Bom* f«r Good. ; On tli« train was a tick latly ami her little boy. Sh» had been confined to H«r berth In the oleeplng car most of fh* day, but wlitn the train loft Little Beck «he toek a seat at the car window, »nd gazed wearily at the passing objocts |ftie had been to TEXAS M a last resort, a kind of ferlen hope, but was re* turning, In almost the last gasp of con* iuinptlen, to her home, a little town nerthern Arkansaw. Iler thin, sunken cheeks, on which burned the hectic flush of the dread disease, told at a glance the whole sad, •ml, story. She was a widow, and was returning home, with her little boy, te die among the happy scenes of her y«uth and early womanhoed. The sun w«a sotting in all his splenders, as the train drew near the town. She had been weeping, and the tffars were trick ling through her thin Angers, when the familiar landscape of her home-- where she had lired and loved where her husband's grave was, where her own would soen be--bathed in sunset glory* burst upon her tear-diturned Vision. "Ma, don't cry, we will soon be home w" said the little boy, trying te pull her thin hand away from her wan face. • - ; With a gloryfied loek ef resignation, Sbe clasped the bey's curly head to her .breast, nnd murmured; "Thank God! Home at last." She must have seen the stars that Will brightly twinkle when the earth's •tin shall shine no more, for the crim son tide of life buhltled from Iter part- ed lips, and when the train had halted At the station she was home for good.-- Wheat Wanted. ^Wanted, at the Fox lliver Valley Mill*, good Milling Wheat, for which tlie highest price in cash will he pitid. •; TT. BISHOP. » IfcIIeurj-, 111., April 14th, 1834. AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with. tlio gloss and liveliness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural; rich brown color, or deep black, as may bo desired. By its use light or red hair may be darkened, tliin, hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. It. checks falling of the hair, aud, stimu lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf aud daudrulT, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the •calp. As a Ladies' Hair Dressing, the VIGOR is unequalled; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate^ agreeable, aud lasting jierfume. „ MR. C. P. BnirHF.ii writes from Kirby, ©., Ju'i/ lsec': " Last fall my hair commenced fading out, and in a short time 1 became nearly bald. 1 used part of a bottle of AvKti's HAIR VIGOR, which stopped the fall ing of the hair, and started a new growth. X Lave now a full head of hair growing vigor ously, and am convinced thiit. hut lor the use of your preparation 1 should have been entirely bald." J. W. BOYTEK, proprietor of the 9feArthur (Ohio) Enquirer, says : "AYER'S lUlll VIGOR |s a most excelU'ift |>reparation for the hair. 1 speak'"Of it from my own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft. The VIGOR is also a sure euro for d:iiulruff. Not within my knowledge has the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction." Mr. AKORS FAinnAiRX, leader of the Celebrated " Fairbairn Family" of Scottish Vocalists, writes from Ifostmi, Mass., f 'eb. 6, 1SS0 : '• Kver since my hair began to give sil very evidence of the change which tiefeting time procureth, I have used AVKlt's liAIR VIGOR, and so havo be«n able to maintain an appearance of youthfulness -- a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, ora tors, actors, and in fact everyone who lives ill the eyes of tho public." MRS. O. A. PRRCROTT, writing from IR Elm Sf., fhtrM^trii, Mass.. Apnl 14, Iss.', says: •' Two vears ago altout two-thirds of my hair came o'if. It thinned very rapidly, and 1 was fast, growing hi Id. On using Ay Kit's HAIR VlG (R tho falling stepped nnd a new growth commenced, and in about a mj>nth my head was completely covered v illi short hair. It has eoininutvl to grow, and is r>ow as pood as before it fell. 1 regularly use.l bill OIK- bottle Of the VIGOR, but now uso it occasionally as * dressing." "We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of Ann's HAIR VIGOR. It needs but a trial to convince the most skeptlas/ cal of its value. PREPARED BY •DP .J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. RIVERSIDE BLOCK, MCHENRY, ILL. f m, ' - h* •. • * Has one of the LARGEST i CLEANEST •STOCKS OF* DEALER WIST HoBBST Invite the attention of the buying public to an entirely new stock of ooous, ionoss, . CLOTHING, ^GROCERIES, Boots„Shoee Hats Caps, and tirainte Rockingham Glassware* IP trunks, Hand Ba<?s aod Valises, O. H. Fargo's celebrated Boots MI<1 Shoes, etc.