7 *• -j **~- * -it ., t ,« j „• i*W««IOr'a>&»t» ' -.'v- ^ - , V _ . V- •* . ***/,- !<*" « » '-•> , •»', 4 r*^ '#*> . ^ - <2 „ „ ,£** ' •%&' '* V> - * / 7, - 4 **#V! !*-*& #• fc* , - l" ."* *#*- T* - ĵ e^esry piaMealer. WEDNESDAY. MAR. 26, 1S84, Railroad Time Table. OOISG SOUTH.) Ben era Lake PASSENGER ....7:2T A. H Ueaera f.ake Express Beaeva Lake Freiitit Geneva Lake;Pab8engar VDItm Baneva Lake Frcsistht Geaera Lake P:i«s«ogsr ,.,. Geneva Lake Express....;-., £ea«ra halt* Passeutrer... .8:21 ...!:•» P. W ..8:32 '« 9 -33 A. V »:M " .... .4:57P. M « *7 " B, BPM, Asrei»t. McHenry, III MASONIC MOHKNRT Lonac, NO. 13S A, F. and A. If.-- Regular Communications the Saturday on •' tefere the full of the naoon and every two weeks thereafter. OHA8. COLBT, W. M. IfCKWRT OHa PT br'So. 84 R. A. M.--Refcn. ar Ooaveaations hold on the secondand fourth Fridays m oachinaoiieh. JOHN I. 8TORT, H. P. Union Caucus. The lefral votera *f the Tpwn of McHenry Are requested to meet in Town Caucus, at the Conncil Room, in the village of McHenry, on MONDAY* MARCH Sist. 1*84, at 3 o'clock p.m. for the purpoae of putting in nomiuation can- d Ida tea for Town offices, to ba voted for at the coming Town Meeting, and for the transac tion of an ah otharbttaineis *a may como before the meeting. > , PER-ORDKR. . ; ' .. Republican Caucus. ,3.;;- ' m Republican voters of the Town of ire- Henry are requested to meat in Town Caucus •t the Council Rooms, in TLRF village of MR* Hnnry, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2d, 1884, for the purpose of .choosing ten delegate* t# rep resent said Town in the County Convention to be held at Woodstock, April 5th, and to transact such other business as may properly come befer* the meeting, J. ViK SLTKK, H. f. RKHWK, ' w. U\VKV. i*. Town Committee. "M. WILLEY, of Chicago. was out-duck hunting over Sunday. THE Annua] T#wn Moating will take place on Tuesday next, April 1st. READ the new advertisement 'of Perry ft Owen, in another column, FOR full blooded Plymouth Rock fowls, oall on Earl L. Mead, West Me* Henr}', (11, . {PT THE public school will olwto on Fri> | day of this week far one week's vaca- I tion, and will open for the spring tenn ft on Monday, April 7th, THE L. L. C. will ni«et with Mr*. F. K. Grangor, on Thursday ove. of tills week, at 7 o'clock. SECRETARY. F THE ice broke upland floated down f the rlvnr on Friday last, ami went »• / quietly th*t few knew it until the river I was clear. Spring haa indeed corns, L. E, BENNETT, our photographer, lias been quite sick again tlie pa*t week, but U now-better and able to at tend to buei ties*. Tnic attention of «»iir readers is •specially called to tlie new advertise ment of Ronslett & Stoflel, which can be found in another col num. Ol?R.citizen* should not forget the Fchool Sociable, on Friday evening, of this week, tit the School House. The programme can bo found in auother column. • THE nann who ts not in favor of pro moting the inteifsta ami welfar* of h'p town Is not worthy of being & citizen, and ought tu emigrate to tbo ' 'ToFr'd Zone.*' "WHERE shali we And our teachers?*' asks an educational ex'ehaug#, Well, many of our sweet girl teachers uiay bo found sitting on sofas, with nice young m«n ( at any time after 8 o'clock p. m. F VT»i. MCOOM.VM. of this village, has /botfl quite sick the past woek.' and at / onotlmo grave foars wero entertained | as to the result. He is now much bet- I ter, and his friends hope to see liim | around again soon. / HVNTERS are bringing In a good many /ducks the»e days. W« saw at the depot /on Monday about OIIQ hundred iu one i lot. There will be mu*cle enough | wasted on the river in the next six | inoutbs to work half the farms in the | county. \ •" (' THIS will be the last woek of the Skating Rink, the proprietors having decided to close on Saturday night. Therefore those who I ova to skate must put in good time this week. The Rink will be opeu every evening and Thursday and Saturday afternoons. Av individual going along our streets on Wednesday last with a black eye, a broken nose, and looking generally as though he had been run through a threshing machine, was"ft*ked by one of the boys what kind of games they had. "Seven thumps and five cent ante principally," was the reply, ONE of the largest advertisers iu Chi cago says: "There can bo no better key to the prosperity and enterprise of any community than the appearance •f the newspapers published in its midst; the veryladvertisements appear Ing In them tell the story of its pros perity or betray the lack *f lt.M RCSSKM. & SONS, of Volo, breeders of Short Horn Cattle, shipped on Mon day, to J. II. Payne, Dolphos, Kansas, the Young Bull, "Duke of Stanwick.