Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Sep 1884, p. 8

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KAILMAD IN TMWMID. it be forever remembered that the itfv-zm „ -jfy mp I For the spring and summer trâ ts 6f l«84g fh«McM«nry Brfck Manufacturing Company HI*O now ready to SUPPLY Brick in quantities I-J- ~ 'tf, '"' "" FROM SMALL LOTS fVAH wanting Cmpl*(n»rtt. We wiint Llv*, Energetic and Capa­ ble Agents in every county in. the Unite*! Statea and Oanailu, to sell a p.itpnt article «f grvat uteril, on its merit*. An article having a large sale, paying over 100 per cent. i>r»rit, having no competition, and on which the agent In protected in the exclusive sale by a <le«d given far each and every county He may secure from UR. With all these advantages to our agents, and the fact that it is an article that can be sold to every houseowner, it might not' be necessary to make an "Extrtmrdinary Offer" to secure good agents at ence, but we have concluded to make it to show, not only our confidence in the merits of our invention, but in its sta­ bility by an agent that will handle it with energy. Our agents now at work are making from ®150 to $Gv,0 a month clear, and this fact makes it safe for us to make our offer to all who are out of employment. Any agent tiiat will give our business a thirty days' trial and fail to clear at least $100 in t4iis time,above all expenses, can return all goods unsold to its and we will refund the money paid for tliem. Any agent or general agent who would like ten or more coun­ ties and work them through sub-agents for ninety days and fail to clear at least 8750 above all expanses, can return all unsold and get their money buck. No other employer of agents <»ver oared to make such offers, nor would we it we did not know Hint we have agents now making more than double the amount we guaranteed, and but two sales a day would give a profit of over $1*25 a month, and that one of our agents look eighteen orders in one day. Our large descriptive circulars explain our oftei fully, and these we wish to send to every one out of employment who wil! send us three one cent stamps for post­ age. Send at once and secure the agency in lime for the boom, and go to work on the terms named iis our extra­ ordinary offer. We would like to have tlie address of all the agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpenters in the country, and ask anv reader of this paper who reads this offer, to send us at once the name and address of all giicli th«y know. Address at once, or you wiil loose the best* chance ever offered to those.out of employment to make money. KKNKER MAKCFACTCHSMG Co., KM Smithfleld St, Pittsburg, Pa^ •0-2-tn3 An Old Settler Proposes to Sell Out. The undersigned, after an active farmers life in this Town for over forty years, now offers for sale his home farm of 412 acres, situated on what is known as LadiTe Coruers. one mile northeast of the village of Riugwood. There is a good dwelling, four barns, three good wells of water, and in short it is one of , the most desirable farms in McHenry <!ounty, there not being a loot of wa«te lar.d on the place. There is about 275 acres that has been under the plow and there is 70 acres good timber. Will be sold for $75 per acre, mid possession given as soon as the crops are gathered. Also 80 acres in the Town of Rich­ mond, about two and a fialt miles from the above described farm. If the land |ssold all my personal property will be M»ld at private or public sale. Also SJ27 acres of land in Dunn County Wis„ 247 acres of which is one piece and within two miles of Downsville, a railroad station,and 80acres in another. Is finely located and will make a valna Itle farm. Will sell the 247 acre piece fwr $3,000. The 80 acre piece for $1,000. Also 60 acres of land in Mitchell Co.. Iowa, under good improvement. Is situated a mile ana a half from Stacy- villo. Price $1,500. For further particulars inquire of the^ undersigned, at Riugwood, 111. • • I , W E S M S V L A D D Kfttgwood, 111., July 2il, ISCi. 10.14m ADVICtt TO MOTH KB®. Are you disturbed at night ami brok­ en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so,send at once and get a bottle of Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is Incal­ culable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhrea, regu­ lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en­ ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Wins- tour Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and la the prescription of ore of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottie. Their Brick nre second to none to he found in tlic market, ami will fee told at the lowest y-ipp'lset price. Persons intending to ° tWiild, or those handling brick, will " ; i'<lo well to call Hint see us before purchasing. „ We Invite an examination *ml comparison wiih any Itrick made iu the Northwest. For further Information apply to or address McHENRY BRICK , Manufacturing Co. McHenry, III., June lltli, 1S84." ' Still Out of the Ark of Safety. TO LIFE Ac PROPERTY Beset you on every hand. The mutter of I he slv'coon, sick loon, saloon, cyclone, tornaito, windstorm, or whatever mime may be given it, is heard in some section of the conntiv nearly every day. The Fire Fiend May break out at any moment--ihe economy ?>f a lifetime'be consumed. Death must conn; to nil. By a small payment each year you can secure tti yourself a fortune, should you live, or, in the "event of death before the time ex- pires, your famiiy is provided for. i!50,00^,n00 is represented by tins agency. Our ra;esare as low as experience has'found to be safe. Von will save'money by insuring with me. t.eneml Insurance, "Lite, Fire, LightningT and Tornado a specially. Thanking all my friends tor their liberal" patronage, and hop­ ing, by square dealing, to merit a continuance of ih same, 1 l>cj£ to subscribe myself, Bespeetfnllv vours. C. II. MOHEY. MCHenry, 111.. June ,1883. Celebrated Broad- head Dress Goods^ in $he latest Styles. •!? »» I KING'S LIVER and KIDNEY Bitters Tliese Bitters are especially prepared for the masses «t inanKind, sulferimr trom Tor­ pid Liver, Weak and l>iseased Kidneys,and constitutions overworked, bodily and men- tally. They cure Fever and Ague, .Malaria, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Ocbilitj, Headache, Constipation, give a i'ood appe­ tite, purify the blood, stimulate the Kidneys into healthy activity, producing new life and vigor io the body and iniud. We Warrant These Bitters To be the best Tonic preparation made and recominerd them to Everybody for Family use to secure Ilealth. Strength ami Happi­ ness DIRECTIONS:--A wine glass full taken three times a day, before each meal, will accomplish the desired effect, without drug­ ging the stomach. •Tollii A. I£ing & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietor# SI Lake Street,Chicago,III. * y-Try and you Will al way t •WlJiiv L-*® Per Bottle,-Sold by Druggists generally. use ihemH Chick's celebrated grades flour, Graham, Meal, Oat Meal, lor sale by Bonslett & Stoftel. C. H. Fargo's boots and shoes for sale by Bonslett & St&ffel. Wheat Wanted h- At the Wauconda Mills. Cash and the highest market price will be paid for good Uillitig Wheat, at the Wauconda MilU. _ JOHBf SrEHCBK. Wauconda, Aug. 5th, 1884. We invite Inspection to our new stock of trunks, traveling bags, satchels, etc. Bonslett & Sioflel. We sell the well known, well made, well wearing Beloit Overalls and shirts, Bonslett & Stoffel. STOPPED FREE Mtzrveiou . Insane