Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jul 1884, p. 1

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V; ' Je.^1 ' 1 '• . •'--•-- it' . -- r. , r > . • " ' " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and La 1 > i.j'i'ii .. ^ ---- jt • ,rj 1 VOL. 9. M'HKNHY, ILLINOIS, VI 1 'V" < . « i'M-" Kr r '• J-4** ». fV' .Sj ; & "-' "' PablUked KT«7 Veduidir by ,TA> 8LYKE, JBBLTOR AHD PUBLISHES. Office in Blihop'sBlodEi j.; -^OiwosiT • Pxaav * 'owwi'^p^;:; TERMS or SUBSOBIPTIOX. Bne Tear (in A<tvna«*e) ; $1.50 ttHot Paid within Three Mo*th»...... .. S.W 4iit>se.ripti£n» received f»r three «r six Wrath* i» the name propertied. Kates of Advertising. ,!ir« annonnr.e liberal rates for advertising Iprihe Pt.AiSTiKAt.RR, an<1 endeavor to atate mm so plainly that they will bl (tttdilf nil* leVtteed. They are as follows: I Inch «*ne rear f tncheA one Tear t fne.heaene yenr • V Column one year H one year- 1 Column one year tV»e inch means the nieamrement of one |Mrh down the colnmn^incle column width. Tearly a.lTertiaers, at the above rates, have the privilege of rhanpln? a* often as,' they •boose, withont extra Hmvjre.' Reeiilnr advertisers (nicaninS those having Stan'HoK cards) will l»e entitled to insertion Sf local notices at the rate of A cents per lino Mch week. All others will he chanted 10 cent* per !lne the flfst week, and Scents per MM for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements Will be charged St the rate of 16 cents na line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the llrst isswe, and (cents per Hne for subsequent issues. Th"s( It inch advertisement will cost S1.00 for one week, tlK* for two Weeks, *2.00 for three Weeks, and so on. Tbe rutNARtMitt will be liberal in plvln* editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it •rtll require a suitable fee from cveryltody : the MM of its columns for pecuniary BUSINESS CARDS**, MA«Y «. B.(llBIAX. A lit WORKKK. All kthds of ITair work done in tlrst class style and at rwmiHahie prices. Rooms it residence, north- east corner of Public Square, McHenry,Hi •• H' S OA leap is no so no so no WOOD seeking m**. BUSINESS CARDS. ft T. BHOW3T. M. D. PltTSlOtAtf AVD StTltGEOS. OIBce over the Post rtfllce, opposite Perry Jfc^Martin's , Mcllenry, III. Ittrv up stairs, J. H. SOOTH ILL, M. D. >HYHK!TAX AN1> MTKUEOW. Cfflceoppo- site Post Ofllce, Kingwood. 111. * C. H. PEG ERS, M. D. 1 if|l*T«TClAX AXl> STTR*lEOM. McWenty, I Ilia. OHlre at Resilience, on the Corner, Opposite lllnko's Furniture Store. O. J. HOWARD, M. T». PHTSICIAN AMD stTRGErtV. Office at my residence, opposite M. K. Church, Hellonry? III. ' I PRATT HOUSE. A. PRATT, Proprietor First class ao- eeanneiitions. Good Barn Iji connection uconda. III. B Alt 111 AN BltlK. itG Aft Manufacturer*, WvWwfwy. 111. **r I iterN solicited, ^lwis • i oitl Mcllenry, Keiter Itlock, two doors west' of PLAIN- »r.\r.KR OMec. C WASHINGTON, D. C The oepitl'tr ;»Mlace hotel of the National OlltiMi. Conveniently located and aer.e»sihh» to all the street c«r lines of tlio city. Open all Ike year. 0> G, STAPLES, , PROPBIBTOR. I^kte of the Thousand Island House. M A R C U S ' GERMAN • If . Manufactured by f. MAROUS, --DEALER I X -- fUREWNES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. The lieet Tonic in the world. Pat l|p Ip Ylntand quart Bottles, r. MARCUS, Patentee. Chas. Stolzman, IAXXB | COHTECTIOHEB, OilM Block, Noir Irou Bridge, McHenry, - tit* Presh Bread, Cakes, ^Pies, Cookies, Etc* Always on hand. Sot Tea and Coffee at all Honrs. ' Having had an experience of njaay yeare in fke Baker? business I am eonfldent lean please uiy customers, Cali and see we. Boston Urystaliu4 Creaot, by tl>e Dislt or ||n ar| MTBrsw* Br«*4 Tuesdays and Fridays. Oil (Mi. Stql4«n^n. IfcHenry, April |5th. I8M. JK^SE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Law bnriness in Every part of the State receives