Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1884, p. 5

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• * - * ' ' I . ->• . -,-»Y ,•« , , -" 'V • v •"^ X. [cflenry PltimMw. tegx" "eetinfl >« "cHeHry! *• ** ^ I The Town Meatinir In UnH.n» WEDNESDAY, APR. X 1884, jRailroad Time Table. .•®'S •01*0 IODt«.| NHTtUkt Ptnteiftr 7:S7 A. l mm filtt Express............ i:W " 1 teoeva Uk< Freiefct........ 1:<«F. K 8«m Ukt PMMnier..: t-.itt " nira. T,ake Pretrtt .....f-33 A.*! nates r*»«»*«r siw "» •eeera 1-ake Express *:S7p. 1 Pm«t» Loke PMMiftr 9:57 " B. Bees. Agent, lfcllenry, III MASONIC i HdlBiteT T.enoa, No. 154 A. F. aad A. If.-- •Kihir tki Stt«rd&r 0* #r Mfere the full ef the nsoon and every twe Htka thereafter. GRAB. C. OOTIT, W. M. WBVBT C«IPT« *0. S4 E. A. M.--KERN-or. Gea vacations held on the seftondjand fourth Frl4a*s ia each moneh. JOHN I. 8TORT, H. P. REMEMBER the Republican Caucus a «fce Council BHO at S o'clock thli Afternoon. »..v 1 . ' «. BISHOP hat built a leant* on tlii north aid* of his Agricultural Wart 4ieuse for I ha storage of Machinery. A mew advertisement for Fltxsl toons A Evane<»n has. been received ant will appear noxt week. : jfoR full bltodcd Plymouth Rock fowls, call on Earl L. Mead, West Mc ftenry,lll. AN exchange says that only honest Mr. thoulil be nominated. If that plan la adopted there is not enough editors fil th* country to fill all the offices. <yp,hoy say rum will fetch anybody. Wish to goodness it would fetch the fellow that stol* our umbrella the either day. ^JTHB Skating Rink which has beeni .« running at the Doran Chees* Factor* f Yet>6 *g* nst. Th* Town Meeting In McHenry on Ttieeday pasted ofl in a very quiet man- a*r, although a good deal of earneat work was dene. The weather wat not favorable for a large Tote, and cense- luently but 388 votes were polled, a little OT#r Half a vote. There wer* two tickets in the field, the Union Ticket, headed by Richard Blahop, and *n* headed by Jamas Ladd for Supervisor. The result waa the election of the en­ tire Union Ticket, and the question uked at the head of • little circular wisely kept in someboby's >ocket) "Voters of McHenry. do you pprove the course of Supervisor Bishop on the Poor Route question?" Arns answered by giving him two hun­ dred and thirty-seven votes out of S88. and a majority of eighty-nine. We think that was loud •DougfelM most anyone to hear. « Below it the vote In full; ' : SCPKVhilMt, • ,:I .%• R i c h a r d B l f h o p . ^ . 2 3 7 M;!d-• • ••..• •......j&S;.4.148 •" Bishop*! Majority tit?--*'- • TOWN CLERK, P% G. Mares v.....\977 C. H, Moray.......... . ing Mayes' Majority, 168^*"**"" '• ASSESSOR- "-;1 John Hnemann.,....274 J o h n B . B e 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . t i l l ? Huemann' t Majority, 163. COLLECTOR, ' Geo. Rotherme! JG9 Jacob Bonslett 69 Rothermel's Majority, MO. COMMISSIONER OP HIGHWAYS, Castor Adams 263 J. H.Freund.. .......124 Adam's Majority, ISfcr On the road labor question there were 320 votes cast for paying in labor for the past two months, closed on ^ » STAN" WRIGHT was severely injured Tuesday evening. _ fat Fox L^ke on Friday last. He was WE would call the attention of euij PR'nt'n* on Sayles' Hotel, when the Sliders to the new advertisements of 8taS,nK **y end he was preclp- Oil Stoves, by John I. Story, which caJ ,tated about into a cellar- bo found elsewhere In this paper. | wa'* *>rul«ing him quite badly, but • : -- I fortunately no bones were broken. He THE Republican Coilnty Convention! will probably bo around again In a few tj|cheese delegates to the State amn dayt. Congressional Convention, will be\ held in Woodstock on Saturday next* April 5th. AN experience') man says; "If there (•Onetime more than another wlion a woman should he entirely alone, it is when a full line of clothes comet down la the mud." IT la nearly time for you to go about the pretni«es. gather up the winter's accumulation of tin cans,old boots, etc., and quietly heave them over into your neighbor's back yard. THE Regular Corporation Election will be held April 15th. at which time three Trlistees and one (3l#>rk will he eHFcted. The notice of fit* Clerk can bo lound.In'.another column. l^D, hns moved hit family irfto tfie rooms In the sreond story of the Lancing Block, near the Depot. Ahout the. I at of |May he will open hit Restaurant In the same bloek. HENRT WACHRNPTXD. of Wattkegan, has leased the north end of J..?. Gllles' building, and will open a bakery thin He i» a practical baker, and it It hoped will furnish McHenry with what th* hat long n*ed«d. a flrat-clats Bakery. - v * THE Steamer **Mary Oris wold" will make her first trip of th* teason to the Laket te-day, Wednesday, and will f*r th* preient make regular tripe-every Wednesday. Friday, aud Saturday, leaving McHenry at 5:1R p. mj Special * ^"ffHTtnrlfranged tor by applying M <he Captain. A REMARKABLE phenomenon la r*- corded by the Baltimore Sun. It says that in a recent snow storm In that city,"the tnow drifted down in tor­ rents.