Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Aug 1884, p. 8

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•ywv^ ropoiM to fe after tin active ,,. In this Town for over forty pliyiflt-rs for *al« his iiomi* farm IhtowNsi, «!tu»t«d «>n wlutt is known *g Lftdti'F Comers, one mile northeast | «f tl»*s village of Kingwood. There U ^|0<H! dwelling, four barns, three G«>o«i f|§«|t» of water, ami in fhort li Is one of RSaliP most desirable farms In McHenry |>iV Otmnty, there not being a foot of waste 5>f* iwd <&n the place. There Is about 275 gikiMl that tins been under the plow an J U«re I* 70 acres good timber. Will be sold for #75 per acre, and possession £ Iflyen as soon as the crops are gathered. / Also 80 acres in the Town of Rich- about two and a half tulles from ' ^ ' III* Above described farm. It the laud f ••̂ RtMld all my personal property will IM •' \* fcold at private or public sale. Also 327 acres of land in Dunn Comity |fv* Wis,, 247 acres of which Is one piece aud within two miles of DownsvTlIe, a \ railroad station,and 80 acres in another. Is finely located and will make a valua­ ble farm. Will sell the 247 acre piece for 93,000. The 80 acre piece for §1,000. Also 60 acres of land in Mitchell Co.. Iowa, under good improvement. Is s-eituaied a mile ami a half fro in Stacy- ville. Price. #1.500. 4; For further particulars inquire of the (Undersigned, at Ringwood. ill. WESi.ier LAI>D Kingwoo.1, III., July *il, lsfes*. 10.11m 8A8SETTS AMERCAN CURCU- L9P OOF PLUM. ? This new fruit is a prodigy in every re$f>«©t, and was named "Curotilio Proof by Titos. Melian, editor of the Gardttners Monthly. having been fully • tested for some years, and found to be absolutely tree from Curculio While the fruit is not of the largest, the -Haver is sweet, rich and refreshing, Ibeing free from any astringency or v^tarshuess. The great value of thia ^iMum is for culinary purposes, at the time being excellent as a dessert fruit. .: A rapid grower and enormous bearer, Bipens lasit of September, l'ropigated l>y tlie Blooming NurserwCo. * " K. I5EKOK.V. '• salesman. Churn, at John I. W1-6W The Boss Barrel Story's. GLASS ! GLASS ! V We keep Glass of ail sires eotflttimily hand. Special sizes cut witliout extra charge. JOHN I. STORY , Notice . those tliat want work done In my line, such as Tanks, Yats and all other ^ work done in a shop, as I get lumber direct from Chicago. ?*" -f ' F« A- |i Wheat Waned. ! -pH- 5 . ' - WijjTtD. at the Fox River Valley , Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which fcf^the highest price in cash will be paid.! \£ -* .. . it r~ •vj1 McHenry, III., April 14th, 18S4. whom everybody knows as tlie succeufal •Mtugcrot the Largest Hstal Eaterpristt of Atnerioa, says that while a passenger from New York oa board a ship going around Cape Horn, in tlie early days of emigration to Cal­ ifornia, ho learned that one of tlie officers o& the vessel had curcd himself, during the voy* •ge, of nn obstinate disease by the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. Since then Mr. LELAXD has recommended AYER'S SARSArABiLLA in many similar eases, and he has never yet heard of its fail­ ure to effect a radical cure. Some years ago one of Mr. LKLAKD'I farm laborers bruised his leg. Owing to the hsdjj State of his blood, an ugly scrofulous swelling^ or lump appeared on the injured limb. HON rible itching of tlie skin, with burning andt; darting pains through the lump, maUo life almost intolerable. The leg became enor­ mously enlarged, and running ulcers formed, discharging great quantities of extremely Offensive mutter. No treatment was of any avail until the man, l\v Sir. LEI.ASD'S direc-. tion, was supplied with AVKR'S SAKSArA- RILLA, which allayed the pain and irritation, healed tho sores, removed tlio swelling, and completely restored the limb to use. Mr. LELAXD has personally used Ayers Sarsaparifia for Rheumatism, with entire success; and,,* after careful observation, declares that, In" his belief, there is no medicine in tho world|g equal to it for the cure of Liver Disorders, Gout, the effects of high living, Salt- Rheum, Sores, Eruptions, and all the|i various forms of blood diseases. We have Mr. ICELAND'S permission to invite all who may desire further evidence in regard - to the extraordinary curative powers of§i? AVER'S SAKSAPAKILXA to see him person­ ally either at his mammoth Ocean Hotel, Long Branch, or at the popular Leland Hotel,, ' Broadway, 27th and 28th Streets, Kew York. % Mr. LELAHD'S extensive knowledge of the|| _ good done by this unequalled eradicator of ft Wood poisons enables him ta#yo iflftuUera ' much valuable information. ' FKEPABED BY; • J DP. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, MM. 8oldby allDrucgists; SI, six bottles for IS. ww'm 7>7vr^T~ BLOOK. MctUMRY* Has one of tlie W it • •* -i, , ' i - > W-4-.V «>/<•» - i f or tbe «pring and summer trade of 1884* C. F. HALL, f *STOCK» 0¥ L. E. Bennett. PUotograper. whese rooms Are over I IVrry & Owen's stor<», is now taking .^icttire* by the new Process of "Dry I'iates," whereby an exposure of from «ne to six seconds a better expression can be obtained than bj' the old pro­ cess. Pictures of children taken under J the most trying circumstances and sat­ isfaction guaranteed. Call and give me * trial. Until further notice 1 will take Cabinet Photos for $4.00 per | dozed. L. E. BENXKTT. McHenry. Jane 17 th, 1884. To Biters and Contractors, Ud I LIVER and KIDNEY ©ITTERS These Bitters are especially prepared for tbe masses *t man Kind, Buffering- trom Tor­ pid Liver, Weak and Diseased Kidneys,and constitutions everwerked, bodily and men­ tally. They cure Fever and Ague, Malaria, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Xervous Debiiitj, Headache, Constipation, give a eood appe- purify the bloo<i,stimulate theF' ' inte healthy activity, producing new li'fe * Kidneys ic and vigor to the body arid mind. We Warrant Thetgge Bitters To be the best Tenic preparation made and recommend them to Everybody for Family nse t® secure Health, strength and Happi­ ness DIHECWONS:--A wine glass full taken three times a day, before each meal. Will accomplish the desired effect, without drug­ ging the stomach. John A. King & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors 81 Lake Street,Chicago.III. -Try and you Will always use thei *®"Prlcett Per Bottle,w Sold by Druggnts generally. use thevB 3 "?TteeJ#<ffl!enry Brick Uannfacturing Cempany if are now ready to supply Brick in quantities ^ FROM SMALL LOTS -TO STOPPED FREE MmrmtUtu nteettx. mntta Panen* R«ston4 Dr.KLDTE8 O&EAT NERVERESTORER for a/ZBRAITC & NRKVS DlSBASBS» Only surg cure fjr Arrie A£Ttct**ns, Fits, Epilepsy * eic0 IlfFALLLBLE if taken is directed. A# /r/x mfttr first day's use. Treatise and ga trill bottle free t© Fit patieats, they paymg express charges on box whea received. Send names. P. O. aad express address of afflicted to DR.KLINE.O^I Arch St..Phil̂ elphia,PA# Druggists, BEWARE OF IMITATING FRAUDS, « * *. • V W \ IN EVERY DEl'iUiTJiEN! U N X F O X.-* I.O -AND Satisfaction Ouaranteed. HENRY COLBY. ; • > . . • • i ' 11, 1884. ir- F . G . M A Y E S DEALER IN Their Brick are second to none to he found in the market, and will be told at the lewest market pri^e. Persons intending to , , build, or those handling brick, will do well to call ami see ns before pure hits in g. 'Ira Invite an examination and com pa rise; with any Brick made in the Northwest. Fo further Information apply to or address ¥ M BARGAINS 15 McHENRY BRICK Manufacturing Co, Mclfenry, III., June 11th, 1881. For Coal and Wood CAM, Otf- Mc eury, III., June 10,1884, MMM MO DOMESTIC Seats Funishing Qwds .M. HOWE Opposite Bishop'a Mill, Who lias a complete line of the best stoves in the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, in fact, everything in tbe hardware stove and tin line. 