attention. Room 24, 99 Washington 91 cago, III. i prompt St., Chi- DR. c. E. WILLIAMS. DENTtST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Mcttenrr. at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and taith of each month. When dates occur Satuvdav or Sunday I mske my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one da v. JOHS KLEIFGE*. H6ITSK Painter, Grainer, Ciilelmlwer awl Paper Hanger. Resi>ience one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to prom ply and on reasonable terms. Horsemen, Attention! all lovers ot tine Horses are respectfully Invited to call at mr farm, half a mile west o*f McHenry, on the Woodstock road, and see my line Morgan and Draft Horses. t have a PercheVon N'ormun Draft Oolt that is hard to beat. Call and see him. IS'Na busincM done on Siadtjr. x. a. coLtft. • Mcllenry, May 1st, 1883. M. Engeln, SpsHsmeos' Es&^a&itns. ALSO GENERAL MERCHANT, And Dealer in All Kinds of G r o c e r i e s , Farm Hardware, Pocket Cutleiy, Sj>ortin£ Goods, FiKhin^ Tiu-kle Gun Material, Musical Instru­ ments, Tobacco, Cigars, etc., etc. Near lijver Bridge, Mc­ Henry, 111. > ^ BOBSBT C. -UUEEDEll OF Lii&t Mm roWLs . MCHMOKD, ILL. (FIRST FREMfUM tT MCHKNKV COUNTY FAIR.) Mvfowlsareof the celobrateil DITKE OF VOUK strain, remarkabltt t\>r tlieir great size and laying •iiialitics. I <-aii show a trio of last season's clilcks wvigliing If pounds. Eggs, i«>r setting >f iiiirtecn. #i fW, delivered snr tn dwppRd, »obnrcty pacl.ed, $2,110. ROBERT C. RESXETT. I: (till Out of the Ark of Safety. 1/ . efJroa»re. p,;. r - danger I TO I4FB A PBOPBJBTT x . Beset fsoon every hand, The iqntter of Ik : 4§>e slycoonjsickloon', saloon, cyclone, tornado, fcit^liBrtitofa, or whatever name mar be given ? |l, is heard in aotae s^ci^on of tl)e eenatty ... • every day. The Fire Fiend jf*r. break out at any moment--the economy K,\. a lifetime be consumed. Death must come I". to all. By a snia'l) pavn)pnt each year you can •pcure to yourself a fortune, should you live, 0T, in the event of death tiefore the tiiue ex, 'X llires, your faiuiiy is provided for. fl5t),0(K»,(W» * ji represented by this agency. Our rales are as low as experience lias foijihl to be sate. • |fou will save money by insuring with me. tienetal Insurance, Life, fire. Lightning Y- *nd Tornado a specially. Thanking all my = , frietids tor their liberal patronage, and hop. tog, by fcquare deailng, to merit a continuance /gfHi same, I bog to subscribe myself, f • - Respectfully yours, "J , •• WM. H COWLIN farCCKfSKOM TO M. M. Ot.OTUIKBl B. S. WAR CLAIM SOLIGITOB AND ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARV PUBLIC. Prosecutes pension or any other clauna agai'st the government, relating to the late, or former wais. tJoin plicated cases and r«. jected cliiims made a specialty. If stamps are enclosed for rejdr, all coinmiinicationa Will be promptly answered. y Office at Seoidenoe. MADISON ST., WOODSTOCK. ILL. Uefcrcnces bv permission as regards char­ acter, bifinessabilitv, reliability, Ac., Ac : lien. J.#lin A. Logan, U. S, Senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gen. ,f.O, Smith, Stntp Trsasnror of Illinois, lion. It Ell wood, W • C. 41U III. Dist., Sycr arnorc, III. Hon. John O. SheVwin. ex,M. C. 5th III, Di»t., Aurora, 111 Hon. A. M. Jones, U. 8. Marshal, CWago, III Col. Jas. A. sexton, Pres Union Veteran Club. Chicago, Hi. Jesse A. Baldwin, Ass't U. 8. Attorney, Ch"? 0,Messvs. Sels. Schwab JkCo., Wholesale Boot and Shoo Dealers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and home refeven. eee, O. W. OWBPf, -^DEALEtt IIT^r- "V Clooks, Watches, Jewelry, f &nd Plated Ware etc. I keep in stock the <• »lebratod> Springflejd Watch, which is pronoiun'C'l !