Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1884, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and No Favors Win us and no Pear Shali Awe.1 VOL. 9. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS. VWDNESDAY. JULY 2. 1884. NO. 50. m Published ET"'T Wednesday by J. V-A.̂ ' SLYKE, EDITOS AKD PUBLISH**. Office in Bishop's Block# --OrrosiT*. PE«RT Owe*'#.-- TERMS OP SUMCBIPTLOKLV 9iw Vf ar (In A<rraa"«) ....M.M If Vi»t PaM within Three Moaths. StiMr.riptionH roceirei for threo ir six nnnthc In thfe same propertlen. Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates f«>r advertising ni the Pr.AHfoiCAt.itn, an'l eni1eav«»r to state them ao plainly that they will be readily un- ierstond. They are a* folio**:. i 1 Tn«*h »>ne year . . 1 Tnche# one year . • > . i««» 3 Tnchcaone year • - ; - IS w> V Column one year » * » gooo H riAiumn one year- *• • » • ' «• 00 1 Colnmn ane year >*•',,-i * -JM00 One inch means ttfe of one hirh dawn the column,single column width. Te*r1y advertisers, at the nl»ove rates, have the priviloce of chanjrins as often as" they thoose, withont extra chnrtre. Regular advertisers (ineanin? those havinsr ftnndinx cards) wilt l>e entitled to Insertion »f local notices at Ihe rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be ehnrsted in cents per "ine the .fl-st week, and 5 cents per line far each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged it the rate of l«» cents p« line, (nonpareil tvpe, same ss this is set In) the first issue, and (cent* per line for subsequent issue*. Th"s, an inch advertisement will cast fci.OOfornne week, *1.50 for lwe weeks, *£00 for three we«ks, an«t so on. The Pf,*iNi»nM,im will be liberal In jrlvinsr editorial notices, hut, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use »f its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. H T. BROWN, M. t>. PHTS1CIAN AHI» SURGEON'. OIBce oyer the Post rtllce, epposite Perry AiMartin s •tair up stair*, Mclleiiry, 111. J. H. SOOTHIl.L, M. D. PHVHIOTAV AND RITRtiEON. Cfflceoppo-site Post Office, Pingwooil, III. C. H. PKG KUS, M, D- IlHVSIClAX AND SUKUKOM. McHenry, I Ills, office at Residence, on the Corner, Opposite KlHke's PnrwHnre store* O. J. HOWARD, M. D. • 1RYSU.IAN AND S0UGKON. Office at 1 inr rcHi'lenco, opposite M« E. ChttiT»n» Mcflenry. til. PRATT HOUSE First J A. PRATT, Proprietor c.e nmad'itions. Good Barn in connection W (iconda. Ml. BAKB1AN BIMIS. tlO AR Mhnnfactwrere, MeHenry, til.- Or de«-s solicited. Shop, l \ Old Mc'lenvv, JD Kciter Itlock, two doors west ot PI.AIN. •ItAMCK Office. BUSINESS CARDS. MART G. BARRIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kn.<ls of Hair Work done in llrst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry, 111. JK49E A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Law hntlness in Every part of the State receive* prompt attention. Room 24, 99 Washington St., Chi­ cago, 111. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. "pvENTTST. Residence Dundee, Will be at 11 / McHenry. at Parker House, the 10th 11th t5th and 2«th of each monlh. When dates occur Saturday or Snndav I make my visits on the following Monday, and the flvst dav ot such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. JOIIN* KLEIFGEN: HOUSE Painter, Grainer, Calcimin»r and . Paper Hanscer. Residence one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended M prom ply and on reasonable terms. Horsemen, Attention! AII lovers'of fine Horses are respectfully Invited to cull at my farm, half a mile west, of McHenry, on the Woodstock road, and see my fine Morgan and Draft Horses. I bave a Perchcrou Norman Draft Oolt that is hard to beat. Call and see him.. N J business Uone oa Sunday. N. H. COLBY. McHonry, May 1st, 1881 M. Engeln, Headauortaxs. ALSO-- GENERAL MERCHANT, Anil Dealer in All Kinds of .1G ROCERIES, FflWi II: ml ware, Pocket Cutlery, Sportinpr Goods, Fishing Ttukle Gun Material, Musical Instru­ ments, Tobacco, Ciirars, etc., etc. >iesir liiver Bridge, Mc- Henry, 111. EOBEET C. BENHETT, BREEDER OF- Liilt Br FOWLS RICHMOND, ASA «T. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW and solicitor in Chancery.--^Woodstock, III. S. F. BEN SETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. A. 8. CHILD*. M. I>., OMKOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUR. GEOV, West McHenry, III. Calls promptly attended to, day or nirht. Hc DR. C. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Waueonda, Lake Co., III. All calls promptly attend­ ed, day or night.' Office on Main St., east of Barker's harness fliop. r _ ; av r. A. M. CHURCH, • ; Watchmakor Jewetw NO. 3S FIFTH AVE., Chicago, 111. Special attention given to repairing Fine v»tch es and Chronometers. W.\ Full Assortment of Goods in his line Culver House, RICHMOND. ILL. C. N. CULVER, - PROPRIETOR. HAVIN3 recently purchased the above Hous^, I have put it in thorough repair, with new furniture throughout, and would respectfully invite the patronage ofthetr.iv. ellng public and others. The tallies will al­ ways l>e provided with the best tlist can lie procured, ami pt»llle and attentive' waiters will be in readinets at all times to attend to the wants of gue9ts. No pains will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large and j commodious barns on the premises. Free | Omnibus to and from all iraius. Sainj Rooms oil first floor. AT THE (A STAND, JACOB SALOON AND RRS^J j stand, op|ioFite „ III. The choicest to be found in the' i" meals on short notie«< GOODSTABLI LETT, lAXT, at the old id's mill, McHenry, i»l,lquors and Cigars htv. Warm or cold Ipplication. rFOR HORSES. J. PE« CIGAR MAI Wholesale ani HANDLES note b»|| eomp ire Ilia Bra' in the State. Stor* door to 'he Post OfficeJ rSKY, "ACTURER, tetail Dealer. own make, and will with the best ma<h Manufactory next Henry, I1L J 1 , , Any one havin|r empty Beer Ke<rs belonging the McHenry Brewery are reqfiested to return the same at once Imd save them­ selves trouble. 1[ cannot make Beer and arive atcay Ive<rs, and it this notice is not| heeded I will take more severe treasures. G. BOLEY. 48-fiW A. J (FIRST HRBMHTM \T MfllV.KRV COL'WTV FAIR.) My fowls are of the c.elobrated DUKE OF •YORK strain, remarkable for their great size and laying qualities. I can show a trio of last, season's chicks weighing 31 pounds iCsgs, uer setting »f thirteen. $1.5", delivered (o purchaser In Richmond, Shipped, securely packed, 9&Wfc , 5 „ . ROliKliT C. BEMXETT. SALOONRESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, ^"2 McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, IfcHenry Lager Beer, PhU. Bsst's Milwiukss Beet By the Bottle or Oise. f;k *Ve buy none but the beat iincf «eU at Reasonable Prices, Call and see me and; I will use you well. McHenry, 111., 188#, WASHIMCTOW, D. C- The iwpiilar palace hoi el of the National I'anital. Conveniently located and accessible to all tli* street car lines of the city. Oper. all the .rnt. o G STApLKSf PROt-NTBTOR. I.ate of the Thonsand Island Hwuse. MARCUS}' CERMAN Manufactured F. MARCUS, bv w m . H c o w l i n [fil'COKIiWIK TO' M. M. n .f »TIIIKHl n. S. WAS CLAIM SOLICITOR AMD ATTORMSY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Prosecutes pension or any other claims against the government, relating to the late, or former wats. Complicated cases and r«- jected claims made a specialty If stamps are enclosed for reply, all iMtiumuuicatlons will be promptly answered. Office at Beaidenoe. MADISON ST., WOODSTOCK. ILL. Reforences by permission as reganls char­ acter, business abilitv, reliability, Ac., Ac. : <;<«n. Juliu A. l.ogaii, U. S. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. _ , tien. .l.C. Smith, State Treasurer af Illinois. ll.»n. It Ellwood, M. C. 41U III. Dist., Syc- amore, 111. . „ „ . Hon. John C. Sherwin. ex-M. C. 5th III. D i « t . , A u r o r a , 1 1 1 « . . . , . . . Hon. A. M. Jones,U. S. Marshal,Chicago, 111 Col. Jas. A. r-exton, Pres Union Veteran Club, Chicaaro, 111. Jefse A. Italdwin, Ass't U. S. Attorney, Clil- Cairo, 111. . _ _ . Messrs. "Sol/,, Schwab ft Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Hosiers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and home referen- ces. m -.^31 --DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock, III. Tha beat Tonic, in the world. Put up In Tint and Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS, Patentee. 6hai. Stolzman, BAX23 i comcriom, GHU«' Black, Near Iron Bridge, McHenry, III . ^ Fresh Bread, Cakes, r; Pies, Cookles, Ctc. Always on hand. Hot Tea anil Caffae at all Hours. Havine had an experience of many years in the B.ikery business I am confident lean please iny customers. Call and see me. Boston Ur.vstalized Cream, by the Dish or <jnart WBrtwn Bread Tnesdays and Fridays. Chast. Stolzman. McHenry, April 15th, 18?t, o. 3V. jDWEN, DEALER I*--- ' Watches, fewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. I keep in stock the celebrated Sprlngfleld Watch, which is pronouueed by all to be the best watch now on the market. Will not be Undersold On any goods in my line. ^ g. OWEJf<> McHenry, Feb. 9®, 18M. Still Out of the Ark of Safety. Many are. DANGER TO LIFE At PROPERTY Beset you on every hand. The mutter of the slyc.oon jsieklooni salaon, cyclone, tornado, windstorm, or whatever name may be given It, is heard in some section of the conntiy n«»rljr every day. The Fire Fiend May break out at any moment--the economy of a lifetime be consumed. Death must come to all. By a small payment each year you can secure to yourself a fortune, should you live, or, in the event of death before the "time ex. riires, vour ffemiiy is provided for. $!.V),000,IK*I s represented by this agency. Our rates are as low as experience has found to be sate. Vou will save money bv insuring with me. Geneisl Insurance, 'Life, Fire, Lightning and Tornado a specially. Thanking all my triers tor their literal patronage, and hop. in*, t»5 tquare dealing, to merit a continuance •f th same, I lieg to subscribe myself. Respectfully vi mrs, r. //. MOHFV, yicHenry, l i t . Jana , WS3. . . v PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do al l joba in the line of DiRgnig We,,£v Re^airiBK l»uuip», Cementing Wells, or ?, will put in New? Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in tins line. Can fum:ati vou a new Pump, either waol or iron, warranted, as cheap aa.> # any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Weil Dug, a Puuap Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. Cf Orders bv mall promptly attended to PoatOllce, Johnsburgh, III. L. BANTUS, H E. WKiHTMAX, I'mnrlelor. First class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rales. Teaming Ol all kinds done on short notice. THE CHICAGO Having recently fitted up our >nop near the Wid»re, we arc now prepared to turmoil our customers with { "'\ / Fresh and Salt Hats, OF ALL KINDS Sausag3, Smoked Meats, &c., -AT THE-- Lowest Livi 11 ff Prtoes*. We buy none but the best ot Meats, and fliiitor ourselves that wc -an otfer oiircus toiners meals iu iietter shape than any other snoii iu thin sei-iiitu. Tlianktul for past favors we solicit a eo» tinuan^eof the same, and we will iniaranieg to saiiat\ you both in quality and prii-c. A. m. Fm*$> KcHeory, III., March 17th, 1^84. •lie tindcrslsncd will furnish Egg* from Pure Bred Fowls at the following Prices: Black Leghorns $1.50 for 13 Eggs Brown _••• I .AU fur 13 Egg While ." 