Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Feb 1884, p. 5

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WiCDNESDAY, FEB. IS. 1884. Jtftllroa<tl*tfti6 Table. eolftt •6trro.: MOOT* Uke Pa«««ftr 7:S7 A. * 0nm Me Rxpress .tiis R*a<tva t,*ke Freight..., * 8nir> I^ake Passenger..,,, I:3J • .» »r * » * ItM. ftenev* I<tk« RMIRHT 8-a.l A. * Otun Lake I^seenger »:W " Beneva I.ake Kxpress *:S7p. * fteneva b»k« PMMSMr........ 11:57 " B. Unas, Agent. McIIenrv, It! m MellEW*T T.ODQE. SO. I5X \. P. AND A. M.- Itegular Communications the Saturday on or Itiira th« full «f the moon and every tw« «Mki thereafter. CHAS. O. COIBT, W. K, M»?axav 0<i verai tio. .11 It A. M --Recti- ar Convocations hehl on the second and fourth Fridays in cash moneh. Jon* I. 8TORT, H. P. •VALEKT1XKS at O. W, Owen'*. /THK Ring WOOD School accompanied f by their Principal, Wm. Nicklf, |»ld a [ visit to ilif McHenry school on Thurs- V day Afternoon last. We nre Informed by James Robbing, %t Salon^ that there are four men til that village, whose united ages nre three hundred and thlrty-tqre« yours. WE htive a new advertisement for H*lm A Peter, hardware merchants, Algonquin, which will appear nisi week. . : Jxc ITETZEL appeared on our streets on Monday meriting with :tn iinusus] •millng countenance. Cause, it was a girl and weighed 9} poundsA Wefctl smoke. • '•"•l 1 Ip you wish to have a good laugh go jiift|llvers!de Hall on Thursday evening and hear the Georgia Hiuiitrelr. They are the finest minstrel troupe on the toad. Do not fail to go to the U. E. church Mi Friday evening and hear the lec­ ture on "Travels in the National Park." It will be interesting, and will repay ?•« for you time. 'THE Skating Rink. In tills village, .will otdy open Tuesdavs. Thursdays and Saturdays, after tlii* week. Skat­ ing from 3 to 430 and froiu 7:30 to IP o'clock p. m. K. ORIS WOLD sold Ills residence In this village last week to E. Lamphere, of Wauconda, who Is moving In tills week. Mr. Griswold started on Monday morning fer his new home, near Jack­ son, Tennessee, . ON the first page can be found a' Of w advertisement of M. Engleu. dealer in Fancy Groceries, Sperling Material. Fishing Tackle, etc.' Mr. Englen keep* a good stock in his lino. Read hit ltd vertlsement. HENRY EKWIM ami his two daughters* Maggio and Ella, who have been very Hck with typhoid fever, have so far recovered a* to he able to sit invfThe lr fThenns wlsli to see thein around soon. MowtiAT morning a atfangov stopped a* the house ol W. Thomas. of Thomas- vllle, and c<tlled for hoard. Tliey liked the appearance of him and have con­ cluded to keep him. Weight, nine pound?. HENRY COLBY has a new advertise­ ment this week, which no one should fail to read. He Is nfferim -some bar. gain? in winter goods to close, nud be­ sides lie has one of the finest genera! stocks to he found in this aectlou. liBld his advertisement. We.learn that a son of N. 8. Colhv, aged about six year*, had the mis­ fortune to fall on Saturday last, strik­ ing upon a chair, breaking his nose, Jjone being broken In two places. The little fellow suffered considerable at first, but Is now ge 11 i ng along, as W«li ascould be expected. 1THE next School Sociable will he Jieljl In the school bull-ling on Thurs day evening of next week. Fib. 91st. Admission 10 cents, proceed* to he used to finish paying for the picture of. the late Prof. S. D. Baldwin, which is now being painted. Let there bfe a general turnout. ^Programme next week. THKBK was considerable excitement in and around Esquire Perry's office o»» Saturday last, the occasion being a law Miit, wherein Mrs. Brahun was plalntifl and Wm. McDonald defendant. The suit was brought, to recover damages under th« statute for selling liquor to a minor. F. K. Granger and II.'C. Mead appeared for the plaiutifl and l M. P. Ellsworth for the defense. A \ Jury was called, who, after a careful \ hearing, brought In a verdict for plain ' ytlft of flOflf and costs. THE maddest man. to date, I* the north part or the town. He ivas / pullinsr on Ills boot, the other morning and struck what lie supposed was a aasty.alimy snake ooiled up on tb» eolo. He jumped two yards and kicked ft throngh a 85 mirror, and a vase, valued at 816. and when his wife's **lteh came floating innocently 'out \ of the leather, it would have ileuiora- \ liaeil-a horw joekey to hear 1itm talk. \ Verily, the righteous moo stand ttpon alippery places. ( Y AN exchaiiif^ gets oil the following; "A man traveling through a grove. Was • overtaken by a rain storm, and crawled Into a hollow log. The moisture closed the aperture *o that he could not ex­ tract himself, and as no assistance was near, he realised he was in danger of pe/lstting. The thought made him fecal) all the mean deeds he bad done through life, and the one that troubled him most was the fa«t that lie had constantly borrowed tils neighbor's Jiome paper Instead of miImrribisig for it hiuisHf, The reflection made Id in leel sori*i«ark*Hlj-mnail that lie *||p. ped w«t of the Jo-j without touching it jsnd went straight way to t'.e office, and • oubscribed for his h»me paper. It is unnecessary t» ad.I that he lived a long lift* of prosperity, and became a ( DMlttcted i9«n in bis community," THE Harvard Independent »aj-s: "We understand that Gapt. W. G. Bil­ lings is not gaining as much as his frieuds wish he could, though he Is quite cheerful, and has hopes of being able to again use his llmhs enough "to help himself. 