Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jan 1884, p. 4

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fiid&mt: */* I,. ^* ,A c^Jn « ^i*£H ?>!« «is»*|^;jt l££,|«<u* ,«•«:« MiMiiMiih. B» m ira^w. **UOON0A. PLAIN IIBALKIL--John EDITOR k i t. *-'4 I -;j-! i,." r"fi « mmnntfii. *•• •Cpoblicaii National Convention will W., «fe Tnesday, Juit 3, IMS , tor tin aominMton nf can­ to to aappartsd for PvmMtnt nn4 Tw^flpjlilMt, •< the n«xt eleetlen. The 4*ipM|IWa dMton or the wrmi it*tti, ind •U »l»<r WHtrs, withent regard to past pollti. who are In hm of the rlevat- \ug mkI 4ttaifylaK American labor, extending MMl pr»tf Mag home industry, giving free pep»we«ew«ee to the masses of (he people •aemla* ftM Suffrage a ad an honest counting Ihf WWl, S>Ect»*lly protecting* II human lltlM I* «W iKtloa ef our common coon trp*a»4 who dMirs to promote friendly feel- la« vmi Femaaeat harmony throaghout the .tewl %f Meailag * National Government fM|«4 to Unm objects and prisciples, are drihll^ iavJted to send for each State fonr IlkftHi, at targe, for each •tatmt, two delegates, and each repreaenta- ttnu large two delegates. ^ D. M. * A line, Chairman. • cmnr A. Ma«Tnr, Secretary. W* v\ . Mr TIM debt statement IIMWII by tlM^Trtttmry Dopnrtanent on, Wetlnes- Iht 4ecre*s* of the public the month «f December. m».<obetn ,743.337; ami the deer®*** +f ttM debt since June 30, 1883, t» be <*&• wm»Th* first catastrophe of the new !f*M occtirred at Toronto. Canada, on «FIN.S. A snbnrban train havinf on IMHV A«A,workmen, collided with a freight train. 17 men were killed out f%bt. or have since died from injuries. Mid all the rest more or less injured, is the new year starting in to boat tf* old? MFI« the tabernacle at Salt T.ake. f#aterday. Apostles Cannon and Wood. Wrtbelh declarer! that MormAiiHm In aill Its features and doctrines would he eootlooed, whatever eonjrress or the P--ntry might threaten.'and that the i of the churrli contd only ho I ifj killing all the Saints. Mor- has really got to where It de- iH the government ope nly, as UJi*« all along. A ""'I^Jir Henry Yillard, presldelit of »!• Northern Pacific Railroad, has made an assignment of his . lladlaon atronuo property to pay Ibis creditors. His case fnrnlsltea one VHthf sf «sst«ispla*toN. Ho came (•tUl eotmtry a poor %OT and has de« *9**4 an ordinary lifetime In gaining dfetioctinn. The dally papers ere this Hive delineated upon the subject and IMPMB wytrnlng liis failure, hence Mrthsr Bammsat Is nnneewsarj. Oh y»l, toru the Republicans out and make room for the noble array of thieves, trickster*, demagogues, and po)ltic»l charlatans. Make room (or the party which In 18A6 declared that "the constitution does not confer upon the general government the power to com* nieiicc and carry on a genera) system of Internal Improvements."-- that "COII- gress has no power to charter a nation­ al bank:"--that "congress has no power to Interfere with the domestic Institu­ tions of the several states,** one of those domestic Institutions being slavery. Make room for the party which In I860 reaffirmed the pi at for ir ef 1850 and de­ clared lha* "the enactments of state legislatures to defeat the faithful exe­ cution ot the fugitive slave law, are hostile In character, subversive of the constitution and revolutionary In their e fleet." Make room for the party which stole the'government'* money, arms and ships, and tried to steal eleven states from th| Union. Make rAom from the party wlildi declared In 1884 that "after four years of failure to restore the Union by the expert* inent of war, justice, humanity, liberty and the pnbllc welfare demand that immediate efforts be made for a cessation of hostilities.'* Make room for the party which de­ clared In 1876, that "We denounce the resumption act of 1875, and we here de­ mand its repeal;" also thpt "custom house taxation shall be only tor rev­ enue." Make room for a party which now declares for a "tariff foi revenue only,* with Its cotisequentMemorallza- tlon of American industry. Make room, we say, for the party of policy; the party of no principle which they dare stand by for more than four yea~s; the party of all things to all men; the party ot cipher dispatches andelecteral frauds; the party of Morey letter forg­ eries and BarnnmVMnules^tlie party of Tweed, Polk anil Vincent., Make room, we say, for this miscellaneous assort* ment af unprincipled measures and characterless politicians, and turn the Republicans out forthwith. The couu- try oeeds "reform."' »(W !