1.50 for 13 Eg2* Wynn«fel^.v. . . . . . . . . 3.00 for 13 Kggis Black .HiViis . 2.00 for 13 Egg* Light Brabtnns J '2.00 for 13 Kirgs Uolden Spang'f l Polish 2 00 for 13 Eggs Rlaek Tartar Gatnes. . 2.50 for 13 Eggs Plymouth Rocks 1.50 for 13 Eggs Pckin Ducks. . 1.00 for 9 Eggs The above are Prices for Eggs Delivered at my place. C- W. PRATT. WAUCONDA, ILL. Wanconda, HI., March fth, 1884, DON'T YOU FORGET IT! ^ ASA W. SMITH, ' & --OF-- |Wooclwtoolc, - * lllinoiHi. Backed by Millions of mortey o(Tej INDEMNITY against damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms CYCLONW AND\TORNADOE& a •postal ^a-rct and I will visit you call on nie and I will "write you a policy, and Wiien either or any of these" destructive elc ments devastates your property, happy will yon be if you hold'one of my policies, for I will surety visit you, and minister unto you, ljWilt not forsake you. asa ir. syrrrn. Gen'l Jruttranee Ag'L Piano Minneapolis E M Omen <& Sfou' i , Self Binder, nt Alpi^lii, III,, DEAI.EIt| IN Hudwats, StorWi Tinw&rs, Lumber, Shingles, Fence Posts Coal etc III sbort, Ave keqp cvorythin«; in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe" jii£ to the buy­ ing public us cheap as any ©ther house in this section. Call find See its. JOBBING & REPAIRING | l>IlOMl'TLY ATTENDED TO. HELM & PETsit Algonquin. Kel». 18.1884. 1- • ' , Soldiers' Department, OONIMJCTRD BV DR. S. F. ItKX NfTT. HEADQUARTER^ KOSti--* 1..' - TIITJCK^ An'1 all kinds of Vehicles, at t w. GRt!¥IOLBY'S I t i i iKWOod, 111. I will not be undersold, u siterial 'mid Workmanship considered. General Blacksmithing, And kepairinjar of aU kinds, in both Wood and Iron. Virstclass workmen employed and Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. W. GRIIWOLBY. Ring wood, March 1111). 1SS4. Granite Bockingham |j|llassware» WEST UcSEHflY. Invite the attention of the buyin<r public to an entirely new stock of DRY GOODS, SQIMS, CLOTHING, Gil OCERIES, Bpotg, Shoes Hata Caps, and Trunks, Hand Ba^s and Valisef, C. H. Farj»o's celebrated Boots and Shoes, etc. All grades Chick's Favorite Flour in stock. Every sack wai ranted. The lii^he^t price paid for produce. All «?oods sold at one price and marked in plain figures. Thank- incj- our patrons for past tavors and hoping for a continuance of the same, we shall strive to please all who may give us a call, both iu quality and price of goods. BONSLETT, A STOFFEL. West McHenry, 111., March M, 1S94. Wo have the finest assortment, of Lu-es and Embroideries ever shown in this market . Call and see theui at Henry Colby'e, " ' Through tl i« kl iutuoss of Frank H«w- tlen, agent of the N. .W. U. R. nt the Rieli tnond Stat ion, w« are t ' t i rnlsl isei t with the following inforniat ioi i in re- gani t« Railroad rates, etc. , tf> the Annual Remilott of the Grand Army of the Republic at )l tmieapon:j>. Minn.^ foinnieiu 'hia; July 23d, 1SS4.; The Northwestern wil l sel l t ickets to t l ie Recn' ion, good going from - 'Chicago- from July 20th to 2!ld and good for re turn t i l l August loth, at one fare for the roiind t r ip. The benett t .of this cheap rate wil l be con l ined to members of the G. A. R. and their fa ' t r i iHe^. 