*p??i. ^RUffac* TO *W>TI»|-KS. , AT* tnw «1L*TT»rlM><F :«» NL^HF I»M1 brojt- *,f tr.nr r**l? bv ViiiM ••illi |»uiit ot iMitiiiiif t«*«>tl»? 5 M |t nnefi m«il get « bottle of Ifilfctv'n Soothing Symp for in t»vthl!ig. Jt* Villus is It will rrllftv# thf poor 111r 1« Depend upon It ^^vW-Stwr* I* no aln»Mt It. «Riiil1|(|Uentery and diarrhoea, rpgO- |M» tWomaeli atxl bowels, cures lull colics poft^nft the ytims, reduces and gives ton* and eti- *' #l*Jf to tli* Whole svfrtent. Mrs. Wins- ilitV Soothing Sjrrttp for children I* pleasant t» the taste, ant! tttt (presort ptioti of ore of the oldest Mi ' «|5io»«t female physicians and nurses t |kW United States, and is for sale bv I-. am drnttflstit throughout tho world. jjj^V a bottie. P". HEAD THIS. - tSeo. T. Parker. Fresco and IWfrWft"- *'|ive Painter. Paper Hanger etc. Cell- ^ |ng« and Walls decorated in the latest W «fl«Jn Oil or Distemper colors. .First claw work and low prices. Resl- -tHMiW and shop opposite Parker House Ifnt McBcnry. HI. ^ ^ , -FOR SALJL--"" The etde wheel Steal*!**; "T,»*a«.w ds for th# Machinery, or for the -hole of the Boat, as she now lies at fcHanrr. may be sent to Capt. Waltj^ lit Mcllenry, III., or I* B. F, WUNT, J.,» Wabash Avenue, Chicago. _____ ' ; NOTICE# • TO ALL ORDE^FM- #L4I» %ND LIQUORS BY THE GALLON AND CIGARS FFBJR TH» BO* AT CHICAGO BOTTOM PRICES. ALSO BOTTLED BEER BY THE CASE. . . A. SOW5 EXSCHIBW. CARY STATION 111, 4^ * Wheat "Waned. % <V>»ftcO. *t the Fox River Valley jIlHls, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash will be paid. . B. BISHOP. •*jlcHenry, IH-, April 14tb. 1884. MOWERS ! MOWERS ! fca Standard. Crown, Manny. New Warrior, and Kimwlron. are the light- ' #»t running Mowtr'i made, at E, H. Owen A Son's. . > [*•// STIR Wheat Warted. ' iWAWTED. at tl»« Fox River Valley Mill, good Milling Wheat. for which the liljrliest price in cash will l»e paid. * R. BISHOP. McHenry, III., April 14th. 1SS4. = The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain £nrt galvanized.decidedlv the best W ire >Jn the market, at John 1. Story's. Black and colored Jersey's goods, only 91.90 at Bonslett- & StofleTs. 1 lejlhs atrictly pure 6ugar fer flat Bonslett & Stoflel'«. 40 inch all wool Nuns veiling 38 ctfc. 5 at Bonslett & Stoflel's. Colored all wool BUNTINGS 19 cents at ; Bonslett & Stoftel s. IHin't forget to see the Flying Dutch man. while iu town, at E M Owen A Son's. • The laf**t. cheapest and finest Stock .of gloves at Bonslett ft^StoBet's. Ti Mto aid Ceitractors, ^r. , The Meftonry Brick Ufannfacturlng Company &>•, , *• are now ready to supply Brick I n ; i n q u a n t i t i e s I FROM SHALL LOTS CAR LOADS fkiir Brick ara second to none to LIE fonnd In S-*F . the market. and will be iold at the lowest I?" *.: mrket price. Persons inHMilinp lo bttilii.or those hamllinj: Itrir.k, %vilt H- *• «!• well 10 rallan<] see us before .. . purchasing. WelnTlcean examination and compari«on "with any Brick tnarle i n the Northwest . For further to format Ion apply to or add resa ^ McHENRY BRICK - Manufacturing Coi^ JMeHenrj, III., JUNO 11th, »"' •n.l,1 > , * -- ' ' i 1 ' E. Lawlus, ?,C* 3& AYER'S restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep bluck, as may be desired. By iu use light or red hair may be darkened, tliin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and stimu lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the •calpu As a Lariiea' Hair Dressing, the VIGOR is unequalled; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting i>erfuine. , MR. C. P. BRICHER writes from Kirby, O.. Jnh/ 3, 1882 : " Last