>y atl to M Ine best watch now on tbe market. Will not be Undersold On any goods in niy line. McHenry, Feb. 30,188S. a v. owen. PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETft The undersigned is prepared to do all Jibe in the line of Digging Wells, Re wiring Pumps, Cementing Welle, or will put ill Ne-w Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. C»u fureish you a new Pump, either w##* Otlxw, warranted, as cheap a%J,? ^any other man, f * Uood references furnished if desired. If yon want a Well Dug, H Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. «WOrders bv mt!! attended Jo. Post Ofllce, Johns burgh, 111. L. B Jphnstoirgh, 111., May »th ASA W. sMifH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor fa Chancery.--Woodstock, III. 8. F. BENKETT, M. D. PHT^ICIAN AND SURGEON. AI so United States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Tllinois. K. 8. CHILD*, M. IX, H0ME0PATHIC*PHV«ICIAN AND SUR-OEON, West McHenfv, III. Calls prompt ly attended to, day or night. DR. C. R. WKLT.S. PnVSlCIAN AND SURGEON, Wancohda, Lake Co., III. All calis itromptly attena- ed, day or night. Ofllrcou Main St., east of Bnrker's harness fhop. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmuker and Jeweler NO. 8R FIKTH AVE., Chicago, III. Special atten tion given to repairing Fine watch es and Chronouic tors. WA Full Assortment of Gdode in his line Culver House, RICHMOND. ILL. C. N. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVIN3 recently purchased the abofa House, 1 have put it in thorough repair. With new furnilure throughout, and would respectfully Invite the patronage ofthetrav- ellnc public and others. The tables will al- wavs lie provided with the best iliM enn i>e procure)!, an>! pslite and attentive waiters Will be In readiness at all limes to attend to the wants of guests. No pains will be spared to make this a First Class Honve. Large ami commodious Imrns on the premises. Free Omnibus lo ami from all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. SALOON a«» RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Pine Kentucky Liqu rs, 1 French Bitters, HcHcniy Lager Beer, Phil. Best's Uthraukee Bt«c By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and «eH ut Reasonable Prices. £*11 u«d aoe wo an41 will you well, Mcttcnrv. IU., 18X4. yjiVW STA9iP HE. WHiHTMlAN, Proprietor. First • class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Xea^uing <4 all kinds done on short notice. THE CHICAGO if 9 Hacing |iecen(|y fitted up our snop near the i»ri'lge, we arc now prepare«f to iunu»h our customers with Fresh wi Salt Heats, OF ALL KINDri, Sausage, Smoked Me^Ui 4c., - AT THE-- tpwept tiyijis; J»ripo8. We buy none but tl}c best ot Meats, and flatter ourselves that wc ••-an offer oiircus. biniera meats iu c i»t(ter shape than any other Sl'op in llii* section. Tiiankt)|| for past favors we solicit aeon, tinuan j'e cf the saipp, an>l we will guarantee (.g sa((st> yqu both iu i)uality and price. A. M. FRETT. McHenry, III., March 17th, 1884. full Blood Eggs for H^tcMng. Th^ iindersigned will furnish Eggs from J,'uro Bred Fowls at the following Price*): ;,m AT THE JACOB 2AT.OOX AND Rl J stand, op|iosite'> III. Thechoiceatw to he found in the>i meals on short notinif] GUOD STABLI No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe," * [>NESDAY. JULY 9. 1881. 'H)|'.jiffj . . . . . . v/< |STANlJ, ETT, < INT. at the old mill, McHenry, jtiors an*i CIsrars iVarm or cold |licution. HORDES. J . P E I CIGAR MAI Wholesale anj| HAXni.ES nore U>«( compare !ii« lirsi in the .State, Stot-e iloor to 'be Post Ol CY, LCTUREU, ill Oealer. rn make,and will ftlh the Hest mad? mil factory next »rv. Il|. ; Afcy one Kegs belui Hi owery «i the wathip nt selves trmM Beer aud srive this notice is nc take more sovei 48-6W Mnpty Beer id McHenry to return save them- nuiot nidkc aud if sded I will *nre«. O. BOLEY. >i. i ^;ungiiii| Aipim DKAL Sardmue, Lumber Fence P< In short, we in the above 'which we are oi ing public ns house in this Oall 111 • » tiawart, Lath, 'oaletc