Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Sep 1884, p. 4

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JTESDAT, SEPT 17,1884. VAN SLYKG, ludltox*. ph 'M- t FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES G. BLAINE, OP MAINE. rOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN A. LOGAN, or ILLINOIS. : f spublican State For Governor, RICHARD J. OGLESBY. r-r ^ " JFbr Lieutenant Govermr, JOHN C. SMITH, .' <tf Cook Co*tnty. Sj'C' fbr Secretary of Stat% ' • £V' HENRY D. DEMEM* jjj" Lee County. ff * jFbr Auditor, W* CHARLES P. 8W1G1&% of Kankakee County. fibr' Treasurer, JACOB GROSS. fc's ; if Cook County. piJ" Fbr Attorney General, ( • , QEORGK HVN1, ' r ^Agar County. . Congressional Ticket a#j, ,tJbr Member of tnngrefy. „ ?• \ REUBEN ELLWOOl DeKalb County. Member State Board of EqmmltaM, H. S. WILLIAMS, if McHenry County. Senatorial District Ticket fX>r Senator, IRA R. CURTIS. of MeHent y County. Membert of the Legislature, CHARLES E. IULLER, qf Boone County. JAMES K. POLLOCK. of Lake County. Voi«e of the People, KniTOR Pl.AINIJEAI.KH: --I »•» »»*»t ft subscriber of the Pl.AIVOKAl.KK. but have heard that it tllil not swallow the Insult to n food titan, a fnitliftil soldier, and I believe the people* choice for Circuit Clerk. I tefer to W. I'. Morse, of Niincla. Hence, although being a Democrat, I wish to see in print a truthful account of tlie Dorr Caucus, that these pot-house politicians resid Ing here may be shown up in their true light. I was present at that caucus simply as a spectator, and must confess that of all caucuses I e.*er attended, it •vas the most corrupt and rotten, and 1 say in shame that there were some miserable whelp* who claim to be good De.DOcrat* who aided in beating the man who received 122 votes against 183 for Richards right hero in R.N own town, out of almost enough votes to turii the scale. This I know, for I sat nearly all through the caucus where I saw the working ol the machinery, and th*i most disgraceful feature was the Intiiuid&tion used to prevent an old man,from voting his choice, which WMS done by a thing known here as the "Chinaman." Why don't soine one th;it can do It, write up 'that caucus* The half can never be told. Yet it should be noticed if only to,show who were the returning board. ALWA tijfej. $ ©#MOC***'."-:, Woodstock, Sept lith, MR- , algoM^W. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--JAME* KM living west of town, wa« victimized hf some lightning roil swindlers on Tliuru- day of last week. The particulars as near as we can learn were HS follows: The forerunner came ai|d wanted to put up some rode, and dually Mr Mc- Kee asked him what It would cost to put a point on the cupnlo of his barn and let the rod run sraight down. The asjeut said #30 or #35, ami Ke« consented to let iiitu put it on. He then got Mr.' Kee to sign * contract, and then left. Then along came the srang and went onto the barn and stretched rods all over it. They tlien went to his cow barii and roiled that, Kee telling them that he didn't want any rods there, hut they said they knew their business They then weV.t for the house, lie threatened to shoot tliem but that would not stop them, lie linall started his daughter for town for officers. When they came down ofl tlr- roof they Haired up a hill of $205 tor what they h id done, hut he finally settled with them for #170. ami they skipped over into Kane county. When will our farmers cea^e to be victimized by these lightning rod men. There wis quite H number from here attended the state fair In Chicago last wet k. C. E. Chapell ral«ed his large horse barn on Saturday'last. It is 30x72 feet. Chas. Kubliuk is doing tlm work. J. A. Sherwood our boss auctioneer, sold an Auction Sale in Chicago on Saturday last.. Pretty good for Jim. Our Congregational Sunday School had a picnic on Saturday lust in Mrs. Gillilan's woods. _ . Our Highway Commissioners .are