** Well, w*" are prepared for meat anything in th* lin* of pheno­ mena, were It not for thla, tli* abov* report would ttartie us. ANT man may fall in love with a fresh faced girl, and the man who is gallant with the girl may cruelly neglect the worn and weary wife. Rut the boy who It a lover of hit mother In her middle age it a tree knight, who will love his wife at much in the tere-leaved autumn at he did in the daisied spring-lime. THERE IS no trouble these muddy timet to make a young man stick to a farm. All you will have to do Is to get'th* vuung man to try and* walk acrots a ten acre lot that wat plowed last fall. He'll either carry the lot around on hit beottorstick right where .be it, A farmer in DeKalb county waa vic­ timized by a tin wathlng machine ped­ dler last week by the old order dodge. The fsrmer signed an order for one machine at 94.50 ,and a few days after another fellow came along with a wagon load of washers and a note fot MM. He compromised by the fellow throwln of! the 9100, and paying the odd •92. THE Tailoring Department at Fitz- almmont A Evauson'o. It in full blatt. and is well stocked with new and tea- sonable goods of the lateacjttylet and patterns, to which they Invite the especial attention of the buying pub­ lic. Single garments or full tuitt made to order and a lit guaranteed. They have one of the beat Tailor tw be found In the State, and atk thote In want of ciotbet to give him a trial. WE were shocked last evening to Ifarn that Hugh L. Donnelly, ton of the late Neii Donnelly, of Woodstock, shot himself in that city on Tuesday morn lag: A dispatch from Woodttock to the Journal taytt "After voting this morning, H. L, Donnelly, a well- known citizen, walked a few block*, placed a revolver to his temple and flred. He stills lives, but little hopes •f recovery." At far as we have learn­ ed no cause bu been flyen for fbe jrash act. * REPORT of the McHenry Schools for the 20 days ending March 25th, 1884: HIGHER DEPARTMENT. No. days taught 80 No. bors enrolled ...,. 2S No. girls enrolled....,>,r.,........ 21 No. pupils enrolled..... ............ 49 No. days attendance. 848 Average dailv attendance.. .4. ... .. 42 Per cent of atte mlanee 86 No.- visits from school officers^...... 3 No. visHs from others " 8 J.A.SHELDON. Prin, INTKRMEDtATE DEPARTMENT, No. days taught....... 20 No. hoys enrolled. 33 No. srirls enrolled.... 2*2 Days nttendance .929 Average dally at tendance..«....... 4(1 Per cent of attendance 84 No. visits by school officers 2 Number neither absent nor tardy, 12; •Iz: Lonnte Rlshop, Harrr Blackmail. Maud Colby. Effle Ker.nedv, Anna Nord- que*t, Clias. Nordqueat. Grace Stevens, Maggie Walsh. Lnult WaUh. Nellie Hill, Belli Whiting. Ralph ChiMs. ETTA E. TORRANCE. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. No. days taught 20 No. pupils enrolled. 51 No. ditvn attendance... f .82(1 Average daily attendance.......... 41 Per eent of attendance........ ...4. 82 No. vUits by school officers.'......,. 2 No. vlsltt by etiiers 2 Number not absent, 18; viz.: Agnes Perry, Clemence Cent, Harry Eldredge Agnes Colby, Mary ('ens, Mary Bickler, Willi* Karges. Irma Powers, Villa Merey, Lyle Howe, Mile Howe, Lizzie Hill. Dulty Hill. Herbert Bennett, Mary Curtis, Lizzie Gillet.Geo. Engeln, Ray Laaphere. BELLE STODDARD. WEST MCHRNRT DEPARTMENT. No. dayt taught 20 No. boy* enrolled 27 No girlsenrolled 19 No. |»iipil« enrolled 46 No. days attendance 839 Average daily attendance 42 Per cent of attendance 91 No. visitors 13 The following were neither absent nor tardy: Lizzie Bust,Minnie Kraute, Pearl King, Julia Lawrence, Grace Mead, Minnie Ruttman, Olive Blaek- man. Walter Besley,Guy Clement,Gus- tave Krati8e, John Kraute, Herman Kamholtz, Wm. Lawrence, Asaltel Stevens, Herman Veltz, Thot. Walsh. We give the names of these who re* ceived prizes for best work: Eddie Granger, Chat. Wright. J*y Gilbert, Thomat Welsh, Bertha Nickels. Atahel Stevens, Walter Besley.Gustav Kraute, Ktntua Nickels, Otit Parker. J. J. VASET. £77,000,000 in Chancery. 4'Next of Kin and Heir* at Law Ga­ zette.** published semi-monthly, contain- Ing Inheritance laws. Chanoery decis­ ions, and (in continuations) over 120,000 namsg of parties which have been advertised for in England. Wales. Scot­ land, Ireland, United States of America Canada, Australia, East and West Indies, France, Holland, Belgium, Ger many, etc., etc., aince 1665. Size 12 paget. Subscription 92.00 per year. Single copies 10cents. William Raich Publisher, 251 William St., Pos&ffloe Box 3409. New York City. To THE LADIES.