everything mod lines, 1 to the buy- any »ther t"Pa*li ThinfO Tli® n#iniocratic party, thft York Tribune, began an assault on tti<» Repub'lonn proteoUve tariff* last De« c«mbof. After iin>titli« of eftort. Its attack wit* r»piil»ed. Then the party cried out that It would renew the attack at the national Convention. But soon it began to waver, and then to run, and now its whole force !s in confusion ami font, tryinjf lit Vain to form new lines of battle In the vofy presence of vic­ torious He publican*. *l'heyvare broken np« <HMiearteii«)l« quarreling and anx­ ious only to fun from the fatal llr® of the batteries \Vliich defcudaM of pro­ tection hat* trained upon tliem. The Brltisii organs and tlieir free- trade followers wit* tfled to break up the Republican party, spent all the winter ant) spring proclaiming their Intention to app«Mtl t* the people on the {arlft question. The Republican party has Invited them to do so. And now they begin to crawltsh and are anxious to have It considered that they are out free traders, but. merely per­ ilous of inflamed Virtue. If they could run from the tar if! question altogether they confess that the}* gladly would. At the close of the rebellion, wlion Sheridan reported that lie thought the flying force before him would yield or go to pieces If lie could push things. Grant laconically replied, "Pu*h things." The Republicans have a shattered and lialf-di.«»rganl*e«l mob before them( crowding frantically to get otit of Are on the battle-field of their own selection, and praying pite- ouslj' for time enousrh te form new lines on new Issues. The right thing to do at once is lo "push things.'1 The struggle will neither be long nor hard if the Republicans strike wlthcility and vigor, • * J0BBXN AIRING PROS! DKIl TO. KTER. H?qiiUE An-i hII kinds of Vchielec, at J. W- CRIMOLBY'8 llipjpwo^. IH* f wifl not be undersold, u nterial wild Workmanship considered, General Blaoksmlthing, And Repairing- qf aU kinds, in both Wood and Iron, Yiratpt#^ workmen employed and Satisfaclion Guaranteed. J. W, CRIMOLBY, l(inffW09,d, Uarah lltii, 1$M. : ^ Black Leghorns;. Hrnvvii •» , White " . W y a n d o t I s . . . . . . . Hliit'U Javi^o...... QrahiiittS... .$1.50 for 13 Eggs . 1.50 for Eggs . J .50 for 13 Egjis ,.3.00 for 13 Kggs ;. 2.00 for 13 Eggs ..,52.00 for 13 Kirgs lii)}ilen hpHiig'd Polish 2.00 for 13 Eggs Black Tartar Games.. 2.50 for 13 Eggs Plymouth Rocks...... 1.5Q for 13 Eggs Pekin Dqck«,.........1.00 for 9 £gg# f he aboye are Prices for Est) pelivered at eiy plaeo. 6. W; PRATT, A ^ W V » WAUCONDA, IL,T- DON'T YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, -or- _ Woodstock^ - - Barked by Millions of money oifci you INDEMNITY" against damage by Pire, Lightning, Wind Sfornris, CYCLONKS AND\TORNADOq8. Droji tne a postal card and I will visjfyou; cull on me and I will write you a policy, ftitjl Wiicn either or'4iiy of tltese destructive cl«» incnts devasf.ttce your pro[»erty, happy will vou be if you hold one of iny i»olicies, for I will sureiy visit y-Qn, «nd minister uuto yon. l.wili not'foF»»te you. ASA n: ssfrnr, den'l Insurance Ag'L T Piano MiuiM'iipolig JE M pwp^t ^ i»v¥^r v Self Binder, af •s#;: WEST McHENSTf. Invite the attontion of the buying public tetiu eutl«jiy «f mr hotiom, CLOTHING, GHOCERIES, Boots, Shoes Hats Caps, KjoaMagbqu Glassware* «nd Trunks, Hand Bags and Valisef?, C. H. Far^o's celebrated Boots and Shoes, etp. All grpidea Chick's Favorite Flqur in §tf»ck. Every sack wai ranted^ The hi^he^t price paid fqr prpduce. All wqpds sold at oue pyice and marked in plain figures. Thank­ ing our patrons for past fervors and hoping for a cpntinu^qce of the same, we shall strive to please all who may give us a call, both in quality and price of goods. BONSLETT, A 8TOFFEL. , t^eet Mcllenry, III., March 21, 1*^4. We linvc Hie tiiM'fit a«sorimeiit of TjWS and EinbroiiTorieR ever siiown in tliiii