figuring on building anew river bridge here. We think it is high time we had -a new- bridge as the old one is not safe. Win. Glazier, of Chicago, is visiting here with the family of K«q. iNillp. E. Walker, of Chicago, is spending a week or two here with Dr. Mason, for reiveation. Several of our Algonqiiiuites went on the excursion to Milwaukee on Sunday last. The Free-Methodists will hold their quarterly meeting here on Friday. Saturday and Sunday of this week. Mrs. Morton lias received her fall stock of Millinery Goods, and also Miss Birdie Morion is prepared to glv« lessons in Araseine work to ul) who may wish to learn. i Rev. {Sinclair will preach at the Congregational church,on Sunday even­ ing next. Hon. Ira R. Curtiss. The nomisiatlou of Hon. Ira R, Cur- ilw for State Senator by the unanl- tnous voice of the Senatorial Conven­ tion, is a well merited recognition ofiiis abilities aiid popularity in the Republican party of the Eighth Dis­ trict : an honor to Mr, Curtiss as well as to our own town, in which he has for to many years been a respected and honored citizen. The District is •toongly Republican, and Ills election Is a foregone conclusion. That lie will reflect honor npon himself and his constituents, and prove himself a care­ ful, conscientious legislator in looking after the interests of this District, tliere is no doubt in the minds of those *rlto from long acquaintance know him best. - And we predict that the Repub­ licans ef the Eighth District will have no cause to regret the action of their delegates on last Tuesday. Of the other candidates we will have something to say at another time. V We will only say now that they are gentlemen of decided ability and ex­ perience, and were the unanimous Choice of their respective counties and the convention --Marengo Republican. EDITOR PI.AINDELER-.-AS I happened to getjliold of one of your papers of recent date and saw several letters from different sections of the county, and they ?o nearly express my views. I thought I would dr»p you a few lines, although 1 am not a subscriber of your paper, neither am I a member of either ring they talk so much ahout. yet I would like to see justice ineeted out between man and man, and I know there was some of the worst frauds perpet rated at our la*t caucus anil convention that were ever allowed in any county or State. Not even excell­ ed by the Mississippi Bulldosern. Now Mr. Editor I would like to know if J the Republican? of this county are going to 3tihmit to these things that we have cond'-mtibd so often when done by others. 1 f«»r one feel as though we ought to rise up in a mass and put a stop to this buying and selling and bulldozing business, and set down on these fellows, who ever they may be, I would like it if every man would speak right out. Don't be afraid, and let the fellows at Wood­ stock who claims to own all the offices of the countv. know that there is a God in Israel. RKPUBI.ICAN. Dunham September I3lh, 1881. t9*riie efforts of the New York World to make Mr. Blaine out a foe of labor in couection with W. Va. mines fa which he is interested f-ecolI with twavy force. The President of the Mmpinjr, ex-Senator G. H. Davis, Democrat, denies the storie« and advises the World to go slow as "a large majority of the directors and officers controlling the company, in­ cluding myself, are Democrats and support Governor Cleveland. Among our directors are Hon. William H. Barnum and Hon. A. P. Gorman, the two gentlemen now at the head of the Democratic campaign." Senator Davis -.adds that "Mr. Blaine lias never had a word to say about the employ ment or Wages of men, or about managing the, details of the coin p-my's art airs." Mr^ Davis denies himself the honor of ntaguimity to a political opponent in making this staieinent, as he is moved •oiely by a purpose to "defend the good name of his company.11 4 WAUCONDA EDITOR PLUNDKAI.KR: --Dr. F. B. Harrison