Jje||eiry j5Ma3«*ler. Pablished ltT»*y Wednesday by J. VA> SI YKE, EOITOS aMD publisher. Office in Bishop's Block, , PKMT A OWIK'I.- j;.%Or •UBSCBIPTIOX. t« Tear (In A(iv*ir») $1.50 W®t Paid within Three Month* 1.00 ^uk*criftinn« receive* for three er six :;y, ::>': |f.nth« i . the came projwrtleh. • hii ' - • ^ J Kates of Advertising* -; ~we announce liberal rate* f<>r advertising "H ruitoKAMR, «ni endeavor to state Meni •« plainVf that the* will he readily,en. "If rttood. They are a« follows: I Terh oae rear • • I Tarhet one Tear t Toehea ene Tear . ' Ooliima one year i Cannes one year- I Ctlinn ene year SOo 10 SO IS no So <« 6«M 100 00 f inch mennc the mM^nrnnent of one Jfeh dtwi the column, single column width. TearW a.tyertiseri, at the aliove rate*, have • pri»ile»e of oh.Ynjrinir as often as they i»o»e, without extra churpe.' 1te*nl*r advertiser* (mMninsr »ho»«havin? taadia? rards) will be entitled to insertion local notices at the rate of 5 cent* per tine eh weak.. All others will ha charged 10 fiat* per ".ine the (|r«t week, and 5 cents per Una far each »ul>*e<iiient week. Trsniiaat advertisements will be charyed the rate ef 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil rpe, same as this is set in) the first issue, and I 'eonts pnr line for subsequent issue* Th-s, inch advertisement will cost tl.OOforone rs*k, tl.to for iws weeks, (2.00 for three lesks, and so on. The PT,4tvT>*At.*!i will be liberal in srivlnsf i«it»rinl notices, but, as a ltn^iness rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seetiac the use ef its columns for pecuniary t»i«. MART ti. BARBIAV. HAIR. WOItKEIt. All ku.ds of Hair Work done in llrst class etrle and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north east corner of Public Square, licllenrr, III. JB*3E A. BALDWIN, A TTORVEY AT LAW. I.aw business in J\. Every part of the State receive? prompt attention. Room 24, 99 Washington St., Chi- cago, III. DR. C. I . WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Mc Henry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th Mth and 'JSth of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first duv of such visit occurs on Kriday, I will stay tut one day. JOHN KLEIFUEX. HOUSE Painter, Grainer, Calclmtner Hud Paper Hansrer. Residence ehe Block West of Riverside House. Work attended tf prom pi y an<l on reasonable "terms. K. M. OWEN C> ENERAL Dealer and Manufacturer# IT Amentia Leading Farm Machinerv.-- Prices lew and terms favorable. McHeoirv, IP. - BUSINESS CARDS. H T. IIROWN.M.U. ^tonr^TOIAN ATD StTRftEOK. Office ever '•% the Pest OUce, opposite Perry ftiMartin't 'f$<>re tip stairs, Melleiirv, 111. J. II. SOOTH ILL, M. D. UTTSICIAN AND Srltt.EON. Cffleeep»e- site Post Office, Ifinewood. III. C. II. FEGEltS, M, D- | |»Hr«ICiAK AND SITlJiJEOV. McWenry, 1 Ilia. Office at Revidenee, on the. Corner, Opposite lll»ke's Furniture store. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. f»RTSlCIAN AHD SURGEON. Office at I my residence, opposite M. E. Church, icHeary. III. PRATT HOUSE. A. PRATT, Proprietor First class ajS- ee«tuedations. Good.Barn in connection ueenda. 