Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jul 1884, p. 1

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Ism "STT" mm± VOL. 10. &FTXT Tf Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and La#j m U::<& ~TK> ? • JVC M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, W) 10 Feat Shall ̂ w»." Y 23, 1884. *$?• >:v v ' 2*& iV>. PtblUhed Bv»-y, Wednesday by J. VA^LYKE, iMHee in Bishop's Block, ,v -rOTPOSITB PB*RT & OW81f>- i i . • m , . • T/'A^'"!-V YERM4 Of SUmsCUIPTIOKW^ - i>i)« fear (in ,\< I f V a J p«<f j ~{ ! Subscription tiontbs is tho .$1.50 Throe Months --109 lived f«r three or six portion. ite* of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising m the Piainokalkr, Ami endeavor to state them so plainly that thev will be readily un- ierSteod. They arejss follow*:; lfoehone year - .-V>.• a fee S l a c h e s o n e y e a r - • - i s t V . . . v « ? " S tMliei sue year . ' •"« ». . » IS M W Cola inn one year * y-,; . 30 00 K Colnmstneymr- ®J®* Column one year -r;^ V - " -. WHO One inch means thi'^y^iHfffifeht of one neh d*WBthj^K>lumn, single column width. Vearly luf^^ftisers, at the above rates, hare the privilege of chanpin# as often as, they thoMe, without extra charge.: Regit In r advertisers (meaning those having standing cnr>ls) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each weak. All others will be charged 10 cants per.Mne the first week, and Scents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged »t the rate of 16 ceuts i>e line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and I cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will cost $ LOO for one week, 11.50 for two weeks, f2.eo for three weeks, and so on. ' The Plaindhalhr will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. H T. BROWN, M. D. HfTSlOIATf AND SURGEON. Offlce over •tore np stairs, Mcfrenry, HI. Pthe Post OBlce, opposite Perry AjMartin'a "cllem J. H. SOOTHILL.-M. D. PHTSIOIAN AND 8URUEON. CffloeOppc-site PostQMce, Bmgwood, III. O. H. FEQEItS, M, D I>lfTSlClAX AND SURGEON, M I Ills.' Office at Residence, on the Opposite Blake's Furniture Store. McHenry, Corner, O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN Aiq* STTRGEON. I my residence, Opposite HeHonry. 111. Offlce at E. Ohurfih, PRATT HOUSE. J -A. PRATT, Proprietor First class ac-commodations. Good .Barn in connection f ueonda. 111. JBARBIAN BROS. ..... rtlGAR Manufacturers, McHenry,XU. Or- U dors solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, jaEeiter Block, two doors west of PLAIW- m^omw BUSINESS CARDS. MART «. BARBIAN. TTAIU WORKER. All kti.ds of Hair 11 Work done in Hrst class stvle and at reasonable prices. Rooms s t residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenrv, III. JE39E A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LAW hnciness in Every part of the State receives prompt attention. Room 24, P9 Washington St., Chi­ cago, III. DU C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. WiMbeat McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th S6th and 26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday,and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stav but one day. JOHN lvLEIFGRN. HOUSE Painter, Grainer, Calciminer and Paper Hanger. Residence one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promply and on reasonable terms. Horsemen, Attention ! AII lovers of tine Horses are respectfully invited to call at my farm, half a mile west of McHenry, on the Woodstock road, uml see .my fine Morgan and Draft Horses. I have a Percheron Norman Draft Colt that is hard to beat. Call and see him. &S"XJ business d u u e ,ou Simday, » * McHenry May 1st, 188a. M. Engeln, SjportsmeM' HsadjuarUrs. -r-A*.SO GENERAL MERCHANt, And Dealer in All Kinds of G R O C E R I E S , Farm Hardware, Pocket Cutlei*y, Sporting Goods, Fishiug Tackle Gun Material, Musical Instru­ ments, Tobacco, Cigars,' etc., etc. Near River Bridge, Mc­ H e n r y , I U . „ - BQBEBT C. BREEDER WASHINGTON, The popular palace hotel of the National Capital. Conveniently located and accessible to all the street car lines of the city. Open all the year. Q Q STAPLES, PROmiETOR. Late of the Thousand-Island House. M A R C U S ̂CERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IM­ PURE WNES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock^. III* \0 The best Tonic in the Nvorld. ®ut ip in Pint and Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS, Patentee. Eggs !