Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Aug 1884, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, 37,1884. »I. VAN 8LYKE. Rilitoi / * •*.** ^ - f7t * ?)%•&'. *?a FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES G. BLAINE, or MAINE. rOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN A. LOGAN, OP ILLINOIS. Republican State Ticket hfl " ' :#r „ M: T\)r Governor, RICHARD J. OGLXSBY. Of fjOffOM Votatftf. Jtir ItetUenaiU (Jotvimor, jOHUi a saint, of Cook County. ftr Acretirv of 9kate, HEKRY D. DEMSm, of I«^Own(y. fbr Auditor, CHARLES P. SW1GBRT, If Jiankukee Couiff, . }jFbr Treasurer, • 3". ;v • *• ^ . JACOB GRO&%„ .. •i'C"- ... Of Cook Count!/. •••'_'/ Ar .dtfornijr Gcnetltt, GSORGh HUXt, ... of Edgar County, Congressional Ticket j, Jbr Member <4 Lrtngret*, > RhTIiEN ELL WOOD, </ DeKalb County. inr ifember Atfe Board o/ K<yua/tra6«s A & WlUA AStS, •rf MfHenry County. « ' The BepiUican Connty CooveBt ion. The Republican County Convention, Which was held at Woodstock «n Satur­ day last, was a political farce in every •ense of th« word and a to the Be publican party of Mclleury Comity. %'he Woodstock Ring, with their "Me Too" allies and lick-spittles from a few •ther tewns.carried thirgs with a high hand, disregarding the wishes of the J»eople and stopping at nothing so. long as they could keep the offices ol the •Csuttty within the grasp of this corrupt fling. So jubilant were they over tlipir Success that one of their number was lieard to remark after the Convention that"any one who wanted an •flieein this County must get a ticket from Woodstock." Republicans in the Coun­ ty will ID the future kntw what-is liecessary to receive a County office. Swear allegiance to tlio Ring, do their flirty work, and then if they see fit perhaps you may get tbo office ot Coroner or Surveyor. . That the voice of the people of Mc- Uenry County waa for Morse, Smith *od Faber, for the offices of Clerk, At­ torney and Superintendent of Schools, there Is not a shadow of a doubt, but -by packing caucusses with hired men - and Democratic voters, the honest " wishes of the people were overruled in many towns, and what was not accom­ plished In that way was done by some >ifu)cu9p0cu6 at the Convention. There Was nothing too low for these pot house politicians to engage in. Knowing that the people were not with them In their third-term scheme they resorted to trickery to accomplish what they knew they could not do by honest means. ' IThe inside history of the Dorr caucus *ras enough to damn any man or set of tnen who would engage in it. And yet this was hut ono of the many means used to defeat the voice of the honest voters of the County. From all parts of the County comes tnutterings of dissatisfaction at this •utrage, and tbo signs of the times bode no good to the Ring. The ques­ tion now is, shall the people or the Bingrule? If the latter, what use of caucuses and conventions? Let the. Bing and their '"Me Toe's" get togeth­ er, issue their orders, and the people must obey the mandate for fear of "hurting the party!" We are not ready to. take that position. - We propose to "Hew to the mark, let the chips fall «vher» they may." The Way To Do. When the story affecting the person­ al character and conduct of the Demo­ cratic candidate was published, every­ body who discredited the scandal cxpected that a suit for libel would bo begun at once, and nobody seemed to doubt that a denial at least would be made. Twenty-one days went by be­ fore any authoritative notice was taken of the matter, and then only weak ex­ cuses were offered. It pleased the Democraic organs to ignore the fact that the Cleveland scandal was brought out by Democrats and to threaten to retaliate upon the Republicans hy throwing mud at the Republican candi­ date. The