Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1884, p. 8

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mm™ W< mmmmm . , * * • fc, >?^v £*$£ " c V/* ^ W%, '7^** . . - • « 5tfv sf:-« *V ' -•• _ .r i&wke*-- |f% • ABVICIT TO MOTH KM*. s Aw J*"'! disturbed at iilglit mmI brok­ en uf your rest by $ sick child sufterinjf Mlitl crjititf with |min of cutting IcPtliP lf»n,«iMi<l at <»»e«* and gft a l»ntil«ol' Mr* WInflow's Soothing .% 'yni|» for clillrireM I 'm* thing. Its Vi»ln»» Is liionl- ciilaole. Ft will relieve t lie poor lilt If* *uftcrer iiiitnedinlplj*. Depend upon it mot he vp , there Is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarr'nra, regu­ lates the stomach uml bowels?, cures wind colic, softens the gutns. y»dtices inflammation nnd gives tone and en­ ergy to the whole syst* in. Mrs. Wins- lew Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of on» ol the oldest and he*t female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale bv «H drtutgists throughout the worjtl. 'frtce 25 cents a bottie. ' \ notioeT ;1 Hm ready to fill orders for Wines *n<t Liquors by the gallon nud Cigars by lb" box at Chicago bottom prices. Also bottled Beer by the case. A. SONNKNSCIllES. <*wy Station lit. Wheat Wan ^AXTKl). iit the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash will he paid. H. IMSHOi1. ) |tei|l*iiry, 111., April Hth, 1384. v Wheat Warted. WASTED, at Tlie Fox River Valley Mllli good Milling Wheat., for which tli< highest price in cash will be, paid: It. BI8ROP. McHenry, III., April 14th, 1884 JT : MOWERS ! MOWERS ! The Standard. Crown, Manny. New Warrior.and Knowlton, are the light­ est running Mower's inadu, ** E, M. Owen & Son's. f The Lyman Barb Wire, both 'plain and galvanized,decidedly the best Wire in the market, at John i. story's. Black and colored Jersey'* goods. only $1.90 at Bonslett & Stoflel's. lfijlbs strictly pure sugar :m-m at " Jkmslett & Stoflel's, • 40 Inch all wool Nuns veiling 38 ctfc. at Bonslett & Stoflel's. ' . fjolored all wool bun Booslett & Stoflel s. ag|| cents at Don't forget to se^ the Flying Dutch- iran, while iu town, at E M Owen & Son's. The latest, cheapest and finest stock of gloves at Bonslett & Stoflel's. anfl Contractors, HSElM McHenry Brick Manufacturing Company are now ready to supply Brick in ftni|n|ities -TO- CAR LOADS Brick are second to none to l>e found in the market, and will be told at the lowest (Market price. Persons intending to o! build, or those liantlling brick, will do well to call and see us before purchasing. W« invite an examination t»d comparison Willi any Brick made in the Northwest. For farther Information apply to or address McHENRY BRICK Manufacturing Co. McHenry, III,, Jane Utb, 1884. ]J. Lawlus, TAILOR, m DOMESTIC CLOTHS. A Marvelous Story > TOLD NI TWO LETTERS, FROM THE SON: "ISSSSiSfS?' "(i.nti'emrn: My father resides at Glow, Vt. lie has been a great sufferer from Scrof­ ula, and the inclosed letter will tell you what a marvelous effect Ayer's Saraaparflla haa had in his case. I think liis blood mart turn oontaincd tho humor (or at least tM years; but it did not show, except in the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until abont live years ago. From a few spots which ap­ peared at that time, it gradually spread so as to cover his entire foody. I assuro you ho was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when he began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of bis ago who enjoy as good health as ho has. I could easily name fifty persons Who would testify to tho facts in his case. J| Yours truly, W. M. PHll.MPa.'f| FROM THE FATHER: pleasure anil a duty for me to stale to you tho benefit I have derived from tho use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. 