111. BARBIAN BROS. J AR Manefacturerj, McrtenrjK f tl. Or ders solicited. £fr»p, U Old MeUenry, iter |{lo<-k, two doors went of, Pi.atw- rtki.CB Offlce. l i m u u i i u i u i j WASHINGTON, D. C. The popular palace hotel of the National pital. Oinvenii 'iilly located and accs^i'de all tiie street car liiies of the city. Open all e yeat. O. G. 8TAPLKS, PKOPKIETOK, tateof the Thousand Island H«u*e. ARCUS' GERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IN-- RE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. The best Tonic, in the world, JPsi ni in Pint and Quart Bottles. f. MARCUS, Patentee. Chas. Stolzman, BAKES I COPiCTIQlf! Gill**' Block, Nctr Iron Bridge, f McHenry, • III. ~ Fresh Bread, Cake% Pies, Coitos, Etc. Always on hand. Eot Tea and Coffee at all Honrs. Having had an experience of many years in the Bakery business I am confident lean please asy customers. Call and see me. Chas. Stolzman. McHenry, April I5ih, 1484. Still Out of the Ark of Safety. W»ny of you Are. vAzmm TO LIFE & PROPERTY Tlesel yon on every hand. The mutter of - |ke slvcoon,|sickloon, saloon, cyclone, tornado, Jfrindstorin, or whatever name may be given A, is heard in some section of the connt^jr nearly every day. The Fire Fiend • Hay break out at any moment--the economy Of a life tune be consumed. Doath must come |o nil. By a small payment each year you can , 'iacure to yourself a fortune, should you live. Or, in the eveniof death before the time ex. wires, vour fnmiiy is provided for. $l50,0Qn,unn represented by this agency. Our rales are is low as experience has found to be sate. , •]: : '- |fou will save money by insuring with me. ' tieneisl Insur.ini'e, Life, Fire, -Lightning nd Tornado a specialty. Thanking all ray iends tor their liberal patronage, ami h<fp- g, by square dealing, to merit a continuance Of the same, I bus to subscribe myself, Respectful I v yours, C. 1L XOUEl'. McHenry, IIL. June 11, M83. Horsemen, Attention ! AII lovers ot fine Horses are respectfully invited to call at my farm, half a mile west o'f McHenry, on the Woodstock road, and see iny flne Mnfjtsu and Draft Horses. I have a Perclieron Norman Draft Colt that is hard to beat. Call and see him. 4^N) business done on Sunday. X S. COLBY. Mclienry, May 1st, 1833. C. N. CULVER, iUCTIOffiBl Richmond. Illinois. Sales of Stock, Fjirminir Tools and Goods ot :ill kiius attended to on the most Reasonable Terms and satisfaction guaranteed. JKost Office address, r HICM1MOXD, Il^p. WPWill atfnd sales and furnish printing and advert ising as cheap as can be procured elsswhere iu the 'ounty. EOBSET C. SEMETT, liREEDI.lt OK -- Littlt Braliia TFtyWTMy KICH3IOND, ILU (FIBUT Pit KM 11" M \ V McllKKKT OOIMV FJkllt.) My fowl's ar« of the celebrmed "IHTKK ,OJE; VO:'{l\ MVMin, rctn irkable l'nr tlieir grivji si/.e and laving <]ii:ililifS. I can show a I rio of l a s t s e s a < > n ' s c h i c k s w e i ^ h i n ^ 3 1 I I J I I I P U . uer scifing if thtrtteu. fl.Si, delivered fo purclwxer in Richmond. Mii^pel, seeur cly liacked. UOllEUT C. HE.\ SKTT. WM. H COWLIN [8rCOK880K TO *. M. CMITII1 KItl U. S: WAR CLAIM SOLICIT03 AKD ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Prosecutes pensioi or any oilier claims against the government, relating to the Inc. •r former wais. Complicated cases ami re jected claims made a specialty. If stamps are enclosed for re>)ly, all £<'«inuuinicatloua will be promptly answered. Offlet at Residence, MADISON' ST., WOODSTOCK. ILL. References by permission as regards char acter , bus iness 'ab i l i ty , re l iab i l i ty , Ac. , &c : John A. Logan, U- *. Senator, Cliica^o, Illinois. lien. J.C. Smith, <tstc Treasurer ef Illinois. Hon.lt Ell wood, M. C. 5th 111. Disl., Syc amore, III. Hon. John C. Sherwin. ex-M. C. 5th 111. Dist., Aurora, III Hon. A. M. Jonc, IT. S. Marshal, Chicago, .111 Col. Jas. A. sexton. Pres. Union Veteran Club. Chicago, 111. Je.-se A. Baldwin, Ass't U. S. Attorney, Chi cago, III. Messrs. ^clz, Schwab A Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealers'. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and home refercn. res. Chancery.