Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Feb 1884, p. 4

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.. " ' BSDAT, FEB. I1L IV SLYKE. Kflitoi B *• 1 1 p v v v jy %" v, >; ^ '•*%> ° * - t*~ *? ., * , i / *< f i.%%* * • MtmmWAl, ItKfCBUCAN convkntion. $feMf*fltepat>ticait rational Convention will NMM I* Chicago, til., on Tuesday, June 3, l®3 noon, for the nomination of can- In be supported f>r President and **mk Went, at the next election. The - &*pi|Mfoan elector* of the severil states, and •IH»tfe«volers, without rejrarl to past politi- •aldlitaenccs, who are in favor of (he clcvnt- t»f and itlgnifyinr American labor, extending •nd protecting heme industry, (fivin* free fWpaltr education to the masses of the people free suffrage and an honest counting •* Ik*ballots,effect mil I jprotecting*!! human tlffcla In every section ef our common conn- try, and who desire to promote friendly feel- Jng and permanent harmony throughout the land by seeming a national Government )Modfed t« these objects and principles, are --rfllaliy invited to send for each state four <SW|S>W, at larpe. for each ^enjrressionnl dletriet, two delegates, and each represent* p:^ Mr*at large two delegates.' .. ^, _ 'l.-J* t I>. *. *a«tx, Chairman.:'. * #OKW A. Martik, Secretary. J '•Mi •Tli# committee on coinage, it*, measures, lias ordered a favor- fl$J« report to he made roths house on tt»» bill previiilnjT for the exchange of dollar! at par after January 1, 1885. The bii! provide# that atandard dollar# shall b« inert in making the •*- Change, Trouble is apprehended at Kagle 5m. Texas, the Mexicans claiming tfott tho recently captured train rob- %»rc murdered a Mexican citizen, and •"raid it threatened far their capture. Tlie United States authorities have made preparations to repel invaders iM they cross the line. |M^A T*ry important decislo.ihaa ' jWt been rendered by the Supreme Oturt of the United States. it ia to tlie effect that '.he powers, duties priv- Ifeges and obligations of corporations •f foreign creatiou are governed by the laws of the country of their crea­ tion, and by these laws the contract tights of American citisent are cou? tilted, •^•A large delegation, composed the leading and active Republicans •f the State, met In conference with As State Central Committen at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Chisago, on Tues- 4*7. Almost every county in the Stat* was represented, and the utmest food feeling prevailed, and great con- jwenea was expressed for 1884. It was 4 regular love-feast. Stirring speeclies #*re made by Governor Hamilton, Ex- Oovernor Ogiesby and etber prom­ inent men present, after which the ^|>ramittee went into iis.<isn and flxed ilta time for holding the State Con­ vention as April 16th, and l*eor!a as iha place. We shall have more to say ... -1# relation to State politic* next week. V ; , . . A L G O N Q U I N . , . "Editor Plain* dkalkr :--At the Scott Family Entertainment on Monday evening of last week thera was only a «mall audience on account of the sleet storm of that day. Miss Crafton re­ ceived the prise, wsilver napkin ring. A young blacksmith arrived at Joe .fohii«»n*« on Thursday morning of last week. 1 .v.* On Thursday of Inst week onr twttaily quiet town was treated to an assKtilt and batterj' suit from the Canada side. Geo, Adams was plaintiff, and Mine Benihttseu defendant. It was tried by a jury of their peers. The attorneys were J. S. KHnek for plaintiff and H. Tubbs for defendant. The defendant was fined three dollars and costs and given three days to pay tlie fine. There was a sociable at the residence of J. D. ^erir«:sou. Sr., on Saturday evening last, in the interest of the Congregational church. Rev. and Mrs, Cahipbell being present. Any one in want of a music teacher would do well to secure the services of Mrs. Campbell. A number wen: fr©»> here to Nunda on Saturday evening last to hear Capt. Frank Smith's lecture, "In and Out of AndersanvlHe." and all seemed amply paid for the trip. * On