1hat hls hopes, may be fully and speedily realized is lite wish of his hosts of friends." WK would call especial attention to the new advertisement to be found in another column, of F. D. Coltrjn & Co.. Algonquin, In which they are offering some rare bargains in certain lines of goods, in order to close them out. This firm have one of the finest ar­ ranged country stores to be found In McHenry County, and keep a stock sec­ ond to none. Read their advertise­ ment and call and see them. WK are {lad to be able to announce to the fun loving public that the ori­ ginal Georgia Minstrels are coining, and will appear at Riverside Hall on Ihursday, (to-morrow) evening. This is one of the finest niiustre! troupes now traveling, and St composed of four­ teen colored artists who have a reputa­ tion that no word of ours can add to. If you wish an evening of real pleasure do not fail to go to Riverside Hall to­ morrow evening. IN these days a girl will take about twenty thousand pieces'of silk of all shades, shapes and sizes; and put them all neatly together, and then embroider dainty birds, aiul blushing flowers, and ribboned tamborines. and all sorts of exquisite little concerns upou It, And after this she lines it with sky blue satin, and puts a luxurious gold cord around the edge, and when all this aesthetic object is finished it Is called a crazy quilt. The quilt is all right-- it's the girl that's crazy.--J5e. GTI.BEIU MRTCALF showed us a few days ago a quantity of clover cinders which were taken from the center of a mow of clover in a barn north of Bel- videre. The clover was thoroughly charred, and when discovered was very Jiot. Doubtless aVraft of air, reaching It when first discovered would have set It all ablaze. The clover was put into the mow when damp or not fully cured. Tho mysterious b iriiing of barns ma; be accounted for in this way many times.--Marengo Republican. To parents and boys the AmbJv y*>w» gives this word of caution: "There are three young men in Amboy crippled for life, that serve as living examples to the bovs who fool around railroad cars. Two h ive both legs cut off and find It difficult traveling ou crutches and wooden limbs, whll* the other suffers the loss of one limb. Yet almost daily we see hoys jumping on and off railroad trains in a reckless manner, regardless of authority or the danger connected with such foolish­ ness." r'--r • Tr"»«'s In lh« Nntlonal Pork. ,* H,C. Mead. Es:, , will deliver a lee* ture in the M. E. Church, in this vil. lage. on Friday ever it,*' next, Febru­ ary IS. for tli»> benefit of the pastor. His subject will be. "Travels In th» National Park." Mr, Mead sp*nt some time visiting this place last fall, and from notes taken at Miat time has pre­ pared a lecture -that cannot fail of be­ ing both interesting and Instructive. If* also has many rare specimens pick­ ed up In the park. be«ldes views of sev­ eral «f the most noted points, which lie will exhibit to the audience. This is a lecture which no one should fail to hear. Admission. 15 cents. The lec- •ure will commence at 7 o'clock. Re­ member the date, Friday evening of this week. February 13tli, at the M, E. Church. ABOUT three weeks ago, J. II, Mon­ roe, station agant »t Uidgeiield. |ffr, as people opposed, for a vi-lt with friend- abroad, and no word h»s been heard from him since. The past week his wife pu't'chiised a ticket for Chicago, and the railroad company "took tum­ ble ;o itself," and itnme lia'< ly appoiu . ed his fiiccesfior. It new transpires that Mr. Monroe has skipped the coutK trv wi'h about fifty dnlhiss of the com­ pany's money, leavliyg behind him a large number of unpaid debts which he made by borrowing and bv getting credit at verious places. No reason can be assigned for the act, and. as he has always been thought to oe an honest man, a feeling of surprise, sad­ ness and contempt tills thy hearts of the pfopln of the community,--Demo erai. REPORT of the Mclleury Public School for the 20 days ending Feb. lst^ 1884: HIGHER DEPARTMENT. No. days taught.. 90 No. boys enrolled... 29 No. gh|s edrolled.. .28 No. pupils enrolled..... ......V... S7 No. days attendance Average dilly attendance...48 Per ceut of at tendance.. 84 No. visits from school ofllcers..,., 1 No. visits from others 6 GEADK A. , , '( 3 I'LL! g||FE '* ! " **• - |<!=! 3|.j N tna finrtjy..... Win Went worth...... Stella BRRkwIth Poru Paigro K^vl Mcuil Hnlliu Stnitlt ......... Aug Nor<l<iue(«., Jlowanl t'erry Alii-e Bcnneli.,,... Frank Kay KtSe Gilbert. Frank llauly. Cora McOmIter Jc«s« Van Slvka.. Lewis Owen*. Clara Wrijrlu Chas Lr \". IW) IWI'SM! SS 98 1(10 9.1 W0 m iwj so.sift;' m 10(1 3| !« flisfla HO 10(1 SO'sa; 9;,9« 98 92 too » |S8 95i S8; i 95 ISOj74;l«>ia6 9H H9.100 93 | SAi ! 94 H'. |90|95 90 V; 88jS2; 95 Ki jSO 97 V CO SiH ill | no 9;V!ti noj 70 82 liw [ W75 w «.»7 H. 7<>;90 e^i 70 70; S0 50 95 I0.VR.V 7S S8 SOJION ss'771 as 86 7 >!K» 92-71 i 9^ 70 69; 95 9t>n.1 90 80 70] 98 fi* SI 90 A number of -High School" studies, such as Algebra. Physiology, Physical Geography. Literature and Bookkeep­ ing are taught In this grade, which ac­ counts for the omissions in the above report of some of the common branches. As we make no pretense to do "High School" work, the standing ou such studies is not reported. OIUDB a vfi , ' * i='=|S|* £!