*' He was seven months old., a beautiful red and weighed 700 pounds. He was as fine a young animal as one could wish to see. Messrs Russell A Sens have as fine a herd of Short Home as can be found in the Stato. f WE understand the committee ap- '^einted by the Board of Supervisors ' t to purchase a farm for thefounty poor, bought one near Kishwauke# Station, in the town of Hartlaud. It contains one hundred and twelve acres, for which they paid the sum of $6000. They will probably go »u<J put up ' the buildings ajnd arrange for its oceu- |j»aocy at onee. Examine our Iron bottom trunks; also assortment hand bags and valises 4 swa"" A trapper in an adjoining oeunty has Cftptured G86 skunks thi* season. Whew! V!r t1 'nk "f.""0-1 ' oil not refined, With nsafu'tida combined; - a . •"us'i and itiBiiilcl •nlon-juice, • . - And all u|ion the wind let looao, £«OGRAMME or tlie "School Sociable" to he given at the school house in Mc Henry, Friday evening, March 38,1884: Instrumental music--Mr, Wentworth, Leader Recitation--The Deacon's Masterpiece _ J A Sheldon i,onf. ~ Star Quartette Recitation--w-oman'i> work Agsrie Colhv A Farcp---!Ian» Von Smash 7 Character's 3onjf-^Ws ShouM l,o»s Kac.li Other Uutt'r • •.• Maud Vandyke and Hat tic Mead Quotations--By pupils.from Standard Authors Intermission Recitation--The Stay at Home Brigade _ Clara wright Dialogue--Mrs. Partington's Ten Parir • Characters Soag--Dreaming of Home and Mother „ Smith Recitation--A Medley H.C Faber Recitation--There is a Bey iu the House •••> Olar.i Bennett "•"S -- Star Quartette A Farce-Turn Him Out... 5 Characters THE law provides that every public officer of every township In this State who by the virtue of the office has the custody of public funds, shall at the expiration of fiscal year prepare a statement of the amount of public funds received and expended by him during the fiscal yiar just closed; which statement shall shew the amount of public funds, if any, on hand at the commencement of said fiscal year, tlie amount of public funds received, the amonnt expended. The officer making the same is required to make oath there* to, and cause such statement to be pub lished in seme newspaper in the county. The fees for publication to be paid for out of money in his hands. Any public offioer who neglects this duty is liable to a fine of from fifty to five Hundred dollars in the discretion of the court. Driving Park. At a meeting of the citizens 6f Mc Henry, c:»]led for the purpose of organ izing a "Driving Park Association," A. N. Ilanly was elected chairman and T>. D. Blackman secretary. On motion of F. K. Granger a committee of tlie following named citizens, viz.: F. K. Granger, O V. Stevens, Geo. Owen, Chas, T, Eldredge and E, J. Hanly were appointed by the chairman, to onnler With George Guge, owner of the land upon which it is proposed to locate the Driving Park, in regard to leasing said land, and probable cost of same On motion of F. K. Granger, C. V, Stevens was requested to draft a plan for the organization of said Driving Park, to he presented at our next meeting. On motion of C. V, Stevens the secretary was requested to have minutes of this meeting published in tho> McHenry Pj.4lNDK4l.3k. On motion of C. V. Stevens It was resolved to have the next meeting of the Driving Park Association at the Parker House, on Friday evening. March 48th, 18S4. All Interested are invited to attend. Ad journed. L. D. BLACKMAN. Secretary. Examination of Teachers. Theie will be examinations for the benefit of lAiose deiirin# to t«ach t at tlie following named places anU tltoes: Woodstock, Sitturdnv, Mm-ch J2d. MHi-envro, M?ud:i.v, March 24tli, Huntley, Tucmlsy, M:irch 23th. Algonquin, Wednesday, March *Uh. IJicluuon i, Tlmrs'lav, March 27th. Hebron, Friday, ;ir<-li Ilarrard, Saturday, March 29lh. Knnila, Monday, March Sllst. McHenry, Tuesday, April l»t, OftU;e days at Woodstock, the cecond and fourth Saturdays of each month until further notice. Examination be gins at 9 o'clock, A. M, j^PPlicauts must be punctual. / lleuKoif. ni, Ma/di HM|, 1H84 An error appeared in t/ie notice as puhliiihed last week In /lie order of names; McHenry and Algonquin being reversed, HKWRT K. RtLDvrtir, Co. Siip't, Woodsteck, III., March 8, 1£.S4. A $20 Biblical Reward. The publishers of /lufiedge's Monthly ofler twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for April, among whjuh is' the following: We will give 820 to tlie person tell ing us how many' words there are in the Epistle of Jude, as recorded in the new Testament Scriptures, (not tlie new Revision), by April 10th, lSe>3. Should two or more correct answers be re ceived, the Reward will be divided. Tlie money will be forwarded to the winner ApriI 15th, 1884. Persons trying for the reward must send .20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) with, their answer, for which they will re ceive the May Monthly, In which the name and address of the winner of the