'and. to veteran soldiers elegthle to 'sueh ni?.mbershlp under the rules1 of the order, and their fatr i i l ie?. For children' between the ages of l ive and twelve years half fare excursion t ickets wil l he Issued at one-half the excursion rate indicated above. . Persons enti t led t«vtl te r«t«« will b« supplied by the Orand Army Posts with cert if icates which must be shown to agents when, t ickets are purchased ami presented to the ' conductor with t ickets, otherwise t ickets wil l not" be accepted lor pass ige. These cert if i­ cates are signed by the Adjutant of the Post and by the Assistant Adjutant General of the Department. Apply to the Commander of your Post for cert if icates. Veterans "not members of the G. A. R. wil l apply for cert if icates to same source, , The fare for round t i ' lp frottf Chicago will be #12.60. A communication from .1. L. rfennett . A. A, G., Dept. of I l l inois, Inturms me that t ickets ' can be purchased at Chi­ cago for ei ther of three routes, viz: the C„ M. & St . Paul, the C. & N. W. and the Albert Lea Route, The names of membets of a com­ rade's family may be endorsed cn the cert if icates and t ickets wil l be gold to them. The A. A. G. will alst t cert if i­ cates on application. The Bicycle as » War Horse. A one-legged, veteran, who rtdej^ noiselessly np and down the avenue every afternoon on a tr icycle special ly prepared tor jhe accommodation of his WMitodeu le^. was ^fikinsj ahoti iTcvlte parade last uTgti t ."v*'"T tA!I yon, gentlemen" he said."the recent bicycle display in this ci ty has i l lustrated one thing. Ir has shown that in the wars «>f the future the two-wheel carrier wil l displace inauv cavalry horses. Imagii .e a regiment of bicycle of r if lemen, uiouuled on -tf leet and noiseless ma- chines. Thev would prove a holy terror to the eni-tny. No forage Would be necessary, and there would be no tramping of hoofs; the wheeling sol i l terr- would gl ide into the enemy's camp as si lentlv as phantoms. I repeat , the bicycle in war will be a big thing, and you can wager that i t wil l f igure largely in the next conflict."-- Wash­ ington Republic. "AM You Going to Kiss Me?" If »ver I go into a new locali ty again I wil l s tudy up my geography better than I did this t ime; for my ignorance got mu into a most uncomfortable posit ion. As the boat neared Sanfori l 1 was standing with others on the deck when a very pret ty young lady came up to me. and, with a sweet smile on her face, looked into mine with a pair of lovely eyes, and a«ked: "Are you going to kiss mo sir?" 1 f some one had offered to lend me #10 I could hot have been more surprised, and hardly knowing what to say. and in order to gain a l i t t le t ime, I gasped out ,"Par- don Miss, what did yon ask?' ' I fel t that she knew I heard Iter , butshesaid sweetly. "Are vou going to kiss me, to­ night ?"* There was no misunderstand­ ing her this t ime, I heard her, and so did others, and I fel t the blood rushing into my face, and I s tammered out: "I Mould l ike to accommodate you. Miss: 1 would.truly; but I have a wife and thir teeen small children on.board with me, and if my wife should see mc kissing you--" "Kissing me, von , hateful old thing! Who a>ked you, to kiss ine?" "You did!" 1 yelled; I asked you if you were going to Kissim- mee (I ty--Ivissimee City to night; don' t yon know anything?" and oil she went, and if anybody: fel t meatier than I did 1 would l ike t» exchange photo­ graphs with him; ie I l l inois I ' rol i i bi t ionists are really anxious to defeat the Republican party and i ielp the Rr.m Democracy in* to power in the Executive office and the Legislature, as their actions indi­ cate, wli3 ' don' t they come out f lat ' foot­ ed at once and pronounce for the De­ mocracy? WhaVs the use of "whipping the devil around the stump" by going through the absurd motions of running an independent t icket that stands as much ehaneo of being elected as i ts supporters do of r iding Jupiter on a streak of heat 11^ bluing.