Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Sep 1884, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3, 1884, ; Railroad Time Table. '• On and after Hominy, June SMi Titto* will l»U8S McHenry station 88 below: ; GOING SOUTH.-. t r.;«t»vu Uitke 1'u sponger 7 :4i A. It ienevii Lake Express .8:25 " IjaRe Kreizht ......... . 1:»IB r. * lieneva Lake Passenger ..3:29 " Steamboat Express 3:34 " n n v ; X ) i r 4 . Lake Frcislit Steamboat Express ,a Seneva Lake Passenger--. tieneru Lake Kx press.. .*..*, - geuova Lake Passen«rer..... . B. .S.V...9II A. * ;m.U. 9:53 " 9:58 •• .4:MF. V 0:57 " Bi'88, Agent. McHenry, 111 M.\SOXI3 McllKNUY LODOB, NO. 15S A. P. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the Saturday <>n or before the full of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. CLIAS. C. QOLDY, W. M. REMEMBER the Temperance Lecture by Prof. Nichols, next Sunday night. MCHENKY is well represented at the County Fair, at Woodstock, this week. Do not, fail to hear (Jen. Logan, at Woodstock, to*o»orro\y evening, Sep­ tember 4t!l. THE fc-unlon of the old 95th regi­ ment occurs at Harvard on Thursday of this week. .September 4th. FRESH OYSTERS at Lincoln's Res­ taurant, Laiisir.g'R Block, near the Depot. # s •{ A SUNFLOWER ill thU place(i»ot (or premium) measures 13} inche* across, and the stalk 7£ Indies In girt. REMEMBER the Social Party at Grand Hall, on Thursday evening of next week, Sept. .11th. Music, Slpcum's Or­ chestra. A. L. HOWE'S Milk Wagon still con­ tinues to supply our citizens with the best quality of milk. Listen tor the bell. • MK. AND, MRS. WM. LANGHAM. of Ringwood, will please accept, thanks for a very, handsome Boquet, left on the editor's table on Saturday. MAKKIED.--At the residence of J. J Vasey, in McHenry, August 28th, by Rev. S. Searl, J. H. Soothill. M. D.. and M rs. Fannie A. Gorton, both of Ring­ wood, 111. r-L--z~rrL~77--Zi THE Waukegan Pair It;-toftfteld this year from September 29th to October 4th. We hear of quite a num­ ber from this section who contemplate attending. THE Lake County Fair will be held at Libertyville, from September 17th to 20th. Every Indication points^ to one of the best «ihlb 118 eve r mnde by the society. THE Womans' Foreigon Missionary Society, will meet at Ringwood, with Mrs. Fay, Septeinter, 9th from 3 to 5, r .M. A cordial invitation is exten­ ded to all. ̂ jCome and bring your friends. SEC. : PKRSONAL. |TRRF MN, WHEELER apent Sunday Inst with friends in Elgin. ED POTTER, or RICHINWIRT. on our streets on Monday. Miss LOVINA. GRIMOLBI returned home last week from quite Mil extend­ ed visit in Chicago. - Miss EMMA FAY, WLW LUG BEEN »ISIT. inghere tiie past month, retnroeti to Vineland, N. J., on Monday. B. D. SMITH, of Kearney, Neb.. has been calling on frienJs here the past few days, JOHN WIGHTMAN and family, of Chenoa. III., who have been rusticating: at Pistaqua Lake, brake camp last week and returned home on Monday. THERON OAKES. of Waiieomla, show­ ed his smiling oountenancfi oil our streets on Tuesday. He was ««#: his y to the Woodstock Fair. G. W. PRATT, of Wauconda, was a waller on Tuesday morHlng. He was on his way to Woodstock with a lot of liis pure bred Fowls; to put ou «¥hi- bition at the Fair. ' WE have received a sample Tile from the Spring Valley Tile Work?; P. 'Vv. Gates. Proprietor, and if we "are any judge, it is about the finest of any­ thing of the kind we ever saw. We propose to visit these works at no dis­ tant day. and will give our readers tlit- the benefit of wliat we learn there, AS A. KOIIL has reuted the build- ng one door North ot the Riverside louse, and'opened the same as a Pool ><>onjJ| He has a first, class Table, will P the choicest brands of Cigars Lemonade, Pop, Cider, etc. We have tio doubt he will receive his share of patronage. Look out for his advertise­ ment next week. THE Cemetery Aid Society, of Ring- wood, will give a New England Supper at. the Congregational church' in Ring- wood on Friday evening. September 12th. The programme for the evening will be as follows: Sinking . . . . . . . . Address . Declamation. ... Quartette. .... Stleot Reading. Music Declamation... Sinirina -- Bv Society .......Frank Oarr Wal ter Cristy Lncy ilall Ringwond Iland Laura Stephenson Mas. MARY A. DODGE, See'}-. AN exchange truthfully says: "The man who check-reins his horse's head to an nnnaturtii and cruel angle ought to have his own neck stretched out of gear, so that he might be