Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Mar 1884, p. 1

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W3®f« niimifar Pledged but to Truth, to Libe «.«, « . VOL. 9, M'HENRY, ILLINO BUSINESS CARDS. ASA «r. SMITH. ^TTORNEV AT I, A If and •'- r 4 I. &:•&'£ < £ .&*.! Chancery.--Woodstock, III. f %SL FF*? „" faMUkttt Erwy WSd»*od*T %y -Tif.: V.AJX SI JUSTICE, -|»w» w ^KwrtesV' •iJ'*' s. • .- • .' • 1 /^jOmce to Bishop'* Block, • * . *V>' --orroflfrft Pesst * Owen's.---<« "1 i.'SJ-tff' t J*Vv TKR1CS or aUBSOttlPTtOH, ^! •1 ••••' ftf f « • •^V.' r-s-t* , '<*,« •• > • >* -> -•• ry-f pi * ? " -t-?"' *aM«ri»tfc*e Bae»tfl0l> ike 91 'ja ,f(l* A<IT**C.) ., •id within Three Month*.„.. received ft? itbre* proportion. S.0B Bl* HAS. teMdn*r eeitoor m art h. barbiah. "WORKR. 411 kind* of Hair rk dpne tn first class s t y I * and at 10 pHces.Kooms 11 resilience, north- aorafraf Public Square, McHenry. III. C.8. UBEKN. vrssr"r 8URQSOW, Biebmoad, JR9SI A. BANDIT 111, 1 TfWtMT AT LAW. Law business in State rtcelT»iprain|)t Waohington St., Ohi- A. Every pan of the attention. Boom 24, 99 Sago, IIL ' " S f , ' . ' t s^f ' ';"> VJ, -%,«• >K7 t"-' Kates of Advertising. #• announce Hberal rate* for advertising Stha PLantncAtnn, and andeav+r to state i*# ee plainly that th*v wHl be readily an. iTweed. They are a* follow*: 1 teeti ea* year . 1 ?' ft' »\';'V 4 5 oo 85 sgaasssjsr- -'.4':-.1-. - ss 1 Calaata ene year * * • - 100 00 Oaa laak nenni the matnreroant of one laektawa the colnmo, etnele nelnnm width. Tearly *.lTerti«er«, at the altore m'tes, have tha prlrlleice of riiantrinjr *« "often at] they MotN, without extra charge.! Regular a'lverttcr* (meaning tho*e liaving *Uta4(ag eaV Is) wilt he entitled to insertion ar local notices «t the rate of s cent* per line each week. All other* will be clmrgeti W eaatj per-ine the first week, and Scent* per, Uaa Mr each aubteqnent week. Traacteat adrnrticement* will be charged •t the rate af It cents p* line, fnonparcil type, aataa a* thi* i* set In) the flrat l**ne, it nd teeateper Una for anbaaqunnt iaane*. Th is, •• lack advertlaenaat will cost tl.OQ for ene week, *I,M fo» twa weeks, 92.00 for three waaka, aad *o oa. fk* PT,KTVN*T.I.WN will be liberal in grlrlng •dltarial aeticea, bnt, as a bn^inesa rnln, it wlH raqair* a auttaMe fee from everybody aaektnf tk* aaa af ita columns for peenniary |»ti. 3USIHESS CARDS. flsis H. T, BBOWK, M. I>. PWTilOIAN AWD 3ITRGEOS'. Ollce erer tke ̂ eat OfBce, oppoaita Perry *3f»rtla'a ftlfra «p ataira, McIIeiiry, 111. : •=-«", ~ : F ^ 'i «*• • ^V' " \ t;r J. II. SOOTH ILL, M. ®, PHTSICf AW At«l> MTHtiKfW. Offlca appo-aita Pact OHee, Fiaicwood, III. r Or c. n. riORR, M, D. iKTtlOlAK AND 9TTR«KOX. Vonaary, Jlla. office at Realdenne, on the Garoar, ippeaita BUka'a Knrpjtur* Sl^re. O. J. HOWARD, M. Q. AW1 appoaite M. r«T«OIAS AWO 8WROROK. aar reaitf«ac«, VeHaary, III. Ofllee a( Church, MOjllT RRORIVKO rOR INVKSTIIB*T Iff aad leaned on raortfafe aacnvlty at enrr mt rat**, without charf* to the lander. ImnB laaaa aaade at aiz par aamt. J. W. RAVSTEAO, 1 and 3 Borden RIoeJ;, Rlgia, It). OR, C. *. WILLIAMS, DENTIST. Residence Dundee. W5U be at McHenry, at Parker Houae, the 10th and itMl of each month. Wben dates occur Ratnrday or Sunday I atake my vi*ite on the following Monday. JOHN- KLRirUEH. HOOTK Painter, Ominer, Ouloimtoer and Paper Hanger. Itesidnnce one Block Weat of Riverside House. Work attended ta proiaply and on]reasonable terras. Horsemen, Attention! Alllorers of line Horsos are respectfully Invited to pall at mjr farm, half a mile weat of McHenry, on the Woodstock road, and see mr flne Morgan «nd Draft Horses. I have a Percheron Nonnan Draft Colt that 1* hard to beat. 0.