--Chicago Journal. §®~Senator Fair lately t i irwii i i i t ied his lot on Nob Hill , San Francisco, with a massive granite wall . He owned half a square bounded by four s treets; now he has bought for #8B.t00 the re­ mainder ot the square, which gives It iui an unrivaled building s i te , with ftMU'le space fpr ornament*1 gryuud, Logan's Soldiery Instincts.' "I .ogan is going to give the t icket , great strength as the canvass advance* said an old journalist / ' He advanced the soldier element better than ei ther Greshani or Miller , or than any othe"V soldier l ikely to be named, would have done ; and will create as much enthu­ siasm as ei ther Lincoln or Harrison wouhl have Won. Logan belonged to • ! t he. c lass of popular volunteer generals and !n the. West was . regarded some­ what as Phil Kearney was in the East . He had all the daring, dash and pug­ nacity of Kearney and Hooker. I was with him nearly al l thft day before the batt le of Resaca, , Georgia, on May 14- 1SG4. and slept in an ambulance with l i ini- the sanie night--that is I s lept part of the night in the ambulance-- bht l ie was thnnderiu^r mad when awake and so rust less when asleCp ehat , for my own comfort , I got up and laid -down'under the wagon on the ground. 1 never saw a madder man than Lo­ gan was that day and night . He had the advance of McPherson's corpse on a flank movement around tht> left of the rebel army at Dalton, and he plant ed his division square across their only j ine of retreat , . lust beyond a small lordable stream the rehele l ied buil t a fort commanding a bridge of great Importance to the rebels, and Logan was preparing to assault i t when Mc­ pherson, his cor |>«e commander, came up and stopped the movement, deem­ ing i t hazardous. Logan said he could carry the wotks with a single brigade and destroy the bridge with his other two brigades, thus cutt ing oft the rebels retreat and forcing him to fight with Sherman's 100,000 men--quite double that of the rebel force. He pleaded with McPherson to let him go ahead proposing to lead t l ie assault ing column in person. From pleading he advanced to protestat ion, and then to cttrscs both loud and deej) and those became almost bi t ter personal denun­ ciat ions of McPherson when, deciding against an at tack, he ordered Logan to march back six miles to a strong d« - fet tslve posit ion and fort ify I t . Ir happened that 1 hoard part of this stormy Interview, and t l iesanm even­ ing McPnerson took occasion to ex plain to me that he had made his re­ trograde movement in obedionce to imperative orders. I t . turned out to o | ^ 9 l , ! J » % w a r , a n d Sherman severely cri t icised McPherson afterwards for not taking the risk suggested by Logdn, though he sustained him iu command. Lo­ gan's inst inct for f ighting proved cor. rect on that occasion; i t was subse­ quently discovered that the rebel fort at ResaCa was held by only 1.G00 di«- mouuted Georgia mili t ia calvayrtnen. Logan's veterans could have run over them if McPhersnn had let 'em loose with 'Black Jack' at their head* LOtJAN'8 OAK1NO. IN HATTLB. "One of the finest i l lustrat iens of the magnetic influence of a single man ir . t l ie crisis of a batt le was furnished by Logan at a batt le fought before Atlan­ ta. The rebels had flanked McPherson as completely as he had turned their l ine at Resaca, and had at tacked him vigorously. McPherson was kil led,and the command «f the three corps unex* pectedly devolved in a moment On Lo­ gan. and he had not onlj j his own but other commands t* i«ok after . He left his own immediate command, ar .d in person ral l ied