_Eggs! full for^teMag. "the itttfisrslgneil will from Pure Bred Fowls at the following Prices: Stack Legharns, $1,50 for 13 Efgs Brown- 'f'K 1,50 for 13 Eggs Whit# 1,50 for 13 Eggs WyandoUsM<««;t..... 8.00 for IS Eggs Biaok .Tavas. 2.00 f®r 13 Eggs Llfht Brahmas J2.00 for 13 Eggs «old#ti Spang'd Polish 2.00 for 13 Eggs Black Tartar Games. .2.50 for 13 Eggs Plymouth Rocks 1.50 for 13 Eggs Pektn Ducks .'...1.00 for 9 Eggs The above an» Prices for Eggs Delivered at Byplay •- O- W. PMTT. i WAUOONDA. ILL- J1 ^^^HBMMia. ^UL, Jlarch Cth, 18M, 'TYOU FORGET IT! A8A W. SMITH, ' Backed by Mlllious of money yoa 1NOBMNITT against damage by - Lightniflg, Wind Storm*; CYCLONJSaA.KD\TOBNAJ>OS8. ? . F O W L S ̂ : - RICHMOND, (FIRST J'REMIUM \T MCIIENUT COUNTY FA1B.) Mr fowls ftrv, of the celebrated DUKE OB* YOKK strain, reflMfk^ble for their great size and laying qualities. zip show a trio of last season's chicks weijrhlfti? .11 pounds. Bigg*, i>er setting of thirteen. $1.5U,H'.c;'vered to purchaser in Richmond, Shipped, aecft.'dy packed, $-2.00. ROHFAIT r. BENNETT, FOR ASA ^TTORNEY AT r. SMITH, LAW Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. S. F. BENNETT,.M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United State* Examining Surgeon. Rlehmond, Illinois. A. S. CHILD*, M. IX, . HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND sirs. . GEON. West McHenry, III. Oalts promptly attended to, day or night. DR. C. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Waueonda. Lake Co., III. All calls ed, day or sight. Offlce on Barker's harness shop. i promptly at MainSC, ea attend- ;ist of A. M. CHURCH, , , Watchmaker and Jewe er NO. 3S FIFTn AVE., Chicago, III. Special attention given to repairing Fine watch­ es and Chronomc tera. WA Full Assortment of Oopds in his lino AT THE OLD STAN0V JACOB BONSLETT, ^ALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the ott j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, M^ITenrjr. 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals en short notice on application. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSEI/ 4. PEKOVSKY, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, Wholesale and Retail Dealar. HANDLES none but his own make, and will compare his Brands with the best mad* in the State. Store and Manufactory next door to che Post Office, McHenry, IlL Culver House, F R RICHMOND. ILL. " , f C. K. CULVER, - - PBOPRSS^WHI. HAVIN J recently purchased House, I hare put it in tho the above ^ ugh repair, with new furniture throughout, and wonM respectfully invite the patronage of the trav­ eling public and others. The tables will al­ ways be provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No pains will be spared to make tins a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premises. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. LJ. ^ --- SALOON axd BESTATTRAHT jJiUuck's Old Stand, U McHKNRY, ILLINOIS. Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, --McHenry-Liftger Be»r» Phil. Best's llllw&ukss Be« % By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but th« be^fl^ sell at Reasonable Prices* v TRUCKS. - An11 all kinds of Vehiolee, at 4, W CRIMOLB*'# tn . • i j Bingwood, 111. I will not be undersold, material and Workmanship considered. General Blacksmithing, And Repairing of all kinds, in both Wood and Iron. Yirst class workmen employed and Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. W. GRIMOLBY. RingVvood, March llth, 1S84. THS CHICAGO AT Having recently litted up our snop ne:tr the bridge, we are now prepared to tarnish our customers with Fresh ai Salt Meats, OF ALL KINDS, Sausage, Smoked Meats, &c., -AT THE-- Lowest Livinnf Prices. We boy none bnt the best of Meats, and flatter ourselves that we can offer our cus­ tomers meats in better shape than any otner shop in this section. Thankful for past favors we solicit a con­ tinuance of the same, and we will guarantee to sa/Usfy yon both in quality and price. A M F R E T T . McHepry, III., March 17th, 188*. ' : Fire, f-i ' Wop me a postal« call onmeaiM I wt waen either or any IwRI;*Uit3U» mentsdevastate* yeft* _. yon be If yon hold one s^lfiy |Wticies, for i will surely visit yon, and minister unto you. 1 will not forsake yon. ASA W. BMJTJST, PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. red . to do a] •he unlersigned • 'thte line of Digging prcpari ;lng We mentini will put in ells. Puupfl, Cementing Wells, Ne^ Pumps On short ribtice and warrant mtisfoetion. In short will do all work in tlus llne. Can fULrmiah you a new Pump, either wool ' n-iron, warranted, as cheap at any other man, 6o«d references fnrnished if desln»<L ' If yon want a Well Dng, a Pump Repaired or a "iiew Pump, give Bte* call. ••"Orders bv mail promptly »ttfnited tp. P«0(iM|ce, JohnslMtrgS, 111. Call aud see me aivl I witl use you well. ^ . ANTONY ENGEbN. McHenry, III., 18844 HE. WIGHTMAN, proprietor. First • class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds doue on short notice. WIST McHWBY. Invite the attention of the buying public to an entirely new stock of tfSfe , f Johnsburghi'-nij, *•>' . • .s h..*. .CLOTHING, GROCERIES, •+ 7 Boats, Shoes Hate Caps, »' 'tn- -~>ri Granite Bockinghiiiii and Glaasware, Truoks/Hftiid Baffs and Valises^ C. H. Fargo's celobrated Booti And Shoes, etc. All Chick's Favorite flour in Every sack w&iiftitted. hi|rhe^c {>rtcc paid for pro4uo^ An go^dei ̂ ld at Olio price trad marted 1&' plain figures. Thank­ ing our patrons for past favors aba hoping for a continuance of tte-#i|^|ir!eMMl-^ve to please alV wfa»m<Of^iTeu»a call, both in qii^|^:|||i^ptlce ofgwods. SO|NILETTf A STOrFiL. West Mcffeftir. m.»^Ksh|i.48|h "* Smu Sln&mt, ' ' WM. H D [scccuaos TO x.: D. S. WAR CLI AND A" ALSO NOTARf1 Prosecutes pensioa or acainst the government, i •r former wais. CompiicAl Jected claims made a c are enclosed for replv, Win be promptly answer OIN atlwidsBoe,; References by permiss: aeter, bnslness ability, rel . Gen. John A. Logan, U.Cl Illinois. Gen. J.C. Smith, State . lion. R Ellwood, M. C. amore. III. Bon. John C. Sherwia, Diet., Aurora, 111. Ron. A. M. Jones, IT. S, Col. Jas. A. Sexton, Pi Club, Chicago, III. Jetse A. Baldwin, A sat 1 cago, III. Messrs. Sell, Schwab AI and Shoe Dealers. Chicago,« Also hundreds of county| ces. If au i ' * Still Out of the Many •fiyon.are. DANG! TO IJFE Jte P] Besel you on everv hand*! the slycoonjsickloon, sal* windstorm, or whatever it, is heard in some se£tt) nearly every day. The Fire M»r. break ont at any mon of a lifetime be consumed, to all. By a small pavment'i secure to yourself a fortune or, in the event of death be] pires, your fhmiiy is previ^s is represented by this agenei as low as experience has Vou will save money by info General Insurance, Llra^ and Tornado a specialty, friends tor their liberal ing, by fa<iuare dealing, to nu of tn same, I beg to subscrl1 Respect MCliiry, III.. June , 1ML1 lesale Boot lctur«*f ilm nr. Take N< I am now batter prepared than ever to (iv • 7** nrsu&Aici [n a flrst-class Com pan; m with a hex of nice White Clover Or a Swar YELLOW At living prices. If yoa a: please call on £ Spring Grove, lit of snob SO IS T. J. DACT, With Bed-IVock, Low-Prtoed Machines. 955 buys the Best Mower, with a liberal discount for cash, til to SM buys the Best Rake, and all other goods at corresponding low fhirtDACV*hak^he *nawB or JUW* HBULGE,*VW> .. •%'; And will sell CHEAPER than any otbwr dealer. If yon want a DESBING TWINE BINDER, Standard, Johnston or Crown Mower, BollingsirorUi, «£« Wl. HAY LOADER, > HAY TEDDER. s , MAY CARRIER, H HARPOON FORK. v WIND MILL. , DRIVE WELL,. PUMP. mmnm OK*>9&MLK CARRIAGE, HEA Fro* LIGHT HARNESS, FARM OR MILK WAGON, GLIDDEN BARB WIRE Or anything in the Implement Uae. from a Wire Stretcher to a Threshing Machine, call and get the price of T. J. DACY, Woodstock, McHenry Co., III. W. OWEN, IN-DEALER Clacks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. SW ^ tow oa (be hs On any goods in my Hn'e U^mAY, F»b. SO. ISM. 'nWJK tt V. ow*x sketch el careful ocharge !»rtW<MP s OOR NEW CAMPBELL RUMS. presentsd, is a boautjr and Is tlie j lu beauty and facility of execution >r!d« •( til r It is here HI iwprove in »«autj and facility of execution ̂ be *ld«r „ expert who set it up, is one of tit* nost^experienced and be says it is tlie "daisy" of all the presses he iMi. Tfte InyitNDKALis li now the best equipped ooantrv office to Waal In the State. i BUIttK AMD TBK HtlSB. ¥ J. OrllBu • life-long Democrat^ ta^eM the following comparison be- l.1K|«ni the two Pre8ldontjal oandi- 4fctM4»4h« Coanoil Staffs Nonpareil: •tends oat platform pledged (Hiottct AmerlCAn Industries- M} 6ii .A free-trade platform' ht the Interests of nil Is endorsed and lEnglishmes, Blaine is by thetn. but he Is d beloved by men of true . principles. Cleveland Is by the end no-nothing iMIitl la this coqntpy. Blaine is not heeewee lis la a man of the people, who does not suit English statesmen. Cleae- land la owned And contreled by mon- Blaine Is outspoken In the Ili^l'Ost* of the people. Cleveland Is a aatrow minded rellgeous bigot. Blaine IIa lover and advocate of rellgeous Hktrty. Cleveland, as Governor Of New York, shamefully treated AN Irish- American citizen. Blaine as Secretary *f Stat* under Garfield, ootnpeHed even Mtet«tt» Lowoll to IntorQ^jle for and MWM to be llfcorated Irish-Americans la English prisons. Remember that Blaine (end W. E. Koblnson, New la i&t? when two ̂ Jjcish-Amerl- o an Ehffish prweff, ror spoken in New York, Blaine as a mem­ ber of the House of Representatives organized a movement in that body Aud made it so hot for England that these brave men were reluctantly re- leesed. Wbat would Cleveland do for an Irishmen? Nothing favorable. Irishmen, Is there, can there, be a choice !• the casting of your rotes between {{these two men? If you do not want to do so you need not leave the Democratic party to vote for Blaine And Logan, and protection to American industries at this time. But I ask you to have manhood and Inde­ pendence enough to sliow the Demo­ cratic managers tiftt they can not openly insult you again by nominating against your protests such an enemy to our race as Grever Cleveland, run­ ning on a free trade platform, dictated by the aristocratic Cebden Club of London.'1 Fictions and Sham. ThoDemocratic flat form |« go long, its verbiage is so wearisome. And Its prevarications Are so numerous thAt to do It full justice would bo too greAt A task for one day or for many days. It can be criticised only in detail and by sections, No newspaper which con* aiders tho comfort of the reading pab» lie wilt attempt, during dog-days, to expose all the contradictions, fictions, sinuosities, flatulencies, and dedklts which it contAioa. An oqcasionAl sped* men must Answer as AU illustration ot the whole. Its false statements, false logic, false Inferences and fals* con­ clusions can bf exposed only AS A PAtetic salesman disposes of fyis worst --by sample. What the framers of this platform doubtless regarded As A series of ver|> forcible propositions Includes A denun­ ciation of Republican paliettSftf flUkO!