. . . . . . , ^ r-*~^*+mVt U « *""<«£ ** «- ** ^ h» »r**»Mr ^ %"*•£-'. T -- ^vAv,-•»-;»£ i!*.*!^ . 1•*«'*"•, v. XI?.--£M -&1,':iis^> .<&-.; t.'j '.li'1-i-'WJitri!' ,->.-' ..wi »•..• •*.:--- i. •5V-.,^if:" T.- ••,-•» -- 4. tt; .•»'. 'ii •.. ( ̂ ** + •' XI Lincoln's Appointment. r ; In lh« course of conversation with ||e Wash I listen, correspondent of tlie Xrtswlsto.i Journal* Mr. L. E. Crltten- formcrly register of the treasury, •»I<1: ;* , I tried to induce Lincoln to let nif tnediate oat ween himself and Chase to like back his resignation. I said to Jjincolu,**Now there isn't another man living who is equtil to the task."* T„ln- „ coin replied: "This government don't depend on the life of any one man or Wlf ten men. If we should all die to- be ten men who could do it as well as we.*' 1 didn't feel s*. That night was about as sad ft night as I ever passed In mv life! The next mornin? 1 went over very •trly to the White House. "Well," said Lincoln, "you have got a secretary.v Said I,"Who i« he?" "Oh,yon will like , him; he's just the man for the place. I Shouldn't wonder if he would he here In a few minutes/' While he was talking Fessenden p$hed In, as white as a sheet. Said he- kI can't--I won't--there's no use-- there's no use talking about it--I am a •Ick man." and so on. Mr. Lincoln got up--threw his arm It was so n: 1ft#er Fessendnn's shoulders, long you would think it was gof:isr arouni him three or four times. Said he, "Pitt, every time I have seen my. Wiv clear tomakeanappointment.it has been just as I predicted. My mis takes have been when I have listened to other people. Last night I saw my way clear to appoint you secretary of the treasury. You are as certainly called to this place by the Almighty-as *ny man ever is when he employs hu- man means to bring tilings about.'" Lincoln spoke it not with any put on solemnity--there was an earnestness abont it that Fessendeu or anybody else couldn't resist. He stood there a few minutes.with his h»ad down. Mr, Lincoln continued talking, and said, "Tou are In the regular line of promo tion. Chase lias been before you con- tly," . inally Fessenden said, U1 will think It." "No yon won't! It's 12 o'clock now." Mid Lincoln, "Your commission will be here in a f«w minutes. Get yourself ready." T Incoln in a minute changed the le thing and Fessenden was signing by 12 o'clock. Wheat Wanted. Waxtkd. at the Fox River-Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for whieli the highest price in caslf will he paid. ^ K. lilBUOl'. McHenry, 111., April 14th, 1884. Chicap & Northwestem R'y Co. JXBEUT KEEP. Pres. M. L. STKES, Vice Pres. OrriCR NO. 52 WALL ST., MEW YORK. April 15 th, 1831. A NJfUAL MEETING. Theannnal meetinsr XV of the Storkholders anil landholders of tfee Chicago and Northwestern Ittiilwuv Com- puny, will be heM at the Company'# oilico in Chicago, ill., un Thuretlsy, ,lune5ih, IS*!, at It. M., for the election of directors pursuant (e law. and for the triinsitc ion of such other business as shall come lie fore s.ii.l nicetiiis, •nd to take action upon an nsreenient a|»- proved by the directors and ofllcers of the company for the acquisition and ownership Of the leased lines in Iowa, to wit: the Chi cago, Iowa and Nebraska Huilroad, the Cedar" Bapids and Missouri Kiver Railroad, ami ths Maple Kiver Railroad, together with their tributary connections in Iowa and Xebrisku, Til.: the Sioux City and Paciiic. Railroad, tin} Fremont, Klkhorn and Missouri v;i1l«y linil. read and the Missouri Vallev and Blair Rail way and Bridge Company at the ciussing of the Missouri River. SPECIAL MEETING.--A special meeting of .the Stockholders of the Chicago and North western Railway' Company lias been order<H by the Board of'Directors pursuant to the Bv. Law?, and will be held at the Company's of. lice in Ihe city of Chicago, at 11 o'clock," A. M,, on Thursday,"June 2<itii, 1*81, to au thorize an Increase of the Common capital stock of tho company, to be issued and used in exchange and payment for the capital stock# of the Cliu cago, Iowa ind Nebraska Railroad, the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River iLtilroad, and the Maple River Railroad, making the amount to which it is proposed to increase the.capitnl •lock $11,757,500 in addition to th« present capital stock. Albert Kbf,P, President. H. L. STICKS, Secretary. LETUP 1 WAUCQNDA, ILL. Everybody goes there to buy Dry Goods, 0 ' Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWEE wits the first preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseases of the scalp, aud the liist suc cessful restorer of faded or gray liair to its natural color, grov.