-»II and see him. 49"Nt> business done on Sunday, &S.C0LBT, MaHanry, H*y l*t, 1K2. C. N. CULVER, I Richmond, Illinois. Sales of Stock, Farming1 Tools and Goods ot nil kinc s attended to on the most Keasonable Terms and satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office address, RICHMOND, 49*Will attend sales and fnrnlah . and advertising as cheap/M ean be proon alaawbere in the ;ounty. printing trootirad BOBZBT & BmSTT, • BREEDER OP- ilsloon and Itontnu rmiit, ir|| BAtRMKKT of Kuhnevt'a Store, Jobna- J. kargh, III. • The choicest brand* of Winea, |>laa*r* aadC'igara alwa** oa fcafnn. Call ia« aaa «*. ' RICHMOND, ILL.. (tlMT rRBKIDH IT HM1UIXT OOUJTTT rM%1 Mv fowlaareof the celolirstert DITKE OF VOliM»|»«(toi, rewirltabla for tlieir «sraat *i«e * -f« >--- i»"*-, last aaaaon'8 cliipfes wa'ifhini? :(1 WXM"'* Eggs, uer setting of thirteen. dp|jyejro«| lo purchaser In Richmond, Shipped, aeetirely packed, 92.00. ROBERT C. BEMFKTT. PRATT HOCSIf, PRATT. Proprietor Pirat alaaa ae- aaiaaaadation*.' Wood;Barn la eonnectioa 'tao*nda. 111. ' J is irnao. BARBIAN BROS. r<|«AnaSaiiiRfartn.er8, Mell^nry, 111. Or- li dirt aolicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, ^ Keiter Block, two door* woat of PfcAW- MA Lia Ollae. KTGUAItU COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peaceand OoavayaneoT.--Will attend promptly to the o«lleetl«n •' Iftbta. Volo, Lake County. III. R. M. OWEN 6EHERAL Dealer and MMnftatiirara ag nt • Leading rarm Machinery.-- Pri**al II', I eheral I nt » l.eamii|r»rai m . Priaaalaw and terma favorable. MoUenry, WM. H COWLIN [acooBflsoK vo n, a. clothie^I U. S. IAS CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLfC. Prosecutes pensloa or any ether claims against the governinont, reusing to the late, •r former wjiib. Cam plica ted cases and re­ jected claims made a specialty. If aumps are enclosed for raply, all fccaniinuntcatiatte will be promptly answered. Offin at Haaidano*. HiDIlOV ST., WOODSTOCK, ILL. "• E, «, SMITH. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Prompt atten-tlea given to Repairing. Shop in Greg-H*i| HsfBBis Shop# opposite Ri?6r®iflo House IteHanry, Illinois. * •> £*•*'?: • • M A R O U S ' GERMAN nvs Manufactured by P. MARCUS, , - . DEALER in-- URE WINES. LIQUORS AND i CISARS. Woodstock 111. •fal'tf., «• F'J;»Z4 I ' P: I? beat Tonic in the world. t aad l|uart Botllua. P. ^ARCU8,!Pat0^t6o. !;+-' M TWELVE REASONS FOR INSURING WITH a W. Smith, Ot jWoodstoek, 111, ^ I. Because he l*/endorsed by leading bus. yjjte** men and the pre**, and parUcu arty ' s ® h e r e b e s t k n o w n . . . . . , • X Because his is the oldest a«eacf In the sT^Jecause h® represents the best lin« of •mpanles of any agency in the county. • : 4. Because, with one exception, he r*f>r* -ffnts the oldAt companies in tke Uniteil VAEATGS- , { S. Because, in ca*eef loss, be gives his Wttronk the benefit of his long experieaoa In jecming an equitable adjustment. 6. Because he has always itauad fall pol ies. . , 7. Because he pays losses on farm property lightning, whether lire ensueso» not. 8. Becniise he insures live stock anywhere in«t lightning. 9. llecau&e he insures agatbat tornadoes, clones and wind storms, , 1«. Because you c:in tlius sa»« youfselv^s 4roni disaster tor a mere trifle. i II. Because vou will llnd him equally at §tive to aid you in getting your money aftar ss as to secure your patronage for his coin iuies, ' li HecntiRC any one of the aboy.o reasons aan be fullv veriftod bv calling on E. A. Mnr- JhT. K. Sessions, J. \V~. Miller, Irorn their own *perience, and on the entire circle ot his ••^iKcouaintances from obsprvalion. _ I n b»»lialf of the Old Reliable, the Pb<pni* jaf Hartford, Connecticut, I t!tke »reat ideas :*$jSre in remitting the thanks of the ixiu^pany ^ TS. Mrp. L- O.Kell^- |prherpr»»plnese asunl iiresence ot mind in extinguishing a lire «i her reside ice, kindled from the burning ol i \ Mtirpliv's residence on the morning of a»Vl3tU inst". as liv her individual ettint, Property was saveil oa which the corapai^r » »«««». 