> of a series of phantoms »M«a »t As* urt jsit^Br BLAINE DKMOCRAT8. "BlAine Democrats,1' remarks the New York Sun. -4 may be looked for during (he coming campaign, and they will doubtless be found." A slgni(leant remark this, from A Democratic source. Notwithstanding the defection of Harpers Weekly and otner journals from the Republicans, the Blaine Democrats will probably outnumber the Cleveland Republicans two to one. On this coast the desertion from the Democratic to the Republican army has already commenced. Prominent and life-long Democrats, disgusted with the conduct of the party and its would be dictators, have announced their Intention to act and vote with it no more, and have cast their let with the Republicans. Among them may bo mentioned J. K, Luttrell, a Demo* era tic ex-Congressman from this State; If. Y. Morehouse of Monterey, ex-Dis­ trict Attorney, and a prominent' poll* ticians of that county; L. C. Branch, of Stanisluns, well known in Democratic, circles of that Democratlo ridden And ring-ruled county; and the Hon. TT. M* Cutter, Assemblyman from Yuba. Com­ menting on the facts, the Amador Ledger adds: The indications are that we are going to have a tolerable heavy srep of Blaise Democrats in AmAdor county this year, enough it is bolleved to swing Little Amador Squarely Iuto the Republican column, jpnftlijjlr. neighboring county, El Dorado, the Georgetown Gazette*- hitherto clas­ sed as Domjficratlc iu politics, has come out openly for Blaine without waiting or caring to know whom the Demo­ crats will nominate. This sirn^y tnojnis, that in the judgemnt of the tho Democrats have no/man In their ranks worthy of contesting tho Presidency with Blaine,--CaHfor* nia Paper. - See our All wool men's suits, In gray, brows, and light brown, perfect fitting and All slfcos,only fP,75 a suit, Yety stylish young men's wool suits 16toa0 ye Are, At IMS*. BOVSLKTT *8JOK*KI- - * scribes as Republican peilelos. The Democratic platform denounces grants of public lands to ralli^iiipiig*, Republican measure. The iiftrgittltt iSf land for railroad purposes eftHi prapoo ed by Stephen A. Douglas, And votod by A Democratic Congress--Itw^ j*n Aid the IUinateGe-ttaArcim^ .«£ fn« «lillrM morality U of the FecksntlBan system in 1856, under the Democratic Administration of Franklin Pierce. The Democrats in Congress have favored and supported every subsequent grant of public lands of railroad cor­ porations. The opposite policy, that of giving the land to actual settlers for homesteads, Is a measure of Republican policy, adopted by a Republican Con­ gress under the Administration of Abraham Lincoln. The platform describes the diminu­ tion of American commerce as the re­ sult of Republican measures. American ships and shipping were uswept off the high seas11 in the language of the Dem­ ocracy, not as tho result of Republican policies, but by Democratic rebel cruis­ ers arid privateers, It was Democratic piracy, not Republican legislation, which destroyed American commerce. But American commerce has partially recovered from the attacks of its rebel enemies and is again a thrifty and growing element of national prosperity This lying platform declares that Re­ publican policy has surrendered to Great Britain "the of the world." The United States furnishes to the markets of the world their wheat, their corn, ttieir cotton, their beef, their pork, their agricultural Im­ plements, their sewing machines and ten thousands of ether articles produced by American Ingenuity and Industry under the protection of a Republican tariff. The platform denounces the financial and revenue system^which prpduoes a surplus in the Government's Treasury of 9100,000,000 a year. The Democratic policy of "horizontal" tariff reduction would, by stimulating the importation of dutiable goods, double or treble this annual surplus and at the same time -yould cripple and debase American in­ dustry. Iu its very sympathies the Democracy Is a fraud. Its pathetic adulation of Samuel J. Tilden Is a sham And A false pretense. If they wanted to vindicate Tllden, why did they not renominate him in 18S0? Because he knew and they knew that the history of the.uci- pher dispatches'" was then too fresh in the publio mind, and that overwhelm­ ing defeat on that infamons record was then inevitable.