paid WiMiconda a visit last week. H. D. Wells was married to Miss Villa Dean in Ivanhoe, Wednesday. After visiting the region about Min­ neapolis and St. Paul, they will return to Waucouda, where they will receive a hearty welcome. The Ladies Sewing Society is an organization of whose enterprise, Waucouda may be justly proud. After frescoing the walls, it has remodeled the front of the chu«ch occupied by the pulpit. S. S. Library and choir anil now with new carpets, railing*, chairs etc., the interior presents avery tasty appearance. Alfred Ames, who for a. number of years has been living in the west, is visiting his Lake county friend*. Last week he was the guest ^of L. C. Price. Mrs. James Smith di<*d Saturday, aged 84 years, at the residence ol her daughter Mrs. D.ivid McLain. Ileltner & Maims "Pavilion Show and Great attractions" exhibited here on the croquet grounds Saturday eve­ ning. The entertainment was ap pareutly satisfactory to audience and managers, as it is to be repeated to­ morrow evening. J. l>. MeCabe has been visited by his brother, for a number o." years employ­ ed in the U. S. Mint in Nevada, and by his sister Mrs. White and her family ol Chicago. TODER THE BED 0., NEAR THE DErOT, West McHenry, Illinois, You Will Again Find, 4 4 TT - *n At all hours rcwly to show old cuatomcrs and new oneira choice line of FRUITS, fJEQCERIES ASS PROVISIONS. To exchange far the Pro*luce of the Country' or eteu Caalv for 3hat it is worih. l9*To those who estimate a public document by Its literary character and the wiiteref it according to his ability to handle his mother tongue, the letter of acceptance of the Democratic candi- _ dfcte yields small resources of euilr.isi- , asm. It is clumsy, inapt, ambiguous. And to those who are more influenced by Idea* than by the mtniier of their utterance the letter is far from stimu­ lating. It is tame. Gov. Clevaland lias a well-earned reputation for politi­ cal and personal co irage; but it i« not ;i. augmented by hi» latest public utter- * auce. Either he missed lire opportunity, «r opportunity missed in taking him. -- Rev. Dr. Atwood, ^ the Christian Leader. The full returns from the recent Maine State election may be briefly smninod up as follows: Robie'g phi- rality (Republican) for Governor Very nearly 20.000. every county in the State being carried by the Republicans, all of the four Congressmen-elect are jRepublicans; the Legislature is over­ whelmingly Republican in both branch­ es, not a solitary Democrat being alacted to the senate. The chief slgni- Seance of this in ag n I flee nt victory Is the fact that it is a very emphatic in­ dorsement of James G. Blaine by the people of his own State. They know kim well, and tliey evidently lultfve in III in. ADMINISTRATORS aALE. On Monday. September 29ili, 1884, at 10 o'clock a. in., the undersigned will sell at Public sale at ilie late residence of Wm, Stewart. Deceased, ahout 3 miles South of Mcllenry and 1 mi North of Ba rrevi|le, on the River Road in the Township ol Nunda, the foiljw- ing property Belonging to the Igptate of said Will. Stewart, Deceased, to wit: 15 cows, all giving milk ; 0 year ling heifers, 6 spring calves. 1 hull, 1 yearling bull, 2 mares and colts. 1 span w«rk horses. 1 4 year old horse, i 3 year old horse, 1 2-year-old colt, 1 yearling colt, 35 shoats, 20 spring pigs. 0 sows, 1 boar, I .l»hti"uii self-rake Reaper, mower. 1 sulky plow. 1 corn planter. 1 broadcast seeder. 2 culky cultivators new, 1 single cultivator, 3 stubble plows, I lumber wagon, 1 pair trucks, 1 inilk wagon I double buggy, I bay rake. 1 corn marker, 1 plaiiker, 2 hay racks. 1 pair bob sleighs, 2 harrows, 1 pulverizer (new), 1 funning mill. 1 set t airbanks'scales, 24 grain hags, quai tity clover and timothy seed, 2 wheel barrows, 1 grindstone, 1 vise. 1 ling rack, 3 sets double harness, 3 shovels, 5 manure forks, 6 pitch forks. 1 spade hoe, 5 h ind rakes. 2 ladders. 