threat'lias been carried out and a Pliameftil attack inado upon the family of Mr. Blaine. The conduct ol Mr. Blaine Is in marked contrast to that of Governor Cleveland. The wretched slander lis promptly and emphatically denounced by Mr. Blaine as an atrocious libel, 'and Instructions are given to a lawyer that a MI it be entered against the slanderer without an hour's delay. There Is uo mistaking lllv Blalne^s purpose. He means to punish the low­ lived wretch who started the outrage­ ous story and making the political harpies understand that wanton attacks upon a candidate's family are not among the things to be tolerated in American politics. Mr. Blaine's manly course in this matter is deserving of much praise. It is the way to do. A lie should b.e strangled at its birth and the liar brought to justice. This was the course which the lamented GAr- field took in the Morey letter matter and it redounded to his credit. Mr. Blaine's course will he heartily com­ mended by every decent mah in both parties. • ' . • mm K&*"Our foreign policy should be an American policy in the broadest sense and most comprehensive sense,a policy of peace and friendship, and of com­ mercial enlargement. The name American, which belongs to us in our national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of the patriotism ol citizenship of the Republic. It must be the panoply and safeguard of him who wears it. The American citizen, rich or poor, native or naturalized, white or colored, must every where walk secure in his personal and civil rights. The Republic should never accept a lesser duty. It can never assume a nobler one than tbo protection of the humbleit man who owes it loyaity-- protection at home and protection- which shall follow him abroad into whatever land he may go upon a law­ ful errand."--Blaine's Letter.of Accept' once. i t - P> ; ' f^The slaying of several Mormon Aiders in Lewis county, Tennessee, was * shocking crime; but it should be a warning to the polygamists of Utah that the propagation of their odious doctrines will not be patiently allowed in any part of this country. They seam pretty well convinced of this fact now •o far as tho Northern states are con­ cerned; but for two or three years they have been insulting the intelligence and morals of the south by trying to gain converts In. the Southern states. Last year their missionaries got into trouble in North Carolina; now they two been shot in Tennesee. These are hints that even thick-skinned sensual­ ity might understand. IWColonel C. R. Costar, United pension agent at New York city I have occasion at my office to meet numbers of men, who represent nearly every walk in lire In New York. There are elements at work for Blaine and Logan that are little understood appreciated. Under the upper crust there Is a mass of humanity who are sympathetic in politics, and who have Man touched in Blaine's nomination t^g quick and hearty response. We been looking upon New York • certain to be about the worst t j5r ?fr* ®'a'ne 'n country, indications that reach ine are the apposite. It will be one of the feaat places. "Ben Butler sHtiug around with t ax In ills hand ready to dissect •land's letter of acceptance in a scarcely less Interesting than boy who sat with a club watch- |abalo In tbo river bank, "What Ijraa <alng to catch from that hole, "I dunno whether It'll be a , swaller ar tortle, hut It's all the tar me. If It Is a tortle, he'll §§9 had been a swaller; and If it is r, hell wish he'd been a snake, it's aanake, andTos dead set takes. fy? 