made to feel how it is yourself." THOS KNOX has put up a Cider Mill in the rear of the Howe Block, in this village, and will now make your apples into cider in the shortest possible time. He has a good mill and will make your cider to your entire satisfaction. There will be a Social Partv at Grand Hall, Parker House, on Thursday even­ ing, Sept. 11th, Music, Slocum's Quad­ rille Band. Tickets $1.00. »A11 are cordially invited to come out and have a good time. CHICAGO vs America. WE are inform­ ed that European emigrants, taking leave of their home for Atncrica. des­ ignate Chicago as the place of their arrival, this being to them emphati­ cally America. WE would call especial attentin t (he advertisement of N. S. Colby, tc be found iu another column. Mr Colby has the finest stable of horses t< be iu this section. Iloisemei! should not fail t« read his advertise ment. THE McHenry Public School wil open on Monday next. September 8tl with the following corps of Teachers Prof. Lee, Principal; Miss Stella Beck with. Intermediate Department; Misi Nettie Paige, Primary Department ^J. .1. Vasey, West Mclle TEMPERANCE Lecture dist church, next Sabbath by Prof. J. L, Nichols of the North­ western College. Naperville 111. Prof. Nichols is a fine Scholar a»itl an eloqu­ ent speaker. A roysl treat is in store for all who attend. anywjieie. Hvr she j/vltes .yiiu- enry Division. II U1 : 1 as well ai ?, at the Metho ^lately th itli at 7.45 p. in., - . . lo per GENERAL TAYLOR, who lives four miles west of Wauon<?a, ou the banks ofsiocum's Lake, will have an auction on the 15th inst., of Cows, Horses, young atock, farm machinery, etc., etc. Those Interested should take due notice. Henry will be the or<ttor on the occasion. v? v TO PO§£, goo 1 s/a n be bough stoc^is all new an . r . speetion by the fadies./ ' We b«^peak for her a liberal share of patronage. THIS week and next will be extraor­ dinary weeks. The World-wide famed Exposition, with its superb attraction, opens in Chicago to day. The Illinois State Fair, with Its challenge (or rivalry and competitio l, opens in Chicago on Monday next, together with the "Barnum and London Shows," U*e larg­ est in the world! McHenry County is also celebrating this week at Wood­ stock its annual Fair, making a thor­ ough exhibit of its industries and many a type of its independence in the group of its sisterhood in the State of Illinois. A MAN who knows how to take care or his business says: "Standing ad­ vertisements in a paper inspire confi­ dence. The man who for a year resides i:i a community and lives a reputable life, even though he be of moderate ability,will grow in the confidence and esteem of his fellows. - On the same principle a newspaper advertisement becomes familiar in the eye of a reader It makes the name and business of a man familiar, and its presence in the columns of a paper inspires cofidence in the stability of the advertiser." MRS. HENRY COLBT met with asevere nd painful accident on Saturday veiling Inst, and one that will confine her to her bed for some time to come. Together with Mr. Colby and their children she was coming ft ' ipi the Depot, and was riding in the rear seat of a two seated open wagon. When just south of the red bridge the seat gave way, throwing her and two of the children out backwards. She was picked up and carried home, and Dr. Fegers sent for. who found that her right collar bone was broken, and she was otherwise bruised about the back and shoulders. At this writing, Tues- day, she is sufleiiug great pain, but is otherwise getting along as could be expected. Fortu- the children escaped unhurt, persons wishing to attend the Exposition held at Chicago from Sept. 3d to Oct. 18th, we will sell Excursion tickets at $2.30 round trip, including admission ticket to the Exposition, on the following days: > September 2 and 3 good antil September 8 mmMmmamrnatmmmmmtmmmm OBITUARY. DIED:--At Ringwood, An*. 