3 horse blankets. 1 large caldron ktttle. I swill barrel. 5 milk cans.4 milk pail*. 24 milk pans, 1 churn, quantity earthenwar (crocks, juga. etc.,) quantity of oats estimated at 700 bushelf, about 42 acres of corn in the hill. 1 2 acre ol potatoes, 45 c«#rds of wood, 18 tons hay. a quanti­ ty of old iron, all of which, by order of the County Court I will ofler for sale to the highest I idder without reseive. TERMS OP SAI,E;-A1I sums of <AO and under, cash, over that amount 1 year's time will be given on approved notes at 8 per cent interest. ROHT. ANUKKWS. A'tminUtratoi. J. A. SHKIIWOOO, Auctioneer. •afOti i he day of the sale the farm of the late Win. Stewart, containing 220 acres, will be ottered forirent for a term of years if not rente.I be I ore that time. Ben, Canned Goods, dreei and Dried Fruits, Anil in short everything usually kept in a flrst r.l:is8 Grocery, and at PRICES as Low as the Lowest, quality of Goods considered. *tf"The Highest Market Price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. B. GILBERT. West McHenry, III., Sept. Hj, 1881, MMMm 1 Ayer'i Ague Cure, when used accord- to directions, is warranted toeradi- from the system all forms of disease, such as Ferer and ItlU Fever, Intermittent, Re­ mand Billious Fevers, and dis- If the liver. Try It. The ex­ it t» a safe one. and will cost ottifng if a cure Is not effected. just received some Jerseys. CHAS. KOIIL. At the Board of Trade Pool Room, one door North of Riverside House, would inform the farmers and others thatdie is prepared to repair machine ry on short notice, and-in t.he best of manner. If you want your machines repaired, or to play a game of Pool* get a good Cigar or a glass of I ieuion- ade, call and see me. M CHAS. KOHL. McHenry, Sept. 10th, 18||L Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted to core diseases of the scalp, and the first suc­ cessful restorer of faded or gray hair to Ma natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, but none have so fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. MALL'S HAIR KEXEWER has steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness ' to every quarter of the globe. Its unparal­ leled success can be attributed to but one cause: the entire fulfilment of itt promitet. The proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote coon- trlei, where they had never made an effort for its introduction. The use for a short time of HALL'S HAIB IfcBNEWEit wonderfully improves the per­ sonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepara­ tions, but remain a long time, which makes its use a matter of economy. JPUOEINQEAM'S DTE FOB THB WHISKERS Will change the heard to a natural brown, Or black, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Consisting of a single preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREPARED BY E. P. HAIL & CO., Ma, H.E Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. FOB ALL THE FORMS o» Scrofulous, Mercnrlal, aal Blood Disorders, the best remedy, because the most searching and thorough blood-puritler, Is Aycr's Sarsaparillae . Bold by all DrnggUta; 91, sU botttaa, ffc !,*V{ v : BY PUTTING IN THE MADiiWii «' * * i4 5 V - ' "/>>• • " .. V. FALL AND > " / - • • • . " v . ' ' ' . ' . f ; > > - 4 it. • ,<* -i r2C" "V Have yon a "soft forty,"* wet ravine, or a eohl. wet and unprofitable place on yonr farnr •f so, It has oost you money and is much as-any other patch of the name aise. Does it raise a little sou i grtiss. ar is it nearlv good enough «• that you plow and aee«l it year after year and then the crop is drowned out?" Do you realize how large an amount of the best of foods lor profitable vegetable growth in curried into the soil by the rain, loaded with its carbonic acid gas? Have you thought that if your land runs these showers off its surface you are letting it, at the same time, carry effyour money? Have yor. cunuidercd that if vour