'jf' %'t - soldier in Fort Plain, N. Y.. (a strong Democrat,) who served under General Logan during the war, an<? had not seen him since, attended the reception at Herkimer, last week. He stepped up to the General, shook him by the hand, and said: '"How are you General? If you can remember my name. I will vote for you this fall;' The General looked at him a minute and then said: "This is Mr. giving the name correctly. The Grand Army men, no matter whether Demo­ crats or Republican's in the Mohawk valley, speak very highly of the Gen­ eral's treatment to them during the w*ri One of them said to a corres­ pondent that he would willingly walk ten miles to vote for Logan, and bad never voted a Republican ticket before. The Logan Demoaitratlon at Btiffitfo. From the Buffalo Exjrrest. Avery significant thing was that enormous tujn-out to see and hear the Republican candidate for Vice Pres­ ident last Friday evening. Who ever 8».w anything like it befere in Buffalo at such an early stage of the cam paign ? The turn out to greet Garfield in 1880 did not compare with it. This is only one of many indications that the people--the Republican mass- --are not waiting for any leaders* •rators or organizers to rouse them in this campaign. They are wide awake. They are everywhere ahead of the committees. The" demonstration here to welcome General Logan was only parallel with similar demonstrations all along his line of travel in this State. No such demonstrations were expected or asked for, or even the usual opportunity given for organizing them. They organized themseves. They proye that the Republican voters are full of zeal and enterprise and need only an opportunity to come out in force. How different was It when Hendricks traveled through this State! He dined at the railroad lnncii-room in this city almost as unnoticed as if he had been a commercial instead of a political drummer. And so to it was wherever he went. Coldness and apathy and de­ pression were the only Democratic sentiments anywhere visible. The contrast is striking, and full or good opens for Republican success. fl©""Having placed Ex-Gov. St. John In nomination for President, and duly performed all other service detranded by tho Democrats, 4he Prohibitionists have adjourned their convention at Pittsburg. There is no use of.being "mealy mouthed" to this party whose avowed purpose Is the defeat, If possi­ ble, of the Republican and the success of the Democratic party. The Mormon priesthood are engaged in the same cause. So also are the liquor leaguers for they secured tiie insertion in the Democratic national platform of a plank declaring against all sumptuary laws. An admirable trio--a beautiful trinity--this is, to be sure, that is ar­ rayed against the Republican party! Look at it: Mormonism. Alcoholism, Prohibitlonlsm. Against three Intol­ erances in alliance with the Democratic hosts have the Republicans to contend in this campaign. But it is by no means the first time that Right has won an overwhelming victory over Wrong, even though the allied hosts of the'latter are clothed in the stolen liv­ ery of heaven, and in this contest all the signs and omens point to the total and irretrievable defeat of ,„the allied forces. Tire 6teady march of progress cannot and will not be stayed by any obstacles that may be placed in its pathway by vice, ignorance, greed, personal ambition, bigotry and fanati­ cism.--Beloit Fret Press. General John A. Logan. It was after one of the fiercest en­ gagements of the rebellion, in which General Logan's horse had been shot, from under him, a second bullet liftd cut off hissword-belt and a third had dis­ abled him, and while he wa6 recover­ ing from his wounds, that the citizens of his district sent a letter asking him to accept a nomination for Congress. His reply was as follows: Headquarters Third JJiviuion Sev­ enteenth Army Corps, Jackson, Miss., 1862,-- Gentlemen-. Your kind favor asking me to accept a nomination for Congress In the Fourteenth District is received. 