market. Call anfl spe them af H#nry (Jolbj**! Picilifltion lliMt • Large f'ortion •»( the Irish Vote Will be for Hlwine and £*tgan. "Yes, ther« is n great tipheavnl among the Irish," said Joim P. Scatilan, Secro* tary of the Western Industrial I,eague. "I have received a number »f letters from prominent Irishmen, who desire tbat bi© Irish support of B>alne aud Lognn should .take the shape of a na* tional i '0'ivenl ion. Here are a few ^straits. As they have not given me Permission to publish names, I with­ hold ihem, but they are all prominent »wd influential men among our people. Tills Is from Southern tllfnofs: hi8 first wife-B otl||( ' * * " t t i i n . r f u r n i s h e s • IK* stipietiie op|ioriuiiity for tiie Irish people lo |f*;ive tlieir iinpl'essloti oil I lie poiiiiwil altairs of litis Nation, We mii*t look lo (JliitMgo for men to lead ns in the right din-clion." "ll< re is M I J extract from an old war- liorsc of l>e.i)oerii«*3' uiis has lielJ State oltice: *1 am lor Illaine aud L»gan be­ cause tlfy are 'typical Amerk-aiis-- liher.ii. l>road. patriotic. Our people have too lot^gji^ett lu-wers of lyguU^uid •tlrawers wwer to ti;e De.noi'rioy-- the leader* drAu'fng the dividend arid we |{<-d Sea iniii. 1 will, if necessary. take the sunup lor Blaine and Logan, |u what yotf do, I am witU yuu; let it be wise,' "llefii is finatlirr frmn 1 leading Iri«liman and neuiocri^l, ill the West: *lt does ieeni tq i|)e the iio^r ha$con|e for jrisliuiep to make themselves felt on tl»e proterlive pii|ipiples; they can and must cheerfully tally around Blaine, Logan and their platform. Come, Seanian, to vyork, Oall a con­ ference of Irish-Americans wltq desire to support Blaine and Logan, and let us inMk<- an end to Kuglish intrigue in American affairs,' "Yon see the desirn of these and many others who have written to. me Is to hold a national convention. I have consulted ipany Irishipen in Chi­ cago on the subject. I ain »ot quite clear as to the wisdom of such 4 move, but it it is <]t?pined the best jt will be done; 1 tell you that the feejing for Blaine and Log^n is takiiig tlie shape of a Iqudside far i>s thp Irish Is con­ cerned. and if wisely managed we will gaip three voters for Blaine and Logan lor every Independent that, voles against them 1 bave bad four ap­ plications in this week from old Demo­ crats in Clilpajo who desire to start Blaine apd J^ogan clubs of from oue hundred to three hundred members. These are not politicians In the ordi- narT sense of the word.1' "ilere is another extract from a promifipiit Irjsh Democrat in Iowa: "Glory to God. Itdoesseetq that at last our people will think In |>oiitics, not so much for the uhqnge as for the fact Uiat they reorguize the issue. | see (Instil all around me waking upas from a'dreaiu, str etching tl|e limbs'of their senses opening tlieir eye*, anij, declaring fol' Blaine and Log.111. Let the movement be organijied. Cqu- slder me In the harness.' All tiiese men who write me are able speakers and iiiftuentlnl tneu. WSF President Arthur has vetoed the Fttz Johu Porter bill. He argues the ease \^ its Constitution^ grounds only. He eays: "I bave already In the exercise of the pardoning power with which th'4 President is vested. ren\iited the con­ tinuing penalty that made it impos­ sible for Pitz John Porter to hold an office of trust or profit uu-ler (he Gov­ ernment nt the United States. But I am upwiliiiig to give my sanction to any legislation wliloli shall pr^ctiyally annul and set at naught the solemn q,titi deliberate conuluVious of the'trih- unal by wipcii he was convicted, atfd of the President by whonj the tliiUings wpre fsxamined and approved." Tbe [^etnocrais aro at (()elr usual ayoqation. viz; tppd theqwiug. it appears pext to (mpesstble for theni to discuss principles. They eltiier naye no taste for it, or as a party they no policy to advocate. Mr. McAdoo's attempt to