Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Aug 1884, p. 8

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m:ms • iWsWU ¥• BAILROAD IN let it IK; f.trever romeinbered (hat the r c H E N f c Y . . ; - FWI- tfi« TARING and summer trade of 1884. i f* •>mM t. TIib un<lerelgii«tl. after MI actIve f||kPM»*W Iif« In tlile Town for over forty ^|P#jW#,«ow offers for *aie his tivme farm ef ̂ tiaciTK. Htuati'tl mi what is known •jPi^dtlV Uonifrii. one mill* nnrtlicatl W Mm illl»g« or RinKwitoil. Tin re is • good dwelling, four barns. rluee good Well* of w»t«»r, mill in short it i« one of •lie tnogi desirable farms In McHeit«y fkHinty, lliere not being h foot of »•»««• on tin? place. There if about 276 WcreH that lias been under (lit* plow an.1 ill* re If 70 acre* goad limber. W»ill be tl>ld f.»r #75 per aore, HIM I possession #\T» as soon as Hie crops are gathered. Also 80 acres in the Town of Rieh- ftonil, about two and a half miU-s from (lie above described farm. It the land jlisold all my property will be flild at private or public sale. Also II27 acres ol land in iMinn County Wis.. *247 acres of which Is one piece ftiidwiihin two miles of Dnwnsville, a railroad si at ion, and 80 acres in another, •li tiiiHy located and will make a valua We Tarni. Will s»*ll the 247 acre piec« fi>r #8,000. The 80 acre piece for #1,000. Also 00 acres of land in Mitchell Co., • 'towa, under good iirproveinent. Is ffltnaied-a mile ann a hall' trom Stacy- 0*11 If. Price #1,500. For further particulars inquire ot the sttndersieiied at llingwood. 111. WKSI BY I.Ann • fehngwoo'l, III., July '-il, 1^1. 10.1-4m &AS§ ETTS AM EFT CAN CURCU- LIO PROOF PLUM. Tills new Iniit Is a prodigy Sue very %*ppect, and was named '•Cuivnlid rroof'* by Th«>s. Mchan. editor of the f i fardi iners Monthly, having been* fully tested for some years, and found to be ;«t)6olutely tree from Curculio While » flie fruit is not of the largest, the flavor is sweet, rich and refreshing, being free from any astringency or Itarshucss. The great value of this .1*11111) is for culinary purposes, at tin; lime being excellent-as .i desert frn't. rapic' grower and enormous bearer. Ripens last of September, i 'ropigatcd '%x the Blooming Xurserv Co. J. B. BREDRD. " W-l-Sw . salesman. The Bos? Barrel Chum, lit t. glory's. _ w GLASS ! GLA^11 We keep Glass »f all sizes constantly In hand Special sizes cut without extra charge. JOHM 1. Stokx.v • $.'i Notice ;:"K > 1 ? To those that want work done In my line, such as Tanks, Vats and all other "jrork done in a shop, as ! get lumber ^Qitcf&froiu Chicago. • 4 F. A. HEBAKD. Wheat Waned. WANTED, at the Fox River Valley ijUUs, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash will be paid, R. BISHOP. , HcQenry, 111., April Hth, 1884. L. E. Bennett. Phojograper. whose rooms aiiir f*r*T Ferry & Owen's stor«, is now taking Pictures by the new Process of "Dry Plates," whereby an exposure of from #ne to six seconds abetter expression Can be obtained than by the old pro- Cess. Pictures of children taken under the most trying circumstances ami sat­ isfaction guaranteed. Call and give me » trial. Until further notice I will take Cabinet Photos for #4.00 per >#ozed. I.E. BENNKTT. McHenrv. June 17 th, 1884. Ti BiiUers and Contractors, §WBujr 1 K B restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as may be dnlred. By its use light or red hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and Stimu­ lates a weak and siekly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the j|calp. As a