Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1884, p. 4

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vUillng Editor. v . ^ - . ' RtrVBUOAN CON V KMT ION. „„ *5«i X*M»n»i Convention wilt i*»l#l?hl«*ffo, in., «, Tuesday. June 3, 1883 •IWf^NMk. noon, for th» nomination aj ran- 'Itatll to W supported fir President and Ihwililent, at the next'election. The ^•p^Wlc-nn electors ot the several stales, hnd •ifilUWr vrtlers, without regard to p*st potitl- •A tWftwwei, who are in furor of I he c levat. #»* and dlfnifylnr American labor, extcndinf »«4 proteolinir-tiatae industry, giving free )» *|*«i*V #"«c*tion to the masses of the people frae suffrage and an honest counting •* Ml* IhaUots, effectually protectinj?all human every section of our common coun- try, and who deal re to promote friendly feel» InC and permanent harmony throughout the !*ad by aeouiinff a National Government pledged t® these objects and piiaciples, are ••rdlallv invited to tend for each State four d«l«pt«t, at larjre, f.>r each Oonsrres-sional dUtrict, two defecate*, and eaoh'represent*. tl«fe at 1arf« two delegates. D. M. Sarin,Chairman. Jork A. Martin, Secretary. imtrWii ee« that the last Woodstock /tomocrac brings out fhe name ot W. B. Walker, of Harvard. * cmi«Ii<l*te f«r Reprefentativp. We wonder how !•»»« 11 is since "Butt'" joined the Demo* «r*tlc Part? ? •Tiie great agitator and orator, Wendell Phillips, die<1 at his home iu Boston, oti Saturday last, in the W& year of his age. He was siek for only >a»en daya. bnt suffered terribly,- W« disease being nnfrima pfetorfs. 'Report* from the western por­ tion of this Senatorial District Indicate that Capt. Clias. H. Trron is likely to l»e hi* o*rn successor as the choice of McHenrr conntr for Representative in the Lower House of the State Legisla­ ture, and that Boone or Lake county will be allowed to name the State Senator.-- Waukegan Gazette. We would like to ask Brother Part- ridge where he got liis information contained in the last sentence of the above paragraph. It is somewhat early as yet to agltatgttk* Representative •ad Senatorial qwKlon. and that Me- Ifonry county lias already conceded the Htnator to either Lake or Boone is news In this section. Brother Partridge Will you please rise and explain. tfirOne English Earl, who lias no Intention of becoming an American citizen, and who hates the "blarsted conntry," owns a tract of 100.000 acres of land in Dakota. Another aristocratic Britisher possesses60,000 acres near by. A syndicate of speculative Johnnie Bulls now claim as their own 3.000.000 acros of good land' in Texas. If our lands aiust go. give them tq^ie rail- rsodNr, for they will do soindHfcptf to tho people, that is provided Atneriea does not (Missefcs people enough of its own to grant land to. But the giving It away by the wholesale to English autoerats Is too much. Wherever they hold more than a reasonable number of •ere* ot land they should be made to vaoato. by law if possible, by sows other method, •ST 4 Logan Club Tor the, State of Maryland has been organized, with headquarters at Baltimore, at a meet­ ing of which an a<Jdr«ss to the Repub­ licans of the United States favoring the nomination of Gen. John A Logan for President was adopted. It closes with Cite following stirring apnea]; "A brave soldier and wise statesman, boid and fearless in d*iei>se ot right, never seeking to evade anr responsi­ bility however great, an oppwuent of ttlas* legUJatieji and special privileges, the friend of Lincoln and Gar Held, whose unlimited confidence lie eiiinyed; with thirty years of public life'hiii- fl marred by blot or blemish, plain and ^Simple in manner, utterly devoid of ostentation and display, ever accesfci- Hie to ajl. the humblest as readily as to the most high and exaltwl, ever re- i