*>,,,SSIV. 1 " !•>' V • MlUil ' ' i phases of ... •»,->««- . 'M. •Iff heartily endorse the fellow- Use Aurora Pott. Logan has for tills state, and It it no than fair that he should receive MtfleSiU: *"A few of our exchanges is not desire Illinois Republicans to gfw General Logan a Presidential ead afloat to believe that he ean- carry the Stats convention. This Me* le 1st etterly ridiculous to be erorthy of aay attention. Oen. Logan Will aadoabtedly earry eighteen of the UNstjr eongressissal districts In the law and ekssM reeefve an early and fcrnty MisnsanK. Wo trust that SlM state committee wlH see to ft that H early oeeventloo i« called--say for 4W l|t4ite«f April--in order that the fpttgi^Mitijfr may have the benefit ef %Mls ksea to aartst htai In hta*ui.< Ad|fie «ampatgn. <4 ' * - 4QTT1M ^tiUivaa-Blade comblnation lisst appear to be havleg a very pleasant tenr in the western country Oa Wednesday last, a row occurred In •wHn^ts «f Dewier. Sullivan eras thrown out of a house of Ill-fame, fle lminedlaiely ran into a neighborly aaloon and asked the proprietor fof He lean ef his revolver. The proprietor • tofused and Sullivan commenced maul tag him. The friends of the aaioonist |dtciied into Sullivan, and SI ado to Sullivan's assistance, felled tlie saloon men. Then some one knock* .f>d Slatis <e« the head with a brick. IfrtHMaiipea ftnillvan beat, a hasty re- tmaMad aeeaped. Siade was carried ^O-MM %otel kieensi^e. Hie combi Hatloa will find ««t If It keeps on folng that It will haoe Co give up the :^^|dea of ee^ouerlng tke w««i4. " JflrTwo bvadt^d' yeaf*' progwsss of Hhe wofta has made * great difierenoe• fn |>eopJe's lile«i about many things. ,fs?r QMtsn Mather, D. D„ a Furl tin |iraaet>cr of groat eminence, white In- j|tsaetUig ids fleck la tlie liberty wMeit 4lstlnpiiabed them from the oppree- ^nd jieraaeutlons extermiimUog Iheai frem England, la 1665 investigat­ ed the "Salem Witchcraft," Finding a number of suspected persons able to ; Jpoaverao and read lu the dead tan- , a;uaf«s4 he eoucluded that they were - ^oseeesed af devils, and urged their ex- -3#a^Ml«at4<tn. Mr, Adams was net tbeji gkt Jcst Massachusetts man to condemn ilite classics. And when tlic same emi- •• . |ient fllTl't* heard tliat William Penn \ urge cowing over with Ids Quaker col- f ' ony. be wraU the foUowlag vigorous ^letter: I « H •' To yea goed snd belevid John Hig- / Unaon. There b«* eow at sea a slditjie, ffor our friend K«!«« Holdcaft, of Lon- P :jdon. did inform me by last packet that ' It would sail some tltue in August] 'k. filled ye *'Welcome.* K. Greeo was . fuaster, wliieh has abord a haiulred or more of ye twrettc* and uiaiiguMtits jpailed Quakers, with W. Pen wiio 4e ye / nuamp at ye head of them. Ye geueral gwruff hsT accordingly gl'en secret or- liera to master Malachi llaxted, of ye * Wig Porpoise to wayUye je said4 Wol- f.\ as near ye coast of Cod as may ^ MMI make capture of ye Pen anil 4tf*#ng«4ir crew, so ye Lord may be j^Wvtffied and not mocked on ye soil of ^*i|p3«(tW*-newcountry wlili ye Ueatheu wor- *hip%c* oi tlMMtt people. Much spoil .,can be «w»de by aeiling ye wlioie let to ' Barbados. JS'bere olaves fetch a good ktriIn runne an<1 sugar; and we not only do y* V.efd great service &y y-e wrii-ked. but siiall make p; 5 'i ••••fcHyue for his ministers aud ye people J® hands of Uhrist. . f Utl'lUA ilATUUU 8V* 1,4 f - Frem the Wankegan Gacette. One of the most cheering the Republican situation, as the party stands confronting Its old-time rival and forming its lines for the campaign now so near at hand, Is the fact that the factions have subsided and m an, instead of demanding the nomination of this one or that one as the candidate for the Presidency, are. as a rule, arguing mildly for one another and seeking to ascertain who is the man most capable and yet most available. Under It all there is a feeling of confidence that the party will again be successful if it but acts wisely, and a disposition to sacri­ fice personal preferences If needed, so that the majority shall haw its choice, fn 1880 there was a zeal too bitter and violent to augur well for the outcome, but the choice of the convention proved a wise one and the member* ef the party rallied to the standard and made a gallant ai.