Thursday ol last week tlie dam a( the Mud Mill, west of town, broke out. There is quite a mystery about what caused the break, as there was no thaw and the -vater lacked a foot of being to the top of the datn, and they were grinding at the time. The Free Methodists held their quar­ terly meeting on Saturday and Sunday last. \\ Dr.Nason thought on Friday last that he was called onlohaiul in his checks. As he was lifting a can of alcohol from a sleigh he was taken with a cramp, or stitch through his back and chest, and it took all the breath out of him. He says he never stifle red so much as he did for about four hours. There is great rejoicing at tlie heme of Ed Morton Jr. over the arrival of a six pound giri baby on gtinday evening last; and all are doing as well as cmitd be expected under the great weight of circumstances. Ed had no idea that there were *» many folks hero that •moke. Gotleib Schmidt, of New Ulm, Minn, was in town on Monday of this week shaking hinds with hi« many friends. A. C. Helm, of Chicago,8pent Sunday here with relatives. Mine Bonthusen took tlie warning and lit out like a little man, and by all reports it will be decidedly unhealthy for Iiiin to show himself in these parts for the next three years. Our Canada brother lias been ou the war path for the last few days, and the natives are trembling with fear. ^ ,#®^Tholynching mania, which unfor­ tunately has broken out so fiercely of late in the more thickly settled parts #f the countrj. has now shown itself in ~~©»iio--one of the last States In the Union in which it ought to bo expeetod. • '•A young man named Peter Clifford fMsaftftiUsiiiated on Hatur lav night at fleiidviHe, Perry bounty, but managed *» say. a* be fell Into his wife'* arms. "•"The Dickeys have killed me." On the Strength of this assertion several men %«re arrested; but a mob brow* into •lie magistrate's office, and taking the ftrUoners out, hanged one of them. l£vidently. however, this Ohio mob llad some tender-hearted men, for one 0f the prisoners begged so piteously for his life that he was spared. , fQTTbe versatile aud unctious Kan- ail* City Timet thinks "the Republican jiarty is Ured and should have a rest." The same party which the Kansas City tine* represent* begged the Repub­ lican party to rest during the yea«s ilroH» 18G0 to 1865, They have repeat- |*d it many times since. But the peo pie, howeyor, have Continued to vote as they abot, and the old say "wo want to be let alone" baa not been heeded. H'There may be a time when enough of %fhe hoary beaded sinners of the Demo­ cratic party who were r<*spou«iahle for the National's sorrows die, and are for­ gotten, possible the staunch defenders . Of the flag and honor of the Nat^n will bo preinitted a rest, but that time • not yet. The results accomplished by the party of the Nation's defend #*» leaves no plausible roafions to call hack tlie army of destroyers,-- v Ccean, IGrPiiring the recent raid on the pension thieves at Washington some . startling grounds for the Usu* of pen- siona were developed. Men who had f lost a leg In a eon tost with a reaping machine, were found In receipt of good fat sums otioe a month. But perhaps ! the most retnavkable clilm of the lot wa» that of one geutleman, who, on being Investigated, asserted that he 4row a pension for what actually iost in the war. "v-< *' But what did yon lose ?" demanded . 4ho examiner, '•You seem to have all ,: jronr members and faculties. "Wolir replied the claimant, driven 4U» the wall, ' I last my head at Shilob *.»d left for home," Another should have been placed on "t^*e liet for the rest of his life at the lifgltoet amount allowed by law, -What Is your claim?" asked the >x»triiner. **Wiiat did you lose?"