Weiubering that lie is the people's ser- jva 'it; the friend et humanity wherever f foil-id, iiis life devoted to the service ' of country, aud yet poor in all save character and reputation, .which stand *out before the woiUl $8. a bl;i/ing meteor in^t midnight sky, disclosing Itim as a cnatnpion of right and justice •lid a monument of independence in a time-serving age; one ot' the people Who eould never be divorced Iroin ttiern, faithful unto a few tilings, we Would roaVe Itiii) ruler over many, and present him to the Republicans of the fountry as one whose nouiination at Ch'«ago would represent Unity, En­ thusiasm nnd Victory in the next Presidential election," The address if sighed by A. Worth Spates, Thomas R. Rich, 5. B. Tyler, J. *1. Caldwell, M. atii) UcCurley, Committee. j ' J J „ !J? •jK: 10P*The refusal of tUe Fr««eti and ^Aofotao Governments to allow the in- •production of Americau pork iiitotfeeft- ^feoujutries Is singularly Aooyjli yp#«j $% 5m argyritent sn the interest of teinpef-1 Kico. Tiie Bo»tou Produce Exchange.' ast week, petitioned Cougresa t? re­ strict or prohibit the importation of ;frlnes from those countries, and the mote of tiie United States discussed tbo subject at length. While the le^i*. latlon desired is undoubtedly retal.iat- I**, *»d perliaps mlgiit be justified, there is solid ground fer it ly tiie well i^poww fact that since the great falling Hi*of the production of wijie in France the last eight or uiue yeafs.^wjng the prevalent disease of the grapes. |there has bpen little reduction 4h the i^mount of wine msnnfactured. Gl I^OHrso the manofacturers have had |j|(i*«our*e to*drugg aud iugtedien^s/or idulterating the so called wine. Tiie United Sta*#s Consuls in France have ? the extent of this injurious 4« France, greatly to the in- tl«n of Che wine dealers. In the iw tbe Seoate the disgraceful •[$m ^ and it was dia- obar^ed jtliat their adulterated liad pn>biibly produced more §n the protiih^ted Atuerican K«»ld possibly b'»ye done, r# lose «ur European market Nui »>ork or not, the.-Govern, lit do well to clo«e the dour Introduction,of wines which rily impure, apd im^t it^Uteeonsuw#^ 1^' - V - pomeatle Lire { 'togan in The t<ogau star Is liow in tiiis cedaut and the satisfaction of swarthy statesman Is only exceeded by the enthusiasm of his wife, to wh in all their triumphs ilqual credit Is due and equal consideration is extend­ ed The Illinois Senator lives this winter in the same suit of rooms in a boarding house on Twelfth Street, near New York Avenue. Alt somewhat central and convenient, the house does not stand in the fashiona­ ble quarter of the city, as thos« bound­ aries have lately beeu-drawn, and there Is nothi.ig imposing or ostentatious about the establishment. Since their recent visit to New Mexico, Senator and Mrs. Logan have accumulated quantities of Navajo and Zuni blank­ et* and pottery, and many Indian curiosities, with which their ro'om« are drcoratod. Portieres of Navajo blankets hang in their doorways, and bright cok»red Zuni blankets arc thrown over the chairs and sofas, and other specimens of aboriginal art lead to the odd collection. Large photo­ graphs of President Arthur, General Grant and others adern the walls, aud flower* constantly perfume the air. No ether official of the same sHttiou aud prominence lives as simply as Senator Logan, and with all the in­ creasing consideration and social im­ portance he has not altered his style of living. From the President down e veryone seeks to interrain them, aud durin&.the winter they are contested for as the stars of the many great din­ ner parties. Mrs. Logan holds larger receptions than any other Senator's wife, and has more enthusiastic admir­ ers among her own sex than almost any other woman there. In the days of woman's suffrage she will