Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1884, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, APR. 1884, "A T. H i Railroad Time Table. ooivo SOUTH. genera Lake PaAsenffor..I....7:27 A, geneva Lake Kxpress . v8:22 §«n<>Ta Lake Frsiirht.........k.....^.1:05 4toa«r* £*ke Pa&aenijer-- ^ . . J -,32 «oivo xStra. fteaove Lak« Freight A. V wim Lak« Piueiin .9:58 •• geneva Lake Expree* 4:57 r. K Iwtr* Lake Pumnr 6:47 " Ik BUSS. A. (feat. ; McHeary, £11 J. PEKOVSKT, who has purchased the Brick Store next doer te the Post office, has opened up with one of the finest stocks of Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes and Smoking goods generally to be found in the county. H> knspa NONE UUI'TTFS fiqeM brands; both^fc^ggbaeWT'-aml «^n--*"--1111--nf ths email im giTOTHili jaiLiUtr" He also has a fine new Pool 1 a bin in the room In the rear of hie store. J> MA.SOHIO 1 IlIolInNRT LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- »pilar Communication* the Saturdar en er •re the full of the moon and every twe weeki thereafter. * CHAB. C. COLBT, W. K, koawiir CH&PTRB NO. MR. A. M--Regu- #1 Cea vocations held on the second and fourth pridays is each:nonah. '•'SI JOHN I. STOKT, H. p. f B. GILBERT has the frame up for one ••f his new stores, near the Depot. . FOR full blooded Plymouth Rock Fowls, call on Earl L. Mead, West M Henry, 111. JAMES B. PERRY, Esq„ WAS elected School Director on Saturday last in place of A. H. Hanley, whose terra of office had expired. WE learn by the Washington dls- patches that John W. Groesbeck, pres­ ent postmaster at Harvard, hM be%n re-appolnted bjr the President. ^ T, J. DACT, the *Boss" Machine inan .Woodstock, has a new advertisement fit the PLAIHDKALKR this week, which formers should not fail to read, (THE work of putting in the new front to Perry & Owen's store has been commenced. When completed It will present a very handsome appearance. R. Waite is doing the work. ( A VIOLENT snow storm visited this section on Sunday morning, the ground being covered to the depth of full three Inches. This is a little rough for the 20th of April, •'* "*"11 nnrt rn am fitted jHfc AN exchange says ' it is remarkable *ith what facility New York editor* secure rich wives." Why not comment upon the facility with which rich girls secure New York editors? There is nothing surprising in the fact that an editor should capture a rich wife, but it is rather unusual that a wealthy woman should have the good sense to marry an editor. It has always occurred to us that tf we were a rich girl that we would demand an editor or death, but the large majority of affluent females nowadays seem to manifest a decided preference, as between the two, for the latter. FOR SAI.E, a New Heme Sowing' MA- ehine, one of the best machines on the market. Is bran new. never having been run a minute. Warranted. Will bo sold cheap. Inquire at this office. A young lady asks us, "What is the most popular color for brides ?" If we were going to select one we would take a white one hut tastes differ some­ what; even Fred Douglass selected a white one. s lif i\v qr iv or y-E 8 Wheeler se of r<i w hf sw -qr. W. E. COLBY, who lives half a nile' northwest of this village, is putting up a new harn. which when completed will rhe as fine a barn as eanbe found ia this section. Peter Rothermel Is th^ boss carpenter. DURING our absence, on Saturday last, the following McHenry County Teachers made our sanctum a call: iProfjy^Bal^jiJj^ Hebron; W. E. - llfTTo, Greenwood; H. W.Fabor, Rich­ mond. Sorry we were not at home. IK another column can be found a new advertisement of Price Bros., Wnueonda. This firm is doing a gorw] business, and offering rare bargains in their line. Reacl the advertisement in another column. Do not fail to read the new adver­ tisement of H. Mai man, Wauconda, to be found in another column. If in search of bargains in Ready-Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnishing Goods, it will pay you to call. FUN is fun, butwhen you meet a man on a very dark night and all in fun do- maud his money, it is not so much fun to you if he takes the thing In earnest and knocks you down. So thought a a certain funny individual in this vil­ lage on Saturday night.' W THIS is the season of the year when Ithe average girl conies down town > wearing a veil so thick that you i couldn't shoot a bullet through it, and •; then gats mad because every gentle- % mau friend she meets does not recog- iniie her. As the report of F. G. Mayes, Town­ ship Treasurer, published last week, an orror occurred under the head of Town­ ship Principal Loaned. The item dated December 1st, should have read •500, not 9800, as was printed. It was an error of the printer. •$•>.;• AT the Short Horn sale of J. B. S. fitrry, of Sliarpsburgh, Ky., held on