Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1884, p. 8

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'. • .•/*, / ' TX ~• * Y ALL OOm NO LET UP HmM •:• X J,'V < « ^ - E' ; , ; it r. &*•: ;'f '• W*«m?roTOR iHTTim. regular Mw»iwwKl««t. i? <= Wasriington, D. C. Av»ril21, ittl 'Th® question of a revival of the right! +%t suffrage In the DlsrJct of Columbia tlM been much agitated of lat«. It has m claimed fn behalf «f fhe move*', Mitnt that the disorderly element that ttWd te**i»»k« thing* hewT'on •lection days liM been criminated-- scattered through the country, and that abetter i Isig'•)»$& hits taken place. On every oocatlon, however, when t'-iere has been a chance to do any voting, the re salt haa shown that the same rowdy •leoaents remains here and is ready to Mime to the front on the slightest en­ couragement. The beauties of suffrage Were more recently presented to Wash­ ington when the "electiye franchise" w^exercied some evenings ago in the election of delegates to Chicago. The convention was marked by a disgrace­ ful scene of confusion and riot, and a noisy clamor for suffrage by a boister­ ous mob. There are various causes for tliia #tate of things at the National Oaptial. For one, a very considerable portion of the white voting population ten or twelve thousand at least--are government employes, who, under onr wonderful civil service reform system, dare not accept citizenship in W ashing* ton, but mast hold themselves as citizen in the state to which they are accredited. Another cause for the preponderance of the voting roughs is the fact that the influx of population" ©Mate yearfi that goes to making the new Washington, is largely com­ posed of people of culture.--scientific nnd literary workers, students, inva­ lids, people of wealth and leisure,-- people who com6 here to follow in quiet their various pursuits of study, work, health, or social enjoyment, and who have not the slightest idea »f taking a hand in ward polities, and contesting supremacy with tli«'4razzer" voters. This primary election haa* put rather a quietus upon the move- ment for popular suffrage In Washing­ ton, and it is safe to predict that the clamor at the doors of Congress for the right of elective franchise will not be resumed for some time. Joseph Medill of the Chicago Trhi- «me,*©ne of the most distinguished editors in the west, has been in Wash­ ington all the week, and his visit lias been tho cause of considerable, concern among politicians and presidential aspirants. Mr. MedlN's political career lias been very eccentric; and, recogniz­ ing accountability to no one, he feel* at liberty to change his mind and shift his political anchorage wherever hr likes. But his good nature is prover­ bial and he is always ready to"kis* and Make up" with a political opponent. Atone time lie was was an ardent admirer of General .Grant, and they were great chums, but for the last four •r five years their relations have been otherwise, For years Logan and Medill were at sword's points. But when Logan lest the Inter-Ocean, which had been his organ for years, he made up with Medill, and they have •ince been quite intimate, In 18G3 Medill superted Grant for the presi­ dency; in 1872 he abandoned him and went over to the Liberals in support of Groeley; and in 1876 he fought Blaine with great bitterness. He started out in this campaign giving a hearty support to Logan, but since he came to Washington he has abandoned Logan ajid joined,tjie Blaine boomers, giving lagan's friends a fit of the blues. This eoaqnest ot Mr. Blaine Is the {result of IlkS •'personal magetism" about which JM mucti has been said, Medill had not beea at the Arlington Hotel