Indies' Hair Dressing, the VIGOR is unequalled; it contains neither oil nor dy®, renders the hair soft, glossy, and Silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. MR. C. P. BRICHER writes from Kirbff, O., July 3,1882 : " I.ast fall mv hair commenced falling out, and in a short time 1 became nearly bald. I used part of a bottle of AVER'S HAIR VIGOR, which stopped the fall- tng of the hair, ami started a new growth. I have now a full head of hair growing vigo*» Cusly, aud am convinced that but for the Use of your preparation 1 should have been entirely bald." •T. W. BOWEST, proprietor of the McArthur (Ohio) Enquirer, says : "AVER'S HAIU VIGO® Is a most excellent preparation for the hair. 1 speak of it from my own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hair, and niakes it glossy ana soft. The VIOOR is alto tsure cure for dandruff. Not within niy now ledge has the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction." MR. Axors FATRBAIRX, leader of the Celebrated " Fairbairn Family " of Scottish Vocalists, writea from llostou, if ass., /•V6.6, 1S80 : " Ever since iny hair began to gire sil­ very evidence of the change which fleeting time procureth, I have used AVER'S HAIR VIGOR, and so have l>een able to maintain an appearance of youtlifulness--a matter of Considerable consequence to ministers, ora­ tors, actors, and in fact every one who lives In the eyes of the public." MRS. O. A. PRESCOTT, writing from 18 FLM (Tiarlestown, Mass., April 14, 1882, says: •' Two vears ago about two-thirds of my hair eame otf. It thinned very rapidly, and 1 was fast growing bald. On using AYER's HAIR VIGOR the falling stopped and * new growth commenced, and in about a month my head was completely covered with short hair. It l\as continued to grow, and is now as good as before it fell. 1 regularly used but one bottle %>f the VIGOB, but now use it occasionally as |i dressing." ^ We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of AVER'S HAIR VIGOR. It needs but a trial to convince the most skepti­ cal of its value. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. *•* : * m STOCKS OF i i InMcHenry 1st': HALL; I. - * * A - ^ 4, ( • • j J fiie rtffeiwwleil^oil leader wood (rood* und low pricegf'f me Hndin<? it out. ilis prices tell his goods tire of the vory best His sto^k is Jarge smd his prices uns way dr»\vn beloiv the hljfh pi-i(*eii| credit deiilerg. He caii afford to do it us he sells tor cash only- ^ ^ ,v .Ismu'stown U'orsled t)ivss Goodn, f>0 pieces just received. Kveiythiug new "hrijrht and attiactive. Heuinants cheup, C. F. Hull UuU for vour tittdft. Ci.o itud soc hiiu • >, * . ' * ' The ( ily cash store in Xoitheni IlTTnois. TTlie'lur«rest, the hesi tille<l. S ze, 140 feet lon«; and 22 feet wide, two stones high und Working >or tJio people that i'AY Al l HLY k (Jo.'lur's worthjr es out vxcept for tiurd Cushi 1 sell \.7 / * D ;Y GOODS, CLOTHINC^ Hats Is the best und shortest route to ivnd froii Chioijr.i Hud Council Bluff* (Oiunhn) ami thaiB it IM |>rt!ferre<l l>y all well pested traveler* when parsing to or from ^ California and Colorado! It also operate line, between the Itest route and I he sliov Chicago a n ) S t . P a u l Minreapolia Milwaukee, LaCroase, .Sparta. Madison, Fot», Unward (Oreen Bay Wisooniin, Winonti Owttonna, Mankaty. Minn. Csdar Itapld^ De* Moines, Webster City, Algona, ClintoaL Marslmllt-nvn, Iowa Kreeport, Elgin, RooK/ ford, III., are amon its 800 focal stations en itt lines. Among a few of the numerous points of su­ periority, enjoyed by the