1U W-11IIW Raferences bf permission as regards cl actar, business anility, reliability, &<•., Ac. (Jon. John A. Logan, U. S. Senator, Cliici char* * : Chicago, Illinois. Gen. J, C. Smith, State Treasurer *f Illinois. Hon, R Ell wood, M. C. 5th III. Dist., Syc­ amore, III. , „ „ ... ... lion. John O. Sherwln. ex?M. G..Sth III. Di*t., Aurora, Hon. A. M. Jones,U. S. Marshal, Chicago, 111 Oil. Jas. A. seaton, Pres. Union Veteran Club. Chicago, III. A .lefse A. Baldwin, Asa't U. 8. Attorney, OM- C"llessrs. Sele, S«hwab * Co., Whoi*sal* Boot and Shoo !>e*1er». Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and home referen­ ces. 8. F. BENNETT, M. Dw PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United State* Examining Surgeon. Illinois. Richmond, A. 8. CHILD*, M. HOMEOPATHIC PHTSICIAN AND SUR­GEON, West McHenry, 111.Call* pramptly attended to, day or night. L. H. TOMBAU(?!I, M, D„ Physician AND SUHGEON. ^peelal at-tention given to Obstetrics and the di­ seases peculiar to women. Office at BMiey's Drugbtorc. Residence, three door* wsat of M. E. Church, Mellenry, III. s,; DR, C. R. WELLS, PUTSICIAN AND HUKUEOX, Wauconda, f.akt Co., Ill, All calls protu ptlv attend- o<l, day or night. Ofliceoti MitiqSt.i east of Barker's harness shop. H. K. JOHNSON A CO., SOLICITORS of fats nU, 1000 F St., K. W Washington, D. C. RKFKKEVOR4.-Hon. J. A.Logan, Hon. W. R. Allison, Hon. D. C. Smith, Pekin, M. E, Stone, editor Chicitgo XETRM, FIARMER'T REVIEW, Ohlcago. Send for insirnceion*. JOSEPH N, FREUND. SALOO* AVDRET AURANT Bohsfett's old stand, opposite It'.shop's Mill. Mf? llenrr, III. The c. loicest Wines, Liouor* and Cigars to lie found in the county. Fresh Ovsters in their season served up in any •HapedesiKd or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ANTONY ENGELN, SALOON and Restaurant. Buck's old aland McHenry. III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, Sour Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., alwavs on hand. We btiv none but the best, and sell at lloasouable Prioes. Fresh Oysters in their season. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmnker aud Joweler i STATE ST., Chicago, III. Speolal «nMhgiven to repairing Fine watch. liroRHnc rr es and ChrwIBInc tern. WA Full Assortment of Goo«la if hls lfu* % i:|Rlchmond House, :>•;/ RICHMO O. ILL C.N.OOLVEB, - -r PROPRIETOR. n AVING macentl? oorehaied the above House, I have put it in thorough rcpahy with new fu<-iiiiu« throuK'mr.t, ana woul«f resnectfullv invite tlje pntronage ot the trar. elinc public and others. The tables will *lh wavs be provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No puns will he spared to make this a First Class House. Large CQijiniotlioiiB Imrns on tho prtwliwt Omnibus to and from All train*. 8*1 Roomeoo ilrst floor. MM •••i if ' M M-11 - <4 AT# T ft <•* Mml ' .{••&*% U.»I> R »# ̂ .%m r , c ,er vv 'A NI ' »/«^ •JST MM No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe.' PNESDAY* MARCH 19, 1884* M. Engeln, SportiDUs' Hiadquutus. ^ . y-- M- -- a* •' • ! GENERAL. MERCHANT, a nd Dealer im Ail Kind* of G R O C E R I E S , ftarm Hardware, Pocket Cutlery, S|>ortinor Good^, Ki«hlnjer Tackle Gun Material, Musicitl lnstru- meuto, ToHuceo, Ciffars, etc., etc, Near Biver Bridge, Mc- Henry, 111. •mi 1 - - I. ^ I HE. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or Without drivers furnished «t reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. Si .J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER S JEWELER, O. , W. OWEN, ---DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Sil ver and Plated Ware etc. V keep In stock the celebrated /'P8"*8® W*lch. which is proftouueed by all to be the beat watch now on the market. Will not be Undersell ' On any good* in ray line. McHenpf, Fob, *>, 1883. A W. OWJEFT. CONTINENT At HOOF OINTMENT, CURES Craekcri Hooft, ^pralpp, SCRATCHES AND 8QRES MoHcnry, - Illliioi*. J MR TO THE 'w<~« • On IK ClptWMT9<F TJjc Grand lias Kccompll audits salts proy*,I vciemwati tore, nntnral of aitjr thing It. By rormlnt •ptclsttty f6r CecU th« O, danger, vis: son, if for aliouUl do all eueli Tlie V( the avovttl interoatt el icalljr and O' poso It r«s»r pendency w Union Vetoi era»t*, ftt