.-sr- ^ . • v.- *•. , - •> / '• . Mi iMii >f. v fcfc ft v w*, % • I:- 5\ ' Thm 1-atPnt Game of the Confidence (ianc. The average man !« more or les* oreduleu*. a* Is pvldeneetl Ky the KIIC- ccFpfnl career of numerous -bands of bunko operators Hiat Infest, our large cities, aw! It wouHl appear that many •f th« large banking .establishments throughout the country are also af flicted with a . 'degree of credulity that for Us verdancy is really refresh ing. An enterprising" fndlvduai. re alizing that a confident air and plaus ible story are In most Instances / the only requtisite necessary to insure a profitable return, has devised * scheme by which he has managed to - secure a considerable sum of money from a number of well-regulated .bank ing establishments scattered here auil there through the country. Represent ing himself as an agent of the Treasury Department sent out for the purpose of ascertaining the-'amount of counter feit money in circulation, tliis self- delegated protector and purifier of the national currency presents himself at a bank and with a document highly and --graphically ornamented \vith sealing, wax, which lie conspicuously and ostentatiously exhibits as his warrant of authority, whispers intQ the eaf of tlie awed bank cashier that it has come to the knowledge' af the government that the banking bonfee of jaliich tbe aforesaid cashier is ft brilliant orna- aent is engaged, prehaps unknbwing^y; in tile circulation of rountprfrvt money, and that it .has becotne. H'eces*ary in order to protect the government, tha the funds now on hand in ^he ba vaults be examined,' By thi»time t feeli ngsof.the bank cashier can be mere easily imagined than descritied. Thunderstruck and almost parlyzed, the cashier in many instances ha9 hot «r.ly given this bare-faced swindler access to the vaults, but on more than one occasion, as is reported, permitted him to carry away a no inconsiderable sum of currency, on the pretext that a mor* critical examination was neces sary in order to determine its genuine ness. It 1# needless to add that in an instance of this kind the; currency is" never returned. The geutleinaiPis still at large, and there is no telling, where lie may next turn up.-- Wmkington Dispatch to the CYerr.fand Lcidetr. ADVlCtC X'» MOTJirU.H. • Are ybu disturbed at night ind brok en i.f your rest bv a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once ami get a bottle of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is Incal- cularde. It will relieve the poor little sufterer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrho-a, regu lates ihe stomach and bowels, cure* wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation and gives tone and eu- v «rgv to the whole systf ni. Mrs. Wins^ lew's Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to tli? taste, and Is the prescription of nee of the oldest and be't female physicians and tuirses 1 ti the United States, and is for safe bv all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bott le. Wheat Wanted. AVTKI). at the Fox Tliver Valiev Mills, gooti Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash will be pahl. v It. T51SIIOP. McHenry, III., April 14th, 1R84. AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the diseases wliiett human suffering result from deraugefr? »^ the stomach, bowels.' and livers cm HC HUHlt of A YI:K'S CATHARTIC 1MLI.S act directly upon5 these organs, and are especially designed to cure the diseases caused by their derange ment, including Constipation, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, lleatlaclie, l>.vsoiitery, .and a host of other ailments, lor all of , which they aro a safe, sure, prompt, and jilc.-uam remedy. The extensive use of tUeso PILLS by eminent physicians in regular prac tice, shows unmistakably tlie estimation ill ' which tliey are held by tlie medical profes* •ion. These Pir.ts are compounded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free front .caioiuelor any other injurious iugredieuU A Sufferer from Headache writes: •'AYUR'S 1'II.I.S are invaluable to me, and aro my constant companion. 