patrons ot this roall. are its BAY COACH"" - ' " - • that human art and HES, which are the finest I KING'S LIVER and KIDNEY ^ BITTERS These Bitters are especially prepared for the masses ot man Kind, siifferiitir trom Tor­ pid Liver, Weak and Diseased Kidnevs.and constitutions overworked, bodily anil men­ tally. They cure Fever and Ague, Malaria, Indigestion", Dyspepsia, Nervous Oebilit), Headache, Constipation, jrivo a pood appe­ tite, purifv the blood, sujunlate the Kidneys intonealrhy activity, producing new li'fe and vijror to the body and mind. We Warrant These Bitters To be the best Tonic preparation made and reooimnerd them to Everybody for Family use to secure Health, Strength and Happi­ ness DIRECTIONS:--A wine glass full taken three times a day, before each meal, will accomplish the desired effect, without drug­ ging the stomach. •Jolni A. King & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietor* 81 Lake Street,Chicago,>11. r-Try and you Willalways use them U N I F O R M L Y I . O W Ann Satisfaction HENRY MCHEKRV, ILL., February 11, 1884. COl ••rw-M- ,A> ,B1k7 ***Prlce $ I Per Bottle,^* Sold by Druggists generally,. fhe HcHenry Brick Manufacturing Company •re now ready to supply Brtck in quantities rEOM SHALL LOTS TO CAR LOADS Their Brick are second to none to he found in the market, and will be fold at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or those handling brick, wilt do well to call and see us before • purchasing. We Invite an examination DEALER IN FREE Jtarvtlous success* . IMane Persons Restored (Dr.KUHE'S GREAT NERVE RESTORER '.JIVB«AM»NNTVI DISEASES. Onlywt ' curt fay A'ervg Affectians. Fitse F.piltpsy, etc. I llfFALLiELK if taken as directed. No Pits after \first 4ay*s use. Treatise and $2 trial bottle free to (Fit patients, they paying express charges on box whea I received. Ssnd names, P. O. and express address ol I afHicte'l to jDR.KLTNE.^i Arch St..Philadelphia.Pa* * Druggists. BEWARE OF IMITATING FRAUDS. FOB BAEGAIHS IN tnd comparison Jforthwest. further Information apply to or address with any Brick made in the Northwest. For I in" McHENRY BRICK Manufacturing CO* McUenry, III,, June llth, 1^81. CLOTHS. Staple Dry JSoodl Invites an inspection oi his stock, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cttsh. liemeaiber good (roods at fair Prices-at < lit Ccnterville tore. GROCERIES CROCKERY, &c. And 1113' prices will make it pa^ you to come forty miles to trade with nie. 1 sell goods of the hest'qiiality and guaranter everything as rcjiieseiited. Kead my price list and brinj? it, and uiafvc your fall purchases where your money will do you the most gc( d, W ill your credit dealer make you the following prices? (test I'linlf Finest KltMchod Cotton ..... Meet Unbleached Cotton .... Standard (>{iighams..... ..•• •- Ho 1 Corsets Ae, A Tlcktug ii' . Klegant Di'c.-w Goods. .; ,,, 42 ine.h T'.lark Ca^liiiierea ...' Dress Prills Cam lines Ladles' Kine llaiutkerchiets S and 10 cent bargains in abundai Good Cotton Cloth No 1 Denims Best. Denims made Kxtra Waterproof Ladles'Slippers, worth 75 cents... Ladies' Slu>e» ••• I.udlea' French Kid Shoes, line Gents' Boots, Good .. All kin<ls tor men and boyb (^nd enly good Goods. cents . 5 1 6 •i » <•- * 5ti • ' 15 M » A 10 • ( 50 <• • r B uce. . S <« 12 . l » > 15 4 55 45 . #100 . '2 00 . 200 Bovs Suits 00 to U00 Men's Suits :f "26 to HI00 Clothing Is our great specialty, and \vc carry the finest Hock in Northern Illinois. We have the goods. t So. 1 Baking Powder ... *: Spices, witv down. Sugnr at Chicago coet add freight Sft cent Tea ..... Good Tea ... Best llice .... Best Roasted Coffee.,,.,. Goofl '« •• standard Raisins ..... No 1 Tobacco, Smoking . Fine-Hut TOIMCCO... Plug Tobacco Long Box Matches....... 