V * «.» ' 1 t y ) i ' t . 'W *S" •i*' 4l V &<• «» •V WKWKSDAY, A Pit. • --wv» - W *•* i yf*W 1 'Whs Y«H * 5* rf«**snv,yr --Wfotf hra\*t'!®u ^ *' v f. v • * '*'>**«>* '-^'m, ;. t iV.-nc . v>" fc- *. jn< *. Is ,%'K-i fi* -.> -,,*4<"*vj - | , t v,*. - (. ; s% -.ivK'.«!' a i..-i ?- ' i -<ii '*tvr M * '**"• - - ^ ^ A ; * V J . " ' I Y . ' » V I "'•J *»* «J • *• *'-K ""• f ' r *!*• \ "»f . ' I »r- . ' * '" * * t t " >«• . t*: „•> if, •#*-- «* «*> <,<• ^ ' * *#»% -n '<fr .t j t; K f . ' i '- •».!" «' .-v, *j -n^-L-ir ...-t ^ „>rt-S"i1>i I-. ; ; t, s ~*i" i\iT , ,i J , i » - > « • . ; - - . • " » v " ' -Ji." 1 -iO i ' • .-. , , K^I'J , •,>•<, .rtf* ' }. ; •** ~41 ' ** !••*» i«'V, V,V/ij to <. ?iOM ...... , ' . .,. .. - / J. V 4IN 8LYKE, Editor. ftopnt>Mc«n |*n»t«trl»l District Convention- The HewnbMcae voters of Boone, Lake and JfeHenry Oonntlts, comprising the Eighth Senatorial District, are requested to send del- •(•(•* te the It*publican District Convention, %• He held at the Court House In .Woodstock, JfeHenry Cannty, on Tuesday, September 2, MM, at. 1 o'clock p. m.,f»r the purpose of pine • log In nomination a candidate for State Sena tor and candidates for tnembersof the General Assembly, and for the transaction of any other bits! or 18 thst may propeily come before it. The representation will be on the basis of ore delegate fer every ISO Repu ill can votes cast for President in 1880, and one for every frac- tien above 75. On this basin Boone County vrill be entitled to U delegates, Lake County to 19 delegates, and MoHenry county to 28 dele* (•tee. W. F. Ho TFT, 3 ."%/•• w. h, noiMjK, I , - Jfc.. ,n G. W. l.t 'FKIJf, * •- " ®»o«ie County Committee, **•" ,«»»"• - M John HT E^RNS, k*4 l^-W' * * C. A. PARTRIDGE " *• ; *ut« > ' 0eo Xl (;™m lcT 'Iftfcke Oitintr Com mil tee. „ ( • G ico. K. llrirK'ER, A. W. Tor NO. HRNRT Kt:Y8, McUenry Cennty Comniitteee. KS^UntH (utnebody is tried for mur der ami )i«n;ed f«r a hnmicid* vritli a MppM«ri~ta^be-nnto*<fc<T plfctol. it is probably that fools will rntitlntte to play with dearilv weapons with the usual reeklesfinesss. Nothing short of •harp penal remjedlea can tonoh this criminal carelessness, eviileutly. and tli* sootier this i« reeognized the better 1| will l»e lor the'cotnmiinitfj. i- r %• <- • !V '• l . b Mt' THE COHOTRV is safe ag iii». The Stock caucus yesterday Instructed for liO^nn for president. Oglesby for gor- •rtmr and EHwood for congress. Southworth must have been overlook •d.--Elgin News. Thay rememberd him howeyer. on tha naxt day, when tha coun'y Cton- •entlon instructed for Geii. Jobti 0. Smith for Lieut. Governor, by a vote of 111 to 63. The Republican voters of Mcller.ry county"never forget. fO^An enterprising citizen of Col4k» Tado--Mr. T»yl*r--1 a* undertaken ill enterprise from which he anticipates 9 rich return, lie in inclosing three hundred acres of land near Greeley with a fence sixteen feet nigh, and into thia secure retreat he hopes to entice elk and deer as they leave the moun tains next fall, his object being to breed these animals for sale to Eiast- •rn parks and zoological garden. §&*Ba«e b*ll making is one ef these *<)«tiet Industries which attract little or no attention frorti the busy world, but :prore u uisually remunerative to those 'engaged in them. Last year over 5.- OTO.OOO balls were manufactured in this country; aiyl as the makers now bare a larger number of orders than «ver before It is estitnatod that 7,0C0,- •000 base balls will be knocked into the .great «• where the coming season. 