--Boil your Baking Powder and If you smell ammonia don't ute it. If you And flour or starch left in the water, don't use it unleat you like to bo cheated. If It tmellt eld and taates bitter. It it alum, don't ute it. Tett every kind you can find tnd then tett DeLand's Chemical and you will find nothing left in the water, as it contains nuthing but Cream Tarter and Soda, which meant pure Baking Powder. In cans only. For tale by FITZSIMMOM A EVANSOG, •frf • Notice To those that want work done In my Hue. such as Tanks:. Vats and all other work done in a shop, at 1 get lumber dirept fromChicago., , F, A, HEBAKO. AU the latest noveltiet iu ^gdipt' Neckwear at Henry Celby'i, ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Aft Metrton A Chapeli's auction sale of a carload of milch cow* on Wednesday of last week cows sold en an average of §48.35, D. W. Thomas eame in With aearload of milch cowa on Friday last. llenry Ford and lilt ton Will, of El­ gin, were in town on Saturday last, calling on relative! and friendt. H. P. sayt he has a brother in town and he seems to enjoy having another man in town of his own conrp'exion. John Soars loaded hla good* hero en Saturday last for Dakota, where he has bought a farm. Mr. Sears is one of our old tettlers here, aind he takes with him the good withes of the 'ei^tfre com­ munity. We saw In the Algonquin Items In the Xunda Advocate of last week that we have a real live poet in our midst, a second Shakespeare, and our tinner wishes ut to say that he Is no poker player and said poet should not judge all mankind alike. As regards smok­ ing, h* don't know but he enjoys a good smok* and can 'do it with as much grace as our fair poetess chews a cud of gum two tizet too large for her deli cate little meuthl He also don't object to a good joke or a good dinner. We are requested to announce to tbe ladies or Algonquin and vicinity thn Mrs. Morton will have, by the middle of this week, a full line of Millinery goodb suitable for the spring trade at her shop over the hardware store. Invitations are out for the wedding of Fred Perry, Jr., to Mist Jennie Crichton,at the residence of the bride'a brother, i'hemat Crichton, on Thursday April 3d. Below we give the namet'ef the dele gatet chosen at our Caucus, held 011 Saturday last to represent the Algon­ quin Precinct of the town of Algonquin sit the County Convention to be held at Woodstock on Saturday. April 5th, 1884. C. E. Chapi'll, Henry Keyes, W. A, Na- son. John Helm. Fred Duenalng, James Nisli, G. S. Frary. Jaa Pbilp, Sr., V. N. Ford, Clias. Wand rack. Jose pi i Panba moved from tewn onto his farm east of here on April 1, and D. W. Thomas rented Mrs. Pauba'a resi« dence on Main street and took posses­ sion April 1st. Mrs. Kabon opened the saloon again on Saturday last, but we are Informed that she it running under a wholesale license, selling by the gallon. R. H. Rennie, Principal of our public school, is iftlked of as a candidate for the Office'ef County Superintendent of Schools at the fall election, and we feel satisfied that lie Is well qualified for the'office, and the county would do well to elect him. Mr, Repnie has been Pi incipal'of our school for the last two vears, and has giveu genera! satisfac­ tion. At D. W. Thomas' anctlon sale of a carload of milch cowa on Monday of this week, cows told ou an average of <44 RS. On Sunday morning l*»t Ml«a Birdie Morton wat taken very suddenly sick but at this writing, Monday, she is some better. HEBSOM. EDITOR 'PL A I N I >E A L K R :~MISS Ella Rowe IT home I rout Harvard for a short vacation. Miss Carrie Hodge returned to her home In Nebraska this week. She hat been with ut nearly a year. MUt Cera M. Wool from, of Harvard, list bean visiting friends lu Hebron and Richmond. Tenchera examination waa held here on Friday. Eleveu applicant! were present. W e are pleased to tee W, O. Bough- ton on our streets again after a loeg illneas. » At "Old Prob** liaa refuted to put ofl the rain Tuesday evenings, the Soua of Temperance have changed their night of meeting to Saturday. Hiram Rowe hat told hit heute and let to C. A. Stone and bought the one belonging to Ira Phillips. Mr, and Mri. Rowe will visit with their children and friendt in Michigan, as C. A, Prout^ has rented their place for a year. Lyman Hewes hat gone to Engle- weod to attend tchool. Sidney C. Rowe will follow in about a week. A dancinjr platform hftt been placed in front of the pott oil ee for the accommodation of "ttationery orna­ ment!." C. A. Stone hat purchased the atore now occupied by Frank Rowe. and will put in hardware about the lit of June. A stranger coming in town these days