Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 May 1884, p. 8

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? Mk« a Br«»th of Mountain .tlr. > IMmas Kemaine of Txt/rcon w«nt :,, on Tuesday to New? Foutalland, a little: ^ Nttl«ment in Merrll county, d!*tfttic«' from Nfw York nbout forty-flve mile*, E to buy lomi cows. About three mil*« hn P. Brt>« a family w!io had lived farm fer fifty years, years el ace tlie father ibeen to Browns ghetel. His two and 24 year* old, never saw a rail­ road track. They were never off tho farm and never wanted to go. They didn't kHtjfW and didn't Who was Piesident. The last they ilteard waa a man named Garfield wa« funning fer the office. They had heard :of the telegraph, but were struck with amazement when told about the tele- Phllr.*B©raalne,« stem-winder puzzled them. It was the first watch^elther of ithe boya had ever seen. Their way of " reckoning time was by marks on the * doorsill showing the position of the tun. They told the seasons by the , * birds and animals. They sold butter to a man who came along every two weeks. When they wanted clothes they got t^e butter man to bring cloth from town/and they %nade it up into suits - tlie nisei yes. They , bad much native intelligence, and to Mr. Romaino's mind their manner and their ignorance of the world was at refreshing as the monntainja'r In which they Uf.--Bath, AT. Y. Plaindealer, rv IOTA move is 011 foot to restore 'John C. Fremont to ills former rank of liajer Feneral In the regular army, and place him on the retired list. This will be but a fitting, though somewlut tardy, recognition of the brilliant achievements of the •'Pathfinder'" in his early explorations of the great West. WIST Invite the attention of the t>uyin<r public to an entirely new stock of CLOTHING, GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes Hats Caps, cGrainte Rockingham Glasswafl* and fTifunks, Hand Ba^s and Valises, |C. H. Fargo's celebrated Boots and Shoes, etc. "All grades I Chick's Favorite Flour in stock. -Every sack wairanted. The .highent price paid for produce. "All goods sold at one price and ; marked in plain figures. Thank- ling our patrous for past favors vand hoping for a continuance of *the same, we shall strive to please *all who may give us a call, both in * quality and price of goods. BONSLETT, A STOFFEL. West McHenry, 111., March 54,18S4. NO LET UP --AT-- WAUCONDA, ILL. Urerybody goes there to buy .Was the name formerly given to Scrofula, because of a superstition that it could l>ei ^ cured by a kind's toucli. Tho world la Wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough tion of the blood. If this 1s n the disease prrprtnntes its taint generation after generation. Among earlier symptomatic developments aro Eczema," Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu­ mors, Bolls, Carbuncles, Erysipelas,« Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy­ sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con­ tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca­ tarrh, Kidney ;nul Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vari­ ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the only powerful and always reliable blood-pit rifying medicine. It is so effect­ ual an alterative that it eradicates from the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and nicreury. At the same time it en- J riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system. This great , Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the genuine Honduras Sarsaparilla. with Icllotn Dock. Stil~ lingia, the Iodides of Potassium and _ Iron, and other ingredients of great po- . tenev, carefully and scientifically com- ; pounded. Its formula is generally known, . j to the medical profession, and the best; physicians constantly " ' * Sabsapak Absolute Cup© For all diseases caused by the vitiation of the blood. It is concentrated to the high­ est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi­ cine, In the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass* [Analytical Chemists.] Sold by all Druggists: price @1; tlx bottles for $5. -^STOCKS OF- l- : 'v In McHenry Co. IV.. r-ii'>»•>;/ DEALER IX OF ALL KINDS. Store two doors north of Perry & O wen. I have one of the largest stocks of Furniture cs^nfl kinds to be found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing- to buy will be sure to saVe money by calliug on nie. UNDERTAKING. I have .styles ot 35 different sice* a&# COFFINS AND CASKETS, on hand. I keep a He arse of my own which will be furnished at the most reasonable ratefe. J. B. BLAKE. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, U N I F O R M L T L O W , Best Prints,...;.......... « 'FirTest Bleached Cotton . 15est Unbleached Cotton standard Ginghams No'I Corsets Ac A Ticking .. .. Klegant Dress Goods . 4-2 inch ('.lack. Cashmeres ltress Drills .... •• Cam lines ,... Ladies' Kmc Handkerchiefs a and 10 cent bargains in abundance. Good C«>ltoii,Oloth . No 1 Denims >*. P.est Denimsjnada ...... ... Kxtra Waterproof .-. I.ndle}' Slippers, worth 75 cents... Ladies' Shoe* Ladles' French Kid Shoes, fine Gents' Hoots, Good All kinds f«vin«u»nrt boyfc and only good Goods. -AND- Satisfaction Guaranteed. HENRY COLBY. MCIIEXKY, III., February 11,1884, BARGAINS. FOB SABGAIHS IS For Coal and Wood -CALL ON- AND I GROCERIES. I Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, ILadies' and Gents* Gossamers, Ladies' and Gents' Gloves and Mittens, Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery. A nice stock of Cor- #ete and Hoop Stf irts, an EXTRA quality of Woolen Yarns, Carpet iVarps, Cotton Bitting, and all the staple Articles kept in a geu- erai store, and at prices to suit the present depreciated markets. E. M. HOWE Opposite Bishop's Mill, Who lias a complete line of the best stoves in the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, in fact, erery thing in the hardware store and tin line. HE WILL IfOT SB UPTDERSOOt. Call at his store before buying elsewhere. Jobbing a nil requiring promptly attended to. #d~::<:meinlier, extra g<«»d hai-gains canal, irays lie obtained at Howe's. McHenry, Dec, VUttU. GOOD SUTTEE AND EGGS WANTED, gfch® Highest Market Prie^ Coldlng 'aucouda, Dec. 1, 1^83. THE GOLDEN STAR GASOLINE RANGES. Superior to all. 1.; rapidly su per.selling Cook'Stoves and Hun ges for Summer use, Call ai.d ace them, JOHN I. STORY McHenry April 1st, 1883. "We have just received an immense stock of Goods for the spring trade, and in or­ der to make room for the largest stock of summer goods ever brought to Woodstock, or into Mc­ Henry County, we will sell our winter and heavy goods at great bargains. We must have the room and are bound to close them out. It will pay you to come from all over the county to trade at Dwight's old reliable cash store. We have the finest line of spring goods ever brought to Woodstock, consisting ot Women's, Misses' and children's Walking Shoes and Slippers, Men's Boys'and Youthg fine calt Button and Staple Shoes. B.--House establishes' in 1805. „ . : _ .. W. H. DWICHT. Cor. Main St. and Public Square, Wootistock, III, Y ALL ODD! E0H1PP1 RAIIROAD IN THE WORLD. Let it be fori-vor remembered thai the 1 _ V ^ ^ ' iK fc1 » : • .. ?-s; Vi v.- '-J *' Jfor^the spring and summer of 1884. ̂ - Si' one •yS-. -• , •. . • .. V'» • ' S, > ' : Chicap & Nortliwteni Railwas _ the best and shortest JChieapo and Council lilufTs ( - is preferred by all reell te to and naha) awl that eted travelers The acknowledged leader in good goods and low prices, and people are finding it out. His prices tell his goods are of the vary best. His stock is large and his prices are way down below the high priced credit dealers. He can afford to do it as he sells tor cash only. .Jamestown Worsted Dress Goods, 50 pieces just received. Everything new bright and attractive.