--Journal. % thera m lend-pendttl thSnttl ' ai address A< liksalri Ing that nine tl never think flUK wanrtOMstt SOOM OHO OTO. *"-•" "1 ^ fellow*, proud i|f They throw yon (M i and tinyl each pettqta^. we had in M by ttttMiffg mAn peiMllil boiled fn hung, < witMfet bcoottori *onr of tho moon, £t 1] forest whore t«» lead penoll thfl^ Here wo Are, ro|^||||y Iain, not A lead|Mil It »Ay be half n dig* man from wboSO «nn lift a pencil to isftli* ] We lost. Wt pti Bayltslow for tKil«iiLr flatbed Anyone * " t*nd ponell, bat, 1 The sjten In tfcotjr flghtliff Agiln^is on All yencU jBurikqtm. «TAt:||pi| known AS I during Fr " ' destriMHkSiii situ peraons T h e r ^ilpt preniiinn Al f m robbed Rtnpid ized nnder the tionki Polar Commission, In wfcleh thirteen nations of the world nro cerned, and sent to the station tiouedon Grlnnell Lend for th* pose of moklng magnetic add logical observAtlons of A nAtWO cisely the snsse AS WOW to ho AM hAve been made At tho ssme tlnw it flfteen ether polar stations, as also some fifty auxiliary stations sprond over tho hAbitAblo parts of tho globo. Hon learned in the science of motsWolegy snd terrestrial magnetism goswrally r- ^ agreed thAt A complete wontlHHr mop *: of the world would bo of gi«ni. b|i^li'^fl - to all mankind, bnt to make Its obwri n- \ tions such as planned by th« jtittran* f '4-\ tlonal Polar Commission was nowmary. -V The United SUtes undertook observe- tions At two ststions--one At Point V Barrow, on the northern oonatof rtleslf. and tho other on Lady Frinklin Bny, J whither Lieut. Greoly end bit most went in tho summer of 1881. This < station Is this most northerly ot tho /• 'J' International chain, tho next highest being thst provided for by thoOovorn- ment of Sweden, And locnted on tbe island of Spltzberge n, seventy-nine: , degrees And fifty-three minutes north. ; ;VA, T h e m o s t s o u t h e r l y s t n t l o n I s l o c n t e d ; on Cape Horn, fifty-three degrees sooth '* and is provided for by France, There ' is Also A station on the extreme south- ^ erly point of South Ameriea, under the control of the Italian Government. It ; ^ is stated that the records of tho Obser- vatlens of Greely, which have toe* ^ J preserved And brought back, will be of greater value than those of Any other station, though it is herd to eonipre-" hend how they cen compensAtO for tho cost of obtaining them. Of eonreo Al­ most everybody will declare thAt Mw ' ending of this expedition, which l|aa : been so terrible, will stop experlseentA of eyery character In the Aretleroglont but tbe likelihood is thns tbnf trill continue to be msde until nntattt flvon up eyery secret she has bidden there," and tbe world geins all tho knowledgo, she hss there stored up. A bar-keeper At Geneva Lake the other evening, got into an argument with a friend, who claimed that the bulk of the people were for Cleveland. To settle the matter they made a bet as ta the crowd then present. Charlie called them np and gave each a slip of paper, told them to write their choice on it And put in the hot. Here is the result of the ballet: 2 Whiskey strait. ^ 1 "Whiskey and ginger. .; 4 Beer. - - 1 Ber*' ' Jtt; IV.' 1 Sh#r And wbiskgjv • ll'l^.elp^.-^; »»; 1 Buteler, ^ g^Hon. R. Ellwood hns A varwtibleK'T."-; patent, in a new stylo or visible fuM* / s wire. It consists of a strip of pat ban-; *• y semer steel, half an inch wldo, t* sfhleh < is attached as mauy wtr# bfrtf ns yo« ; choose. The n##* ^ them, pnts on ninety b<«i* A mlnaio. > v •' It is then gnlrAaised^MMl |» AS ptela|j to be seen as a fonoe bMfd. it 1ft Wf ornamentAl, AaA-1Mit^v':t|Mib. A'il - very eheAp And strong. Thorn If m- '"•> • "I growlng demand for A vlslblo " wire thst horeos will not ran either night or dny. This fills the ro%nirMMot,nnd nslh- mnde ehonpor, than tho old ought W i the Si k 4 ^ W e hum juet

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