$ a <;-p|® 1*1 I a M:tml Van Siyk'e....', liattie Story...•.*, Muliel Krtnt. ... Philip Maves. ....... Michael Walsli....... K<twarl Knox,....*.. Mary Ma<t<ten,...t.... Sum MrOonald ... .. Tlios C'le»ry Harry Welch.. Lovcina (iriinolby .. j 95 -|75 Si !»7«f .">( '7S iioa 175 ! 100 toe l«il 74.v i74^!'»5S0 I sc so! ! as Uo ! 90 ao 8<:,9 » »I|WU00 I ! I' I 95 60|70,9r. 77, too 'Ko ,40,5s! 771 H5 »;>! I78;74 95 95 l«,58| 95 50:57! 95 30 45 95 fif'HS: 95 4(5 42; |00 25 00 To the Teachers of M« Henry County. Ue'jroD, Illinois, Feb. 8, 1^94. Yeu Uave doubtless, ere this received, cllrtd'ars and questions relative to State Fair School Work. If you have not, please notify IUO at once and I will sup- ply them. , ,4. It Is design#d That thdipoetly tlio results shall he Tor exhlbf t at IhS State Fair; but diieotly that the schools of this County shall thus begi-i(. a *yalem of competitive work. The showings forwarded to the County Superintend­ ent will be carefully compare.I, ar­ ranged and bound to preserve In this office for his enlightenment aud tlie benefit of the general public. F«»rsev ral years the Superintendent has been unable to gain sny complete Idea of the scbeol-room work actually being done.In this county; from the fact Miiit,.he has been unable to do tint little or no visitation of its school*, it is thought by the Sup't and other leading educators of this county, that the plan abo%*e mentioned will be el great value educationally to the county by furishing information desired and needed. Hence your hearty co-» operatiou*is deisred. It is expected that yon tirt# part i» this examination a»id only unavoid­ able reasons will be considered vailed if you decline fo doing. Respectfully, * ' HKMtrRB*M»wis, t Conny Su|M>riut •'udent. 0nly89,50for Blackberrv China Tea set oI W pisoee •»>. (h9$mleU, # I Oo.'s. The scholars of the higher depart­ ment are furnished, each month, with a statement .of their standing. It is hoped that the patrons will see to It that these reports are presented for their approval or disapproval; either would tend to improve the school work of the pupil. J. A. fiHKT.UOH. Prln. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. No. days taugtit No. liovs enrolled 30 No. gi rls enrolled...... .. 24 No. pupils enrolled..**.*».54 No. days attendance., ,,..8-18 Average daily attendance .,,... 47 Per cent of attendance ........... 87 Number neither absent nor tardy, 10, viz: Lonnle Bishop, Joe Bishop. Peter Bishop, Clarence Curtis, Maud Colby, •las. Hal pi n, Richard Hatpin. Rotiert Howard, Effle Kennedy, Alvah Mead. Clias. Nordquest. Alfred Perry, M iggie Walsh, Jesie Wheeler. Louis Walsh, Nellie Hill, Katy Knox. I.ewis Thomp­ son, Ralph Child*. ETTA E. TOSUUMOB. PRIMART DEPARTMENT. - * No. days taught 90 No. pupils enrolled 40 No. days attendance »........001 Average daily attendance.,...,..45 Per cent ol attendance............. 9J Number not Absent, 23. viz: Allie Waite, Agues Perry, Cl<*raent Oenv, Hirry Kidredge. Loiiule Smitli, Lulu Covey, Agues Colhy, Miles Colby. G o. Gilles, NVillie Myers.Deli l*ark*r. Henry Le ck»MR. Jac>b Leickein. Stella More*, Lyle IL'IWA, Miio HIIIT«. Lizzie Hill. Daisy* Hil|, Lizzie Eu»»'1n. Lottie Covey. John Buhr, Frank Itethermel, Bliit Rrt.r.e STOODARD. wAr MfBUm DKPARTMEST. N o . ( l a v s t a u g h t . - 2 T » No, boys enrolled ]HZ •No. girls eiiroll d.;23 No. pupils enrolled.....,...,.^..' f»0 No davs attendance.... jr... . . Average daily attendance. ,v,.-J ol P e r c e n t o f a l t o n d a n c e . . . . 9 1 No. visitors..,...,....,.. ..... 9 The following named wore neither absent or tardy: Charles Itlackuian, Lizzie Buss. Prank Confer. Guv Clem­ en®, Walter Kvaugon, I? Mie Granger, Jay '»ilb-*rf. Gustavo K'"-nne4 Henna n Kainliolta. Ollie Ki'liU dtz. Pred Ka:n • hoi z. Julia Lawrence. Qraua Mea Emma Peters. Caarle* Wriglit, Thos. Welsh, Minnie Krause. We '^ive the name of the one who stood 'li-r e»t in monthly written ex an nations. In each studyof Grade At History, Eddie Granger an I Charl • Wright, eac i l-W; Arithmetic. Willi am Lawrence OS; Geography. KMie Gran g-<r99: Lan;ni»-«. <hi tries lVrig.;;t 83; Snt»lhn«r. Llille Breyer 0*»;*" F^nrih R-vid r, Breyer 88. In B Spelling. J iy Gilbert, Ciias, Blackman, Fred Knn lioltz and Gusta Nickels each s'oo l 10(1. The honors of rour departme :t are. due to Lillle Breyer. fer best Sjielllng in the contest on Friday last. J. 3. T/imr. --•i* SEW WOOD- EDITOR PLAIKDKAI.EK:--D. «, So per lias purchased a W. W. Kimball organ. The Aid Society meets at W. A. Bakers, Wednesday afternoon, Socia­ ble in the even! ng. Be prepared for valentines day the 14th even if you don't get any. We have learned that J as Dawson intend* visiting his tunny friends here lo the near future. C. V. Goddard succeeded in shooting a fox on the 8th. At the donation for Rev. Wm. Niokle about #70 was collected. The musical and legerdemain show was reported to be a good one. We hear yi»t Rev. II, Happel Intends moving into Mr. Charles' house, on III* place lately purchased of R. R. Whit- tier. Among the attractions at R. R. Whir, tier's auction, besides the usual free lunch, was a due old fashioned secre­ tary, and an ancient carriage horse. THERE W i l l be a dance at Heltner's Hall, on Monday evening. February 25. for the benefit of the German School. All are invited. Tickets. 