thrust sn explode new*, paper story into tlto Congrn*Hioiml Record so as to make caoipaigu mater­ ial against Gen. Logand. is an iiius- tialioii of their purclivity to mini. Tliev rake ro it as uaiuraiiy as a duck i. What Thejr S«y At rarmtm. fh An address be fere fie Michigan ^•ate Agricultural Associa ion. Mr. P. Little thus discoursed a bo it what peo pie say of farmers! They say that the farmer subsistetli himself utioii Jersey milk, and spring lambs an I clilckent>, and regaleth himself Mrlth fra;ranee of uewmown hayt and the aroma of hi« hhisestables; that he rldeth a sulky pl*\V rtild l-ea|>cr. Instea 1 of stilmhllng over the clodsef the valley, and woar- eth a hickory shirt Undb itturuut pant^. without fear of molestitlon or abuse; that riseth early betlme«. and setteth up late, that he may fill his barns and storeliousos With plenty aud subscribes for some good weekly paper, and pays for It, that he may Store his mind with useful knowledge. H* gem out of bed at four o'clock In the morning and stirreth up the maid-serva it out of her lair, while he warmeth himself, and is comforted by the kitchen lire. He eateth his breakfast by the candle light, wliile the sad and wear? wife of ills bosom aud the mother of his chil­ dren long for the peaceful, happy days of her childhood. He groWleth and Is sore distressed If it rains, anon he beateth his breast, and re pi no til at the severity of the drought, saying: "Alas! my crop Is ruined." Verily, the late rains do blight his wheat, the frost nipped his standing corn, potato bugs ravage ills fields, and the assess** saddleth lilin with galling taxes, (lo we are til a blouse and blue jeans, and men call him a%'tramp." He issliilven and clad In "broadcloth and fine linen.* anil people say: "Beheld the dude!4' He pa.Vcth for Insurance on his build­ ings for twenty years, aud then letteth his policy lapse one tiny, and the same night a lire destroyeth his home. His daughter marrieth a man of culture and wealth, becoming the proud mistress of a palatial mansion, aud in a few short years lie buildeth a lean-to to, hi* habitation, to shelter litem and their children. He selfeth out his farm and moveth to Kansas, and there slaketh his thirst with alkali water and e.iru juice. A cyclone catcheth him at mid­ day and sweupeth his house, stock and fence into Missouri, while he slieltereth aud preservetli the lives of bis wife aud little ones In a "dug-out." He maketli Ills will at the end of Ills dart, and dlcth; and the lawyer, of Uh> widow «»d of his Ant widow and of ke possession 3W3HS!fJ»0S When a syndicate of liars starte out for business thev should enter Into an arrangement to tell the same story. Th» Illustration is clow a*, Intnl. A number of years age a Canadian Prench- tua:i named Vladigau, who had moved over into Maine, ran iu that State as a .Democratic candidate for Congress. During the campaign a printed hand­ bill is said to have been circulated which urged that he should be defeated because he was a Catholic In his religi­ ons vl«W*t Some ot the liars, who^e statements ^re ii)q«t pqs|tive and defi­ nite, (|eclare that the €«jilgres$iq'>al campaign in tyhicl) Mftdigan \vag a can­ didate occurred in 1375, ai^l tl|:\t Ja»\es G. Blaine, then Chairman q| the .H^'ne Republican S.tate Cosilyttee., wrote and tiirci^iited this anti-Catholic circu­ lar. The weak poiqt in the story is (ii;\t no Congressional election was held in Maine nor anywhere else in 11175. Tiij) Congressional elections ooctir in even-numbered years, as ist4,187(1, etc. The men ivlio |ie so palpably about tiie year in nrUich Cqiigresijionai elections qccur f^re under strong suspicions, and all their other statements are, proba­ bly. equally fictitious. The fact is^as regard* Mr. tylaine's rel|gloits v^ewsjte is a strong Congregatlqnalist, but It perfectly wUii>ig that everybody else shall enjoy his own tcoiiyiptiqns