I he First l>i vision, which .being suppriscd. was in gieat confu­ sion. I t was done by actual personal exert ion in the front of the l ine, at a great" ' 'personal r isk; The troops had more confidence in Logan ' than iu Mc­ Pherson, for . the reason that Logan led whereas McPherson directed ids m e n ; a n d when the retreating division saw Logan riding along their l ines, they ral l ied and went vigorously into the fight with a counter charge on the rebel force, i t was a fair , square W lust iat ioi i of personal magnetism a of fearlei^ leaJer over Uruve men U wits a quali ty many of the generals who gained greater uii lUaiM' dist inction than Loguu did not poassess, and l id not lay claim to. Hooker, Kearney and Thomas had i t ; Grant and Sher­ man and Meade did not possess i t , though to say so, must not be con­ strued a reflecting On them. Logan was naturally a leader uf men in ( 'ut lgh confl ict . V*-*" l ie and .B!alue. . 'WMtKe « good team in this civic f ight ol such supreme moment to the Nation." ' "f1 ' ^ Charlie Ko*ts Pound, G, W. Morgan, of Tray, a cousin of the lost Charl ie Ross, i t is said, has identif ied a young man i trQnhicy, III , , as the long- lost Phi ladelphia boy. The boy says l ie is Charl ie Ro*s and claims to have h^en stolen by gypsies from bis . father 's bouse anil taken ta Texas ten years 'ago; that he escaped and made his way to Missouri , where he was picked up and brought to Quincy. He answers the description <d the lost Charl ie very 'minutely. He hf\s been subjected to r igid ex:VU>imitious and answers evety questio. i , never contra­ dict ing himself and giving many points that go to establish his i4ent | ty. So strong do circumstances point to him as being Charl ie Ross that Mr. Morgan has taken the boy to Philadelphia and says tha ' the hoy shall always have a home iu the Ross family. Into which h® wi 11 be adopted In ease yoiiclusly« l>roof is not fovil tcuinii tg, W i.KTTKR. Frdm (rarKtgii lnt-CnrTcft tvtf ident . ttASHiSGtoK, Jnne fltWM. The Waters already feel the coming precipice and ar« quickening fof lh« plunge. Thus, thft llouse, In tiew ef ' an csHy adjoufumeht. lias settled down • • 'i; to hard work, and this week lia* tnnn*«t "M off legislation in a business mid ship* shape fashion. From this time ntt -,V} there will he few Idle hours at lite PIIII#" >| of the Capitol. But If the plan to »d* journ earrly in July succeeds, oiiljr th« necessary routine supply bills can l>* passed, and the record of the session ^ can therefore b« sal«f to 1m» made IIJI^' . In the importnnt field of nfflntatlvw ; 1 legislature.tlie lloute Ins made its record In the passage of hills providing ^ for the forfeiture of nearly 70,000.000 'J acres of railroad land grants in Oregon, 1§ California, Arizona, Xew Mexico. Tex* 'Ml as. Indian Territorj*. Missouri, Arkan- sas, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisi- ,^1 ana. The Tlotiiie Committee on Foreigi* ^ Aflalrs has encountered rather a knotty "3 problem In the mysterious Senattt J amendment to tlie consular and diplo* w malic appropriation bill, appropriat*1 , ing §250.000 to carry out the provisions ^ f| of the neutrality act. The secret *p^. propria!ion relates to the settlement 4| of the Xtcaraguan question, ami as tlio *'1 real causes for tlie action of tlie Secret , tary of State in tlie matter Itecoma V'l known there is a very general sentl- «-/4| meut of approbation of his course. It " ^ seems from tlie best sources of informa- 7 tiou that it came to the knowledge of J? the Department of 3tate. through ona :'f~ of the United States representative* . in Central America, that two great powers (reported to be Germany audi England) were quietly