a opponents i cofiiHletion>. daasM- of t any Hl feelln liMtoad of the raoiinsra might Ira ide partf, if the same earnest principles a* fiiff fur these they would li |o join their 1 After a can meat Is made same objection Jit can be taken, iaweMk device * through yV f It is £enefiM votrrans all •rlWatthfi done will, tf# Stare V. •i ich an o ship and cotitf \Twiwi Club ITIDED BEDEFIT 'THE REPUBLIC TERAR V ifel- tlie Be public irful mission, practical re- rrtanca to ttie It is. tliere- illd l>o jealous conflict with li« organization 'purposes, it pro- ^^iSA Its greater ^1m|; for tltis rea. ,iik»ery veteran IPfr to further organised for Advancing the pN»t*r."., P«lit. fc J?or this pnr- to act inde- Interests of the ^ovolved. Vet- >ncede to their atftnd by their therefore, no ttlon breeding ||p comrades, lid of hurting comrade who |fih the opposing rould show tho luigating their Jayed in flght- i tlurlng the war, few comrades a ' V- nrinelng state* facts. If the ited and urged ed that It is pmomies to defeat organization, ceded that the ihs of the work lis. it Is selr 'Work'oannot be organization; it object of the ation to eflect e*ery I0*«- te. % T fctad lit _ ' n t- tuMfjl ur canilliletea, uut It ia dealgnrd that it shall be no stidi a broad and per­ manent basis that It will continue t grow lu strength And influence after the candidate* of auy particular cam pagin hare come and gone. Neither dees it necessarily fellow because, it I* a veteran organisation, that thejr shall expect that vet*ruts should H1I every office, but rather to secure th« electiou of the very best iten for tho position espet'tlng. hewerer. that suoh mei| should have the list Interests of tits Veterans at hearti With becomingloyalty to onr eens radea. however, we should emphatip- ally deny tlio ass^rtaln that beoauso candidate foroltte is strong with the fermer oomrades arms, ho Is nec­ essarily w#ak hit other con­ st it uents. On the other Hind, If a candidal* for olBtO Is dallied to bb strong be­ en use #t liia streugth with his eemrades each veteran sheultl show a personal re- spoitfibility to prsve It a fact, by ex erti*g all tlie infftainoo aud effort pos­ sible in bis behalf. riiii 'P- ss Having moved into mv new store. East *f Mrs Searles' Millinery Stony I new prepared to abow to the buying fine a stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Silver and Plated Wai Aa can be found in the county, which } < at price* that cannot be boat. Tke fippat FINGEB RING« gver seen in thi* sectian. Alee Agent for tlio Popular law Horn# Sawing A Fine Stock of Choice Confectionery, And Cifrrs* Always on hapdl S9*Gall ln,e*aroi and learn prices, nemcmbor I w undersold, quality of goods con side J. P. SMI] McHenry, HI.,Not. 27th. 1883. llfot. nr HO iSM, CATTLE ft SHEEP* S SK YOYR STOREKEEPER FOR « or WRIT* DI* SET to THE MANUFACTURERS. AMERICA* LUBBICATIirO OW- ^ ' • S ' t- y WSJ. SIJil- •11 CLEVELAND - - . * OHIO. W# SUZB IT MCTII&RNY BY H. QPLBV. WASHINGTON, Tl}* uopvlnr val**'e hotel of ^national Capital. Oonvciiiciitly Imaicd aJci'essUile t<o all ibg atreet car lines of the cl Qp«n all th« yea*. ^ . J O, Gr» fel AJ( llJSB, [wu 1EXOR. Late of the Thousand Island IU We now are closing ont ft of caps at 26 to 150 cents on tife fffift Colby, orgaiilaaiion means business a/d cannot fall to awaken a hearty re- jjUnse froia all true patriots. The vet Frans have been entitled to. and have reely accepted whatever benefits In the way of bounties, lands, pensions, and other advantages that the Gov­ ernment ha* granted them, hut they n*ver as yet hav« struck a united blow for the partv that has secured thete benefits, and protected thorn tu the enjoyment of ths same. Although nearly twenty years have etap»ed since the war. this will be the the first thorough organisation of vete­ rans for political purpose. The time is auspicious for such an organization. There is an unqueatiened demand for the same, and at this season of the year the comrades hare leisure time