* All grade.* Chick's Favorite Flour in stock. Every sack wairauted. The highest price paid for produce. All goods sold at uiie price and marked in plain figures. Thank ing our patrons for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the same, we shall strive to please all who may give us a call, both in quality and price of goods. BONSLETT, A STOFFEL. West McIIcnry, III., March «. 1884. WAUCQNDA, ILL. there to buy Goods manors. AND I GROCERIES. I In McHenry IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, •SJMtf ZF ORMLY £. O.W Otf ALL^ KINDS. Store two doors north of ' Perry & Owen. I Iwve one of the larg^st^tbcki of Furniture of all kinds to be found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing to buy will be sure to save mone> by calliug on me. -- , - UNDERTAKING. I have styles of 35 different sizes and COFFINS AND CASKETS, Always on hand. I keep a Hearse of ray own which will be furnished at the most reasonable rate*. J. B. BLAKE. f OB BARGAINS IH -AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. HENRY GOLBV. MCIIEKRT, III., February.11, 1884. For Coal and Wood > • CALL OH--- E M. HOWE , IK We have just received an immense stock of Goods for the spring trade; and in or der to make room for the ot summer "brought to largest stock Opposite liiiihop^is Mill, Who has a com piste line of the best stoves in the market, as well as a large stock at Hardware, Maclmc's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, in fact, everythl»gia the hardware store anil tin line. » , J1E WILL NOT BE UXDEHSOLI). Call at hi* store before .buy lug eUewhere. Johhinjr ami repairing? promptly attended/to. «ti'I{i:i!icml><;r, >r<>»d bargains canal, ways l»u obtained at Howe's. M('Ileiirv, Dec. 1, 1883. goods ever Woodstock, or into Mc- ^Henry County, we will sell our winter and heavy goods at great bargains. We must have the room and are bound to close them out. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Jyadies' and Gents' Gossamers, l^adies' and Gents' Gloves and jVlittens, Ladies' and Gsnts' hosiery. A nice stock of Cor sets and Hoop Starts, an EXTRA quality of Woolen Ya rnss Carpet Warps, Cotton Hatliiijr, and all the Staple Articles kept in a jjen- liial store, and at prices to suit the present depreciated markets. AN® EG&S WANTED, Aj?d the Highest, Market Ptic® Colding Bros. Wlittconda, Dee. l, 1883, '. • r • ...f '* ' War the spring and gnmmer trade of 1884. HALL, •rhe acknowledged leader In £003 ffoods and low prices, and people are finding- it out. His prices tell his good® are of the very best, /lis stoclT is large and his prices are way down below the high priced credit dealers. He can afford to do it as he sells tor cash only. _ Jamestown Worsted Dress Goods, 50 pieces ju«lt received. Kverything new bright and attractive. Remnants cheap, C. F. HjiU &p m The e nly cash si ore ill Northern Illinois. The largest, the best filled'. Size, 140 feet long: and 22 feet wide, two stones hlo-h and working for the people that PAY AS THJSY ^ «^So!lar's worth gues out except fof Hard Cash. I sell ; _.r, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING* Soots A Slxoos, Kats dSc GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Ac., , And my prices will make it pay you to come forty miles to trade with me. 1 sell goods, of the best quality arid guarantee everything as represented, liead my price list and bring it, and make your fall purchases where your money will do you the most igood, Will your credit dealer make you the following pri Y ALL ODDS EST EQUIPPED BAILITOAB IN THE WtlLB. Let it be forever remembered that (ha Chicago & Northwestern Baflra) Is the best and shortest route to and from ChlenfM urn! Council Bluffs (Ont&hit) and that it Ih preferred by all well poMed traveler* when luissing tojor from California and Colorado, It also opc linejbc tvrce Chicago It also operates the beat route and the ahorl linejbc tvrceu and St. Paul Minneapolis and prices? (test Prints.. KH centa 411 Finest Ble.ichcd Cetton , • Rest UnlileachO'l Cetton .... ...... "H Standard Oinghani^ * ' 8 >iejl Corsets W Ac A Ticking 15 Klognut Dress Goods . . 