10*/' ' I^TA Free pott dispatch says: A •Correspondent ef the Daily Bulletin writes from Kent township in the western part of the county that a dis- <ease, the symptoms of which some what reasonable the fatal foet-and tneuth disease, has broken out among eeveral herds of cattle in this section So far it has been very violent in its efleets. One farmer (George Kiester) has been compelled to shoot ten head, and he has ethers that may have to be killed. It is reported that several •there have d'.ed. Whether the dis- •Me Is ceatagieus has uot been made koewu. " - , IT is not improbable that eur district Will at length receive the distinction •f having a representative en the State ticket in the corning convention. The name of llajer John M. Souihworth. ef Woodstock, a practicing lawyer of Chicago being verv prominently men tioned in connection with (lie Lieuten ant Governorship.--Geneva {111.) Re- publican. Yes, Mr. Republican, mentioned af ter all the caucuses had been held,so that the people could not liare a chance to express themselves en the question. Bat the delegates in the County Con vention on Saturday last sat down upon him t» the tune of 111 te 63, Instructing for Gea. Johp C« Smith fer Lieuteuant Governor. The County Convention, The Republican County Convention, held at Woodst«*rk, on Saturday, was one of the most harmonious gatherings 6f the kind ever held In this county, all seeming te be of one mind, that the ticket this fall, from the highest to the lowest office, must be made up of the best and strongest men in the Party, and that pot-house politicians and tricksters must stand aside and let the people rule. By a resolution, presented by A. W. Young, of Chemung, the County was divided Into nine District, each Dis trict being entitled te one delegate to the State and one to the-Congressional Convention. This we consider the fairest method ever adopted by the County, ae it gives the smaller towns an equal chance for representation with the larger ones. By thi9 apportion ment 0* following delegates to the State and- Congressional Convention were chosen: STATK.--N. B. Burtch. G, W, Good rich. Frod»A. Patrick, Z. E. Goodrich, James Pliilp, O. H. Gilmore, C. V. Stevens, Geo. Garrison. GeotfiRushton. DONORE"S8IONAI,.--A. W. Young, O. C. Dig-gins. J. Q. Adams. John Eddy. S. Haiglit G. S. Southworth, Win, Butler, Geo. W. Eldredge. Lyman Glass. The delegates were then instructed for Logan for President, with BlaitiO as second choice. Oglesby for Governor, Gen. John C. Siniith\ for Lieut.,, Gover nor. Ellwood for, Congas and .1. A. Combs for Clerk of llAi^Appel^te Court. Second District, The instruction for Gen. Johr C. Smith, for Lieut. Govornor . 'Was a regt - larset Clown on tlie aspirations of that cheeky'Individual, IMajor (?) John M. Southwortli, and proves what wo said last wewlf, that If he came before the people of the County he would he repudiated. The Rinij. headed by the old war horse, made a desperate eflort in the-forenoon,-begging for only a complimentary vote, and when they fotiod thej' could not gnt that, endeav ored to have the delegates sent «n- instrncted. This, too. failed by a vote of 111 to G3. Tlad liis name been brought before the Caucuses this 63 would have been reduced te le«s than 25. The,people of McHenrv County have been ruled by this Ring long enough, and they will do well to tak£ aiul st and trom under. ELLWOOD. The recent speech in Congress of our representative was characteristic, full of force and earnestness, driving straight at the point. It at first oc casioned some surprise as it was in op position to the Cattle disease bill to prevent the spread of contagious dis eases among the herds of the country. When read carefully however, It dis closes the fact that he was in faver'of some wise and «vell prepared measure but was opposed to this one because so ill digested and.so loosely drawn. I,t gave dangerous power to a few men. It evened the way to enormous ex penditures. It claimed to be nothing more than an experiment. The criti cism on the bill will lead to the pre pare t ion of a be tier matured measure fer protection, . . In the mean time C*ngressm«ii Ell wood is making a fine reputation in the House for his force »ml business hiigacity. In the committee on claims which has a vast amount of responsible work laid upon it he ha^ already mede an enviable reputation. There seems to be no doubt that he'will be renomi nated and probably by acclammatlon. The opposition is so weak It will not Ue likely to show itself*en the day of the convention.