*d successful light. But for 1884 the bitterness seems already al­ layed and the party Is well united while the contest is still in the distance. Occasionally a man is unwise enough to say that he will not vote for Blaine, or far Arthur, or for Logan, but they are rare and- It Is tolerably certain that they will acquiesce in the decision of the convention, whether the choice then made is from this trio or of some mora obscure statesman. The talk among newspaper men and politicians at the present time is largely of the three men named Jn view of this what will Illinois do? The several con- gnrssional districts will In soma way designate the man for whom thelrdele- gates shall vote, so that It is hardly probable that the entire list of de# gatea-from the State will be favorable to any one man. There Is little doubt, however, that the sentiment or the greater part af the State is entirely favorable to the Senior Senator from tho State, the Hon. John A. Logan. He Is a man of wide experience In the State affairs. Almost his entire life has been spent In the service of tlie public. Pew men outrank him in this regard Ha was In Congress before the war and has been In tlie House or Senate almost continuoHslvaiiire. Matters of finance, the Indian question, the educational problems, tlie revenue, the public do> maiu.--all of these subjects have been studied by him and his advice is eager­ ly aanght by tlie heads of departments as v«H « by his brother Senators, ne is a mau of commanding ability. No address by him is ever delivered to other than large audience*. No opinion from him ev«r passe* unheeded. A brilliant orator, a logical reasoned, his conclusions are uenrly always sound aiid his victories in the field of debate aro too numero«« to need rehearsing. He has the courage of his convict ions and Is umr afraid to speak Ills mind Other* may halt between two opinions and fear to decide because of public sentiment, but he never hesitates when the facts are traced before them. As'a soldier he was beloved by his followers houored b« <<« Nation and attained the highest rank of any volunteer .offi­ cer duriug the War of tite Rebellion. His record is dear to every IIIIUOIM sol­ dier and lie occupies a warm place in the affections of the fmen who fought in the ranks,'East and West,from every loyal 8t«te, aud these men will unite, with bin a* their leader, la giving the canvas au«nt1n<slatm that would insure success. These are some of the reasons why Illinois should be loyal to her fa write ton. and why this Congressional District should ehooso delegates to the State and National conventions who are his friends. He U worthy of recog­ nition. Muir. of Dakota. Is back for a visit, looking after bis business Interests In this place, Miss Norton aud MIM Oooper return^ ed Saturday, aud school will reopea tomorrow morning, Mr. James Sheldon principal of the McHeury school, and his wife, were visiting at Mr. Whitcomb's last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Calkins, of Mc­ Heury, and Miss Tessle Hubbard of Wankegan were ^visiting friends barf last week. Miss Nellie Bangs has returned frOii Chicago. ,"•* Notwithstanding the cold and sjbaw New Tear's night, a determination seemed ta prevail among ttoe Wan. con(1 ni us not jo be beateif out Of their right to dance fcach New Year* night. Accordingly a party of young people went to Mt-Henry, had a splen­ did time, and were not ir. the least cold, O, not while the Older heads bad an equally folly time at Natulan's Hall, Henry %Judge Is getting better, tliongli far from well. If the weather gets half way civilized, he hopes to renew his trip# to Waukcgan next week, Henry Harris plncklly dtove through the cold snap last week, though he didn't get In Thursday night until Friday noon, so to spenk. After a brief rest, lift started back, reached home Snndsiy neon. Mr. Grey had pnrts of his hands and face frozen, but philosbpically comforts himself with the thought that it might have bean worse, which nobody can deny. The roller skating rink in Malman's Hall, flourishes in spite' of the cold weather. But my Gracious what a noise they do make, mora as a train'of cars, actually. After Twenty-Four Honre of Prayer, ' A special to tho Globe from Akrttn. Ohio, says: "Harrison Ramon lived for many years its Hickley, Medina county. Oiiio. and amassed considerable property, most of which was in cash. He wonld not