13th. 1881, Miss Eliza M. Caw, age 1 21 years and 3 motitbs. le neceased was a daughter of Mr., and Mrs. R. II. Carr, and was a girl who was much esteemed by all who knew her. For the last six months she had been under the physician's care, and at first no one entertained a doubt of her recovery, but as she did not seem to strengthen all began to consider her condition more seriously, and then St became known that consumption had set in. she bore very paMently the discouraging symptoms peculiar to the disease, always assuring her friends that she felt better. In this cheerful condition she lingered until Aug. 13th, when toward the close of the day she compiained of a slight pain in the lungs and asked her mother to prepaid something to relieve her. On com pi j*- ing she seated herself beside her daugh­ ter and told her that she would hold her if she wished it . Then the poop, gir!, overcome with earth's weariness, ' leaned in the arms that so often had fondly caressed her and quietly ex» : pired. The funeral was attended by |£ large crowd of relatives and friends who mourc wjth the bereaved parents the loss of their ' daughter. Feeling that this is but a tardy tribute to one so worthy we inscribe the following lines to her partnts: " , , - You are mournintr tlie dear one departed. ' As the flowers are fading away, .\nd the pretty birds, now so sad-heat,'!®*!. •, lAre singing their-sorrowful lay. All things seem to bre:>.th as in sfttfiiess, In t his their hour of decay, And remind the thoughtful observer Tint lie, too, is dying to-day. •Too bright for this fast falling sadness, To« gay for the gathering glown, She has gone from ttiis cold world in gladncSs To a vale of perpetual bloom. With visions of earth anil it# loved on#», She went on her homeward way At Uie hour when the blessed vest con$H£.'„'^- Near tiie close of a Summer dav. And while yet she is on the River, With darkness around and ab6*ej, . She hears a once familiar voice , : Speaking in tone-j of tcndcrest loye. And now the golden light shining, Her lovely voyage is o'er. And in arms ot love she's reclining At rest and in peace ever more. Now she wakes in the anus of her brother, She thinks what a beautifuL>face, And tlii* seems the beat place to leave her, Entranced in that brother's csubrncc. -[K. L. c. Card of Thanks. The undersigned would in this public IIT^Y^LEN WALSH, has opened a t^iesVrt*;nishKig §torf^ atyiet-; **>si- lend^, when; cairbe h>untl DrVsTrhn- ningsf^ LaceK nahdkeri ' li1^fv\ Ludies Underwear, Keck NVear, ^ 'uli( 'S., Lace Bed Spreads, Shams. jyfcjwUibli she tTseTT as Wv "as / lie saoiy'Wood, Wuucouda and Woodstock, for manner tender their heartfelt thanks to the friends.and neighbors who aided and assisted them, by both word and deed, during the late lllne«»s and deal It of their beloved daughter, Eliza M# Carr. And they would especially re- ,«iember the friends from Elgin, Green their kindness and sympathy on that sorrowful occasion. And for the beauti­ ful floral offerings pr iseuted as a mark of the respect and esteem in which our deceased daughter was held, we feel grateful to a degree that words cannot express. We can assure'one and all that we appreciate their kindness to the fullest extent, and sincerely hope that if they are ever called upon to bear a like affliction,equally loving hands may be ready to help them be^r the burden. KICHARU H. CARK, JANE CAKU. WR GRAND OLT> PA^TY BY B D. SCOTT. Air--" The Union Xow and Forever," O list, 'tig the shout of oiu party rings ont. And her true loyal sung, like the Ocean, is swelling. On the uarknes# of night breaks a beam of light, . ,. . And her sentinel watchers of fmomiug are telling. . GHoitufe ( MRS. A. KENNEDY, of Harvard. Neb, who, with her husband, has been visiting in this section the past tew weeks, had the misfortune, while at Genoa Junction, Wis., one day last week, to sprain he ankle quite severely. She is now at tier daughter's, Mrs. F. A. Parker, in this village, and is doiiij£43 ^j 'ell as could be expecttfd. THE Woodstock Blaine and Loj»-t n Club will give a grand reception to Gan. Logan, on the Public Square, Woodstock, 011 Thursday .(to-morrow) evening. Besides Gen. Logaifi there will ba present and address the meet­ ing Gov. Fairchild, of Wisconsin. Senator Cullom and Major James Con­ nelly, of Springfield. Let there be a general turnout to here ihese gallant eh«mpioas. October 3 6 9 "19 " W 16 '• 17 " 20 23 " 24 . . 2" 30 Oct 1 4 1 " 8 « II U " IS " ". . . «« 15 << . . . ir, •i i i 22 .1 II .VJ II 29 i. «. 29 " October li . . . . 6 • ' 1 3 « .. 13 « •• 20 r . . • . . 