50 cents. BT OK L) BR (IF COM MITT KB. To in ike room for an immense stork of clothing aoou to arrive^tock will make prices ou our present we that will sell it. Call and s»-e. HENRT I' Farm for Sale. I offi»r my Farm on Twin EnkeV; 3 ^iies nnrth-4'ast «f Richmond, for sale. •I'iiere are G5 acres of lai d A I for dairying, with two houses and out- huildiojf*. abundance of living water, etc. Terms made known o:i applica­ tion to HKJiiiY KRUMPKN. fuo30ir3J flicliuioud, 111, Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BV •*. r. RKNNKTT. German class alt l)r. Bennett's on Monday and Thursday evenings of each week. . . A large number of auction sales of stock, etc., in thH vicinity are adver­ tised. Mrs. Van Zandt's German cltss jmee t« at the school house on Monday, Wed­ nesday and Saturday evenings. Charles Cool man has bought U.Chev- illon's property an>d Chevillon .has bought the place now occupied by J. V. Aldrieh. Richmond Post G. A. R. wi!l give a ball and oyster supper in aid of their relief fund, on the evening of Friday, March 7th. A more particular notice of the same will appear hereafter. The accommodation of a forenoon mail is onto much appreciated by our business men, and while U makes Post­ master Potter extra trouble and Some expenserit is cheerfully shouldered,pro bono publico. By reference to advertising columns it will be seen that Henry Krumpen offers his farm of 85 acres for sale. It lies northeast of this village and Is de­ sirable as a small'stock farm, having l!vlng •'water and othet- conveniences. Terms made known on application by letter or otherwise. PoatofBfce address Richmond, III. We are pleased lo learu by the Daify Iowa Capital, that Senator P, M. Sut­ ton, of Maishalltowu, one* a Richmond tft»y, is making his mark In the Iowa Legislature. The Capital publishes, under the^iead of "Sovereign Rights." a "ringing speech'* of Senator Sutton's on the Hennepin pCana| Question, In which he attacks witlt vigor the posi­ tion advanced by some that the Gov­ ern Inent has no right to undertake such it work. The dissolution of the Arm of Alex­ ander & Hyde will in no wise aflect the business, which will now be conducted by Mr. Alexander, on the same basis that lias made the old firm deservedly popular. Will Sherman Is to retain his old place l;i the store. Fifteen years* experience has made Mr, Alexander a competent druggist, to whom the com- pounding of prescriptions for the sick may be entrusted with the utmost confidence; and we do not doubt that the business reputation of the house will be fully sustained by hlui as sole proprietor. ; , J. R. Hyde, having dltposetl «f tils interest in the Arm of Alexander & llyde, to Mr, Alexander, proposes to make Colorado his future home, and will leave Richmond for the West about the 1st of March. It is a subject of iritch regret that Mr. Ilyde and his family are to leave, and they will he sorely missed in business n ul smiial circles. Fifteen years of-hturtuess here have proved Mr llyde to lie a sterling business man, such as no cmiiiiiuuity would like to lose, and mil ver*a| regivts and good wishes will follow hitiyt|itd his faiiiiiy to their new hotne, • . -- --» The Harvard Independent has the following in regard to'the Richmond Market Fair: K. O'Connor went over to Richmond last week to see how' the people of thai town conducted their monthlv fair, or auction. He *ayg it was a success in every particular. It Is not only a jfood thing for the merchants and townspeo­ ple, hut a crand thing for the farmer anil mechanic. The streets w*re crowded with people from all pnrts of the township, and many came there w'th horses, cows, sheep, hogs, wagons, in fact everything a farmer has to tell, from distant towns, and felt well paid for their trouble. Good pi ices were obtained for most everything that was sold Tliere was no irouble in finding ready bidders for everything offered for sale. Nearly every animal, that was fur sale had a card en to that effect, thus saving diue and trouble of enquir­ ing *vhat and ivhtrh article was to he *old when the hour for the sale arrived. IVe sincerely hope our business n«en will look tiiis matter up and establish a monthly fair or auction day at Har­ vard. fft • from !«»t week's I lie K>Uior iiisagrees with my views on the |too» liou-o question; but with olmraeter istic ti>ve of f ni' (it.iy lie publisher the follow- 'Mtf.