be the popular candidate for every otlice within female gift, and from her long experience as confident, prime minister, chief counselor and private secretary to»band, can manage a campaign anil all the office seekers better than any Democrat yet heard of. When the sachems and wiseacres come to consult the Senator, Mrs. Lo­ gan Is always included in the confer­ ence, and her keen penetration and in- tuitiou cuts half the nots that bind them in. She overlooks and directs the Senatwr-a vast correspondence, helps to urge the cause of his pen­ sioners and office-seekers, and her en­ ergy has been the secert of half of her husband's laurels. Besides all these extraordinary gifts she has so­ ciable and domestic tastes, is devoted to her children and grandchildren, and wields the crochet hook aud embroid­ ery needle as deftly as she does the official pen. As a society woman she is the shining light and example to her sex. She never forgets a face or a name, and this invaluablejgift ia one reason for much of her general popu­ larity here, where in the ceasclest. Stream of strange and familiar faces people are apt to-be forgetful ond con­ fused. Her kindness and attentions to the shy and unsophisticated who come to see her win over every one of theni as her followers true. More than any dther Senator's wife she asso­ ciates with her the wives of the |Con- gressmau from her own state in every entertainment, and the half defiant hostility that exists between the fami­ lies of Senators and Representatives is doue away with for the Illinois del­ egation. Thisgharmony brings about a pleasant scene every Thursday after­ noon, when Mrs. Logan holds her re­ ceptions assisted by a group of ladies from her own state, it is a marvel to •all who know hor how, with all her other duties to attend to, Mrs. Logau always returns her cells promptly, omits no necessary attentions to guests and constituents, and keeps track of all the dinners and entertainments at which the}7 are expected to be present. If any. ot the prophecies for Lo­ gan for 18S4 cotne true the White House will receive a mistress worthy of it aud the most remarkable woman iu social and p iblic life will attain a deserved and crediible prominence in th&t conne^tiou.^/fuAa/na's Washing ton Letter to St. Louis Globe Demo­ crat. . WAUCONOA. Editor Plaini» Multi more, of Uainesville, but an old Wau com,'a school-bov. and who last winter traveled In the far west part of the time in company with Robt. Harrison, visited at Mr. ITarrison's lately. Charlie Wiffin has taken Mr. Neil's place as miller for Mr. Spencer. Ernest Iioomer is liome again. M. S. Ford, Onmau Hate and Wm Brooks intend building large barns this spring. It will bo remembered thai February la«t a difficulty occurred between Sid ney Powers and John Muir, iu which Mr. Powers was badly cut with a knife Considerable excitement was occasion­ ed at the time, but no conclusive legal actiou wyje taken. Some time after the row, Mr/Muir sold JUs property here and weiv\t<^-f9ate<fcj4frwhere he remain­ ed until a few weeks ago. when he returned to look after his business in terests. Tuesday .(Jan. 22) Powers caused his arrest, aud the day follow­ ing the principals, with a load of witnesses, went to Watikegnn in the bitler celd and storm, Some of Powers' witnesses not belug present the case was continued. It bids fair to be an {uteres ting case. Latjc#:--Tiie case oi Siduey Powers, or as it i« probably,called, of the Peo­ ple v»4 Jolt a Muir, postponed from week before until last Saturday, was then concluded before Justice Calls, at Wgjjkegaii, and resulted iu clearing Mr. Mflir. A ettpP^r tiiid dance in the two Wan- conda halls was held Tuesday evening for the bi.nefit of the G. A. R. Post, it was toeing and financially a success-- over 850 being