Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1884, p. 8

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3* • _ , ^ ^ f %v;.>v rr* ^.S. «l « _,,, ^ ̂ r \t ;• ^ ^ r ^ ._„< «. 's«fi,.»W •*-- ~f-.^.....-^ --a-aajj fiiiSitttiiiSiiStfcti * «... l ^ , eS^jsaL s L Pfti 'If whom everybody know* as tl»e successful Whfre'd A Swfe Vlace. v If keep on in this country, III*1 only *afe w*y to keep money will t« tpeiHl it. Banks are fnTling. tlipy jMre fol!Ing oft old stovos in whielt your Nionpy is conceale(i,'witliout removing ifw» wealth, and even If you hide your llfcwtiey in a pig-pen. an diii an Ohio wan. it taketh unto Itself winge. ami ij» <ted,before you can count it tigaiu. Even the latent money safe prev<Ml un­ safe; A Chicago merchant put eighty-' five dollars in an old shoe, one evening last week, and when he came dowij to irasinefts the next morning, the "shoe was missing, and $o, of course the money. The perspiration stood out on the merchant's forehead in bends as big it* goose eggs. He called his clerk and Miked him if he had seen ail old shoe that was lyiny in a certain place the night before. He had, for the shoe be­ longed to him. and he had disposed «f ;tt that morning, to a rag picker, in wider to get it out of the way, This Information paraylyzed the merchant iiind the clerk^tlso* when he learned that his old shoe w as the saving bank of the firm. The clerk cxpected to be Wrested on a charge ef defalcation, jwid speculating with depositor's money, and thought some of lighting -Ifttit and registering at some first-ClasSf' ]iOt<*l, in order to evade the detectives, and thus escape punishment. But a «6ber second thought induced him to .limit for the rag-picker, whom he found rwith the old shoe in his sack. Grasp­ ing the shoe with a linn hold, that defied escape, he jumped his fist down into the toe, found the money, and leift the surprised ragman on a dead ran for the store, where he proved his iwin renee of the charge of traud, de­ falcation and speculating with depos- '"Ifoi's money. The ingu.nn after kick- }ng himself for several blocks, is now buying up all the old shoes Ik< can. an t fii»seirring tlieiy. An old sh»e uo Pater than any o'Iit institution, for a 6«vi>*g bank.-- Peek's Sun. Al»VICli TO MOTHKRS. Are you disturbed at night, unl brok­ en «.f your rest hv a sick child suffering' and crying with pain of,cutting t*eth? If so, eend at oner ami get a bottle of Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children l«ething. ItflQvalue is Incal- cnlaole. it will relieve the poor little tiifh-rer iininediivtelj'. Depend npon it Hmttiers, there is no mistake alionr it. It cures dysentery ami diari hopa, regu­ lates the stomach and "bowels, cures Wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation and gives tone and en­ ergy to the whole systrm. Mrs. Wins- leiv's Soothing Svrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, ami I* the prescription of ore of the oldest and l»e*t female physicians and nurses 111 the'Unit^d States, and is for sale by ail druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. manager of the Largest Hotel Enterprises Of America, says that while a passenger from New York on board a ship going around Cap* Horn, in the early days of-emigration to Cal­ ifornia, he learned that one of the officers of tile vessel had cured himself, during the voy­ age, of an obstinate disease by the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. Since then Mr. Lelaxd has recommended AVer's Sarsataiulla in inany similar cases, and he has never yet heard of its fail­ ure to effect a radical cure. • Some years ago one of Mr. LEtACTi'S farm laborers bruised his leg. Owing to the bad State of his blood, an ugly scrofulous swelling or lump appeared on the injured limb. Hor­ rible itching of the skin, with burning and ^darting pains through the lump, made life almost intolerable. The leg