Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1884, p. 4

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'$*- *> _>•>. • '* ir . *' ' ' * i .. {.-> ': - , ,i., .^u\.... t .. J..<. •- .• , ' i • r m i i n ' M m n ^ jje^eirj ̂ iauiiealep. WEDNESDAY, JULY S, 1884. J.VATNSLYKE, Kclitor. FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES G. BLAINE, .YV*"* OK MAINE. WON VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN A- LOGAN, * OF ILLINOIS. Republican State Ticket. ' . For Governor, J0CfHARD^J. OGLESBY. of Logan bounty. tfar L eutenanC Governor, 40HX C. SMITH, * !f of Cook Cointy. fbr Secretary of Shite, BXXR R I). DEMSN7, .. of Lee (\nmty. For Auditor, -'}:jr;lCSBtiLRLm P. SWWERT, / . ,'fll Xanbikee CoittUy. • • . fbr Treasurer, ]; JACOB GROSS, ;V • Cook County. •*: 'f' ' Jfcw Attorn,*;/ Grnetal, VEORGE rrrxi, i .v '«'• of Edgar County, , Congressional Ticket - s; For Member of (xmgrex*, ' lihUHEX ELL WOOD, • ' of DeKalb County. Jlbr Member f?*xti> Board of Eqvatikatum, II. K WILLIAMS, •>/ Me Hen ry County. (9* As Ohio pops <n October, *o goes th* country In November. a co­ ntemporary. Well, Ohio will go Re- sgtonhUciin by at least 20.000 tn October. vll'tU that down In your memorandum buolt f«r ft*t nfe reference. J®"Tlie Bo*tr>n Star, an independ­ ent jwirnal, ami one of the papers quo­ ted liy the Democratic organs as. op­ posing the election of Bliiiue, says: 'Among the names mentioned tor tlie Democratic nomination are Governor -^Cleveland and R. P. Flower. Neither s can heat Blaine. Governor Cleveland started- out well hut lie has lately shown himself to be controlled by the i Hubert O. Thompson clique, so far as New York city 19 concerned. Such candidates are not wanted. Tllden. Jud^e Field or Butler would make si stronger run,than either Cleveland or Flower." (OrTlie canvass foe the office of ; Circuit Clerk is progressing quietly but earnestly, and every day shows In­ creased strength for the soldier candl date, W. P. Morse, The people not «nly recognize the debt; they owe to one who so nobly bore his part on th«» Woody battle-fields of the South and suffered the tortures of a rebel prison pen. but will hurl in the teeth of those third term Ringsters the base state- me lit that there 5s but one man among - the Republican voters In this intelli­ gent county who is capable of holding the office of Circuit Clerk. From every part of tlifc county we hearth* most en­ couraging reports, and the present Indications are that Mr. Morse will be nominated by an overwhelming ma­ jority. 'The Democrats in the House have maintained their reputation for unfairness and partisan injustice hv turning out another Republican. Mr, Morev. of Ohio, and giving his seat to * Democrat, There Is not even the poor excuse that the Democrats need another vote in that body to ofter in defence of such an act. The commit­ tee on contested seats is sworn to de­ cide such questions in a judicial ca­ pacity and on the evidence presented. But the Democratic members of the present committee have ignored justice, evidence and everything else, cxcept rank partisanship, in deciding such questions. And what is sttil worse, they have been uphel4 tofr tlieir party In the {louse. The Coining Democratic 'Candidate. The action of the democratic state convention at Saratoga shows that the New York delegation to the demo­ cratic national convention will practi­ cally for Cleveland. According to the 'ast trustworthy flgire« forty-one members of the delegation are for him, flvo for Flower, seventeen are anti-Cleveland, while nine are non­ committal or unpledged. This gives Cleveland the majority of the dele­ gates, and since the delegates are in­ structed