20 B. Buss, Agt. M. ESTJLEN, will, on and after Satur day next, keep fresh Oysters, either by the can or dish, constantly on hand. .He has fitted up a neat and tasty room, where he is prepared to furnish warm or cold meals at all hours, at a reason­ able price. Call and see him, three doors North of Riverside Block. He has also repaired and fitted up his store in a substantial manner, and with a full line of Groceries. Bakers Supplies, Fishing Tackle, Guns and Gun material, will ofter bargains to the trade that will make in an object to come miles t„o trade with him. Call and see-him, ile has one of the finest fitted up little stores in town. will be seen by an advert.isemeijjL in another columnJfrlie Mctitenry Driv­ ing i 'arn will DC formally opened on Thursday of next week, at which time a grand gala day may be expected. Purses will be offered for two Trotting Races, a game of Base Ball between the Laka View Club, of Chicago, and the McHenry Nine. Foot Races, and to end with a ^rand display of Fire-works and a Dance at Grand Hall in the; even in g.j This is one of the finest half Time irkoks in this section,conveniently and pleasantly located, and a large amount of money and time has been spent to get it to its present state of perfection. The public can be assured that the programme will be. carried out in full and that this opening will be a grand gala day in McHenry^ Read the advertisement and lookout /cr the programmes, where you will get full particulars. . Remember the date. Thursday, Se ptem be r 11 th. Ff»m the ?eas to the l ilies every voterAwakes To welcome the triurnplHtnt morn as it breaks And vote for the ticket that tieason forsakes, Our Party, our Party now and forever. Though long was ocr night or defeat, but the right ; At'the call of our co%ti try, like sunshine, hath broken, And our host's mighty van rallies now to a man, To vote lor the ticket this parly has spoken. Choi-iu.-From the Seas to the Lakesi Ac. Let time tell it not one voter forgot r oi a day nor an hour the past's mil hty story. Nor inscribed that a hand in our patriot band fever marred the bright hue in our record of glory. Chorus.-From the SSas to the Lakes, Ac. ; the glorious shout eternal ring out Till old age and childhood its chorus shall fal­ ter; . "iSii1"1 '0 ' l ,»c rigtit united withmight, Jft tViurrrjTft shall worship round one common altar. ... : ^Aori<.«.--From the Seas to the Lakes, Ac. . The World's Exposition. In another column will be found what seems to be a ' father extrftvag- atit announce«niir. That of t,ho hold­ ing of a World's Industrial, and Cotton Centennial Exposition. (o open at New Orleans. December 1st, of the present year, anil coutilining for the period of six months, Tire,world is known to be' a very fair sized bfidt ' , having a good many countries and a good many peo­ ple. An Exposition convert ng it would be a liiigh undertaking. Yet from what we have learned of the Wor'd's Exposition, it will come nearer justifying its designation then even its projectors could have anticipated. The reports of its progress, of its de­ velopment, of the popular, almost uni­ versal interest it is exciting, of the movements of the people. States, even all the Territories, and ot the Foreign Countries: in their preparations for representation in it are simply won­ derful. No other enterprise of the kind ever launched, has been received with the same favor ami enthusiasm. Even the greatCentennialExposition of 1870, Is already overshadowed by if. in the magnitude it lias already obtained and the character and range of exhib­ its already secured. . This Exposition is held by virtue ot an act of congress, .under the auspices of the general government, (which lias appropriated §1,300,000 for its purpos­ es) the National Cotton Planters' Association and the city of New Or­ leans. Appropriations for its benefit have been made by the principal States of the Union, bv numerous coun­ ties and cities and by several foreign countries. The main building, now about finish­ ed, is the largest structure ever erected covering 33 acres of space under one roof. The Horticultural Hal), also'near­ ly completed, is the largest building ever erected for the purpose, being 000 feet long byl041ii width. In the center tower It is arranged to show 20,000 plates of fruit. Tiie government build­ ing will of itself be-much' larger thini the majority of what are termed great exposition buildii gs, it being 8S5 feet long by 565 feet in width. This build­ ing will contain the Government ami State exhibits. Many other structures will be erected. This Exposition gives every promise of being the greatest and grandest ever held. Cook's Cider Mill. Two miles Xoithwcst of Wauconda, is now prepared with TWO FIRST-SLASS PRESSES , to make 3'our apples into Cider on short notice and in the, best manner. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction tn every par^ ticular. M, COOK. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER :--R. H. Rennie was in town on Tuesday of last week, lie has secured a school at GlenWOod, Cook Co.. for the next year. We are very sorry to have him leave till* county. Mrs. E. A. Ford visited with relatives an«( friends iu Chicago last week. Prof. Kingtnau moved Into his-new home oirTuesday of last week. Helm & Peter attended the Reunion of Soldiers and Sailors of the North­ west. They met a few of their old comrades, whom they had not seen iu tweutv years, members of the 65th and SSth I'll . Vol. .On Thursday of last week T. Kelly had an auction sale of a carload of milch cows in this place. Cows sold on an average of §48.25 per head. On Friday last James. A, Sherwood sprained his wrist *ery badly. J. F. Boyd, who met with the acci­ dent week before last, started for his home in the southern part of the State on Friday last. .f. II. Lund does not feel vety well satisfied, as it was his horse and carriage that Mr. Boyd was driving at the time of the accident, and he left without making good the damages to the carriage. Many of our townfolks and their families attended the camp meeting at Silver Lake on Sunday last. The German Lutherans held their annual Sunday school picnic on Sunday last in Fred DuensingV grove, known as the Old Lime Kiln. Clias, Richards has started a cider mill in tlie idd brick mill, and any one wishing cider made should call on him. MesdauieS Helm Sr. and Jr.. Mrs. Peter and Mrs. Coltrin visited relatives at Geneva Lake on Saturday last. Fred Perry, Sr. has moved into his th»t he purchased of Mrs. 1$. 11. Sherwood. Rev. C. C. Campbell preached his farewell sermon on Sunday evening last, f»nd on Monday morning they started for Ripon, Wis., the former home of Mrs. Campbell. Our public school opened on Monday of this week with a fair attendance. Will Toby, of Aurora, is vlsitimr with Ed Morton, Jr. , for a short time. C. E. Chapell and wife are visiting with friends at Lodi. Wis, GREENWOOD , EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--1)1(3 go to the Massachusetts Picnic. Everybody in the vicinity of Green­ wood will attend the Fair. G. A. Hunt is in Ohio at present writing, lie expects to bring some very fine swine home. Mrs. S. D, Baldwin has been quite sick the past week, but Is much im­ proved at this writing. M. Dassow will qjiake cheese and butter in the Greenwood factory for the next six months. J. A. Baldwin visited with his pa­ rents a part ot last week. Herb Cow dry has sold out Ills Inter­ est, in the firm here, to his brother Grant. Mrs. J. II. Garrison and daughter L>ke ii nd MnHciryCo.'ii. McHENRY Priving Park * Will be Opened THURSDAY, SEPT. 11, 1884. 2 TROTTING PURSES Will lie Given. Late styles of transparent curtains, shades and latnberquius at Bonslett & StoSel's. . . WAUCONDA. -- EDITOR PLAIXUEALER: -Mr.and Mrs. Burrett, have returned from about a months visit in Colorado, Mr. Burrett is very enthusiastic, in the praises of tiie state and of the reward it offers to energy and capital. s Mr. Whitney, of Waukegan. has sur» veyed aiid laid out into building lata, the land belonging to LaDue' Hill, lying on the Lake Shore, extending f10411 "The Point '1 to Cliis. Griswold's residence. These he now offers for sale. • We were Ineorreetly informed last wties respecting the (Jotiirnencing of school. It will commence next week. Monday, September 8th. Quite a delegation from the Wati* conda Gran J Arm v Post, were at the re union in Chicago, and report * glorious time. L. C. Aiidruss has accepted a very ad­ vantageous offer made to him by Mr. Cristy of Ringwood, and will return to his old store to-morrow. We "are lorry to have Lee go, and regret that an equally permanent arid remunera­ tive position could not have been of­ fered him here. Mr. Kreteluner, of Chicago, who for several seasons has spent his summer vacation about h«jre. is now visiting with liis wife at Vender Sloeum's, The Leone Brothers failed to ap­ pear, at the dance Friday evening, as they were invited to do. The boys had a dance all the same, local talent furnishing 'lie music. It wasn't a very big dance though, perhaps owing in part to the near approacli of Monday evening, when a big dance Is expecttfd celebrating a wedding which is to take place in the morning. G. W. Pratt has an exceedingly fine collection of fowls ready for