• *'l lost S3$0 at poker the niglit before the battle of Fair Trweter'M Mugatine. KEYSTONE. Editor Plaindkai.ku:-- Miss Kettio Marsh, who Is attending school at Rich <i)«nd, spent her Sabbath at home. George Statidish, at) old Keystone boy. and wife, of lown, are visiting C. F. Stewai t aud family. Miss T,aura Mason will soon close her school at Myers' Corners. "Calamity* attended th« Teachers' Association at Algonquin, and on his return, changing cars at Nomla, made a mistake aud boarded the wrong train by which he was compelled to return via Harvard. Lewis Burger closed his term of school here on Friday,- Feb. 8th. "Yankee Dan" gave one of his sleight of hand performances in the school bouse. The tricks were good; and the entertainment was very satisfactory. We understand some of our young people saw a ghost, while out riding. The ladies were pretty badly scared. Jack Mason,is wall pleased with his position in the Ringwood cheese fac­ tory. We understand Jack is pronoun* ced a first-class butter maker. Mr, Hollls Mansfield,of Hebron, uncle of J. X. Mason, of this place. Sitd on Sunday, Jan. 27th. To the memory of Frances McDonald, of Greenwood, III., who died December 15th, 1883, aged 10 years and 10 months. The call was made late in the day, last day in the week, last month In the yet»r to receive the honored invitation (with the coining New Year) to the final and glonrious home. Dearest Frances has hid us farewell Ami gone home to heaven, where bright spirits <1 .veil. Her mourningisover.and hushed all her siftaa On the wings of an angel she soared to the skies. The call for dear Frances seemed sudden and brief, And tender affection could not bring relief. Thou hast found all in heaven, wltfiangels so miM, The soft, loving bosom now pillows Its child. We weep not for thou, dear Frances, though brief was thv star, . Thy Saviour has won thee, and called thee awar; Thr mother enfolds thee in love, as of yore. Thy sorrows are ended, thy trials are o'er. O, darlins, we miss thee, thou dearest dove. Rut sweet in thy loeinorj embalmed in our love; Good live, then, dear Frances, so blest in the skies, £', Enraptured in glor.v, with joy and sttiptTse. -'"IJE annual convention oi' the MeHfeury 4)omity S. S. Association will be held 4n the Congregational church in Wood- #tock. Tuesday and Wednesday. Feb- i ^ -ary lSth and 20th, 1884. Let every ICT ^nnilfcy school he represented. We »-k all pastors and Sunday school work­ ers. to work and pray that our coming togetlu r tnav result in uiuuh gooil, W. ®,«sM*otw and Miss Ijiicv J. Ryder, of Chicago will be with us dating con- voiuion. SFC. - - „ "^\rr / . * , - ...a • a... iv..t . HEBRON. Editor Plaimdicauek:--Have you got your Valentine* W. O. Boughton has been very sick, with erjsipelas. Dr. McDauald from Geneva was c.tiled tojseeliiiiu last week. Alva Hou-shoider, has commenced framing the timber*for the new wagon shop, lobe erected opposite the hotel, Mr. Sawyer had the misfortune !ast week to fall ou the ice and break bis wrist. Auctions are too numerous <£* t!on, no l<-8S than five different biNs were posted up in the stores last week. Wo hayent learned who was awarded the gold medal last week far having the brfst understanding. The skating rink unexpectedly started in Hebron was enjoyed by all, etpeially by those who witnessed the slipper*. We bear of one man who fell four times in reach­ ing the front gate a distance of about ton feet. • The new method of school work introduced at the IasttVjtcbersinstitute aud now being sustained and forwarded by the Conrty Superintendent is well worthy the notice and co operation of ail lovers of education. Th«j people as well as teachers of Mclienry Co.. should take a deep interest in the work as it will be tha means of promoting the cause of educalou, bringing exam­ ination in, and therefore grading our district schools. Competition will do much towards improving them, aud all that may know the work that is being done in each and every school iu the county. ~WAUCONDA.~ Editor I't-AiniiEALKit:--Mr.