1 have been , a severe sufferer from Headache, and your • I 'n.i.s are tlie only thing I could' loos to • for relief. One d<ise will quickly move my bowels and free my head from pain. They are the most elective and the easiest physio I have ever found. It is a pleasure to ine to speak in their praise, and I always do so •Whou occasion oilers. W. I- l'A.iK,.bf W. 1.. Page & Bro." . franklin St., lUcliuiond,Ya., J une S, lt-i>2. "I have used A V ER'S PILLS in number- jess inst'inees as recomniruilcd by you, and • liave never known tliein to fail to accomplish?. the desired result. We constantly keep then* • on iiaud at our home, and pri/.e^ilieni as tcL 'pleasai.t, -saftvaiMl reliable family medicine, JfOli DljSl'KrsiA they are invaluable. . J. T. HAVES." ... Alexia, Texas, June I", 1882. : Tlie I5t:v. FK-VNCLS B. HAltMrt, \criting 'frtiil Af'tit i ' i i , says: "For some years past 1 have.iieen subject to .conjugation, inSm Which, in spite ot the use of iueUi-„ t ciin 'S.of various UiIKIS , 1 suU'emt increasing;,.; ' in'coi>veldeiie.e,--^i:it!l some months. ago I< beian takiii- " A v i:u'S l 'll.t.s. Tlfty havo-" entn-i.lv corrected the costive habit, and.- bavo jivstjy iuiproyed my general health." Ji v::.r.V't;.\ 'Vi5>RT|04 Pn.hS correct srregn- . Jari '^.-s' of .the bovrcls, stiniulate the ap)<o- tito r.r-'l -d-^estlow. and by their pronspt aud t lsi>n>i« j!i a-ct 'on give-tone and vigor to the whole vHi'sieal ee'onauiy. •pKF.iMur.n DT .Aycr&Co.,Lowe!!,l¥!ass. Sold by all Pruggists, * • • / . j • •1 RIVERSIDE All experience the vond'erfUl beiu tlc.al etlects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Children'with .core Eyes. Sore Pars, or any scrofnious or syph ilitic taint, may be made licaitliyVaJ strong by its use. Bold.by all Druggists; $1, si* bottles for ?5. YOUN'8, OLD, m MiODLE- AGEO. DKAI.EB IJT OF ALL KINDS. Store two doorsnouth & Owen. of " I liiiv^ one QTthe tararost stocks of Furniture .of all kinds to he found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing to buy will be sure to save money Jiv calling on tlie. CMcap & Nortatera R'y Co. ALBERT KEEP, Pres. • M. L. STKES, Vice Pres. orrras w>. ® WALL »T., NEW TORK. April 13th, 1884. t VNTAI, MEETING. Theanmia! meeting. J\ of the St'»ckhol'l(>rs an<l IV-ml holders'" nf the Chicago and \"<>rtInvestern IJaihray (I'om- pany, will be held at the Couipanv's ®ni?c in Chicago, HI., on Thursday, J tine 5ih, at 11*, m., for the election ot <iirector< ptir4uant to law. and for the t ran-sac ion of such (other business as shall eo::io be (ore said meeting, and to take action upon an «!rrfeine<iit ap proved by the directors and officers of the romjwnv "for the a<'<|uUition and owijcrsiiip of the leased lines in Iowa, to vvit: the Chi cago, toxraand Nebraska Itailroad, tlie;Cedar Itapids and Missouri River Railroad, arid the Maple ItiTtr Railnad. together with their tributary connections in Iowa and >Tel|ir if«ka, viz.: the Sioux City and Pacific Railroad, the Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri valley Rail- mad and the Missouri Vallev and Hl.-tir Rail way and Bridare Company at the ciossing of the Missouri Kiv.er. ; SPECIAL MEETING.