^ Remnanta 'cheap, C. F. Hall bids for your trade. Go and see him. is preferred by hen piifisinfj to'or California and Colorado, It ;U»o operates the best route and the «hork lhip^between Chicago and St. Paul Minneapolis Milwaukee, T,aCrosse, Hjmrta. Madiaon. Fort Howard (Green Hay), Wisconsin, Winona, Owatonna, Mankato, ~inn., Cedar Ilapids, l)c* Moines, Webster City, Alcona, oiinton, JIarshalltow n, Iowa, Kreeport, Klpin, Kock- ford^. III., are among its 8<X> local stations on its Amonp a fl»\v of the numerous points of su. periority, enjoyed by tlie patrons ot this road, are its DAY OOACliKS, which are the finest The c nly cash store in Northern Illinois. The largest the best filled. S:ae, 140 feet long and 22 feet wide, two stories Wh and working for the people that PAY AS THEY GO. Not a cloMar's worth goes out except for Hard Cash. IssU DRY COODS, CLOTHING, Boots A SHoas, Eta,ts & Caps, that human art and PALATIAL SLKRPINtt OARS, which nro models of comfort and elegance; its P AI.AOK DRAWIMi ROOM ('Alts, which are unstir- paused bv anv; an<l its widelv eelebri'ted NORTH-WESTERN - CARS, run r»v any ol ^road anywhere. In s.hort,. it is asserted that OININC ,, , . CARS, ; Tne like of which are not run by any other *ond anywhere. In short, it -is* asserted t hat -IT H THK P.EST EQUIPPED KOAD IJf ,* Till-: THK P.EST WORLD. All points of in West ot Chi wilt make it pay you to come forty miles to sell gfoods of the best quality and guarantee represented. Read my price list and bring it, and rest. North, Northwest and <>i *nicaaro, business centres, summer resorts,and noted hunting and tishinggromuln are accessible by tho various branches of. this road. It owns and controls ovsr 5,000 niile-i of road and has over four hundred passenger eon- flwctovs constantly caring for its millions of patrons. And my prists trade with me. 1 everything make your fall purchases where your" money will do you the most ,good,* Will your credit dealer make you the following prices? f Ask vour ticket toute,*AND TAKK 4Xcenta 54 « >«• 9 7X . . . . 8 60 . . . . . 16 5 , 7, 9 A 10 ..... 50 f.a 6 6 « 1'2 15 55 45 fl 00 3 00 2 00 pn Roys suits .. ....;. $2 00 to 13 00 Men's Suits. 335 to 35 00 Clotiiinr la our jrreat specialty, and we carry the.tlnest stock in Northern Illinois. Wo hare the goods. No. 1 Raking: Powder.... 25 cents. Spices, wiiv dawn. Sugar at Chicago eostjadd freight. 50 cent Tea 44 cents tiood Tea 25, 30, 35 A 40 '• Pest Rice Best Roasted Cwffee....... (i lOd " '• •itandard Raisins .. ' N<?1 Tobaccd, Smoking .. h ino-i'ut Tobacco Plus Tobacco . Lon^ Itnx Matches........ 5-cent Box Matches 10.cent Box Matches Babbitt's ^aleralut " Best Soap... ... StovePoliah. 7 15 10 & 13 « 25 60 60 10 1 1 7 6 6 foi see. Now I want to see you and know that I can make it your interest to come, and will do it. Just come once and My goods are Bought and Sol<I; lor Cash Only. AND THAT Tells the wjaole Story. I want the tar-off trade, that' buy BIG BILLS, and to sue! I say, conic and sec me, and it I can't savf\ you money, will pa\ your expenses. I am getting in IK rgaius every day, and they Jf< as bought, very cheap for cash. Yours tor good goods and low prices C. F. ®"SEND YOUR ORDERS. ILL 7 JOHN I. STOR\ One Door West of the Riverside House, Has a complete line of the best Stores in the market, as well-as a lanre stock of ' SHELF AND BEAU apents for tickets via this I NONK OTHKK. It MECHANICS TOOLS. Lamps, Chandeliers, DO YOU WANT TO BUY Sewing; Machine? Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing, WAGON AND MUX Wheat Wanted. antkp. Hf the Fox Hivor Vnll»y ^(»<nl \Vh"at, tor which the liighcsst pvicu ijii cash will be paid. 11. Visitor. Mclienry, 111., Ayiil Utti, 18B1. I have on han'l and am selling at the Low­ est prie.e«, the Domestic, Klilrertgc, N»w Home, Siirinftileifl, New American, an<! Singer e wins; Maehinea, an<l wMt not be underaolU by any in the county. A jjooil siiifter Machine for 20. warranted to do the work of anv Hinger Machine in the world. Call and Bee inc. 0. W, OWEN. Sicllonry, .Feb 20,133». P. HAUPERISCH, MeHenry, lllitioiw. Would respectfully inform hi# customers and the public generally that he is now hettei than ever prepared to do all work in his line. RKPAIT1 ITS O, Of all kinds on short notice. WGire us a call and we will please you both in quality and price of work. P. HAUPERIS/4 Men««ry,JlU., Ang. 7thb188S. Bottom figures and "fatest styles hanging lamps, at Boaslett, Stoflel A (Ju.'S. And Everythin&c in .the * and Tin Line. Hardware, Stove He Will Not bo Undersold! CALL AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE' Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attendedjto. J3T*REMEMBER, extra {rood bargains can always be obtaiuedat JOHN I. STORYH McHbnbt 111., Jan. 21«t,i884. «IBLEY'STESTE \JFOK ALL CLIM _ LIMATES, y FOR ALL SOILS,^ ALT. PLANTS. All festotl for vihtlitv, iin'l in (.