would be in need of a guide for he might get lest, there are so many new buildings being erected. Miss Belle Fenner visited friends In Woodstock this week. The individual who, on account of Keystone became an object of charity, wishes us to give notice that those who signed the subscription list have failed te "remit." WAUCONDA EDITOR PLAINDKALRB:--C, E. Part­ ridge, of Waukegan, was In |ewq last weak. Dr. Hubbard spent Thursday night with Dr. McChesney. He waa called to counsel with Dr. MCO. lit the caae of Wm. Stone, who remains about the same. Mrs, Sarah Barker Hftnlen returned with her husband to Montana last week, Ebeu Whltcomb is now Included with the very sick ones, the trouble being settie difficulty with Ids head. His two sons from Chicago, and dtughter, Mrs. Wells, are now with him. Mis* Mc3ol!ongh, of Odebolt, Iowa, is at A. C. Bangs'. We understand she plans to join Miss Nellie Bangs in the millinery business at Jencks 4 MoAn- drows' old stand, Mr. Jenpks hag fltted up hi* new quarters across th* street very tastily,and Is pew ready for * big trade. Mr.Lyndes and family start fer their •ew home in Kansas this week, Woodstock Department. CONTRIBUTED BT ASA W. SMITH. The Boss Barrel it John Stary's. I, Clouds, rain aud mud. G. T. Barrow# lies in a critical con- dltlon. ^ The matrimonial mattteft 1# |n • strike during Lent. A. R. Murphy and E. W. Blosaem are again settled at their old ataud. Our next list of transfers will com­ mence March 7th. As the caucus is the place, and the only place where every man can ex­ press a choice, let everybody turn out and vote fdr the candidate of your choice. Choate's building progresses rapidly, Beth buildings lately damaged by fire will be an Improvement, and rates of insurance have been reduced eu ac­ count of the mora safe construction. Town meeting to-morrow--all foel's day. Who are to be fooled, the reg­ ular nomlneea or the bolters? Dorr's nominees are: E, M. Lamb, Supervis­ or; C. P. Barnes, town clerk; J, D. Short, assessor; G. L. Sherwood, col­ lector; J. Zimmer, highway commit sioner; W. P. Waikup, school trustee. Hugh L Donnelly shot himself about 9 ai m. Tuesday morning, with a revol­ ver, while standing on the sidewnlk at the corner of Washington and Madison streets, in this city. No cause is known for the rash act. He was alive at 2 p. m., but little hopes are entertained of his recovery. MARRTAOR MCRNSRS FROM JAN. TL, TO DATIC Nell* Peterson to Christina M. Vind. I.eonoi'l Kline to Helen Snyner. Mp'iifijnn 1-OTi; to Mr*. Watson llomniBff. Edward Rovcaii to s.-trali H McCahilli J I. Hoyt to Adelaide Wells. Allen B Wajrer to Hannah I„ Schuyler Jacob Juslon to Mary Buck. .lames Loveridjrc to Kva F. Hill. Henry Lech 118 to Anestena Ktinde. John Dliaig to Wilhtthnlna Abraham. Peter Adains to Barbara Weber. John Neison to Mnrv IMImus. Jesse I. Krenck to Jessie F shelden. Wm O Keller to Jennie Huffman. Thoirurs Tunnel* to Katie Dnnlap. Henry Myers to Katie I 'alinus. William (.Clause to Berthu Thurrew. Oriejr A. Richardson to l,euiaa Guile. Frederick Bipetow to Gertie Evans. Charles Snydor to Kesctta Sherman. John O Craine to Dell lineson. Jeremiah Crowley toCvnthia A Hailk^ John Hellman to tlannnli lOdeUMne. William Koltz to Gertie Clmltr. Thomas O'Brien to J«scphine Boh. Thomas l.indsav to Margaret >>o|te. Knyai $ I'helps »» Katie V Mo Kirov, William J Brickley to Mtug-iret T Powers. Fred Walters to Anna E Itiiwson, Edward A Murphy to liittie C WatrtWUfc ' Carl Gerse to Minnie Outeg. | * Charles Roe.harnans to Lina Rose, William Bcrkle te Mary Callow. Fred I, Cumminifs to Alice L Torre*. Cnarles II I 'urter to Marr E Tanner William Korth 10 Anna Uade Jehn II l lalladay to Cynthia M Fox. J S MM won to I 'hidelia'Hildreth. Frank W Heading to Bell ltainthor|>, Charles M Finnan to Kstella M Loe«, Collin Riird to Annie L Howell, Bernar<l Hlllerto Katie Smith. Aaron J l'erkin* to Mrs Emma I. Courtnerrr II i '1' i i ian Johnson te Doni Nordraine. August Malzahn to l .ouise Englebrecht. TRANSFERS FROM MARCH 1. C H Cornish to A T Oavls, chattel mortinige. Of. Rector etnx te l*a»co Austin, moit deed John HMrh in Weisfa (^hris, release iloed. • J Burhhalt et n* te Tim Judge, war. deed. Beta l»arrell lo / , D'e.fcisson, «*hat mortgage. C A Clurk to M A ?>inith, reieaso deed. O Beardsley to (J A Piatt, rtilease deed. Warren Phelpa to K Gates, cert F W Coffin lo E W Coftgi.i, chat mortgage. A I, Chapin et u.\ to 8 K Ward, trust lieetl. C llammersteredt et tlx to 'L H Iteung, «far. raniv deed. G \V I. en man et nx te Martin Frlee, w deed. M Friisei ux to Clias Earnest, moi l deed. G It Biirbrirtge to Wm Tei-wiliiger, eh niort. V F Kingman to Mrs J<< F Kingman, i ll morl. G B Moiie el ux in L D I.eanian, war deed. Itiley Holmes lo Jos Chapman, release deed. Jo* chapman el uvte II Householder w deed I) Uedpulh el ux to M Hutchinson mor deed. Cas Sweeny to R M I 'atrio*, ehai inorl. J E Monroe to E B Smith, quit claim deed, John Nugent el u.