Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1884, p. 4

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« "*- „ ,vt :K't<s' *$f ."' * " ' wz-4 < .*'«* 7 «>*-'$v; '*t-w . s-* Z* :>\ ' f + rt *'"• .V'" ̂ v^ 'V <£ T *;:;^r;:VT-"- ,-M ;^•• *' ~\-<'s / "^p^t ; * , , ,„, t . * , »», . ' .-I ' W , * 1"< , ' •*>*. V. >'*. v •»>"•> r > ; »- ' *-> vr *•• ;- ( V - ; . , , . > • , . | \ J> V, "^t, V '**>>» . «„* -~* ' . - t • At *•"•"" - • H * • *j -- . ' .*' *• / r "• >~ '"• • mmww>- J *1- *' ' * * - v* >*, . »» > • . . j» -«. •> w , ••. * **• , . , r ' . c5* . • '" aMe&tep. WEDNESDAY, MAY,88, 1884. J . VAN SLYKE. Kditor ? g>.. I ' ' r h i^t- Bapublican State Ticket *;• $w Par (Jowcrnor, RICHARD J. Oi.'J.ESBY. Of Logan _ County,.* for Licn/i'innt - , . , .- »;» r.**/r* . I- * of Cook Oo'tnt}/. P^V" Jrfef Seerct'iry of .<?•<*, u, v J5UEA721' A QEMBmi ' H of Lee County. ' For AiulUor, r- cjftu?r.£» p. &'H /{3iSfi2; ! o h'aiikikee Ooinii®. •*• » Jfyr 7Yeasurrr, "' : ' fAcon njms.% pf Cook County. \.:"m Attorn?}! <*enrril, ORUE IIVX1, Edgar County. . i(;;>;.'0i>ngres'3ional Ticket. • - » - » : • . f b r M r m h r r o f , < y n t / r c * * , « ; REVJIEX ELLWObD, K i, ' o/ DcKalb County. ifyrMembcr W< lie lionvd of JVju/ilizoiMtn, /" 'ir. & WILL /a yr%' , ' ' ,.• . •»/ Mclteiiry County. v of f»cc«5sfiil contradiction, that tli,ere tire a IniiuTreil men in every township who are just as competent, who would make jnct as efficient a clerk, and fill the position just as satisfnctorl!r to the people, »• the present incnimbent, and honest I J* believe tl»e editor of tlie Sentinel knows it. Bnt then, they would not belong to the Woodstock lling! Tliere'p the rub. There is more of the SentineVs slush of which we might speuk but we re­ frain. They claim that Mr, Hicliards has the county "almost unanimous."' Well, perhaps he has, but time will tell. We believe that the people are wide awake in this matter, ami unlike the Sentinel >ve believe they have intelli­ gence enough to see the duplicity be­ ing practiced by tills dirty King,'with headquarters, at Woodstock, and by their votes will honor that brave sol­ dier who done his whole duty on the battle field and - suffered in a rebel prison pen, W. 1*. MORSE, of Nur.da, by nominating nnd electing him to the ollice of Circuit Clerk. The Sentinel and the Circuit • Clerkship. Tl* Woodstock Sentinel of last week •fop* over ba llv. a>id after attempting to cover Mr. Morse over with its tlirty i slime, by damning him with faint ! pr:ii«e, say«: \ - • - ] It »l»o roirrets that Mr. Mono has Swiri in- ] doce l to become' »this fall, ai hi . , , . „, has mnnv friends who u-owM i.« RiiH to «ut>-|lns many friends than ho, lhe man that lias served his country faithfully and well for more than three years-- one of them in hell of rebel^hate --Andersonville wi»o is now THE RIGHT CANDIDATE* Editor Plaixdkaler;--In looking Aver your-columns of the 7th inst. ' the lirst thing therein that attracted my attention was an appeal of thirtyfive or forty citizens of Nunda endorsed by the Pi.aixdkai.kii , to the'voters of this County asking th*ir support in favor or tijie candidacy of their wo' tliy to.vns- niDii, W. P. Morse, for the Circuit Clerk­ ship,of this County. That appeal should be favorably responded to, for if Mr. Mors*; is ail that he is represented to be, there is no man in our County more worthy of the pliice nought for him by port Iiiui an<ler nliuost any otner oircumsUin- What othor circumstances, pray? Dare the Sentinel say that Mr. Morse lli not competent to fill the oiliee? That lie would n»t make a faithful and Efficient oflScer? Then what is the **©ther circumstances? Simply that h* does not belong to the Woodstock Ring. and being an honest, upright •nti, could not be manipulated by tl»is Corrupt>onbinalion, ehotild tlie people