-- A special meeting of thn ^toekhtibler- of the Chicago and North western Railwav Conijjany has been ordered by the Board of t)irectors pursunnt to the By- Laws, and will be held at the Company's o'f. lice in the city of Chicago, at II o'eloi k/.v. ' M„ on Tlmrsday, June 2tth, 1-^t, to authorize an increase of the common c ipitnl stock of the company, to l»e issued anil used iiv eych;w^e and'payment for the capital stocks of tlif (;lii- e-aRo, Iowa snd Nebraska Railroad, th« Cedar Rapids and Missouri River itailroad, aiid the Maple River Railroad, making ihe amoijint to which tt i-" proposed to increase the capital stock im,757,3iXJ in addition to the pile-sent capital stoc.h. * A LBERT K KEI-, M. L. S VKEB, Secretary. UNDERTAKING. I have 35 sizes aud styles of COFFINS AND CASKETS* Always on hand. I'keep a Hearse'of my own* which will he furnished at the most reasonably rates, - J. B. BLAKE. muntews in T. J. DACY, The "Boss" Machine Man, Is • \ . STILL ON DECK, WITH THE flXDST AfSoBI'MKXT OF Farm Machinery j And carriages ever seen in ^lo- • Henry county. His stock con sists in part of: All tha leading riding and walking plows. Kijrbt styles.harrows, 40 tolir. u>fclh, duplex, slantinir, reversible aint vibrsiti 'n^. Keystone 1? anil l(i inch itisc pulverizer. Challenge, Keyslmie ami A very-corn plant- •rs. Hay worth A Avery check rowers. Field rollers. Stalk cutters. Tijrer, Same*, Case, Thompson, Standard and Jefferson sulky cultivators. Milk wajtons, Lumber watrons, Wide tire truc.k wagons. Wide tire truck wheels. Car. riajfes, all styles. Road carts. "\ Heavy and light single and dotrble harness. One car each ot Glidiien ami Sterling barn wire. One car-binding twine for Deering and other binders.- • .v Farm bells, lour sizes. , *• ' Swill carts. For Coal and Wood --CAM. ON E. 11. HOWE £|>|>pO»ite Biisliop's Mill, Who lias a complete line of the best stoves in the market, as well as n large stock of Mm, Mail's Tools, TIM, COFFER & SHEET 1R0 WARE, i v . t" • ' • ' . BLOCK. McHENRY, ILL. IIr g-.i..- r _•» ' 'r?rt -;-s f -"v.'.' < ,• " LARGEST i CLEANEST -^STOCKS OF- In McHenry Co. A-- IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, ^ £ I S F 0 1 t M £ . Y X . O W , SOLICITED -AND- Satisfaction HENRY COLBY, MCHEKRY* 111., February 11, 1884. This Space Belongs to F.G.MAYES. •P And, in £a<*.t, everything in the hardware starts aod tin line. ' TIE WILL yOT JiE I'XDERSOLD. Call at his store before bnyii 'H elsewhere. Jobbing and repairing |>romptly attended t«. atf-Reineuilier, extra goixl bargains can Hi. •wayjj lie obtained at Howe's. Mcllenry, Uec. l, IS83. . Five styles hay carriers, whiah weare tw*. *are<l to put up for those wtm^ive early if* 3 (irindinzand |>uinpin.': wind mills. Iron and wood pumps f».r we!la of any depth, llrive wellH a speciultjr. i . l»"»erin{T 1 wine binders. . IJeeringOft mowers. .Standard and. crown oners. Johnston reapers aud mowers. Keystone liny loaders. Hoilin^sworth, tijrer, Furst & liradley, rcin- and advance liay rakes, * <1 se rape iv. ato planters and diggers, rn slielb-rs. rdeu puirttis. latfoi in and y tedders. keve feed jrrindcrs. > & Nie.hols and Shepherd (team and power threshers. Ire stietcliers, fonr kinds. ive to»th cultivators. and double sho»ei plows and J1 IJi e uW for the spring'and summer trade of 1884. :,'^i c. • r Xtf- ' •, . --'r . HALL. ,r The ftcfcnowled^d leader in pood oroods and low prices, and people are finding- it out. His prices tell his good* ure of the very best. His stock is lar«-e and his prices are way dawn below the high priced credit dealers. He can afford to do it as «ells for ifeash ordy. . ;s'-5<v;v ' : :-'-V . • < . -i.' Jmestown Worsted Dress Goods, 50 pieces )ust received. Everything new bright and attractive. ̂ Remnants cheap, C. F. Hall ̂ idai^yrour Go aud seo him. < rily cash store in Northern Illinois. The largest, the best filled. Size, 140 feet long and 22 feet wide, two stories hio-h and working for the people that PAY AS TiiEY GO. Not a dollar's worth goes out except for Hard Cash. I sell DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots & Shoes, Hats <& Caps, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c., And my prises will make it pay you to come forty miles to trade wfth me. 1 sell goods of the best quality aiid guarantee everything as represented. Head my price list and bring it, and rnake your fall purchases where your money will do you the most •good, Will your credit dealer make you the following prices? , nY ALL ODD8 frDESTEPglPPEB : mmoftp m THE WNW^ Let it be forever rcmenilieretl that the aio & Northwestern Railway - -. the h«st and shortest route t« twl frwm IChieaRo and Council li I tiffs (Omaha) and titat ywt i« preferred by all well posted travelen •P'hen passing tojor from r - California and Colorado, It also operates (he best route and the »hort linolhctween Chicago and St. Paul Minneapolis and DINING Best Print*. Finest Bleached Cotton . l!est Unbleached Cwtton Standard Ginghams No I Corsets .. Ac A Ticking Klcgnnl Uressrioad* . . 