-S. F. ItKKKETr.] Moll BNRY Co. I'OOH Honas:--It will be seea, try the report of the Bo»rd of Supervis­ or!, that A. It. Alexander, the member fur Richmond, during the discussion en the mo­ tion to adopt the report of the Committee on poor farm, moved "Tim' so much of tne report ns referred to the insane be postponed until July meeting, 1884, and that Committee be authorized to make suitable arrangements for the insane," and the iqotion was voted down, If Mr. Atexsnder had been strietly parliamen, tury he would have mored * -'division of the question," but Bis motion in the form in which it was matte amounted to about the same thing,and it wn» ilie most sensible thing offer­ ed during the whole debate, so far as I can gather lrom the report of the-proceedings; Xheie w.ero twe UUtiuct questions involved iq (lie motion to adopt the report, which should have been considered separately. There is a mighty sight of dliference let ween a ro»d house and a poor house, and no »ane OP hiiipiine supervisor should think of combining bo11) in one institution. Mctlenrjt Co, might noa<| i he one and not need the other. The two questions should have been considered separ­ ately and carefully, As a taxpayer I am entirely willing to pay my proportion toward making any provisions for our County poor aad insane, that they Riay need. Uut I don't want to IJJ taxed for a THING those people do not need, aad I think I shall show they don't need either a mad house era poor house--not twenty-fivr thousand dollars worth. First:--To refer to the Committee's report it is stated as itn argument ic favor of a read- poor.beueis, that "There are at present soot insane in our dtate, and our four State hospit­ als will accommodate but on3 halt that num­ ber. This lieing the case we cannot reasonably expcct relief from the*tate miles* it be in the dii« tuttjre. Your Committee therefore can net consistently with their duty to your hon­ orable Itoard, to the CotttiLy and to humanity, recommend other than as above Indicated." Wpre not that intelligent Committee aware of the fact that the number of actually Insane in any^tateor community bears a very smi^ll proport ion to the number that peed restraint of any kind, or care in a wad hogs*? The (MXW insane of our State embraces all the degrees of insanity where it hits progressed fttr enough to be diagnosed, and the estimate is made from tht census and other reports. It will l»0 inai 'f tho truth to assume tfctt at Ica^l ̂ no tltU'd of that eooo insattf are of a class that ̂ not need a public, asylum. This would leave Obly 1003 who sho«i<i be sent to an sgylnm. That number is still farther reduced by those whose financial condition is sitc.h that ample accomijiodations AT home CAB be afforded, and another large number of poor injano whose friends would rather tlie thiin have them sent away from their own watchful, interested care. But admit the very utmost limit--that there are *080 ir.suno persons in the State who should be in the asylums, and that the four Stato institutions can accommodate only*3000: The llouoruble Hoard of Supervisors are in­ formed of a fact tlicy most have been of, viz.: tliut the last Legislature made ample pruvitKins to mcer, the ein«rgency--previsions that will be available full as soon ae we Mn build a mad poor house. By act «f the Legislature, approved June M8S, the sum ef StCO.WiO is appropriated for the Illinois Eastern Hospital for the 4nsttue at Kankakee, for the erection, completion and furnishingot additional buildings to be used as dormitories and living rooms, and fer tlie additional expense of maintainence of one thousand patients, when the buildings pro. Tided tor above are completed, the sum of fl23,000 per annual was alto appropriated. That niitkes provision for 19€0 of our insane who may not be new in asylums. By the Act Hpproved June 21,188:!, the suin of #135,000 is appropriated tor the purpose of erecting an additional buihling to the Central Hospital for the Insane, at Jacksonville, to occommudate 30U p.uients. Iiy another Act, approved June 21, 1833, a special appropriation ef #32,000 was made together with the unexpended balance of tlie appropriation made for the rebuilding ef the north wing after the fire, far building an addition to ilie north wing of the Hospital for the Insane at Anna. This addition is for the accommodation of patients to the number of 32 of the more exeltoi and dangerous class. In these three acts of the Legislature provi­ sion is made for taking care of one thousand three hundred and V>irly tu<o insane In addition to ac.coinmodaliona tlie State alrcidy has. It ts the opinion of those who have given the question most thought, that those provisions will be ample temcct all tlie requirement* of the insane of the State for some years to come. That this opinion is held by the Legis­ lature, a Vodv that shotild have all the facts and statistics on which to base an opinion, is shown in the fact that House Hill No. 235, pisseJt the order of second reading and was ordered engrossed tors thin! reading and then was d.mppcd because the want It wasdesigned to meet was covered liy the aets already cited. Those conreisant with Legislative proceed ings will know that when a bill gets to the third reading it is almost equivalent to its passage. If a bill is to be killed, it will be dene before it gets that far. The provisions of the Hill referred to were to "creste and es. tahlish the Illinois Western Hospital for the Insane, and appropriate *2(M.cno for that pur. pose. It was the evident intention of the Legislature to pass this bill, and it would have been done had it not t e'en plain that the additional accommodations provid ed for at the Jacksonville, Anna and Kankakee asylums were amply sufflcieat What then, does M«- Henry County want an expensive mad-poor house for? Provision should be msde for exceptional eases in every County, McHenry nmong the rest, but it can IKS done without taxing the County to bnit'l t»n expenstvo almshouse. I refer te the exceptional on so* ol an "excitable and dangerous class" of insane, like Kimball, of the Town of Richmond. Such cases must be put nn ler restraint now, to insure the safety of the lives of those with whom they may come in contact, and while, I presume, a person in such condition would rot be-suseep tible to moral impressio.i one way or the other by jaii Influences, it would not be best to send him there, but to provide care for him some­ where el$o for the few days necessary to take the proper «tcp§ to hive him sent toa State a«ylum Tics wisdom of tte Connty Board ought to be c<|U!il lo ihe task of inn king pro vision for such cases - which may not nppear onee in ten years--without going to the enor­ mous primary expense of building nn alms­ house, and thfe second'r.v heavi sniuuil ex- panse of riimnirr/ it when provided. I think .that the alituhotiscs visited by the Committee of the lioird of Supervisors are among the best conducted in the .State, but even of [„nke the Commissioners of Charities say i oynts In. sane dopartniant wan aondenined in a farmer report. It remains unchanged, and the insane that arc locked in their cells are to be pitied. Pour of these cells were found to |>e very filthy and tho odor from them was oflensivc. One Insane man discharged from Elgin is very violent. His ontire costume is a shirt and a pair of handcuffs. The handcuff* were bright and the shirt was not. Such a patient should not he discharged from * State institution and if this lioard had the power of transfer, which should be conferred upon it, ho would be re turned to the hospital at Kl^in." Thealtove is anything but flatterlng-to the Lake Co, poor-mad houae, and yet it is to be remembered what Messrs. Bishop and Pike seemed to bass their report, partly, at least, on their examination of tho Lake Co. qlms. house. I do not wish to question the sincer­ ity and honesty of those members of the Board who voted "aye"on the almshouse question, but I do think ttiey acted hastily, wilhont sufficient consideration of so important a matter, and that more weight shou Id have been given to the opinions of cooler and sounder heads, like Alexan ior, tiroerheck. Sawyer, Garrison and Mead, who voted "nay." It would have tinon at le tst a grtcefuf act to havs acocodod to Supervisor Alexander's proposition to submit the question t« a vote of the people whose money is to be spent, and all the more so that suoh a course was not a legal necessity. Having discussed the as an inttne a*/flum separately, as it shonid hnve been discussed l»y the Roard of Supervisors, and having, I think, shown that McHenry Co does not need It, it is now proper to discuss It as a poor hotme. I presented, inadequately. I admit, the moral and humanitarian aspactef the-question In n former article, bnt so strong are my convictions iq the matter, that I cm not refrain from repeating the protest agqlnst driving our unfortunate and unhappy poor in ai| indisorimiiiats herd to the poor house. The picture ot such an assemblage is gr aphically given in the Repnrt of the B >ard ot State Com­ missioner* of Public Charities, nn Adams Co and wc de not select Art iras Co. because it is worso than any of the rest, but take it at ran doin, Tlie Commissioners say; "Adams Conn tr maintains a latge pauper establishment. The niinilier of inmntes, when visited w.i»ouo hi|ii'trol a>id.eight; of whom fourteen were under 16 voars of ajre, twelve of tliCm illegitimate. Tnero were thirty.two insane inmates present, every one of wlion) was in seclusion, and one under restraint, one idiot, one deaf mute, three blind, twq sick, fifteen deformed ami crippled, and one woiaau awaiting oonlliieiiiant What an exhibit! Is not tho idea of bringr ing this one hundred and eight unfortunates into daily cqntant and contanunation-rror oven if (he insane are left out--revolting to every sentiment of humanity! When it connos to a matter of dollars and cents, Ithiqk the statistics will ahaw that It will cost a larger aim to keep paupejs in a eounty po-ir house than it supported by the ndividu it towns, I regret that 1 have not yet obtained «tati*tlcs to show what tt|e coat per week of iqaiqtainipg the permanent poor in each town is, but I presume it will average no higher in other towns than in I^iiilpuaqd, which pays S100 per \f eek or $.'5 per year. But of the cost of maintaining the permanent yyor in the counties where almshouse* are estab­ lished v,re havecxact information in IheVAjins House Tables," compiled by Commissioners of Charities. Tfeo table is too long to give entire, tqit I will begin in uiphaueijcal order and give, say a dozen counties conbccutifely which tyjll give S fair av^.age for tl)u State: Alexander, 93,00; Calhoun, S .flu; Cass, S56t; *); C||»y, SS.SO; Clinton, $1.60; Coles, $1*0; Cr.