--Woodstock, III. S. F. hESNETT, M. D. liHYSIClAV AND SUKGKOX. Also United I Stat Illinois. A. 9. CHILD*, M P., HOMEOVATIUC PHYSICIAN AtfD ti EON, West McHenry, III. premptly attended to, day or night. DR. C. H. WKI.l.S. PHYSICIAN AND srittiEON, Lake Co., III. All cftlls prmi ed, day or ni^ht. Office, ou Main St.j east of Barker's harness chop. -> •; Waueonda, All cfitU jirmnptly attend - Mail H. K. JOHXSOX'* CO., . ; SotICITORS of r atsnts, 1005 T St., X. W • Washington, D.'t). Rr.frKKENCKs.-- lion. J. A. Logan, Hon. W. U. Allis.m, Hon. I). C. Smith, I 'ekin, M. ; E. stone. editor Chicago .Veit'*, Farmtrft Review, Chicago. Send tor instriiceions. v AXTOXY EXGE1 X, SAT.OOX ar.d Itestaurant, Buck's oid stand McHenry, 111.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, sitir Mash, Wines^ Cigars, etc., always on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. A. M. CHURCH, Wntoltmalcet* ua<l .Jeweler N'O. 33 FIFTH AVE., ChiMsro, 111. Special attention given to r<n*aivin5 Fine watch in his line N attentii>ngi\en to r<^*aiVin5 F 1 anJ CliriHioiiK ters. J ®#"A Full ASbortiuenyof Goods WBM AI 11*^1, at the old J aland, op|H»-itt Bishop's mill, McHenry. 111. The choicest Wines, I.Ujuors and Cisrars to he fuiind in the county. W'uriii or cold meals on shoi 1 on application. GOOD STA^ilNG FOH HOUSES. : C; SMITH, ' BOOT and SHOEMAKER, Blocks Three Doors W$|| of Riverside Hotite, Mollottr^ . IlinoiM Darffains in noo^ Md Shee*, for Cash. Odd and Peculiar si«*jiHWavs oh hand tor those who have dispropnV inne'd feet. SiaiiKhlerinK prices for Cash, l.a ' .ies and (ienls FINE BO&S & SHOES A Specialty. Re and satisfaction (i n? promptly attended to *"tced, i. G. SMITII. McTlenry, III., MaQ^ |, Culver House, RICHMOND. ILL C; OUt.VIiH, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVIXi recently purchased the above House, I liavs put it in tlinrouirh repair, with new furniture throu 1I10111, ami would res;u»ctt 'ully invite the pairotrige 0fthetr.1v. ellnsr pntilic and ot hern. The lable't will al- wsv< lie provided with the best Hint can t>e procp-od, and polite and attentive waiter* will !><* in readiue-s at all times to attend to the \v;int* of tmesis. Xo pains w ill be spared to make tin* a First Class Hint<e. Large and cfimino lions barns on the premises. Free Omni Inn to and from* II. trains. ' Smnpie Rooms on llrst lloer. Engeln, ALSO--- •' CENSRAL MER0%n#; And Dealer in A!) Kin Is of O U O C E K I E S , Farm lltirilw.nv, I'ockot Cnt!<*i*y, Sportin/*' (rooils, Kishin<r .Tackle (i mi Matcriul, Mnsiciil Instru ments, Tobacco, Cigars, etc., etc. Near River liridgc, Mc- M km Hardwais, LumlMfr, Fence P In short, in the above which we are in«r public as house in this S3,' Tinwara, aeloti, Coal etc Jccep everything tficntioneil lines, Je in» to the buy- hoaj> as any other "^lon. Cull anV !»4o<» us. JOBBING fe'RKPAIRINO TUOMI'TLT ATTENDED TO. HI-:L3|,;& PETER, Algonquin, K ir . 1884, t alters 5 ' , 4I HEAD m If R. W Hi HTM AX, l i t c l a s s i i K s , w i t h o rroprietor. First without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. 'Teaming ot all !>iuds done on short notice. TEE CHICAGO O. W. ()WE,\ DEALER IX Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. I keep in stock the celebrated Sprinjrfleld Watch, which is pronouueed by all to be the best watch now on the market. * Will not be Undersold On any goods in my line. McHenry, Feb. 20. 