to vote as a unit for the choice of the majority, it results In making him the nominee of the New York de­ mocracy for the presidency; Neverthe­ less, the fact that the convention did not instruct for hiin is a confession of his weakuess.and the strength of the op position. Mr. Cleveland would be quite acceptable, it is said, to th® persons who call themselves Independents., He woul.l also be entirely acceptable, we are able to add, to the republicans throughout the country, who propose to elect Mr. Blaine in any case, but could not desire a smoother road than the nomination of Governor Cleveland would open to them. This statement is made with iul! understanding that the democrats will think it insincere. Wc trust they may continue of that opinion until they have made Gover­ nor Cleveland their candidate. The yery reason which makes him accept­ able to the independents would injure him witii the rank and file of his own party iu which he already has many enemies. Ills veto of the Elevat­ ed railroad five cent fare bill would lose him thousands of workiugmen's votes while his retaining republicans in office has already disgusted that large and hungry element in the demo­ cratic party which believes that to the "victors b long that spoils," It does not seem timely, howevei, - to discuss the .qualifications of Mr. Cleveland very exte-islvelr at present. That he was a citizen of no considera­ tion or Influence a short time ago, that he made a rea^ona^ly good record as mayor of Buffalo, was by accident elected governor with a phenomenal majority, and has done some good things in that office, all the world Know. If the deuiocr it 'o party thinks those sufficient reasons for nominat­ ing him to the presidency of the United States, we shall have nmpls time to discuss'the issue thus present­ ed. .Just now it Is appropriate to re­ mark that he takes a prominent posi­ tion. not be cause people know and ap­ prove his opinions, but because people do not know anything about his opin­ ions on questions of national policy, or whether he has any. Whether the governor's position, on the tariff and other public questions really is rnknown, or only unkown to Siine democrats, we leave them to de­ cile. Quite recently a strong indorse­ ment of the governor by Prof. Perry was published, in which the adherents of British Ideas were assured that Gov. Cleveland was "fully abreast of Carlisle, .Morrison and other reform leaders, and one might ask. »virh curiosity.if so, how lias lie kept his light under a bushel all this time?" If Cleveland is nominated at Chi­ cago, and it seems quite likely lie will be, ir will be only another attempt of thf desperate democracy to' win with a respectable figurehead. The same free-trade.state rights, southern claims hungry-for-jfflce democracy will be behind him. Is this the kind of a crowd the socilled independents wish to put in possession of the govern­ ment ? ------ the largest in this section, being 48x108 with 18 f<^t posts. Wm. Brooks raised a large barn on Saturday. The Barrington Lyceum Society re­ cently gave the play, "Lend me Five Shillings," in Maiman's Hall. It was said to be very good, but the extreme^ Iv warm weather had a tendency to check enthusiasm on the part of the 'audience. Wal Bangs, soil of A, C. Bangs, was seriously hurt on his return from Mc- Henry »n Saturday with a load of brick, lie was thrown from the load into a large gully so that the wheel which passed over him did net crush him. though as stated, hurting him badly. This (Monday) morning lie is much better, aud will probably be out again before long. Will Ford has returned from a visit to Pl;iinlleld with a perfect match for his horse Daisy, at least so far as ap­ pearance is concerned. It makes a daisy team and no mistake. Contrary to custom, we do not cele­ brate this Fourth. The celebration in neighboring towns, however, will give our citizens abundant opportunity to expand their patriotism. i- v' ; ?