's Store, Johns- hur)(h, Til. The choicest b,rands of Wines, norsaltd always ou hAua. Call see me. ; •*. Li«' *nd PRATT HOUSB. r A. PRATT, Proprietor Klrst class «e- I Jeo:nmod'itions. Gooi Barn in connection fauc.onda. 111. BARBIAN IIROS. CIQA^ M»n«far,Hirers, McIJenry, III. Or­ders solicited, simp, 11 Old Mcllenry, 41 Keifcer Rlo<*k» two doors west of Put*- :-#liALRBOfficc. •• f.f .. RfOHARl) COMPTOS. f" ITSTIOK of the Peaceand Conveyancer.-- If Will attend promptly to the collection of l^thts. y«lo. l,ake County, III. r-'. iM: s|K;r; i E. GBJfKRAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in I.eadiuj? Karm Hac.hiaery.-- Prices (U»w and tenns favorable. McIIenry, H'. B. li. SMITH. IIJOOT AND «HOE MAKER. Prompt aMen- tlon aciven to Repitliinjt. Shopi in «Jre(r.- ! fry's Harness Shop, opiHisite Riverside House, * lleHenrjr, Illinois. M A R C U S ' GERMAN 10T, JUIEiS. ^Manufactured by F. MARCUS, -DE4LBB Ii- iPURE WINES, LIQUORS AND £ 1 . c i g a r s , Woodstock IBgji.. Tonic in the world, tfut wp in »nd Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS, Patentee. ' " ' •mmi MARY TT. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER, AH k»uds of Hmv Work do»e in ffrst class stvte and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north, east corner of Public Square, JlcHenry, IIL C. 8. URKEX. yETERINAttY fltfRGKOV. J ESSE A. BALDWIN, * TTORNEY AT LAW. Law bntiness in A Every part of theStata reoelves prompt Room M,'99 Washington St., ChU atteution cllgo,"!!!. DR. C. K. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Wllllwat Mcllenry, at Parker House, the 10th and 25th of each month. Wliop dates occur Satnrday or, Sunday I mak§ my visits on the following Monday. JOHX KLEIPGEN. HOUSE Painter, Graincr, Caleimin^r and Paper Hanger. Residence one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to proinply and on'reasonahle terms. Horsemen, Attention ! /ill lovers of line Horses are reapectfuily invited to call at mv farm, half a mile west of Mcllenry, on the Woodstock rood, and see nn' line Morgan and Draft Horse*. ' T have a Perclieron Norman Draft Colt that is hard to bent. Call and see Irim. t&FNo business done on Snnday. N. S. C0J.BV, McIIenry, May 1st, 18SS. TT ^ C. N. CULVER, AUCTIONEER, Richmond, Illinois. Sales of Stock, Farminar Tools and Goods ot all kints attended to on the most Reasonable Tcnns nnd satisfaction Post Office address, RICHMOND, ILL.t guaranteed. #3*Wlll attend sales and furnish and advertising as cheapascan be procured elsewhere in the county. ROBERT C. BENNETT, UIUCICOEU OF LiiitlBraliia "-FOWLS, . -itlCHMOND, (FTR8T PRBMir* 4T XfVMltf COtJHtf txltt.) Mr fowls are of the eelebratert IM'KB Ot" TOItK strain, remarkable for their great aixe M'l Uyis« t)S<ua«i. t *>** Mkomr $ tffs or last season's chicks weighing 31 |t>iunds. Eggs, iter setting tl' thirteen. il.SU, delivered to purchaser in Richmond. Shipped, securcly iMicked, filMX, ROBERT C. BE.yXSTT. WM. H COWLIN .< g|(JOCK88OK TO X. M. CLOTHIER] ttWAB CL4IH SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. ALSO ROTARY PUBLIC. P^oMCftcn pension or any other claima agaj^sj; the govcriunpijt, relaf|i)g to the lat#, or fufiuer yaus. Oowplicuti'd uasee and w jected I'laiiijs made a specialty. If slumps are euplosed for vo»iy, al| l/i<iii)U)wiU>-'U(l*'ii( will we proi*)iMy aijstrered. Oftc# Ik 9fiide^> MADI80* MP* WOO'DSfQQZ, References hr PWW»»»tio" »* regards clia«> acter. business aljf'Uy, reliability, ftn , Ac ; G t». Juhn A. Logan, U. S. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. t Gen. J. C. Smith, State Treasaror »»f Illinois. Hi>n. R Kllwo^l, M. C. #th Ifl. l»ist., Sy«. a i n o r e , I I I . _ _ . . . Hon. John O, Sherwin.