Tuesday, April 15th, Sim Russell, of Yolo, Lake County, bought four head, two heifers and two bulls. Mr. Russell is sparing no pains or money to make his herd equal to the best to he found la the west. AT the meeting of the now village Board ou Friday evening last, two of the new members and the Clerk quali­ fied. but the third member, R. A. How­ ard, refused to qualify, thus leaving a vacancy in the Board, which will proba­ bly be filled by a special election. Bichard Bishop was chosen President •f the Board for the ensuing j'ear. IT would seem that there was witch- craft in the northern part of this town. Horses disappear from their stables and are found the next day in stables a quarter of a mile away, How the change Is effected seems to be a mys­ tery, and yet, the shoemaker Is not liappy. By chlmfuy gracious, dot ting must be stopped. THE ground-hog has been "lest in 'dlte fog1' this spring. The six weeks have elapsed since he emerged from his hiding place and saw his shadow, yet the springtime of gentle Annie has not arrived. Doubtless he haa since been out to take a view of the etate of tne weather, but finding it any thing but pleasant, has returned jto iiis winter quarters in deep disgust, and has determined to leavo the fu­ ture state of the weather #$giusiveiy III the hands of Dr. Todd. "• • SOME county offices'of trust and profit are to be filled this year and there are plenty of men all over the county competent to fill them under ordinary circumstances. The idea is erroneous that one man has a better right to an office than another unless upon the plea of superior qualifications. The fact that a man has been a good officer is no proof that another man may not make just as good a one, and because a man served one or two terms accept­ able, is not a conclusive reason that h* should have the office another term. The law fixes the time for holding an office, and when it expires all have an equal right to aspire to it. THE following are the lands and town lots advertised by the County Treasurer for unpaid taxes ror the town of McHenry: McHENRY, Township 43, Range 8. Frank Coggin w pt n hfne qr 6 54 33 " s\v qr ne qr • 6 46 W A Cerby se qr se qr ne qr SI 10 " c 8« H qr 21 60 per prop RbeiiU A Co w pt w pt «w qr 26 " par projj R Avlo ward sw pt e fr sw qr 981 " per prop ! Joel Wheeler s hf iw fjr 36 Michael Sutton e hf se qr se qr anl ne qr se qr 38 RANGE 9. D C Wilson s pt a hf nw qr SI •' w pt w hf i w qr 31 Relief Wilson e pt e hf sw qr 31 90 46 39 3 14 69 61 OB 97 8> SO 60 8 07 5 39 2 40 12 44 438 SU9 12 33 87 05 25 57 3 83 1 36 12 92 ISM ff 14 2 53 845 Village ef McHenry West Side Fox River. F A Ofcden Its Z and 0 bk 1 H N Italiard Its 1 ami 5 bk 1 Joiin H Kcdzie Its 2 aad 4 UkS K A Ogden Its 6 and 7 lik ^ Homer Dunn Its 1, 3 nnd 5 bk 2 H N Uillnrd, Its 10 and 11 bk 2 Michael Keltor mid pt 6 a l»k 13 " It 1 bk lfc G F Itawe Its I, 2 and 3 and n pt 4 bk 19 Joel Wheeler Its 8 and 12 bk 20 Thes Crow Its 2, 3. 4, (i and pt It 7 bk 22 Ellen Keller w hf It 2 bk 26 nw pt It 3 bk 47 47 47 <7 64 43 4 49 5 15 16 U 1 38 178 538 54 PLACE the following table before jyou take a pencil and paper and an­ swer the questions without looking them up, it will be quite amusing to see how many ye# miss and how far you miss them: 1. How many Inches long Is a fife dollar bill? .' 2. How high is a plug hat? 3. Is a spider an insect? 4< How do you go to church? 5. How many steps do you take in going up your stairs? 6. Are there any U. 8. coins of which three will make a dollar? 7. How many teeth have J*u? 8. What does d-o-g spell? ^ 9. What is the color of yaur best friend's eyes? 10. Does a deer have a gall? 11. What is the average weight of a dozen eggs? 12. Can a mole see? 13. What is the gender of working bee? 14. Is It proper to say king bee ? 15. Which came nearest to being President, Tilden or Aaron Burr? 16. Does the Bible teach us to eat grasshoppers? 17. Who was the first Vice-President? 18. Where do they get sulpher? 19. When dees Spring commence? 20. flow much money have you In your pocket? The Troy Chief publishes the following, which is true to the letter: "The expression is very fequenlly used, that history repeats iuseif. We pre­ sume It does in some instances, one of which is now in progress. More than one hundred and sixty years ago Charles XII. of Sweden was killed at the siege of Frederikshall. in order to prevent a panic among his soldiers, the fact was concealed from them, and the lifeless body was fastened in an upright position upon the l^orse, and moved about from place t9 place to make it appear that the King was still in command. Democrats who have in­ vestigated, hare been reluctantly compelled to admit that S. J, Tilden is dead, to all practical Intents and purposes; yet certain party leaders have stuck the old fellow astripe