18SS. O. IT. OW£X. CONTINENTAL WOOF OINTMENT, CURES Cracked Hoofs, Sprains, SCRATCHES AND SORES IX HO stSES, CATTLE & SHEEP. y* sk your Storekeeper for it or writt dii set to the Manufacturer*. AMERICAN LUBBICATIIFGFOIL CO.. CLEVELAND - - - OHIO. FOR SALE IN McIIENRY B Y COLBY. Ilnrinsf receutlr fitted lip oiir -ti 'iji |u«'ar the ltri<ltre,-we arc now prepared to tuinisli our ciivioinors with M ai Salt Meats, OF AI.L KIXDS, Sausage, Smoked Meats, &c., -AT THE-- e> __ Lowewt Living I'rices, We buy none but the best ot Meiitsi ami flatter ourselves that wc can offer our cus tomers meats m uuttur shape than any ether si <>)> in this hectiou. Tlianktiil for past favors we sulicit a con- tilliiHii^eof tlic suine, and wu will guarantee to satistv y3u both in quality uuri price. A M FRETT. McHenry, III., March 17th, 1884. Eggs! Eggs Full Bio6d Eggs tm ng. TRUCK^ AIV ' all kiurts et Tehielec, at J.W. GitfulOLBY'S I t 1 1 1 . I will not be undersold, uatfrial »uil Workmanship considered. General Blacksmithing, And Repairing of uU kinds, in both Wood and Iron. Yirstchiss -workmen.employed and Satisfaclion Guaranteed. 4. W.GRIMOLBY. Rinjwood, M-ircli lit :i, ISSi. • The undersiKned wilj furnish from .I 'ure llreti Fowls at the following I'rices: Black L Hrmvii Wliit« ** " C... Wy amlotts... . Black J 1 va* l.f>0 for 13 Eg{f« 1.50 for 1.1 1.50 for 13 Kjftffc 3.00 for 13^.41^ •2 00 for 13 Li^lit liralumts ^2.00 for 13 (ioiden Spang1(J Polish 2 00 for 13 Black Tartar Games.. 2.50 for 13 Plymouth Kocks. ..... 1.50 for 13 l'ukin Duck* .1.011 for 9 Eggs The Hliove are Prices for Kggs Delivered at my place. > C- W. PRATT. W A17 COX OA, ILL" Wanconda, III., Earch !th, 1H8I, DON'T YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, --or-- Woodotpcki - - Illinois. n.ickcd l>v Millions of monev otTea vou IXDEMXITY against* damage hj- * Fire. Wightning, Wind Stornrtwf CYCLOPES AXD \TORNADOE8. Drop uie a postal card anil will visit you; call on me and I will write you a policy,"ami w.ien either or any of those" destructive elo. inent< devast".tcs your property, happy will you be if you ludd 'one of my policies, ' for I Will surety visit you, ami minister unto you. I,will not 'forsake you. AHA M\ sifrrn, (ri'ii'l hitiirmice Aff'i. Strlotlr tuieulorcd Japan Tea only 50 to titt ceuw »t Boitolett btoflttl Co F. S. HAREISQFS DEATH SjkfURAI.LT CAUSE A CHANGE IX THE Waueonda Drug Store AND BOOK HAUNT. A change in the ownership of the drug store has actually occurred, but Or. Ilarrison still lives, and, in fact, is in unusually good health, 'l ' lic same ceiiilitiou ot .uf.nio happily e\iMs at the W. 1>. >. A it, li. It lives as usual, only rather more so. 1 shall aim-to keep the same general line of Drugs, Music, liuoks, *la- liencry, etc., at .formerly, to keep the best of everything, and to give a sijuare, honest deal every time. 1 Miali grailuaily in<-lease the stocji and shall l*e gUii to supply any article in my line which 1 may not have'at tue lime, but wtiieh my custoiners may desire. 1 have just purchased u good variety of lirst-class Shear's, Scissors and (Jutiery. Pocket I guarantee satisfaction in these goods and invite examination. 1 Dave also, gone into WALL PAPER. I *)clteT« I vkall be able to shew the best and greatest -variety Iti town, f Int-lte com- pari'on and a share of tHo trade. Also No. 'i is st a stock of Easier Egg Dyes, nnd a new stock of Dulls, Doll Heads, Scrap Ponii*. "cr.ip Pictures Reward ot Merit Cards and Birthday Cards that are siniplv eleirant. I hi'.ve enraged the services of Mr. Lee An- druss, and hv close attention to business and the wants of the community, I hope to receive a generous share ot your patronage during the coini.ig' 'car. Trusting.the citizens of Waueonda will call and sec the improvements we are making, and -wishing them all (including the subscrib- er) a l rosperous season, I remain. Yours truly. JOHN HUMPHREY. Waueonda, III., March 20th, 1881. Wc have the finest assortment of T.iees and