reward ami the correct answer will be published, and in which several more valuable rewards will be offered. Ad dress Rutledge Publishing Company, Ess ton, Peun. CREEK DISTRICT: EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--That piece that cameSout in the PLAINDEALER a few weeks ago. headed "Spring Grove" seems to want to cast some slurs on us Turkeyitec, as they would term us. We deny all claim to suck a fowl as the tur key. We belfeve that feathered crea ture to be a rambler in its habits, and the people of this district are industri ous, kind-hearted in every way,shape or m*nuer you may take them, so if we are not mistaken they will have to find a more appropriate set to give that term to. And further, they would have folks believe they have got all the grit in tlie country, as they stated that Turkey street was well represented at the Riugvvood exhibition, but it took Spring Grove grit to face Hie storm If it took their grit to face the storm why didn't they show a little of it when Scott's concert troupe was there; which had the largest combative bump then; where did the pietuie go* We need not say. They are posted. After this we wish they would run their own burg. When we want anything pub lished we will try the petfcil and paper ourselves. And about that Lyceum. They stated that they had a.Lyceum and thanked ns for our part in it. We had a aeries of Lyceums, a«d which was the best, theirs or ours? They know. That shows where the force, energy *0d S0M: * ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Our tax col lector i eturned his books on Monflay of last week. Tlie amount returned un paid was tl,148, Of this, 8833 was on non-resldenu, and $315 was on parties who had promised to pay but pat it of! liutil the last day and then failed to come to time. " Our saloons are both clesed. James Stelick closed his doors on Wednesday morning and Mrs. Thos. Kabon closed en Friday morning last. It Is pretty tough on some of our citizens, and also •n our professional domino players. Mrs. Ed Morton, Sr.. get a fall and hurt her hip very badly on Thursday of last week. J. D. Ferguson, Sr., has sold his resi dence on Main street to Chas Knblank, consideration 81.850; and Chas Kublauk has sold his residence, known as the Poltz place, to Wm. Gessell.fconsldera- tion 8000. c The ice in the river staVted Saturday afternoon Iftst. and'en Sunday morning the river was all clear. It took two piles out of our old bridge, but farther than that no damage was t'one. . F. D. Celtrin has ^brother fr«n» Kev* braska visiting witli^him for awhile: Dr. Xason has another curiosity. This / time it is a horned toad from Arizona. It was presented to the Docter by ilrs. Mc<:iure. ' : Mrs. Helm, Sr., went to Chicago on Friday of last week to make heFohil- cjfen thero a few weeks' visit, Ned^tevmgfS grve a sleight of hand entertainment at the hotel hall on last Saturday evening. He failed to draw a very big house, and lie also failed to give much of a show. L. Keyes and daughter, of Aurora, spent Sunday with his brother, Henry, in this village. T. B. Kelley. the "Father of Dundee*' has been raising H. Benthusen's black smith shop, but the high water drovo hitn away before he got the job com pleted. It will be a great improvement to Hank's shop when he gets it done. Charles Knhlank has commenced framing tlie timber for A. Lahahh's new barn, on his farm. It will be 36JJS0 feet, Tlie Algonquin. Band furnlalted the music for tlie Old Folk*' Dance at Nuuda. on Friday night last. Our public school opens on Monday. March 3J«t for the spring term. l£d Morton. Jr., goes this week to Montgomery,. Kane Co., to do a job of painting and graining. On *>iuulay last five of our town lads jumped on an extra freight train for a ride tip to Crystal L*ke Crossings and back. When they got back to Al gonquin the train failed to stop. After crossing the river two of them jumped oft. hut tlie rest thought they would rather go to the next station than jump. The train failed to stop until it riached Elgin, when lite boys had the pleasure of walking 10 miles heme. The hoys now say if the R. R. Co. per sists in running Sunday trains they will have to run them themselves for they won't do it anr moro< There will be a caucus of the Repub lican voters of tlie Town of Algonquin, at tlie Motel, in the village of Algon quin, on Saturday, March 20th, 1S84, at 2 o'clock p. u>... for the purpose of plac ing iu nontluatieu candidates for town offices, and uiso to select delegates to the county convention, to bp hold at Woodstock ou titttuiday, April 6ih,«nd tp transept any other business that may cotue before said meeting. . U- -I.' . •*» WAUCONDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER;--Charles Cal* laghsn has 'returned from a loug visit to Iowa. C. L.Pratt has gone tu his Iowa farm