of his bar'!, and posed him before the public as a paragon of mental and physical strength, in order to olieer and rally their demoralized forces." Beating a Whirlwind, As the passenger train on the narrow- gauge road between Lowre.vsville and Liucolnton, N. C., was rattling leaure- ly along last Tuesday the engineer discovered a terrific wliilwind sweep­ ing down the track behind the train. Realising what the consequences would be if it overtook theiu lie pulled the throttle wide open and let the little machihe work out the salvation of the passengers if it could. The whirl­ wind was not more than five hundred yards behind the traity and the anx­ ious passengers soon became aware of the painful fact that it was gradually gaining upon tlmm. There were sev­ eral ladies in the car, and they cried and carried on at a terrible rate, while the men danced around the car in their cxcitemenr., vainly yelling at the engineer to put on more steam. The race was kept up in this way for two mile-i. when the train turned a curve in the road. As the whirlwind struck the curve it left the railroad track, speeding its way straight on through the fields, Sheep sh«arla| FMUTBL Tha Sixth Annual £beep Shearing Festival, by tho Northern Illinois Merino Sheep Breeders* Association, will be held' in Richmond, Illinois, April 29 and 30,1884. PREMIUM LIST. ttrst Day, April 29.-Will be devoted to|tha exhibition of sheep. All sheep must be on the ground and entries made by 12 o'clock. ComtuUUat wlU mako awards st 2 o'clock. MER1KOE8. Rams, 3 yrs old and ever, 1st, M amf^t prem Rama, 2 yrs old and over, lsl, 2d nnd 3d prem Rams, 1 yr eld and over, 1st, 2d and 3d prem Ewes. 3 yrs old and over, 1st, 2d and 3d prem Kwits, 2 jrrs old and over, 1st, 2d and 3d prem Ewes, 1 yr old and over, l9t, 2d and 3d prem DELAINE MKKIXOE8. Rams, S yrs old and over, 1st, 2d and M prem Rams, 2 yrs old and over, 1st. 2d and 3d prem Rams, 1 yr old and over, 1st, 24 and 3d prem , Ewes, 3 yrs old anu over, 1st 2d and 3d prenw Ewes, 2 yrs oid and over, 1st 2d and 3d prcni Kwes. 1 yrold and over, 1st, 2d and 3d prem The above prizes will be given in diplomas. Second Lay, Apr/7 30.--Will be de­ voted to shearing proper. 1 •;/.v STAKE PRIZES.' ffeaylest shearing mcriuo ram en tlM (prenud anv age. Heaviest shearingmcrino ewe on the groan* anv age. Heaviest shearing delaine merino ram on the ground any aare. . Heaviest shearing delaine merino ewe on the ground any ape. Any one entering lor any of the above will pay an entry fee of tl, which will constitute the stakes. To be divided Into 1st, 2d and 3d premiums. Finest fleece shown on the ground, diploma. Shearing for a record, free to all. Shearing will begin at 9 a. ta. prompt. Members of the press are cordially invited to attend, , • Parties exhibiting sheep are advised te se­ cure shearers in advance as far as possible. FBED COLT.ISON, 9upt. shearing. RILES. All sheep to be shorn must be on the grounds by 6 p. ui. of the first day or they will not be entitled to a record. Suitable prizes will be awarded on shearing by a committee selected far that purpose. Experts from tho Wisconsin State Sheep Breeders' and Wool Growers* Association will make the awards on all sheep entered for exhibition the first day. All making entries in the stakes ring must pay the entry fee to the secretary before 8 o'clock of second day, when entries wiltclo»e. All slicep to be properly tagged and passed upon by examining committee before shearing for premium. Breeders of horses are invited to exhibit their stock. « Dealers in agricultural imploraents are invited to exhibit their goods. FKOH ITS TBR WORLD'S HlHTOItT, BATTL.K KltiLIIS. The well-known publishing house ot JVC. McCurdy & Co., of Philadwlphia, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, has just published a most valuable and at­ tractive book, entitled "Famous and Decisive Bsttles of the World," writ' ten by Capt. Charles King,U.S. A. late Professor of Military Science and Tac­ tics In the University of Wisconsin, and author of "The Colonel's Daughter. In this, his litest work, Captaia King brings to bear all the grace and power of hU feciln pen upon descriptions of the most renowned military events, from Marathon, 490 B. C., to the pres­ ent time. His work combines the qualities of severe and conscientious study with great picturesqtreness of representation, and the reader conse­ quently gets solid meat of history serv ed and presented i n a most alluring form. This hook is. In fact, a gallery of battle pictures, each telling its own story, and all hung upon a connected line of history which brings the in to their proper relation with each other. History thus taught stays in the mem­ ory, and a book of battles, having the scope and writtvu in the style of this ms6teily work of Captain King's, be­ comes at once tho most effectual, as it Is the most delightful medium for ac­ quainting us with the 'great salient features In the story of our race that could possibly be devised. The firm wants agents everywhere to introduce this new and popular work. Write fop full particulars. AlttOHWlM. EDITOR PLAINDBAT.ER.