-iqrfoi'd, $1.50; Cumberland, 91.40; Douglas, $1.30; Franklin, J! 40; Gallatin, #2 00. The average in these counties is iiliout fl.68 per capita. But this represents only tl)e coat • f actual. suhsit tencp. To this should be added the interest on tlie money invested in poor farms ami ljuiiijes, in repxiis and vicious other expense* jseldput to running a poof house, and the worth of whaterer the produces. The Interest on the which it ia proposed to bond McHenry at 6 per cent, which is proltabiy as bonds can be usgotiated, will amount per year. I believe it will be below to assume that tho poor m an almshouse not be kept at ,i les« expense iitr week, per ca| us, iU.iu $2 uo. Tnu uitfereuce of 50 cents per week dees not seem very tnrge, perhaps, but It is t!6 per year, per capita, nud amounts to a large sum in time, and better be saved. Then the County would be too poor to appro­ priate «10 to aid its teachers Hi a scheme tu elevate the standard of our common schools The very least that the Board ef Snparvisori- ran expect the people to'ask is, that they bi- not hereafter too precipitate in their action*, as they do soera te have been IQ this matter so far, but manage it in some way so the people who have to fool the bill, can have a voice in saying whether they will incur the expend'- ture or not. O. W. OWKJT HAS just reeieve& o very choice lot of Valentinos. fnrsalo cheap. , Taxes ! Taxes I The nndersijeued. Collector of Taxes for the town of McHenry, will be at the following places at the time named to recieve Taxes. Mondays--At tho store of Lay A Adams, in the village of Johnsburgh. Tuesdays--At the store of B. Rain- thorp, in the village of King wood. Thursdays--At the shoj> of Nordqiiest A We her. In the village of McHenry,, Saturdays--At the store ot Piusi-n- mons A fivutisoti, in the village of Mc­ Henry*. OKO. ROYHHKURL, Collector, Tax Collector's Notice. The uhderslgned. Collector for the Town of Nundit, will receive taxes at the following named places: At But­ ler A Warner's, Nunda, Tuesdays, At the store of O. Shales, Barreville, op Wednesdays. At FiUtsinsmons 4k Evan- son's, Thursdays. At Perry & Owsii's on Saturdays, J. W. WlVOATB, Haada, III., Feb. I, MM. Farm for Sale. Tlie farm known as the Ortn Hale farm, three miles southeast of McHenry and a mile and a half north of Mndgett's Cheese Faetory, is ode red tor sale, con­ taining 120 acres of choice land, good buildings, etc. Time given II desired by purchaser, for particulars inquire of „ „ CHAS. HUPHMUK McHenry, Feb. 4th, 18*4. 1 •"7iT . For Salt* The undersigned offer for sale their Shops and T,ots, situated in West Mo Henry, nearly opposite tli* Post Office. A flrst class business location. For particulars apply to A. N. Tripp, West McHenry, ill, ^ _ Tun BMI, llcHsnry. Feh, Sth, NSt. To Poultrymen. 'For Sale: Full Blood Black Java <)<ickerels. Brown Leghorn Cockerels,? and a few Plymouth Hock Pullers and Cockerels, at my residence. Wauconda, Hi. G. W. PRATT. Tauconda, Dec. Sth, 18H3, fMnt IF your horse is lame or sore In any way, do not fail to call at Henry Colby's and get a box of Continental Hoof Ointment. It is no experiment. It has been tried and never failed. 9 To close out onr broken lines of Overcoats and Underwear, special prices will he made. Call and examin thetn at Henry Colby's. The Great Russian Remedy. O Dickimon if Sm, fiwnriffto*. Jilt (•KNTLKMKXvi .was sullering with rheumatinin so that I could hardly walk and a friend rf com mended your Russian Liniment, and after utdug two small bottles I was completely"iired. | Had it equally as good for «praiiis, bruises, etc., and 1 would reuoiHiiieud It tO til AS tlie best Liniment in u*e. MRS. M. M. MoKINCIR, •17 Fnlton Street, Chicago. 111. For sale by all DmggUu. Sold by Henry Uoiby, 12 boxes matches of 300 each or 3600 for 25 cents at Bonsiett. S to fie I A Co.'s. Wagon for Sale. A one horse lumber wagon, almost uew, suitable for milk wagon. Will be sold reosouabi*. Inquire at this office or of ilcH.nry, y.U W. im AW" We now are closing out a lot of caps at 25. to 50 cents on the aoilar, lieovy Colby. An elegant line of cortttta, SO and up at Heni<v Colby's, ONION SEED FOB SALS. I have 60 pounds of Yellow Paavrrs Onion Seed which 1 will sell at Ift.OO per pound. ^ttaary(Ill.,Fsh.M,»*. Wood for Sale. Good Dry Wood for sale by. F. A. HBPARD. Roy»lt Pearl. Prhres, Atlas, Baking Powders at Bonsiett. Stoflei & Co.'#. Bureaus are cheap. Black Walnut fop #7,25, at J, B. Blake's, l |The Westminster." tho boss co* stove on the marker. If you doi^t be Jleve it. call on E. M. Howe, and he will prove it to yoti in no time, and If you want a stove, will sell jrou one be­ fore yoti leave. Ladies and (?ent* scarlet nil wool underwear 98 cents pieces at Bonsiett, Stoflei $ Co.'s. Woven Wire Mauresi»es. tlio best for ouly $3.30. at John B. Blake's, F|TB All 11 to stopped free by Dr, Kline's Great Nerve lies to re r. No fits after flrst day's.use. Marvelous cores Treat ise and 82-00 trial bnttlo free to Fit cases, Send to Dr, Kline, 031 Arch St., Phila,, Pa. House and Barn for Sale or Rent. In the village of Bingwood. Hou*e lists ten rooms, and is !n good repair. A ffood garden, wejl and cistern, in connect ions, and all other necssarj conveniences. Will he sold rea?on-, ahle or rented to a responsible party Inquire ol Lapp Ringwood, Jan, Slst laii . 