exhihition at the various county Fairs a well as the State Fair this Fall. Rev. I*. M. Hallenbeck, preached a sermon on Gospel Temperance,-at the Baptist Church Sunday fvening. WAUCONDA CIDER MiLL. The undersigned would, inform the public that he now has his Cider Mill iiCSabsfng order and is prepared to make your apples into eider on short notice andv warrant satisfaction. Bring along your apples. DAXIAL OAKES. Wauconda. Sept. 1st, 1884. To the Man or lioy v» ho can run Around the Track the Quickest A SAME OF BASE BAIL, , That will be First-fUass, Bc- • tween the ' Lake View Clul) of Cliicap, And Tiie McHenry CM. The McHenry Brass Bind will Furnish Music for the Day. A Social Party In the Evening, at Grand Hall. The Grandest Display of I11 • the Evening that has been seen in the Northwest this season. Admission to Grounds, Adults 25 cents. Children 15 cents. |3j|r For further particulars a« to Purses, names of Horses enter­ ed, etc., sec small hills. Try Excelsior shirt by Bonslett & Stoftel. polish, for sale Screen Doors, all complete, nt <101111 I .Story's. Call and see them. Try Eastman's patent soap, for toilet and polishing, 7 cents a bar,4 for35fcts, at Bonslett AStofteTs. CIDER MILL. My Cider Mill Is now in running order and ready to make your apples into cider. My Mill has no superior In this section. JOHN W. SMITH. Mf llcury, 111 , Si'iit, 1st, ,1(5.^1. • The best medical authorities ae* knowledge the great value of Ayer's Cathartic Pill, and frequently pre­ scribe their use with the utmost con­ fidence. well knowing that t li^ are the most effectual remedy ever devised for diseases caused by derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels. Bucklin's Arnica Salve. The best salve iu the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Silt Itheume, Fevar Sores. Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains,. Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect, satisfaction, or .money refun­ ded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by Henry Colby. ADVICIC TO MOTHERS. Arc you disturbed at night md brok­ en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so. send at once anil get a bottle of Mrs Win-doxy's Soothing Syrup for children teething, its value is Incal- culaole. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it . It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu­ lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation and gives tone and en­ ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Wins- low Soothing Syrup for .children teething is pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and be«t fcrtiale physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Wheat Warted. WAXTED. at the Fox River Valley Mill, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash will he paid. Ii, 11 ISllOl'. McHenry, Ul., Ajiril'lith, 1884. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot on hand, steel tooth and must sell. -1?o'r sale by R. Bishop. Good fitting pants of good cloth, al wool, only #5.00. Made by E. Lawlas Notice. To persons wishing to attend the "McHenry County Fair," held at Wood­ stock from Sept. 2 to Sept. 5. we will sell Excursion tickets from Sept. 1 to S»*pt. 5, good lo return until Sept. 6 for G5 cents round trip. B.QDU, Jtfeni Jennie, returned ou Saturday last from their visit at Elgin. School opens for the fall term, Sep­ tember Sth. Let all who possibly can, commence on the Sth. G. E." Adams has his Infirmary tip and inclosed. The Dr. announces him­ self as better than ever prepared to treat diseased horses. The children of Mr. Mullen, who have been suffering with diphtheria are getting along nicely tinder the care of Dr. Green, Elder Odell and tvife, returned tp their home in Chicago last Wednesday, week. Odell is a pleasant and pleasing fellow, and ha§ many warm friends in Greenwood. No, 2 Willow street had quite a joke on him last weeK. We won't give it to you in detail, but he lost Ills wife, meandered up and down the road, went home and to bed and there found his wife. Guess W. A., you need a guide. A low lived aiid contemptible trick that 'vas, in shutting Ed. Dassow's cow up nia secluded barn that is not used. But for a mere acccident of discovery, the cow might have been there yet. The perpetrator of this should be found out and punished, if nothing Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his Farm, containing 204 acres, situated one ni 'le West of the village of Mc­ Henry. ou the Woodstock road. Good .buildings, .living water, plenty of small fruit.mid a young-bearing orchard. Is well adapted for a stock farm. Handy to Railroad Station and a Cheese Fac­ tory, For terms and other particulars inquire of the undersigned on the premises. 