suffering fr<>m a partially crippled knee caused by'the tortures therein endured and ,yho lias for the last twenty years refused, ami docs still refuse, to prose­ cute his justly deserved pension claim while able to earn his bread otherwise, is a very rare specimen of the true elect him to the office wlnoh his friends | patriot, the true soldier, and the true. *«k for itim. As we said before, this Sent h war thglennonoldwarhorse Com­ bination had come to think they own the offices of the coumy and can ma­ nipulate them at their will, but the Wnr the people sat down o«* the . here • of Elmira at the last Conven­ tion should teach them a lesson. Again the Scnttnelznj*: If Mi'. More is justly entittcif to n pension". It is*'tut* t hai he owes himself ;»nil i ' . imily, tli .M he procure it nl •nee, an l it shotiM have Bo influence whiter or for or aj.unji him as a eenrtiilaie. i '-v' We have no doubt that when Nr. ) |orse wants any of the Senliners ad- Ulce as to what it is liis duty t* do, he Will call for It. That Mr. Morse done hU whole duty at the front, W^ile Others we might name were skulking •round a guttlers tent or in the rear of S baggage train, is a fact too well %nown to ncod rcp«*ating here. And If after suffering a year in those rebel Hells, Belle ls}e and Andersonville. he •eee fit to earn his own living without •sking the aid of the Government, we ' Consider It a praisworthy act, and not •ne to bar liini from 'any position which lie may honorably seek. In speaking of the salary question, the Sentinel say6 :: 'Now the L*lXini>k! mietit jnst as well hare toe^l the imrlc anl al»te<l that Mr. Morse's salary i« per year ami <l<>es not have to be on I uty liu t one hnlf of the time, as to try to ileccive iis roa<leti. Now let ns sec just how much the £laindealkk tried to "deceive pits readers." We spoke of a salary of from §900 to $1100 per year. When Mr. Horse went Into the service he had a ,MlarV of $G00. but by ability, close at­ tention to duty and hard -work he has tN>en promoted step by step, until he has finally reached a salarj ' of §1300. Will any candid man say that our state­ ment of 8900 to 81100 was not a fair jMrerage? Now will the editor of the Sentinel please *ktoe the mark'1 and own „ Hp that be is either too big a lunkhead to make- a fair average between six fuitl thirteen, or that he meant to do- 4eive Ills readers, knowing, as he did, nnlile man, a man who is worthy of the respect and support of all true Americans in-a superlative degroo. If Mr. Morse receives the nomination for the Circuit Clerkship nt the proper lime (and J do not see why he should not if not interfered with by the Wood stock-Wash'ington. ^wire-pullers, who helped to defeM an equally worthy sol­ dier and prisoner, en a formeroi-casion). I In'advauce promise him my humble but earnest support, and that of all of my family, and friends that I can influ­ ence to work with me at the polls in his behalf; and I sav further that I shall nefer support any man that works against him without showing ample cause, for 1 shall look on such a man as an tn^rate and traitor at heart, and en­ tirely unworthy of holding any office of trust in the Administration of the aflairs of the nation. In making these few rough but honest remarks in favor of.Mr. Morse I do not do so through any personal dislike to Mr. Richards, by any means, for he, too, has been a soldier, is a good citizen, a perfect gen­ tleman, ami an excellent public-officer, anrl would support him again under ordinary circumstances', as I have done before; but how 31 r. Richards lias be­ come one of ourWoodstock millionaires, an aristocrat, a money Joaner. He has just built himeelf a costly mansion (may he long enjoy it), he has a large income from his abstract office, and has enjoyed the beneSts of the Circuit Clerk's