42 inch i;:;u-k Cashaterea' l)res* Drills Oamhrics Ladies' Fine llandkerrhi I and 10 cent bnrg.iins jn abumlanc (iood (:«ttoii$Cloth Ne 1 Denims llest l>eiHiiis tm;\'ls K.xtra Waler)»r»of ' adlet' Slippers, worth 7S ceuts... 4J*' cents 5 I « " isfs. 9 7 X .... 8 ...... 60 I* 5, 7, 9 A 1« . . . . . 50 « S e • in is 55 45 Ladies' shuea . ft 00 l.ndies' French Kid Shoes, line ' 2 00 Genls' Boots, C.ood ay® All kinds for men aud boys and only geed Good*. * Boys »mt« #2f0to 1S00 • Men's Suits 335 to 88 00 Clothinjr is our great specialtv, and we carry the finest Uock in Northern Illinois. Wo IIUT# the goods. . Jfo. l Raking Powder tt cants. Spi.-fs. w:i y (town . Sugar at Chicago cost add freight. 50 cent Tea..'..:... 44cents (Jood Tea ... 20, #>, 35 i. 40 '• Rest Uice 7 «« Hpst Keastcd Coffee...,'. }( •• |«i»od " " 10 A li % (Standard Rsisins 8 "• |No 1 Tobacco, Smoking 25 «• ' iFine-l'iit Tobacee..; 60 " j 1*1 njr Tciliarco .. 60 " I.ong lt«»x Matches ]0 «• |6-cent Box Matches .... 1 " . 10.cent Box Matches.... ,.... J •• Babbitt's saleralus 7 " Bost Soap. f •« Storo Polish t •« Milwaukee, LnOrosse, Hparta, Madison, Fort Howard (Green Bay), Wiseonsin, Winona, Owalonna, Munkato, asiun., Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Webster City, Algona, Clinten. Marslmlltown, Iowa, Freeport, Klgin, itock- ford, III., are among iis 8#U local auitious onjte lines. Arnongafowof the numerous points of au- lieriority, enjoyed by the |>a irons ot this road, pre its DAI t'OAClIES, which are ihe llnest ithat human art and ingenuity can create; its PALATIAL SLEKPING CAKS, WHICH ARE' models id eoinlort ami elegance; Its PALACK DUAAVING ROOM CAKS, which are unsure l»assen by any; and iLs widely cclebrr.ted NORTH-WESTERN CARS, The like of which are not run by any ether road anywhere. In' short, it ist 'asserted that IT IS TUB BEST E-Q'UU'PED ROAD IN THE WOULD. 5 f AH points of interest, North, Northwest and AVebt ot Chicago, imSinefs centres, summer resort*, nnd noted hunting and lisliinggrounds are accessible by tho various branches of this road. It owns and controls over 5,000 mile? oif road and has pver fonr hundred passenger con- dnctors Constantly caring for its millions of patrttns. • 'Ask vour ticket ngenis for tickets Tin this route, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. It rests .io more to travel on this route, that gives Crst-class accommodations, than it devs to ge by the poorly equipped rosds. For maps, descriptive circulars and sum. uier report papers-, or other information net obtainable at your local ticket office, write to the" . Gen'l Pass. Agent. C. & N. W. Railway, Chicago 111. Now I want to see vou nnd know that I can nmke it foi votiv interest to come, and will do itl Just come dnce and see. My <*oods aro * Bought antt Sole! for Cash Only. AND THAT Tells th.d Wiaols Story. I want the far-off trade that buy BIO BILLS, and to sue! I say, conic and see me, and it I can't save you money, will paj your expenses. I am pretting in l>» rgains every day, and ihey jf< a« bought, very cheap for cash. Yours tor good goods and low prices G. J^-SEXD YOU It ORDERS. A DUNDEE, !L JOHN I. STORY, One DtM^ West Df tho Riverside House, Has a complete lino of the best Stoves in the market, M well a® a large stock of THE GOLDEN STAR GASOLENE RANGES. Si pen or to all. Is rapidly su perseding Cook Stove.