1 express all my views of politics when I assert my attachment for the Union. I have no other politics now, and consequently no aspirations or civil place or power. This,Govern­ ment must be preserved for future fenerations in the same modle in which t was transmitted to lis, if it taices the last man and the last dollar of the present generation to accomplish it. Faithfully your#. JOHN A, LOGAN, Major General. No wouder the soldiers love him! -OF- H COWL IN McHENRY COUNTY. NELTF WEEK THE GREAT 4 [SUOCKSSyU TO It, M, CI.OTIUKtt] U. S. WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. A f o o n o t a r y P U B L I C * Proaoentes pension or RIIV other clRims against the Koverinnont., rolaiinjf to th« Into, or former wars, ( •oniplhmtoi) .eases aixl r«- joe ted claims mmlo a speiirtUy. If stumps aro ent'loscil lor i i>i>lv, all <aouiinunications will be promptly answerer!. Office at Residence, MADSON ST., . ; WOODSTOCK, ILL. permission an iognrt!.« char­ acter, business ability, rt>li:.Uility, &c., &<; : Hen. John A. J.og;vn, U s.-senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gen. J.C. Smith, Sfate Treasurer of Illinois. Hon. It £11 wood, M. U. 5th 111. Disl., Syc­ amore, 111. Hon. John C. Shorwln. cx-M. 0. 5th III. Dust., Aurora. Ill ' Hon. A. M. Jones, IT. S. Marshal, Chicago, III Col. Jas. A. Sexton, 1'rea Union Veteran Club, Chicago, III. ^ Jetse A. ltaldwin, Ass'l u. 8. Attorney, Chi­ cago, III. Messrs. Selz, Schwab & Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds uf county and home referen­ ces. Still Out of the Ark of Safety. ICany of you[arc. svv-'-,:.. . ^4^ DANG-JBB TO llFE PROPERTY Beset• yon on ovr-rv -hand. The mutter of the slycoon.'sickloon, saloon, eye 1 OIK , tornado, windstorm, or whatever mime way be given it, is heard in some section of .the conivtiy. nearly every day. ' \ The Fire Fiend May break out at any moment---the economy of a lifetime be consumed. Death must come to all. By a 8 ma 11 payment each year you can secure to'yourself a tiirtunc, should you live, or, in the'event of death before the time ex­ pires, yourfamiiy is provided for. $ 150,«:(>:>,000 is represented by this agency. Cur raiesare as low as experience lias found to be sate. Von will save money by insuring with me. General Insurance, Ute, Fir6, Lightning and Tornado a specialty. Thanking all my friends tor their liberal' patronage, and hop. ing, by square dealing, to merit a continuance *f til same, I beg to subscribe myself, Respectfully yours, C. II. AIOIiEY. McHenry, III., June , 183.1. Chancery Natiee.,„.„„ STATE OF II.I.INOI3, ) „ >•«. i Monenry Cotinty. ) In the Circuit Court of Mcllenry county, at the Seuteir Iter lerm, A. D. 1831. Edgar C. Barnard and William II. Burns, V*- WillHin H. Harback, Mrs. Hnrb»ck, his wife, jiDexter I> Ilarback au<L Maria llaiback, Sor- finan It. lint back, Mrs.Harback,his wife, Jessie Harback, daughter of Julius Harback, de­ ceased, lienjMUih n. Vosburg, husband of Kmeliue Vosburg. deceased, William Hitclx cock, Lodena Hitchcock, J*ne Harris, William Harris, Nellie Davharsh, Uarley Day-harah, John Hitchcock, "Emma Hitchcock, Frank Hitchcock, Mai v Hitchcock, ,S. Itobert Hitch­ cock. The unknown heirs ot Adin Allen, <le ceased other than Itosxvell Allen, Martha Hi Smith and the unknown heirs of Thomas GUI. deceased, other than Thomas tiill and i 'hebe Shales, deceased. In Chancery -- Bill to quiet Title. Affidavit that the names ot the heirs ol Adin Allen, do- ceased, other than Uoswell Allen, Martha H. .Smith and that lite names of heirs ot Thomas <iili, other than I hoinasCiill and Phebe Shales are all unknown to tho ab«ve named com­ plainants, having been Illed in the ollice of the cleftorvsaid court, ami also an affidavit Of the non-resifience of Jessie, daughter ot Ju­ lius Harback, deceased, and