office for the last eight years; so every candid man must own up that it is nothing more t!inn simple justice on the part of Mr. R. to vacate the Circuit "Clerk's chaif In favor of a brother soldier, who is as deserving of. and lias suffered more for his country, than lie. Tbat Mr. Morse may oecupy the Circuit Clerk's chair for the coming eight years ijs the sincere wish of yours truly. \ Aw Irishman. Benoea, May 19th, isst. (bat all in the Postal Service have to Hotfimence at the bottom and work up. Kfe* think lie Ik troubled with both -fomplaiuts, lunkheadi*m and decep­ tion. He says Mr. Morse 'Moes not >i»a*e to be on duty but one-half the time." Now the editor of the S<wtinel Itnew that was a He when he wrote it. There is not a man in Mcllenry county, fuitslde of the mail service who is be t­ ter posted on lt% workings than the -«di|or of the Sentinel otrght to be. and we presume 's,and therefore knew that while he ia oil tlie road but half tlie time 'lie is obliged to spend nearly all of the other half at his desk, studying hard to keep himself posted on the changes that are daily 'occurring in the Mail Service. The Sentinel knew this, but they iKtped thereby to deceive the people. Why did they not call the at­ tention of "the Plaindkalku to the ' fact that we had under-estimated Mr. Richards' income from his Abstract liooki when we said $1500 to §2000,per 1 year, when it shqi/ld have been $2500 to #31,00? ' Oil consistency, thou ili t a jewoll," but a word not known ij the vocabulary of thb Woodstock jfiing. And again the Sentinel braces up j*nd mikes this statement: There is not one man in. a theusaml that ceuM erer fill the position iv* satisfactorily to the publican the present incumbent, mi l the e<titur »f the I ' laisdkai.ur in aware of the fact. The Pkaixdealer is aware ef no •uch tiling, because it is not a fact, but a ba»e slander upon tlie intelligence of the people of Mcllenry county. How do tire thirty-five hundred Republican voters of Mcllenry county like to-be » told that there are but three and one- half men in tiieir whole number who is competent to hold the office of Circuit Clerk? But that is just the estimate , put upon "your intelligence by the Sentinel, not only by their dayings . quoted above, hut by tlu'ir clK'c;k in Asking you to support Mr. -Richards' ' .for ft third term. We say, and without fear General Butler says there is no use of him putting himself formerly before tlto country as a Presidential candidate, but if anybody wants to vote for him he can do so. That's right, General; stand on your dignity, and wait around the corner until the couutry calls v«*u. A Lawyer's Oginjon of Inttreit J. A. Tawney. Esq,, a leading at inrney of Winona, A)lnn„ writes: "After rising It for more than three years, I take great pleasure in stating that I regarded Dr. King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption, as the beet remedy in the world for coughs, colds. It has never failed to euro the most severe colds I have had, and invaria­ bly relieves the pain in the chest," Trial bottles of this sure cure for all Throat and I.ung Diseases may be had free at Henry Colby's Drug Store, Large Size, 91 00. Baldness may be avoided by the use of Hall 's Hair Renewer, which prevents the falling out of the hair, and stimu­ lates It to renewed growth and luxu­ riance. It also restores faded or crray hair to its original dark color, and radically euros uearly every disease of the scalp. The Bradford Sulky Plow has a swivel Beam and no landside and has the foot lift that will draw easier than any other Sulky Plow made. Can handle it with two horses. THE WAUCONDA HUE ST01E --XMV-- BOOK HAUNT Is no* well supplied with a good vuriet}' of Popular Clisstp Shsst Music And Music Books, Consisting of low priced, but first class instruction tor, Organ Piano, Violin, etc. Instrumental Music T . ' *1 For Beginners, as well as more advanced. Handsomely bound volumes of Old and New Songs, aud au excellent collection o.f-the Old War 83?"P. T. Barnum said to a commit­ tee of business men who waited on him to induce him to \yrite a his;ory of his business experience and state some of the reasons of life wonderful success: "One thing 1 would-urge you. you don't advertise enough. You 'ought to in­ voke printer's ink every day. You are sleejvyand- want the business'to run Itself. Standing advertisements com­ mand confidence. 'J 'he man who for a year residi-s in a colhmunity and leads a reputable life, even though lie be of moderate ability, will grow In tlie con­ fidence and esteem of his fellows. On the same principle a newspaper adver­ tisement becomes familiar in the eyes of the readers. It may seldom be read still It makes the name aud business of a man familiar, and its presence in the columns of a paper in-pires confidence in tlie stability of the advertiser."' Which are ajr*in becoming very popular. In addition to this new class of music we keep constantly in stock the old Standard Gospel Hymns, SuncUy School Books, winners Guides, Etc. The usual line of ACCORDEONS, VIOLINS, Violin Fixtures, Flutes, Harmonicas, And other small instruments. Any Sheet Music dr other goods not in slock can be ordered and received usually by return mail. JOHN HUMPHREY. Wauconda, II!., May 28th, 1S84. PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The unilersixnp'l is prepare*] to do all jobt iti the line of Digying Wells, Repairing Pumpi, Cementing Wells, or will put in rr-\ * i f , t » • ' tf - Ij"8 • V"" T?"<r : , i* * *„ IJ , * ' ' " " TX- - * MS* t vt ^ '* . - 1 •> >* , -M i < v GOLD1NG WAUCONDA, ILL., CtU attention of customers to their attractive stock of fij. ..... • WX-: « - ~'k *A\ * SL-"a ' CO Ceen Caaa«d Goods for Sals ' 'Vvr: ' . Groceries, Boots aid Shoes, Etc., Etc.. Just opened at Veby Low Prices. The Best and Cheapest Dry Goods House in Lake County. f^TTall and see us, examine Goods and learn prices before purchasing. We can and * fi»ve you jponey. . ,;3 And tlie Highest Market Price Pni<l. Wauconda, May 20th, 1884. TT*- B O O T S A N D S H O E S ! My stock ofIton»motffbo4s is consisting of Boys* and Youth's FIET33 and STAPLB SHOES. In all . the latest styles. Women's, Misses', and Children's Fine Shoes, Walkiug Shoes, and Slippers. We make a specialty of Men's and Women's * Fine Shoes, Walking Shoes, and Slippers, Gents Fine Cal! Pegged, and Hand-Sewed French . Calf Morocco Legged Boots, Plow Boots & Shoes. -We have ^ Tremendous stock, much larger than ever before. These jjoods^were bouffbt tor t^ash, and will be sold for (Jash at a lKirtrjiin. We keep th< Sclz celebrrtted hand-made <ronds; also the licynolds Brothers, and other Standard makes. B.--House 1 blablnhed id 18G5 \ W. H. DWIGHT. Cor. Main St. and Public Square, Woodstock, III. New Pumps On short notice *n<l warrant aatisfnetion. In short will do all work in tliU line. Can turnigh you a.fiow I^tiinji, either wm! : ; or iron, wnrrante<l( as cheap as any other man, • ' Gobfl references furnished If desired. If you want, a Well Dujc, h Pump Repaired or'a new I'ump, give me a call. OS^Onlers bv mail vromi>tly attended to Post Office, Jehnsburgii, 111. L. BANTUS. Johnsburgh, III., May 25th, 1884. -enator SH«rinan. wiio can speak witli authority on such a subject, tlilnks i,hat llie tiiiauc-iai Hurry in Wall Street will, in sotuo respei-ts. prove l>ciiof!oial. l ie regards it merely a loenl result of over Kpeeulatiott, ami that tlie eflect will-be to tutn «urplu« capital into legitimate channels. Tliat will n* doubt ,"prove to be the outcome. In rogarjl to the coming political cam­ paign^ he thinks that the tariff will be the leading issue. It must not be for­ gotten that the course of the Demo­ crats In Congress on this suhjeat lias had much to do with the existing bus­ iness depression. 