- px:M. C. 5th III. Dist.. Aurora. Ill Hon. A. SJ. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, Hi Col. Jas. A. sexton, Pres. Uniqu Veteran Ijlubi Chicago, III. . Je»se A. Baldwin, As«'t U. S. attorney, Chi- GH (o IM. Mussrs. Sol*, SchWab It Co., WhoJ/esale Boot, and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county aud hoiue reCsrea. ces. P':' * i?'v t TWELVE REASONS, KOR INSURING WITH Asa W. Smith, Oi Woodsjtock, 111. ,1. Because he is endorsed by leading bus jtness men nnd the press, ^nil p'irticu arly Aviiero best known.. 2. Because his is the oldett agency in the eountv. 3. ftecause he represents the best line of ontpanies of any"agen«y it the c.ouiptf. 4.' Because, with one exception, he rpnrer jnents the oldest coinimnies in ttae United States. • , ' 5. Because, in case of loss, ha gives his • {KtlTOits the bene Hi of his long experience iu ^ecui ing an equitable adjustment. 6. Because he has always iisued full pol ^«. 7. Because he pars losses on farm propwrfy Jjv lightning, whetlier Are ensues or not. ' «. Been use he insures live stock, anywhere against lightning. 0. Because he insures against tornadoes, .cyclones and wind storms. If>. Because you c,in thus save yourselves from dissster for H mere trifle. II. Because vou will Hnd hln> equally as Wtlve to aid >tiii in getting your money after 5 loss as to secure your patronage for his com- jennies, ii. Because any one of the ahove reasons ' can be full v verified bv calling ou E. A. Mu*. phy, E. Sessions, .1. W. Miller. Irom their own experience, and on tlw entire circle ot his 1 a^qunintances from observation. In behalf of the Old Reliable, the Phoenix, />( Hartfor*!, Connecticut, 1 take great nl<*;ts- yre in returuing the thank- <>f jbc couipany to ^rs. I.. D.Kelly for her promptness and uor usual .presence of mind in extinguishinga fire " jather resiilerce, kindled from the burning ol E. A. Murphy's residence on th« morning of ' the Wth inst . as bv her inilivlijual eft'ort, r<)pertv was wived on which tU^ company Ii. Boiislatt* Near the Depot, MCHENRY - • * ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on band the finest biapds of •'lour and Feoil of all kinds, whloh too will .sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Piour always] Mi hand and warranto'I as represented. Flax Seed Meal AI way* on Hand WPIour delivered any whew in thfl Cor noratinn. Qr lers may be given by postal Card, Bo* 107, PosfOfficc. -tl GIVK ME A CALL, « ? ,i," t. BONSLEfT. McHen y, March 8tli. I8i>l. 8. F. BESSETT, M. D. T>HT^ ICIAN AND SUUUKOJT. Also United I 8*1 " Stat«ss K saiuiuiug, Surgeon. Illinois. ; Richmond, DB. C. K. WEIILS. PHTSICIAN AND SlTRUKON, Wauconda, Lakt Co., 111. All calls promptly attenn. ed, day or night. Office on Main St., east of Barker's harness shop, H. K. JOHN'SOX A CO., SOLICITORS of Raunts, LOW r St., K. Washington, D. C. BKPKRGKCRS.--Hon. J. A.Logan, Hon. B. Allison. Hon. D. O. Smith. Pekln, M. K. Stone, editor Chicago Are»r«, Farmer'* lievteu-, Ghlcfc(Q. Send for Inslrnceioiis. ..His JOSEPH H. FRBUXIA. SAl.OOK AND RBT .VtJUAVT lionslett's old stand, opposite ltishi>p's Mill. Mc- "" " Liqr.»rs Etlwin ll^ite House Rat Chicago, III.) RichmofM Call;" attended i tention given lett, 31. D. County Hospital, »IUnol«. „ _ and special *t. •nrglcal eases. aiiniifliii »| No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe. WESPAY. JANUARY 9, 1881. >«N*)tt DON'TT( m . . Bishop's Henry, III. The c micest Wines, aud Sigars to lie louml in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season served up it Mf shape desire'd or for sale by the Cap. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ANTONY ENGEL.J*, SAT.OON ar.d Restaurant, Buck's old stand McHenrv, III.--The. choicest Kentucky Whiskies, sour Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc,, alwavson hand. We huv none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in theirj season. Richmond House, J RIOHMOMD. ILL C. H.OCLVER, - - PBOPBIBTOB. iVob<l»t< Backed by Mil INDEMNITY «i Fire, Llghtni crctioi Drop me a pc call on me nnd I wnen either ori meiits devastM you 1)0 if yon hold1 will sureiv visit l.wili notibrsake i mm it! - Illinotai. of money offeji you d*n»«re by Wind pt*r#n«, *\TORA'ADOE& and I wfll visit you; U« you a policy, and l>»«e destructive elo- mmpcrty, happy will iff my |Kdicies, Cr»r I minister unto you. W. SMITH, <h»'i Insurance AgX p|AV!VG recently pnrcnafod the alwve House, I have nut it in thorough repair, with new fu»*nltne thennghor.t, ami wouhl respectfully invite fhe piu-oirc.'e ot the trav- cling public nnd others. The tnbios will al­ ways lie pi-ovhled with the best that can be procured, nnd polite and attentive waiters Irlll 1k> in roadin«'ss at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No puns will be spared to make this ii First Class House. Large and commodious Iwrns on the premiees. Free Omnibus to nnd from »H train®, tiaiuple Room a on llrat floor. WASHIMfTON, D. C. The popuUr fill Capital. Ounveni#! to all the street ear | the yent." o. La to of the Thou a hotel of the National located and accessible i of the city. Open all STAPLES, PilOfHIKTOR. Island House. STABlp Morse phoeing, General WACBN AND HR. WIN HTM AN, Proprietor. First class rig.s, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done dn short notice^- ^ ^ w. -owEi^r, I .--DEALER IK--• Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, arc! Plated Ware be itu» A. WENDELL/ tiLmsrm&m joxm McHenry, III. Will take contracts fur put ting np Bttlldlhgs and gti;iraiite« m%r work will compare with any man In the State. I eni» ami will Uo work from 15 to 2i,0|)er Ct.-tlt choapor than other carpenters, HP I have two of my lioii IVIVJ x.vtrK « me. whloli It fSf tie* do so. All Jobs in the Carpenter Tine prom pi ly attended to. Give m« a call A. WEWD^LI-- P. HAliPERISCH, • * Moltoncy, nuattto. 'Would res peel fylly^ Inform his customers and the public generalljr that he is now Itettri than ever prepared to 4o*il work in his° hus. REPiimiNG, Of all kinds »n short tMtlce. WO Ire as a call and wo will pi«ue you 'both in quality and price of work. P. HAUPERISCH. Mcllenry, III., Awg. 7th, Iftst. torn jf PC SMITH, IATCHMAKEB I JEWELER, MiuHcnry, - Illinois. , .. . W > irATA- X W Having moveil into mv new store, qae ilov Bast of Mrs Searles' Millinery store, I am now prepared to show to the buying public»» line ii »lock of Watches, Clocks, Jewalry, ; ' Silver and Plated Ware, Ai cmn be fow^l in the county, u'tjiph 1 offer at price* thai- cannot be boat. Th® <Jne»t tfk^ FINGER RINQfij Efpr *Mt>!*tlils sectiolb ' ^ £ ^Uo Agenl for tfe^Vpulur S«w5Bia6Sewiog Mas^pe . A Tine Stock of £:'^, Choice C««|ectlonery, And Oigare Alwavs on hai»<i. . KB'Call in, examine goods an<l IOHVII prices. Kemeinbor I will not be under sold, quality of goods eon si-i« red. J. P. SMITH, McHenry, III., Vor.STth, 1883. Fire Fiend ofjfOnjhr*. DANGJ0tTr' 1' - TO IJFE Jt PROPERTY Beset you on every hand. The mutter nf the sivcooii, sickloon, saloon,cyclone, tornado, windstorm, or whatever name may l>e (tiv u it, is heard in some section of ,tlM country nearly Pvery day . The May hrpak out at faqy moi^ent--tb# econom- of a lifetime is; consume<l. l>esth n)usi eome to '11. By a eiuall |NIVUIC'H I each year you can secure to yourself a foi IUM«, should yon live, or, in the event ol d/e*tt> l>ctj»ive the time expires, your family is providnMl f«r. H.VI.. ooo,(*00 t« 'represented by this agenerv. <»ur rates aivo^siow as experience has found to lie safe. Vou will s*vo moiuiy by insiirM»£ with u>e. Ueu^ral Insuranco, I,if». fire, Lfgl^tnin^ nnd Tornado a specialty. Th*'>Win^ alt ray triond* for their lib^tusl patronise, sad, liop- iny, by square dealing, to merit u coilftnuance of t^o samu, I bus lo xubsc.rilto aiysalf, M^HSNRY. |U» J»M II. IMS. po»tfyUv yours,^ JJ. SfOllEY. STANDARD Laiflry Wax. Preserve* T.inen. irifts » beantlful finish prevent* tho Iron from stiaJtiuc, saves labor e. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. 1MVK ten-weeks terms per year. rtFTF.KV 1 COlTllSESj--Teachers', (!oiiesriate, Mod­ern Language, t>nninercial, Art, Music, Telejcrnphic, Phonographic,, Peninniibhiii, Klocntion, Medical, Kiifriseeriiisr, Di-awinfr, Ac. Whole expense for one year. #U5 Wes. tern Normal Lecture liureiiu. Western Normal "Advocate." Catalogues and speci­ men copy of paper FUEK. C. L. GRI«G011\ . Principal, Hushnell, 111. STATE Ol^ ss.--I I tOMlHn atocV the celehratp^ Watch, which is ptonouuce.d bjratlj best watch now ou the iqarket. Will not be U^lertsId, On any goods in my Uae/ MeHency, r«fe. i'fk:": m. ' •: IM^IMOIS McHenry County, In the Cirwuit Court. January, 1S«;{. Adella II. Hoard, vs. Andrew J. Hoard, in Chancery. Atlblavitof non-residence of the defendant haciupr been tiled in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Oourl of said county, no. #o.u is therefore hereby the said non- resident defendant that tlie oomplainant filed her bill ot complaint in said court, on the Chancery side thereof, on the Hrst day ot December, Iv-si, and that thereupon a sum­ mons issued out ofjsaid Court, wherein will suit is now pendinff, returuaUic on the 14th dav of tho month of January nexL as is by law required. Slow unless you, trie said non-resi­ dent defendant above natpod, shall personally be nn4 appear betore said Circuit Court, on the first ilav of tho nexl term thereol, to oe hold en at iVoo Istock in and tor tho said coun­ ty, 011 the Uth day in January next.anil plead, answer or demur to the said complainant s hill of complaint, the same, aud the matters and things therein charged and staled will be taken as .coufesscd, and a decree entored ajrainst you actordmg to tho prayer of taiu bill. K. K. RICHAllOS, Clerk. Woodstock, III., Peccmber 1st. Id83. IRWIN ft KUAN, Conipt's .sol. it MADE BY Standard Ojl Co., CLBV1LAHD • » *• 0*10, SALF< IN MCHEXRY BY ^»ERRY Ss. OWEN. f ^ ^BnKR FROM WliiUONhlX •MI.... GNTHD KAPtrs, WIS., Jan. I. WW, A* • description of the- process of mnnnfacttirlng paper from ^oo<l would be quite Interesting to, the many read­ er* of the PLAIXOKALKR, induces me to write a short artiule u|>ou the inedns operandi. Grand Raplila, Win., Iiaa two pulp mills and but two kinds nf1 Wnwtl are «i»ed--poplar and white pine. Sap pine Is preferred to body wood, as the fibre I* of greater lensf h andstrtnjfth, there- fore *!a1>? from tho »Aw mills are prin­ cipally uaed. Pine paper has a light cream <S>1 or <»nd Ivmnde fnrserTice-- wrapplhs(, etc. Poplai wood is nil |1 lire and make* a very while paper. The young tree* that are from four to ten Inches through are used. The wortd i* kawed up two feet In length, freed «f all bark, knots and discolored spots, steamed, and then ground into fine fibrous lint by grind-stone*, mrtda sim­ ilar to those u,««d for edged tools. But these stone? are of great thickness, being thiity Inches