trust hie in one}' to the keeping of a bank, but hid !t about his own premises, keeping the hiding place secret even from ifis own family. A short time ago he told his wife that he had hidden about 930,000 in mouey, end that pretts' soon he would inform her of its whereabouts, so that, in case of death, she would .know where to look tot It. He .neglected to do this aud about a week ago ho died of ap­ oplexy. After his death an examin­ ation of his papers showed that he had 9335,000 in money all hidden about Ills premises. The most ' thorough search failed to reveal the hiding- place anil the widow b»gan to despair. Then she was impressed with tlie notion that if she prayed with faith the Lord would direct her to tire place where the money was .hidden. 'On Wednesday she prayed all day and alji night. On Thursday morning she was impelled ta go to the bee iiives, which stood on a bench nenr the house, and In the excitemont of expectation she knocked over one of the hives, dis­ closing to her view the topof the bench with a pile of greenbacks of large de­ nomination upon it. A search under the other hives resulted in findind « total of $16,000. lu the afternoon one of the family dropped a bunch of keys through the barn floor, which neces­ sitated taking up a plank to find them, and when tlie young man put his hand down he struck a half gallon frnlt Jar, which he pulled out to And partly fi!led with §20 gold pleees. Oilier jars and grain bags were also found containing gold and silver, and when It had all been counted the total amount figured tip over 8213,000. The widow was over­ joyed, and in her statement to tlie cor­ respondent said sho believed that tho discoveries were in direct answer to her prayers. §9*Attorney-General Brewster re­ turned to Washington ««i Tmiriday of last week, from New Orleans, where he to«k part inth« prosecution of the Louisiana Lottery «i«se, Wiilio tlie outcome o«" the trial of these case is doubtful, it is certain 4hat a detcrniin ed eforr will be made In Congress this session to brasifc up tbe . lottery bttsi sen. Children What gives tmr Children roar cheeks, What cures tbeir fevera, make* them sleep; CniitorlSi When Babies fret, and err hv turns. What cures their colic, klUs their trerms. fDattorjfc , What quickly cure* Con*tlpation, : '•» Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : CastoHa. Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, Castor OU ood Paregoric, and Hall C»«t«rl>, "C*st©ri*U«0w«ll adapted to Children that I recomdietid It as superior to any medi­ cine known U me."--II. A. ARCHIE, M.D., 111 So. Oxford St.. Brooklyn, tf. Y. * absolute |0r»A movement which Is gaining strength every day U the one set on foot by th« friends of senator John A. Logan to secure for him the nomina­ tion for the Presidency at the coming Oilica^o convention. That the nomi­ nation will go to the West upon the defeat of Arthur, seems to be conceded and that Logan ii tho strongest man of the West is equally beyond denial. Windom is shelved by his own State. Allison and lngalls are made out of the question on account of their friend­ liness to the railroads and their attach­ ment to the monopolies. Logan, the ablest of the ambitious quartette, alone remains as the one innn arhom the west should rally around. One thing is certain, Illinois will ^e g^lid for Logan.--Geneva Rep, t ^ v|j |&*Some Mass itch use tts gifts afti ad­ venturesome as well as romantic. A farmer's daughter fell In love with one of the hired inen. and found her father deddedlv in opposition. The irian was discharged and the daughter put under watch. But she pretended to have spasms oue jdglif, and while her father was oil to the village she escaped from the house, got into & waiting sleigh with her sweetheart, and proceeded f0 elope. The sleigh lost a pin. however, and broke down on the way, only a few minutes before the father came driv­ ing along from the doctor's. The old man took in tlie situation and sprang upon his former servant with murder­ ous intent. But the "hired ninn" prov­ ed to be worthy of Ills hire, for he was too imich for his ex-employer, and nvercsme him; then tlie daughter helped her lover to tie her father with tho reins of their horse, after which they wrapped him comfortably in the buffalo robes, got into his cutter, and drove of!, leaving him alone with Ills thoughts and the broken-down rig. An