^ugland has returned from Chicago with a se­ ed stock of leather and re-opened his shoe shop. He will be pleased to see Ids old customers aud as many new ones as may choose to patronize him. His refutation as a fii>t class workman will insure him an abundance of*busi­ ness. C. M. Ffill and his little daughter, whose health is somewhat delicate, started on Thursday morning for Jfow Orleans. Ernest Turner, who was brought, up in Wuuconda, but now one of the lead­ ing merchants in BarreviMe, was in town recently. Henry Gri<wold,who moved to Tcxm last year, has returned.". rfe lost his wife last fall, and lie has been sick himsiilf most of the time. There was dancing enough last week to satisfy any reasonable lover of the art. There was a dance, at Richard Grantham's Tuesday night, another at Maiinau's Hall the same evening, one at Volo Wednesday eveulug, and a club at Maimau's Hall Friday even­ ing. This Week a dan<fe is planned for Wednesday evening, and another cluo dance Friday. The deputy sheriff of Wankegan has been bore spotting victims for Jury duty, Mr. Coinpto.-i, of Volo. twit! E. A Golding and Mr. Smith, of Wauconda, are said to be drawn from this section. Mrs. Stella Morse W||c»x wa6 buried at Diamond Lake to-day (Sunday). Her home was formerly at Gilmer, and she had many relatives and friends in Wauconda. SHOUT HORN SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction on his tarm o ie mile north of Spring Grove. Saturday Feb 23,1884. Commencing at 1 oVlock p. m. 1G Short Horn Cows and Heifers, registered: 4 Cows, with Calves by side, 1 Yearling Bull, bred by Fred Hatch, 1 two-year- old Bull, from an imported Owvnne Cow, 5 high grade Cows.3 Brood Mares, with foal.l Mare, six years old. 1 Horse, six years old. 1 Horse Colt, three years old. 1 Mare Colt, three years old, 1 Pacing Mare I'olt, 2 years old I Horse Colt. 2 years-old, 1 Lumber Wagon. 1 Truck Wagon, wide tire. I Platform Milk Wagon, I Pair Bob Sleighs, 2 Set Double Har?<ess. 2 Slug e Harnesses. 1 Hapgood Sulky Plow.2 Walking Plows. Terms--All sums of #10 and under, cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 per cent interest. Also will he soia for cashf Oue Car of Fat »teer«. '? n'T-v- i w. lawsojt. 6ml H.STCWAST, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned having sold ills farm, will e*-!! at public auction, on the pr«M"i*ee one half mile enutli of Ring- wooil. on 'Thursday. February 28. 1£S4, co»:nn"ncing at 10 o'clock a. in., I he following property: 20 Cows, new milch and springer. 4 Heifers, coming iu next fall. 3 Calves, lieifers, 1 half blood HoUtein Bull. I year old. 100 fine wool Sheep. 1 span he^vy Mares, weigh itg 1.20O pounds each, 7 and 9 years old. 1 span brown Mares, weight about 1.000 pounds each. 7 and 0 years old. 1 Mare. 4 years old. 6 Brood Sows, 1 Champion Reaper, nearly new, 1 New Champion Mower. 1 Tiger Horse Rake, 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 Top Buggy. 1 Open Buvrgy, 1 Spring Wa^on. Cultivators, Plows, Drags, etc.. 1,000 bushels Oats. loO bush. Potatees. 3 or 4 tons Ground Feed, 3 set Duiihle Harness. 1 Single Harness, a small quantity of Hay, I Parlor Set, and other household furniture, includ­ ing Stov 'f, Beds. Chair-, etc. Tkitms of Sake Sums of 810 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of ei-ght mout hs will be given on approved mites at 8 per cent interest. Two per cent oft for cash. GEO. vy. SMITH. F.H«RA*Oer, AnctionceK ; '?•. AUCTION SALE, The undersigned will sell at Public- Auction, on his farm .known as the old Couilit't farm, situated three mill west of Mclienry on the King wood roa4, and one-half mile east of Ringwvod, on Thursday. Feb. 14, 1S84. Commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M* the following Property: 1 Span Horses. Seven and eight years old. well matuhed, weigh, tn good condition, 1.200 pounds each, and are very UesiFa­ ble work team. 1 Mare, eleven years old. 10 Cow* coming in soon. 2 Heifers three years old coming in. 3 two-year-old heifers, 2 Steers two yenr sold, 1 Bull, two years old, 7 Yearling calves, OSIioats' 2 set Harness almost new, 1 Single, 'Buggy, , 1 Milk Wagon, 2 Lumber Wagons, 1 Set Boh®, 1 Sulky Plow 1 Walking Plow, 1 Sulky Cultivator, 1 Hay Rake. 1 Sulky Hay Rake, I Drag*. 1 Drill. 