twenty- four hours before Blaine called upon |iim. It was an unusual thing for the ox-Secretary to do. but it was not without effect. Medill dined at the Mercy manison, Blaine's residence, the next day, and since then he and Blaine have been mnch together, advising and consulting about Mr, Blaine's book, prehapo. Considerable agitation has lately been given to the subject of Mr^Blaine'% peculiar accumulations. He was worth ftt least a quarter million dollars when lie entered Congress in 1863 and he lias been engaged in many good enter­ prises since that time, lie bought productive coal land near Pittsburg, besides other good property, to invefct liis money in, and hi* judgment has rarely been at fault in such matter. Then, the rental of his new mansion at the hf»d of Massachusetts avenue to Mr. Letter, the Chicago millionaire waa a bit of economy not barren in re­ unite. Lent is over. The lienrt of the great social life of the Captial is freed from religious restraint and begins to throb With it# wonted energy. Holy week was very strickly observed, and 'Washington society devoted itself to penitence and prayer. So much so that it seemed the more quiet after the half-gay Lenten weeks, in which there was no exciting Terpsichorcan Whirl, but just enough dinner parties, tnuslcales and teas, for real enjoy­ ment. We desire to arrange with a good business man to conduct, a (safe and f tonorable busir:ess. in which "there i* from ¥1.000 to $3,000 per year. We also want men on guaranteed salary. person* desir ing a good business should Write for full part iculars. ' * 9, C- ST. CLAIU & Co., Springfield* III . ADV1CIS TO MOTHKKS. you disturbed at night and brok- "«0 of your rest by a skk child surfer!»g and crying with pain ol cutting teeth? Jf so,send at once and get a bott le of Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syni |) for Children teething. I ts value is Incal f fUlaole . It will rel ieve the poor t i t t le •uflerer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there Se no mistake about i t . It cures dysentery and diarrhd-a. regu­ lates the stomach and bowel*, nires Wind colic, softens the gums,-reduces Inflammation and gives tone and eti- 4>Tgr to the whole svstf-m. Mrs. Win*, low's Soothing Syrup for children • teething is pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of ore of the oldest Mid be«t female physicians and nurses t l ie United States, and is for sale by •II druggists throughout the world; WAUCONDA, ILL. Everybody goes there to buy NOTIONS, AND I GROCERIES. 1 Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Ladies' and Gents' Gossamers, Ladles' and Gents' Gloves and Mittens, Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery. A nice stock of Cor­ sets and Hoop Sidrts, an EXTRA quality of Woolen Yarns, Carpet Warps, Cotton Bittiiur, and all the Staple Articles kept in a gen­ eral .store, and at prices to suit the present depreciated markets. GOOD AND WANTED, EG3S. RiyERSI DE BLOCK. McH ENRY, ILL. " " ̂ Has one of *\ "'S*' -STOCKS OF-^- And the Highest Market Price Golding Bros. Wauconda, Dec. 1, 1883. DEAL Ell IJT OF ALL KINDS. Store two doors north of Perry & Owen. • I hare one of the largest stocks of Furniture of all kinds to he found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing to buy will be sure to save money by calling on me. UNDERTAKING. I have 35 different sizes and styles ot COFFINS AND CASKETS, Always on hand. I keep a Hearse of my own which will be furnished at the most reasonable rate*. J. B. BLAKE. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, KT IF 'OS Efc BSE E. X.O w rikTnOHAGE SOLICITED -AND Satisfaction -Guaranteed.' HENKY COLBY. f , MCHEKET, 111., February 11, 1884, SOB BAEGAIHS IH For Coal and Wood --CALL ON-- E. M. HOWE Opposite Diwhop's Mill, Who lias a complete line of the best stoves in the market, a» well as a large slock of Harfiware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, IIK WILL 'Wth-m VmBKSOLI). ("all at hit-htore l(i'ioii'Inty ii'it h*r<». Jobluii^ Mini :v|ifuSljit; pi-niii puy Ktlcnded to. «»~li<uiicinlici, x>I bargains run al. way* he ohtuintpfal Mcllenry, Jj£c. 1, l««|. GREAT BARGAINS. We have just received an immense stock of Goods lor the sppring trade, and in or­ der to make room for the largest stock of summer goods ever brought to Woodstock, or into Mc- Henry County, we will sell our winter and heavy goods at great bargains, we must have the room and are bound to close them out. It will pay you to come from all over the county to trade at Dwight's old reliable cash store. We have the finest line of spring goods ever brought-to Woodstock, consisting ot Women's, Misses* and children's Walking Shoes and Slippers, Men's Boys'and Youthg fine calt B.uttou aud Staple Shoes. £3|H*N. B.--House establishes' in 1865. _ .. W. H, DWIGHT, Cor. IVSaSn St. and Public Square, Woodstock, III Still Out of the Ark of Safety. Itany of yon *ra, DAXOKU. TQ UFIO At PROPERTY Reset you on every lmml. The niullcr of ill'; »-ly<-f>on,|sieMoon, i-iiloon, pyi'lnne, orna'io win/lstorin,. or- whatever n«oi« may bo givei! it, jb hi^iinl in sonic heciion ol' ilie eonficrT nsarly every .lay. • . • • ' The Fire Fiend May b^-enk onl at nnv moraonl--the «sennorar of a lifetime W roittiiimcl. Dqnth must conic to nil. By a Rinail pavriient (;a#li vcar von <vm secure to ymii-M 1( u fortuno, shoiil'l ion live, or, in llic eveni ol'ili'ai li in-lui-i: tin; iim«> i'x. pirns, your f-iniliy i* j,ro\ for. < in rei>ri*i-o!iU"l by tins aycin-y. Our late* ir<! m l«>«" a* i-.\|i('r,i:Cnc'e lias ftuoit to be >att;. Voil will s>:tv<; iiicmc.y liv in - it ri nsr Willi Hi". I H M I I t l l i C .'i/ilr, K i )•<;, l.iyhlliing and Tornailo a sjwi.-ilv. Tlmnkin^ nil niv trM'n'ls tor tlicif Jit;<*>a] p-if romc..'". an<»p. in'-, by »qnarfi UenSinsr, io mi'i it ;i continuance ot tbB Bamo. I BEY to »UI>K<T-ilif nivsdf, Ilesp -ctf'iTi v vour«, C. II M'JUICY. IfeBenry.llL.JuBo ,J; I>0 YOU WANT TO BUY Sewing Machine? For the spring and summer trade of l88ift* . C. F. HALL, The acknowledged leader in good goodfi and low prices, and people are finding it out. His prices tell his goods are of the vary best. His stook is large and his prices are way down below the high priced credit dealers. He can pftbrd to do it as he sells for cash only. Jamestown Worsted Dress Goods* 50 pieces last received. Everything new bright and attractive. Remnants cheap* (J. F. Hall bids for your trade. Go and see him, »„ ",°Fe in Northern HU»oi«. «|» iVBMt, th« b«i filled. fti*e, 140 f^et long and 22 feet wide, two stories high and working for the people that PAY AS THET GO. Not a do'lar's wovth g^ea out ̂ xc^pt for Hard Cash. 1 sell . , V .J. '.^s. ̂ , GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots <& Shoes, Hais dit 6R0CERIES, CROCKERY. A®,, And my prises will make it pay you to come forty miles to trade with me. 1 sell goods of the best quality and guarantee everything as represented. Read my price list and bring it, and make your fall purchases where your money will do you the most g ood, Will your credit dealer make you the following prices? Best Print*.............. Finest Bleached Cotton 9 ISest IJnblftit heil C»tton .... ...... ~H Standard Ginghams' 8 No 1 Corsets SO Ac A Ticking IS Elegant Dress Goods . . .. ,5, ? (9£j0 42 inch IMuck Cashmeres; .......... 