her husband (whose name is unknown) having been tiled in the ollice of said clerk, uotice Is hereby given to said Jessie, daughier of Julius liar- back, and her nusband, the unknown heirsof Adin Allen, deceased, and tho unknown heirs ot Thomas Uill, deceased, deferdants, I hat the complainants llled their Bill of complaint in said Court, on the Chancery side thereof, on the Villi dav of August, 1884, and thai a .summons thereupon issued out of said Court against the defendants, returnable on the 4tli Monday of September next (1881) as is by law required. Now unless you, the said Jessie, • laughter of Julius Harback, r 'eceased, and her husband, the unknown heirs of Adit Allen, deceased, and the unknown heirsof Thomas (iill, deceased, shall personally lie aud appear.betore said Court, on the first day of a term thereof to be holden at Woodstock-, in said County, on the 4th Monday ot Septem­ ber, "A. D; 1884, and plead, answer or demur to said liill of cuinplauit, the same and the mat­ ters and tilings thurein charged and stated, shall be taken as confessed and a decree en- tercel against you in accordance, with the prayer of said Bill. . The suit upon the same being now pending and undeteriniucd in said Court. Woodstock, August ISUi, 18*4: - J£. E ITLCHAROS, Clerk of Said Court. W. H. WING, » , Solicitor for Complainants. . .vt-, --iiun-'uimi uews lllill HIM R I M M I Y 3 a s^va-s PATEN I Si mm; novelty i?oio9. Pump, [iyares- good y per- mail fa in Chan- >n the in ten- Water e ren- dan- tation upietl The need, In the OPENS. Immense Attractions EACH DAY. WEDNESDAY, 3 ' Childrens' Day. All School Children under 16 years of age admitted Free. TIIURSDAT, Sept. 4, '84, General John A. Logan, Gen. E. A. Bragg, Gen. John M. Schofield, U. S. A. A N D O T H E R S . FRIDAY, SEPT. 5, '84, CHICAGO Bicycle Club. Be ready to attend the Fair Each Day. It will pay you. m "% -tot: SI; o-r - c . PROTECT Torn • SATIS ; that m:t!u'3 homo v ! no en unl. irtliri. --v .j n ~ With flic frrin'.'o? • ?»t ^ ia a geiitlo sUcjwt-.r c r t r-"3" iV#?- . : or carriages, and rlu'v.^tiirv.; ;. t-w . greenhouses, it n-i ci_. .-V l i throwing l^niidp. j-; ' s V Ii ' roxious insects no I •> ;«ti< i -.ivt-rf a. vine or tree, aDd i-hoi ' i l>o !;• jit jn store and factory in tlia C"" try's:: a j.. otoctioa against tires.--Sntil hy Tv#r'-' :nrf yl Scudtvr clrcu' at a jm.-olitUi. FER&3ANOO B. SFAETEJ, M ami fact i h l'a t nt'--, ISO 0^: j. .- '•. 's 'tTiova'er ; a::.T j-: ' Hilupi'"! to •da to destroy .lari!, on ] laut, ov> "J hi>nso, : TUB ! D.W. Miller Carriage Go. n so IS T. or. DAOT, With Bed-Rocky Loll-Priced Machines. •55 buys the Best Mower, with a liberal <li»connt for ca*h. #18 to ®ij-t buys tho Best Rake, and all other Roods'it corresponding low prices. Kverylxnly knows or should know that DACY has the "liULGE,"- An'l will sell CHEAPER than any othor dealer. If you want a LEERING TWINE BINDER, Standard, .Toli iihIOII Crown MoM er, HolMngsworth, Beindser or Tiger B»ke, HAY LOADER, HAY TEDDER, HA Y CAIIRIER, HARPOON FORK. WIND MILL. DRIVE WELL. PUMP. SINGLE OR DOrRLE CARRtAGE.. HE A VV OR LIGHT HAR.\K8fL FARM OR MILK WAGON, GLIDDEN BARB WIRE Or aaything in the Implement line, from a Wire Stretcher to a Threshing Machine, call a ad get the price of T. J. DACY, Weodsfroek, McHenry Co., lit Everj'thing in the Hardware line at I bottom figures, at E. M. Howe1?* Manufacture a large variety (f LIGHT and HEAVY CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, CARTS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, &C., After the most approved designs at tho very lowest prices consistent with, good -w orkmanship. •--50,000 voli icloa-- of onr manufacture nro now In 1130 in this and foreign countries and attest tho excellence of our goods by the universal satisfaction which they give.