--Sandwich Gazette. r-'c fig-Four months have passed since Forty-eighth Congress convened, Ud less actual work has been done than by any Congress since the foun dation of the Government, In the same time. The members of the lower Motive apparently take no note of time but frem appearances seem only determin ed to prevent legislation and lengthen •ut the session. They are Having a jolly good time among themselves and ee*tn to act on the principle that it is well to let good enough alone; and fearing that if anything is done it will prove th» very thing that ought not to have been dune, they have resolved themselves into a body ef tlonists. , SWB The com>try is tobe congratulat ed on the decisive defeat inflicted in the House on the whisky meu.' There was no probability of the whioky bill becoming a law, even had it passsd the House, but its crushing defeat will teach chairman Morrison and his friends a lesson which may be of serv ice to them. It will also be useful to the whisky lobby. The testimony before the Wlndom Committee in 18S2 proved that the whisky men raised $700,000 to pass the bonded extension bill. They failed in the last House, and now they havo failed again, not withstanding the favorable report from Mr. Morrison's committee. The result will be wholesome in reducing the production of whisky. The re fusal to pass a similar measure In 1882 led to a reduction of the product from 105.000.000 gallons to 74,000.000 gallons in 1883. Another such a falling ofl would be a National blessing. And If, as the distillers threaten, the whisky goes out of the country to escape tax- | ation, the people will bid it good rid- i dance. It has been fitly characterized as the dynamite ©f modern civilization, --Tribune. , m - 5* i /% ? ; - l®*The third annual reunion of the ftirviv >r« of the 15th Regiment ef 11!i- aols Volunteer Infantry will bo held at Borkford, 111., on Saturday. May 24th, 1884--the twenty-third anniversary of the day on which the regiment was •Worn lute the U. S. service at Free- The arrangements are in the | |»ud* of an energetic and thoroughly #fHcleti( local committee'who will spare Jio pains to insure a rousing good time (or all. A banquet will be one of the features, and te render the occasion ifcill more enjoyable all surviving mem •or* of the 14th Regiment III. VoL Inf. lire cordially invited to be present and take part in the reunion. It is earnestly fequottod that every member of the liftth under whoso eye this paragraph £ *uay fall will not only endeavor to be in * 'Attendance himself but make a personal j •ftort to Keeure the pres»»ncf ot nil com- j - ' fades whose whereabouts mav he known < to him, or forward f|ieiraddr> s* to tin* ! ISecretwy, C. M. Ross, box 225. Aurorn, I in . , 1 T: • t •STTUe managers ot' the Presby terian hospital iu Philadelphia are in sore trouble over a curious question. The proceeds of a charity ball were divided between several Institutiohs iu the city. A check for §2 700 was sent to the Presbyterian hospital. The troneurer, a clergyman, refused to accept it. The Beard of Trustees had a lively debate over the matter. Some of the member* declared they would receive money from the .proceeds of a j whiskey saloon or gaming table and use j i t for the sick and pobr. A resolution declining the money was lost, but the resolution fails to settle matters. The I Rev. Dr. Mutchmore, a prominent j divine, said in a<ormon: "If tlie Pies- | byterian church accepts this money it makes itself a partner of pleasure. Had the ball bail been opened with a prayer and hymns I might not be troubled te-day; but such was net the How are we ever geingte get through our spring and summer's work ? are all ru/'down' tired out before W it begins." So sav many a farmer's