Persons Kestored |Dr.XLINE S GREAT NERVERESTORER \for a//BRAIN & NBKVB DLSRASES. On/ysurt cure for Nerve A^'ecUflns. }-'itst Fpi,"psyt etc. J INPALLIBLR if taken as directed. A'* tits after \first d ty*s use. Trmtise and $2 trial bottle free t® 1 Fit patients, they paying express charges on box whe® I receireri. Send names, P. O. and express address of I afflicted to Dr.KLI VE,9IT Arch St..Philadelphia,Pi.' 9 Druggists. BE IVA RE OF IMITATING FRAUDS* i'OR BAEGAIHS IH For Coal and Wood Fall Styles in Ginghams and Prints. Finest stock ol Clothing* find Boots and Shoes in the County. Fresh Family Groceries at Lowest Prices. PERUt & OWEN. G . M A Y E S , DEALER IN Clicsp & Miesii Railwaj Is }.he t>e«t and shortest r«ute t« and froir Ctiicago ami Council Ii luffs (Omnlia) anil (hat it i*preferred l»y all well jwsteil travelers when parsing or from California and Colorado, Hie-acknowledged leader in <rooa goodH and low prices, and people are finding it out. His prices tell his goods, are of the very best His stock is large anJ his prices are way down below the high priced crfdit dealers. He can afford to do it as he sells for cash o»ly. ; v ^ v- ' Jamestown Worsted Dross Goods, 50 pieces. |ast; l^t?6ived. Eveiything new bright aud uitiactive. Remnants cheap. Q. W* Hall bids for your trade. So and seo him * • - The tilled. workin worth ]r :es oul except for Uurd Uu&ij,. \Y GOODS, CLOTWINC, A Shoes, Hats A Cans. P#flG£S(£§.i;8fflCK|RY, And mv prio^ wftf :^tnuke^i*:^ paV you to^conie forty miles to trade > with me. 1 sell goods 0} tne best quality and o'iiarantce everything as represented. Head my price list and bring it, and matte your tall purchases where your money will do you the most good.. Will your credjt dealer make you the following pi ices? Best 1'lints..... If a! •«o operate line between the best route and I he sh«rt Minneapolis " Mllwrankef,, Sparta. M'tdUmn, Ntt Howard (Green Hi»y Wisconsin, Winona, (Kvttonna, M.tnkatv. Minn. Cedar lUphle, l>es Moinei*,' Web.-ter City, Alcona, Clinlnn, Marsha n, Iowa Krenport, Elgin, Rock- lord, III., are anion its 800 local stations *n its lines. Aniong a few of the numerous point* of su­ periority, enjoyed l»v the patrons ot this road, are its DAY COACljKS, which are the linest that human art aii<* ingenuity can create; its PALATIAL SLKKPINU CAHS, which are inouels of comfort anil elegance; its PALACK DRAWING ROOM (.'Al!?, which are unsur. passe.) by any; and its wMely r.clebrr.ied 4X cents r*« •• Kinest Bleached C«tt»n .. ;• 9 l!est Unblem hed Catton 7# Standard Giuglinran 8 N»'l Corsets 8:» Ae A Ticiiintf 1ft Klegant Dre«* Ooeds . .' . . . 0,1,9- A 111 42 inch lt!ack Ca^h.nereij 50 Dress Drills... 9 CamiM'tc.-t .,, i s # Ladies'Fine llanilkerc.hleis....... « I and lfl cent bargains in abundunee. Gvo'l Cotton Cloth 8 No 1 Denims ja I'.esl Denims mac l« 15 Kxtra VVaterpr«of ft5 I.aille«' Slippers, worth 75conta.... 45 LadiiiH* sliuex , jf|<lO Ladles' French Kid Shoes, line ... . 3b0 Gents' Roots, Good 200 All kinds for men and boyh and only geeil Goods fi 00 to 12 (10 3-25 to 85 0* specially, k (11 KoysSuils ... Men'* Suitn.,,.. p|»thinjr Is o»ir great •«nd we curry the linest Hock Northern Illinois. We have the goods. Raking Powder ... Spices, way down. Sugar at Chicago cost add freight. 5# cent Tea .v Gsod Tea Best Rice Rest Roasted Cofl'ee..... G iod " " tandard Ri»isins.;i;.i.i. No 1 Tobaccw, .Smoking Fine-Out Tobacco... Plug Tobacco Long Rox Mai.ches 5-cent Rox Matches' l0-eent Box Matches Babbitt's SaleratiiS .... " Rest Soap .. . Stove f*otlsh 85 cents. 44 cen ts <5. SO, 35 & 40 " ,-:5>.,... - 7 " >....... 15 '• 10 ft 12 •' fe,-;..... . 8 •• 25 '• ,.;V. 50 •• ,i.» ... 50 "• .iiVii.... 10 •' ... ... 1 » 2 " 7 •» 5 . 