5, 7,9 A 10 4-2 inch I'.lnck Cashaierea 50 I)rc6S Drills • •• Cambrics 8 (.adieu' Fine Handkerchiefs '• • ( nnd 1H ccnt bargains in abundance. Good Coiton^Cloth . • Ko 1 Denims 12 Best Doiiini\mads ...... ... .... 15 Kxtra W'nlerpreof H l.adlet'Slippers, worth 75 cents... 45 Ladies' Slioes ... -. II 00 I.ndlcn' French Kid Shoes, fine..... *2(10 dents' Hoots, (iood 2U0 All kinds ter men and boy* and only good Goods. OTS suits fSMtolSJ [en's Suits 3 25 toSj(i Clothing is our great specinlir, and we carry the finest Jtock in Northern Illinois. W« have the goods. JTo. 1 Raking Powder......... 1 Spices, wav down. Sugar at Chicago costladd freight. Milwaukee, LaCrosse, Sparta. Madison, Fort Howard (Green Bay), Wisconiin, Winona, Owatouna, Mankato, Minn., Cedar Rapid*, Des Moines, Webster City, Algona, Clinton, Marshall town, Iowa, Freeuort, Elgin, Kock- ford, 111., are among its 800 local etations on ite lines. Among a few of the numerous points ef an. periority, enjoyed by the patrons ot<this road, are its DAY COACHKS, which are ihe finest that human art am! ingenuity can create; its i»ALATIAL SLKEPING CAKS, which are monels of comfort and elegance; its 1'ALACK DRAWING ROOM OARS, which are unsur. passci by anv; anil its widely celebrated . NORTH-WESTERN DINING CARS, Tne like of which are not mn by any other road anywhere. In short, it is asserted that IT IS T1IE BEST EQUIPPED ROAD IN THE WORLD. All points ot' interest, North, Northwest and WoNt ot Chicago, business centres, summer resorts, nnd noted hunting and llsliinggrounds are accessible by tho various branches of this road. It owns and controls over 5,000 mile* of road and li»s over fonr hundred passenger con- dnctois constantly caring for its millions of patrons.. ^Ask your tickot agents for ticknte via this route, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. It cosia to more to travel on this route, that gives first-olas^ accommodations, than it does to go by the poorly equipped roitds. Ker maps, descriptive circulars and mm- mer resort papers, or other information not obtainable at your local ticket office, write to the Gen'l Pass. Agent, C. & N. W . Rililway, Chicago 111. i cents. 50 cent Tea..... Good Tea ..^ Best Rice Best Roasted Coffee G)od '• «• standard Raisins No 1 Tobacco, Smoking . Fine-riitTebac.ce... ... Plug Tobacco Long Il<>\ Matches ... 8-ct'ni Box Matches...... Ifl-ct'iit-Box Matches.... Babbitt's Sale rat us ..... Best Soap...... Polish 44 cents 25, 80, S5 A 40 " .... ... 7 " It '• 10 ft 11 " ....... 9 •• 25 «« ........ 50 •« i; 50 " 10 «• i, 1 •« . % *« 7 , " • •• Now I want to see you and know that I can make ,it your interest to come, ana will do it. Just come once and My goods are Bought and Sold for Cash Only. AND THAT |oi see. Tells tlie Whole Story. i waat the tar-off trade that buy BIG BILLS, and to such I say, come and see me, aud if 1 cnu't SHVH y«»u money, will:pay your expenses. I am jjettiug in Ik renins every day, and they a« bought, very cheap l4)Piash.Yi&«rs for good goods and low prices C. IV HALL, t3F*8END VOUli URDERS. CUKDEE, ILL JOHN I. STORY, One Door West of the Riverside House, Has a complete line of the best Sto ves in the market, ai vrell as a large stock of . DEALERS Furniture, OF ALL KINDS. Store one door West of Post nice, NEAR THE DEPOT, WIST HcHIiBY - ILL. We haTC one of the largest stocks efFar. nitnre of nil kimU to be feund iu the conntj, and our pricet will be as ^ LOW AS THE LOWEST. We keep none but the best and pevsene wishing lo buy Furniture of any. kind Will save money by giving us a call. W&Alsp keep n full lino of samples ef ; CARPETS, Ann can sell you one from the cheapest grade to N HI IISKCIS, as cheap as any haese OULSKTOOL' CilK'HJFO. (iivo ua call ami we are sure wo iwsave yon money on anything in «Hr line. TJ ndertaking. A lull Assyriment of COrr iNS AMD CA». |(£TS always ou nand. «*A Heorso Furnished mt the most Reasonable Rates. JU8TEIV BROS. McHenry, NOT. 2*th, 18«3. It will pay you to come from all over the county to trade at D wight's old reliable cash store. We have the finest line of sprtng goods ever brought to Woodstock, consisting ot Women's, Misses' aud children's Walking Shoes and'Slippers, Men's Hoys'and Youtfig line calf Button aud Staple Shoes. B,--House establishes' in 1863. We H. DWSCHTe Cor. Main St. and Public Square, Woodstock, III, DO YOU WANT TO BUY Sewing Machine? THE GOLDEN STAR GASOLINE RANGES. ••Superior to all. l:vrapidly su perseding Cook Stoves and 'Ran ges tor Summer use, Call and ISCO them, JOHN I. STORY ÎcHenry April 1st, 1883, r a *0, Wheat Wiwifcfed. M V WWANTI:I», at the Fox River Vnlley Mills, &<>o<l Milling Wli»*at. for which the highest price in cash will be paid, R. BISHOP. Mcllenry, 111,, April 14th, ISSi. Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing, WAGON AUB MECHANICS TOOLS. Lamps, Chandeliers, Til, Ami in short, Everythinai^in (the Hardware, Stove Ha Will INot bo Undersold! OAi^ AT l^IS STORE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended [to. extra good bargains can always be obtained a£ foxirv I. STORY'S. McHBNBY 111., Jftn.21at,U34. I have on hfind nnd am gelling at the Low est prioen, the Domestic., Khlre«lKe, New Homo, Sprinstlleld, New American, anil Singer e win*? Machines. nn<t w<ll not be uttdert>ol<t by any ajtetit in the county. A »roo<l Singer Machine for 20. warranted to <lo thei work of anv Singer Machine in the World. Call and see me. O. W. OWEN. Ulcllenry, .Feb20,1833. P. HAUPERBSCH, McIIenty, Illinois, WonM respectfully inform his customers and tlie public. Kcuui'itllr that he is now hettei than ever pvcpnrcil to <loall work In His line. KKPAIII irs o, Of all kinds on nhart notice. i<^"Gire irts n call an<l w<! will pleUMC you both iu quality »nU jirice of work. P. HAUPERI8CH. MeHeery.lIU., Aug. 7th, MM. Bottom figures and latest styles hanging lamps, at Bonslett, StoQei A (Jo.'S. GREAT BARGAINS ! ' ' r. " V- For Ten Days Only. ; We wish to reduce Stock of Winter Clothing before putting in #jit"new Spring Goods. We have a few Overcoats we wish to close out and will make it worth your while to purchase NOW. Also a • line of Children* Suits, ages from 4 to T years. These are Bargains worth your inspections. ? B. Sherman WOODSTOCK, IU» - DEALER IX-- Breech and Muzzle Loading bhot Guns. Powder, snot. Caps,Warts an<t C»rlrM(M tor sale. Fishing Tec ule cheap. AI. Kinds of Hporling^ Good* AND REPA1BING DONE. A good Breech Loading, Deuble Barreled 0ui, waiTiinte<l Twist, f2C. .VVinchester Rifle, 76 model, 15 8l)ftt»,|l5. Nickel Plated <> shot Revolver, S2.M. JSelf-rocking British Bull Dog Pistol $5 00. A good single liarrel Breeeh Loading, single j|iin~, warranted, $5.00. I will undersell any honi'e in the cennty. In Guns nnd SportingGO«MIS. If you want a good gun it will pay veil to call and see me. 1 war rant every gun 1 nell. Clothes Wringers repaired tud new Kolls put on. Price p«t pair warranted, $2.50. fi. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July Infants Chlldrei What gives our Children rosy cheeks. What cures their fevers, makes them sleep} . CwtorVM • When Babies fret, and err by turns. What cures their oolic, kiUs their worms. CMtoHs^ What quickly cures Constipation, Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : CastorUm i Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, f Castor Oil and Paregoric, and Hall Can tori a. < ^ • v " "Caitorla it to well adapted to Children that I recommend it as superior to any medi etas known to me."--II. A. AKCBBB. M.D« 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Mens', Boys and Youths Broken Suits, all 'of which will be of- ,'ed to induce you to purchase. Kemember these are all Bargains. McllENKY, ILL., FEB. 27th.