% lo J J Murphy, mor deed M Uvnn to J J Murphy, asst niortgage. F T Gates to joaiah Burfleld chat mortgage. Trustees M K church Franklinville to Mary Sanfonl, warcauiy deed Geo Walker et ux to Mary San ford, w deed, L A 1'arker el m to M A H l>edgc, n» deed, J Burton te F C Khlut ft J Sc|u*oe<ler w doetl C El'iut A J Schroeder te J Burton m deed, J 1> Ferguson to H W linger, release deed. K W Mater el ux to W E Esiergren, w de>d. Kit Morton et ux lo Fred Kappen, w deed, J D Fertfuson ot ux le John Jurs, war deed. Fred Kappan to Edwin Morten, mort deed. James Buell to Frank Adanmek, e.hat mort, C Piiiifgaipin et ux lo Chas Kashule w deed, F A Hohard ct nx to A t> Whiting, w doed. Walter Hill to Ed Grlsweld, chat ^niortgafo. |C A E l.amphere te Ed Jriswold, mort deed, Z 11 Yvung el ux to Panton Yaw, m deed. GREENWOOD* EMTOR PI;A H |I)KALER:--We have missed our correspondent not only from hisaccustomcd place of business, but from the columns ot the PLAIN- DEAL git, and in bis absenoo take the liberty to seud you a few items In our crude way. The funeral of Mr, I. A. Barlow, formerly of Greenwood, was attended in the Hill cliurcti, last Friday, at 2 o'clock, P, M. Mr, Bailow, has lately been a resident of Harvard. A number of the farmers In this sec­ tion, have begun plowing and soon spring work will be rushing, J, Barber, Is feeding a very fine drove of steers, which will -soon be toady for market. C. Marble has a young cow that he thinks will be hard to beat for butter. Mrs. Pierce, is just recovering from an attaok of lung feve r. Side walks seem to be the ory of Greenwood, just at present, A, Westerman Is suffering consider, ably Iretn a severe oold, , The meeting of the lot holders of the Greenwood Cemetery, was]well attend* ed, and resulted in electing the follow­ ing persons for the uew board. Pres­ ident Goo. H. Garrison, Secetary and Treaaurer, A. C. Thompson, Direotors, Ot Garrison. John MansAeld and J. V, Barber. Were glad to see the In­ terest manifested in this enterprise and that the members of the present board, are such that our beautiful cemetery, will still recieve the care necessary to preserve it as one of the most beautiful in the country. Tbe caucus on Saturday, was well atteuded. and the following candidates were nominated, for town officers, Supervisor Geo. H. Garrison, Town Clerk W. J5. Wire. Assessor M,J. Wright,Collector C.N. Wilifs, Com, fllghway Geo. Sendericker, School Trustee B. Wright, Delegates to Co. Convention Gee. H. Garrison, Ablle Dike, R. M. 3oddard, Burton Wright, John Mansfield, A. C, Thompson, W. B, Hart. Dwight Rmith. DipD,-r-In Harvard, III,, March 26th, 1884, of genera] debility, Mr. Ira A. Barlow, 4ged M yefff, | mentfr md 4 days, Richmond Department. COVTBtBUTBU BY 4. V . RENNKTT. •-1" " - 1 " •• Mrs, A. L. Browu returned from s visit lo Salem, Wis., on Saturday. A new sidewalk has been put in btj twee a the Wray and Cray corners. The public school closed last Friday for a vacation of one week. The sprlug term will open on Monday, April 7th. Lock wood Austlu, we are informed, should have credit for the first wheat soWod la this locality for the sprlug of 1884. The village election will be held on Tuesday. April 15th, at the calaboose. Three trustees aud a village clerk are to be elected. 1'olls will be opened at 8 o'clock a. m. and close at 7 p. m. A. R. Alexander has an Immense stock of wall paper now in stock fer the spring trade. The styles this spring are very pretty and rich in coloring and design. Last Thursday a goodly number of teachers attended the examination exercises at Richmond. Ten appllcanta for certificates took the regular exam­ ination--uet as large ft number aa waa expected. The aged mother of John Styne was burled in the Richmond cemetery, on Sunday. Revs. Clark and Frazer con­ ducted the funeral services. Mrs. Stone had reaehetfcthe advanced age of nearly 81 years. * Mr. Carr has closed his term of seheel in District No. 1, after a very successrn) session. He returned to his home in Ring wood Thursday. The sehool closed with an exhibition by teacher and pupils which was attended by all the house could hold. On Wednesday a couple of ladlea rid­ ing about town had a short runaway. The buggy collided with the sidewalk In front of Milan HICKS*, and the horse stopped. The ladies were thrown out into the mud, but sustained little Injury. Their clothing, however, was in a de­ plorable condition of muddlneas. "The suckers are running," Is the ery ot the bovs on the streets nowadays, and the grand