fall my hair commenced Ifalling out, and in a short time 1 became (nearly bald. I used part of a bottle of AvEii's HAIR VIGOR, which stopped the fall ing of the hair, and started a new growtli. I have now a full head of hair growing vigftv ouslv, ami am convinced that but for the Use of your preparation 1 should hare been entirely bald." J. W. BOWES; proprietor of the Mc.lrthwr %Ohio) Enquirer, says : "AYF.R's II AIR VIGOR is a most excellent preparation for the hair. J speak of it froiu my own experience. Its .use promotes the growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft. The YlGOU is also A sure cure for dandruff. Not within BIT knowledge has the preparation ever lalieo to give entire satisfaction." MR. Avors FAIRBAIRX, leader of the celebrated " Fair bairn Family" of Scottish Vocalists, writes from Boston, Mast., Feb. 6, 1S80 : " Ever since my hair began to give sil very evidence of the change which fleeting time procuretli, I have used AVKK'8 HAIR I VIGOR, and so have been able to maintain an appearance of youthfulness -- a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, ora tors, actors, and in fact every one who live* Ixrthe eyes of the public." MRS. O. A. PRESCOTT, writing from 18 Elm Sf., Churlestotrn, Mas*., April 14, IS,si!, says: r-." Two vears ago about two-thirds of my hair came off. It thinned very rapidly, and I was fast growing bald. On using AYI:R'S HAIR VIGOR the falling stopped and a new growth commenced, and iu about a month my head was completely covered with short hair. It lias continued to grow, and is now as good as before it fell. I regularly used but one bottle of the VIGOR, but now use it occasionally as ' a dressing." . We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. It needs but a trial to convince the most skepti cal of its value. PBEPARCD BT V. .'V:' V; Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Wltat. Sold by all Druggists. RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHgNRY, ILL, LIVER and KIDNEY Bitters These Bitters are especially prepared for the masses »»t m a n k i n d , sufierinv from Tor pid Liver, Weak ami L>Ueased Kidneys,and constitutions overworked, bodily and men. tally. They cure Fever and Asue, Malaria, ltid'iges'ion, I>> sjiepsia, Nervous Debility, HEAD-.IF he, Constipation, give a ^OOD appe t i t e , p u r i t y t h e b l o n d , s t i m u l a t e t h e K i d n e y s into :iealiiiy activity, producing new life and vigor to the body and mind . We Warrant THOSE BITTERS To be the best Tonic preparation made and rct-oimneid tlieni to Kverybody for Family USE to secure-Health, Strength and Happi ness DIRECTIONS:--A wine glass fu l l taken thr e e t i m e s a d a y , l i c l o r e e a c h m e a l , w i l l accomplish the desired effect, WITHOUT drag ging the stoiuaOh. John A. King & CA« Wholesale Drugg i s t s , Proprietors 81 Lake Street,Chicago. t||. Buy-T r y and you W i l l a l w a y * use iheni «*"Price $1 Per Bottie,^» Sold by Druggis t s genera l ly . iSTQPPED FREE it®1 H PI 'Hk Insa-ie Person hestorsd M EL ^3Dr.KLINE'S GREAT ID O NERVERESTORER •/"-«//BRATN&»RVS DISIT\SKS. OK.'y sur$ cure / r J^'KC^ns J '!s, I'M t'C. J INFALLIBLE IF TAKTU A« «l i r e<-tci- Aj f.ts afce* wjirsi diy r ut*. Trc.it«e t $2 trill bouie free t-9 i Fit paiicats. they piy:ny express char^e^ on hot whc» I l P. < >. an1 express aicircss n< Ja^-cte'l Arrh St..l'hiiid«'nhi*.Pa. &HWA&B OF IMITATING F&AU&S. m BAE2A15S IU •" hT" «. - ~ts -T" xmn, "A ' .4 -vi !, K-i'i: LARGEST » k'1 *v-i- <<#*¥" y^':4isli£ m fpr Hie *pH«t »nd summer trad* of 1884. C. F. HALL