81* months ago I was completely corf red with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an incessant and Intolerable Itching, and tho akin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings wore great, and my life a burden. I commenced-the use of the SABSAPARIIXA in April last, and have used It regularly since that time. My condition began to improvo at once. The Bores hare all healed, and 1 feel perfectly well in every respect -- being now ablo to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Mauj inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, ATER'S SAUSAPARILLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. Sit 1882. j H>urs gratefully, UIBAM PHILLIPS." ATTR'S SAIWAWUHLLA cures Scrotal* and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip­ elas, Ectems, Ringworm, Blotches, Sows, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It dears the blood of all impa­ rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. PREPARED BY - * Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mast. 8old by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for S3, 74, * < » * v 7'/ , f ™ ? .* h .: , . -,sy, . -1 . U**,?,' ^ - RIVERSIDE BLOCK, ;*jr<jHEl»R%jtL« Has one of the . SmCKS OF % In McSCeaai-y Qa I KING'S! LIVER and KIDNEY Bitters Tliese Blttersare especially prepared for the masses «t mankin<l, suderiuff trom Tor­ pid Liver, Weak ami Diseased Kidneys,'ami- ronstitutians overwtn-ked, lnntilv and men. til 11 v. They cure Kever amt Ague, Malaria, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, .Nervous i>ebilitj, ilead!i>'lie, Cunitiiiation, givt; a good appe­ tite, purity the blond, stimulate the Kidne.ys in 10 iiealitiv activity, producing new life and vigor to the body and mind. We W:i i-i-a nt Tliese Bitters To be the best Tonic pro)iaration made and recomincr I tliem to K very body for Family use t»i secure Health, Strength and Happi­ ness DIKKCTIONS:--A wine glass full taken three times a day, Itelore each meal, will accomplish the desircl effect, wiih»nt drug- Sing the stomach. John A. King &Co., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors 51 Lake Street,Chicago,III- Buy-Trv and you Wiilalways use tlieml •ear Buy L. '"^"Price $ I Per Bottle,.£* Sold by Druggists generally. lYffeSTOPPEDFREE • • Marvtlous lucccst. • • Insane Persons Hestorid • • •MDr.KUKE'S GREAT • • NERVE RESTORER Ifx*r N/ZBKAIN &Nfrvb Diskases. Ont'y Surt cure fsr A'er%<€ A^fcUens. Fits, t'piUpsy, etc. JlNFALLlBLK as directed. X* ftts mftcr WJtrst ef-iy*s rise. Treatise and $ 2 trial l-ottlc free t® 1 Fit jiatictits. they paying express charges on Uox vkhe# I received. Send names, P. O. and express address of J afflicted to DR.KL.INE.011 Arrh St,,Philaie^phia.Pa, j Druggists. BE WARE OF IMITATUSG FRAUDS, FOR BARGAINS IS Ot all kiutte. He also sells IN EVEEY |)IPARTMENT, U N I F O R M L Y L O W FATR.OHAGB SOLICITED AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. HENKV C01.13Y. McHenrv, III., February 11, 1884. A New Clean Stock OF SPRING GOODS, JUST OPEtfl© BT* AT WAUCONDA, ILL. We have one of the largest stocks cvei1 brought to this m.arket. These ^oods Avere bejught for cash, which enables us to very close ligurts. Do not take our wortl for it, but come and look through our stocK and satisfy yourselves that we mean what, we say. Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Crockery and Glassware, Pain s and Oils, Varnish, Brushes, WaU Paper arid Window Shades, together with the most complete stock ol Belovv Chicago Priced. Call and see, iu front of Kiveuside McHenry, Ills. . E. Lawlus. James Robbing, Solon Mill#, "#!