• . • ' * * r, > » .. •,; -THE- The democra tic party put up a New York .candidate, noiuinalh from New Jerse^lf in 1S64; New York candidates in 1S ' j8. 1872 aud 1876, and a New York candidate nominally from Pennsyva- ttia in 18S0. They carried New York in 18GS and 1876, The brilliant series of defeats, it seems, encourages them to try the game again, and obtain fur Cleveland the fate of Greeley. UcHenry County Fair. WHY IT LEADS. How Sherman was Flanked, AXD SECURED FOR SEPT, Uh. [These lettci s are printed bv mpiest. , as the Scrretai 'v does not feel like taking so much personal credit in the -success of the grandest fair iit the Sortliweat. On the contrary, my lollow-officers are entitled to a great share of the succesaof the past three years.] Cine\<f), June 10, 18^4. Gen. W. T. Sherman, St. Louis, Mo.: My Dear Sir.--1 lake tlie l iberty <if introduc­ ing to you the iieArer, Mr. A. S. \Vright, dee,re. tarv of the MeHenrv Co. Agricultural Society ot this >tate, who desires to see you in recant to a matter of importance in tne Society he represents. I will say that after attending two meetings of above named Society Fairs, I regard it as one of the best managed"ami sue. cessful that I hive ever seen. This is due largely to the good judgment and energy of Mr. Wright. Commending Mr. VV. to your kind consideration, I am Respectfully Yours,- ' ., A. L. CHITUtir. CXITEO STATES SENATE, I Washington, D. O. f Mny 17, 1881. Gen. W. T. Sherman, St. Louis, Mo.: Dear <ye/i<m/.-This will introduce my friend Mr, A. S. Wright, of Woo tstock. 111,, who Is Secretary nf the McITenry County Agricul­ tural Hoard. He desires your presence at the fair this fall , and I hope you will he able lo go. The-fair at Wnods'ock is always one of the l>est iu ihe state,ami you can feel assmed of a very cordial reception by a community composed of our very best people, who are especially anxious io have you attend the comiug fair. Tours very trulv, S. !Mf. CnxoM, JOHN A. LOGAN. * Vm-.Knn, June 10, 1881. Gen. W. T. Shermnn, St. Louis, Mo,: My Dear General:-- Mr. A. S, Wright, Secre- tary of the Mcllenry Agricultural Boar l in this state, visits St. Louis expressly to see if he can secure your attendance at their next annual fair. The McHsnry County Frirs are almost as much ot a feature In this eectlor of the state as the St. F^onis1 fairs are for people in that section, and to Mr. Wright the credit is mainly itne. You will meet a warm-hearted, intelligent, enthusiastic people--besi le manv who serve I under you--as they are also a patriotic, people and they would he "awfully glad" to lmve you favor them with your presence. Very sincerity your*, Maktin Bkkm. T.ISOOLW, III , Mav 28.18S4. Gen. W. T. ̂ hsrman, St. Louis, Mo.: » My Dutr Genera!:--If you can make i:p your mind to go to Woodstock, Mcllenr_\ Countv, III, during the coming fail there, 'I wish to ' say to you th i t you will visit one of the most beaut :ful nortlonsof ihe world, anil will be .surrounded by a hosnltiblc, p ilrioiir. and ap. oroc.iative peop'e, who love their country and love you. Let me ask von t , go if i t l>e possi­ ble for you to Uo so. Very truly vonrs. l l . J." (XH.Ksnv. cmcvoo, III., Mav !.*>, 1*S4. My Dear General:--I besr to introduce y«»-i to my friend, Mr. A. S. Wright, Secretary of the McHenry County Agricultuial Soeiftv. Mr W represents H society, one of the he*t in the <tate, which is very :iiixi>iis lo hive you attend the fair next September. 