undeavoiing to obtain from Nicaragua a concession for tlie purpose of either constructing a ship canal which should connect the; two oceans or els«» the concession wouldl be held, and the United States thus prevented from constructing such « work on Its own account, or by iu|s citizens, unless by the consent of th« powers referred to. This information! came so directly tliat there seemed la be no doubt of its accuracy. The Stat*. Department, for ouve awaking to th# necessity of immediate action, took such steps as it deemed proper, and asked Congress for a sum of monejf that could tie used to complete tlie pre- TTiriTnary negotiation. Tlie mysterious part ol the matter Is tlie use to wltlelv the- money asked for Is to be |>»H. 6»»* Curt in, chairman of the committee oif foreign a flairs, favors openness wiier* ever secrecy is not absolute!)' neces­ sary, and ir. Is understood that the com* mittee will not allow tlie amendment involving Hie secret appropriation f» -! go through Ihe llouse without discus* j / slon. Gen. Curtiu. when asked if th4 matter was likely to involve the Unltei| States iu trouble with foreign powers^ replied somewhat hesitatingly that li| thought not, and finally added tha| nations were like individuals; it waft hard to tell what they might do Tli^ whole matter inv«dves a queation of, much importance, audit o**r-mlnly be* hooves the United States nor to be tar* (ly in obtaining the control of the on j| available way that is left us. Fran:vt or French sul>jeetB working by permis> slon of their government, have alreadjp acquired a vested right to the shortest water-way between the two oceans. A# to whether or not any American com* pany is to Ue bought out U part of th# . matter concerning vvhLMi the State De* ' ^ •; partment has not yet sy«r Nt to infurnt - •» Congress, but it Is likely tlie wlio|«-- a flair will be fully dnvelop^ (n t(\« next ten days, Washingtuii politicians have been ] watching the ebb »\iui flow of the CleY*v j i land tidetani there is imicll dlversllf- of conclusPtn regarding its power au<| extent, 'I'iiere are many Democrati^> Cangrcssmeii who predict Iii4 noipina* tiou on the first ballet at Chicago, while some'prnn,ii\ei:t New York Dent* ocrats have o(ie.nlv declared at tMl <;apitol timt nievoland could not carrf . New York. Other* are maki -g ttrenu* ous efinits to turn lh«* ti<|e of pofmlaf sentiment from Cleveland and thro*#- the nomination more fully open to tli<|v field. Every time the Cleveland boon| drops a point or two, th«t other l»ooin% and henmiets go up, especlaPy that of Bayard. It seem* fmm indication^ here, that its is still anyone** game at Chicago. So fac a« &\n now he ta*rue<§ three States support Bayard, two Thuf man, and one e.aiUi give a vote for Bui% ler. C»»lis»e. Cleveland. Field, Paying Randall, and Tlhlcn. Seventeen sen<| itninstructed delegations, with uiu%i States yet to hear from. The hotel Weepers of Washington will be apt to sympathise with tlie Democracy in case Governor Cleveland is nominated. The Arlington alone |« worth $10,000 a year more with a Ne# Yorker for Presideut than It would Nl with a man froiu *Miy other State- even Mr. Blaine. A New York Pre«l« •lent brings New York people hero, Und they spend their money iuor« freely than visimvs from any ̂ otlivr part of the countrv. ^ ^•XJtiuuuA^ i >i i j i t i . ISTWe love ta pern«e telligence. There is aUvavs sonsethii so soulful about It. For iu'tattee. <r| learned yesterday that "the gore 4 skirts ni<>riibiin<i." Hut tliew any*»; .thing or anybody would fee} tworttftC huinl after b«ing gor«>d. a»»d th§ wonder U how the fMri ll t§ . v ai-: •-', '1:1 ' • $ ; •:€mU

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