to be ready for work wheu the spring opens. Wm. B^sley 4ias a new hoiisf nearly completed,on a 1st just beypud Mark Bang*'. ' Mr, Norton,M* Iowa, and Miss Cooper of Barringtor,. have been visiting their sisters, the village school ma'ams, durr Ing the past week. * To make room for the qev butcher. Byron Clark has moved his shoe shop from the north end of the old hotel to the room over Herman Maiman's tailor shop. E- A> Goltling has removed the partitions in (he south end of the same building, and elegantly fitted up the room so that lie now has a spacious iftid palacial parlor for conducting bis tonsorial operations. It seems that an innovation has crept into the customs of tlie Ladies Sewing Society, latterly, about Alice in four weeks the masculine portion of the community are permitted to be present In the evening at their sociaoles. Last Thursday evening tlie society met at A. C. Bangs'. In addition to a recita tion by Miss Cooper, of Barrington. music, Gharades, etc., the sad and an cient story of Genevera was thrillir.giy illustrated by pantomime. Hero is# jUliimce for Our Teacbor Readers The publishers of tlie Pennsylvania Teacher oilers 8104.50 in prizes for the seven largest list of words formed by the letters that compose the words Pennsylvania Tear,her, 1st prize, a gents gold watch, 655. 2d prize, Chambers' Cyslopsedia, 830. 3d prize, Lippincott's Gazetteer. 8i2. 4th prize, Worcester's Quarto Die? tionary, 810, 5th prize, Ma£?u)ay's England, 85. 6th prize. Common School Question Book, 81.50. - * 7th prize, Pennsylvania Teacher one year. 81. Send 10 c*nts for sample copy of the Teacher and full'information of word contest to Pennsylvania Teacher, Pitts burgh, Pa, • DeLand.s Chemical Baking Powder has always found an appreciative pub lic. However there are none so deaf as those who will not hear and none so deceived as tho«e who buy any oth«r brand than DeLmd's Chemical Baking Powder which is made from Crean) Tarter and Soda only. Please try it. It will go farther. m;ifce better pastry, and is i^ry healthful,. SPRINC QROVE. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Leap Tear parties are all the rage around here. Spring is close at hand. A flock of wild duwks; also one of bh&k birds were* seen tl»e other day, That P, T. of O. S. will soon depart. Our former teacher, J. Abram Cwhuell was seen on our streets one day last week. Joseph Westlake and family are spending this week visiting frleilds in and around Richmond. Andrew Everson is taking lesson* on the bass viol of John Cornish. AM wish him success. Andrew Nish and family have moved to town. We are glad to welcome our friend and schoolmate back again. Lumber is en the ground for the hardware store, and there'ls talk of a wood work shop going up. 51 r. and Mrs. Joseph Hembry . were taken by snrprfte the other day upon the arrival of a couple of friends from Canada. Wyman Wilson and ' 'Rob" Tweed are making ready their boat and decoys for the spriujg's work on Fox Lako. Wednesday of last week was made memorable by the marriage of Thomas Loft us to Miss Clara Rennels. Also Mr. Frank Reading to Miss Belle Rxintherp Their many friends in arid around this vicinity wish them a long life of health and haplness. Any one wishing a luxuriant head of hair just ci^ll at W. Wilson's and pur chase a bottle of his new hair dressing, which is sure to give satisfaction. We think oije man hinting of an other's education through the columns of the newspaper is a very poor way to show his revenge, but a goed one to show his ou>n Ignorance, * FROM ANOTHER CORRESPONDENT, It looks here as If spring was cent- tng. Dance st Joe Hembry's, next/Fri day eve. Music by the new Band, Libbie Hendricks came !iime sick from her school hear CArey, but is on the gain. Joe Westlake is making a visit to friends at Broadhead, Wis. W. Wilson is getting his duoks ready for the spring campaign. Chan Smith, had a swim which put him or) the sick list, but Is better again. Rob. Tweed Is getting his new boat r«*ady to reef It to the ducks, when the lake opens. Two relatives of Jo. GTembry's ar rived last wee* from England by the way of Canada. The lumber Is en the ground for the second new store, »vnd when the frest is out of the ground, the sound of many hammers will be heard here," Wir Watts has returned from his visit to England and reports a rery rough passage! bncfc, in which lie caught a severe cold, and is now tinder the doctor's care. Jiictimomt Department. CONTRIBUTED BY 3. F. BENNKTT. Most of the Spring birds have re turned to this vicinity. The notes of the r«bin. blue bird.