50 Dress Drills ....... ... .... • Cambrics 6 Ladie*' Fine Handkerchiefs , 0 S and ilk cent bargains in abundance. cents Good Cotton Cloth Xo 1 Denim# Rest. Denims mad# ,*., Extra Waterproof Ladle?' Sli|ipe;'S, worth 75cont|... Ladies' Slioes . I.adiea' French Kid Shoes, line Gents' Boots, (,>oo<l ... All kinds for men and boy & and onlj^good Goods. 6 U 15 65 •1^0 200 2fl» Boyosutts .. f2MtoU# Men • Suits.... 335 to SIM OlotliinjcU our great speeialr*. aud we carry the finest itock |W Northern Illinois. Wo htTO „ the goods. NO. 1 Baking Powder 95 cents Spices. w«v down. Sugar at Chicago costjadd frolfrht. McentTsa 44«ents ««*' Jea 26,!», 85 Jk 40 » Best Rice 7 « Best Hoasted Coffee 15 GKMI ...... standard Raisins No 1 Tobacco, Smoking Fine-Cut Tobacco Plug Tobacco .. ...... Long Box Matches 5-cent Box Matches 10.cent Box Mutches.... Babbitt's >al(*rulu» Best Softs..... S t o r e P o l i s h . . . . v , lO^kli .. ® 25 60 M 10 1 » 7 i Now I want to se6 you and know that I can make it foi your interest to come, and will do it. Just come once and see. My goods are Bought and Sol«l lor Cash Only. AND THAT Tells the Whole Story. ̂ . I want the taivoff trade that buy BIG BILLS, and to sue! I say,' conic and see me, and if I can't save you money, will pay your expenses. I am getting in bs rgains every day, and they g< as bought, very cheap for cash. Yours for good goods and low prices C. F. HALL, |3gHSEND YOUR ORDERS. DUNDEE, ILL JOHN 1. STORY, One Ooor West of th* Bi*eraide Houss, Has a complete line of the best Stbvpp in the market, as well as a large stock of Lamps. Chandelier^ Til, Coier And in short, Everything: in th« Hardware, Stove and Tin Line. RAILROAD III TNI WORLD. Let it be forever remembered that the Chicago & Northwestern Railwaj Is the best and shortest route to and from Chicago and Council IBlnffs (Omaha) and that it is prelerrod by all well posted travelers *vhca pa.ssing to'er from He Will Hot be Undersold! OALL AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE? Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. ' ISTREMEMBER, extra good bargains can always be obtained *t lOHlV J, STORY'S, MCHBNRT III., Jan. 21st, 18M. Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing, WAGON AND I have on b.unl and am at the low­ est prii-<M, tlie I>OIIH;H( IC, Kldred>F<;, New llr,m<-, Snrinstlield, New America 11, and Sinjror « .wMiik AlachineK, and w>llnot-bc under»old by am in the ••ounty. A g-ood sinsrer Machine for 20. warranted tod© the work c»f any singer Machine in the wortil. Call and see ine. Q . W i O W E y . P. HAUPERISCH, McHenry, 11 l in of#. Would resueclfully inform his customers and the imbbc generally that be isnow bettci than ever prepared to do all work in liis line. it KPAiii xr««i < i, Ofallkjndson short notice. JWGive us a call and we will please you tooth in quality and j*ice of work. •--- P. HAUPERI8H. XeHe«ry,rill., Aug. 7th, 1888. ^ figures and latest Ptylfts lmnging lamps, at Bonslett, Stofl.e) M> G'o.'i. GREAT For Ten We wish to reduce Stock of Winter Clothing before putting in our new, Spring Goods. We have a few Overcoats we wish to close out and will make it worth your while to purchase NOW. Also a line of Childreiiis Suits, ages from 4 tp 7 years* ^Tfaese are Bargains worth your inspections, . Mens', Boys and Youths Broken Suits, all 'of which will be ofi- |« red to induce you to purchase. Remember these are all Bargains, California and Colorado, It Also operates (he best route and the short lino|between >. Chicago and Paul and: Minneapolis Milwaukee, I.aCrosse, Sparta. Madison, Fort Howard (.Green Bay), Wisconsin, Winona, Owatonna, Mankato, Minn., C«dar Rapids. . Des Moines, Webster City, Algonn, Clinton, Marshall