3>» Childrens oalf sewed, tipped shoes j 8 to II for 80 cts at Bonflett, Soflel $ Co W k now have the tiiiest assort men t of Visiting Cards overseen in this section. Call and see them, Strictly iHicolored' Japan Tea only 50 to CO cents at Bonsiett, Stoflei & Co Particular Notice, All persons indebted to me are re­ quested to call and settle on or before March 15th. as I am going out of busi­ ness here ftml wish to settle up my hooks. All hills not settled by that date will he left in the hands of a Jus­ tice for collection Business Notice*. to Mt*. Howe'a for HiHtne|y t«i sstnoking. - - 'v M«OKKK8, call tor Barhtan Bro« High Art." They Imve few equals. No iroohle to show goods joir answer questions at It. BishopV. Buy the Estey Orgau if you want tlM best. O. W. Owen, Mclleury, Agent. City residences for i-ale. A Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, IQ. Go to Mrs. M. Sfhuiiiacher's for Ml n*ry. Dress Making and Fancy Good• Silk Velvets Petty 4k Owen's. and " It don't pay to sleep on (IN Hoof when yon van buy bedsteads for at John B. iilake*s. . Case and Fnrst & Bratffejf: JNlNte^* Plows at E. M. Owen A - Five feet high l>ed<tpads. all. Rlaelt Walnut tor $4.75. at John B. Blake's. f-loaks. Dolman's and Ulsters fa* Ladies and Misses at I'erry AOwen'si Al. the leading Owen Jb Son's. Walking Pl*wa A| '4 ] . 4 A flnelttif of Overcoats Jnst at Perry & Owen's. Everything in the Hardware llae V bottom tigures. at E. M..Howe's. Call in and see the suits* E. LawltM ti-, telling. Heavy winter suits M.7S* A B ie lot of Clothing at bottom prt* •es, at J. K. Well« «t >on*s, Waueond% Both Combination and Platfornl Wasrons at E. M. Owen & Sou's, of th# ;j ^ best make. • -- Y« | Good Goods, low prices, and an how*' ^ > est deal, can be had at J, R. Wells 4| -; j Son's, Wauconda. f \-j 4 . Lumber Wagons. Milk WAfont, PUM^ ? lor salo at form Spring Buggieft Bishop's warehouse. The finest line of Sliver and Plated Ware to be found in the county, at Ct W. Owen's. If you want to buy Cloaks and Dol« . mans at bed roek prices, call on Wells & Son. Wauconda. Tlie Banner of t he World, tho nobble est little Parlor Heater mnde, at E, Mj» Howe's. Drags Drags, Drags, a |o| ou haoft* steel tooth aud ti|tist sell, for sale t# It. Bishop v ^ Extension Tables are cheap. Jt w: pay you to l»uy now. Call and them at John B. Blake's. * IF you want anything less thfc« tfc#~ ' • Estey Or«;an I can sell you one for#i|S and upwards, O. W, OWKK ... ^ Tho Wavorly. Glen A corn, Roup* ,,#J Acorn and Forrost Acorn Wood Heat* 'i era. at E. M. Howe's, opposite Bishop'* ; M,,t* . *^4^ The Prlxe Acorn, Black Acorn Loyal Acorn Cook Stoves. Has HI#' , perior. At E. M. Howe's, oippo»lt#r:.-^J Bisiiop'A Mill. Everything in farming ImplonieBt# .•* from a Swill Cart to a McCormi*% ' Twine Binder, can be fount!" at warehouse of K. Bishop. For flrst-class iiHtirancO against ' V ") and Lightning, wind storms. cytlSMK '^$1 toruadoeM. etc.. etc.. apply to Aaa WV '-"t Smith, Woodstock, ill. - . 4-. The Cortlr.nd side-bar Top Buggy i| * * light and tine, and is the most dorab)p buggy made. Can always se« thr*> «$' ^ K. M. Owen Son's. CLOTHIXG. ( A complete stock ot Men's aod Bofl&v Clothing at bottom prices, l»K*KT Aju*U, Ovsrcoats that will wear 3 years..$3 siy Heavy Suits.... 5 of-' Boys' Pants, heavy llnerl I Also Boots below Chicago prices, K- The Westminster Coal Stove, botlt Round and Square. For beauty aojv -dWShility has no eqnial in tlto Hi»rk«t» For sale by E. M. Howe, v * ; The lightest Drop Stilkv plow In thif world is the HapgOod, lounti at E. Ifi Owen 4 Son's, aud sold as low Its tl(P fOjDMtuu aitiikey, j; 1" sCS."*'T$ FINE SHOES, . *Vl ..Just Received, The tinest Stock of -fiUdies' and Children's Wear la th(| "> -4 ^ county at bottom prices at Perry M v ^ Owen's. j Bucklin's Arnica S||lv«. ' The best salve in the world for Cntl, »€ B r u i s e s . S o r e s , l l l e e r s . S i l t l < h e u m e t , Fcvor Sores. Tetter. Chaped Hands,! t vhilhlains. Corns, and all n flrtip- tlons. and positively cure Piles, or nor*, >*$ pity required. It is guaranteed to give " A;! 1 perfect satisfaction, or money refun* | ded. Price g» cents per box. " 'f 1 For Sale hy Henry Colby, f E. Lawlux beats Chicago on tow Ml •es torololhing. T Farm For Sale. ' u Tlie undersigned alters for sale his . farm.situated owe tuile from Hingwoodji fitation and Clieese Factory, containing';' 100 aiires of choice laud. 40 acres of which is timber and pasture. There are good tmildin?> on the premises. a«tk s ^ •. orchard, and in short it is one of (ho : iiicst desirable farms i:i this section. Vfe . For t^^^aMd other partirulara Uji- Sji quire of, ... ^ . . , . • • * C. DBIMOCBT, le^SIf, - $ 9-W-n»9 ' - .tfc $ " ' -I- , . .4 ^ Brussels Carpet Lounges oalf I7JBI . || 1 at John B. Blake'".. " CALL, and see the uobtiy BOW Suits * % T at E. LawJtw'. . He h*» sold «uH* of 1 ̂ oi)« Mud. _ ' 1 [ ;.|c A Wne Square Pin no is nfls^flftt 31 sale. Will be sojd wheiip II applied tor SoOU. C. I, I'iATT, ••• , 5s ] ________ FUR WANTID. " win buv all classes of Fur. Raft, I Coon. Skunk and Mink, ond will pay - 1 the Iliiftlo'St Market Prl«». *• •• G. W, PHA l"l'. Waueoiida, 1)1. ' FT J. , SOroi " t-51; Seed Barley for Sale^ •£-»;£ I have a i»t of Pure Measury ftitlty r s ^ ̂ for sate, if called for soon. .. HUMEK VATTLtt UcHrnry, 111., Sov. s, issa. Call lor Nimble Xicklo snap. bos( tA market 4t Bonsiett. Si ..del 4 I^B.V Examlue the Juliet, Hervftie, Oat* nmhi.t and t'oraline rorsets at Booe slett, Stoflel <3b Please remeuilM»r «l»*t <M»r ttork la every department Is very cm\plMs • and that our prices are flig.w.; j lowest th.-.t can be made. We » III >' uu' lcirstdd by any house iu, ibMngg ;M|a. Heory Q»tly» , ^ v t > S . i .ISA*;.L. ^ ^ I •"A

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