--Charlie Cha­ pel! had the misfortune to dislocate his elbow on Wednesday of fast week. He was climbing over a barb«?d wire fence, when his clothes got caught on the barbs, and he fell with the above effect. Dr. Nason being out of town they tele­ phoned to Dundee and Dr. Bumstead came up and set it. Charlie Is getting along all right now. There were quite a number went from here to Chicago the past week to see the Battle of Gettysburg, and all pronounce It a sight well worth coins to see. /fed Morton, Sr., Is having hisresi- dence painted in colors of the latest style: Apple green with Olive borders. Ed, Jr is the artist. Mrs. Ed Batch and baby, of Elgin, speut Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Harvey, of Chicago, visited at F. D. Coltrin's on Friday of last week. At the school election on Saturday evening last, Wm. A, Nason was re­ elected as director for the term of three years by a large majority. There were five votes cast and he received feur'pf them. _ y The Germans are erecting a barn at their parsonage for the accommodation of their minister, L. Van Schaick. We are glad that they take so much inter­ est in him, as we consider iiiin a very worthy man. The farmers are getting discouraged* about the late spring. They thought at& r so long and steady a winter they would have an early spring, but there has got to be a change for the better pretty soon or it will be a very late one. There is very little grain sewed in this section, and Sunday last would pass for a day in early March. At W m. Morton's auction sale of a carioad of milch cows on Monday of this week cows sold on an average of 844.16 per head. W. D. Kingland was In town On Men- day of this wock calling on old friends. Interesting to Ladies, Qnrlady readers can hardly fall to have their attention oalled this week to the latest combination of improve­ ments in that most useful of all domes­ tic implements, the "sewing machine." As we understand it, a machine for family use should meet first of all these requirements: It should be simple in its mechanlsriii; it should run easily; it should do a wide range of work;should be as nearly noiseless as possible; itshould be light, handsome, durable, and as cheap as is consistent with ex­ cellence throughout. These conditions the "Light-Running New Home" certainly meots. It has also several very important and useful attachments and "notions" of its own, which go far to make irood its claims to popular favor. The "New Home" specially recom­ mends itself to purchasers on account of its superior mechanical construction ease of management and reasonable price. Over half a million have been sold in the last three years, all of which are giving universal satisfaction. This unrivalled machine is manufactured by the New Home Sewing Machine Co.. 341 Union Square, New York, who wish us to say that all who will send for their new illustrated catalogue and enclose their advertisement (printed on an­ other page), will receive a set of fancy advertising novelties of value to those collecting cards, etc. WAUCONDA EDITOR PLMNDKALER:--The village election on Tuesday last passed oil very quietly, only one ticket being in the field. Robt. Harrison, James Murray, and Henry Maiman were elected Trus­ tees, and Albert Calkin, Clerk. Mr. Harrison was also elected village school director, without opposition, Saturday evening. •, Mrs. Poole has returned from Kansas, Henry Wells has moved to Diamond Lake, John Daly has moved from aeross the river into the village, occupying Mr. Clancy's house, E.J. Phillips and family attended the funeral of Mrs. A. J. McMillan, at Nunda, on Saturday. ""Mr. E. F. Hubbard's children, at tho Glynch cheese factory, have had the scarlet fever, but are said to be doing nicely. E. A, Gelding has been puttlng'in a larger and better pier than usual this spring. His fleet of boats will*!