5 •• Ready-Made Clpthing, Staple D^y Goods, Invites an inspection .ot his stock, all ot whkh will be sold at the lowest prices for cash.' liemeoiber good goods at fair Prices at < ht ('enterville Store* r:. McHenry, III., June 10, 1884. F. C. IVAYES. GREAT BARGAINS. CALL ON- ^ Notice * To those that want work dooe in my ; iloe. sticli as Tatik$, Vats and all other Work done in a shop, ae I get lumber direct from Chicago. ^ F. A. IIKBA&B. Wheat Warted. "ir" WANTED. at the Fox River Valley lliil, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price In cash will he paid. ~ BIBHOF. , McHenry, III., April 14th. 1884 E. M. HOWE Opposite Biiihop'H Mill, Who lias a complete tine of the best stoves in the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, in fa£t, everything in the hardware stove and tin line. HE WILL XOT RE UTmBttSOIJ>. Call at bis store before buying elsewhere. Jobbing and repairing promptly attended to <6f Remember, extra ({nod bargains can al. ways be obtained at Howe's. Mcllenry, Dec. 1, 1883, BOOTS AND SHOES! My stock of Slimmer goods is now complete, consisting ot Mens, Boys'and Yonth's FINE and STAPLE SHOES. In all the latest styles. Women's, Misses', and 'Children's Fine Shoes,Walking Shoes, and Slippers. Wfe make a specialty ot Men's and Women's Fine Shoes, Walking Shoes, and Slippers, Gents Fine Calf Pegged, and Hand-Sewed French Calf Morocco Legged Boots, Piow Boots & Shoes. We have a Tremendous stock, much larger than ever before. These goods were bought tor ( -ash, and will be sold for Cash at a bargain. We keep the Sdz celebrated hand-made goods; also the Reynolds Brothers, and other Standard makes. |5^N, If.--House Established id 1865 - < W. H. OWICHT. Cor. Main 8t. and Public Square, Woodsto 'k, III. Lawlus, IF J Keeps, tek*. L- v. I0B11QH AND DOMESTIC S.W : CLOTHS. . • - v • - • - j Gentc Furnishing Goods Or all kinds. He also sells o. w. ---DEALER Sir- Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. Below Chicago see, in front OTKL, Mcllenry. Prices. Call of KIVERSIDE Ills, i can make it come once and foi see. Now I want to see you and know that your interest to come, and will de it. Just My goods are Bought and Sold for Cash Onljir. ANp THAT Tells the Whole Stor ̂ I" want the tar-oft' trade that buy lilOr 1ULLS, and to suet I say, come and see me, and it I can't save you money, will pay your expenses. I am getting in Mrgains every dny, and they ir< an bought, very cheap for cash. Yours tor good goods and low prices NORTH' WESTERN CARS, DININC The like of which are not run by Any «ther rosift any where. In slum, it is nsscned tlint IT IS THE 15EST EtJUIl'PEO ROAD IS T1IE WOULD. All ]>oiiits of interest, North, Northwest nnfl Weft ot ChirMtgn, liiisinets centres, summer resort*, hikI n.nloil hunting an<l ilshinggroutirts are Mcce^bihlc by the various branches ot thU roa'l. „ It o^ iis and controls over 5,000 mile? of roa'l , a ami lias over four hundred |mssenper con-. dnctois constantly enring for its millions ot ]>!llTOIlH. Ask your tickot !tgcm« for tick<-ts via thin route, AND TAKE N<fS'E OTHEK. It cwau .10 more to travel on this route, thut givce flrst-ciiifss arc.iiHiiiioiiations, than it dot-s to g« by t.lie |)oorly «l<in 11»NE<I VO.-KIH. For inaiis, ilescrijitive. circulars nnd sum- me- resort |m|>er», or other information not obiainaHe al your local ticket office, write to the Gen'l Pass. Agent, C. & N. ipT ; Hail way Chicago 111. . l^"SEND YOllCOKDEHS. F. HALL, DUNDEE, ILL JOHN I» STORY, One Ooor West of tfid Riverside House, Has a complete .line of the best Stoves 111 the market, as well as a larjre stock of ' M Lamps, Chandeliers, r 1884. 