inn<l is in shape to drink it in nnu carry itofflieloiv. that then the soil will retain all these r'ch gases, anil nro- duce you a luxuriant growth ot vegetation? if you have not thought of these things, think or them now, and take the pains to investigiite fully and see if you c»n afford to to keep this land idle 'onger. and at the same time pay taxes and expenses on it. Helieving llrinlv that the farmers of this region were awake to their interest, and knew hHt they were Hbout, I have expended considerable time and money in fitting up a drain tile factory tor the home production of the tile necessary in this region. I have been fully determined lliat I would not manufacture an Inferior artielo, and 1 now Offfer a tile to you ith the utmost eonllilence in Its quality in every respect. Those of yon who knew me, I think, will know that I would not try to sell what was an inferior and would ultimately cauae loss, when ii had l>ecn at a considerable 'osl^pul in place underground Those tflio do not know me, I will refer to anyone in «-*- ~* tanding, anil should ue pleased to hive them examine the til confident will satisfy them. livery thing Guaranteed. Location at the Site oi the old McMillan Mill, Near BAKKKVII.LK. September 10.1884 I WISH WAUCONDA PEOPLE Toknow tliat t bivea lolof his community as to my personal 1 am making, which I am very W. D. GATES, Proprietor. 10-8--t f . * ; . •* • > t / -v - i ; * ' l-4, , . . „ » »V * 4' ' V * » - } r 7 v » -<t " -v , ' . Ui' » A' Vt \ r ~ .L' - i'jit 1 V ft* A ' ^ ,V^J 'IN ST - r.;,< t e * - ;r:j5 n i'< " " - \ •' : „•! ~ > •. . :*/^J o"4 ^ V Wf ' ; *!'• 5 > .^5 -.A More Good.1 to lie boii^Iit Hnd more to b<**otd, und bu^ and sell oi.r share of such Goods as We handle and shall make Prices do it for us. In addition to having one of the most complete lines of That I don't want to carry over, and to close it out this fall, will sell it cheap. In fact we have been doing that all along, but I mean cheaper still, A Wt UL CHEAP, aod trim it besides. 1 have a little Eoek, too hut pub­ lished, that I think almost everybody will ant. It is a collection of "Our National War Soup" Words only, to which is added a number Of Campaign Songs. It sells fer 10 cents. Another Thing-, For some time I have been searching for a C1CAR that shall just take the cake In 'Vaucnnda; c ive the best possible, sinoke for b centf, iiood judges say we have now got the thir K down pretty line. Come in and I will give you a Cigar for y»nr opinion. A few Words About Candy. Yon know there'Is a good deal of difference in Candy. Some is better than others, and I mean to keep the very best grade of thedlf terent grades in the market, even if it does cost (me, not you) * little more. I have some new CHOCOLATE and CARAMELS lYvxl yeu aut to try. I have just stocked upon Jfew and Second hand Mool Boots aid School Supplies For the coming season. I would like space to mention the new Silver Tongued R1CHTER HARMONICA, And those with Rubber Mouth Piece. Some new Perfumes, Extracts, etc., but never mind, eotue lit, and what you don't see ask for. Yours Respectfully, JOHN HUMPHREY. Wattconda, Sept. 8th, 1894. Pure Bred Poultry for Sale* The following strains of Pure Bied Poultr# s offered for sale: , 1 Pen Brown Leglierns, nine Hens ami one jDockerel. 1 Pen White I-eghorui. I Pair Blnck Leghorns. A lot of Wyandotte Cockerels. -Plymouth Itocks, old and yonng. A lot of Light Brahma Chicks and old Hens. A lot of Pekin Ducks, very choice. All these will be sold at a discount if called for soon, as I wish to close Uieiujoiit. UKO. W. PRATT.. Wauconda, Aug. 5th, 1884. WM. H COWLIN [SUCCKB80K TO M. M. CLOTHIER] U. S. WAB CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. prosecutes pension or any other clatraa; against the government, relating to the late, or former wais. Complicated cases and re­ jected claims made a specialty. If stamps are enclosed for