* out in a short time. The sick seem to be gaining gener­ ally. Win. Stone is considerably hot­ ter, Wm. Seymour was down town yestorday, and Uncle Phil Rouse, whose leg was broken near the hip last winter, on the ice, is on crutches. We expect to see him up town In a few days. Aside from something of a stiflnesa and swelling at the knee joint, which, how­ ever, he expects to remedy by time and treatment, and his chronic catarrh trouble, causing disagreeable ringing in the ears, especially when suf!erlng from a cold, the old gentleman is feel­ ing first-rat.e considering the seyerity of hit injur?. . Notice. - THE WAUCONDA MILL will be shut down until May 1st (excepting for grinding feed) to enable us to finish the changes now being made to the Roller System. J, SPENCER, Propr. wauconda, April uth. 1*84. ~~NOTiCET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Proposals will be received by the Commissioners of Highways.Sof the town of Alelleiiry, County ol McHenry and State of Illinois, on . the 2Gth day of April 1S84. for furnishing and the spreading of not less than ISO nor more than 200 yard* of Gravel on the Road near to N. S. Colby's and H, C. Mead's, on the McHenry and Woodstock Road, and the same will be l«t by Contract by Public letting to the lowest respon­ sible bidder at the hour ot 1 o'clock p. rn. at the 1'ewu Clerk's office in Mc­ Henry village,Commissioners reserving the right to refuse any or all bids, bated at McHenry tills lGtli day of April A. D. 1S84. Is A, AO HARSH, ) Com'rs J Ai.r.KV P. > of CASTOK ADAMS, {Highways, Fi G. JUT*#. Clerk. The enervation and lassitude of spring time ars but indications of the sluggish action of the blood, over­ loaded with carbonates accumulated by the use of heating food in water. This condition may be remedied by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the best ciood purifier known'. The Cortland side-bar Top Bnffy Is light and tine, and is the most durable buggy made. Can always see them at E. M. Owen & Son's. As a superb hair dressing and renov­ ator Ayer's Hair Vigor is universally commended. It eradicates scurf and dandruff, cures all eruptions and it- chings of the scalp, promotes the re­ newed growth of the hair, and surely prevents its fading ar turning gray, Millinery. •Elegant Spring Millinery in all the popular styles and at such low prices that every Lady. Miss or child can aflord to wear a new Bonnet or Hat. A large stock of tine Trimmings, aud tasty trimmers can always be found at the store of MKS. SCHUMACHER, Near the Depot We have just received some Jerseys. Call and see them at H. Colby's. All the latest novelties in Ladles' Neckwear at Henry Colby's. 9 A full stock of Paints and Oils at Price Bros., Wauconda. Everything iu farming implements from a Swill Cart to a McCormiek Twine Binder, can be fouud at the warehouse of K. Bishop. The finest stock of Wall Paper to be found in Waucenda Is at Price Bros. Call and see the new patterns. The home is the seat of human civ­ ilization and human love. Give to the ladies who reign there everything that is possible to their happiness. We think most of them would be profoundly grateful if they were always supplied with DeLands Saleratus and Soda, as they are guaranteed to bo equal to or superior te anything ou the market. Perry & Owen have mens fine sfioes fot #3 that beats then) all. 3000 matches for$5 cent* ftt £»usle'.t A Sterol's, Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BT 3. F. BENNETT. Richmond Market Fair April 94. Work an the race track is progress­ ing as fast weather will permit. E. S. Jehennott will be treasurer of the Board of Read Commissioners tor another term. The Cornet Band gave same excel- lent music on tha streets it fair even­ ings ago. ^ , Last week locals were sa scarce that we did not think it would pay to re­ port. ^Robert Bennett, aged 84, Is visiting the family of his son in Richmond. He is as smart as most men at 60. Supervisor Alexander spent two days last week on the Board at Woodstock. He visited the Poor Farm, in Kishwau- kee. The farmers are all very bniy fatting in crops, and getting the land in con­ dition just as fast as the weather and condition of the soil will allow. At the lake village election D*I>ei*- hison, Leonard Howe and T. Schroder were elected Trustees, and F. W. Mead, Clerk. No news has been received from J. R, Ilyde since the brief telegram to Mr. Alexander announcing Mrs. Hyde's death. It was supposed that Mrs. Hyde's remains would be brought to Richmond for Interment, and it is probably the intention to dose at some future time. Mrs. John W. Haythorn has organ- ized a juvenile choir for the Congrega­ tional church. It is made up of the most promising of our young singers, and unless we are no prophet, it will be, by and by, the best choir iakRieh- mend. Their singing in church Ts very highly spoken of. ATTKKTIOKJ COMRADES !