} inlens for purilv .in«l vaiue. LOW PRICES. Sibley's Pride of the North Corn, rhw-ned in extreme North in '32 and '83. Sibley's Imporial Barley, yirUled at rate of 236 bush, per acre. Dakota Re 1 Potato, best of 125 varieties; R«. 1 1 koor, BLHiiiT riiOfiF; yield 725 bu*h. per acre. Rocke«ter Tomato, Inrcest smooth, anil curlit-st largr sort; corrlcss ; l>est for market. First ind Best P6S, earliest, product i\'e t tr.ituve unifornilv ; he it for market. S»bley'« Tested Oabbaire Seod ire nnexee'.led. $1,000 IN PREMIUMS AT ALL FAIRS. St-.Ni> FO:t CA'l'AL'HirK AN l> 1'KK'I. 1.1ST of vegctal>1«?, flower and field «••••!« of ; '! t-ifed valuable varieties. Mail orders promptly tiil"d. making a seed store Ht home. LOWEST PRICES. .H IRAM SIBLEY & CO., Rochester , N tV . , Chicago, I I I . STOPPED FREE Marrc.'jus sue, ess. Insane Persons h'ostorod Dr.KLINE 3 GrwEAT NERVERESTOREFT N"RVK OlSKASKS. 0>t/v sure re for x,r?; | INFALI.1 H L K if t tki-n as <l.rcot<r<t. X:> St!s «},tr u<e. ."in \ $2 tilal I. >itle free to j Fit patioats . they p.ivmj c\; -<^'"»;» box w\icn •irci« names. 1*. O. and express address o< cted to DK .KLlNli .oii Arrh St .,rhi i.idelt>bia .Pa . I l*u£gi&U. MbWAKU QF IMITATING FKAVVS. Business! Business! Wa*tf.i>.--Kvery person h.xvinjr n husincss of *nv d«'fcri]>lion for sale; or wanting r. part­ ner in any t'lilerprine; or having ironcy to invest in linsincss oi any kind ; or a farm'"for sali1 or trade, ortlcfirln^ to ixiivlmse a farm; or liitvinft nionpy t» loan,or waiilin^ 10 borrow moiiny (on apiirovt'd M-cnrif v); or-who lia.s anything for sale, or desires to purchase any­ thing, toailtlress O. C. St. (, Business Broker, ̂ itriu^iieia, 11L to travel on this route, that RlTes flrnr-rlass iiccomniorlations, than it do»s to go by the poorlv cc|utp|>cd roitfls. For maps, descriptive circulars and sum- mcr resort papere, or other information not obtainable ut your local ticket office, writ® to the Gen'l Pass. Agent, C. & N. W, Eailway, Chicago 111. S, DEALERS 1» Furniture, OF ALL KINDS. Store one iloor West of Past Offica N'EAIi THE DEPOT, McSEHEY - ILL have one of the largcst ttoek* ef F«r. nitnre of all kinds to lie fan ml in tho conaty, and our price.- will i»e LOW AS THE LOWEST. We keep none but the brst and parioa* wi.^hinjr lo buy Furniture-of any kiad wilj save money by jrivihjr us a call. We alio keep a full line of #f> Ann can sell toii one from -lis chcupast ^rrade to a Brussels, ,i« clieup u» any h*«M on i .sule of .Chicago. tiivo tin a cull tt'l we -ire sure wo cat urt ytfU money on anything in our line. A full A««yrlnicnt of COIF1NS AXl) CA(. KK'l'S always oil naiid. Hearaa Furnlsh»d at th< most Reasonable Rates. JCSTEN BROS. McHenry, Not. 2Sth, 1SCS. Aerman WOODSTOCK, ILL -DliALKB 1M-- Breech and Muzzle Loading bhot Guns. Powder, snot. Caps,Wads and Cartridge tor sale. Fishing Tackle cli«ap. Al. Kinds of Sporting Ooodi AND REPAIRING DONE. A good Tlrcec.h I.oadinpr, Double Barrele Gun, warranted Twist, Winchester Itifle, 7(> model, 15 shots,#25. Nickel IMuted (> shot Kevolver, ^4-5U. Self-cocking livitish litill |>og.Pistol $5.Oft A irood single Karrcl Hreoch Loading, Singl Gun", warranted, $T> 00, 1 will undersell any hou^e in the county Guns and Sporting Goods. If youwantago* gun ft will pay vou-to call and'see me. 1»» rant every gun 1 sell. Clothes Wringers repaired new Rolls put on. Price pair warranted, $2.50. 1 ' „ B. SHERMAN, : Woodstock, July 15th, 1883. - - Chiidre Infants What Rives ottr Children rosy cheeks, What cures their fevers, makes them sleep; CnstorVv When Babies fret, and err by turns What cure# their colic, kills their worms. Castor la. What quicklr euros Constipation. Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion CutoHjd Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and IlallCnutorla. "Castoria is ao well adapted to Childr that I recommend it as superior to any m cine known to me."--II. A. Archkr, M. Ill So. pxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y BIT absolute

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