* and Ran ges tin- Slimmer rise, '('a)l-ar.d de**.them, Jonv I. STORY SJU.Ienry'April 1st. 18S3. T. J. DACY, Woodstock, III. Wheat .W.an W'AXTKH. at tlie Fox River Vallpy Mill?, ^ooil Milling W hfiit. tor wliicii t l»«s, jrk:«, ig £asli will be McDenty, Ill.^Aprll 14th, 1831. * ̂ ? PERRY & OWEN. General Merchants HEADQUARTERS FOR Clothing, Carpets, Wall Paper, Dress Goods, Domestics, Boots & Shoes Hats Caps, Trunks and Valises, aints and Oils, Mixed Paints, Groceries, Salt, etc. PERRY 6. OWEN. MECHANICS TOOLS. Lamps, Chandeliers, And in short, Everything in the Hardware,^Stove and Tin Line. He Will Hot be XJndorsold! CALL AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING: ELSEWHERE* Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. t5*F"REMEMBER, extra good bargains can always be obtained at MCHINBT III., Jan.tlat,IS84. lOHiV I. STORY' DO YOU WANT TO BUY- Sewing Machine? I lii»vp on Uftml awl am unllmpnt tho T^ow- pst pric.os, the D'>m»!«tie, KhlredKc, NBW llomc, StmnirilcUI, Now Anu-ricnn, anil Singer o w ins Mnchiin'8, an<l wMI not be unilcruolU by any ug<Mit in tho <*ou«tv. A JJO 'MI sinfjor Maclunn" for 20. warranted to ilo tin; work <if any Singer Mnchinu In tlie world. Call and see me. _ . o. w. OWEN. Mollenry, .FakaO, IKL Horse Shoeing;, General BlacksmitMng, WAGON AND P. HAUPERISCH, McHanry, lllimois, Would rcspoctfnlly inform hi* Pnstrtwi«r« nml tho i>n blic Konurally that I h> is now bct.tej than ever prepared lo<loall work in tits line. ItKPAIIJ II>G, Of till kinds on short notice. '49~Gire its'a CHII ami WE will pleaae you both in quality and price of work. P. HAUPERISCH. MtiHeaity,!!!!., Ang. 7th, 18«*. Bottom %nre9 Rtid. 1nt«et style# hanging lampt,' it Benslett, Stoftel A Uo.'i. DEALERS Furniture, OF ALL KINDS. SteossiloorWsst ofFostQlce, sNEAK THE DEPOT, WEST McEEHBY - ILL. We liKT««ne of the largest utockt sfPar. nitiire of all kiii'U to be feiinU in the and our prices will lie as LOW AS THE LOWEST. Wo keep none liut the heat and perseM wiMiinj; I. buy Furniture ofany.kiaU will' save money by fi*ing us a call. We also koe;i :i full line of 5»mples ef CARPETS, Ana run sell von «ne from ilie ckcapest pevude t« :t r.ru«srl.H, a* cheap as4aurkaa«» oiiisuleof CliieA^ro. (Jive in a e.ali Mid wu are sure we «aa aavo you niouej ou any ihmg in our line.] A full Assyriiiient «f C.. * KISS AMI) OA*. KKTS alway. on i»an«l." «*"A Hoarse Furnishnd at th# most Reasonable Rates. jrSTKNBROS. "McUenrr, NOT . 2sth, is;n. WOODSTOCK, ILL ' DKM.II 1H-- Breech and ^uzzld Lo?d'ng i>hoi Guns. Car|^<i««» Powder, Rnot. Caps.Wiids and fer sale. Fishing Tac kle cheap. Al. sindtof - Sporting fe- Oood<« AND KEPA1KING DONE. A good Rrecch l.oailinjr, Deuble Barreled Gun, Wiirr.'uiIfl Twist, if'21. Winchrfter ICifle, 7(5 mortal, 16 shot*, >25* Nickel I'laled « *h<»t lte»olver, $2 SU. •Sflf eoekiiit British Hull DojC I'isloHSOO. A good sin pie Barrel Ureoeh Leailinf, aiafle Gun, warranted, $5 M. I will undersell any hon>>e in the ceunty in Gun* and Sporting Goods. If you want a food gun it will pay yen to cull anil see we. 1 war* ruut every gun 1 stll. Clothes Wringers repaired tnd new Kolls put on. .Price p«t pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July 15th,IMS. Infants and Children What gives our Children rosy cheeks. What cures their fevers, makes them sleep; When Babiee fret, and err- by turns. What cures their colic, kills their werms. CutorUw What quickly cures Constipation. 8our Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : .- C»»torlaQ Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and Hall CutnHa. ----__ L " Caitorla <> so well adapted to Children that I recommend it a* superior to any medi* cioe known to me."--II. A. AtCIU, M.&4 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ITAURI ENT Aa absolnto core for Rlieu** I matiam. Sprains, Pais is tie Back. IJnras, Galls, 4fco. A^illkj •taatanDona Pain- reliefer. -afS-