and cliurvb cqnijectlqns "vyitiiout let or llimlrauce." Tli^t is the true American sentiment, and Mr, Blaine is a true American. Chicago Journal J&*W:ien the n3w^papers which do not bolt and those which are not Ke publican are eliminated from the li$i of "bolting Republican newspapers.' as publjsl|ed in tfie Democratic press dispatches, there is not much left of it., 'I'lie Worjiegler (J^ags.) Spy, which was reported as a bojtpr, says iu a* recent issue: • • v The n^minatlog was spontaneous and eiithu«iaHtic. There ia nut' the smallest excuse for a bolt from the result so fairly qbtained ani| so truly represent­ ing the wishes of the Kepub|icftii3 ef the county. v James 1^. Warren, the editor ef the Bufialo pmrnirpial, who did not at first take Iciifdly to tiie action of the Ifepqb- licau Xatioual Convention, of which lie was a member, says: With me It was Arthnr or Bla|ne. and n«» com promise. We Arthurviileii have, pf course, came home fr*ui Chi- ago 'disappointed. Hut we support the ticket. ) said at Chicago, in some lieal possibly, that Blaine could not ctjirry N«ny York, but I have changed Uiy mil)!?. IVIth propef epoj-t IJIaliic cijn cafrj: Now York.'and in my judgment he will.' Tiie independents are liaf-Hp a factor to be cousit]ered, *aveN II* a few cities. 'I'he shriullage in the "Independent'^ ipovement is so rapid and so general that it is in danger of disappearing al­ together. • _ The Bradflird Sulky Pleer has a ewlvel Beam and no ianflsiite'and lutjs the foot lift, that will dnlw easier than any other Sulky Plow made. Cian haiullt WAUCONDA-. PI.AINI>KAI.EK:--Fourtti •§ •tiily pas«eij oft very quietiv. there be­ ing no ceiebratien here. Tlie t.iwu was Well represented, however lit Mcllettr*; VT - - • iielghboring Palatine and Xunila. towns. A party >f young men from ftlglnt lutve been cam ping nut mi I he "Point.** They re rum to ui«l*r«ittr niorlliujt. re« porlihg a first rat*, tltwe. rtml »n In- tl*ittloti of repeatiil^ tlie Vi«lt next year. Ambrose HilJ. wlirt has lifeen woHtlH# in Elgin, was matried on tlie KoiiKn to Miss. Morris Ot Nunda. THte hap|i)r couple visited, Waueonda ^attlrdayi and iu the evening AmhrrtiP gave hU friends a free dance in MaimanV ilall; He ha? b5?eu btii ployed by l*i»njr King. Esquire Bangs attd wife HttHtnvii from theltf visit to lowa^ 8tUUrdajr evening. v Zlba Cfeborn Is back for a visit. Win England Is the possessor *f | J Ilvtng four legged chicken. Owner* of ' gardens are hoping that the extra pair of legs will not become common with chickens. A 'A 'A r ' The Light-Ruaniil^ PlanOi Continue,* to Distance nil Otmpetifora Jirportt of Field Triutg. Erhihitiona% I&c.. in which the Phtno Twine Bindtf. M Declared by all to be the Kino Of Ilm'vc«tmg Afachtnet, The Piano Again to tile Front A ORE AT SUCCESS. The following in clipped from, i re* Cent Issue of tlie Genessee Louriei'I lie Piano Binder #Oi< it great success at t^ockfort last week; Tw«-lve promiueut machines, including all IliM difierent binders iww to tbe front lit litis region ot tiie country# were put IS work In il Held of rye, aud only one «f tliese< tlie I'ltMtO, Cut the three nwatliS wlthoitt rt stop or a hitch. Every other niacMue in the field, and there were eleven others, had te be stopped uu account of clogging np, and sum* •f them were so bnried with the long, clogged rye that they had to be drag-* ged from the tangled mi»sw, Ortly the. Plauo went through Sllek and cteatf* hound every hiintlle, and never made s miss at any point. All the otfters f»ite«l at some point, either iiil^nJirg hiftfttte;?. flogging up, getting linrletl. bf tireit' Ing at sonx; cntical peiilt, 'file dtfee* ttoll of draft was ali*o settled ftt thli exhlbitlou, the Plauo under several tests sliowiug the lightest draft cf any one of the twelve machines sn the ground. An offer to cut the three long swaths with oue hor*e In thills attached