across their surface and bul twenty-four in .liametar, ami their surface is made and kept as rough as the bottem ot a rubber boot. These atlcks ef wood are placed in front of these revolving stones and held there by springs and the wood Is ground up very fast into very fine lint.. A small stream ef water continually rnns upon these stones and washes eff this lint Into a receptacle below: from there It Is carried away by elevator# similar ro lliose used In flouring mills and Anally emptied Into a tai5k. This tank is about six feet by sixteen, and the water In the same is kept at about three feet. In depth. The fibre floats, and It Is neoes- •ary to keep the water contl agitated that Che ilbre npay b* efi|tr!y mixed throughout. '. * • Now, with me tTie my.«terr ha« al­ ways been: liow can. or-ls, this flnn lint taken out in the form of paper? Answer; By an endless woolen belt that is about.^ix feet In width, and run by machinery en « shaft sunk at one end rtf the tank and b^ n nor her aboye and at the opposite end of tho same. The under half of th® belt is stink as it goes back to the lower shaft. But the upper purt of said belt skims along near the surface of the water and lint passes out at nnout the eenter of said tanl. and tlicu over the upper shaft aiul repeats. T»i the upper surface of the hv JitH very,«wiily «d that is six foot in length and tlxteen iitches In diameter and plAys two vur}' important parts and is placed { very near ar.J altovc iLe upper shafts. It act* as a pullv to tighten the belt and alio licks ofl the lint (iiat adheres to its smooth, wet surface that is upan tlie belt. Tile thickness of the paper ii|ien the roller depends on the amount of lint In the water. At One revolution .of the roller the paper will be very thin, but at thirty It will be as thick as paste-bward. Here it U cut and taken off by hand when g|| the machin­ ery is In motion. The sheuts are Ave feet by four and are as th}fl» as paste­ board, and is t.>alhid pulp, tint is used at the paper niiils. Willi about 25 per can; of cotton added this pulp makes excellent paper. One of these mills lias made 100 pound* of pulp ip s^n mluutea. One hundred pounds w^Pas it comes -fromv the roller makes forty pounds dry. Both mills a«i running day and night. Sunday? alsa. The grinding is dnnn by wateis power, but It Is also necessary to use steam to keep the water in the tank frem froeting iu cold weather,eto. B.C. ?V- fONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT, CURES tradrel Hoofs, "• k-n.- scratches AND SORES ' -r • ' «|M|' w 'k': aTTL^&SKEEP. y sk your Storekeeper for it or writ* di* to the Manufacturers, AMEBICA* CLEVELAND r OHIO. £ «V • SALE IN McHENR Y IiY ' H. COLBY. Case and Furst & Bradley Hull^er f. M. Oweu W.IWr' "The Westminster.'" tiie boss coa stove'6n ^l»e market. If you don't be lieve it. call ou E. M. Howe, nnd he will prove it to you in no time, and If you want a stove, will sell yon Qpe be-> '"'W^SS " '• Men who Mlp *iul Sit Dawn wit tli« lee. The first man to strike the corner where the porter had thrown a pail of water over the flagstones and produced a glare of ice was an insurance agent. He slid to the rlght.clawed to the left, clutched at a sunbeam, and went down qrfth the exclamation; "Hanged If I don't!