-.b, .".ml youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, but none hare so fully met all the requirements needful for tho proper treatment of the hair and scalp. HALL'S IIAIK Ri-newf.R has steadily grown in favor, aud spread its fame ami usefulness to erery quarter of the globe. Its unparal leled success can be attributed to but one cause: the entire fulfilment of its promises. The proprietors liave~often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote coun tries, where they had never made an effort for its introduction. The use for a short time of HALL'S HAIR Rknkwkr wonderfully improves the per sonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, ami enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth. .The effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic -prepara tions, but remain a long tiwej wlucli makes its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S LIE , * - FOB THE " '- WHISKERS^ C Will change the beard to a natural brown, 'Or black, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Consisting of a single preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREPARED BY R. P. HALL & CO., MM, IH. Sold by all Dealers iu Medicincs, TOE ALL THE FORMS OF Scrofulous, Mercurial, and Blood Disorders, tho best remedy, because tlio most searching and thorough blood-puritler, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla- Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles, «& RIVERSIDE BLOCK* IWcHENRY, ILL. -STOCKS OF- JOi 1. BIB, DEALER IX FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Store two doors noi'th^-of-: }- Perry & Owen, I have one of the larofest- stocks of Furniture of all kinds to he found in any furniture store in the county- 'Persons wishing to buy will be sure to save nioue.> by calling on me. UNDERTAKING^ I have 35 different sizes and styles ot COFFINS AND CASKETS, . Always on hand. I keep a Hearse of nay own which will be furnished at the most reasonable rateh. J. B. BLAKE. v OS BARGAIHS IH AND CROCERIES, I For Coal and Wood -CALL OX- E. M. HOWE Ppposite Bishop's ill, Who has a complete line of the best stoves in the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPFER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, in fact, CT«irytttifig in the hardware stove and tin line. HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call at hi* store before buying elsewhere. Jolilriii^"a'nd repairing promptly attended t». *i*Rememher. extra iro«d bargains can al. ways IK.- oiilained at Howe's. McHenry, l>ec. 1, ISrfS. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, ies' and Gents' (irossamers, ies' and Gents' Gloves and ttens, Ladies' and Gents' osiery. A nice stock of Cor- ts and Hoop SKirts, an EXTKA uality of Woolen Yarns; I'arpe.t iVarps, Cotton Hit-tinar, and all he Staple Articles kept in a jren- ral 41 to re, and at prices to suit the preseut depreciated markets. GOOD EQ3S WANTED," And the Highest Market Pricc Colding B;os. Wauconda, Dec. 1, 1883. for the spring and summer trade of 1884. Q F I A The acknowledged leader in good woods and lo\? pricefs, and people are finding it out. His prices tell his aroods are of the very best. His stock is lar«re and his prices are way down below the high priced credit dealers. He can afford to do it as# he sells for cash only. . M Jamestown Worsted Dress Goods, 50 pieces { ]ust received. Everything new bright and attractive. Bemnants cheap, C. F. liall bids for your trade. Go and see him. The < nly cash store iu Northern Illinois. The largest, the best filled^ Size, 140 feet lon<j and 22 feet wide, two stories high and ^working for the people that PAY AS THEY Gl). Not * doJlar's worth g«>e8 out except for Hard Cash. I sell V ° DRY1COODS, CLOTHING, Boots & Shoes, Hats T AY ALL ODDS v T,EPEST EQUIPPED ; RAILROAD IN THE WORLD. ,I-et it be forever rcineinbere<l that the Clicap & Nortliiestern Railway Is the best and shortest route to and from Chicago and Council Bluffs (Oaiaha) j»nd that it i« i^K-urred by nil