1 Pulverizer, 1 Cham­ pion Mower, 1 -Corn Marker, one Grindstone. 2 stacks slough Hay. a quantity of Timothy Hay, 2 stacks Corn Fodder, Ono hundred bush, Oats, About one thousand bush. Corn in enr. Tkums--Sums of S10 and under cash. Over that sum one-year's time on ap­ proved Notes,§0 per cent. Interest. No Property to be removed until settled for. Jacob Bonslutt. F . K . G ranqrr Auctioneer. SPECIAL. NOTICE. AUCTION. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on the J, C. Clemens place, three-miles south of Mclienry. on the Xunda road, ou Thursday. Feb. 21. '84 Commencing at 12 o'clock, sharp the Following Property: 7 Cows ono new milch, the balance springers. 2 Heifers three years old, coming in, 0 Heifers coming two years old, 2 Steers coming two years old. 1 Mecr coming three y«ar* old, 1 Walter A. Wood Mower. 1 Drag and a quantity of House­ hold Fucnitnie., • •• -'-.mi'. Terms op ^ale. : All sums of $l6 and under casfl. Over that sum a credit of one year on approved Notes at 7 per cent interest. Three per cent off for cash. Closing out Sate of Winter Regardless of Cott or Value. Now is yonr chance to buy jjood Goods at low prices. You can grot the best bargains evor offered in *1VfeHenry Co. All our Winter Goods must be closed out in order to make room foi-new Spiing Goods. Tfcis sale include!* Boots, Shoes, jDry <3 001 SUCH AS WOOLEN DRESS GOODS, VELVETS.^ Flannels, Cassimerest Shawls. Blankets. Knit Jackets, Skirts, Un­ derwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Loggins, ,... etc., etc., etc. .X' vV^ Also a Large Stock of READY-M&D2 CL3THIHI, Fur aiid wool Caps, BUCKLE A3CT>C? & WCOLEN SHIRTS. We wish to call'your special attertiou to several lots of Doots, Shoes and Slippei«, which we are clutsing out of stock. These Goods are sell in pr for less money than the original cost to manu­ facture. Do not tail to see these Goods, they tell their own story. We quote iv fe w prices for you to think over: Ladle* Ora'in #oal Rho^g; certs; worth Sljfi. L sidles' Kid ShoeP, 91.00; worth •2/>0. Ladies' (7alf or Goat (wool lined) shoe*, #1.50; worth $2.50. Mines' or Children's Slioe*, 60 cents: worth $1.75. Men's Stoga Boot*. *1.75; worth $3.00, Men'rt Wool Lined Ons torn Made. $3.30; worth $4 50. Boys' Calf Boot*. 1.25; worth. 2 75. Nen'a Buckle A ret i cs, one ojf tlie U^etiuakes, 1.25. We mean what we aajr. Come and see for your«eives. Yours very truly, FBANK D. COLTRTX &UO Algonqniiiy 111. F. K. Grahoeb, Auctioneer. David DlLM>)f. is comiss L A T E McHlHBY. The undersigned have placed on sale an entirely 7' ^ SEW ST8CK OF 500i, ; such as are usually sold in general4 stores,"consisting of SB? GOODS, BSOCXBBS, CROCKERY, Hats- Caps, 8oots, ShoeS And in addition will continue to sell the celebrated ' CHICK'S FLOUIV * Linseed Meal and Feed of all kinds at wholesale and retail. The attention of the buying pub­ lic is respectfully called to our goods, as to price or quality be­ fore purchasing^ as every article is MARKED IN PLAIN FIG^ URES, thus securing a child as good a bargain as a man. t . Our goods were l>ought with special reference to the wants of the trade, and we are confident we can please you both in quality and price. (Jail and see us whether you buy or not. BOKSLETT, STOFFEL A CO. West Mclienry, 111., Dec. 26,1383. RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHEMRY, "i£L m BAEQAINS IS W COAL AND WPJ4 -CALL ON- Oppoaite Biahop'a Mill, | Who Uae a complete line of the beat atove* itk the niarko't, as well as a large stock of u Hardware, Mecltaiic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, Ami, in fact, every thtogrinthahard war#!! store and tin lino. « < WILL NOT ME Uffnic^80t,p, ' : t^klt ftt Ivis Rtnro Uefove buying elsewhere. JdUlini^ :iiul rc|>:iirtiij; piwn|»ily ailemle<l to. ' Jbrit'omeinbcr. extra K«o<t bargains can af. wr;iy* be obtnincil .-it. flowe's. , Mclienry, l»ec. 1, IS8.'