1884. COLDINO BROS^ WAUCONDA# ILL., Call attention of customers to their attractive stock of new In short, Ere^thineMriithe Hardware, Stove He Will Not be Undersold! CALL AT HIS STOKE BEFORE BUYIKG ELSEVVHKRE Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. extra good bargains can always be obtaiuedat IOHN J. STORY'S. McllEKRV 111., Jan. 21st, 1881. "E BROTHERS, AT WAUCONDA, ILL. A %lem Olean Stock ar E. Lawlus. 'T\ I keep in etock the celebrated fiprlngrteld Watch, which le pronouueed by all to be the best watch now on the market. Will not be UIM On any goods in my line, Mcnenry, Feb. 20, 188S| w. owxir. Notions, Groceries, Boots and Stioes, Etc., Etc. Just opened at VERT LOW PBICES. fjie Best and Cheapest Dry floods Bouse in Laitc County."'" J?«r'i*aU and see us, examine Goods and learn prices betore purchasing. We can and will save jrou . Butter and Eggs Wanted the Htffliest Mjirkot P**ie© i Seasonable Goods. W e have one of the largest stocks ever brought to this market. These gooas were bought for cash, which enables us to sell at very close tigurts. Do not take our word tor it, but come aud look mean what we say. , f ies, Hats and /Japs, Crockery ami (ilassware, Painis and Oils, Varnish, Brushes/ Wa'l raper aud Window hades, together with the most complete stock ol v.uoc ii»urts, uo not Tase our woru tor it, ou through our stocK and satisfy yourselves that we 1 Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceru Wauconda, May 20th, Evor brought here, Our line ot ladies' and gents' hand sewed Shoe*- Is the best ever offered for sale in Wauconda. AH kinds ©f Country Produce bought for cash or taken in eschangefor goods ^ J DEALER IK FTJBHITUHE OF ALL KINDS. Store two Perry doors north & Owen. 1 have one of the hirgest stocks of Furniture of al! kinds to be found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing to buy will be sure to save monej by calling ou hiea, , UNDERTAKING. I have styles ot 35 lifferent sizes and COFFINS AND CASKETS Always on hand. I keep a Hearse of my own which* will bo turnished at the most reasonable^ rates;. 4* B. BLAKK. B. Sherman, WOODSTOCK, 11.1. t. -11KAI.KB IN-- : . Breech and Muzzle Loading bhot Guns. Powder, sriut, Capa.WacIs »n>l " Q^rtrltlget for sale. Fishing T.ic Kle cheap. -' Al. Kinds of Sporting Oooda AND REPA1KING DONE. A jrood Rreerh l.oadinjr, Double Barreled GIII, wjtrriinted T.wist, spJ(. Winchester Itille, 7(! model, 15 shot*, (25. Nickel Plated 0 shot llevolver, $2-50. Self-cockiup l!\ i tisli Hull Dog Pistol (5 00. , A sood Single liariel Breoch Loading, Single Gun , warranted, #5.00. I will undersell any hou'e in the county in Guns and SportingUoods. If you want a *o»<l gun it will pay v«u to call anu see ine. 1 war- rant every gun 1 sell. Clothes Wringers repaired uud new Rolls put QLII. Price *pet pair wan-anted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July 15th,18S3. ---.--.-- • ' • Horse General WAGON AND P. HAUPER1SCH, McHenry, Illinois, Would respectfully inform his customer# and the public generally that l ie is now bettei than ever prepared to do all work In bis line. , REPAIHIING, Of all kinds on short notice. IWGive us » ' : call and we will please you both in quality and price of work. P. HAUPERISCH. McHenry, 111., Aug. 7tli, 1883. ^ PATENTS. j lWVENTORS, send moiU 1 or voar inventi»n, when I will make careful pre. iiuiinary examination,ami report ae to patent* ability, "with advice, circulars, etc., free, of charge. Al! business before IT. S. Patent oflico attended to for moderate rule*. Information and references sent on application. No charge unless pa ent is secured. J- B. LITTELL. Washington, D. C. '• Direct!*' opposite II. t>. Paieut Office. DP YOU KNOW, THAT Plug Tobacco, With Red Tin Tag; Hose Leaf Fine Cnt Cbew- ?l; ing; Navy Clippings, and Black, Brown and Yellow Snuffs ure the beat and the cboieest, quality considered. >. *rr9? FUSS'S

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