1 once repre seined Mclleni y Countv in Congve*, and lean endorse its people mil v ••ml assure, von a iuo.-<t cordial reception. Hoping that you may Had It agreeable and Convenient lo gratify the wishes of iny obi constituent*. I am Very truly yours,- ' t . B. WASIIBUKK. Generftl W. T. Sher nan. STATE OF ILLINOIS, (_ Secretary's Oflice, f spiMNjopiF.r.n, May IR, 1881. Deai General:--Tins "will introduce to you Mr. A. S. U light, Sccre'arv of the MeHenrv lo. Knir Association, located at Woodstock, Illinois. Under the mnnagement of i ts Secretary this fair has become famous, and particular for the presence of the distinguished men of the -Nat ion. Illinois furnishes its. Sitae officers every ye:»r and Chicago its best Mayor, of course. Last year Gen. l .nngstreet came from Atlanta to be present and our Governor de­ livered the address. Hoping you wj!l be able to gratify Ihe «l«l soldiers as weli as the Association by your presence next fall , we are Tours truly, JOHN M. HAMILTON, GOV. JCIIAH. P. swN;KKT, s tate Aud. J. MCCAKTNKY , Att 'v Gen. J. C. SMITH , ^tate Treas ' II . I) . OKMKST , Sec. State. GF.N . W. T. SHERMAN , St. Louis, Mo. FOR Clothing, Carpets, Wall Paper, Dress Goods, Domestics, ^ Boots & SSioes, Trunks and Valises, Paints and Oils, Mixed Paints, Groceries, Salt, etc PERRY iL OWENi 1884 Special Sale commencing Monday, June 30, continuing all weeks 30*0 Ladies and Gents Linen Collars 4c each; 200 Ladiea Blacife Velvet Embroidered Collars 5c each; 500 Kuches, double and new,T* cent each; 1,000 yds Silk Veiling ^c per yd, usual prire 35c; 500 yds Black Dotted Lace Veiling 5c per yd, regular pi ice 25c; 2.000 yds Linen Embroidery, 3c; Fans, Parasols, Ribbons, Lace, Collars, Lace Tidies, Laces of moet every description. Ladies Uloves from 10c and upwards; 10 doz Misses all Silk Gloves 22c; 300 pair Ladies Ho<P 6c:; also a good line men and boys Clothing; also f &tQQQ Yards Remnants|| From 2c per yd and upwards. haw fiats Cheap; Elegant Line Ladies Corsets, Wrlerii And abont ,100/Shawis in all the new shades, cheaper than before offered in this county. 2,O0O yds Sheeting at a bargain. These are CASH prices, and we think it will p.iy the cash trides to call in ̂ Ladies and Gents Fine Shoes at moderate prices. CALL Iir. TZSIMMONS "ft; EVAMSON. i r | iniror|<Tini'.gga-!„ l-.iSg-flllRragaiW F.G. 188§ GOLD1NG WAUCONDAp ILL., Cull attention of customers to their attractive stock of new Notions, Groceries, Boots ani Sta, Etc., Etc. • . * . . . Just opened VRair Low PHICB*. T!IO Bast and Cheapest Dry Goods lK>iif<e in Laiie County. J^^'Cull and see us, examine Goods and learn prices botore purehiirsiug. We can and will -save yon niouey. Butter and Eggs Wanted, Aud tHo Hijfhoait Market Prieo PafH. -v ' , u BROS. auconda, May 20th, 18&4. k i - ' i i WAUCONDA- EDITOR PLAixiiiCALKu:-Tlie Catholic Mi ssion litild liere f-omo weeks ago, was an event wliirii will In* I0114 remember- neer Grace and Fireman Scott were e»l. Fatlier LeCinae, a Je«iiite priest, stantly killed. One brakeman escap we believe from Cliwa? the prin- while another received fatal injutip, ̂ ripal lecturer The meeii began oh ~ 'f ^un<l.iv. continued tliroujjh the week MB SOUTH. f.a.Ml the fullowltig Siitidsi'v. Tliey were . i ~ 7 , . . . » v e r y l u l l v n t t P i i d e i l . t h e c h u r c h b e i n g A TILBOBAX from Mountainburg, At f rHqi ie„,iy ctow.le.l by Protectants ai atete*i that Rheriff C. P. Chandler, of Ik well C.atholic». The Kev. Father was County, Kansas, who, with two depati a very interesting speaker, Imt his av- had been tracking Louis Wampler (the fie g"'»ients. If socepted. c<>uld not lie con- •who murdered the Anderson