cl«ar«d. 0mo, Thomas WjoUeb of MJUmmmAft, been vicinity. .. A delegation firom Wauconda attend­ ed the l^eap Year Party at Melieiiry oti Friday evening, aud all report a jolly time, Saturday was * big day In Wouconda, ahorse trot on the Lake having been advertised. The tare»ther was pleasant and a great crowd assembled. The con­ test was virtually between a horse of J. F. Roney's and F. Huson's horse. We understand that Mr. Hilton's horse had a good lead in both heats until near the go*l, when it repeated its last winter's trick of breaking badly and the sorre! camo in ahead. About 5 o'clock a running race occurred be­ tween Will Ford's Daisy, ridden by Wal. Bangs, and a little black horse from Crystal Lake, Daisy gm there first. ; The Price Bres. have received and are now ode ring a store full of new goods, in Robt. Harrison's store, Jt looks natural to see the buUding again occupied. RINCWOOD. EpITOR Pi AINI»EA1,KR:--tWltfl -tip warm weather of Saturday came a large crowd of purchasers In quest of bar­ gains which they are always sure to find at Ben's. Now is the time to buy gloves, mittens and other comfortables for the pending long "Candlemas Winter" whleh tho old prophets are planning. Mr. Duers is fast closing out and settling up business so as to move some time during the present mouth. John Griinolhy lias sold his property In this village to Mr. Adams, of Jehus- burgh, who will carry on the blacksmith and wagon shop to the satisfaction of Mr. Grimolby** old customers, and will make as many new ones as his work shall merit. Charlie Stephenson aud family have returned from a pleasant visit amoilg old acquaintances in Sharon, Wis, Phil Harrison is pressing a few loads of hay and straw for G. W. Smith. If von have any hay to press Phil is just the fellow to employ. He pressed 130 bales in about eight hoars on Saturday. We had endeavored at this writing to give the number of bushels of grain threshed by Nate Stevens, but will not until next week, during which tlmo Natefl will a.ld separately the number of bushels of different kinds. Teachers who attended the Institute at Algonquin on Saturday, seemed to be much in earnest and were fully re­ warded for their eflort by the favor of R. H. Rennie on English Language. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Colby, of Grand Rapids, Mich., are making a protracted AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Publto Auction, on his farm .known as the oi l ComMei farm, situated three mill west of Mcllenry on the Rlugwood road. one-half inile east of Ringwood, *ti Thursday. Feb. If, 1S84, Commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M" tho following Property; 1 Span Horses, Seven and elglii years old, taroll matched, we igh, in good condition, 1.300 pounds each, and are very desira­ ble work team." 1 Mare, eleven years old. 10 Cows coming in soon. 2 Heifers three years old coming iu. 3 two-year-old heifers, 2 Steers two yearsnld, 1 Bull, two years old. 7 Yearling calves, QSboats' 2 set Harness almost new, 1 Single, Buggy, 1 Milk Wagon, 2 Lumber Wagons, 1 Set Bob?, 1 Sulky Plow 1 Walking Plow, ] Sulkv Cultivator, 1 Hay Rnke, 1 Sulky Hay Rake, 1 Drag, l Drill, 1 Pulverizer, 1 Cliatn- plon Mower, 1 Corn Marker, one Grindstone. 2 stacks slough Hay a quantity of Timothy Hay, 2 stacks Corn Fodder, One hundred bush, Oats, About one thousand buSh, Corn In ear. Tkkms--Sums of 810 and under flpsh. Over that sum one year's time on ap­ proved Notes at 7 per cent, interest. No Property to be removed until settled for. AUCTION SALE. ^*h« undersigned, having re lit eel his farm and bpli'g Hhout to move away, will sell at Public Auction lo tiie high­ est iddder, on the premises, half a anile south of the Disciple Church in the town of Avon. Lake Co,, .On Saturday. Feb. 16,'84. Commenc­ ing at10 o'clock', A. M„ the following property to-wit: 17 Choice Young Cows, coming in in spring. 