11 KNKY C. MEAD. • Meltciiry, July IGtli, 1SSI. L. E. Bennett. Phofograper. whose rooms arc over Perry it Owen's store, is now taking Pictures by the new Process of "Dry Plates," whereby an exposure of from one to six seconds a better expression can be obtained than by the old pro­ cess. Pictures of children taken under the most trying circumstances and sat­ isfaction guaranteed. Call and give me- a trial. Until further notice I will take Cabinet Photos for $4.00 per dozed. L. E. BENXETT. McHenry, June 17th. 1884. Wheat Waned. WANTKD. at the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price iu cash will he paid. K. IJTSIIOP. McHenry, 111., April 14th, 1884. Great Slaving to Dairymen* The use of one bottle of Dickinson's Cow Prescription will cause the cow to do well after calving, will prevent Milk fever. Garget, Horn ail, etc. Will cause an increase in the flow of milk, and is worth one-half the price of the cow to every one using it . Sold by all Drug­ gists. • •' C. DICKINSON & SON, Propiietors • Harrington, 111. for FOR SALE CHEAP. - One set of new Heavy Double Har ness. Will be sold cheap if called at oncft, v H. S, G KKOOBV McHenry, Aug. 12to, 18&4. We call attention to our strictly pure tincolored japan tea. 50 and CO cents per 11). Guaranteed as above or no pay, Bonslett & Stoftel. Vest collar and fan back Jersey's colored ntid black, at Bonslett & Stof- fel 's. ^ We wish everybody to call for "Nimble Nickle," the second week of each month free, at Bonslett & Stof fel 's. SEVKBAL fine Young Durham Bulls full pedigree, for Sale by John W. Smith. Will be sold reasonable. Also six fine Heifers, same breed. A good variety black and colored dress goods, new and cheap, at Bon­ slett & Stoflel s. Great Keiniiant Sale. Commencing Monday, Sept. 1st. 1884. Remnants of all descriptions, such as Prints, Ginghams, Lawns, Percales, Shawls, Dress Goods, &c.. &c. 500 pair Boots and Shoes of first cla ss goods of broken sizes, marked down 25 per cent, A few hundred odd Coats, Pants and Vests at. half price. Good Business Suits, 83.5,0. An extra good Five Dol­ lar, grain leather hand made and war- rented boot for $3.50. Have too many and must convert them into money at once. It will pay you to invest a few shillings iu these goods. If you need them try it . FITZSIMMOKS A EVANSOX. Do you wish a beautiful complexion? Then use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Itcleans- es and purifies the Blood, and thereby removes blotches and pimples from the skin makingjt smooth and clear, and giving it a bright and tiealthy appear­ ance. GLASS ! GLASS ! We keep Glass of all sizes constantly on hand. Special sizes cut without extra charge, JOHN I. STORY. All wool school suits, coat, pants and vest $3.45, at Bonslatt & Stoffel 's. For Sale. Cider and Pork Barrels at Cooper SUop of Cristy, Walker & Co. Old barrels repaired. Prices very reason­ able. ROBERT WHITE. We carry a good stock of Crockery and China ware, Pl#ase examine, War- ranted, Bonslett «!fc Stoflel. Cleaning and Repairing done in the neatest manner, by E. Lawlus. Chick's celebrated grades flour. Graham, Meal, Oat Meal, for sale by Bonslett & Stoflel.* Business Notice*. •Go to Mrs. Howe's for Millinery and Dressmaking. SMOKEUS, call for Bstrbfan Bros High Art." They have few eqoati. No trouble to show goods or answef questions at R. Bishop's. Buy the Estey Organ if you want lh« belhk 'O. W. Owen, McHenry, Agent. City residences for sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for Mill­ inery, Dress Making and Fancy Goods. We carry the largest line of Clotb- Sng iu the market, and our prices are always as low as good goods can be told Henry Colby. H. Colby sells Polish, Try It. the Excelsior Sbtrt cents An elegant line of corsets and up at Ilenry Colby's. For good crockery, glassware and Masons fruit jars go to Bonslett & Stof- . fel 's. The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized,decidedly the best Wire in the market, at John I. story's. Don't forget to see the Flying Dutch- trail. while in town, at E M ' Owen & Son's. - The finest assortment of Bird CageS in tewn, at John I. Story's. , Bishop's Roller Mills Flour. 