family of t^idered comfort ing 10 his non-Catholic persons near Pleasanton, Kan., some wee hearers. Tliey seemed to show also, ago), came upon Wampler in the mountai that while many Protectant* are de- near that place. He fired two shots at t ploriug the »i<lvent of free, independent Sheriff and then fled. The pursuers th tliou^iit in their denominations in this gained npon him, and when within foi the nineteenth century, nothing ot the yards Wampler placed a pistol at his o^kind need be feared by their Catholic nead and fired, aud died in a few minuti friends. The body was sent to Pleasanton. ' ' , " ' ACB«88 the Virgmia line, opposite Ko.,,^ ^7^. 'to u!e ney, W. \a., a wood-chopper found $l,0\VHiuonila n-v^papor correspondents in gold concealed in a hole in a tree. always hungry for items, necause of its IKX LADDY, a negro 25 years old, W!frequent change of occupants. We recently mode three attempts to outraR,1!>P°ge<l l ' , e mine had busted when white women at Whitnov, Tex., and "evv market opened a week or two 1 •% • , , , .ago. as a permanent business was to be «eeded m one instance, was taken from j 1,,1^1, J,i 1 1 at that place and lynched. The 1 1 d *"vh- I'owevr, also cat his ears offf - not appear to. be the case. One day last week the proprietor departed to uiiki.owu parts ami lias no! yet re­ turned. The reason of this sudden leave-taking is not generally nnder- Stoo 1 and is universally regretted, but Ids return is not looked for at present. George Curtis arid his men have been here must of the spring, and are just paint ing the town --not red. exact ly hut white or any color the house owner wishes . So far as known his work i s g iv ing universal sat is fact ion. l ie l ias just f lushed frescoing the Bapt is t church. Much credit i s due him | , , r t | i e SO 18 T. J. DAGY, With Bed* Rock, Low Priced Machines. "** •55 imvs the ISest Mower, with a liberal ' l iM-nnnt forca-li . V1R 10 l iuys the Heat ll . ike,ami all other no MIH ' i tcorresijon'linv- low )>ric»!-i. Kverylirxly knows or sfiould know iliat DACY •'»» the ZEKO T. YoxJKg, editor of the Had*' No HKUSON should think of subscribe log for "The ..Lives of Blaine and Logan" till they are shown the AUTUO ItlZKD OFFICIAL edition by W. R. Houghton, A. M., Professor Political Science, Indiana Uuivemity Prolessor. Houghton's well-known ability as a historian and political writer is a Mifticleut guarantee that his book will tie the best, and, since this is an espec­ ial effort of the author, we may look fur something in this line that will excel anything of the kind ever at­ tempted by others. Besides the lives of the candidates, the work will I'Uiitain the history of the Republican party, portraying its brilliant record through the entire period of its ex- lateiice. and a fund of other iuiorm- utiou that hat required many years to ^*>llect. This work will take proced Jnee over all others, for it is an iithority, ami justly merits a liberal patronage. We hope some enterpris­ ing person iu this count}' will secure Mil agency for this book at once, and reap the harvest that awaits the vigorous canvass. The Caxton Pub- lUhii* Co,, of Chicago, arc the pub- artistic manner in which the work is done, ami to the Ladies Sewing Society for furnishing the wheie-with all to accomplish it. The citv father* have caused an unusual amount of graveling to be done on the streets this spring, ami have built a new side Walk lea.ling to the Catholic church. ' l)avid Mcl.ain has moved into Pa«- chel Houghton's village house, Mr. IL having moved to hi* farm. Peter Johnson has torn dowji the house va­ cated by Mr. McLain and will build 11 tine resilience on the old site. ^M. S. Ford lias