i-ifS ^ .STOCKS 0¥ 1 - S * N **• -- 111 '> **• $ > , * a t1 The acknowledged leader In «?ood oroods and low prices, and people are finding* it out. His prices tell his £uods are of the very best. His stock is larjre and his prices are way down below the hijrh priced credit dealers. He can afford to do it as he sells ior cash Only. Jamestown Worsted Dress Goods, 50 pieces jnst received. Everything new "bright and attractive. Benmauta cheap, >F. Hall bids for your trade, do and seo him-. The < nly cash store in Northern Illinois. The largest, the best filled. Size, 140 feet long and 22 feet wide, two stories hio-h and working for the people that PAY AS THEY GO. Not a tto.'lar's worth goes out except for Hard Cash. I sell DRY GOODS, CLOTH I MC, ' . <£t Sl&oes, SCstts A Caps, Jintr Yli T 9 71 00 IN EVERY DEPARTMENT* U S X F O R Finest Bleached Cetten ^ITEST Unlileat hed Cetlon ^STAN<LARRT Ginghams...... NE 1 CORSETS . A E , A TLCLCNG . 15 KLCYANT DRESS GOEDS . . . . 5 , 7 , ! > ' * 1 0 42 INCH H'.ACK CASBUIORES' ' SO DRESS DRILLS... • CAMBRICS " 6 LADLES' KMC HANDKERCHIEFS 6 I AND 10 CENT BARGAINS IN UBNNDNNEE. G«OD ('ETTON CLOTH , F JFE 1 DONIMS U REST DENIMS MADE IS KXTRA WATERPRAOF 65 L.ADIEF 'SLIPPERS, WORTH 75 CENTS... 45 L.ADIES' £LI«>EN #100 LADLES' FRENCH K I D SHOES, TINE 3 00 GENTS' ROUL8, (IOOD ML All k inds lor inen and boy BAND only good Goods. • i -AND jx Satisfaction Guaranteed. IIENB X CJO LBYi MCHEHBT, III., February 11, 1884. A New Clean Stock #F JUST OPEXL^R> BY GOODS, somen m mmm CLOTHS. |l|ts Furnishing Goods M'Ot all kinds. He also sells fe - For Coal and Wood CALL ON-- E. M. HOWE Opposite Biiihop,ii MiU, " "Who lias a complete l i n e of tlie best stoves in tl:e market, as well as a large stock of Hardtare, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPFER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, in fact, everything In the hardware stove and tin line. JTE M ILL yf)T BE VXDEItSOLD. Call at HI* store before l m y i n g elsewhere. JOBBING and repairing promptly attended tn. M~HEINEMBER, extra gotMl ti»rg«ius CM*1 ways L>e obtained at Howe's. V McHenry , Dec. 1, 1683. # PRICE BROTHERS, AT WAUCpNJDA, ILL, We have one of the largest stooks' ever bron«rhtto tilts market. These jroods were bought for cash, which enables us to sell at very close figures. Do not take our word for it, but come and look through our stocK and satisfy yourselves tjiat wo mean what We say. Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Notions, G roceries, Hats and Caps, Crockery and Glassware, Paints and Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Wa'l Paper and Window Shades, together with the most complete stock ol a 9Ixq: Evirr brought here, Our line of ladies* and gents* hand sewed Shoe* is the best ever ottered for sale in Wauconda. All kinds of Country Produce bought for cash or taken in exchange for goods < Below Chicago Prices. Call and see, in front of RIVERSIDE HOTEL, McHenry, Ills. E. Lawlus. James Robbing, n». \R' " ' -**M« NJ^TV JBlarm Machinery, ClIAMPION. n&RBS M0 SISSEES, Ai>d the Best HAY RA.KK In the Market. esp-acja'-w: ef all Ueds eonstantly on b&nd, Ostl sttdsee me. James Robbing. " Jfpp aoiuw Hay Htu. mu ^ THE GOLDEN STAR GASOLINE RANCE$, Superior to all. I* rapidly su pcrsediug Cook Stoves and Kan ges tut- Summer use, Call and <}&> tiiem, JOHN I. STORY Mcllenry April 1st, 1883. Late styles of transparent curtains pliatles au<d lamberq^tns at Bonslett & SLOFLERE. GREAT BARGAINS. BOOTS AND SHOES! My stock of Summer goods is now complete, consisting of Mens, Boys'and Youth's FIETE and SHOES. , J, , f t TJ 7.