5-cent Box Matches..,,..' 10.cent Box Matches...,. Babbitt's Saleratus ..... " Best Soap... .. Stove Polish ingenuity can create; itt PALATIAL SLEEPING CARS, which nFO mouels of comfort and elegance; its PALAOK DRAWING ROOM CARS, which are unsiif. I>a»iie<i by any; and its widely celebrated NORTH-WBATBRN DININ6 CARS, Tne like of which are not run by anv otlrtsf tend anywhere. In nhort. it is asserted tlial: I'P IS THE BEST EQUIPPED ROAD IN *11E WORLD. All points of interest, North, Northwest and West ot Chicago, business centres, summer resorts, and noted hunting and lishinggrouiMjU are accessible by the various branches ot this road. * It owns and controls over 5,1109 miles of road and has over four hundred passenger coo*' doctors constantly caring for its inlllions«i patrons. A«k your ticket agents for tickets via this route, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. It com ,io more to travel on this route, that givee flrst-class accommodations, than it dees to go by the poorly equipped roads. 'For maps, descriptive circulars and sum- mer resort papers, or other information not obtainable at your local ticket office, writs to the Gen'l Pass. Agent, C. ft N. it. Railway Chicago 111. tfeents. 44 cents , 30, 85 A 40 •' . ... 7 • ...... 15 • .. .10 A 13 •• 8 " 25 « ...... 50 • 80 • ...... 10 « foi see. Now.I want to see you and know that I can make it your interest to coiQe, and will de it. Just come once and My goods are Bought bii4 M*ol«I lor, PNLY. ' ; . AND THAT Tells the Whole Story. I want the tar-off trade that buy BIG RILLS, and to sue! I say, come and see me, and it I can't save you money, will paj your expenses. I am getting in In rgains every day, and they g< an bought, very cheap for cash. Yours forjgood good& aud low prices a i IST'SENB ^OUU OKDEKJfc HALL, DUNDEE, ILL JOHN I. STORY One Door West of the Riverside House, Has a complete line of the best Stoves in the market, as. well as a larsre stock of * For Coal and Wood -CAJ-.T-. ON- McHenry, III., June 10,1884. F. O JfAYES. E. M. HOWE Opposite Bishop's Mill, [Who has a complete line of the hest stores in the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, GREAT BARGAINS. Gents Furnishing Goods ;• JV* ) -•' ' L" Of all kinds. J^[e also sells Boots and Shoes " a,. Below Chicago Prices. Call and see, in front of KIVEBSIDE HOTEL, Mclienry, Ills. E. Lawlus. i And, infant, ererjthingin the hardware store and tin line. HE WILL NOT RE UNDERSOLD. Call at his store before buying elsewhere. I i Jobbing and repairing promptly attended to. 49*ltemember, extra good bargain* en *l> j ways be obtained at Howe's. McHenrv, Dec. 1, 1S83. BOOTS AND SHOES! My stock of Summer goods is now complete, consisting ot MeBs, Boys' and Yonth's FUTE and es Robbins, Mills, * - 111, ' •* -DEALER |*~ Mttehiiiery, It, ^ In all tl^^latiif^siyles. '• Women's,"losses', and (.'lilldrcn^s Fine Shoes, Walking Shoes, and Slippers. We make a specialty of Men's and Women's and Slippery * Gents Fine Calf Pegged, and Hand-Sewed French Calf Mo rceo Legged Boots, Plow Boots & Shoe| CHAMPION. mim ASD BIHDBBS, Akd the Best XTA-KJS In the Market. irsofall kinds constantly on bft»d. "" JamM Robte ̂ MlU«,lUjUtli. 