Etnbreiileries ever shown in lliis niiitket. Call aud se« theiu at lie wry Colby's, HEAitgr ARTBits GRAND ARMT <»F TUK i ItKl'l BMC, l>KfT. OK lLI.tNOt#. f Office of Assistant ArHutanl tfenerul, 81 Clark Utreet, Chic igo, April Uh, iss:{. (iKNKRAL ORDEK XO. 6, •ri I . Pursuant to General Onler No. 9. lleailqiiatieri Gram] Army of thfr Ke- publio, an Inspection of ;he posts of tills Department will be mniile ilurinjr the mouths of April am! May. • li, Tlie following named comrades *re appointetl Assistant Int«peetn/« and assigned to the duty ol inspecting the l>'»sta following their respective names. Comrade A. V, Richards, Freepdrt :1« 98,164,1>J0, 25S, 315, 330, 3G5. Comrade J. M, I.iun, Harvard: 108, 191,215,220,280,314, Comrade A. F. Waicott, Chicago: 5,9 28. 40, 50, 91, 109, 275. 276, 308, 376, 425. Comrades. A. Oliver, JoHet:0, 17, 329,401. Comrade Q*». L. James, Gllman: 85, 18G. 361.416. • - Comrade J. Tl, Madden, Danville: 77, 115,184, 204, 277, 335, 352, 357. 384, 413. Comrade E, J. Heller, Urbatia: 12!^ 140, 220, 253, 263, 282,287,300,317, 322] 334,372. Comrade Horace Citapln,Springfield: 30, 71. 200, 20.). 350, 3G7. 38!), 402. Comrade John II. Seuseman, Olney: 5)2.218.222,252,209. Comrade John Broqks, Casejr: 100. 119. 139, 214, 229, 241, 257, 272, 336. Comrade T. N. Hrovvnmg, Kobinsou: 148,152, 171, 175, 199, 235, 254, 307. Comrade S. Parks. DuQuoin: 106,210. 259, 205, 341. Comrade W. G. McClellan, Macomb: 103, Comrade Rowley Page, Galesburg: 33,45,, 330. Comrade A,C. Grout, Moline: 243", 3-12, iC§, 385.', 394, Comrade C. J. Tockey, Mendeta: 66, 135,143, 198, 242, 2S4. 319. Comrade G. C. Spooner, Batarla: 20» .48, 49. CO, 120, 3SG. Comrade E. E. liale. dtreator:66,150, 223, 232. 247. (/'ouirade John MeXultn, Bloomington: 140. 105. 108. 173. 180.230. 240.320, 300. Com!mle John Virgin, Fairbury: 75. 105, 114, 185. 192. 38y, Comrade S. A. Harper, Peoria:67,117. 153, 250, 261, 204. Comrade U', S^.^allioun, (jllnton: 147, IJMI Mi liUfti • s wl(t.iiM*Ii* t 'uinr;t'ii ' .Itiitu \\ . fiurst. Sycamore: 12. J18. 124, 273. 283, 2U0.300.395, 398. Comrade .James Jl, Morris, Bradford: 37,90.327,371. Comrade J. D. Rotli, Kokotnie: 236. 200. 370. 403. Tim iiiApretfon of Posts in Decatur ami vic'nity wil! ho under the iuiuiedi^ ate charge of the Inspector. ill. Posts not mentioned in the pre- ceding section will be inspected by the Senior Pa«t Post Commander, or if I here in no Past Commaiiiior, by a com rade detailed lor the purpose by the Post Commander. iv. In pursuance «f tlie nctien of the last National Encampment, new forms for Inspection Reports have been pre pared and will bo mailed to Post Com- ntauders and Assistant Inspectors. Old forma should be destroyed. A new service for the formal Inspec tion of Posts has been prepared and wii'l be gent to Assistant Inspectors and Post Commanders. Reports will be forwarded to Com rade Geo. li. Steele, Inspector, Decatur, Illinois, ou or before June 1st. v. Complete reports for first quarter 1884, were received up to April 2nd, from tiie following Posts in tlie otder nainec': 17. 200. 71, 180, 1S1, 40, 85, 81, 131.222,364.237, 183, 215. 