* t In all the latent styles. # W(*men% Misses't and Children's Fine Shoes, Walking Shoes, and Slippers. We make a specialty «t Men's and Women's Fine Shoes, Walking Shoes, and Slippers^: > ' JF..' V " Gents Fine Calf Pegged, and Hand-Sewed French Calf Morocco Legged Boots, Plow Boots & Shoes.' * H >»;{ s-m - " s"' ^Wf^iiave if^^ememlfiryus stoct; infmch lafg^r than These goods were bought tor Cash* and will be sold for ('ash at a bargain. We keep the Sclz celebrated hand-made goods; also the Reynolds Brothers, and other Standard make** |^*N. B.--House Established id 1805 W- H- DWIGHT. Cor. Main St. and Public Square, Woodstock, III. ' ? -- ^ * * wilt ttwfeel*. t»y yoit to ddrtoS mlTes to trade with me. 1 sell goods of the best quality and guarantee everything as represented. Head my price list and bring it, aud make your fall purchases where your money will do you the most igood, Will your credit dealer make you the following prices? Best !t*rlnts M cents #.1« FC- -RS Bojrs F nits F2 P0 to U 00 Men's Suits....... SjStottW 1 , Clethinir is our irreat specialty, and we carry the finest »toek IN Northern Illinois. Wo haYe ~V- the poorts. No. ] Baking Powder tleonts. Spioes. w»y down. Sugar a t Chicago cost ADD freight. 60 RENT Tea 44 cents »;«od Tea... 85, 90, 39 & 40 •• •Hest Rice ... T •• ITONT KEASTED COFFEE ]* «• »I>OD «• MAI* " STANDARD RAISINS.. « •« |NO 1 TUUIRC,*, SMOKIIF SS •• >FL,'INE'-(IIIT TOBACCO... SO •« I'LNJF T«»BA«*I'.O ... 60 •• V.LONG LLOX MATCHES 10 •• i JB-rent Box Matches.... ... ,... ....; J|" •• 16-rent Box MR.tciies Babbitt's Siiieratiis BAIIMAD IN TM Let it bo forever remembered ttat . Chieaio & Kortlvestenfiai Is the L*est and Bliortest rente to IMMLKN CLII<!AGO RII<1 Council BHIFFS (Omaha) IND (W U IN preterrer! by *\\ nrell posted trmreleitt when PASSING to or from California and Colorado*, It also operate the best route and t be she<*t line between Chicago an* St. Paul anf Winreapolis Milwankee, I>aCros&e, Huarta. Madison. Tatlt' Howard (Qroen Bay Wisr«n*in . Winona, Owatonna, Mankaty. Minn. Cedar RADIIIS! L»es Moines, Webster City, ALTO*. OlintOa. Mav.sballt.wn, Iowa FREETWRT^^IN; »OEFF! fines ' RR° AULON W0local stations on I|* Among a fe w of the numerous points of sit. periority, enjoyed by the patrons ot this road arc itsOAV tlo vofiKS, whi, h aTe the finest that human art and ingenuity can create-its PALATIAL SLEEPING CARS, WHTEH »R! mooels F>f comfort and elegance; Its PAI AUK DRAWING ROOM CARS, which are unsuil imsseo by any; and its widely celebrated - NORTH-WESTERN DININO OARS; IN# like of which are not run by any other road anywhere. In short, it is asserted that IT IS THE BEST EQUIPPED ROAD 1* TILK WORLD. • A l l points of interest, Nortl-, Northwest a ad West ot Chicago, business centres, summer resorts, nnd noted hunting and Ashing ground# are accessible uy the Tarious branches ot this road. it owns and controls orer 5,000 mile* of road ftn<L lias over four hundred FMSSENSER duo tors constantly caring for Its millions of patrens. A«k your ticket agents for tlcknts via this roiite, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. It costs .io more to travel on this route, that give* first-class accommodations, than it dovs to C* by the poorly equipped roads. For maps, descriptive circulars nnd sun. •ner resort paper?, or other information not obtainable at your local ticket office, writ* to tho lien'l Pass. Agent. C. & N. ^ Railway Chicaeo 111. Best Soap., Stoiro'Pollsh.... . •*-<( •;« «f. 0 . ' : : F kno vr thai; f cklv make It foi ill do it. Just come once and I want t6 see yo your interest to come, and My goods are 4 Bought and Sold lor Cash Only. ' AND TAT _ . see. th.0 Whole StorT*. I want the tar-off trade that buy BIG BILLS, and to suci f say, come and see nie, and if 1 can't save you money, will paj your expenses. 