{. JQ1B. UEAI.EU IN \ mjwjsncruBM OF ALU ia>"D3. Store two Perry doors n«»rtlt? & Owen. mi , AUCTION SALE. TJtp ynderslgued, having rented Ills farui anil lielng about to move away, will pipII at Public Auction to tlie ii!gh- e«t bidder, «n tlie premises, half a •nil* poutli of the Dtaciple Cliurirh in the lown of Avon. Lakrf Co., On Saturday. Feb. 16,'84. Oommeuc- lug at 10 o'clock. A. M., the following property to-wit: 17 Choice Young Cows, coming in in spring. 3Ilei(erf. coming two in Kpiing, 1 Bull, one-ti:ilt Dtirliam. coining two in spring. 1 bay Mare. s»»veii years «ld in spring. 1 bay Horse ten vears old in spring, 2 sets double Harness, I ningl:; iiarue^*, 1 double Top Buggy, 1 Mngle Top Bug­ gy, 1 Light Milk Wagon. 1 Cas&idy Sulky Plow. 1 Buckeye Seeder. 1 Sulky Corn I'low. 1 Champion Reaper and Mower. 1 Walking I'low. 1 Grind Stone. 1 Western Harro#, 1 Double Wagon. 1 Swill'Barrel on wheels. 2 He-iling Stoves. 1 Barrel Churn, 9 eight gallon Milk can?. Between 300 aud 400 bushel* •f Oata. a quantity of Wheat and Po­ tatoes. 1 Milk Sale. 4 Bedsteads, a quantity o| Household Kiirnittir«. and other articles too numerous to mention Tekus OF SALK. Sums of |10 and under cash. Over that smn a credit of one year on ap> proved Notes at 6 per cent. Interest. M. B. Hl'ftON. CORSETS. A full line of I)r. Warner's Corset8 lib whole leaf .Tup 'I'ea for 23 cents °r 61u,i for ^ Co ill I'Miy 4 •;v; And the bright sunny days will render ? COLORED SHOW CLASSES Almost a necessity. A grood va. riety has just been received. •v - •; ••w- •• ' • Also a supply of ^ - Tanner's Oil, Unequaled lor boot*, harnesses, etc. P> ARNICA JELLY, : a^d ---i Camphotated Qljcsrisi Cream, For ohnpped hands and ties? of the snin. WRITING PAPER AND EN- VELOPKS.--All ' eizes, colors and qnulitiee. LAST BUT NOT LEAST. --Mew Valentines tor 1884. NEW SEWING MACHINE OIL, warranted not to jjuin. INS EOT PO W DEli, Bure death to Vermin or. cattle or other stock P. B. HARRISON. WACOowi>A, Feb. 6Ui, 1884. 1 have ono of the lnrsrest stocks of Furniture of all kinds to 1» found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing to buy will be sure to euvo moue> by calling on me. UNDERTAKING. ' I Iwvc. Si styles0t .» , j . y - -mi rj , ^ COFFINS AND CASKETS, Always on hand. I keep Hear8e^f my own which will bo furnis^4( most reasonable rate*. J. B. BLAKE. iov the working class. Semi 10 cents for postage, ana we will mail you|FHKK u royal, valuable uox of attmplc goods that will ut yon in the *vur of making more money in a few days thaa you ever thought possible at any Imsin.'si, 4)»l<ital not required. We will,«tart you You can work all the time or in snare lime onlr. The work Is universally adapted to hoth sexes, voung and old. You can easily make from 5*:» cents to #5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make iliis unparalleled off«r< To all whoare not well KtilUtted wo will send $1 to pav for the trouble ot writing us. Full particular*, directions, etc, sent free, fortunes will be made by those who give their whole lime to the work. Ureat success absolutely sure, Dont'l delay. Start now. Address, STlNftON <£ Co, Portland, Maine. Still Out of the Ark of Many af you are. • < DANGER TO IJFE At PROPERTY Beset yon en every hand. The mutter of the sly coon, sicUloitn, saloon, cyclone, tornado. wind.«torin, or whatever name inav l»e given it, is hoard in Nome section of tlie countrr yearly every day. e The Fire Pienc| May tweak outatfany moment--the wmitimy »<f a lifotlme lie connumed. Death must come > to *11. Bv a small pavmenf each year yon can ) neeure to yourself ;i foi tune, should v'uii live, or, in th« evjiil >i( death In-fore the time expires, your family is iirovl-ied for. *150.. »MKi,rOO i>i "ropreisente'd by this agency.. Our riitoH tneas low experience lias tound to Im> safe. You will save money by insuring with me. (Je»era! Insurance, l.ife, Fire. Lightning and Tornado a speclaHv. Thnnkin? nl! my friendn for their liberal patronage, ami, hop. ing, by •quare draling, to merit a continuance of tho same, t beg to subscribe myself, nespec.tfullv yours, C //. MOUEY. MoHcory. IU,. Jan* !J, USS. , fiSfeSS &•• ifft| , -ftV% "»t • ^ ' ft ?r |.