family. We »iiH\v»*r. jjo to your drug gist and pay tlve dollars for six bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla J Tlfts is just the medicine J'ou iif<*d. and wm pay com pound interest on tiie investment. GREENWOOD- EDITOR-PLAINDKALKK:--In grasping tb* pen, as.a regular .correspondent to yourworthy ptper, I do not do it for Literary fame; but merely that »ur quiet and remote village may he repre sented with county news. Could 1 know where Walnut. Surprise and Center streets were, including a full knowl edge of Chester street, and swine, 1 might give some literary productions similar to those ef on<-worthy scribe for the Sentinel; but as I have neither the time ner way ef finding out, "with a feeling of sadness I must step aside." The weather, indeed, is very pleas ant, and tha farmers seem te be taking advantage of it, iritfi their spring's work. House clearing and scolding seem to be the business ef womeu at present; thus answering the questions "Why man is se anxious about bis eut-doer work." ~ Job Tolts was so unfortunate as te have, with the eld family horse, two runaways on Friday last. John Wire, ef Harvard, has been at Greenwood the past week, en his semi annual hunting tour. Misses Nellie llulehan and Mary Wheeler, of Woodstock, spent the Sab bath with friends in this village. W. W.^Brandow, who has beep at work at the chiese factory, h afflicted with rheumatism. He has gone t« his home at Alden for recuperation: John Dassow has moved into the house of J. Mansfleidj lately purchased from S.Baldwin. E. A. Douglass, whe hits been in a very critics! condition for some time past, is now convalescent. Clint Carr has been having a compli cation of the.throat, veiging on diph theria. Ora Howe conimertced his carpenter work this week, with his former em ployer, Bert Thompson. The condition of Robert Lutnley, who has been insane for some time past, remains unchanged. C. II. Jones a former "scribler" from this place to the PLAIXDKALKK, is now working in Chicago. So far, the meetings held for the organization of a Cemetery, Aid So ciety, have been poorlv attended. We hope the friends will net let this much needed improvement pass by un noticed. County Superintendent H. R. Bald win and wife spent part of last week with parents in this place. Hunt Bros, have an incubator In operation, with a capacity fer hatching about ten dozen of eggs. A Mrs. Games, of Michigan,yJfcUlng with her au:K, Mrs. S. Baldwin. The spring term of school commenc ed April 2d, with an enrollment of 4G names. A very serious and painful accident happened on Thursday last to the little twin boy of Wright Cai;r's. The little fellow, while playing about the house, accidentally fell down cellar, breaking one of_ his limbs just below the thigh. Ed Barnard, once a Greenwood bov, and whose parents rrsidp here still, has hi,light the properly, including the farm, known as Northrop'u Mill. As Mr. Barnard has had Considerable exper ience in the milling business, Wu look to him for success. ' " • At the church on the hill, Sunday evening. Presiding Elder Mard<-v llo preached a very interesting sermon, and oflered sacriment to those who Wished to partake. „ An eflort being made to extend Soap St. as far north as Sidney Graf ton's nnrrh line, thence a road to run east. Intersecting with the main high way in front of the school li nis:-. I sincerely hope, iu contributing this .article to represmit the town «>t fiiren- wooil. If I have been a ii«n>resident for more than a quartdr of a century to gain a home thereby. It seems to me that'll ' I had voted a Democrat ic tiek/t for the past two national elections, I Should be the last one to whine and cry for a petty town office in the Re publican ra.ik*. and especially when W was beaten fairly in the caucus, and l»r one who did not solicit the <>(l)c>9 If this gentleman hears any malice, I know not for what, reason. I alwavs supposed him to be a christian man, and hope he Is yet; but in matters ea- peeiall.v pertaining to person, it might be well to elevate ones soul as well as his boots ar.d liat.. We h«pe the defeat on April 1st will have- the desired efii 'Ct. At the annual tewn meeting the fol lowing officers were elected for the en suing y«ar: For sufervisor. Geo. H. Garrison; town clerk, W. E. Wire; assessor. M.J. Wright; collector, C. N. W illis; commissioner of high ways, Gee. Sondricker; school trustee. Burton Wright: pound masters, J, N. Barber, A. C. Thompson. Fort Hill Precinct-Lake County. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--SI nee my last communication three more early settlers have passed away, viz : Phlneas Sherman, of Warren, William Sherman of Libertyville, and Edward Lusk, Sr., of Fremont. Each was a prominent man in his own neighborhood, and of large acquaintance in the comity. Died, in Avon, March 19rh, 1884. Alice Gilbert, wife ol Clarence Gilbert and daughter ef the late Horace Cul ver, of Avon, aged 20 years. • . f1 HAINESVILLE. H. D. Potter has sold his farm In Fremont, te Adam Behm, Jr., and A. L. Hen.lee. Behin takes the buildings and 100 acres of laud.and llendee takes 60 acres of laud. At his auction sale mC Wednesday last Potter sold seme »3.f>00 worth of stock, hav. grain and household goods, and reserved a car load to carry te a fat ui ot 680 acres that he has lately purchased in Western Missouri, near Fort Sccftt. He will close out his store in this place this week and sf'art for Missouri next week witli his family. MOXA VILLE. The firm of Blunt <fc Richmond is changed to Blunt & Mattox. Mr. Rich niond having retired from business for reason of ill health. Norman Mattox is the new partner. Grmdmother *Vaito is still suffering. Mrs, Caine, mother of Wiliiam and Charles (Jnine, is sick. Mrs. T!;ouias Mead and J. M. White, who have been very sick, are now con valescent. ROLLINS. We hear that 'here is a prospect of re opening the Edwards cheese factory tlie coming season. For 'lie secondtime within the recollection of the oldest in*<abitant the town of Avon held a very quiet town election, without serious opposi tion to the first caucus nominations List of officers elected: Chase E. Webb. Supervisor; Emory Adams. lerome Bi.rnett, Assessor; ' 'el]e;'tor; George H. Wightnian, Coinmis- ioners; James Wigutman. Constable ; I. B. Burn»t t. School Trustee, FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and ACUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND JILL MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of this celebrated me4t» cine justly olaims for it a superiority over all remedies ever ofFared to the public for the SAFE, G£BTAIS(, SPEEDY and KAKENT cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the asssrtion that in no case •whatever will it fail to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed and carried out. In a great many oases a single dose h«g been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies havo been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in evory case more certain to cure, if its nse is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been cLec^ad, mora especially in difficult and long-standing- casos. Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartio medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY FILLS will be suf ficient. BULL'S 8AB8APARILLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous affeotions--the Sing of Blood Purifiers. DB. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WOBM DESTROYER is prepared in the form of candy drops, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. OR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, The Popular Remedies of tho Day. Principal OIBce, 8S1 MatnSt., LOUISVILLE, K% I Eggs! Full Blood Eggs for Hatching. The uiifJersijftied wtlt furnish Bpfrs'from I'ure lired fowls at the following Pricea: Rliick Leghorns,.. . Brown " .