built a line barn oppo­ site his residence. Osniau raised the frame of a barn, wliicli will be one of Anil will sell CIIEAPElt than any othur dealer. It 'you want a DEERING TWINE BINDER, .Toliimtoii or Crown Mower, Hallingsworth, EemdMr or Tiger Bake, HAY LOADER, IIA Y TEDDER, HA Y C'A ft l it Eft, HARPOON PORK. W I N D M I L L , DRIVE WELL, PUMP, SINGLE OR DOUBLE CARRIAGE, HEAVY Olt LIGHT //AllSESS, FARM OR MILK WAGON, GLIUDEN 1JA11H WIRE fir any thin.' in the Implement line, from a Wire Hiret-cher t<> a Threshing Machine, call and get the prire of T. J. DACY, Woodstock, M«lli-nry Co., ill THE WAUCCNDA DRUG STORE BOOK HAUNT Is now well supplied with a good variety of Popular Chs&p Sbsst Uusic And Music Basics, Consistinar of low priced, but first class instructors tor Organ Piano, Violin, etc. PATENTS i MtWN ft CO.. of tho RriF-NTirrr AMF.TirrAN', con- I t inu<! to :i 't m Soiicit-iM 1 «r ratc'iii.i, r.iveats. Trade Murks, Copyright.*, lor the IJniteil Htnlci. Canada, Kncland, b'rancc, CJermnny, etc. Jlaiid IJ 'wik about l ' .ircnls pnnt free. Tlnrty-wvon yciir*' experience. I ' ltelitxonfjnnecl tliroii'rii ill,NN \ t'O. an;notlct 'd In the KfiKNTi nr AMKHKAN. tin) largest, lest .and most widely ciri ulrtt»-<l srii-iitiilc pajier. a year. AV«;ekly. Sp:<Tiiliil i-nt'iavtiiKS and luti-ri stlriK In­ formation. PiMSCimen roi<y of Iho Nriciiiific A iner> ICIIII m-rit. fn-p. A<l'lr«*»s Mt'KS A <"(>., Si IFCNTIKIO AMERICAN Offlce. »;i Broadway, New York, Instrumental Music For Beginners, as well as more advanced. Handsomely bound volumes o£ OLD and NEW SONGS, and an excellent collection of thB Old War Songs Which are again becoming very popular. In addition to this new class of music we keep constantly in stock the old Standard Gospel Hymns, Sunday School Bjoks, winners Guides, Etc. The usual Jine of ACCORDEONS, VIOLINS, Violin Fixture^ Flutes, Harmon icasy . And other small instruments. Any Sheet Music or other goods not in stock can be ordered and received usually by return mail. •JOHN HUMPHREY, Wanconda, III., Hay 24th, 1M4. RAKES! HAKES! The Tljyer, New Hollinj;wortli, Fnrst & Bradley, Knowltou. Advance ami Arclier. Will sell low with or with out pole, at E M Owen & Son's R. C.HILL, Waiiconda, - Illinois, --DF.AT.KR IN-- Agricultural Implements OF ALL KINDS. We k«ep a fnll line of Farm Machinery of the best manufactured nn<t *ell at BED ROCK PHIZES. If you want nnvtliintr in the Aeri^ultiirnl Marlnncry line, <lo not fall to eall on me be- fere iiurchisinjr, as I cur anve you nmnev. I atn also airent for Lake an«I McHenry Coun­ ties for the 7 Champioa Feed Cutte?, Ton can have a ffrin-ler atlacherl to jrrin<1 at the saine time you are em tinir. Every imr ehnser gets a written miarantee w iiti l i is m:i fl i ine. It poHltivelv the KASIK"»T ItllN- NINti Fee<l ("utter In the Market. Give aic a call. In Mowing Machines I have the IBIPROVED RICHMOND MOWER, Simple, Onmltle an<l RlUclent:. The frame 1* mailc entirely of iron, |h»s preventing liie warping anfl Hpi iuxlntr, while the gearing is so securely iw>\ei< us to keep it entirely free trout rhist, dirt and grit , . ; TH© XS<*iat Mower in Up© . Am Agent for the Raesno Cement_„OoihL*^ panics . ^ CEMENT CHIMNEYS. Call and see them. R. C. HILL. Wauconda, May, 20th, 1884. 