to take up this waik. The organization ia attended with trifling expense; the meeting will be public,and practical questions of the day will be dtscupned, the ground Ipokrr ed over to ascertain what there is TO do and speoiAc woFk assigned to each comrade. It Is estimated these are over a mil­ lion Union Veterans quite equally dis­ tributed oyer the Northern States. If t'jis army could be efflcidntly organized and each, comrade thoroughly perform the work assigned to him, there will be no question as to the result. This organization being primarily for service in political campaigns it wil| only require a special eflort te effect an organization for the coming cam pafgn, after which time it will be pracr ticaily an organization on paper and reqnire no time or attention from its organizers until another political campaign. It will prove a benefit to the G. A. K in the subsequent organization of Grand Army Posts from the veterans who haye thus been brought together and made acquainted with each other, «ud who wetfld naturally 'desire to keep HP tlje social and fraternal relations which can uo where be done so well as through the pleasing and practical oereiuanay of the G. A. R, It Is confidently expected that every veteran will oonsider himself a eom? ralttee of one to effect this organisa­ tion for his township and eoantv, and 0111101* send a request to the under­ signed for appointment as recruiting officer for his township, or write for blanka upon which to secure the signa­ ture of as many vet*fans In his town­ ship as passible, or take the responsi­ bility of easing * meeting or caucus, by persona! invitation or by postal notice, of veterans Inhlc township, to consider the adviaabtllty of organ­ ising a Veteran Olub for their town­ ship and county. Such a preliminary can certlnly do no harm) I twill be a benefit in bringing the veterans te/ether, forming and renewing acquaintance, and result in a mutual understanding between tho comrades if no tiling more. I should be pleased to correspond Wftli, and se«id the necessary doc­ uments te any of tho oomrades who contemplate taking the Initiative In Ihis matter. Address the undersigned, ar 115 Dearborn street, Room 9, Chicago 111. I have tho honor to be Comrade, Very Respectfully Yours, i-ixl'- H. 8. V*tl» OSFEORGANIZING AND JLFTYTLERIHFL OFFIN9RT CHICAGO UNION VETERAN (HUB. !•" H-.. J Chicago Journal, March llth. > MOSN ASn rOKTKR, TWS ftouse bill providing for the re­ storation of Fltz Jolih Porte" to the United States army, and of course for the nullification of the rerdlct ren­ dered b) the court martial twenty*«na years ago, comes up as a special or#or in the United State* 8enate to-day. During two terms of congress General Logan suoceeded In organising sueh opposition to similar bills for the rein­ statement of Porter as to secure ' tlieir defeat. He will labor with as much zeal to defeat the pending bill, but with less probability of success. It has already passed tho House,, where there Is a large Democratic majority, and in the senate will probably re­ ceive the support of Mahona and Rid- die burger of Virginia, who. on most questions, vote with tlie 'Republicans, |ad, f#r some inscruta and unanswerable arguments In former debates fgajnst mand of the Army of the Tennessee. Had Logan waited for (ho word of command, as lie could easily %nd obe- diently have done, Howard would have been disgraced as a military leader and Logan would have been avenged. But at whoso expense? At that of thous* ands of brave soldiers. Innocently, slaughtered, and Incalculable reverse to the Union cause, With the sounds of rebei yells anlf rebel guns in front, he did not wait for orders, but mounting his horse, and without waiting oven to put on Ills coat, or to be accompained by his staff, he galloped down the line< shouting. "Fall In!" * Forward !,v Wheti the men answeted,*'Where is onr regi­ me nt?" "Where are our officers?" ho uttered expletives not (ound In the Book of Common Prayer, and