* , i . White Wynndot«s......... Black Java*...;.... Light Brahman.;..-. .$1.50 for 1'S E^gs . 1 ,. r>0 for 13 Eggs ,. 1 .SO for 13. Eggs .. 3.00 for 13 K{fg* . . 2 00 for 13 Eggs 2 00 for 13 Eargs Golden Spang'd Polish 2.00 for 13 E^ga Black Tartar Games.. 2.50 for 13 Eggs Plymouth Kocks 1.50 for 13 Eggs Pckin Ducks..........1.00 for 9 Eggs The alx»ve are^Pricos for Eggs Dolivored at my place. $*• Q. -W.'PRATT. . • WAUCONDA, ILL. Eareh !th, 1884, Waup.onrta. 111. ' «.»< w USST MeHSHBY, If X: * Ifovkollie aUoMtion of the l>uyin<2\ Ijubiio it*oufu'ely iiew rit^oclv, ol 22Y GOODS, UQimS, ""'CLOTHING!," G« OCERIES, Boots, Shoes Hats Cape, . G H B E X H T . A * ' - - • - t Gririnte Rockingham and Glassware* ' • • • y ;;v Trunks, Hand Bfigs and Valises, C. H.VFai-ofo's celebrated Hoots an<I Shoes, etc. All grades Chiek's Favorite Flour in stock. Every sack wan anted. The hi<rhewt price paid for produce. All jroodsi sold at one.-price and marked in plain figures. Thank ing our patrons for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the saino, we shall strive to p!cas-e all who nuiv <rive usa call, both in .quality and price of goods. ^ BONSLETT, A STOFFEL. West McHenry, III., Mnrcli 24, 1H9*. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON: "SSS&StES! " Gentlemen: My lather resides at Olorer, Vt. lie lias been a great sufferer from Scrof ula, and the inclosod letter will tell you what a marvelous eilect : Ayer's Sarsaparilla lias had In bis ease. 1 think his blood must r •'tavo contained tho humor for at least ten yoars; but it did not show, except in the form of a scrofulous sore on tho wrist, until about ' five years ago. From a few spots which ap peared at that time, it gradually spread so aa to cover li is eiiti re body. I assure you ho waa terribly afUicted, and an object of pity, when lie begau using your niodiciue. Now, there aro few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. 1 could oasily nauie fifty persona who would testify to tho facts in hi3 case, i Yours truly, W. M. PHILLIPS." FROM THE FATHER: pleasure and a duty for me to state to you tho benefit I have derived from the uSo of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Slx.montha ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tho humor caused an Incessant and intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My Sufferings wero great, and my life a burden. I commenced tiio use of tha SAKSM'AIUM.A. In April last, and havo used it regularly sinco that time. My condition bogau to improve at ohee. The sores have all healed,'and 1 feel perfectly well in every respect--being now ablo to do a good day's work, although 73 years of ago. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure In my case, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, 4.VER'8 SAHSAPAIULLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. 21,1882. Your%gratefully, ; . lli£A.u PHILLIPS." A TUB'S SAnSAPAMLLA. cares Scrotal* and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Eczcma, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clear3 the blood of all impa rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restoros vitality and strengthens the wholo system. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by jail Druggists; 91, six bottles for 9S. ;! | •i-h F. B. J4B3ISQFS Sips . . . f . T ' WOlltD NATUUALLT CAUSt! IN Wauoonda firug Store AND BOOK HAUNT* A change in the ownership of the <iruj{ store hits actually oecmreU. but Dr. Harrison still lives, ami, IN fact, is in uiiusuaily KOOII hcaUli. The same couilitmn of a(Vaii-» happilv exists at til« W. 1) S. X 14. 11. It livesas usual, only rat liar more so. 1 biia'l aim to keep the same ifuneral line of L»rut?rt, liooks, Sin lioi.ci y, etc., ai tormeriy, to keep the best Of evury thing, und to pive a ln»nesi dea' overy time. 1 sliall graiitiatly iurveabe I lie Block ami shall tie gl.nl tosiipiilv any article in my line winch 1 may not haifcat tue luneH but wliicli my euatomers may desire. I liavo just purchaaed a gooil variety of tirst-claas Shears, Scissors and : Cutlery. Pocket l guarantee fatisfnctiai) i« those laViio cxatavtua$|on. I #te:>iil8o g0] WA14- PAPER. I bejieve T shall be able to shew the best' ant jrreatcut variety in town ( invite conl% pnvi.