'CH all kinds^ also sells Boots and Shoes Below Chicago Prices., Call and see, in front of RIVERSIDE HOTEL, McHenry, Ills. E. Lawlus. HE WILL NOT TIE VXDEIISOLD. Call at his store befere buying elsewhere. Jobbing and retiring promptly attended to. " Remember, extra goo<t bargains canal ways be obtained at Howe's. Mcllejiry, Dec. 1, 1883. James Robbins, 8olon Mill**, - . r IK-- Farm Mttchinery, BIPION. JftdtlMMit In the Market. Invites an inspection ot his stock, all of which wi 11 be sold at the owest prices for cash. Remember good Goods at fair Prices at < ht 'enterville tore. P. C. MA YE8. GREAT BARGAINS. BOOTS AND SHOES! $ ' lly stack of Summer poods is now complete, Boys'and Youth's 7XNX and STAPLE SHOS9. * ' •' *'. • ' In all the latest Women's, Misses1, and Children's Fine Shoes, Walking shoes, and Slippers. We make a specialty ^ Men's and Women's Fine Shoes, Walking Shoes, The acknowledged leader in good goods and low prices, and people are finding it out. His prices tefl his goods are of the very best. His stock is large and his prices are way down below the. high priced credit dealers. He can afford to do it as he sells for cash only. Jamestown Worsted Dress Goods, 50 pieces just received. Everything new bright and attractive.^ Remnants cheap,! Hall bids for your trade. Go and see him F. Hie c nly cash it ore in Northern Illinois. Hie lafgeirt, tbe best filled. S.*c, 140 feet long and 22 feet wide, two stories high and working for the people that FAY AS THEY GO. Not a dollar's worth gues out except for tiard adiv I sell u be foraver i Ctoaio & NOMHI Is the best and shorteet raitet* >at>d Council Blutis (Oiaaba) ' J " " peated travc DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots A Shoes, Mats A Caps, GROCERIES CROCKERY, And my prises will make it pay you to come forty miles to trade with me. 1 sell goods of the best quality and guarantee everything as represented. Read my price list and britfg it, and make your fall purchases where your money will do you the most good, Will your credit dealer make you the following prices? Best f rials IX cants a. 7. • A w Finest Bleached Cetton . Best Unbleached Cetton . Standard Ginghams Ne 1 Cersets Ac A Ticking Elegant Dress Oowli . . 4-2 inch Ttlack Cashmeres I>ress Drills Cambrics Ladies' Fine Handkerchiefs f i and 19 cent bargains in abundance. Geod Oettoa Cloth S Ne 1 Denims IS Best Denims made IS Extra Waterproof M Ladle*' Slippers, worth 7#cents... 4ff Ladie.i' Sheea il^Ot Ladies' French Kid Shoes, tine 9 00 tients' Boots, Uoed 9M All kinds t'sr men and beys and •nly geed Goods. ReysXuits (SNtiUN Men's Stilts 326 to MM Clething Is our great specinlty. and we carry the finest ttock ia Northern Illinois. We have the goods. No. 1 Baaing Powder Spices, way down. Sugar at Chicago oest add freight. M cent Tea 44cents «-4 Tea SS,MtMA« •' , is preferred by all well when passing to or from California and Colorado 1 Je bLTw°J?nat® lh# b**t »*ute I ho short Chicago anj 81. Paul Minrsapolis "W,i£JS£l wi£Sl Owatonna, Mankaiy. Minn. Csdar ShrshMUwa fiStr'JP11* ClintOn, (Harsnaiiown, Iowa Free port, Elgin. Bo«k. fines *re amon 'ls WoKcal stations on its Among a few of the numerous points of in. K,1U &A{)0.5O1£&&1 K.W.™ S?«S!; passeu by any ; and its widely « i'lebrated HORTH-WeaTKRN DININO CAR8, . Tne like of which aro not run hy any «ther *»«d anywhere. In short, it is asserted that dipped mad'S A" points Of interest, Nortt, Northwest and West at Chicago, businefs centres, sumwor resorts, and noted hunting and flsliinggrounds are accessible by the various branches of this road. L It owns and controls over 5,000 mile? of road #nd has over four hundred tMSaenaer c«a. factors constantly caring for its millions ot patron a. Ask your ticket agents for tickets ria this route. AND TAKE SONE OT HE It. It costs .10 more to travel on this route, that gives first-class accommodations, than It dees to go by the poorly equipped roads. For maps, descriptive circulars and sum­ mer resort papers, or other information not obtainable at your local ticket office, write to the Oeni Pass. Agent. C. ft V. W Sail way Chicago 111. M cents.- Best Rice Best Boasted Coffee....;...., Ooed " " ........... standard Raisins No 1 Tobacco, Smoking Fine-Cut Tobacco Plug Tobacco .. Long Box Matches,... S cent Box Matches....... .. 10-cent Box Matches.... .... Babbitt's Saleratus " Boss Soap Stove Polish ....... 7 IS Mill 8 tt M M M 1 t ! = Now I want to see you and know that I can make it your interest to come, and will de it. Just come once and lly goods are : ^ Bought and Sol 2 AND foi see. Rr Tells the Whole Storjr. 