*' Ho rose up to jaw and threaten aud collect a crowd and almost lick •omibody, and lie went away stirred up for &U day, Tho next man was a tailor, tall,spare and solemn. His toes ail of a sudden turned out, his left leg was lifted and he spun once and a half around be fore he went down, with the remark :v "I kiinw 'twould happen!'1 • He got up to hurry along out of sight, and it was easy to se* that he calculated, on, about »0 many fails for the winter, • The next was. a fleshy| ntan with a smiling face and an air m good nature. He didn't lose anr time going down, iln<) w|>«jt liO struck lie realized ih^t ite ; 4ta!d hit something. And yet what he said was: "Is it possible!" He got up slowly, forced a grin, as jthe boys chaff­ ed hint, and looked back three times to make sure that he hadn't made n hole which would prove a niati trap to otb*r pedestrians. The next was a batik clerk with a pencil over his ear and a preoccupied mind. He wa* swinging his right hand and mshlu'g right ahead, when he sud­ denly saw billions of stars shining in ^lie morning sky. His first, thought was that somebody was celebrating Fourth of July; his next was to scram­ ble up and search for an asylum where he could hunt up his collar but Ion and splice his suspenders. Not a word es­ caped liini until lie was a block aWav, Then lie remarked: "At 6 per ceut it' would lie ®8.M, 17." | s tFASHISflTON LRTliK. Frcnm our KcgularCurrespondent. Washington, D. C. Jen, I, IMb The House coin in it. tee appointments are still the subject! of comment, and much feeling is being evidenced on tbe part of those Democrats |who did not g»t what tliey desired. Cox, of New Y*rk, despite all thai la said to the contrary. Is mad all over, and Single* tou. of Mississippi, is on tlte war path. Mr. Carlisle, in Itis efforts to please all ha* apparently pleased none, but he seems pleased with hla eemmittees and. Republicans do n*t object to his mode of doing business; In fact th«y rather like it And congratulate him and his friends. They ara pleased to see hltn so early develop lila pel icy and the policy Ills faction of the democracy Intend to puraue. and therefore con grntiilate hi in on his committees. We say his committees fer they certainly do not represent the sentiment of the country, but simply the position of Mr. Carlyle and his faction of the Demo cratlc party. The Committee of Ways and Means, the most important com­ mittee of the House, is made up just about as we stated It would be In our letter written on the evening of Mr, Carlisle's election, and the chairman­ ship of Ways and {Means, Appropria­ tions and Banking and Curroucy, the three leading committees* are as we stated they would be. There are 52 committee chairman* ships, of wliiuh the South receives 29. New England, New York and Penn­ sylvania^. and the entire West and Northwest 11. Ot these latter, Indiana gets 4; Ohio. 3; Illinois, 2;Californla 1; Nevada I, Thus is kite great North and Northwest,with their teeming millions of Industrious workers entirely ignored. From this distribution, actuated by southern hate, the Democratic party will soon see wrltteu on the walls of their temple at the feat of their Bel- shazzar, " Afene, mene, tekel uphartm." fix-Senator G. E. Spencer, arraigned fer ceuteuipt of court as a witness In the Star-Route ease, has been dis­ charged by Judge Wyiie, the court holding that the subpoena served upon Spencer was void tnd served in a void mauner. Spencer new threatens to bring a suit for damages. It Is very surprising that after tm go/ernment went to the expense of employing Philadelphia, New York and Washing­ ton lawyers to assist Attorney-General Brea'<iar and DUtrlflt Attorney Cti* ' ' Mil 111 WW* shoiilijMjome to untight, and that even sub pumas for wltuedse* were Mu prop­ erly issued and served. The** prose­ cutions have cost the government over 91,000,000 of whlcn the extra hired at­ torneys have received^ It !