repeated l|is commands. "Fall In T' "ForwardF An Iowa officer, who took as honorablo part in the battle, said of it: The Confederates could not with­ stand the sudden, unexpected, resist­ less charge of Logan; and although they fought desperately to maintain the advantage gained by their hard righting, they were soon in confusion and swept from the ffeid. Our lines W<>re re-established and the day wa* won. Twice did the enemy re-form and come hark to the attack, but wore each time repulsed. An Illinois officer In the Seventeenth Array Corps thus wrote of what he saw after this battle of the 38th of July, fought by Logan without orders: I went over the ffeld to witness the effects of the terriffc musketry wtilall wo heard from our position on the left of Logan's command, J never saw tbg dead lying thicker on any battlefield. I remember well the dead of the 'I hlr, tielh Louisiana Regiment, The Col­ onel. Lieutenant Cofonel and Major all lay about equal dlsUik>e aparl. with so many of tiiir m»ih)fM|i between (hat the lines could ho readily trfcp^d. At this point on the field 1 saw where sap­ lings two and four inches in diamotor had been cut of} by musket, balls. In a com-Held about 2<X) yards in frout of Logan's line, the crop of growing eoru had been mown by musket shots as thoroughly as if it had boon cat by scythes. I was told at the time that this portion of the field was In front of the Iowa brigade commanded by Gen. George A. Stone, and co-islsted of fcha Fourth. Ninth. Twenty-fifth, Twentj- sixtti, Thirtieli aud Thirty-first Reg­ iments of Iowa Infantry. This Is a brief statemaatof tha con­ duct of General John A. Logan under circumstances calculated to test his pQr triotism. It Is not blot to cite sty* wit* equal newspapers should bad grammar! ffoj polish, and with most af 0*4 bid must fill and this Kind of apley least harmful of oil.** A more thorough seholap i**ao! *• found on tho fleop ef CongfMS (Its John A. Logan. He is pot a ill any partiwlar field, which I# ifco #«? a ueoail; aoqnlroa fa^ei Ma taato Is omnivorous, like H«NshobH*«,0)td Ma favor Ha books are Bibis, State* peare and Cosmos, An evening spout in hearing him defend thotroths of tho Bible, or dieoottrslBf ^oa elweleat literature, or wftNHl he Iflttia yo« to tlio region of tho Yellowstone, where tlw Almighty agents In the shape of tho forcea ore potting an the ft«r4 MKAoa of araailvo art. Ma ortglo*I »ad dear* cut opinion on all thOM snbjeou lp m« Intellectual delight Wh|oh holds langest among her treasaia^. Wlgr do they put a** lobe laapm. sions afloat ooncernlng f^faii!** said a luyat Vlrgivtaa. -I wlll lelyss, for 1 am In a pleee totoew. The amy. the navy, the aHstocMaf of tMt «awt* try are arrayed age!** *!*. They cannot rule him. so $*§ lajjii he ahalt go to tlie wall. I s«# M*i|riks hla f i r s t b l o w f o r t h e U i i M N i i « p r « T Congress tha last W«*|*r war, He waa a Douglas 0»sa<|>ai.a»,4 the f^nthOrn element #ai| bring him over ta the aide, J repall him a* h««K#w||i aisle of tho Same, his rlgfet um wo- lifted, defying Prior and his armed secession set. They plalmed him **• cause he P^me from tfp JfaffUfr* •tronghold of (f " " Bgjrpt). Failing MaapM^o eyed warrior, tliey diibh him as *ioni*t. so as to weaken aud distrusted by tlia loyal heata. malicious falsehood waa never about a public maa At this time ht was fighting tha bo|r ties of tha Unienon tho floor of Gona gross, and coutluped to doW engagemeot at •f taking a eerrlaca t» ga of actiMi, lilt* -•iaif' ad Congriwaum a Mske| and went la«o ftli %lt aa a 9$vm midior, *a« told Porter, tliepe is a record of Logan's sets iu the Union Army which is more eloqtient than hli or any other man oratory. Remember, Fltz Johu Porter had nefancied or real grievance against Qoi|*ral Pope, who had succeeded Mc Clt-llan in command of the Army of the Potomac. Porter waa dissatisfied bspau»e of this cliauge of commanders and, in full hearing of tho guna which told tljif owu story of the engagement