•'. - HI, --DKALKB I*-- rm Maeliinery, For Coal and Wood CAM, OS E. M. HOWE * Opposite BIhIioji'h Mill, Who lias a complete line of the best stoves in the market, as welt as a litrse stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, A»il, in fact, everything in the hardware •tuve and tin line. .«• TIE WILL yOT UK UNDERSOLD. Call at his store before buying elsewhere. Jobbing ami retiring promptly attcn«le<l t», *S""Heineinbc'r, extra vroiwl bargains can al ways be obtained at Howe's. McHenry, Dec. 1, 1888. Ev«r brought here, Our line of ladies'and gents'hand sewed Shoe* is the best'ever offered for sale in WaucondsL All kinds of Country Produce bought for cash or taken in exchange for goods We have the '•>- CHAMPIOlf, EEA.FERS MS BINDEES, Ai.rt the Be it In the Market. WT Repairs «f all klnMs constantly on hnn«1, Oftll and see me. James Robbing. p ;., ; 8eto» MUU, May Hth. 1884. |: PATENTS. ' inventors, sen>l nio<lcl or sketch ot your Invention, when I will make careful pre­ liminary examination, ami report u« to patent* $t>illty, with advice, circulars, etc., free of «ktiri/c. Al! business Ixifove 17. s. Patent olllc.e Attended to for moderate ratei. Information Mid references senton applicntion. No charge ess ita ent is secnreil. GREAT BARGAINS, For the spring and summer tmd^ of 1884* F. H ALL, My stock of Summer goods is now complete, consisting-ot Mens, lioys' and Youtn's PIKE and STAPLE SHOES. the acMUM?lodged leader in good goods and low priciel, alid jpeople arc finding it out. His prices tell his goods are of the very best. His sto^k is large and his prices arc way down below the hiifh priced ci'fdit dealers. lie can ail or d to do it as he sells lor cash o«ly. Jamestown Worsted Dress Goods, 50 pieces just received. Everything new blight and attractive. Kenuiairts eheapj CJ» F. Hall bids for your trade. Qo and see liini • The i ally cash Hi ore iu Northern Illinois. Theifargest, the best tilled. S ze, 140 feet long ancK 22 feet wide, two stories hMi and working (or the people that PAY AS THEY GO. Not u do.Mar's • irqttb• M*rd Ca&h. I.s^li' . D Y GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots <& Sh.oes, Hats <£< Caps, GROCERIES CROCKERY, &e., And my prices will make it pay you to come forty miles to trade with* me. I sell* goods of the best quality and guarantee everything as represented. Uead my price list, aftd bring it, and m your fall purchases where vour money will do you the most good, Will your crcoit dealer make you the following prices? Best I 'rinta...... Finest lUeached Cotton .... Hest Unblenched Catton,,,... St mi da r<l (iiiifthams >,«• | (\>rscts Ac A Ticking K1efi':ml Dress Unetla . . .. 42 inch I'.Sack CashaierOf) .. Dress Drills ('anilines . Ladies' Fine llaiHlkerchiefs. 4^' cents ...... 5 I B " . . . . # * ' . . . . . . " ..... 8 *' St) " 15 •' 5, 7 , 9 A 10 " 50 <• 9 " <5 " (i '< i itii<I 10 cent bargains in abundance. <}<M>d <.'oiton Cloth 6 No 1 Denims 12 l.est Denims made ...... ..' 15 Kxtra Waterpwof ...... M Ladles' slippers, worth 75 cents... 45 I.adies' Slmes $100 I,allies'French Kid Shoes, line ..... 2 00 Gents' flouts, tiood 200 ?V11 kinds fur men and boys and only good Goods. Boys Suits f3 00 to 12 00 Men's Suits .......... 3 25 to as q§ ClBlhinyr is our great' specialtj", . and we carry the tlnest stock }n Kurthern Illinois. W.e hate , the jroodi*. No. 1 Ilakiuir Powilar S^cents Spiccis. «• ;iv dawn. W Siiffar at Chicago cost add fMght. 50 cent Tea ... . 1 4t cciits »}«od Tea 25, iW, 35 & 40 Rest nice Best Uuastod Coffee., <i)od "tandard Raisins........ . No 1 Tobacc.w, Smoking , Fine-Cut Tobacco... ... I'lug Tobacro .. 1 l.on^' Box Matches 5-cent Box Matches...... 10-cent li«x Mf.tchos.... Babbitt's Salemtua " Bost Soap 5 Stove Polish.... . 5 10&12 Vt W ... 10 1 2 r Now I want to see you and know that 1 can make it foi your interest to come, and will do it. Just come once and see. My goods are Bought and Sold for Casli Only. AND TAT Tells the Wkole Story. I want the tar-off ^^ trade that buy BIG RILLBv and to sucf I sav, conic and scenic/and it I can't save you money, will pay your expenses. I - am getting in i>; rgains every day, and they g< a* bought, very cheap for cash. Y ours for[good goods and low prioes c. I^SEND YOUII OUD£H9y F. HALL, DUNDEE, ILL JOHN I. STORY, One Door West of the Riverside House, Has a complete line of the best Stoves ill the ma;ri5»t, as well as a larce stock of . nY ALL ODDS l'EDEST EQUIPPED RAILROAD IN THE WORUt I.el it be forever remembered that the Chicago & Mvestern Raiiwaj Is tin-best ami shortest route to nndfroir Cliicarfo and Blntl's (Oniaha) and that it'is preferred hv alt ivell posted travelers when passing to or from California and Colorado, It also operate the best route and I he sbort line between Chicago an! St. Paul and Minneapolis Milwaukee, LaCrosse, Sparta. Madison, Fort Howard (Green Bay Wisconsin. Winona, Owitonna, Mankutv. Minn. Odar Itapids, Des Moines, Wkhster City, Aljftina, Clinton, Marshall town, Iowa Freejwrt, El«in, Ifock. lord, III., are anion its 800 local stations on its lines. Anionft a few ot the numerous points of su­ periority, enjoyed by the patronsot this road, are its I)A\ (XMCliKS, which are the tlnest that human art. and ingenuity can ereato; its 1'AI.ATIAL SI.KKl'ING CAIIS, which are iiiouels ol comfort and ele^Hiu-e; its P \1 AflK I > If AW ING BOOM CAlts, which are' unsuii pasnew by any; and its widely celelirc.ted NORTH-WESTERN DINING CARS, Tnc like of.: which are not run bv any other mad anywhere. In short, it is asserted that IT IS Til B BKST EtJUIl'I'KlJ BOAD IN Till-; WOULD. All points of interest, Nortl", Northwest and West ot Chicago, business centres, summer resorts, and noted hunting; and tlshin^^ronnds are accessible by the various branches ot this road. It owns and controls over 5,000 mile? of road and has over tour hundred passenger con- dMctois constantly caring for its millions ot patrons. Ask your ticket agents for tickets via this route, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. It casts ,10 more to travel on this route, that gives first.class accommodations, than it dete to go by the poorly equipped roa/ls. 'Vnv maps, descriptive circulars and sum. niev resort papers, or other information not obtainable at your local ticket office, write to tho Gen'l Pass. Agent, C. & N. W Railway Chicago Til, JOB [JIM. DEAI.EB IX FUKHITTOS OF ALb KINLKj. Store two doors north of Perry & Owen. I have one of the largest stocks of Furniture of all kinds to he found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing to buy will be sure to save mone.> by calling on me. UNp£RTAKUNC. I have 35 differeut sizes and styles of COFFINS AND CASKETS, Always on hand. I keep a Hearse of my own which will be furnished at the most reasonable rates, J- B. BLAKE. ' > ; PI ' vfi ] BOOTS A N D SHOES! inless pa Directly opposite J. S. LITTELL. Waelungton, D. C. ixisite U. S. I'atetit Onlce. Important to HupturedPersons The Excelsior Rapture Cure M'fg Co., of Ogdcnsburg, N. Y-. guarantee to cure any case «£ reducible Hertla with their Ilemetlies. THEBUI'Tt KE I'l.ASTEK AND IlKAI.INO COM VOI71P9. This treatment is ••ndorsed by our teat Doctors', Druggists, and the general Mblto. Send Cx-ts for free (took on Bupturo or ' mm jrour -tru^ict for the aemNlfv THE GOltfEN STAR GASOLINE RANGES. Superior to all. 1.5 rapidly su­ perseding Cook Stoves and Ran­ ges tor Summer use, (Jail aud aee them, JOHN I. STORY McIIenry April 1st, 1883. Late styles of transparent curtains shades and lamberq.uius at Bonslett & 3tofler«. all the latest styles. Womeji's, Misses', and Children's Fine Shoes, Walking Shoes, and Slippers.