-'tn an'i a share of the tvaiie. Also No. 2 is i a stock of Easter Esrg Dyes, and a new stock ol Dolls, Doll Heads,. Scrap PooUs, -fcra.p ri<-lures, He want ol Merit ( 'anls and r'.irtlnlay Cards that are Hirnnly elegant. 'I have engaged the servirm of Mr. I.ee An- drussj and l>v close attention to business and the \v(uit> of the cotnmmiHy, f hope to reccivo a generous 6liare ot your'patronage during the romi.iK year. Triibtin^ the t'.iti/.ens of Wauconda will call and bee tlio im'proveinuntM wo are making, and wishing tli '-ni all (including the subscrib er) a i rosperotu Bcasou, i r««niain. Yours truly, JOHN HUMPHREY. Waueonrts, III., March 90th, 1884. Town 0l<»rk: Herman W. Hale. Winner, Daniel sinners; J. A.L. Heixlee was re-elected Super visor of the town of Fremont,. . WE SELL THE Celebrated Colden Star OIL STOVES and EMGES, Tiie btst and safest nianiifactuied. Sold 28, last year, wliicli speak lor t lie tuse Ives. JOHN I. STORY. Mcllenry, April 1st, 1884. L Ajfc J, Ct|^ b't G. ingersoll. j Is always on tils l>e*k. It has? rLAAAAA5 Jis. Co) . Rob Ro~, nl Glue 1 S FT rent t 'om-ciitrutnd strciiRt !I and VITV tletnark- Siil.lt> iM.i'itics. lOvi-rv udi^-. Ho-ischoM and OWorksliup will Hndi: In v.iluable--/"7fi ate •ver'i/. ? fii#"l?000,CG0 Dottiest » he KewsU AttMtion PleaW: y ' • ' * 1 *;'• '"H,' i ' « ' < ' - , " > > • li » V*l .*«•«• V" vr its Equivalent, win l>iiy fnis week each of the 161 mentioned below: -g M-S 8 si o < ' ' ' *1 ; -4-: 1C Cans XIoiu ^ 10 " Peaehe9 12 " Cher lies J .*'• • »< 12 " GooseberrilSt* hi... 14 lbs ('hoice Prunes > 12 " Choice Peaches r-iu.^1 120 :Boxes MatelwM ••»>» « .* "15 palerutus 20 " ( Jodfitjh 12 " W hitcfish 6, ** Tea . . . 16 $n<rar" w 2C-.. jjars Suap / 26 yds Sheetiog / ' " : :* f 20' " Prints . .iL ' 10 *' Shirting' ! * 4 ;doz Lemons •: Ur^ugep 3 TJall in at * T i « <'•+[$£ .ft* *k -yiol rv t k f i . j i i > v; ' • r FITZflMIVIONS « EVAWSQI*. , v i 4 - • * ' i. -liefSSt Sulfas)! At the West PERRY & Merchants. i. at - j - stfJ O'ttibtf-' HEADQUARTERS FOR Clotliiii^ Carpets, WallPap^, Dress Goods^ f Domestics, Boots &i Shoes, Hats <fc Caps^ Trunks and Valisealp JPaints and Oils, Mixed Paints, ^roceides, Salt, jtc. ^ PERRY Sl OWEN. IBLEY'S FlasEiin? r*« WA ; C2 Liiy £-3 tT'l'iM MPTKIS Kvfrvthlng SolKi as -II:ird its Adamant !-rirm ,'M r .st. Toinrhi-st a»rl Mast 1 l' ,l:i*?t.; 1.1 111! <.:• Kurtli In. mMf !-i I In IS<>nt- • •iir. No l'K-K-ir'ilicii !-Always Rrridv!- -Mends « iilt.n, , I'.tLtjljt1:-; oil »Sho«*8, Kubber. . Htlliuri I'up Tips and Clotb, Ornn- , I'lV5, Jewelrv. Hook Hack und KvoryUid!- Kls<* with Kvorlastlnir Iiottl»( brush .-.ml 1111 Cov..1 1. Mulled post-paid. SOe. Sold •>y StntUiiif-rs, Hard- . .\ari.-tv mid 1 i<-i»:rnl Stores. Wholesale ; 1 riivelm ; . i>t» tinnlrri in everv City P id Coaiitv. -.#"Ask your Dealer (ur a Free J A Grent Discovery. Mr. Wm. Thomas, of Newton, Iowa. pays': ' "My wife has been seriously af flicted with a cough - for twenty-five years, and tliU spring more severely than ever before. She had used many remedies without relief, nnd being tilled to try Dr. King's NVw Discovery did so with most gratifying result*. The first bottle relloveiMier very much and the. second bottle iia« absolutely cured her. 8he has not had so goo.l health for thirty years." Trial bottles Free at Henry Colby's drug store. LargH size $1.00. 2 .»..m v mil 4 Sinaplc Vial uf " Koval «lnr. - > 5 sritt| V'a»M 10 IU>:;n' Her/lorn only. I 4 >.;i!li 'i] <i!i!\- lv flu- ••milfurturi. 'i 'P*, P PWVif v w vvvvv'** House and; Barn for Sale or Rent. I11 the village of Ringwood. }Iou»e has ten rooms, and is in good repair. A eood garden, well and cistern, in connect! 