to the Piano was not accepted by the agents of any of the doxen machines contesting, though backed by ,:*• the "who re withal,'* tThen the Bitrkcve choko«l ami Whfn the Oecrlnfj ft-ll aiairt, At a likrtjcr'S'i 8mo<«llis an agent's hant« Gathere'I u t» each stragglm* rye stalk / Ax a mother lie 11 her broort, Tie<i thcin ti)> in 8t|iiarc toe«l burnt lea, Lai<l tbum gently <>n the MMI. f > Then the Buckeye man wentcra*y. Then the iieerhiir man he lte«l,. u,. An<t MrCormi< k itulled the shoeiier Of his horses that were--ileftiU, . GKKRNVILLK. Ten 11.. June f4. Dear Sir*--Yours to lianfVf. Piano, ,, J exciting more fovorable cotiMnent Jhati, any machine ever brought here. Some. McC men talk of not .'taking ma* l". chines, anil trying to get released from V % contract iu orJer to huy Piuiio. We C?" itaven't missed a bundle in ttodays, two |nir«ies duing the work of four nsed on McCoruiick owurd by us. J. G. Ijfeaves «av*. wqulq up( g"|*rp pup Plaf|R , for two Met. "s. We ewn ^ lV|pp-^ss / " 5 (•Uiiglit last yean, aud IptvP «?q«ie f)|ir v--e tlMSt to m-ike (t n(in. ty^t t^-da^ U l^jvi mol e tiia.ii one kofpe h*ji,v^%lHiM *4*uf siie Paijuswo^ths ai;e deliKt^^fd^. < E- H, Rifxley o^ered to pay foi;. his. ma-* chine aCter cutting foiu; uoi;es. To ifi^if. ; Ida werdi. "Mv two, maiies will, pnii I^ Hjiiy where Qp my pfcttfe " Prateriial^L'. \ ^ J. G. Rkavk^ Su^ ' ; THK YORK TO W.N BISUKIJ TI?JA{,. T ^ Following is on article l^ken from. ' " the lniliana|>oli8 Sentinel, which ap* peureil In the iSMtie. of June 18th. 1884:; ^ ,* r'bne of tho most interesting binder- ^ trl:(1M occucred vesterilar at Yorkto«ii; Ind.. that Inu? this year been recorded^ There wei*e. fqund (u lie the following/ • 4^ bindery competing) Piano, Dee ring. f; ('junior and Senior), MoCormick. W*1^. (Cr A. Wi»nd, <^iiampion. Excelsior aui| > « St. Paul, the Buckeye Low Down tall-- ing (o appear, aftep conditional order*,, ^ j^nd were on the ground to see the ma- chine work. It has, been noticed tfiatc ennie mitcliitips have bfM» lightened to, copy after the Piano, but ill,*M»ing SO; ^ have made some mistake, s^'h as low-/ YjM ering tiie drive-whe«'l aiid mji(iiii|^' t other weitk points, which have uyjfe. proved satisfactory, as oue light fry# :*v wheel maciiino missed and pulled to ^ one side, and tiie Piano foUnwed ami walked over the place, cutting a full swa'h. It was also noticed that a ma­ chine of tiie Junior type had some break with tlie reel, and were COIN pell- 5§ ed'to go for repairs, 49 well, they ex-- | pe'rienc^d tqiiie' trpnblfc. the St. Paul . t"; bei'ug knocked out llr^t'rdn^Ml 'fence-cornered.' ' Another' gr<b|C j.-j ipNtake niade was tii^t of those liav^w hpavy'-"machine? trying to conipfW with the Piano "anil operate wi th tWrf horsey, a$ it is hardly fair to burd^iv ' | two' liorses witli a fbur-iiorse< V* After going five roiptda or more, tl«» l*lano. wlijclt seemed tb be tbe tttvor^' 4 |ip, walked in on tlip' iioines'.retch" ? 'I'here were Volunteered tiifee ulieer* ' £ foi: -The Piano." which was ye^pkiMletl ,.(f to by"hundred*, and tq tlie surprise , gome reprefentativeg Jjf qlher inacliiiiea tirlpi were engaged in some di»pif<e.^^ ^ ?l>eiiiS H-outlerful hpw this uiachtne lias »l>»'"i;^ >eD fiddly I:; the nlarkat of Itidian.-jpolig. hut merit always telMl and lai'iuer* are ready to see I he a«J-t '"0 yantages of the Piano.** 1 ' " ROOIIKSTKR. N. Y.. J[uwe 14.1884^** ... { PLANO 'Thirteen different •«««« make of binders exhibited tit Broek- port fa(r, Plaiio tools' tlrfct place T»f , ^ (ightiieMi of draft, durability. tigh^oeM J of tu|inlteg antl general gied werk. Ha«l joi'i ieven" Pianomachines when | (eft, i '• H. G. CMAMBXKHK. ^ 4 For sale In McHeury hf E; M. Owe* ;^' t% Son.' ' The CortTsnd side-bar Tup light and tine, and is the nioei drtrabhr tuggy made. Call alwayV h* theu» n.%&. ^

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