1 am getting in Uf rgains every day, and they g< at bought, very cheap for cash. Yours tor good goods aud low prices - C. F. HALL, jSfSKND YOUii ORDERS. &UWDEE, ILL - £ MAI.CB IK OF ALL KINDS. •re two doors north Perry & Owen. •' ' • t have one of the hirgest stocks of Furniture of all kinds to be found in any furniture store 111 the county. Persons wishing to buy will be 8ure to ewvc mone> s bycalliug ou me. UNDERTAKING. I have styles of 35 different sizes ai One Door West of the Riverside House, Has a complete line of the best Stoves in the market/*8 well as a large stock" of ~ " tamps, Chandeliers, Tig, Cop M let-Iron And in short. Every thine: in the Hardware, Stove and Tin Line. . He Will Mot b© Undersold! CALL AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHKRE' Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended i% JggTKliJIEMDER, extra good bar^Hiua can alwaya be ohtaiuedat JOHN I. STORY'S. MOHBHRT III., J»n.tlSt,188t. DO YOU WAUf TO BUT Sewing Machine? Horse Shoeing, General filacksmithing, ' gv'pAGOM AND ' &*L£ ..." SA I have on hand an<1 nm wllinp at the LOW est prices , the Domestic , Kl<lre< l |re , New Home, Sprinprflclil, New American, NML Singer e WING WHohines, nnd W'LL not be unileraold by any U^CCNT in the county, A GOOD STII^FC M.'U'liiit.i for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine In the world. CRII unit sue inc. O.W. OWEN. Mellenrjr, .Feb 20,1883. P. HAUPERISOH, MoHenrj, lllinoisi. Wonlfl respectfully Inform his customers and tlu> ]iiil>lic Kcnttrally that he is now bettei than ever prepared to do all work In nis line. BEPAin IIS O, Of al l kinds on short notice. 4VGIRO ns a call.anil we will pleuse you both in quality and price of work. P. HAUPERISCH. MeHenry, II!., Ang. 7th, 1883. We have just received some Jer«ejrft. Call aud &e« tbeui at B. Colby's. COFFINS AND CASKET^ Always o« hand. I keep I lcar.se of my own which %vill furnished at the most reasona! ratcfe. , J.B.BLAKE. I WOODSTOCK, ILL • - PEAVT-L) IN-- Breech and Muzzle Lo?dii^| bhot Guns. ^ Pairder. snut, Caps,Wads awl Cartri4f«t for sale. FI^HIIIKTSOICLE CB^F. AL. Kinds of Nporfing Ooodn AND REPAIRING DONE» A prood Rreech Loading, Dsn bis BarrsIMI "GUN, wiirrnnted Twist, FIT. ,! Winc hester Itifls, 7<F moilcl, 15shot»,F29. ;* " Nickel I'IHIE«L (! shot Iterolver, T'I.SO. { Self-cock I II jr British Hull DOU Pistol I5.W&;' A irooil single llnrrel Breach Loudinc, binpll (pun, Wiiri-iinted, $5.60. I wil l undersell any lion'e i n the cennty In . puns and Sporting Goods. If you wnnt s (M jrun it will pay yoti to CALL una see M». I war. ,*ant s?el-y GUN I sell. Clothes Wringers repaired and new Kofls put on. Price pn pair warranted, 42.50. B. SHERMAN* Woodstock, July ISth.llWS. J, S HEADQUARTERS FOB Hats A Caps. BOOTS & SHOES, • Gents' Farolsliiiig Goods, *gfr - g WAUC30NH# Jh*r« Jn«T E#tnrned: FFIT jlli felty HH# largsstoekOT . :W;*- ii Sour Which I will sell «t astonishingly low prioM I will make it an object l#r you to eallaM seo ins. An) also agent for TITS New Home maohiitc and tho Jnliai Bauer QRPV MllttifBryT MimneryT MRS. H. MA MAN Has also RECEIVE## splendid stock of IS Spring Milliaary, Of the latest .most approved stylet to w|: found in the city. The ladies itVf V • :~ arc invited to cull anb SE^. F •: WauconUu, April '.'jst, 1SS*. •' i*. . *