1I8A. ' THE GOLDEN STAR 7 QASOLINE RANGE# Superior to all. Is rapidly PU- persedinjr Cook Stoves and lian-l |ges for Summer use, Call ai.dl see them, JOHN I. STORY McHenry April 1st, 1883. Late styles of transparent curtains.! I shades and lamberqulaf.fti Bonslett &\ Stoflel'B. We have e Tremenduiis stock. niuch than ever l>efore These goods were bought tor ('ash, and will be sold for (Hash at a bargain. We keep the Sclz celebrated hand-made poods; also the Reynolds Brothers, and other Standard makes. pg*N. B.---House Established id 1865 W. H. DWICHT. Cor. Main St. and Public Square, Woodstock, III Bamps, Chandeliers, Tin, Coper id Sleet-Iron And in short, Everything: in. the Hardware, Sfove and Tin Line. He Will Hot b© Undersold! vmti •; •*$ HIS SXOKE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. f^^REMEMBEIiy extra <rood bargains can always be obtained at JOHN X. STORY'S. McllENitY ill., Jnn. 21*t, DEALER IX F17RN1TT7RH Of ALL KINDS. Store two Perry doors north & Owen. of 1 have one of the largest stocfcft Of Furniture of all kinds to b« found in any furniture store in jthe county. Persons wishing to |buy will be sure to save monies |)y calling on me. UNDERTAKING. I haVe styles of 35 different sizes al Sherman, WOODSTOCK, ILL DO you WAHI -TO UUR Sew in Machi Horse Shoeing, Gfeneral Blacksmithing, WAGON AND I liavp on hand and am selling at the T.ow est prices, the Domestic, KldredKe, New Home, Surintrfleld, New American, nnd SiiiKt'r e Winn Macliines, and >v >11 not be undersold by any n#eiit in the county. A good Singer Machine for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in the world. Call and xee me. Q+ W. OWE21. McHenry,*. Feb. 20,1863 • P. HAUPERISCH, M^Henry, Illinois, Would respectfully Inform hta customers nnd the public generally that he is now bettei than lever preimred to do all work in bis line. REPAIR IIN G, Of all kinds on short notice. WGire us a call^and we will please you both in quality and price <*f work. P. HAUPERISCH. McHenry, III., Aug. 7th. MM. ^ Silk embroidered scarfs all colors fine quality, very chfiap at Bon»l«tt A Stoyel's. * f hare Jnet returned awft the eily with large stock ef Spring ail COFFINS AND CASKETS Always on hand. I keep a Hearse of my own which will be furnished at the most reasonable rate*. . J. B. BLAKE. - DKALKB IN-- and Muzzle Loading 'bhot Guns. Powder, snot. Caps,Wads and Cartri4(«t teraale. Fishing Tac ale cheap. Al. ainds of Sporting Gooda AND BEPA1BING DONE. A good Breech bonding, Deuble Barreled Gun. warranted Twist, $2£. Winchester Rifle, 76 model, 15shot»,$25. Nickel Plated 6 shot Revolver, 9i-60. "i Self-cocking British Bull Deg Pistol |M0. A good Single Barrel Breech Leading, bingle Gun, warranted, $5.00. I will undersell any hon*e in the ceunty la Guns nnd Sporting Goods. If you want a goed gun it will pay van te call and see ine. 1 war* rant every gun 1 sell. Clothes Wringers repaired tud new Rolls put on. Price pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHEBMAM Woodstock, July 15th, 1863. % i Hata «& Caps, BOOTS & SHOES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, ete H. Maimaa, "W'3P. - - v y j r : y WAfJCONDA Which 1 will sell at astonishingly low pile c I will make It an ehject lor you to call anil see ine. Am also agent for the New Howe sewing aaachine ana the Juliu* Bauer Organ. r,T X:' J-: *> . .V .., > ' . i. . . .. ,S:<- . *•3 .v ' ' Millinery! Milliner^# MRS. H. MAI MAN Has aloe received a splendid stock of ,-,v . Spring Hilliiwry, r» M " la test moat approved atylee found In the city. The ladies are are invited to call aab see. Waoconda, April Slst, 18S4,

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