rush Is to the creek with spears. Great numbers of Ash have been taken. Spearing of tish In the streams of tlfls State within one mile of any dam, at this season, is prohibited by law under quite heavy penalty, but no attention Is paid to that fact. A large and happy company of friends gathered at the residence of Richard Overton, at Solon, on Saturday evening last, tiie reason being that the 5th aanivertary of Mr. and Mrs. Ovor- ton's marriage coincided with that date. On account of sickness In our own family wo were unable te attend, hut we learn from more fortunate frlenda who were there, that the occa­ sion was one of much pleasure and enjoyment to all concerned. MnyuDlck and Fumiie" live to celebrate their dia­ mond wedding, it the wlsli of the writer. The eheekitit thing In the annals of Illinois politics Is the candidacy of the "Hereof Eimira," otherwise John M. Somhworth. for the office of Lleutenaa t Governor of tbe great State of Illinois. It-Is *a spectacle for gods and menn-- to laugh at. Think of J. M. Sonthworth ou the same ticket with glorious old Dick Oglesby! It reminds one of the spirited horse and the long-eared, stupid ass harnessed together. When we read the announcement In the Chi- oago Journal, that the "Hero** was a candidate, we were in much the condi­ tion of mind, thereby Induced, that the old miner was when he found his claim had been "tumped" and was held by an armed force. Viewing'the situation he could only ejaoulate, "Well, I'll be d--d!" We have heard of an insane man's attempting to shoot the moan with a goo.e quill pop-gun. hut that don't hold a candle to J. Mi South- worth's attempt to get on the State ticket! Richmond unanimously re­ pudiated him and instructed its dele­ gates to the County Convention to vote solid In the interest of John C. Smith for Lieutenant Governor, On Saturday p. m. at 2 o'clook. the Republican town caucus was opened at the Richmond Hotel office. Nominations for town offices were made as follows: Supervisor, A. K, Alexander; Town Clerk, Charles Green; Assessor, William Turner; Collector, Harvey Booth; Com. of Highways, E. S, Johennott; School Trustee, John Coulman.1 Proceeded to ballot for delegates to the County Conveutlon, resulting In the election of the following named gentlemen: John McCennel, J. V. Aid- rich, J. W. Haythorn, H. Christian, F. W. Maad, J. £. Nethercut, S.R. Ward, G, W, Eldredge, Geo. H. Stewart, A. Wilcox, D. A. Potter. There was a tie on the ,12th ballot, between John Craine, Jr., and Charles Haldeman, which will probably be settled by lot. A motion was made by G.* W. El­ dredge that the delegation be Instruct­ ed to cast their vete solid fftr Keubej, Ellwood for Congress, and Richard Oglesby for Governor. AH)*?"***! by S. F. Bennett, to include the name of John C. Smith for Lieutenant Gover­ nor. Amendtpeut acpepted and motion unanimously adopted. Jhe utmost gopd feeljng and unanimity prevailed, For ftftlp qt Dundee, 111. Stock and Store of G. I flail. This is a fine opportunity for any one Wishing to engage In the mercantile business. Will a^pli^nge iu part for farm land In Mcilemy County. Ex­ tended time will be given to purchaser. Address - c. F. HALL. Dunde^ III We can now show the largest and most attractive line of Ready-Made Clothing iu inedimu weights ever brought to tlii* market. Ton are asked to examine go«(hi ap4 prtyps at Hfpry Colby's. 1 , The voontry Kdltor. The country editor lives nearer to hts readers than the city editor doef. The country editor knows by sight and hy name a gowd'.y proportion of his *ub- scrihers. and to a large extent he Is fa miliar with their family history. H* personally congratulates them on the birth of a child, and sympathizes with them when death takes a loved one front the family circle. He attends the funerals, the weddings, the anniversar­ ies, and all other sorts of gatherings. He jolna their societies, religious anil otherwise, acts as President or Secre­ tary or as a private member, discusses questions with them, writes essays and delivers speechee. He Is a trustee of all sorts of local enterprises, and tries to mfko hlmeelf generally "useful as well as ornamental.'1--Danville Adver­ tiser. tSTU. Holcomb, a commissioner of highways at Sycamore, In this State, writing to Legal Adviser, says: /'Wo have been working our roads under the commissioners of highways, and under the money system for the last lour or five years; we have graded and gravel­ led about twenty miies'in the last four years, and are iraking some very line roads." He Speaks favorably of the coming convention of commissioners of highways on the 22d of April, and tho movement has his cordial support. We have the finest assortment of Laces and Embroideries ever shown in