- We make asspeclalty Men's and Women's i Fine Shoes, Walking Slioes, and Slippers, Gents Tine Calf Pegged, and Hand-Sewed French Calf Morocco Legged Boots, Flow Boots & Shoes. • . V-v^ . • We have a Tremendous stock, much larger than ever before. These goods were bought tor <'ash, and will be sold for (Hash at a bargain. We keep the ScIz celebrated hand-made good's; also the RcynAds Brothers, and other Standard makes. 15.--House Established id 1865 W. H. DWICHT. |tr< Wlftln 8t. and Futotlc Square, Woodstock, III* MECHANICS TOOLS. Lamps, Chandeliers, f And in short, Everything in.the Hardware, Stove and Tin Line. He Will Hot b© Undersold!-- CA.LL AT HIS STOKE BEFORE BUYING ELS1CWHERE' Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. 0-Rkmember, extra good bargains can .'ihvuya bo oMuinedat JOHN I. STt>BY'S. McllENRT III., Ji»n. 2l8t, 1S84. B. Sherman, WOODSTOCK, ILL -DEALKK IN-- Breech and Muzzle Loading bhot Guns. Powder, Hiiot, Caps, Wads ami Cartrldget for sale. Pishing 1'nakle chcap. .• Al. Kinds of Sporting Goods AND KEPA1KING DONE. A good Tlrcecli Loading, Dauble Barreled Gun, warranted Twist, $20. MTiaehester ltifia, 7(! inotlel, 15 shots', $26. Nickel IMatdl (i shot Revolver, #'2 50. Self-cocking British Bull l>og Pistol 15.00. A good Single Barrel Breach Loading, Single Gun, warranted, (5.00. I will undersell any hou^e in the county in Guns and Sporting Goods. If you want a good gun it will pay vou to call and"see ine. 1 war­ rant every guii 1 sell. . ' Clothes Wringers repaired and new Rolls put 011. Friee pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July 15th, 1883. HEADQUARTERS FOB CLOTHING DO YOU WANT TO BUY Sewing Machine? I have est pri Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing, WAGON AND ;.n>l Mini am selling at the T.ow -- the Domestic, Kldredge, New Home, Springfield, New American, and Singer o wing Machines, and w«ll not be undersold by any agent in the county. A good Singer Machine for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singei* Machine in the world. Gall and see me. O. H'. OWEN. P. HAUPERISCH, McHonry, Illinois, Would, respectfully inform his customers nud the pulilic generally that he Isnow liettei Mian ever prepared to do all work in his line. RE PAIHI X - . Of nil kind*!* on short notice. *yGivo us a oall.and we will .please you both in quality and price of work. P. HAUPERISCH. McTIenrv, IU., Ang. 7th, IKS!. sSilk embroidered scurfs all colors f,ne quality, very cheap :tt Bonslett <fc Stogel-a. Hats <& Capa, BOOTS & SHOES, 3ents' Furnishing Goods, etc. . Maimaa, WAUCONDA - ILL. liaire just returned frem the city with Iprge stock of prill si Sinr Colthiaj, Wlilch 1 will sell at astonishingly low price 1 will make it an object lor you'to call and see lue. Ani also agent for the New Home sewing machine and Ctoe Julius Bauer Organ. m Millinery! MiJIinery! MRS. H. MAI MAN Haa also received a s^lond id stock ot Spring Millinery, ; 5 'X <fthe late it most approved styles tt»v'jfct- found in the city. The ladies pre ar t invited to call aob see. Waueond a, j^pril 2lst, ISM. \ • '"-l

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