8£2TSome of Gen. Hancock's friends have put in circulation a document showing lliat lie received more votes In tlie Northern States than Tilden did hence that lie would be a much strong­ er man in 1 KM in those states than Til­ den and ought to be nominated by the |)i;mochu-y. The argument is plausi- jjlf, but iiPviTtheJcss Tilden can have the nomination if he wants it . E. LAWLUS KEEPS, KEERS, FQEEIQH AND DOMESTIC CLOTHS. Gents Furnishing Goods Ot all kinds. He also sells \j Boots and Sb.o@3 Below Chicago Prices. Call and see, in front of Kivekside Hotel, Mcllenry, Ills, E. Lawlus. AfX? Fitzsimmons & Evanson's, IS CanaChtrriea. 1'J. •• tioosebejrios. 10 •' Tomatces. 10 " Peaches. 10 " Strawberries, fll * Corn. 4 " Grsen Apples. 17. Pounds Sugar. 6 • - " Teu. SO Bars Soap. 15 Pounds Siiletatus. M '• Whiteflsh. » " CodtisG. 12 '* Iti j- ' 20 Yarrt s Prints, afc. New and Stylish Good$ ReeeiTeddaily^. We mean to sell a few goods while we stay here, " 1 Mwiiiftpiiees yory moderate t'oi iu>fe-clats» goods. Suits Mad© to Order, FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. IN. R. O. HILL, Wan con (la, - Illinois, " -- DBILERLLF-- Agricultural Implements OI ALL KINDS. We keep a fnll lir»s of Farm Machmarf of the best manufactured and sell at BED HOCK PRICES. If rou want aarthin? In the Afrrisultnral Marhlnery line, do not fail to call on me be. fere purrhasinic, as [ i ns save you money. I alsit agent for Lake and McHsnry Ceun- 1E1DQD1STEII8 FOB FARMERS CALL And see the lar<re stock of "i a"d sold §o low that it will pay you big to buy, as we are getting rid of any amount every day. VVe have Four of the Leading Sulky Plows The Celebrated Hapgood (That we sold oyer 45 of last year), the Case, Furst <& Bradley, and last, but not least, the Bufoud, which is something ot thfc priuciple of the Cassadv, but nicer to handle, easier on man and team. A big line of Walking Plows, the Norwegian, Moline, Case, Furst & Bradley, Grand Detour, and the Chamberlain, All warranted to suit uny famier, an<1 sold lower than an} poor plow - can be. Call and examine the KEYSTONE and RANDALL PULVERIZERS, and see the improvements for 18K4; they are the best tools made, Borrow one of your neighbor and see, and then come here and we will sell you one lower than you can borrow. Our C^HRIAGEN, CARRIAGES Are a full stock, consisting of the Enterprise (the best buggy mnde in Cincinnati), the Emerson A Fishor and Cortland; also keep tho Henry Abbott or Syracuse for a better grade. Can knock the bottontw out of anybody's prices on the above buggies and give you our ow#4*< warrantee. The Platforms with the new Com'nnation ot both th® Cortland and Freeport makes the leading buggy for all purposes. , Don't forget that we have the leading Haurows of from 4C to 90 . teeth, of both common pnd reversible and both iron and wood. Be sure and examine our pi ices before buying. We can't recommeud to you a Lighter oi Better Mowef than the am ties for tba [Champion Feed Cutter, •-srjr. ToJS can havo a grimier attached to grind at the same time you are cutting. Everv pur­ chaser gets a written jruarnntee with his ma­ chine. It is |>o»iiively the EASIKST KITV- NING Feed Cutter In tne Market. Uife mt a In Mowing Machines I have the all IMPROVED RICHMOND MOWER, Simple, Durable and Efficient is inaae entirely of iron, The frame . thus preventing the warping and springing, while the gearing is so securely lioxed as to keep it entirely free from dust, dirt and grit. The Best Mower in Use Am Agent for the Raesne Cement Con- panies CEMENT CHIMNEh^ :;- Call and see them. : ; > 1 R. C. HILL. Wanconda, May, 90th, M84. 