tvoli poeieU travelers when imaging tojor from California and Colorado, It also operates the best route and t he short line|U:t ween Chicago and St. Paul Minneapolis and IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, O 21. K £• "ST LOW FATHOHAQE SOLICZTSD No 1 Ilrnims West Dpninis.mrvdfl ... .... K.XtVH W.l U!l"|>l'«of _ I.adlet'Slippers, worth 75 cents.. . i,adi<*s' S!i«>e* ... J.ndle :i' Krench Kid Shoes, lino.... • 'Gems' P.outs, tiood-- ......... ... All kimis t«r men ana boy<i and only good Good». -AND Satisfactioii Guaranteed. COiiBV MCIIENRT, III., February 11, 1884; GREAT BARGAINS. XI? . . asi Baler Goods. We have lust received an immense stock of Goods for the spring trade, and in or der to make room for the largest stock ot summer goods ever brought to GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c., And toy 'prices • Will make it . pay 'ybti;'y^;_'ib<>ni'e forty tniles to trade with me. 1 sell goods of the best quality and guarantee everything as, represented. Rpad my price list and bring it, and make your fall purchases where your money will do you the most tgood, Will your credit dealer make you the following prices? Best Prints 4.V cent! 5*8 " finest RliMched Cotton ....... ... ; » Ilenl Unl>U*u«-hed Cotton .... . --.. ~)i Siundnrd <;in^hama , 8 No 1 Corsets 50 A«'. A Tick in j ...*.. 15 Klej^rttii Dress Coeds . . .. 5, 7,9 4 10 '42 inch I!!;ick Cush.nereii 50 Dress Drills 8 Cainhnri 6 Ladies' Kme ll;indker<'hief#.' 6 6 nii'l 10 cent btrgains in abundance. Good <!olton,Clotli Boys^'mtS .. f2MloUi|SK Men's Suits 3 35 to Stfl" Olotlmifris our great specialty, nud we carry the tlnest itock in Northern Illinois. Wg havo the roods, i. 1 IliiKiug I'owder.... > eeats. .12 15 55 45 |H 00 2 00 200 So Spices.i v dawn. Sujatr nt Chir,jigo cost^idd friiight. SO cent T«a 44 cents Good Ten 25, 30, 85 A 40 " Best liiett 7 •• Best iioHstcd CofTee.........v....... IS '• |«>od « '• 10* 13 " standard Rnisins • •« No 1 Tobacco, Smoking 25 " t'ine-i -ut Toljaccoi.. 60 " PIiik Tobacco M •• Lonjr l$ox Matches 10 •• 6-cent Box Mutches .... 1 •• lO.cont Box Mulches. % «« Babbitt's Salcrutus 7 •« " Best Soap....... 5 •• Stove Tolish ( •« Now I want to see yoii nnd know ,that I can nittke it your interest to come, and will do it. Just come once anil My goods are ^ Bong-lit aud Sold for CasKOnly, AND THAT ; Telia the Wh.ole Story. foi gee. I Wt «iv, ant the tar-oft' trade that buy BIG RILLS, and to sucl' come and see me, and it 1 can't savo you money, will pajf your expenses. 1 am getting' at bought, very cheap for cash. in bi rgains every day, and they jg*< Yours for good goods and' low1 pric«s "T O. F. HALL'. |®-SEND TEOUH OliDEKS. DUNDEE, ILL Woodstock, or into Henry County , we will sell our winter and heavy goods at great bargains. We must have the room and are Sound to close them out. It will payvou to come from all over the conntv to trade at Dw ightV old reliable cash store. .We have the finest line of spring goods ever brought t<> Woodstock, consisting ot Women's, Misses' and children' siV alking Shoes and Slippers, Men's Roys' and Youthg fine.ca.lt Button and Staple Shoes. f^PN. B.--House establishes' in liJGo. W. H. DWICHT. Cor . Main St. and Public Square, Woodstock, III, This Space Belongs to G. MAYES. JOHN I. STORY, One Door West of the Riverside House, Has a complete line of the best Stoves in the market, is well as a large stock of YOU WAIff THE GOLDEN STAR GASOLINE RANGES. S'..perior to all. I < rapidly su- pevseding (Jook Stoves and Han- ges tor Summer use, Call at d aee them, JOHN I. STORY McHenry April 1st, 1883. Wheat Wanted. p. it tlie F'ix itivf'i1 Yalloy gi*o<] Millh-- Wh<'at. for which tlw highest pvjc« in cash will be paid. _ R. nisnor. McUenry, III., Mnil llth, 1884. BUY Machine? Sewing Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing, WAGON AND I have on hantl an<l am sellinprat the T^ow- est prices, tlio Dontuslic, Klilrcil^e, New Heme, Snrinarllol'l, Now American, an<! Sii«K«;r o wing Machine*, atnl w'll not bo un<ler>>ol(l, by any a^ent in the county. A jroml singer Mai-hmo" for 20. warranted to <lo the work of anv singer Machino in the71 world. CallanU see me; : ^ ' O. W. OWEN* McIIcnry(i.Fel)20, 1883, ̂ P. HAUPE&ISCH, MeHeiirj, Jllinoi«» WOI IM 1-osjK'rtCiillv inrnrin his rnstomrrs nn«l I lie |iii lilic • nei':i11T Hint