--Every vehicle is WAUUASTK1).--Special attention will lie given to mail orders. CATALOGUES FBEE. D. W. Wiiler Carriage Co., E. Fifth St., Culvert St. and Eg-g'.eston Ave., CINCiMftATI. O, Michigan Buggy Co. KALAMAZOO, Mich. m- -:t: General Merchant# ij * mm 1 Aw-'*' -UiM <!i ft; HEADQUARTERS *,* ' ^ " ¥***>•• & * open was brought. All had been ready, and that very day the embarked in the little steam Behind them they left their ns they could not be taken barrels of pork and some seal oil we for the animals. Lady Franklin' Br crossed to Cape Baird. a distance of teen miles, and then the western © Grinnell Land was followed south as Cape Hawkes. Large quantities of ice were met, and there was extreme ger every moment that the. little 1; would be crushed. Several times al boats were neariy lost. The sufferi: the men was great. They were now y fifty miles of Cape Sabine. Strikin# Administrator's JHotice. of w illium Stewart, DurtMsetl: The iiiulcrMKiicit h.ivinn Iie.ui appointed Administrator of the esliUe of IVin. Stewart (leceuseil, lale of the County of Mcllenry, and Stale of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the Cotintv Court of Mc­ llenry Comity, at tlie Court llouse, in Wood stock", at the Sopieinbor Term, on the third •Monda> in September next, at which lime nil persons having claims apiinst sai'l estate, are notiiicil and requested t-i attend for the pur­ pose of having the same a<<jlisted. All persons .indebted to u.tid Km tale are requested to make immediate payment to Hie iindersiirneiL Date,I this 2d 'lav of August .i. D. IS<4. UoiiKur AxDiiKws, A'lininintrator. Clothing, Carpets," . ;• Wall P^|>er, Dress Gooda4 D Boots & Shoes! Hats CapSj1 ^ Trunks and Valise^ Paints and Oils, Mixed Paints, Groceries, Salt, etc Executor's Notice. Estate of Simon Michels, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Adimniblratrix of the last Will and Testament of Simon Miehels, late of the County of .Mc­ llenry and Stiite of Illinois, deceased, hereby give notice that, she will appear before the County Court of Mcllenry'County, at the Court'House in Woodstock, at the September Term, on I he third Monday in September next, at which time all persons having claims against said Kstate are notiiled and requested to attend for the purpose of -having the same adju.-ted. All pel sons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 29th day of Jtilv A. D. 1381. CATIIEUINA MIOHKLS, Adrn'x. JOHN WIEDEMANN, HARNESS MAKER. RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS. On*hand at all times to make on short notice Single or Double llHVncss,of the best material and warrant satisfaction. REPAIRING promptly attended to. Shop next door to the Cheese factory. , PATRONAGE SOLICITED, John Wiedemann. Pure Bred Poultry for Sale. The following strains of Pure Bicd Toultry s offered for sale: l l 'en Urown I.eghernB, nine Hens and one Cockerel. 1 Pen Wliito Leghorn!. 1 Pair Black Leghorns. m A lot of Wyandotte Cockerels. ™ Plymouth Itocks, old and young. A lot of 1.i£ht lira lima Chicks and old Hens, A lot of l 'ekin Ducks, very choice. All these will be sold at a discount if called for soon, as I wish to close thcnijout, GKO. W. PRATT. Wauconda, An jr. 51 li 1^>1. Wholesale Manufacturers of all kinds of Open and Top BI GGIES Md ROAD CARTS. Agents wanted ererynhere. Write for catalogue ftud price list. FINE WO&K A SPECIALTY. \7e also manufacture a full lino of (UTTERS, including Swell Body, Portland, Square Box two seat Portland and Poney Sleighs. Send for cuts and prices before purchasing; MICHIGAN BUGGY CO., KALAMAZOO, Bleb. DO YOU KNOW THAT WE TH1£ Celebrated Golden Star OIL STOVES and KAIGES. The btst ami safest manufactured. Sold 28. last year, which speak for themselves. JOHN