became enor­ mously enlarged, and running ulcere formed, discharging great quantities of extremely Offensive matter, No treatment was of any avail until tlie man, by Mr. Lklakd's direc­ tion, was supplied with AVER'S Sabsapa- EILLA, which allayed the pain and irritation, Lealed the sores, removed the swelling, and completely restored the limb to use. Mr. T.r.i.Axn has personally used Ayers Sarsaparilla for Rlienmattsm, with entire success; and, after careful observation, declares that, in liis belief, there is no medicine in the world equal to it for tlie cure of Liver Disorders, Gont, the effects of high living. Salt Khcutn, Sores, Eruptions, and all tlie various forms of blood diseases* We have Mr. Lelasd's permission to Invito all who may desire further evidence in regard to the extraordinary curative powers of AVer's Sahsaparilla to see him person­ ally either at his mammoth Ocean Hotel, Long Branch, or at the popular Leland Hotel, Broadway, 27th and 2Sth Streets, New York. Mr. Leland's extensive knowledge of the good done by this unequalled eradlcator of bioocl poisons enables him to give inquirers inucli valuable information. PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles tor 16. II J. SLffi ;licap & Northwestern R'y Co. ALBERT KEEP, Pres. M. L. 8TKES. Vice i»rw. OFFICE NO. 52 WALL BT., 1ST TORK. April 15th, IS34. ANSTT4I< MEETIVQl. Tbennnnal meetinp ofthe'Stockholders ami Bondholder* of tfcjc Chicago and Xonh western Rnilwav Com- |»any, will he held at the C»mp:inv'a office in* • Chicago, ill., on Thursday, June 5th, 1^1, ;it If. m., for the election of directors pursuant to law. and for the tr.m*;»o, ion of such other bnsiness ns shall ••mne before said ineetinjf, and to take action upon an asrreement :i|t- 'fnrored l<y the directors and officers of th<; company for the ae<fuisition and ownership of the leased lines in Iowa, to wit: the Chi- rajro, Iowa and Xel>rnska Railroad, tlie Ceilnr Rnpidsand Missouri River liaiiroad, ami Hie Maple liivtr Kail road, together with their- tributary connections in Iowa and Vebriska, Tlz.: the Sioux <;ity and I'aciilr, Rjiilroad, ihe Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri va llcy Kail. Wad and the Missouri Valley and Blafr Itail- Uray »nd Rri'iire Company at the ciossmg of the Missouri Itiver. SPECIAL' MEETIXG.--A special meeting W the Stoi'khoMcrs of the Chicago and North- Western Railway Company has been ordered t»j- the Board of Uirei-tors pursuant to t he By-, and will he held at Hit Company's of. H<-e in the eity of Chicago, at 11 o'elor.k,' a. M„ on Thursday,"June 20th, ism, to authorize an increase of the common ex pita I stock of tlie ffl>m;»any, to l>e issued ami used in exchange sind payment for the capital stocks of the ( Id- CBsfn, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, the <;vdar Jtapids and Missouri Uiver Railroad, and Hie ,-.JH:tple River Itnilrond, inakiiit; the amount lr "^ it is pro»>osed to increase the capiinl Stock #14,757,500 in addition to the present capital stock. ALBERT KSBIY I'r&tiUenl. II. L. SrKBS, Secretary. J. DACY, The "Boss" Machine Man, is STILL ON DECK, WITH THE FINEST ASSORT M EXT OF Farm Machinery; DEALER IN OF ALL KINDS. Store two door9 north of -Peny & Owen. •••- I liave one of the largest stocks of Furniture of all kinds to he found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing to buy will be sure to save mone> by calliug on me. UNDERTAKING. I have 35 different sizes and style^of^ " COFFINS AND CASKETS, Alwaj's on hand. I keep ' a Hearse of mv own which will be furnished at the most reasonable rates. J. B. BLAKE. RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, (LL. For the spring and summer trade of 18S4. I'OH EAEGAISS ffl For Coal and Wood -CALL OV- And carriages ever seen in Mc- Jlenry county. His stock con­ sists i n part of: All the leading riding and walking plon-s. Kig'nt styles harrows, 40 