3Heilers. coming two in spring, 1 Bull, one-liiilf Durham,coining two in spring, 1 bay Mare, seven years old in spring, 1 bay Horse4 ten years old ill spring, 2 sets v'uublo Harness, 1 single harness,! double Top Buggv, 1 single Top Bug­ gy, 1 Light Milk Wagon, 1 Cassidy Sulky Plow, 1 Buckeye Seeder, I Sulky Corn Plow. 1 Champion Reaper and Mower, 1 Walking Plow. 1 Grind Stone, 1 Western Harrow, 1 Double Wagon. 1 Swill Barrel on wheels, 2 He iting Stoves. 1 Barrel Churn, 9 eight gallon Milk cans. Bet ween 300 and 400 bushels of Oats, a quantity of Wheat nnd Po­ tatoes, 1 Milk Sale, 4 Bedsteads, a quantity of Household Furniture, aud other articles too numerous to menCio.u- Tkhms of Sale. Sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on ftp- proved Notes at 6 per cent, interest. M. B. IltrsoM.' AUCTION The undersigned wi Auction, on hl< farm, miles smith-east of Saturday, Feb. 9.1884 Commencing at 10 o'clock, following Proj.ert-'y: 6 year-old SALE, -x; ill sell at Public one and a half Wattconda, on the visit with Mrs.Colby's, brother, Wasley-fSleighs. 1 Double Buggy. 1 Single B I.add. of this village. gy. 1 Plow. 1 Drag. 1 small Break Jerry Smith has gone on • visit to VU\W\} S"'ky C°V' PJ°W^n £"*, „ -t , * , 1 and Mower, combined, 200 Bnsl New York City, to meet his father, whom he has not seen for about fifteen years. Will Green Is having a severe attack of cold, from which we hope he may soon recover, and believe lie can if he would but be persuaded to try the battery. Miss Olive Stevens has returned from a long visit East, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. B. A. Park, of Painesville, Ohio. Mr. Wm. Stevens is not as well as usual at this writing, but it is thought he will be around again in a few days. Fro* another Cobresi-ompent. Ei>itor PLAiNDEAi^KUi-Wm. Stevens 1* very sick, and David Ingsils very 1QV. The new doctor is in attendance, For theii medical welfare our villagers t it plea*ant to have a doctor at home instead of running to Mcllenry through the storm at the midnight vail for help. The cheese factory Is doing well. The Mason Bros, are doing up butter aijd cheese in firstrclass shape, and giving general satisraci ion. Look out .for ^those new goods that are coming^; Vermont will lead the way. •:*; • Good tea at Raiuthorp's fpr 50 cts„ worth 65, aud bargains iu boots and shoes. A Chicago man is looking for a site to set up business. Ho doesn't want to locate where the citizens go toother towns to trade, but found out the rea son thev did so was too many loafers around the places of business, and the ladles would go to other stores where they were not watched by that class of dudes. Mr, Thompson shipped a carload of cattle ou Monday. The meeting of tli« Cemetery Aid Society at Jauies Ladd's was tiiiniv at­ tended on Saturday There is a good chance for* a flour and feed store and coal yard here. M Cows, 7 two- coming three, spriiigr ers. 3 yearling Heifers, coining two, 1 Bull two years old, 2 Calves, 1 span Mares, 3 Celts, one. two and three years old. 1 Lumber Wngon, ] pair Bob Bug-, aking per Bushels Oats. 15 Tons Tame Hay. and other Articles too numerous to mention. TickMS of SAMS. All sums of $10 and under, cash, Over that sum one year's time ou ap­ proved Notes at 7 per cent, interest. One per cent. Aft fash, John Cohmee. H. Skip, Auctioneer- *1 lie Westminster." the boss coa stove on the market. If yon don't be "eve it, call ou E. M. Hoj^e, and he will prove it to you in no time, and If you want a stove, .will sell yo» one be­ fore you leave. Ladies and Gents scarlet all wool underwear 98 cents pieces at Bonsjett, Stoftel 4 Co.'s. best Woven Wire Mattresses, the for only «3.30. # John B. Blake's. Only $9*50for Blackberry China Ten set of 56 pieces at Bo«i*lelt, Stofiel & Co.'s. AGENTS wanted for ttu» lives of mII the Presidents of the U. S. The luricesi, hiuidgoiucKt. hest V»o«k vi'f *uld for less than tvvu:e our price. The fastest selling book in America. Immcnxe protlis t*n£«ni-s. All lateilitfcnt paople want it. Ayone can become a mc.cesstiii agent. Terms free. IIah.ett Hook Co., Portland, Maine. - week at hoine S3.Of) ontut free. Pay absolutely aure. No rink. Cap. tin! not required. Reader, if you tAX PURCHASERS NOTICE. STATE OF ILLINOIS,!... Mcllenry Countv, f Win To Lanjtliani, Umjtwood. HI, ^ , , every pei>on or persona in aetaal pos- ion or occupancy of the following de­ scribed lots, pieces or pnrccJs of (aijri or per soiihI property, also t!ie person or persons in whose name or names the *ame wae tased or specially assessed, also, to tha owner or own­ er* of, or p.iri ies inie estad Hiorein, and to all whom it mny concern, Notice is licvelir friven as required by the * tut n tes ol suict state of Illinois, in i ueH case* made and provided, that at the time herein- nftor named, at ii public sale by the county Treasurer, assisted by tbe county clerk of the con ii ty and Stale afo'rasa id, held at Hie cast door of the court limine, In tho city of Wood- t-lock, in the county sind State aforesaid, of lands and lotn and personal property against wliich judgjnont was renduied for delinquent taxes, tped-al assessment* interest nad aosts authorized bv the law* of the county and State aforesaid. I, Win. Lnnirhnm. purcliflppd th.e following described lots, pieces or psrneU ot Ian I, alt- nated, lying and being in the county of Mc- Henr) and State of Illinois, to-wit: On May 30th, A. D. 1KSI, ii sere offe^ scJi Sfi'Lion II township 44, range 7, assessed In th3 name of Lyman Miller. ' On Mhv :i«Hh. A. I>. 1S<2, w7i sey section 6 township 43 range 5, containing 35 acyKtand assessed fit the uamuot John Koi ^yth. That the time of redemption of said land or lots from sr.i>1 purchase at said sale will ex pire in two years from the dale of said sale, which will he on ilie 3'Uli day of Sisy, A !>., 1*58.1, and ixst, respectively, as herein above described, after which tune (if not befora re<- deeined) I, the undersign* I, will apply to the County Court of the said McHenry County an<l State aforesaid for a deed or deed* of the •fame. Hingwood, III,, Jar nary 80, 1884. - WM. Lakgium. ST The undersijf ued 1 htw€ ."jM placod on «ale an entirely SEW STOCK OF SODDS, such as are us willy sold in general stores, consisting of GOODS, GHQCE8HS,. CROCKERY,' Hats Caps, Boots, Shoes And in addition wifl eontinue to sell the celebrated ClilCK'SI FLOUB, Msesd Meal and Feed at"ill kinds at wholesale and retail. Tho atteiitiou of the buying pub­ lic is respectfully called to our <?oods, as to price or quality Ije- t'ore piirohasino-, as every arl iclc is MARKED~IN PLAiN FIG­ URES, thus securing a child as good a bargain as a man. Our poods were bought with special reference to the wants of the trade, and we are confident we can please you both in quality and price. Call and see us. whether you buy or not. BOKSLETT, STOFFEL A CO. West McHenry, III., Dec. 36, 1833. 705 BARSAIUS IN V/ •/¥ • • • s - v . - i Genera f,, .. V-, bi^.1: „Jm ,i L JII> 'lik' • ;-d:-s '" ; - a? •V».\ ' 'ay* i . WX&'ilj-) • V • '•II • -n. t" v; Choice rocenes -V, -^ 1w Us Op Winter IS COMINQ- , ; L- a <T* *n* tsi ' -A sk J£m And the bright sunny days will render COLORED SHOW GLASSES Almost a necessity, A good va, riety has just been r^iVf^c * Also a supply of ^ ' • Farmer's Oil, Uncqlulled for boots, .harnesses, etc. . ARNICA JELLY. FOR COAL AND WOOD, y- Jfi?.