I. STORY, Mcllenry, April 1st, 1884. > Tobacco, With Tied Tin Tag; UoscLeaf Kine Cut Chew­ ing; Navy Clippings, ami Black, Brown and Tellow Snuffs ur<; the hest and tho cheapest, quality considcrc'l. mportanl to ftupturedPersons The Excelsior nurture Cure M'f'g Co., of Ogdensbutg, N. V.. guarantee to cure anv case of reducible - l lei 'T lawith their l{einedi«s. THE liri'TintK PI. ART kit AND IIKAUSUCOM l 'OI'SD. This tro;i tim-nl is .Midol Hcd i>y our l»est Doctors', Uiuggists, and the general public. Send CctM for free book on Uuiiturs or at>k your iruggibt Cor the R. C. HILL, Waut'ouda, - Illino^ei* --DEAI.KB IN-- Agricultural Implements OF ALL KINDS. Wo keep a fnll lino of Farm Machinery the best manufactured and sell at 1SED ROCK' PRICES. If vou want anrthing hi the. Agricultural Macfiinerv line, do not fail to call on me be- fere purchasing, us I cac save you money. T am also jigent for Lake ftnd Mcllenry t;oun• ties for the Champion Ft id Cutter. You can have a grinder attached to grind at the same tiino you are cutting. Every pur- chaser gets a writteu guarantee w ith his ma- chine. It positively the KASIKST RUN­ NING Kccii Cutter In the Market. Hire me a call. In Mowing Machines I have the 1MPIJOVED RICHMOND MOWER, Simple, Dursble and Efficient. The frame •e mailt; entirely of iron, thus preventing ihe warpinf nod xprtnging, while the gearing is so securely lioxeU as to keep tt entirely free from dust, dirt and grit, Tliti llcut Mowor in Use Am AgeiSt for the Racsne Cement Oom• panics ^ CEMENT CHIMNEYS. Call and aee them. R.C.HILL. Wauconda,.May 20th, 1884. M-m> PERRY & OWEN "THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME." CDfVBIGHTEO 1117 Olnetrated by fhe use of a Buggy made by T. T. Haydock, which is not only the Leading ' Buggy in this picture, but THE LEADING BUGGY OF AMERICA. Has aiydock's Safetv King Bolt and Fifth Wheel. Ask your dealer for the T. T. AY DOCK f^lJGGY, with the Haydock Safety King Bolt and Filth Wheel. Life ia insecure riding over any1 other. (ThU ptotare will b* faratabed on A luf. WT, prlnMd la elegut itylc, to aayon. who will IPN to (MM It.) nir1 ^ ̂ HATDOCK, vTboleaakle PrleaTust. Cor. Plaa and Twelfth 8ta., CINCTHHATI, 0> 10EHTS WANTED WHERE WE HAVE HONE! HO 1HVE8IME1T 80 PKOFITLBLEL Wlien the word Ectey or the word Crgan im mentioned, they each suggest the other( so widely known and so popular are the in- atroments and the xnakera. ' Five letter* in eaoh of the two words are reminders of enjoyment in multitudes of hpmoa. Uluatra- ted Catalogue mailed free to all applicants. 1884. GOLDING 1884. BROS.. WAUCONDA, ILL., Call attention of .customers-to-their attractive stock of new Notions, Groceries, Boots aM Shoes, Etc., Etc. Just opoitCvl,- 'vt V R U Y Low L'uicist}. The Best and; (*he:ipeat Dry (jocxJs House in La lie County. all and see us, examine (xt)O(ls und prices lx;tore puicha.sin<^. We can and* wiU save you money. Butter and Eggs Wanted, Aud lite Hijfhesit 3Iarkct Price Ptti4» W niu ondii. May 20th, 1884 PRICE BROTHERS, AT WAUCONDA, ILIq, A New Qlean Stock . Goods. We have ono of the lafsfest stdbks ever brought to These «oo<U .weFe Uo light for cash, which enables us to sell at very close figures, l>o not take our word for it, but come and look thiv u<rh our stocK and satisfy yourselves that we meau what we say. Our stock consists of Dry Uoods, Notions, Groceries, Hats aud Caps, (.. 'rockery ami (ilaaswan, l Jain s and Oils, Varnish, Brushes, YYa'I l J;ipi3r and Window hades, together-with the most complete stock ol SELZ BOOTS & SBOS9. Ev«r brought here, Otir line ofladies' and jrents' hand sewed Shoe* is the best ever offered for sale 4n Wauconda. All kinds of Country Produce bought for cash or taken in exchangefor goods

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