to IKS teeth, duplex Slanting, reversible and viliratin^. Keystone ISand l i i pulveriser. Challenge, Keyslwne aiut Avery corn plant «r«. Harworth & Avery check rowers. • Fiehl rollers. Stalk cut ters. Tiger, Sanies, Case. Thompson, Standard and Jefferson sulky cultivators. Milk wagons. I.uniber wagons. Wide lire truck wagons. Wide tire truck wheels. Car- riage», all style«. Itoad carts. Heavy and' light single and double harness. One car each ot Ulidden ur«d Sterling barb Vrire. t>ne car binding twine for Deertag and Other binders. '" I- '• *Farin hells, four sizes. Swill carts. Five sty les hay carriers, which wre nre pre. pared to put up for those who five early or- 'Iters. Grinding and pumping wind mills. Iron ami wood puinps for wells ot any depth. Drive wells a specialty. D^ering twine binders. l»eering fi ft mowers. Standard and crown mowers. Johnston reapers and mowers. Keystone hay loaders. Hollingsworth, tiger, Kurst & Bradley, rein- deer and advance hay.rakes, ftoad scrapers. J'otutu planters and dlgjjers. Corn she llers. Garden pumps. l'latform and stock scales. Hav tedders. Ruckeve feed grinders. & Nichols and Shepherd (team and , home power threshers. Wire stieti-hers, four kinds. Five tonth cultivators. Single and tUniW# shovel plow-s and 1,000 Other articles. T. J. DACY, Woodstock, 111. Iirportanl t Ruptured Persons The Excelsior Rupture Cure M'f'g Co., of '(OK<iensUnrg, S. v.. guarantee to curb any'case of reducible I'.orni* with their Uctu'ciiies. THK liUPTl liK IM.A8TKK AND llKAMM; OOM e jpoiTNP. Tins ircalinent is T'ndoisej i>y ,)ur ff---t Doct»»rs', Di'iiggists, and the general die. Send licts fur free book on Rupture or your,dru£gi>d for the Keinedj-. I'A'tli: IX r-TS8, I send model or sketch of yourin- #.u< uu.vJ vention, when 1 will niHke cure. #"ul preliminary examination,' and report as to *»ntent:tl)iliiv, with advice, circular", etc., >Vsc of ClKtryc. All business licfore tin- li. S. pHteu't Oftl'-i* attended i» lor Moderair Iw*. ••Hnf«»rniati«n and r«ferences sent on applica. (Ion, iv'o Chut ;/" V'Uent i* secured. 3. R LITTELL. Washington, B C. *|ttlt0Ctly opposite U. S. I'atent Office. LARGEST I CLEANEST -STOCKS OF- •o- IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, 9 N X F O R M L X.O w PATRONAGE SOUCXTSD -AND- E. M. HOWE Opposite Bishop's Ml)], ; .Who lias a complete line of the best stores in tl:e market, as well as a.large stock of lartee, MecMc's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, in fact, every thing in the hardware stove ami tin liti«;"" HE WILL XOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call at lii« store before lmvleg elsewhere. Jobbing .and repairing promptly attended t». ••^'Iteiiiemlier, extra go»d bargains can'al- .ways be obtained at Howe's. Mcilenry, Dec. i, 1SS3. Satisfaction Guaranteed. COLPY. McHEHBTi III!, February 11, 1884. This to F . a THE GOLDEN STAB GASOLINE RANCE8. Superior to all. I * rapidly su- perscdinir (Jook Stovois and Ran­ ges tor Summer use, ('all au4 acp them, John I. Story f Mcilenry April 1st, 1883. Wheat W anted. Waxtei*. at tltfi Fnx Rivor Valley Mills, goorl Milling Wh»»at. for wtiicl) Ibe lilgliest p"ie»' in cash will bo paid. It. Bishop, Mcilenry, 111., Apvil 14th, W31.' PERRY G e n e r a l M e r c h a n t s riie acknowledged leader in «;ood <roods and low prices, and people are finding it out. His prices tell his goods ure of the vary l>est. His stook is large and his prices are way dowu below the high priced credit dealers. He can afford to do it as he sells for., cash on'y. .J mestown Worsted Dress Goods, 50 pieces "-just received. Everything new bright and attractive.