hour later the couple were married, hut they will find it v«ry 'jard indeed to extract the conventional -ble«w you my 'children" from »he much*ab«iiad-$>Apa of the unfllial bride. Case and Furst A Bradley Sulkey Plows at K. M. Owen & Son's. DR. JOHN BILL'S* SiifsToiiicSiiip FOR THE CURE OP FEVER and ACUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, ! MD ILL MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of this celebrated midV sine justly slaims for it a superiority oval all remedies ever offered to the puttie fsr the SAFE, 0EBTAIH, SPEEDY and PEE- •XAlfEKToare of Ague and Fevsr, or Chills and fever, whether of short or long stands lag. Se refers to the «ntire Westers and Southern oovattf to bear him testimony to the troth of the assertion that in no ease whatever will it fhil to owe if the direo- ttons are strictly followed and carried out, la a great many esses a single dose has boss sufficient tor a out, and whole fami­ lies have beenooredbya single bottle, with a perfeot restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, ana in every ease more certain to enre, if its use is continued in smallsir doses tor a week or two altsr the disease has been ohecked, more especially in difficult and long-standing casss. Usu­ ally this medicine will not require any aid, to keep this bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a oathartie medicine, a|t*r having taken three or fear doses of the Tonic, a single dose of BULL'S ?A*ILTPILLS will be SI* •EGETABLEF fioisat. 'S tor 8eroftd#t Blood Puriten. DFT. JOHH BULL'S TE6ETABLE WOBX DB8TB0YEB is prepared in the form fit oandy. drops, attractive to the sight aad pleasant to the taste. is the old and of the blood Wng of JdRN BVLM SMITH'S TONIC 8YRUP, BULL'S SARSAPAfttlLA, , ; . BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, ...IM Popular Remedies of the Day. Maelpai OBee, 8St •aia8t.,MUI8VILLK>Kl BUT AfPROPBIATfi PRESENTS 7or your friends or yourself are ill ways in order, and just now or until sold, we offer the following goods at especially low pricc||^f ^ A line ot RIVERSIDE BLOOK, McHENRY. mi? ACCOHMOHS, tllS & MOUTH A JOLLY GOOD ACftgio Lantern, THREE BOYS' TOOL CHESTS, Three Writing Desks of different sizes, a Lady's Work Box, a line of Photograph Frames, Photograph. Autoffraptl 'AND ^^IIDRAP ALBUMS, ;' -: : v A Line of Dolls' China Teasets, Toys, Ac And a new line ot .. i E For CKildrei^" * For their bigger brothers, sisters and for Adults. ! Our regular stock will be kept" full, as usuaL F. IS. HARRISON. ' WAUCOKDA. Jan. 7th, 1884. AT- DJSALER IX TORITITTJRE OF ALL KINDS. WIST VeSSHBY. The undersigned have placed on sale an entirely SEW STOCK OF M such as are usually sold in general stores, consist! ng of DOT COOES, GEOCIEHS, CROCKERY, Hats, Caps, Soote, Shoes And in addition will continue to sell the celebrated* ^ s CHICK'S FIjOURjr/a Linseed Meal and Feed of all kinds at wholcsule And retail. The attention of the bnying pub­ lic is respectfully, called to our goods.uis to price or quality lie-; fore purchasing, as every article is MAKKED IN PLAIN FIG­ URES, thus secuiing a child as Ijjood a bargain as a man. Our goods were bought with special reference to the wants of the trade, and we are confident we can please yon both in quality und price. (Jail and see us whether you buy or not. BOKSLETT, 8TOFFEL * CO. Weat Mi-Henry, 111Dec. 26.18SJ. ! ; Store two doors & north I. haye, ono'of the largest stocks of Furniture'of all kinds to be found in any furniture store in the county. . Persons wishing to buy will be sure to save money by calling on me. UNDERTAKING. different sizes and I have 35 styles ot - COFFINS Always on hand. I keep a Hearse of my own which will be furnished at the most reasonable rate*. BLAKE. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. •BjUVK ten-weeks terms per year. fiFTKKK I? COITR'ti^:--^TeurherV, Collegiate, Marl- ern l-AIISUAGE, Commercial, Art, MUBIR, Telegraphic, Phonographic, Penmanship, Kloc.iiHon, Medical, Knjjineerinic, Drawing, Ac. W hole expense for one year. $125. Wes. tern Normal Lecture Hureaii. Western Normal "A*ivoo .At .o." ,Catalogues and speei. men copy of paper KltEK. C. L. GUKGOUY, Principal, RtishneU, 111. STATE OK ILLINOIS, Mollenry Count*. «». -- In the Circuit Court, January, 18<?3. A'tetla II. Hoard, vs. Andrew .J. Hoard, in Chancery. Affidavit ot non.residence of the defendant having »>een filed in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of eald lire is therefore hereby given to the said non- rcHident defendant that the complainant (lied her hill ot complaint in said court, on the Chancery side thereof, on tho ilrst »lav of I>eceml)er, 1^63, aud that thereupon a sum nions issued out of said Court, wherein said suit is no'w pending, returnable on the Hth day of the month of January next a« is by law required. Now unless you, the said non-resi­ dent defendant above named, shall personally l>e and appear before said Circuit Court, on the first (lav of the nexl term (hereof, lo be holdt-u at Woodstock in and tor the said coun­ ty, on the 14th day in January next.and plead, answer or demur to the said complainant's bill of complaint, the same, and the matters aad things therein charged and stated will he taken as confessed, and a decree entered against rou according to the prayer of laid bill. K. K. UICUARD^@toslbr Woodstock. III., Peeeinber 1st. 188£ IRWIN A KOAW, Compt'a Sol. • ' FOB BABGAmS I& FOR COAL AND WOOD, CALL ON E M . H O W E , Opposite Blahop'n Mill, Who has a complete line of the best stoves in: the market, us well as a large stock of Mare, Mechanic's Tnfc TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, in fact, everything in lb* hardware •love and tin line. , • I BE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. ^all at hi* store before bnylnff elaewtwire Jobbing and repairing promptly attended to, •^"Ifememhdr, extra good bargains can aW ways l»e obtained at Howe's. McHenrv, Dec. 1, 18rt3. Exeeutor's Notice. TESTATE John T.. Howe. Deceased. Tho j undersiirnefl having been appointed Kxe. eutors of the last Will and Testament of John L. Howe, deceased, late of the County of Mc Henry, and Stale ef Illinois, hereby give notice that they will appear before iheCnnnly Court of Mclleiiry Countv, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the February Term, on the third Monday in February next,at which time all persons having claims against said estata arc notified and requested to attend for th«| purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the nnder signed. Dated this 19th d»jr of Dec., A. O. 1«S8. - •« . .JftBltBT L. HOW*, ' J"- - F SVGEMB M.IIOW-K. • Bkecntorsi' • '• It Ex *8 Notice. • A* '-.(isr'M ,»i.( •-« i'> H*.' _ m%0t; y--I'5|U_OUR - n v, }*-< y' " ' ••dV • • " • " ' M C I hr * Ui' • ' y<\* * : AKNUAlii V. ; • .?•; r' ! <•;«; U'f-* v.r , , t- *»,- »»»• ^ >**¥* Wn*# t. t •, i > ..x J., • ! .7-, ft. <-•4/ f , " t " i V 1 x-ati fifesftf f-ri» ^WkMt fh k ra Doriiwj which timewe and Eud», and RemnanU at Wepkw. We wish to reduce stock in EVERY DEPARTMENT prior t> February 1st, and in li: j . Liberal concessions to close will be made. Our stock i* nstniUy ^oiiiplfte in everjr branch, and we offer JiLL GOODS -AT- V e r y A t t r a c t i v e F r i c e t | .':r- V f ' HENRY €OI,BY, And buy good reliable goods at the old established: house-»£ J. R. WELLS 6c ̂ " . WAUCONDA, ILI They have a full and complete line of Good* for tho Winl trade, consisting in part of Notions, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc., and hare just added * full assortment ot goods selected for the TO which especial attention is invited. We keep none but good goods, nnd will make prices as low as any other house, quality goods considered. Our stock of Cloak** I>olmans ttnd Ulsteretteif •S't-" •i'" ' . -j •• ? h-". vjiaoi Is complete. CJall and see them and learn prices, , ., ^ ^ ^ ^ J. R. WELLS & Waucon<la,D«& Stli,1898.r; BERRY & General Merchantis • -- I'.#, J<l'» • OH^» • H i- •'m A LADIES AND MISS w™ CLOAKS, V - •• " v- Dolmans and Ulsterettes, MEN AND CLOTHING Ij*STATK OF John Meyers, Deceased. J . nndrrsipned having lieen appointed Kxe. cutorof the last Will and Testament ot John Mevers, deceased, late of the County of Me Henry, and Stale of Illinois, hereby jfives notice that ho will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the February Term, on the third Monday in February next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend lot. the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested, to make immediate payment to the un<lcr» li«U. ltd this 17th day of Dee., A. D. MBS. tiwaai Miiui) £xeeutur. .r. ":*T . mm* Caps Buffalo' Robes, PERRY UeHenry, 111'., Nor. VI, 1883.. OWEN. ./ -5F-.

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