1 For Sale in Wauconda, by C. E. Jencks. Try a Sack. It c*nnot tail please you. ' Frauk's Polish for Ladies shoes will not rub ofl or soil the skirts. For sale by HENRY COLBT. Building Paper, cheap, at John 1, Story's. . A fine assortment of very fine Gran* tnie Iron Wire at John I. Story's. FITS All fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, No fits after first day's use. Marvelous cures Treatise and $2.00 trial bottle free U» Fit cases, Send to Dr, Kline,931 Arch St.. Pliilu,, Pa. Till? finest assortment of Sewinjf Machines to be fount! in the county, at O. W. Owen's. m The finest line of Silver, and Plated Ware to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. IK you want anything lesa tlian the Estey Organ 1 can sell you one for #40 and upwards. O. W. OwBH We have just added au elegant line of dress goods, which are oflered at out usual uniform low prices. Ilenry Colby Please remember t.Iiat our stork In every department is very complete and that our prices are always the lowest that chn be made. We will not be undersold by any house in McHenry Co.' Henry Colby. We can now show the largest ami most attractive line of Reany-Wade Clothing in medium weights ever brought to this market. You are askedt to examine goods and pricg£ Hemj' Colby's. * ' / NOTICE. I am ready to fill orders for i ' j Wines Cigars prices*. and Liquors by the gallon and by tl»» box at Chicago bottom Also bottled Beer by the case. A. SOUNBXSCHlIir. Gary Station 111, C. n. Fargo's boots and shoes for sale by Bonslett & Stoftel. ~ Wheat Wanted At the Wauconda Mills. Cash and the highest market price will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Wauconda Mills. - JOIIKSMSNCBB. Wauconda, Aug. 5tli, 1884. We invite Inspection to our hew stock of trunks, traveling bags, satchels, etc. Bonslett & Stoftel. We sell the well known, well made, well Wearing Beloit Overalls and shirts, Bonslett «fc Stollel, Notice To thoae that want work done iu my line, such as Tanks, Vats and all other work done iu a shop, as I get lumber direct from Chicago. F. A. IlEBARD. Thousands Say So. Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kan., writes: 'T never h e s i t a t e to recommend your Electric Bitttrs to tn y customers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sollers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Purify tiie bloe>d and regulate the bowels. No family can afford lo be without them. Tliev will save hundreds of dollars in doctors bill? every year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by HENRY COLB*. We pay the very highest prices for all the good butter and eggs you can briug us, Bonslett & Stoflel. FARM FOR SALE, The farm known as the Curtis Gale farm, consisting of eighty-five acres. House, Barn and other buildings, bear­ ing orchard etc. , situated near the village of Volo, Lake Co., III. ror further pert ' .culars enquire of H. C. Mead. McHenry, or A. J. Raymond, Volo. 10-6--6m. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat form Spring Buggies for sale at R. Bishop's warehouse. ?cojzq£C>. •fl 'IS mm Orlemu. Opening December 1,1834; Closing May 188ft. -- I NDErt TIIE AVSriCKS OF TH* -- United Slates Government. $1,200,000, Aj>|Mrppn<tted by the General Government. $500,000, CatatfcilHitfJ by the Citizens of New Orleln*. $200,000, AOtirOj r:.its\l bv Mexico. $100,000, ApprO|>ri.i:cJ !<V the State of Louisiana. 4 $100,000, Ap!«r»;.ri.iU'4, by the City of New OrlcaM. From $5000 to $25,000, Appropriated bv Innumerable States, Cities and l ori'iga Countries. Ev»fy State and Territory in the Union rtpratantad, •nd ne*rlv «. I tn* Leading Nation* and Coi-iv s» of tn* Woiid. The Dlggest Exhibit, the Biggest Building and Ik* Biggest Industrial Enent IH the World's History. APPIJe*TtOJt9 FOR EXHIBITS ALHRADYRKCMVBD CUVEU MOUSM'ICK .IND A GltKATKB YARUETY OK srflJWTii THAN TUOSK or AMY UtPU-iriON EVKK HSL& • The cheapest rates of travel em known la the annals of transportation secured for the people everywhere. . For information, address E. A. BURKS. \m Director General, W. LaC.C. K.( !C _ Niw OXLIANS, LA. Take Notice! I am ik»w better thftn to pit*. von. as JV•' INSURANCE POLICY In a tirst-elaPS Cotnp:inj Also c«n fumiell you with :i box of nice ' White Clover Honey, * Or a Swarm of . •*; YELLOW BEES| At living prit 'o-1 . if you -ur<? in of please call ou J. HENDRICK. IU. . (, "{f|» I •M. ,*< ' -AM

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