011*. and all other necessary conveniences. Will be sold reason-, able or rented to % responsible party Inquire ef __ „ . VTrslet LADD. Kingwoocl, Jan. S]st 1684 3ra l 'erry A Owen have mens flue.'shoes fot $3 III at beats thern all. f Wood for Sale. Good Dry Wood for sale by. IfBBAR ALL -CLIMATES, ^ FOR ALL SOILS,ALL PLANTS. All lesttMl vit;ilit:v,nn 1 in ••.rdo"*8 for puri'y an 1 valnt*. LOW PRICES. Pride of the North Corn, rr^ned in extreme North in nZi and *83. Siblty » Imperial H.rler !; dd^l at ratr o( 236 bush, per aero. b. itota R.ti Potato, best of .25 var.«-t.«; HOT rwoOF. liui'ir PROOF • yield 725 bosh, per acre. Rochester Tomato, largest smooth, and earliest latp sort; enrriess- belt for market. First ^n'd Best Pea, earliest, m<«t pmrittrtive- mature iiiiifnrrnly market * Biblev's Tested Cabbage Seed-ire uifxcelled. $1000 IN PREMIUMS AT ALL FAIRS. SKND mi; CA'IAl.<K11'F. AND I'RK'K 1,1ST of ve'.;ctal>lr, flower and field of all valuable varieties. Mail orders promptly filled, making a seed store at home. LOWEST PRIOBS. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO., Rochester, N, Y., Chicago, III. THS MZM Having recently fitted up our 1-no]) near the bridge, we are now prepared to lurnish our customers witb THE GOLDEN STAR GASOLINE RANGES. Superior to all. Is rapidly su perseding (Jook Stoves and Kau- gos tor Summer use, Call and aee them, JOHN I, Sxoitr McHenry April 1st, 1883, [STOPPED Ffftt H H Marvtlous success. H • Insane Persons Kestored • H |U8Dr.KLINE'S GREAT • • NERVE RESTORER !/:•••«//BRAM & NHKVB ULSHASBS. Onlyturt 9 curt for JVsrve Jtfrftltn r. FitSt FPt- PrJf, etc. I INFALI.IULR if t-ikf n as dirertcd. As J"<ts I'first d.rv's use. Treatise an i $1 trill hott.c free to In tents, tbev pa\-tn? «xpre«trharffes on IK** when wftil. S-nil P. (). a«'l express address of c*f 1 to DH.KM Vli.pnt Arrh St-.l^iUdrlphl-vPa. iDiu^ists, E£WARB OF 1H1TATING /KAUD^ BusinesB! Business 1 WASTED.-Eveihr person havinpa business of any iteaerlpt ion for sale; or wanting a part ner in any enterprise; or havlnjr ironey to Invest in liii8ine»« of any kinil; or a farm for Sale or trade, or desiring to purchase a farm ; or having money to lean,or wanting to borrow nieiicv (on appVoved seenritr); or who has anytliinR for sale, or desires to purchase any thing, to addrt,'** O. C. ST. OI.AIK, B|)#||iess Broker, 111 HF Fresh M Salt Heats, or ALL KINDf, Sausage, Smoked Meats, &C., -AT THE-- LoweM.LiTtnflr F»rioe». We buy none but the beat ot MmU, sail flatter ourselves that we can offer our eui- tomers meat* in better shape (Ban any ether shAp in this seetion. ThanktuI for past favors we solicit ICH. tinuanse of the same, and we will guarantee to aa tut v you be'h in qusHty a»d price. A- M- FRETT. MeHenry, III., March 17th, 1881. Corporation Election. THE Annual Village Electioe ter the Titian ef Mcllenry, will be held at the CeaneV ltoem in the village of Mcllenry, on Tuesday, the 15tli day of April, 1884 at whleh time the following officers will »* elected: , Three Trustees and one Clerk. Th« Polls of said Election will be operb»- tween 8 and 3 o'clock in tiie morning,and-ep4 open until 7 o'clock in tiie evening efth*fc day. GEORGE VT. OWBM, Cfcffc* MeHenry, March 27th, 1884, Execulor's Itatice. ESTATE «?F Mary Reed, Decease - 'T"S unilersijjned having been appoii^« E*e» cntoi of the last Will ind TeolamenW •at*' Keeii, deceased, late of the Count of Ke. Henry, and State of Illieni*, h^or give* iiAtice Hint he will appear l>eforc t* Ceunly Court of McHtnry County,at tho (?,ft "«»<• in Woodstock, at the May Term,' M* IDIN Monday in May next, at -nhfi -!! tae sti per-, sons having claims agaiws.# sail estn te aro notii iod and requafted tois6»end "r the pnrw pose of having the same a*l-iH»tetf All peraoao uiftehted to said estate arc ireqii ' ted to oaak* immediate pavinont to tfce n-BKiWried. Hated thi<> 44th day of Jfs»k>h • l>- I8«% JP. / :