151, 330, 129, 310, 238, 250, 285, 263, 68, 119,284.379, 135. vi. The proceedings, findings, and sentence of Post Court-Martial of Post 233, Quinc.y, in the case of T. F. M. Kay are approved, and said Kay is hereby dishonorably discharged from tho orde:^ Comrade Kay was found 'gujUy ot fraudulently changing an order on (lie Post Quarjermaster. VII, sa . In another month it will be tlw* begin advertising Northern Rummer resorts, and we take this early oppor tunity to ask a great favor on behalfof the whole American nation. We sin cerely hope that some one hotel man out. of the 10,000 inny comei out with an honest statement of facts, So far as the resorts of Michigan and Wisconsin go, we hope to see an adtertisemont about as follows: ' ' "This hotel oan accommodate about seventy Ave guests inn decent maimer. Any one evrr this number can expect to sleep OH the porch. Our rooms are furnished with clieajp furniture, poor carpets, and bedding of the most «oit>- mon sort, Any one of our mattresses is warranted solid enough to auswer for a meat block. "This hotel is not romantically situ ated. In fact the sight is the poorest in the neighborhood ;but we were look ing for laud at $2 per acre when we bought. The views from ttie verandas and windows are somewhat picturesque when not Interfered with by windfalls swamps and brush-heaps. "We have flies and mosquitoes in plenty, and we neither use fiy screen* nor mosquito bars. "There is good rowing, bathing and fi&htng. The rowing consists in poling an old scow up and down, the bathing ground lias a mud bottom, and when you catch a ftsh please let us know. Minnows furnished free to guests. Which means tweuty-tlva cents per dozen. "The climate Is salubrious. We don't know what salubrious means, but wc have lots of rain, plenty of north winds and very romantic fogs at night. Fires extra. We never knew of any one dy ing here, but perhaps that is because we promptly ship all sick folks homo before they have a chance to die. "Tho table of this house is supplied with very poor meat, Chicago butterine a fair grade of potatoes, adulterated coRee. poor tea, second class bread and the usual assortment of pickles and nauces. Children eating at first table will be clu.rged full price* Ail meals scut to room> will be extra. "Washing-lists will be furnished at the office, but the proprietor rather recommends you to go over to the swamp and wash your own shirts If you want extra nice work. John's River the proprietor asked m« in to play a game of pool one^r day, while we were avraltin; tlie arrival of ; a party.of geulimen who were to JoI» \ us from Jacksonville. The laifllortl tossed me a cue, and a? I applied tho^ chalk I notii-ed that the cue was peculi- | arly heavy and had the appearaqeo of; polished ivory. He used a cue of sim- j ilar pattern, hut the others fn the rock ; were qui te ordinary. The covering of the table also attracted my attention. Instead of the usual green b iize it : looked like a peculiar species of ft smoothly-tanned leather of a dark gray color, . . -V v - . % "What is this coror auido off* II inquired. »'• . . "That ?" replied the Southerner. < "why, that's a piece of catffisii* skiav i it makes the finest cover in the woridf wlits n it 's nicely tanned and st retched.** "You don't mean to say you got that ofi of one fish ?" i said incredulously, as 1 fnilei to discover a single flaw or sea in iu the cover. **Oh, yes; that isn't all, either. Ther« was enough leftover to make a tine pair of water proof over* alls. Yes, sir, I caught that fish a year ago last summer about a mile below Cypress Point, in the St. John's River. We had to harpoon him and land him by means of a flat boat and a block and tackle. Perhaps you have noticed tho peculiarity of these cues, too. Tliey werfe made from the horn* of that same catfish.' ' s "And these balls," added the ffshefr* man. as he emptied the fit teen colored balls from a wicker basket and arranged them for the game, "are another pr#*»j duct of tlie same catch." f " I I i n t h e w o r l d P " 1 a s k e d , t r y i n g to look serious. "Well, sir. you may not believe it, but I sent fifteen of that fell's teeth up to a shop in Jacksonville and had them made into balls on a turning lathe."