- meadow lark, and black bird are heard all along the roads nud lanes. M*RK!Ef»:-- At the rosldcnc.o nf the bvido's Knti'tslt, W«L '""I, by the " of liiciiinund, 111., if$, Mother, in < March I2tli, 1«84. by 1I15 ttev. Uro»er (,'. Clark Tbomai Loflus an< M ixs Clara Reynolds Mr. nud Mrs. Loftus start out iu wedded life with the best wishes of their spring Grove friends. May their voyage be long and happy, M A etc ten --At the residence ot K. II. Stock ton, .suloii, III., WtdnesdH* evening, Mm-ch |-2ih 1KS1, t»v Rev. t.rovor 0. Clark, of Kicb niond, 111., Mr. Kn}uk Reading aud Miss isa- belle lUintherp, About, forty invited guests were pres ent, und many more were expepted but were uuable to get there owing (Q the bad condition of the roads. After the u*ual Congratulations a supper was served, which was secoud to uooe, aud there was no lack in quantity, quality •r variety. Mr. and Mrs. Reading start for Dakota In about two weeks, and In tend to make that their future home. May success aud happiness be with them is the sincere wish of their many friends The following is a list sf the presents: 810 gold piece, groom to bride j bed spread, father of groom; comforter mother of groom ; set glatsware. 1 do/, goblets and flint dish, Mr aud Mrs E M Stockton; large arm chair, Mr and Mrs H Reading; silver butter dish, Mr Chas Westerinan and Maggie Ski'ili- corn; half d"z china egg cups, Satie Hodgt?; 1 set silver tablespoons. Albert Reading; set silver teaspoons. Angie Keadiug; silver picitle castor, Rick Moilge and Win Foley; large album. Walter and Alice Keadiug; pair linen towels. Mr and Mrs Gee t 'oates; set si 1 - vcr teaspoons aud tablespoons. Mr and Mrs R Tweed Jr; carving knife and fork. Rev W111 Pattison; large glebe lamp, John Ward and Misses Allie and Rettie Reading; one quilt to groom and one to bride. Sarah Stockton; par lor shade lamt). Fred Bell; pair liijen towels. Mrs Mary Reading; pair silver napkin rings. Kmilv Oropley; handker chief, Killle Co%tes; dish pan, Mr and Mrs Ben.j Freshuey; parlor shade lamp . Jennie »n<l Messrs. Jno and Fred Colli- son; tiranite teapot, Mr and Mrs Wm Coates; silver butter knife aud sugar shell, Jennie Cropley. lytablngtao School District Bxblbltlsa. The exhibition given at Washington school house last Ffida>y evening was a complete success, as far as entertaining the large audience was concerned. We n»ay say without fear of contradiction that the entertainment was one of the best. It was a time to be enjoyed by every one present, It eotild not be oth erwise with such soul inspiring music and side-splitting scenes. The whole aflalr w»s superiorendedj 11 a masterly manner by the efficient teacher, F. L. Carr, Very interesting toe, to the writer at le^pt, was the singing aud speaking by the little children. We must say the present age is advancing whejr we see a little girl not much taller than the .organ stool stand up and sing before an audience, and a little three- year-old girl step on to the platform, bow ?ud speak her piece. About five weeks ago Mr. Carr and his pupils gave an ei;t«rtaii'.meiit and with the pro ceeds of the same Mr. Carr. according to the wishes of his pupils, purchased three handsome lamps and four large a»d beautiful pictures which add very much to the looks of the school room. We may trnly say that Mr. Carr has taught a school second to none, and leaves w?nj friends in thj? «ljstrict. Tlie Ladles Foreign Mj^siouary So ciety will meet at the residence of Mrs, C. Or Coltlng on the afternoon of Wednesday. April 1st. All interested are invited to attend. Richmond Pest No. 288, O, A. R., are making arrangements te give our peo ple a treat some time In the month of April. It Is to be Frank MflRith's cele brated lecture, ^In and Out of Ander- sonville." The date is not yet fixed by Mr. Smith's agent, but will be soon, when the proper auftouncetaeiit will be made. , Our present efficient Stats Treasurer, General John O. Smith, is In the field for Lieutenant Governor. No man In the State Is better qualified for the position of would give greater strength to the Republican ticket. He is iag- metisely popular wtth tho masses. In this vicinity his candidacy gives uni versal satisfaction. The roads are almost impassible pn account of the mud,but those who have to drag through It are consoled by the thought that the break up Is prophetic of Spring. We ought not to complain of weather or roads the past winter, for both have been excellent for health and locomotion, and the earlier the Spring mud comes now, the better for nil concerned. ^ Parties were lately oyer from Salem, Wis., for tire purpose of getting infor mation as to the organization of the Richmond Market Fair Association, with a view te. starting one at that place. Salem will find that inch an association Is a great convenience to buyer* and sellers alike, and, If run judiciously, will become a permanent and Indlspensible institution, Frank Mead has a curiosity, the product of one of his hens. It (or they) fs (or are) an egg (or eggs). There are two ordinary