• estimated, over 9100,009, One of the most prafswortbj of ail tho holiday ehnrltle* affording pleas­ urable enjoyineat with hearty good cheer, has beon the "Christmas Clubs" dinner and Christmas trees to the waifs of the city. No less than ' 1.500 children of all ages and both sr*es were entertained to-day in siiuipluoiis dinners spread In the Halt of the Nat­ ional Rifles Armory, (he Curtis Sphtiel Building. Georgetown, Peabedy School East Washington, and Jefferson isobool, South Washington. After dinnar, *e lect literary exercises were held, and then Santa Claus made his appearanoe ami distributed fruits, nuts,, oandles, Ac., and 1,300 little children of the yoor were made happy. The promot­ ers oi the enterprise are entitled to thanks of the charitable everywhere. Washington's philanthropist, W. W. Corcoran, readied his eighty-fifth birthday on Thursday last, The evont was celebrated by n customary visit to the Louise Home, an eleemosynary In­ stitution established aud sustained by his muiiigoence, and the gathering of his family about the genial hearth-dire ef his home in the evening. A number of Intimate friends called and congrat­ ulated the old gentleman on tlie ac­ cession of another twelvf moatlta to his ripe and vigorous old Wheeswl Wtatt WM he lit* RMR * A good many prions' are wondering what w'll be tlie end of the prenent vs. cltement In the prices of Jersey rattle, for to claim there fit no excitemeat among buyers when they are SSIIIHM te pay two or three thonsewl ifcdlarn for a single animal, wmdd ke rlaiMla|r what no ene belicrcs. An observant reader In Xew York who was present at a recent mictlse sale of Jer» seys in New York city, writes ue that "miles* the prkeaf tlint ktnd of stock • keeps up a nittwher of renm, aomehodT will get stuck. I saw Heifer, Jennie Po^is, «oid for VJil, an<V I>alsr Pogi s for 2,400. 1 have not the enwrage to try my hick In «!er»er* at tlwee prices, tliough If It wou?<? keep np Iter the next ten years It would do to bay • few cidves at a moderate price, sort) as were sold at fiom Slfln to 9176, looking to l«e. worth about 97.50, though hardly that." But if 93.060 seems a filgk pHee to pay for a single animal, what shall we say of the statement which Is JMI published on good authority that one of the farmers who la anxlon* to se­ cure some good Jersey cows ha* recent­ ly visited Mr. Fnller's berd la Banil!* ton. Ontario, and offered IMyMd for Mary Anne of St Lnmbertsf AM what shall we My nf the rlftaal of such an offer t That two tmwlee wen met? Tlie same mall that brings the news of tho great offer ami refusal also brings the sad new* mi the death by milk fever of the noted hotter cow. Valhalla, &JM, a cow that hod made thirty-Are pomAi of hotter to fourteen days, and waw exported I* beat her own recdf*! next swnswser. Mr. Karlee, the owner. In Reporting liis loss to the JSeewkfe OaseWe.eaye; "This seems to he the fate, earlier or later, of great milker* and hotter makers." Men who hav* ifMM t» offer or refuse for a tingle aalasa). awt who can alord to take all the rfsfci of carrying such property, mav |«erhapa well spend their money in that way. It will benefit some hftrtjr Mal--hlj. But farmers who don't nihil MNf easily, or who have for such spyculatlons, hi^hilter Stan* hack, keep cool, md Ml on. Tho public' good tails* fc»r no i^erlBre frit such men.