-- [-l'i Angler, in the Philadelphia 1 itnet. Silk Culture in America. Recently, the ladies composing th* women's silk culture association of Philadelphia, held their annual exhib* i ton. and tlie progress noted in tliio nusual and delicate branch of industry J. R. White, of liloomlngton, desires the address of Thus. W. FUra, Co. K. 39th III.; E. S. Beck. 135 E.4th Street, St. Paul, desires the address of Christian Voiglit. 7th Mich. Inft., or any news of him. • f John Stark, Hiverton. Sangamon Co.. desires the address of Jonasrfeely, Co. C, 16th III. Cav, L. F. Ambrose. Center Point. Ind., desires the address of James Hillis, Go. G, 46th Wis. Vols. . By Command of L. T. DTCKASOK, Department Couiuinn<ler. j'm ttMIKETT. J®-On Saturday, March 22d, a pack age of bopi! money, represent ing $2,- 690, was iv calved by Treasurer Wyman for redomption. It was the property of Thomas Downing a quarryman. liv ing near Menvsha, VVis.. and represent ed tlie savings of'twenty-three years of hard work. II is cabin was destroyed by tire March 6, and witti all his money, which was in the form of greenbacks and national bank notes, Tho charred rumaines of the money were submitted to the examination of a committee of Treasury experts, and all the lesral tender notes, to the amount of 31.950 itidentitied. They'were redeemed at once. The remainder will be trans mitted to the banks o** issue for tlieir action, ami the result will be that the entire amount of money will i»e re stored to its owner. This Is only one ot uianv calvs of this kind aotul up-Mi by the Treasury. for women w»s vepjj; remarkable. lr ^ : ||.»L i'e&. 'WiiIta the teittiis thaV seeiff^grr^htfttlon the Inil to you, you must remember that we must make enough here in threo months to allow us to live nabobs the rest of tho year. "Any one who may object to leaving a good home, pure air. plenty to eat, and a first-dass b*d for the sake of en joying my privileges, mentioned above. should at once consult an eminent phy sician. It is tlie eminent physicians who recommend my hotel."--Detroit tree Press. A Great Gun Cant. The largest gun ever made in . this country was cast, yesterday at the South lioston Iron Works. The work was douet iu a pit forty feet deep and about twelve feel wide, in which had been placed a mold about four feet iu diameter. In the interior of this wold was placed the core, consisting of a long wrought-iron flue, around which was placed a layer of rope, and over this a thickness of sand and cement, inlo the interior of this core, during the casting,cold water was run In by a pipe down one side, and forced out boiling hot on the other side. Near tlie pit were located three furnaces, each ot which contained about thirty- six tons of molten iron. Connected with each of the furr.acos were long troughs for^the conveyances of the hot metal to a large iron tank a few feet from the pit, known :ts tho pool or mixer, and from which two short troughs run into the mold. At about 4:30 tlie foreman gave the signal to let the mass run, and immediately there was a flew of fiery liquid from each of the furnaces. It t*>ok twenty four min utes to fill tlie mold to the brim and those In charge announce ! 