slsed eggs, united at the ends by a stem, and they are without shells. In one is the white of the egg and In the other the yelk. Frank had it preserved in alcohol and took It to Chicago to show to show te friends there, who pronounced it the greatest curiosity of the season. The next fair of the Richnaond Mar ket Fair Association will be held ne*t Thursday. March 27th, Among the at tractions to stockmen will be the sale by Jesse Allen, of 3 carloads of cows and some young stock, and W. S. War ren will ofli»r for salo a 8-year-old pedigreed Jersey bull and a half-blood Jersey cow. A number of horses will be offered f«r sale and some of the best stock in this vicinity will be on exhi bition If the weather is fine we may look for a big crowd and Isrge sales. A correspondent of the Pioneer l*re»» (uppo*ed to be E. B. Nortbrup, in a gossiping letter about the village of F.agle, allows his imagination to wau- der to Klkhoru,and gets up the follow ing i t e tu : '>j\t Elkhoru. the next statiou freui Eagje--wheee the diamonds sre-^-Hved I'rof. Charles Wplmer, who composed tlie beautiful song, ' 'The Sweri t?)'-aud- By." This genius was a 1*1), robust, durk-favored man, giveu to uioods and tlie harmful consolation that writes ' might have betiu" over the grave of many a good fellow. He taught music in the village, "officiated" In the choir, and dreamet^away a not very long life under the magnificent oaks aud among the gem like lakes in the vicinage. There act other uotable productions from his imagination ip the same strain as the famous song which should im mortalize his limine, but they were not caught up by the people, and have goue to their own obliviou, almost nusuug." By the writer, who was for years a neighbor and persoual friend of the distinguished composer, the above was read with mingled emotion of astonish ment, amusement and indignation, as 11 must be by all who ever met the golden-haired, falr-complexioned.warm hearted and genial Prof. Joseph P. Webster, who died at Elkhorn a few years ago. The oply thing correct about it is the statement that he was the author of "Sweet By-aiid-By." We may add, though it is almost superflu ous, that there are numerous other musical productions of Webster's thdf have not gone aud never will go to "their own oblivion, almost unsung,"-- "Lorena." "Golden Stair." '-Home is sad without a Mother." and many others.--Randolph ( Wis.) Radical. REPUBLICAN CAUCUS:--There will be held' dt the office of the Richmond House in the village of Richmond, III., on Saturday, March 29th, 1884. at 2 o'clock p. m„ a Caucus for the purpose of selecting by ballet twelve delegates to attend the County Convention, to he held at Woodstock, III., or, Saturday April 12th, 1884, to appoint delegates te attend the Congressional Convention to he Iteid at Elgin. 111., April 1 fit It. 1S84. and to nominate town officers for the ensuing year, consisting of'a Super visor. Town Clerk, Assessor, Collector, and a Com. of Highways. Signed, 8. R. WARD. |J. V, ALDRICH, M.iff Ij J7th, 1884. COM. 3000 matches for 25 cents at Bonslett & Steflel's. Good whole leaf Jap. Tea 25 cents per pou»d; 5 pounds for 81.00 at Bonslett & Stoflel's. How to Save Morey. Now don't you forget to come to the Ringwood Nuivery this spring with your wagons aud*load up with trees, chef p for cash. Apple. Pear, Cherry aud Plum trees. Soft Maple. White Ash. Box Elder and Elm trees, sheared Evergreens.Catolpa and Mountiiu Ash trees, lots of Grape Vines, Russian Mulberry, etc.; etc. Always thankful for past favors. JOHN V. BC«JKL4MD. RUigwood, HI., March 23tli, 1884. For fresh lapioca. macaroni, vernni- cilli.sago, pearl barley, hacked wheat, homiiiv, oatmeal, etc., see Kunsjett StpAel. Notice to the Holders of McHenry County Orders* Notice is hereby give that on the 1st day of April A, D. 18S4. I will pay the following 6 per cent, $300 McHenry Cociity orders viz: N«»s, 2, 4.11,14,10. 8fi, 30, 35,44.47,^,60,63. 67. «9, 78, 80. 88, 90. Ul, 93. 96, 144, 146, 133. 154. 150, 161, 160,16S, 175. 180, \5i7, and 18S. Interest will cease on tl|e above county orders on the first day of April A. D, 1884, JAMES NISH. Co, Treas. Woodstock, HI, Feb. 26th, 1884. M--4w Farm For Sale, . acres In the Town of Itarr,2) miles south and one-half mile west of *\ eodstock. Ill, First-class buildings, good orchard, well watered, all en closed, and di vision fences, 160 acres Improved, the rest pasture and timber. Good neighborhood, convenient to schools. Cheese factory within three- quarters of a mile. T»Ce ahove will be sold cheap. Also the stock. 60 cows, store hogs, horses, and farm imple ments of a'! kinds at a bargain with the farm. For further particulars apply to J. L. UiMmrd, the premises, or ad dress HIHBARD & RICHARDS. 