1 Want tjie tar-off trade that buy BIG BILLS, and to sue! t My, come and see me, and it I can't save you money, will pay your expenses. I am getting in bf rgains every day, and they g< a» bangiU, very |^r cash., Yours forjgood goods and low prices ^ -- HALL, "DUNDEE, ILL JOHN I. STORY :1: Wlf uuir Will OT ure mfifllav nuU89f Has a complete line of the beet Stoves in the market, as well as a large stock of MECHANIC'S TOOLS, Lamps, Chandeliers, Jim am DEAl.KR IN OF ALL KINDS.; pore two doors north & Owen. ot jybave one of the largest stocks of Furniture of all kinds to bs found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing to [buy will be sure to save money by calling on me. UNDERTAKING* I have styles oi 35 different sizes aad COFUKS AND CASKETS Always oa hand. -I keep a Hearse of my own which will be turnitshed at the most reasonable rate*. J. B. BLAK*. . B AnU4n abort. Everjftljinj^lji, the Hardware, Stove He Wil Not be T7ndersold! AT HIS STOKE BEFORE BUYING ELSEW KBE; Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. extra good bMyaina era slwsy. be obt«iD«d»t JOHTV J. STORY'S. THE GOLDEN STAR GASOLINE RANCE8,, Superior to all. Li rapidly su­ perseding (Jook Stoves and Kan- |ges tor Summer use, Call ar*d aee them, JOHN I. STORY McHenry April let, 1888. adTRepatrs offiU! kinds constantly on hand. -"ifiWiMMt see m% JamefRo)>bins. hS,'Jj:,:: :j Late styles of Bhades and fltoflePs, transparent curtains. ItiB at JBonslett 4fc Geats Fine Calf Pegged, and Hand'Sewed Trench Calf Uor ceo Legged Boots, Plow Boots & Shoei, We have a Tremendous stock, much larger than ever before. These goods were bought for Cash, and will be sold for Cash at a bargain. We keep th« Sclz celebrated hand-made groods; also the l a a ^ w f t k w - « ^ s - B - U o " e ~ Jr'v-rtX< , , ' I. • - - • 0 f t . H . DWICHT. InIt. and PubllcSquaro, Woodsteok, III. loflKMBT 111., Jan. 21st, 1884. |YOU WANT Bl ---TO BUT dewing; Machine' I have on hand and am est prices sel l ing at tho Low the Domestic, Klilredge, New om» ( Home, Sprlairfleld, Mew American, and Sincer e wins Machines, and w»ll not l>« undersold l>jr any agent in the eonnty. A good Singer Machine for M. warranted to do ibe wuu of any Singer Maehlno in the world. Call and see me. W, QWMS. taHurr,:.r«Na wi Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmjttog, WAGON AND HAUPERISCH, ' MoH.nrj, llllnota. Would respectfully Inform his customers ami the pnblie generally thet lie jsnow bettei than ever prepared to do all work la Bis lino. REPAIR IIS G. Ofallkindson short notice. <SPGlve m a eali^iml wo will please you both in quality and price of work. P. HAUPERISCH. XeHeary, III., Ang. 7th, ML .,811k enibroidorod scarfs all colors •o« quality, vtrj ehettjM 8ten«r«. • i^ObSTOCK, ILL -- DKAl/EH IS-- Breech and Muzzle Loading bhot Guns. Powder, Shot, Caps,Wads and CartridMS for sale. Fishing Tacale cheap. AL Hinds of Nporting Good« AND REPAIRING DONE. log. Gun, wnvrnnted Twist, (SC. Winchester Rifle, 76 model, 15 shots,|25. Nickel Plated 6 shot Revolver, fg-M. Self-cocking British Bull Dog Pistol 19.08. A good Single Barrel Breech Loading, Single Gun, warranted, f5.M. I will undersell any house in the county ia Guns and Sporting Goods. If you want a good gun it will pay yen to call and see me. 1 war* rant every gun I sell. Clothes Wringers repaired aud new Rolls put on. Price pel pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July 15th,1888. HEADQUARTERS FOR * i Bats A Caps, BOOTS & SHOES, dents' Furnishing Goods, eto. W4UCONDA ILL' k in iast returned from tho eily with largo stock of Spnii aiil Summer 4/ « Which 1 will sell at astonlshiacly low price I will make it an object lor you to call and see me. Am also agent for tho New Homo afwhiC; machine and the Juliue Banet Organ. Millinery! MHIiher0- J!lSS,.&kV"A" *:.i Spring IQlliatty, 7 •Mm latest n«st approved styles to ' found in the city. The ladlesjira •jj are invited to call aab ao^r " WUvconda, April tist, Mi. » . , - Z -V ; .. - £&k-

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