^ V '4 ~ '*• ^ is / STOCKS - - In McHenry Co. v:., , , •e. .•"s < , t»r IN ItTERY, UKTlfORMI.T X.OHV fit: htf- FATHOHAQi: SOLICITED •AND-?*; "ttM. HENRY MCHEKRY, 111., February H, ]884i. IW0 Ono BaM Westftfthe Has a complete line ol ft larsre stock of le best Stoves in the market, as well as Lamps, »Chandeliers, Tin, Comer ai SW-Iroi fare, And in short, EverJ |̂.fn,yJ|Je Hardware, Stove Will Not be CA.LL AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHKR®* Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. I50TREMEMBER, extra good bar<;aiua can always be obtained at JOHN I STOB^m McH.inrr, iiL.jM.lut, ISM. I STOPPED FREE Afarvrteus success. , Insane Personj Hestored | Dr.KLINE S GREAT NERVE RESTORER Disfasks Only sure cure /-r Arrrve Affections Fits, F.Pi* Psy% ttc, if taken as directed. A J f;ts rtf/er first d^s titt. Treatis'* an l trial bottle free to Fit patients, tlmy p tvtng ex press charge* on l>ox when | w^eivert. S«nd namw, P. O an'i address of Jiifllnrt*'! ta I> ?t..PhWidclnhi*.ra. ^Druflreisu. SUtVARB OF iMlTATIAG FRAUDS, PATENTS. larentoiscn<i ihtIcI or sketch ot yonr In- Teutlon antl I will in»k« cnrelul preflminnry •\Hunnation, ami report to patentsItility with a<lvico, circulars, die., FKKK of ciiarok. All bti^iiiess before U. Paient <")fllce at- teixleit to for mo'lernte fees, no chauuk L*- LB88 PAT KMT T8 OBTAINED. J. *• L1TTELL, Patent Attorn#jr Washington, D- C. wnntcit for the llT«»of itll llie Frcsi<lents of the IT. «. Tho lureest, linmiftomcst. best Itonk ever "<»M for lens than twice our price. The fnxiest selling IK,ok in America. Immense profits l« HRen's. AH mtelliiiei>t jieople wnnr it, Avona can become ?t tiierrsstul agent. Tortn« freo. i' H<k>k Co., PortlnnH, Mnine. ii week,it liomc. 4Q.0O out lit free. I'iiy iibsolutely an re. So ri»k. Cap- Inn not requurnl. Roller, if you want. Inisiitcsi, at wliii"li |>erKon* of i-iiiier sex, «l«l or young, can make t,reat pay all the time they work, With absolute cerlaintr. write for particulars to TTAIXHTV A TOFC, PMTLKUMI, MLUM. \VOOU« Ilia . . person* In M«ul fMfc of the followtaf de. ts. piece* or parcels af land or pe*- lorty, also the pereaa or aNWM m ne or names the same wai UM er TAX PUBCnA«BB9 KOTIOE. STATE OF ILLINOIS, l«« McHenry County, f Win. l.angham, Kingwood, III., To evary person or Masion or occupancy scribeil lots. pi« sons! property, whose name or names specially a?seg*e<i, also to the awaer orswi. ere of, or parties interested therein, and to all whom it mar concern. Notice is tierehv liven as required njr the (tntntes of «ai« state of Illinois. In uieb wn mudesnd provide*!, thnl tb® tkit MVtln* after naine<i, at a public, sale by the eonntjr Treasurer, assisted l»y theconntjr clerk »f*h* county and Stale aforesaid, held al the east floor of the court house. In the city of Wootl. stock, in the county and 9*ate aforeeaW, of lands and lots ami personal property e^alnel which judgment was rendered ror delinquent taxes, special assessments Interest and eoeta authorized bv the laws of the county Stale afor«>aaid. I, Wm. l.anRham, purchased thefollewlnf described lots, pieces or pareels nt land, eit. uated, lyinjfand being in the eountjr of Mo. Ilenr> aiid *tatc of Illinois, to-wlt: On May 30th, A. I». 1.S81, V acre off ejtf self section II township 44, range 7, assessed in the name of Lyman Miller. On May *Hh. A. D. I8S2, m% »«V sej< seetlo* 6 township 43 range S, containing 86 acmaM assessed in the name of John Forsyth. That the time of redemption of eaM land or Ion from sr.11 purchase nt said sale will ex. pire in two years from the dsio of said ante, which witl be en the Wih day of ll«y< A- IA.. l)W3, and 1881, respectively, as herein above •lescrilied, after which time (if nottefbm deemed) I, the iiiiilerKigned, will appljrtotba County Court of the said McHenry Otailj' and State aforesaid for a deed or deads ef tnf same. Kingwood, 111, Jaguar?

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