34-Wt" • ; ' Woodstock, III Far 8ulo tit Dundee, III. M 31(1 Store of G. F. Hall. This is a (Ine opportunity for any one wishing to engago In the mercantile business. Will exchange in part for farm land In McHenry County. Ex tended time will begiV9n to purchaser. Address C. F. HALL. ; • , .v, piindee, III. Have you i #M|h? r Sleepless nights need no longer trouble yoi|. The use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, before re tiring, will soothe the cough to quiet, allay the inflammation, and allow the needed repose. It will, moreover, speedily heal the pulmonary organs, aqd give you health. All persons knowing themselves In- deheted to me for professional services rendered prior to July 1st. 1883 are re quested 1 to settle "by cash or note before April 1st, 1884. W. MCCHESNET, M. D. Wauconda, Feb, 27th, 18S4. 3'J-w5, All persons knowing themselver in debted to Jencks A Andrews, Waucon da, are requested to settle the same within the next twenty days, as we wish to close up our books, preparatory to \ change in business. JRIVCKS 41 AVQASWS. Wauconda, Feb. t6th, 18S4. When a cold or other cause checks Jhe operation of the secretive organs, their natural healthy action shotfld be restored hy the use of Ayer's Piljs, and Inflamm^'ory mnteriai thereby re moved from the system. Much serious sickness and suffering ip!ght be pre vented by thus promptly correcting tho«e slight derangements that, other wise, often develop into other disease. FOR SALE- The side wheel Steamer, "Lotus." Bids for the Machinery, or for the whole of the I}oat, as she now lies at McHenry, m^ay be sent to Capt. Walter lllll, McHenry, III., or to fl. F, Weaver. Esq., 38 Wabash Ayenue, Chlpago. Business Notices, Go to Mrs. Howe's for MilUitery a«d ; Dressmaking. SMOKKUS, rail for B*rfelan Bros High An." They have few equals. No trouble to show goods or answer questions at R. Bishop'a, Buy the Estey Organ \f you van; ths best. O. W. Owen. Mi-lletiyy, Agent. City residences for sale. Aptly (• Asa W. £tuilh, Woodstock, 111. Go to Gilbert's sugar for 01.00. and gst Iff pounds WANTED. 500 bushels choice Onions, for which the highest market price will be paid: Also choice butter and eggs. FITZSIMMOKS. Jb Evansoe. FUR WANTED. Will buy all classes of Fur, Rat, Coon. Skuuk and Mink, ond will pay the Highest Market Price. 0. W..pRATT, Waueoada, III. S0m4 Seed Barley for Sale. 1 hive a iot of Pure Meus^ry Barley for Sfile, if palled fqr semi. HOME* W4TTHC8. MoHenry, III., Kov. 6, 1883. Fitzsimraoes 4 Evanson have the choicest Jap Tea te be found In the couuty. Price 60 cents. Everything in farming implpipsnts from a Swill Cart t« a McCt»rmipk Twine Biuder, can bji found ft ths warehouse of K. Bishop. To make room for an immsuse stopk of clothing soou ts ai-rive,stock w)U make prices ou our present ws that wlllssllit. Call and HENRY CofeBf r To PoHltryiiien. For Sale: Full Blood Black Java Cockerels, Brown Loghorn Cockerels, and a few Plymouth Rock Pullers aud Cockerels, at my residence, Wauconda, 111. G. W. PRATT. Dec. tth, 1883, 14-m3 If your horse |s lame or sore in any way, do not fair to pall at Henry Colby's ami get a box of Continental Hoof Ointment. It is no experiment. It has •been tried and uever failed. ONION SEED FOR SALE. I have 50 pounds of Yellow Danvers Onion Seed which I will sell at 8100 per pound. MeHeary, III., Feb. 2d. 1S84. Wagon for Sale. A one horse lumber wagon, almost new, suitable for milk wagon. Will be sold reasonable. Inquire at this office or of . • ; t „ a l s a n t r s s T T . McHenry. Pet 4th, 1884. . A Remarkable'Escape. Mrs. Maty A. Daily, of Tuukhait^pck. Pa., was ahli.cted for si^ years with Asthma and Bronchitis, during which time the beat physicians could give no relief. Her life was despaired of until in la«t October she procured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, when imme diate relief was felt,.-upl by continuing its n*e for s short time she was com pletely cured,gaining in flesh 60 lbs. in a few months, /Free Trial Bottles of this cettain jcilj'o of all Throat aud Lung Diseases at Henry Colby's Drug Store. Large bottles 81.00. For Sale. This uudsrsigned ofier for sale Nie'p Shops and Lots, situated in West Mc Henry, nearly opposite the Ppsi Office. A first-class business location. For |iat^lculrti^|pply t^A. N.Tripp, West Taij'F Bao». McHenry, Feb. 8th, ISM. ThQse Are $oM4 Facts. The best blopd purifier and system regulator ever pli^ed within the reach of sufler|iig luupanity. truly is Electric Bitters, lu^ctjvity/>f tlie Liver. Bili ousness, Jaundice. Constipation. Weak Kidneys, or any disease of. the urinary organ, <<r who ever requires an appeti zer. totjic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain core known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guarranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. tiuid at fifty cents a h-ittle by ilKNKT COLBY. O. BKCKWITB. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for Mitt eery, Dress Making a«4 Fasoy Goods Case and Furst A Bradley Solkey Plows at E. M. Owen ft Sen's. It don't pay to sleep en the #eer when you can buy bedsteads for tl,9fc. at John B. Blake's. M Five feet high bedsteads, sll Blask Walnut for §4.75. at John B. Blake's. Al, the leading Owen A Son's, Walking p|ow«»t Everything In the Hardware IIae at bottom figures, at E, M. Howe's, Call in and seethe suits E. Lawlus ts selling. Heavy winter suits only 84.7$* Bureaus are cheap" Black Walnut for 87,25, at J, B. Blake's. / An elegant line of corsets fid cents and up at Henry Celby'a. E. Lawlus beats Chicago M lew prU pes for clothing. - Woven Wire Mattresses, the for only 83.30. at John B. Blake's. Brussels Carpet Leungeslenly «7.ti at Jehn B. Blake's. CALL s'nd see the pobby new Suits at E. Lawlus'. He h%» sold 29 suits of one kind, Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat form Spring Buggies for aale at B# Bishop's warehouse. The finest line of Silver and Plate*) Ware to Jbe found iu the county, at O. W. OweiPs. ill Drags Drags, Drags, a lot ou hand, steel tooth aud uiu*t sell. For sale by R. Blsho|.. ,5- Extension Tallies are cheap. It pay you to buy now. Call and them at John B. Blake's. If yoil Witpt anything less than the Estey Orgap 1 p&n sell you one for 840 and upwards, o. W.OWJCK We have no more nf that Ml lbs ftp ope 8 sugar, but plenty at 16 lbs fetF one dollar *t perry ft Owe us. Come early and have the first chance in wall paper. Come and sse tlie new styles at Perry ^Owen's. Never buy cheap goods just because they are cheap, the best are the cheap est in the end. We will not knowingly sell tirorthleas goods. PERRY | OWEN. Perry A Owen have Ir. stock the^ finest line of wallpaper In the county,- over ot»e hundred new p»tt#raa, this »pr>»g. Gspts Frpnph KijTsni Calf Boots fop 85,50 %t E.Q. Smftli's ((filter's Block: three doors West of Riverside House. A large and complete sssertroeiit^^ ^ Wall Paper, at Dickinsen'e, Noada, S3-W4. For first-class Insurance against (Irs and Lightning, wind storms, eyeleaea* tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa If. Smith, Woodstock, HI. The choicest Oolong, Young Hyena. Gunpowder and uncolored Japan teas always In stock st Uouslett * Stoflel's, Qvsrpoats that will wear 3 years..83 50 gp»vy Spits.. » 60 pys' Pants, hsavy lined. 1 ft«. Also 3}oots pslow Chicago prices. E. LAWLVS. To close oqt our broken Uues of Overcoats and Uuderwear, special prices will be made. C*il |pc| examla them at lleury Colby's. The lightest Draft Sulky Plow In fbe •yroridls the Uapgeed, found at-Jl, M, Oweu 4 Son's, aud sold as lew as'thf eeiawea sulkey. Full |jne standard Eastern and CalK fornia paHfiflt} gyods at B«aslc»» ft Stoflel's. FITS All I its stopped free by Dr, Jtllite's Great Nerve Restorer, No fits after first day's use. Marvelous curei Treatise aud 82.00 trial bottle free te Fit cases, Send to Dr, fctins, Are* St., Phila,, Pa. Bargains in f|ne Spapi#h. Guipure* Oriental, Torchon sod red ^SPPS, 9| Bonsjett 4 Stftflel's. EA8TE» BALLI There will be a Social Dsncs M Thalen's Hall. Johnsburg. HI., Monday eveuiug, April 14, 1S84, Yoprself and lady are cordially li.vited. Music >y Mudgett's Quadrille Band. Tickets, Including Supper, 81,00. CNSIST SE:CE. New This Week. 4 Mrs. H. H. Nichols wishes te call t|lS attention of the ladies of M^'llepr surrounding poipitry that she h ppt ip ^ penii)!e;e ttpjk pf eafly MiUinei-y, Notions and Fanjjy ^iia^ents. Plumes, Tliw, F 'Wfeaths. Beads and Braeejate^ line of Hair Waves aii<d Nets: and children's Collars j a fpll' laces; silk, linen and mourning*, kerchiefs; Bussels, tloop Skirt*, isi"tka A. S. G. Health Corsets, J^nd JSpcrthsr kinds. Lsdies ready-made IMpNirveap aud all other articles g»nerwv kept lit a first-class Millinery Store, t'ai} au:| examiiif my stock. 1 wlQ ma^e y^>^ prices to suit the times, j) fio pot in tend to be undersold by any store | ;j the county. Dressmaking promptly % teuded to'^pd a per McHenry, 111., March C. II. Farge's celebrated bo#U and Shoes, every pair warmuted at £fousletS . AStodfil's. Croat Savi ng to Dairymen- The use of one bottle of Dickinson's Cow prescription, will c^se the cow ie do well after calving, will prevent; Milk Fever,Garget. Hofn ail. ftc. Wllj cause an increase iq tfte flow of milk, and is worth halt ths price of the row to every one using ji. For sale by all Druggitts. Sold by Henry Colby. C. Dukinson ft Spn tole propriatefS. Barrlngteu, 11J. FpR SALE. Is the village of McHenrf | and five lol>, on which is a good baip* and othe|r outhotues, an abundaiifi{{i yf " small fruit, such as apples, pea-a. grapes, berries, etc. Will bf Sold Cheap if applied for at, oefse. Foe - furtht-r particulars liiqtUre ' at this 3 '• '--'S