this market.. Call and see them at Henry Colby's. GLA&rr GLASS t ^We keep Glass of ail sizes constantly on hand. Special sixes cut without extra charge. JOHW I. STORT. We are showing over 810 different styles of French. English and American Mai.ufacturee, of latest patterns, for Spring suits. Prices verv mod­ erate inspection invited at Fitaslm- noons A Evanson's. Please remember that our stocky lo every department Is very complete and that our prices are always the lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by auy house iu McUeury Co. Henry Colby. Building Paper, cheap, at John I, Story's. A due assortment of very lino Gnus? into Iron Wire at John I. Story's. Examine our Iron bottom trunks; alao assortment hand bags aud valises at Beuslett A St offers. TBE finest assortment of Sowing Machines to be found in tho oounty, at 0. W. Owen's. Go to Gilbert's and got 10 pounds sugar for #1.00. WANTED. 500 bushels choice Onions, for which the highest market price will be paid. Also choice butter aud eggs. FITZSIMMONS * Evansoa. The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized.decidedly the beat Wire in the market, at John I.Story's. Screen Doors, all complete, at John 1. Story's. Call aud see them. Our Boot and hlioe.department Is now unusually complete. A full line of Foster's celebrated hne goods In new stvles Just received at Henry Colby's. Elegant Suits made to order. In latest styles and moderate prices at Fitzsimmons A Evanson'e. The finest assortment of Bird Cages in town, at John I, Story's. That slight cold vou think so little of may prove the forerunner of a com­ plaint that may be fata). Avoid this result by taking Ayer's Cherry Peeteral the best of kaowu remedies for colds, coughs, catarrhs, bronchitis. Incipient oousiunptlon. and all other throat and luug.disease*. 8«od Barley for Sale. -1 have a lot of Pure Mensury Barley for sale, if called for sooa. _ HOMER WATTLES. Meftenrr, 111., Nevt 8, 188S. Pants made to order in nobby fits", 50 different styles to select from at •6 per pair at Flusimmous A Evan* son's. 3flQ0 matohes for 25 cents at Bonslett A Stoffel's, Good whole leaf Jap. Tea 2ftcents per pound 15 pounds for 01.00 at Bonslett A Stoffel's. We have just received some Jerseys, Call and see them at H. Colby's. FOR SALE. Tho side wheel Steamer, "Lotus.** Bids for the Machinery, or for the whole of the Boat, as she now lies at McHenry, may be sent to Capt. Walter Hill, Mclleiiry, 111., or te B. F, Weaver. E*o„3ft Wabash Avenue. Chicago. SSlfe Fltasimmons A Evansen have the choicest Jap Tea te be found-flTshe oounty. Price 50 conts. Everything In farming implements from a Swill Cart to a McCoruiek Twine Binder, can be round at the warehouse of K, Bishop. ONION SEED FOR SALS, I have 50 pounds of Yellow Paovers Onion Seed which 1 will sell at •1.00 per pound. o. itecKwim McHenry, 111., reb. 3d, 1S84. Hall's Hair Re newer renews, cleanses, brightens, and Invigorates the hair, and restores faded or gray hair to. its yoiitful color and lustra. People with gray hair prefer to use the Renewer, rather than proclaim to the world, through their bleached looks, that they are becoming aged, and passing ou to Oep*j, For Sale, •The undersigned offer fop sale their Shops and Lets, situated In West Mc­ Henry. nearly opposite the Post Office. A first-class business location. For fiartieul.•lr8.apply to A. N. Tripp, West leHenry, lil. . . McHenry, ret. ISSi. ***** Business Hotlcec. iSd to Mrs. Howe's for Millinery and Dressmaking. MiOEkus, tiili for Barblan Bret Hifcii An." They li;»re lew equals. No trouble to show ^oods i>r answef questions at K. kisho|.*.. < Buy the Estey Organ If yon want tho , best. O. W. Owen. Mi-Henry, Agent. City residences for sale. Apply Mi Asa W. Smith, Woodnock. Ill, A Startling Discovery, Mr. Wm. Johnson, of IIuroii Dak,, writes that his wife had been troubled with ucute Bronchitis for mauy years, aud that all remedies tried gave no peroftsofut relief, until he ptm'ured a hot lie of Dr, Kii'g's New Discovery fpr CctnKuwption, Coughs, and Colds, which had a magioai effept. and pro­ duced a permnuent cure* U la guar, anteed t$ cure alt Diseases of Throat, Lungs, or B"onchlai Tubes. Trial hot tie,f iTrep at Heury Colby's V*rM£ a tore, (.args Siae 91.00. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's fer Mitt aery. Dress Making and fancy Goedt Case and Fnrst A Bradley Sulke# Plows at E. M. OweiV A Son's. It don't pay to sleVp on tho fioor when you can buy bedsteads for nil at John B. Blake's. - J' Five feet high bedsteads, all Blaefc Walnut lor $4.75. *l John B. Blake's. Al. the leading Walking Plojys at Owen * Sou's. .. * Everything In the Ilardwaro lis# at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Call in and see the suits E. Lawlus fit selling. Heavy winter suits only #4.7^ Bureaus are cheap.. Blade Walnut fer #7,25, at J, B. Blake's. An elegant line of corsets 60 eealiii and up at Heury Colby's. E. Lawlus beats Chicago oa low prl* Oea tor clothing. 