--The mem­ bers of Richmond Post. No. 286,G. A. R. are notified that an inspection of the Post will be made by the authorized, inspector of the Department, at the next regular meeting of the Post. Fri­ day evening. May 2d. Every member requested to be present promptly at 8 o'clock. S. F. BENNETT, Com. JOHN W. SMITH, Adjt Mrs. William Drake, who has for a long tiriie been very low with consump­ tion, died on Friday euening last. The funeral services were held on Monday. The husband and a young daughter survive to mourn her less. Mr. Drake took her on a trip to the East, last season, in hopes that a change of climate might be of benefit to her, but it was of little avail. Anaflairof much interest toslioep- men will be the ninth annual sheep- shearing festival of the Northern 111, Merino Sheep Breeders'Association, to be held iu Richmond the 29th and 30th of the present month. Prizes are of­ fered on "best Merino" and "delaino Merino" rams and owes 1, 2 and 3 years old; also stake prizes for the heaviest shearing rams and ewes in the same classes. See extended advertisements in all the papers, Vhe Richmond Post has 'Mtskea time by the forelock' in arrangements for the proper observance of Memorial Day. At the meeting of April 4th a committee of three, consisting of the Commander, Senior Vice Commander and Adjutant, were appointed to take the matter in charge. At the last meet­ ing, held Friday evening, April 18tb, the committee reported that a speaker had been secured, in the person of Charles Frazer, pastor of the Richmond and Genoa Congregational churches. The vocal music 4s in tho hands of a competent person, and the Richmond Cornet Band will play on the occasion. The Intention is to make the cere­ monial observances the best ever had in Richmond. Should the weather prove good, a great turnout may be confidently expected. Notice. The undersigned will oom me nee sell­ ing Milk in the village of McHenry on Monday, April 14th, by the Pint, Quart and up to Gallons. I will take pride in delivering good. rich, sweet and clean milk to my patrons at such time of day as the majority desire, Those wishing tickets can leave orders at E. M. Howe's Hardware store, when the delivery wagon will call. A. L. HOWE. McHenry, April HS4, 39w3 %-vK: ~ :V Will Not be Undersold. All Wool Pants, made to ordfr, for 86.50. $6.00. 80.50 and 87.00. One hun­ dred and fifty samples to pick from and a fit warranted or no sale, E. LAWM7B. .. Merchant Xail 'Badness for Ladles. The opportunities for ladles to find employment that is both suitable and remunerative are limited; their pay is usually poer as compared with the sal­ aries paid to men in same line* of occu­ pation. But there are some very noted exceptions; journalism, the drama, music and platform ofler equal advan­ tages to men and women, and there is one occupation ill which women are sometimes more successful than men. and that is the management of agencies. In this line the Queen City suspender Co., of Cincinnati. Ohio, are oflering inducements to ladies that we think ought to attract attention. They are now manufacturing and introducing their new Stocking Supporters for ladies and children, and their unequaled Skirt suspenders fur ladies. None should be without them: our leading physicians recommend them, and are loud in their praise. These goods are manufactured by ladies who have made the wants of ladies and children a study, and they ask us to.refer them to some reliable and energetic lady to intro­ duce them in this county, and we cer­ tainly think that an earnest solicitation in every household would meet with a ready response, and that i determined woman couhl make a handsome salary, and have an exclusive agency. We ad­ vise korne lady who is in need of em-' ploy merit to send te the company her name anu address, and mention this paper. Address Queen City Suspender Company. Nos, 177 tfud 178Muin Street Cincinnati, Ohio. 38 w4. Please remember that our stork In every department is very complete and that our prices are always the lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by any house in McHenry Co. Henry Colby. WANT®. 600 bushels choice Onions, far which the highest market price will be paid. Also choice butter and eggs. FITZSIMMOMS X Uvanson, The I.yman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized,decidedly Wire iu the market, at John I. Story's. The finest assortment of Bird Cages iu town, at John I. Story's, Pants made to order in nobby, fits, 60 different styles to select from at f6 per pair at Fitzsitnmous A Evan- son's. Good whole leaf Jap. Tea 26 cents per pound; 5 pounds for <1.00 at Bonfelett A Stoffel's. Bucklln'a Arnica Salva. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Silt Rheume, Fevar Sores, Tetter, Clinped Hands, Ohilblalus, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, aud positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give Serfect satisfaction, or money refnn-ed. Price 26 cents per box. For Sale by Henry Colby. For Sale, The undersigned offer for sale their Shops and Lots, situated In West Mc­ Henry, nearly opposite th« Post Office. A first-class business location. For Sarticulars apply to A. N. Tripp, West LcHenry, 111. Tatrr Baos. Mclienry, Feb. Sth, 1SS4. FOR SALE. In the village of McHenry a House and five lots, on which is a good barn and other outhouses, an abundance of small fruit, such as apples, pears, grapes, berries, etc. Will be sold cheap if applied for at once. For further particulars inquire at this office. Very Remarkable Recovery. Mr, Geo. V. Willing, of Manchester, Mich., writes: "My wife has been al­ most helpless for five years, so helpless that she could not turn over in bed ..alone She used two Bottle of Elect­ ric Bitters, and is so much improved that she is able now to do her own work." Electric Bitters will do all that is clAiined for them. Hundreds, of testimonials attest their great cur­ ative powers. Only fifty cents a bottle at Henry Colby. TAKE NOTICK. I offer my residence, opposite the Riverside House, for sale for the next thirty dfys for 81200, consisting of seven rooms on the first fleer and eight rooms on the second floor, with wood- house, cellar, well aud cistcrn, with eue lot and some fruit. F. A. HE BARD. 38.4W . McHenry, 11). An Editor'a Tribute. Theron P. Keator, editor of the Fort Wayne, Ind., Gazette, wrftes: "For the past five years have always used Dr, King's New Discovery, for coughs of most severe character, as well as for thos* of a milder type. It never falls to effect a speedy cure. The friends to whom I have recommended it speak of it in the same high terms. Having been cured by it of every cough I have had for five years, I consider it the only reliable and sure cure for Coughs. Colds, etc." Call at Henry Colbv's Drug Store and get a Free Trial Bottle. Large size 91.00. JUST OUT OP PR^SSI AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF PRACTICAL INFORMATION --AXD- Universal Formulary. •"We want Enerzetic men in everv County to manage the s.\!e of this -Superior Work. "We can siiovr you iio\r to mike inoui-v- fast. Liber­ al Ooiu>ni*Mons or Guaranteed Ouali Salary. Picasc by aa>iressiug 4. 3. 31. 3LAI2 St CO., Pabs. Ijuu Fitsslmmons A Evansen have the choicest Jap Tea to be fonnd in the county. Price 50 cents. lib whole leaf Jap l'ea for 25 cents •rllbs for 91. at Benslett,S:eflel A Co We carry the largest line of Cloth-J sng iu the market, and our prices are always as low as good goods can be sold Henry Colby.* For Aale at Dundeei 111. SW anl Store of G. F. Hall. This is a fine opportunity for any our wishing to engage in the mercantilr business. Will exchange in part foi farm laud in McHenry County. Ex­ tended time will be given to purchaser. Address C. F. HALL. Dundee, I1L FOR SALE. Tha side wheel Stean»r4\^|«§tus." Bids for the Machinery, or for the whole of the Boat, as she now lies at McHenry, may be sent to Capt. Walter Hill, McHenry, III., or to B. F, Weaver, Esq., 38 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. 33t& * Our Grocery Department was never more complete than at present. Many articles iu this department are now very cheap. Henry Colby. „ We can now show the largest and most attractive line of Ready-Made Clothing in medium weights ever brought to this market. You are asked to examine roods and prices at Henry Colby's. A fine line orsumtnerSilks, Buntings. Nuns Veiling, Velvet aud the latest styles of dress goods cheap at Henry Colby's. Notioe To those that want work &i§t1n my line, such as Tanks, Vats and all other work done in a shop, as I get lumber direct from Chicago. „ F, A. HEBARD. We have just added an elegant line of dress goods, which are offered at our usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby. For fresh tapioca, macaroni, vernni- cilll, sago, pearl barley, hacked wheat, hominy, oatmeal, etc., see Bonslett A Stofiel. FITS All tits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, No fits after first day's use. Marvelous cures Treatise and $2.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send te Dr, Kline, 931 Arch St., Phila,, Pa. We have the finest assortment of Laces and Embroideries ever shown iu tnis market. Call and see them at Henry Colby's. We are showing over 300 different styles of French. English and American Manufactures, of latest patterns, for Spring suits. Prices verv mod­ erate inspection invited at f'ltssim- mons A Evanson's. " Business Notice*, _Go to Mrs. Howe's for IflllliMtyi Dressmaking. | SMOKERS, call f<* Barbfan Brae | High Art." They have few eqaals. No trouble to show goods or answef questions at R. Bishop**. Buy the Estey Organ if yon weak ife* best. O. W. Owen, McHenry, Ageat. City residences for sale. Aaaly iW Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, III. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's far Milt aery. Dress Making and Faiej Goods Case and Farst A Bradley Salkey Plaws at E. M. On»" A Son's. » Building Paper, cheap, at John I, Story's. A fine assortment of very Una Graa« into Iron Wire at John I. Story's. Both Combination and Platfafif' Wagons at E. M. Owen A Sen's, af tha best make. * * Examine our Iron bottom tranks; also assortment hand bags and Vallsoe at Bonslett & Stoffel's. THR fiuest assortment of Bowing Machines to be found in the eeunty, at O. W. Owen's. The Bess Barrel Chura. at Mia f, Story's. ,-/i Ali th# leading Walking Plaws ai i ©wen A Son's,' * Everything in the Hardware Ilea it" bettem figures, at E. M. Howe's. - « An elegant line of corsets 60, seat# U i and up at Henry Colby's. WoVen Wire Mattre|ses, tha Wet for only 93.30. at John B. Blake's. Brussels Carpet>;Leuuges|*tily fT1 at John B. Blake's. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat- rorm Spring Buggies for* sale at It, Bishop's warehouse. The finest line of Silver aad Plated Ware to be found in the county, at W. Owen's. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot an haai, steel tooth and muse sell.- For sale b* R. Bishop. _ I r y o u w a n t a n y t h i n g l e s s than tha Estey Organ 1 can sell you one far |M and upwards. O. W. OwKM We have no more nf that 90 Ibe far one f sugar, but plenty at 16 Ibe far ane dollar at Perry A Owens. Come early and have the first chance in wall paper. Come and s«a the uew styles at Perry A Owen's. Never buy cheap goods just beoansa they are cheap, the best are the cheap* est in the end, We will not knowingta sell worthless goads. PKKRY A OWEN. Perry A Owen have Ir. stack tha finest line of wallpaper In the county, over one hundred new patterns, this spring. Gsnts French Kip and Calf Beats far §6,60 at E. G. Smith's Kelter's Block three doers West of Riverside House, Screen Doors, all complete, at ifrba I.Story's. Call and see them. Our Boot and Shoe department IS now unusually complete, A full line of Foster*s celebrated fine goods in near styles just reoeived at Henry Colby's. Elegant Suits made ta order, la latest styles and moderate prices at FUzsimmous& Evanson's, For first-class Insurance against in and Lightning, wind storms, eyeloaes, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Ass W Smith, Woodstock, HI. The choicest Oolong, Young Hyaoa, Gunpowder and unentered Japan test always iu stock at Bonslett A Stoftefs. The lightest Draft Sulky Plow in tha world Is the Hapgeod, found at E. M. Oweu A Son's, aud sold as law as tk|i common sulkey. * Full line standard Eastern and Call* fornia canned geods at Bonslett 6 Stoffel's. Bargains in fine Spanish, Guipure, Oriental, Torchon anil red Laoes* at Bonslett A Stofiel's. GLASS 1 GLASS J Iff keep Glass of all sises constant^ en hand. Special sixes eut . wlthe«§ extra charge. Juqrf I. STOHX% 1 j [UBRF I.! Wee l\3ew This Weelu Mrs. II. H. Nichols wUhes to call the attention ot the ladies of McHenry tad surrounding country that st\e has just put in a complete stoak of early Spring Millinery, Notions and Fancy Googa. Ornaments, Plumes, Tips, Flowers, Wreaths. Beads and Bracelets. A floe lino of Hair Waves and Nets; IjadleS and children's Collars; a full line of laces; silk, linen and mourning Hand* kerchiefs) Bus-sels,Hoop Skirts, and the A, S, G. Health Corsets, and five other kinds. Ladies ready-made Underwear and all other articles g* ne rally kept la a first-class Millinery Store. Call aatl examine my stock, I will make yet« prices to suit the times. I do not lu­ te nd to be undersold by any store la the county. Dressmaking promptly at tended to and a perfect tit guaranteed MRS. H. H, XICUOLS. Me Henry, III., March 12tli. -r--, C. H. Fargo's oelebratod hoots aad shoes, every pair warranted at Bousiffl & Stofiel's. Great Saving to Dairymen* The use of one bottle of Dk-kinseu'f Cow prescription, will cause the cow ta do well after calving, will prevent Milk Fever,Garget Horn ail, Ac, Will cause an Increase in the flow of milk, and is worth halt the price of the cow to every one using It. For sale by aU Drupgifts. Sold by Henry Colby. O, Dickinson & Son sole fMrontlelfll* Harrington, 111. r How to Save Moroy, Now don't you forget to come to tha Ringwood Nursery this spring with your wagons and load up witb trees, cheup for cash. Apple, Pear, Cherry and Plum trees. Sort Maple, White Ash, Box Elder aud Elm trees, sheared Evergreens,Catoipa and Mountain Ash trees, lots of Grape Vines, Russian Mulberry, etc.,etc, Always thankful tar past favors, JOHN v. Bvciuia , ;* Ringwoxt. Hi. Maycli 23th, HS4. Great Russian Remedy. Russian Liniment is a sure oure far Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, Toothache, Earache, Sore Throat.Sore* uess of. the Llnibs, Tumors. Ulcere, Sprains, Lame Back or Shoulder*, Swellings, Contraction of the Muscle*, Chilblains, Inianimations (no aiattet how long standing); in s^vere cases ap* ply a cloth moistened in the Liniinenl over night for three nights. It ll equally as good lor the hwi»e. For sale Hv all drug^UtS. fctnl Henry Colby. * C. CucxtKpna 0 ao* 7' >'«»i »• % ..v.;

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