^ Remnants cheap, C. F. Hall bids for your trade, Go and see him, The enly cash store in Northern Illinois, the largest, the besi filled. Size, 140 feet long and 22 feet wide, two stones hi«»h and Working for the people that PAY AS THEY GO. Not a Hollar's "Worth goes out except for Hard Cash. I sell EQUIPPED DRY GOODS, CLOTHINC, M GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c., And my prises. will make it pay you tb come forty miles to trade with me. 1 sell goods of the best quality and guarantee everything as represented. Read my price list and bring it, and make your fall purchases where your money will do you the most •food, Will your credit dealer make you the following prices? Iloys sMuts tSffltnllOO Men's Suit* 32.% to 3400 Clothing Is our great specialty, mid we carry the ft*est Hock ia Northern Illinois. Wo have the goods. No. 1 Raking Powder »*... . ttceats. Spices, wsv dawn. * Sugar nt Chicago cost add freight. B0 cent Tea 44cents Good Tea .. 25, 30, 35 JL 40 «' Best Itice ... 7 •« Best Uoasted Coffee 15 •• l«">'l. " " 10 4 U " Mtsndnrd Rnisins S '• No 1 Tobacco, Smoking ............ 55 •« Kine-t'nt Tobacca... ............. 50 " Plug Tobacco ... 50 " Ijong Itox Matches 10 •• 5-cent Box Matches '1. I •« 10-cent B»x Matches. J «• Hubbitt'g Sulerutns 7 «« " Best soap.. 1 «« Stove Polish § •« Best Prints •1 «i Finest Ble.iched Cation . Best (Titblenched Cotton Standard Ginghams No 1 Corsets Ac A Ticking Klcga 111 Dress Goods . . 42 inch Itlack Cashmeres Press Drills Gam lines Ladies' Fine Handkerchiefs. ...... iX cent* # •• " ...... 8 " W •' ...... 15 " 8, 7, 9 & 10 •« 50 8 " 6 « « •« I nnd 10 cent bargains in abundance. Good «'ol ton Gloth • No 1 Denims... . 1'i ltest Denims.mads 15 frxtra Wnterproof 65 I,adiet'Slippers, worth 75cents... 45 Ladies' Shoes Si 00 Ladles' French Kid Shoes, tine 2 00 Uents' Boots, (Jood .„. i. ...... ... 200 All kinds lor inetAnd boys And • only good Uoods. ;; " RAILROAD IN THE WOBtD. „I.ct it be forever remembered tliut the Chic2 p & Northwestern Railwaj' Is the best and shortest route to and from Chicago and Council Bluffs (Omitha) anil that it is preferred by all well posted travelers ." when passing tojor from California and Colorado, It also operates the best route and the short lineghetween Chicago and St. PauF and Minneapolis Milwaukee, LnCrosse, Sparta. Madison, Fort Howard (Green Ilayl, Wisron iin. Winonil, Ownlonnn, Mankato, ^inn., Crdar Itaplds, Des Moines, Webster City, Algona, Clinton, Marshallt'uvn, Iowa, Freeport, Kigin, Rock- ford, III., are among its 8<K) local stations on ita lines. Among a few of the numerous points of su­ periority, enjoyed by the patronsot this roitd. are its DAY COACHKS, which are ihe finest that human nit. and ingenuity can create: its l'AI.ATIAI. SLKEPINu CAKS, which «re mouels of comfort and elegance; IIh PAI.ACK DRAWINti ROOM CARS, which are unsur. pusseu by any; and its widelv celebrated NORTH-WESTERN DINING CARS, Tne like of which nre not run by any other road anywhere, in short, it is asserted that IT IS TilK BEST EQUIPPED HOAD lit TIIK WORLD. All points of interest. North, Northwest nnr| West ot Chicago, Itusinets rcntres, summer resort>, nnd noted hunting and lisliinggrounda arc accessible by tlio various branches of this road. • It owns nnd controls over 5,000 mile) of roatl and ha» over four hundred passenger cob- dMctois constantly caring for its millions of pa Irons. A«k your ticket agents for tickets Tin this route, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. It costs .10 more to travel on this route, that gives first-class accommodations, than it does to go by the poorly equipped roads. For maps, descriptive circulars and sum­ mer resort papers, or other information not obtainable ut your IuchI ticket oflice, writ* to the Gen'l Pass. Agent, C. W. JRailway, Chicago 111. Now I want to see you nnd know that I can make it foi your interest to come, and will do it. Just come once and see. My goods sire ; Bongfht and Sold i<ir Cash Only. AND THAT _ Tolls the Whole Story. I want the tar-off trade that buy BIG BILLS, and to »ucf I'say, conic and see nie, and if I can't save you money, will pa\ your expenses. lam getting in btrgains every day, nnd they ar< a« bought, very cheap for cash. Yours for good «roods and low prices C. F, HEADQUARTERS FOR Clothing, Carpets, Wall Paper, Press Goods, omestics, Boots & Hats & Caps, Trunks and Valise: Jpaints and Oil% ^lixed Paints, |d^"6ENP YOUR ORDERS. ILL T J O H N I . S T O R Y One Door West of the Riverside House, Has a complete line of the best Stoves in the market, tt well as a large stock of MECHANICS TOOLS, 1, Chandeliers, PERRY & OW El And in short, Everything in the Hard ware,i:stove and Tin Line. He Will Hot^be Undersold! ("ALL AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. |^r*R KMEMBER, extra good bargains can always be obtained at JOHN I. STORY'S. McBenkt 111., Jan.Slat, 188*. Mi BROS., DEALERS IX Furniture, OF ALL KINDS. Store ooe floor West of Post (lies, NEAK THE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY - ILL. We hare one .nf th« .largcat stocka of Far- liitui'c oT;t 11 kiniln to be fournl in the coaaty, nnd our price* will be as LOW AS THE LOWEST. We kocp none tmt the beat and p*rt*aa wii»Ii4i\fr (• Ijiiv Kumiture ofany kind wijl *fivo money by giving u*a call. W« also ken]) a rulMine oTsnmpleavf CARPETS, Ann fiiu sell ron one frotn the <*.hia»li«|l' !<r:ide ion Rrim^U, ac cheap ui;^ur k«il|: oiiiHide of C'liit'Mpt. (jive c:ill mi'I wit arc aura we you inenejr ou iiuyLliiiig in uur lin^. Undertaking. ji full A«! of Coft'INS AMD Oil, KKT> ahva> « on n.-itid. Koarso Furnished at fh* moist Reasonable Rates. Jl'STEN UKOS. Mfttlcnry, N'ot. 2stli( B. Sliermau WOODSTOCK, llpliN - ukaukk lit-- Breech and Muzzle Loading Jjhot Gun?. P«wc1er, Snot, Caps, Wnda and GartrMftt toraale. Kialiing TacKle cheap. Al. Kinds of Sporting G oodt AND REPAIRING DONE. A (ood Itreecli I.oading, Da tibia Barreled Gun, warranted Twiat, Winchester Itille, 76 model, 15 shot*, |25. Nickel I'liitoi (i fdiot Itcvolver, St'lf-cockinj: British Bull Dog I>i«to1 t^00. A good Single ISnrrcl Itreoah Loading, Single Gun, warranted, $5.09. I will undersell any hon^a in the county ta -Guns and Sporting ijoode. If yon want a --- gun it will pay vou to cull and see ma. 1 war* runt every gun 1 sell. Clothes-Wringers repaired tbd new Rolls put on. Price pel pair warranted, $2.50. B. HHKRMA Nr Woodatoek. July 15th,18l3. .-'HP YOU WANT -TO BUY- Sewing; Machine? Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing, WAGON AND J hare on hand and am sellinprat theT.ow* •»t prices, the Domentic, Kldredgc. New Home, Sprintrlleld, Now American, and SI niter e win* Marhinea, and wHI not be undersold by any nscut in the county. A (rood Sinper Machine' for 20. warranted to do the work of anv Singer Machine in the world. Call and sco me. 4 O, W, OWEN, Mcilenry, .Feb SO, 1S93. P. HAUPERISCH, McHenrj, Would respectfully inform hi* customers and the public generally that he isnow lx>ttei than ever prepared to ile all work in liis lina. Of all kinds on short notice. ®TGiv« ns a call and we will please you both in qnaiity and price of work. ,- P. HAUPERISCH. MeHeary,;ill., Aug. 7th, 18H, . Bottom flgttrea and latent, hanging lauips, at Bouslett, Stoflel A Co.'#. Infants and Children What gives our Children ro*y cheats. What cures their fever*, makes them sWpj CmtorljW When Babies fret, and err by turns. What cures their colic, kills their w orms. Cimtorla.? What quickly enres Constipation. Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : CsitorlM Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and IfallCavtorta. • 'K "ClMtorla Is aowell adapted to ChildrM| that I recommend it as superior to any ntdi) cine known to me.,,-^II. A. Aecbeb, H.D4 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn. N. Y. EHTAURI IIMIMENT An abaolnte cure for Rbem-1 matiazn. Sprains. Pain ia tlie Back. Burns, Galls, fto. Anl»- stantaneoua Pain- reliever. r.VA * M.A. ...

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