and ullUhate reveres of the Union army, deliberately disobeyed repeated orders sent him to advance. Contrast this insubordination, which eaused the needles* death of thousands of Union soldiers at Bull Run, with the conduct ot General Logan in frout of Atlanta On the 2S<I of July, l{B(j4. General James B. llpPhersen, commander of the Army of the Tennessee, was killed about mid-day in the heat of tlje battle at Atlanta, Ga. Tho command fell upon General John A. Logan' until then at the head of the Fifteenth Army Corps, as senior officer. He took up the directions of the battle wlier# the brarp He Phersoii had laid it down, and. with Sherman a dozen miles away, ipon P»c ef the most brilliant victories which had been achieved by Union arms. By right or seniority and most successful leadership In battle, ho was clearly entitled to the continued command of the At my of the Tennessee, for re a sons never satisfactorily explained. Genera! Sherman saw fit to transfer General 0. O. Hovtard from tba Army of the Cumberland to the command of tlie Army ef tl)e Tonpessee. Here was cause for dissatisfactjpn and disponent. All through tho Arq)/ of thft'fenuesi** imprecations, }ouU and deep, were uttered against sucji u||uirent Injustice to a poipinaiicier who earppd, but could fj.qt wear, his honors. A word or look of pnooorsgemeift from Logan would have led to r>pon resistance to the u£W commander. That word or look of encouragement to Insubordin­ ation nevef came. He could have asked to be relieved, or could have resigned, as did Joe Hooker and John M. Palmer. He did neither. He went bapk to the command of his old corps, the Fifteen­ th, and. Six days afterward, at the bat­ tle ef Ezra t'linrch. on the 28th of July, gave such an exhibition of manly gen­ erosity and military heroism as Is rarely recorded in military annals. On that lay the Fifteenth Corps was hi reserve. It was a pew position for commander and followers. The arms of tlie troops were stacked in line ef battle en the color line, with cartridge-boxes hang­ ing en the bayonets. About noon the Confederate army made a sudden aud igprotis charge along the entire Tront line opposite the Fifteenth Corps, and at the same time a strong column struck the extreme right of tho front line of the Union army at right angles aud In reverse. The charge was so sudden and well sustained that 'the1 Union line was doubled up and the de­ fenses were abandoned r»pldly. How­ ard had oply^hiit day assumed cpiu- as a stimulus to patrloti>m thjui any Senatorial debate, 0*aorsl Jttin A. Logan nod the Correspondent Chicago Journal. WASH (KOTOW, March 7.--Most notice able among the Presidential candidates at present adjourning at tho capital la John A. Login, tlie warrior and states­ man from Illinois, one of the flaw iqea of positive qualities and inexorable courage. Deep, strong and uitehaiige- able in hla convlctlona, no man In this oountry la so misrepresented and little understood, exaapt by those who moat him and know by personal contact th* etibio measure of hla character. Im­ pulsive |n thought |i|d Instantaneous In aotion, ho never ateps to calculate tho consequence's ffjieq his eoasciunce tolls him ho Is In the right. ai)d he knows he Is acting from hfs own high sense of personal honor, for ha scorns the crafty devices which mauy men of this age use to climb iota places of honor and power, Ui|liko many of his brother Sanaters. who oame to tho Sou- ate with no other visible means of sup port, and who now count their dollars by the million, he lives to-day in the same unpretending style, in the satp# boarding house which he and hla ac­ complished wife have occupied for sev­ eral years of the past. It is a well-known fact to those who dwell at the capital that every Senator is more or less tempted. And such is General Logan's determination to keep his honor unsullied that he employs r.o private secretary (to use the cemmoi) slang), who "can sell hiiq out** or "give liim away." Tlie private secretary