44 .m3 DEALER IK •V ade Clothingi Goods, Invites an inspection ot his stock, all of which will l>e sold at ths lowest prices far cash. lienietuber good (TOOCIS at fair Price* at the Ueuterville Store. McHenry, 111., June 10,1884. •' 1 F. C. MAYES. FARMERS CALL And see the larare stock :»f sold BO low that it will pay voti big to buy, as we aregetti i * rid of any amount every day. VV'e liave Four of the Leading t>»»IUy Plows The Celebrated Hapgood (That we sold over 45 of last year), the (•, Furst Bradley, ami last, but not least, the BUFORD, which is something ot the principle of the f-ussadv, but nicer to handle, easier on man and team. A big line of Walking Plows, the Norwegian, Moline, Case, Furst & Bradley, Grai5. Detour, and the Chamberlain, All warranted to suit any farm«r, and sold lower than any poor pV* can be. Call and examine the KEYSTONE and RANDALL PITLVEKIZKRS, and see the improvements for 1884; they are the best tools made, Borrow one of your neighbor' and see, and then come here and we will sell you one lower than you can borrow. v.)ur CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES Area full stock, consisting of the Enterprise (the best buggy mal iu Cincinnati), the Emerson & Fisher and Cortland; also kee;> th \ Henry Abbott or Syracuse for a better grade. Can knock the botto i out of anybody's prices on the above buggies and give you our off-f warrantee. The Platforms with the new Combination ot both t!> * Cortland and Freeport makes the leading buggy for all purp(w*»« Don't forget that we have the leading HARROWS of from 4C to 90 teeth, of both common and reversible and both iron aud wood. 1BO sure and examine our pi ices before buying. We can't recommeud to you a Lighter oi Better Mower than the * .' • ;-:-vs \ Take Notice! I am now better prepared than ever to e you an * IHSUaAHCE POLICT yi" wKiUfr^ass"' White Clover Honey, OraSwnrmof YELLOW BEES, At living prices. It you are Iu need of such please call on J. HENDRICKS- Si ring Urove, III. We carry the largest line of Clot'i- pujf in the market, anil our prices are always as low asgtwil goods can be gold Ueury Uoiby. Notice. To W ham it May Concern: Notice in hereby R i v e n that the un<lersi[ned, Ailuumnliutor of the KsUte of Nichoiat lies#, tle<-ense<l, will appear before the County Court, at the J11I5 lerin, on the Third Moiviay in July, 18H4, to miike a IImil Hettlcmciit an«l auk for 11 t l iscliiirKe HIK' II .Vii[iiini»lnilor. All |>craoii8 inteie~U'i | are hereby notilled to take due notice, am) *how r,:ui»ie, if Hiiy, why such (lUchurge sliou'd not be grained. 1'KTKR KAl'I KItlCn, AJuuuUtrator Willi Will Anuexuil, Paled July ut, Important to tfupturedPersons The RxrelKior Unpin re Cure MT* Co of OfKlenvbiiiK, N. v.. Kuaninieo to cure sinv case of redmible lien 1.1 w th iheir Uein'edies IHK ItirriUK I 'UHTKK AND H KALI NO COM' MM Si>. This Ire . t tmenl is ndoixe.l |>V our IK-SI Doctors, l)i«T{I?II.U, and the general pu blic. Send lid* lor free book on ttuuture or n»k your lr<iggUt for the itemedy. For constitutional or scrofulona ca- tarrali,ami tor COIISIIIH|IIion Induced by tin; scrofulous taint, Aver^ Sar*ap»riHa 18 the line remedy. It has cured mini- be 1 less cases. It will stop the nauseous ciititrrhal discharges, and remove the sickening odor of Hie brcatli. which are Judicalluut of soroluloua origin. Standard, Manny, Grown, Kev Warrior, or tie Knoviioi for ease both to man and team, Foi4 a Binder you all know of tit: Lignt Running Piano and Minneapolis. We have a certainty on the points of superiority, that there is not even one experiment about them; the weaiyl very slight and c sily taken up; does not sat out ot order for it ijfwell made; is an ec »in».- mizei of twine and does not strain the band; binds either lon;r or short grain with ease aud certainty; the size of the bundle is -nosV , easily changed; tightness of bundle easily regulated; each LmndlQ is completely separated, even in tangled grain; is perfectly automatic «ud need* 110 attention except proper oiling. IS* M. Owen Sc McHenry, May Mib,!l»4.

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