lie i*no\v lie) lei than ever ]ive)>iireil toil" all work in his line. It KFAI1I I> « J , Of nil kimla up Bhort notice. #S*(jivs us a onII ami we will jiloasc you both in cjtiuiity and price of work. P. HAUPERI8CH. McHfary.tlU., Aug. 7tb, 1|8», Bottom flgnree and lntert *tyles linnging lamps, at Bonelett, Stoflel & Co.'a. - mikS, - MECHANICS TOOLS. Chandeliers, Milwaukee, LaCrosse, Sparta. Madison, Fort Howard (Green Hay), Wisronjin, Winona, Owittonnn, Mankato, ^imi., CeWnr Raplda, I)e» Moines, Webster, Cily, Algona, Clinton, Mai'shnllt'uvn, Iowa, Freeport, ElK>n, Roek- tord, IU., are uinong iis 800 local stations on its lines. Amonjr a few of the numerous points of sit. perioritv, enjoyed by the patrons ot this road. are its DAY COAC1IKS, which are ihe finest that human art and ingenuity can create; its 1*Al.A'l 1AL SLliEI'INtJ (JAHS, Which nre V!V,',"v i'.',1"V.1 ,a 1Vl elegance; its I'Al.ACU - DRAWING ROOM CARS, which arc unsitr. passed hy any ; and its widely celebn-.ted NORTH-WESTERN DININC CARS, Th« liko of which are not run by any other road anywhere. In short, it is asserted that IT IS -TIIE REST EQUIPPED ROAD IN THE WORI.p. All points of interest. North, Xorthwest and ' West ot C'hicapo, imsine^s centres, su-mmer resorts,and nnted hunting'and llshin^groumis are accessible by tho various branches ot this road. It owns and controls ovor 5,000 miles of road and has over four hundred passenger con- dMctois constantly caring for its mUlionsof patrons. "Ask your ticket agents for tickets Tin this route, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. It costs io more to travel on this route, that girea (lret-clnss accnminodations, than it dors to go by the poorly equipped ro:>ds. " "For maps, descriptive circulars and sum.' mer resort papers, or other information not obtainable at your local ticket office, write to the Gen'l Pass. Agent, C. & N. W. Hailway, Chicago 111. DEALERS Furniture OF ALL KINDS. JM Stireoie iloor West of Post OSes, NEAIt THE DEPOT, WEST McHEERY - ILL. j We have one of the largest stocks of Par. iiiture of nil kinds to be found in the conaty, and our prices will be as LOW AS THE LOWEST We keep none hut the best and por ishing lo buy Furniture of any,kind save 'money by giving us a call. '16 V S will Wo also keep a full line of sample* of CARPETS, Ann can sell you one from the cksapost grade to a Brussels, as cheap as aur b«a*e outside of Chicago. Gire us a call and we are sure wo saa sav* you money ou anything in our line. TJn.dertaMng. i full Ansyrlment of 0>iJ FXN$ AMD VX%- KpTS alwaj » on iiand. Hearse Furnished at th« moat R&^sonable Jiatos. jjpSTEN BROS. Mc,Henry,'Nor. 28ih, l.Vfl, B. Slierman WOODSTOCK, ILL -DEAI.KB 1M-- Breech and Muzzla Loading bhot Guns. Powder, ^not, Caps.Wads and CftrtrMgM for sale. Fishing Tackle cheap. Al. Kinds of SxK)rting Ooodbi AND REPA1KING DONE. A good Tlreecli I.oading, Double Barreled Gun, warranted Twist, f-.'*. Winchester Rille, 70 model, 15 shot*, *25. Nickel I'lated (! shot Revolver, Ji 50. Self-cocking Ilntisli Bull Dog Pistol *5.00. A good single Itarrel llreoch Loading, single Glin, warranted. *5.00. I will undersell any lion*© in the county in Guns and SportingGoods. If you want a good gun it will pay von to call andseo me. 1 war- runt erery gun 1 sell. Clothes Wringers repaired mud new Holls put on. Price pel pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock.Jnly 15th,1883. •El mmi Infants Children TNTiat gives our Children rosy cheeks. What cures their fevers, makes When Babies fret, and err bv tnrus. What cures Qjeifcouc, kills their w orms. t o i* I a* * What quickly euros Const ipat ion. Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestioni: Ca,«torta.i Farewell then to Morphine Rvrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and Hall Ca«torla. 1 ' »Castoria {g to well adapted to Childreq that I recommend it as superior to any medjh cine known to me."--II. A. ARCBER. M.D., Ill So. Oxford St.. Brooklyn, N.V. short, Everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin Line. He Will XTot bo Undersold! (>ALL AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended, to. t3T*REM EMBER, extra good bargaiua can alwaya be obtained at J. STORYH E An absolute euro for Rheu matism, Sprains. Pain ia the Eacli.Bums,Osllsifto. Jniar stantaneoiw Pain- reliever.