44 m3 Smts <& Caps* BOOTS & SHOES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc. H. Maiinan, AUCONDA ILL. iSTOPPED FREE Marvtious succtss« . Insane Persons Restored | Dr.KLINE'S GREAT . ̂ „ Nerve Restorer & N'fk H UlSlASES. On/y surt curt f>* A>»- * "• r /-its, r?i: p ;y, ttc. I INPAI.I . IUI.K i f taken as <t ; rccte i . J>; ]/lrrt,iav't we. Trcatlw anil J» l-ill boflc free to<*y p-.y.nB ««;,re... • harffeioulv>x yhea •-1. S^n'l nan-fs, I . CJ. an I ex|.rc"is BfUUcss of • I to Dn.KI. tNK.oi i a ' fh St : . I ' l i i I id"lphi i Pa. * BUlVHJUi VP WUATING F&AUUS. KING'S I LIVER and KIDNEY BITTERS. These Bitters are especially prepared for the masses «t mankind, suffering Iroin Tor­ pid l.ivcr. Weak and Diseased Kidneys,and constitutions orerwerked, bodily and men­ tally. Tliey cure Kerer and Ague, Malaria, Indigest ion, l)y xpepttia, Nervous Debilit}, Headache, Constipation, gire a pood appe­ tite, purify the blood, sumulute tht^Kidneys into henlihy activity, producing new lifft and vigor to the WVdy ami mind. We. Warrant TIicmc Bitters To be the best Tonic preparation made and reeemmerd tliem to Everybody for Family use to secure Health, strength and Happi­ ness Direction*:--a wine glass full taken three times a day, before each meal, will accomplish the desired effect, without drug­ ging the stomach. John A. King & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors, 51 Lake 8tr06t(Chicago.lll> I h»T« just r*turned from the city with a large stock of Sprint anA Summer Clotbinc, Which l Will sell at astonishingly low pri ces I will mnke Had tt iject fmr you (o call and se« ro<. Am also agent for the Now Homt sewing machine adu the Julius Dauer Organ. Millinery! Millinery! MRS. H. MAI MAN Hm als#rw«i»eda splendid stock of Spring Millinary, < Of the latest and most approTed styles to be ^ found in the city. The ladies arc invited to call and see, Wauconda, April 21st, 1884. r 'Buy-Try and you Will always use thent; *rPrlcet I Per Bottle,. Sal<1 by Druggists generally, use ibcnTa All th« latest novelties In Ladies Neckwear at lieury Colbj'*. James Robbins, Holon. Millw, . . Hi, --DEALER nr-- ^arm Machinery We k»f» lh« champion. / REiPSRS AUD BISDSBS, t m Staiiari, Manny, Grown, New Warrior, nr for ease both to man and team. For a Bindei you all know of tk Lifrtit Running Piano and Minneapolis. We have a, Certainty on the points of superiority, that there is not even one experiment about them; the wear is very slight and easily taken up; does not get out ot order for it is well made; is an econo­ mize t ot twine and does not strain the baud; binds either Ion®1 or short grain with ease and certainty; the size of the bundle is most easily changed; tightness of bundle easily regulated; each bundle is completely separated, even in tangled grain; is perfectly automatic <md needs no attention, except proper oiling. McHenry, May Mtb. MM. A New Clean Stock S P R I N G " G O O D S , JU8T OPENED BT V , HAY ^ *• - ~ - y In the Market. Ai.d the Best RAKE of all kinds constantly on WniM. Call and see me, James Robbins. Selen Mills, May Uth, mm. PRICE BROTHERS, AT WAUCONDA^ ILL. We have one of the largest stocks ever brought to this market. These goods were bought for cash, which enables us to sell at very close ngurts. Do not take our word for it. but come and look through our stocK and satisfy yourselves that we mean what we say. Our stock consists of Dry Uoods, Notions, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Crockery and Glassware, Pa«u:s and Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Wall Paper and Window Shades, together with ihe'most complete stock of Ever brought here, Our line of ladies' and gents' hand sewed Shoe* is the best ever offered for sale in Waueonda. All kinds of Country Produce bought for cash or taken in exchange for goods. iiL,

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