3 Woven Wire Mattresses, the bestg fer only #3.30. at John B. Blake's. ^ Brussels Carpet Leuugestooly 97.01 at John B. Blake's. CALL and see the nobby now Sul{§ at E. Lawlus*. He has sold 29sui ts of One kind. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagona, Plat* form Sprlug Buggies for sale at K Bishop's warehouse. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found lu the county, at 0* W. Oweu'a. * 1 Drags Drags, Drags, a lot on handL steel tooth aud must sell. For sale uF R. Bishop ^ IF you want anything less thaa th§ Estey Organ I can sell you ono for 94§ and upwards. O. W. Owxx We have no tuore nf that 90 I be* fot one t sugar, but plenty at 16 lbs for * one dollar at Perry A Owens. Come early aud have tho first chanct iu wall paper. Come and see tho no# J styles at Perry AsOwen's. / ,r, v, Never buy cheap goods just becaus# | they are cheap, the best are the cheap* $ est in the enil. We will not knowingly \ sell worthless goods. | Pkrrt 6 OWEN. .1 Perry A Owen have 1r. stock the finest line of wallpaper In the county, over one hundred new patterns, this spring. Gents French Kip and Calf Boots fof •5,50 at E.G. Smith's Ke I tor's Blocf three doors West of Riverside House. For first-class In*uranee^ agalnit firf . and Lightning, wind storms, eyelonei« J1 tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W. | i Smith, Woodstock, HI, Jh The choicest Oolong, Yotwg Gunpowder and uncolored Japan teait always In stock at Bonslett A Stoflel'a, Ovsrcontt thai will wear 3 years, .fS 50 Heavy Suits. 5 " Boys' Pants, heavy lined , 1 Also Qoota below Chicago prices. *. LAWMTB. . - Tbe lightest Draft Sulkv Plow in thj§ world is the Hapgoed, found at E. Mv Oweu A Son's, aud sold as low as ihi| common sulkey. Full line standard Eastern and Calfe fornla canned goods at Bonslett M Stofiel'k Bargains in fine Spanish. Guipur% Oriental, Torchon and red Laoes, a| Bonslett A Stoffel's. RASTER BALL! There will he a Social Dea*»-i|; Tiialen's Hall, Johnsburg. 111., Monds# eveniug, April 14, 1884, Yourself an# lady are cordiallv ii.vited. Music l># Mudgett's Quadrille Baad. Tickets, Including Supper, 01,00. UMHIST BBICK. si New This Week, Mrs. H, H. Nichols whites to call thf attention ot the ladies of McHenry au| surrounding country that she has just put ill a comp-ele stosk of early Spring, Millinery, Motions and Fancy Goods* Ornaments, Plumes, Tips, Flower^ Wreaths. Beads and Bracelets, A (In# line of Hair Waves and Nets; ladiett and children's Collars; a full line of laces; silk, lineu and mourning Hand* kerchiefs; Btissels. Hoop Skirts, and th% A, S. G. Health Corsets, and five othee kinds. Ladies ready-made l>nderwes# aud all other articles generally kept la a first-class Millinery Store. Call awtj examine ipy stock. 1 will make yoi| prices to suit the times. 1 do uet ln» tend to be undersold by any store || the couuty. Dressmaking promptly af.^ tended to aud a perteot lit guaranteed: II as. H. 0. NiouoLa. MoHearj, III. , Marcb 12th, jtMt. C. H. Farge's celebrated boots an<% shoes, every pair warianted at Bonslotf ^ Stofiel's. Great laving to Dairy men* The use of one bottle ot llickioson'a Cow prescription, will cause the cow to do well after calving, will prevenp Mi Ik "Fever. Garget. Horn sil, Ac. Wilt cause an Increase in the flow of nillkp and is worth halt the prioe of the coef to every oue using it. For sale by a)|$ Druggifts. Sold by Henry Colby, O, Dickin&an A Son sole promrletors. Barriiigioii, 111. * * How to Save Mo**eyw Now don't you forget to come to that- Ringwood Nu»efr this spring witht your wagons and load up with tree*% cheap for cash, Apple, Pear. Cherry and Plum trees, &of°t Maple, White. AM), Box Elder and Elm trees, sheared Evergreens,C:\tolpa and Mountain AuU trees, lots of Grape Vines, Russian Mulberry, etc.,elo. Always thankful tof past favors, JOIIK v. BtcKiuyo, ; IHaiwoed. Ut, March 25th, l»U. An erd to Bone Scraping, ; Edwar<1 Shepard, of Harrisburg lll.v says. "Having relieved so much bene- At from Electrio Bitters, I feel It mr duty to lei snftfring humanity know* it, Have had a running sure 00 my lega­ tor eight years; my doctor told nn I would have to have the bone sur:tpe«| or leg amputated 1 «»sed, tln*ee iiot'ies of Klwlrlc Bitters anif seven boxes Buck leu's A1 u lea l>al*S< and tuy leg i» now souud aud well.'* Elec'ric Bitltrs are sold at fifty fonm a bottle, and B«v*V,»n'S Arul«a Salve at 25c. poi box by U«ur/ Cul|»jr« -

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