has the Satanio.power to ruin a public man if he so chooses; and many an ofljjdffc) lias felt his political foi|ii<fatioii sinking away without apparent cause; for chjs eason. General Logat) has fortified his position by intrusting his wife alone to open all letters which of necessity can­ not be cared for by himself. I|ep aei|l and ability have resulted in giving her prominence in a certain direction which she has i|0ver deserved. Beauti­ ful in person, and with a meat engaging presence, sl)0 has that rare faculty of drawing every man and woman to her Side. If she has patiently taken time to lool> UP authorities and records for her husband, her mission ended here, for no being ever constructed a sen­ tence of the forcible .«peech*s of Gen­ eral Logan hut the statesman himself. The wite Is only the.qther half of this perfect alliance }i) which boili are equally gifted, but in ^widely different way*, She never assume? te pqsses* literary ability, whilst he has talent |n this direction or a very high eplpr. 4 Sheet drama written under the impulse of the moment to amnte the yeipig people Qt the house during Christmas holidays, gave proof of what lie might do if his talents were directed this way. In answer to a question propouuded to oue of his brother Seuatert, this reply was received-; ; I neyer could understand why the tide was at ita loweat afcfc, mA IIi thaqcht at th* War Dei ^ ̂ nothing but a vlotory In would aave us, it wa* doeldod^ a military change. pareift apathy of General Tliosaaa. tba orjleriront forth taawpor^do him ss4 place Qecerall^fwTnTftimipd. Thlg occurred on ore jMSt bolor* tho batti* of Na*byf|ie, DHt, aoakaotu ao)f to tha highoM war ?»w*r and General Log«e, bomas waa permit tod to r* rnaad, and In D||« way patviava lag laqrels, abtalp !ImI|^* #Mt|| «patefi»l nat|aa la m w||||oc m-im •taw. Oqmlng baak ta 0«n#ffri Congresalonai career, I* waft te iloiise wlioa bo frod ta dio^t^ra h|( Strength witl| si.pb Ttta^a a«|)enrw Winter Davis, THad »|»yaqa, Cn«|(l9oCt Qlaino, BIngham and a fear otlio# pi| Of this mold. At oooa he |Mk Itja i*m\ * a peer ej the same realm 1« thai daa> »g field of oratory whteb, up to th# present time (of "-bargain and trade i|; the committee-foem") has alwaya bo*a termed the "Qod-glftod.» / . , - J ONR JUAODERFL HA^ / /.'IJ The President transrn!ttfd|}tp ||e» House of Representatives,op March lsfe the report of the co(|m>ifslep appoiot#§ " to examine loto (be popdltjpn of producU of $be popotfy. Th* S* tary of State also sent |o g ipuplpstion po the aubject, |p wbleh gays the report showa fOftdpsirtly i hpg p|ip|rra |» apt prawnt-i% papkod for hiiqfan fo#d. vHtl* paai |s the (Mease pommimicabl# ta being. 4s to trlriiippsls, tha rspayf it len ponpiusire- berama |e«a la tainir known *f the aaaaaar in iri the living tric|iiutc ar their genua transmitted, He advise* further vestigatlon of thl» peipf, || ta^now| however, he saya, that t*m pm* packing and tl|« tlaM %atv*»a tfeij s)si|giiter Of th# aalnsal aad tlie sumption af thp prepared fiesh al so disminisli tlie r}t*!)|y and prai live power of tha tffaltiap aa ta vent ita development la t*» huotap badi No instance b*«ai| o«| oa«|Mteat aaleit. t|flp testimflny p^n bo addijued ^f triphiiiosis i;i PuF°Pa arlsiug from tfrm use of 41'erii-'a".'packed ewlna pfa^'V,- dppta |per*ry ?a«a la Gerp»ay II ^ has ftean |oi)i|d th%t t|^ dleaase to traca? ab|e tq' the cqnauuintiQn n( fre«IUy s^_ |ii|iednat|fe hoca, aud raft |ta viru-1 jenco diminishes with H»e j^jpea#r«4|a« Uetweep tha ^l|Ui^ apd |pnMl|^t|p|| ;v of the hog. f Speaking *f tip pblsailane to thj^ " * s pert ion pf meat pfedneia. th* reury say* there s*e«o he ba tiou In priinipie t» anvh la^aot it may t»e iria^. ^*iih <hi# i^rtifioatioa wi# op-It lorsfeo markets for onr awliif pt||>. ducts. It «lti pay the AnMilim a»Mfl9 or to Mibanl ta inspection. 8s atSnin* mends that an aupra^riailon ha UtTill to centlnue the lavrsatigatie*!, . .

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