-: , r - • • r E M. HOWE Opposite BlMlio,p*ai Mill, Who l»aa a'compUte line of the best stoves in tbe market, as well a« a large stock of HaMirare, Mechanic's Toots, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, ,ove and • jari WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, x Catt at his store before buying Jobbing and repiiirlng promptly attended t*. «irRemember, extra goad bargains can ttl. ATavs be obtained at Itowc'i, McHenry, Dec. 1, IS**. . ^ ( JQ16. • V - : . v . " * s * ' . - i ' , v ' - . M~<. '.T Vfr ^ f'- 5 ' ' „ ̂'*• ' - •vr -; ".; i L • J ^ our Winun mm' y days. PERRY A OWEN. McHenry, Tit;, J««. *i;1884. I v 'T-t* One Door ast of the Riverside House, Has ft complete line of the best Stoves iq the market, as a large 8tocki|f S . ... t Lamps, ChandelierSp FINE SILVERWARE :ir-4 vj PB4MSR IJf FT7RIT1TD - OF ALb KtXDS. Store, two doors north of Fen-y A Owen. • Bo Will Hot bo ITndorsold 40AI^L AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE* Jobbing and Repairing Promptiy Attended to. |^T*R KM KM HER, extra good bargains can always be obtained JOHN J. STOiiyS. AND want biisinest, at which persons of either sex, old orvounur, can make 'treat pay all the time tliey work, With abeolut« certaintv, write for particulars II. IIAi.XKT'f & Co., Portland, Maine. Send six cents for postage and receive re«, a costlv Ixix of g'Kjdn which will help > '»u to more money right away than any- thinff else in this world. All, of either box, succeed from first hour. The broad road to fort up* < bclos&ihe workers, absolutely •|ir», ytut qpc* NddttM, * Ct>., ,4llgu8t9, Maiue. A PBIZfii For chapi>ed hands and all jrough- ness of the jsfcin. WRITING PAPER AND EN. YELOPKS.--All sizes, colors and qualities. ^ LAST BUT NOT LEAST, --New Valentines for 1884. NEW 'SEWING MACHINE OIL, warranted not to crura. PO WDER, sure djeuth to yer--' min on cattle or other stock. * F. 13. HARlltsô , If^uCONDA, Feb. 5tl>, 1884. I have one of the largest stocks of Furniture of all kinds to be found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing to buy will be sura to save nioue> by calling ou me,.' UNDERTAKING. I have 35 different apd styles of ^ COFFINS AND CASKETS, Always on hand. I keep a Hearse'of my own which will be lurnished at tho most reasonable Wtet. V J. B. BLAKE. STOPPED FREE Marvtious success. Insane Persons Kestorcd Dr.KLINE'S GREAT u „„ „ - NERVE RESTORER |/o>-a//BRAIN & N' K.V !i Disf asm. Oniy surf A'-rve Af-rtwo* J-'ts, Ifr P'v, t:e. INF\ 1.1.rui.H if t.ik**n ai cltrcrte-l. A'> ! :ics nfitr ,first diy r tiff. 1 ro.itise 5 J tr i l l hnttle free t® Fit patients, thejr piying espress.-liir ."!«onbox «lic« t-^eivel. Ssnit n vnci. P.O. an 1 express arldress if to l> !,KLIVli,9n Ar-h St..i'hiln1(-\n|]-n.t ,a! lirugjis-.s. BXWAJili OF IMITATING FKAUQS, Horse Shoeing, General ^acksmithinj, WAGON AND P. HAUPERISCH, McHenry, Illinois, Wonkl jatanectfn11 v inform his customers and IIimHk generally that lie is now l>ettei than er^^Hspnreii to do all work in bis line. K«PAIIII]>G, Of nil k inds on short potica. qi a Call ond we will please you both in quality and price of work. P. HAUPERI3PH, *cH#»ry, 111-, 7ft, m. ™, n s . it .,«• -- 's. vi '-riS: i-Y the IfpltEKRr, III., Jan.,2Ut, i88lr immense stock of goods for the spring trade, and in or­ der toi make room for the largest stock of summer goods 6ver> brought to Woodstock, or into Mc­ Henry County, we will sell have the room and bound to close them out Jt wijl pay you to come from all over the county to trade at 4^ DwightV old reliable cash store. We have the finest line of spring goods ever brought fi Woodstock, consisting ot Women's, Misses' nnd Children's Walking Shoes and Slippers, Men's Boys' and Youths' fine Cult Buttbfi «n<f gtaple Shoe*. fSfN. B.--House established iu 18G5, W. H. DWIQHT. Cor, IMal.n St and Public Square, Woodstock, III# • > •I 'w ' < ; - •

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