town, Iowa, Freeport, Elgin, Rock.' < ford, I1L, are among its 8#0 local stations on ita lines. > Among a few of the numerons points of su­ periority, enjoyed by the patrons ot this road. L; are its DAY COAC11KS, which are the finest' that human art. and ingenuity can create: ita % PALATIAL SLEEPING CARS, which srft® models of comfort and elegance: its PALACE f DRAWING ROOM CARS, which are unsur. , passed by any; and its widely celebrated " "* NORTH-WESTERN DINING pars, The like of which are not rnn by any othen, road anywhere. In short, it is Asserted that IT IS THE BEST EQUIPPED ROAD IN" THE WORLD. All points of interest, North, Northwest ancV Went ot Chicago, businers centres, summer, resorts, and noted hunting and itshinggrou.nds i, arc accessible by tho yarions branches of road. It owns and controls over $,000 mile? of roa<i and lias over four hundred passenger con." dactor8 constantly caring fpr its millions 0$ patrons. WAsk your ticket agents for tickets ris thia rente, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. It costs. .10 more to travel on this route, that gives flrist.cluss accommodations, than it dioos to go by the poorly equipped ro/»ds, * - 'for maps, descriptive circulars and sum­ mer resort papers, or other information net obtainable at y^ur local ticket office, writ« to the Gep'l Pass. Agent, (J, & N. W, Railway, Cbica&ro 111, a V' DEALERS IN Furniture, - OF ALL. KINDS. Store one iloor West ofPost Dice, NEAR THE DE|»C^, WIST McHIIBY - 1 JftcHBNBY, VT£fi. S7tk. 1884. We hare one of the largest sto'eka offer. iii{iireofall kinds to be found in the eeaaty. and our prices will be as LOW AS THE LOWEST* We keep none but the best and person* wishing lo buy Furniture pfany Jkind will' sare money by giving 11s a call. T'nf content voursell with thinking-- Of your luck in having some one To get ni) iind hustle for yon." --Chicago Tribune. The Ignonuico Which Prevailed Among the Slaves or the South. "Do you know that there were ne­ groes, and I believe in the South, who as thoj Undertaking. A full Assrrtment of COFFINS AND CL4S-KFITS always 011 band. «"A Hearse Furnlshfd tt\m most Reasonable Rates. JUSTEN BROS, McHenry, Nor. 2^th, 18S3. B. Sherman WOODSTOCK, IL| >S| -DEALEB IN-- Breech and Muzzle Loading bhot Guns* Powder, Snot, Caps, Wads and CartrMfM for sale. Fishing Taoale cheap. Al. Kinds of AND REPAIRING DONE. A good Breech Loading, Double Barreled Gun, warranted Twist, ftZC. 3 Winchester Rifle, 76 model, 15 shots, *a*. • W Nickel Plated 6 shot Revolver, §2-60. Self-cocking Itritish Bull Dog Pistol $5.00. t< A good Single Barrel Breeoh Loading, Singly Gun, warranted, 95.00. I will undersell any hon»e In the connty in Guns and SportlngGoorls. If you want a good, gun it will pay you to call ana see me. 1 war. rant every gun I sell. Clothes Wringers repaired tn<|; ..3w liolls put on. Price p«f pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAW. Woodstock, July 15th,ld>3. J0% I7IEL0IANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEARl,.TPK DEPOT, MCHENRY, * ILLINOIS: The best Brands of Wines. (Liquors ar Cigars always on Hand. . Good £5tabling ft}'. Horses. ALSO ACtlUr FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEjpJ Bepr in l.arjrs or Small Kegs orfRottles a ways on hand cheaper than any other, qua! tv considered. Tliif Keer hasa world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot oe HU passed in the world. ~ Orders by mall promptly attended to, JOS. WIEDEMANN. VcHepry, 111. Aug, UDth, 1882. Wheat Wanted. WAKTF.n. at tlie Fox River Vallov Mill, g»od Milling Wheat, for whio>) the highest price In cash will he paid," «. Bisrior. ? .Sb . ££& . -wit. i-

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