'that, as far as it has gone, tin casting ha 1 been very satisfactory. While the ir»n i» cooling, the^streaiii of c-d I w iter will be kept ru ining through the core, and a wood tire will be kept burning out side and all around the flask. The core will be removed as soon as the iron is cooled 6iifficieutly, and tlie latter will probably be in a condition to be work ed upon by Tuesday. The casting-was made with the breech tip, and, in order that the gun may be perfectly strong, the mold is constructed about live feet longer tha:i what tlto g'i i is inten led to be originally.and the part not want ed cut oft. When completed it will be about thirty feet.in length, of twelve- inch rille. weighing 212,000 pounds, and worth 32^,0v/0, about half the sum a steel guu would have c ist. It is calcu lated to throw a projectile si^ miles -• Boston Transcript. ,$fa ny ladies admire gray hair--not so other persons. But tew care to try "is ellect <»!i their own charms. Xor need they. Since Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents the haii from turning gray, and restores gray'hair to' its original color. It cleanses th«. prevents the forniution ot dandruff. Iwid wonder fully stimulate* the growth of the hair. lOV poends strictlv i>ure C §1 at iiouislcu & StolkTi. t w e n t y - s i x , from four states; on the second occasion the number was thirty- three from eleven states: thi» year there were seventy-seven competitors, from twenty states. It is but fair to assume that the growth of silk cuiture Is to be measured by these figures, and the astonishing development of this industry in tlie last three years Is, In deed. wonderful. The culture , of silk is by no means new iu America, for President W&hingon, in his diary of a lour in the east, notes the existence of a cocoonery iu Hartford, whieh he ex amined with great interest, but It haa never become very widely followed, and the idea of the association to put the delicate work required into th«^ haiuis of women is au excellent otie% {S^rllow completely the Deinocratio pary remains under the dominion of the Southern element in it has been shown in the present Congress in tho election of a Speaker, and in other ways. Another evldeuce of that con trol was furnished the other day by the passage in tlie Committee ot* the Whole, iu tlie House, of a bill to pay certain rebel wa§ claims, of twenty- three years standing. The amouot. involved at this tiuio is not large; but the justice of such claims once admit ted there Is no telling, if the Demo? crats, should come into full power at Washington, where the end might bo. The claims favorably considered were rejected by a Republican ilouso and were reported adversely by a com mittee of ten present House. Tho majority in favor in paying them wa« small, only the, but it was large enough to revive the hopes of iuau^ sytbet- disloyal claimants. $3rU ni versa! sympathy Is i ed lor Ex-President Grant in the tluaa- ciai ditliculty In which he has become involved, by which he lias become the innocent victhn of the inexcusably rash ami even criminal speculation* ef others There seems no question but that his property ao l that of l(ls wife is entirely swept away. There is. how* ever, a fund of 3250,000 which wa* raised for his beuiit years ago, an<( which is said to be safety invested, ho having control of only t(io income from it. Senator Edmunds has Intro duced a bill in Congress to restore hiu| to the rank and pay in tlie ariuy which lie had before he beeema President, and place him on the retired fist, and the desire is unanimously expressed that the bill shonhr pass. Sucii actitm ou the part of Congress would see>n l<» be simply an act of justice. Had not tiie country called General Grant to the Presidents chair, he would now b* iu# the enjoyment of tho rank and pay which this bill proposes to restore to him. Moreover. It would be hut» small return fur the benefit the nation has received from hit service* In Id* army. - ~ . -- . We have ju»t received so tie J<3r8eyi| Call aud acc Uitui at 11, Colby's, ...:J , ,!