---Mm MlWUIiTlMaSt Sergeant IfiMnn E. Lavylus hrtaU Chicago on low • *'A Rrmt Henaaktoa Among publishers,mannfaellirers and buslneM men, many Inducements have been offered to the public for the'pur­ pose of promoting the tntmdnctlei, of varfoits papers, or articles, but not one of them equals the extraordinary obauc# offered by The Worki Magazine In enlarging the circulation of their wiilelv-ktiown am.1 splendid monthly publicarioti, they agree to send yen 1 ht> Warbi Magazine for one year at the low rate of 91, and will malMt postage free to you. This offer Is an exceedingly rare one, as at thla prleo The IYorid will cost lens than ten cents per copy. In addition te this the pub­ lisher* agree to give yon an equal op­ portunity free In »belr 'ft rand Prise Distribution, In which 976.000 (seventy Ave thousand dollars) will bo distribut­ ed frae to nil new subscribers to The Witrld Mrtgaalne. The compaay Intend to distribute tlie 975.000 /r«e to their patrons merely as an advertlaerpent. The priaes will be distributed fairly bv a committee, and any subsorlber to The Wiwtd Magesin* can secure uurand Prize Subscription ticket KKEK or ant CHARGK, Address The World ftfaffa3inet 99 and 40 Dearborn Street, Chicago. III. They offer liberal inducements lur tho<e who get up Clubs. Any one aeiuling theui a Club of live su'vWibere will receive a vexrlv subscription to The Werfct M'tgaziti*, aiM^ ^ WHO be; and • : • • < »S V , I# terdajr and went out to boys They recely*! Ma ticaily,kand ho told them ofliit aiwl bad fortunes. Hald the oorSWalt "The Sergeant is lo««tng «l^y wolL. He told us alMMtt the barA tlaaos J» prison. He said he grew thllr la ieefr. and sore in spirit looking at the hfro walls of the little bog well they AMI him up in. It waa TJ.feet long,! Hast wide and 7) feet Mgli, Tvti t kali life. They wouldn't let Mm talk, an* he thinks he never could have stoo4l* If It hadn't beon for seme menry whleh his friends outside raised for hla. With that he could bny pie and othor little things t* ligjhten up the prleoa- fare w|th. The Mrgehnt felt |ssd when h« csme out to aee IN. ^O mado us some presents and dlsfltheerd au«# money around for lebaoon and dga»». and such things. IUbs^«|ftferh, th^ hospital steward, eater^»!iiad;hla| ssl at the araenal, and we had a ftr*! rat* time.V Vr> The Sergeant said that he waa pleased whon he got feomio t* things In such good shapo, ^TWii' a horse and baggy at hle'dts^iesaK. M» house had bean all fftted u)y. there a new carpet In tho .fmtler%a stove ho the bedroom, a rue te'tlHi halt, shlsh- ona In the haek yard, and astfftkllf nice and oomfiortahto, hnt Betty hadnt been extravagant, er speot MSJT nsondf foolishly. She hadn't botight nay jew» •lry, and was just taking garni enao mf lierself and the hahy. Tho ha by Ml doing ffrst-rate, anfl dotty *|* and happy.---v ntiomat jh)ii^fts% The reason klash»g Is a* >ha>tsr, says- an oeenlatory expert of nleWllr teii(fencH>*. Is beeaMiK bones and when the Ifp* of two eleetri^cnrtont ia geaMhtedl^* OusflNl, s Yes, aniT HI «n> eheap^ Yon dont havo to havo a dynamo mm* chine, nor a battery l» th+tMlet. Mr • ea)l boat, i>or a hotton to toneh N* Hag np tbe central ofltoe, mid there IS m» patent on It, and the pseunt fensalft the worW can en for the * NlUh better than tho iuMllo«atrov H never gets out of order. IfWIsoa M Invented kissing It would have seat % hundred do Para a year, tihe the ta>>i phone and then extra ktaehtt V*aN h» charged tip extra, a*d If jra« pay for tt they wonM |oke"o«t kissaphonb and tU*t*oane«t fov the cvn tral oKWe.--hnek*» Sum* XOTfOB. notion Is hereby given thoUhoOnsi® mittee appointed by the Bo«4 fl Su|iervlsois at its lata session, to Invan tigale the feasibility of *»>»liMii|#qf a County p«M>r fttrfft, aoM|H pranosl, t ions for a f»rt», wmMlMur •* nM% 100 to 200 acres, )n pwpjillsa |l*» locality, number of anMHh Ot«. Ml propositions tuutl be iuadt#norhalat% Jau,aa,lS84, Address. I.KSTV* >1 1 , ** * :l, . .

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