reply, all communications will he promptly answered. OSes at Besideaee, MADSON ST., WOODSTOCK. ILL- References by permission as regards char* acter, business ability, reliability, Ac., &c : (ien. John A. Logan, U 3. Senator, Cntcaga, Illinois. . Gen. J.u. Smith, State Treasurer ef Illinois. Hon. U £11 wood, M. C. 6th. III. Dlst., Syc­ amore, 111. Hon. John C. Slierwin. ex-M. C. 5th III. Dist., Aurora, III Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, III Col. Jas. A. sexton, Pres Union Veteran Club, Chicago, III. Jetse A. Baldwin, Ass't U. S. Attorney, Chi. cago, 111. Messrs. Selz, Schwab A Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and home referen­ ces. N lack to Bisgwood to Stay, Ami when you want a First-Class job of Ulaokismithiiig1 OB flepairing Of auvlliing in Ti'on or Wood done promptly ami well, at ie;isonal>le prices, just try me. I lo my own work and am willing to work irhei j> and do my hest to pie tse all who favor me with their patronage. 1 make a specialty HORSESHOEING, Having had large experience in that branch of Blacksmithing I flatter myself that I can suit the most particular, lou will always lind me at my shop in the eld Warehouse near the Depot, ready to attend your wants. WPlease call and try N. BLAKE. Ringwood, III., Sept. loth, 1881. lo 9-tf DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The Co-Partnership heretofoie existing uiider the linn name of Smith ft^nyiler, is this lay disoived by n*utual consent. All Notes :in<l accounts due the said Arm must be paid to H. Snydei without delay, he being author­ ized to receive and receipt for the same. All claims against said Arm will be settled on presentation to II. Snyder, at the office of the ate Arm. H. V. SMITH H. BNYDKa. West McHenry, Sept. 6th, 1884. The business of the late Arm will be con> tinned nt the old stand under the lirin name of Smith .Hon A C*\, who invite all their old cusiomees to call and see them. SMITH, SON A Co. Hi8-3W. $50 REWARD $50 P YOJ FIMP THE EQUAL OF LOWSHARr For Sale By Fltxsiminons A Kvanson, West BiclIenrVi HI. A R Alexander, Richmond, III. J F Packer. Richmond, III. t»C Colby. Nunda. ill. F Rowe. Hebron, HI. E 8 Smith, A Id en, III. J 'V Ci isty & Son. hlngwood. Ill Kiuckman A llice, Wilmot, Wf*. H ?ei|». Lake Zurich, III. folding Brothers, Wauconda, I'l, R Tweed A Son, Spring Urove, III. Lev A Adams, Johnsburg, III, K Manor, <{enoa Junction Wis. (! A Ha ue r A Co., Long Urove, 'flli H Rogers, Volo, Iil. 10-7 lm Executor's Notiot* Estate of Joseph icdemann, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the late Will and Testament of Joseph Weideiiianu late of'the County of lie Henry and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear Itefore the County Court of Mcllenry County, at the Court House in Wi>od8tock at the October Term, on the third Monday In October next, at which time all pers<ns having claims against said Estate are notified md requested to attend lor the purpose ot having the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said Estate urc requested to make immediate payment to the t.ndersigned. Dated this fourteenth day af August A. 1> lHk. / „ , AM WIBDBMAWW. Executrix. OPENED AGAIN! Robert Schiessle Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT. McHENItY, ILLINOIS, Has opened the same as a first-class Saloon and Restaurant, Where ho will at all t imes keep the best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. k Also Agent For FRANK FALKli MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. • Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quail ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLHfU FOR HORSES. ISTCall and see us. Robert Schiesftle. Mcllenrv, III,, Sept. 1st, 1884. FARM FOR HALE, The farm known a? the Onrtla Gale larm, consisting ot' eiglity-tive acres House, Barn ami otiier buildings, bear l"St orchard etc., situated near tlie village of Volo, Lake Co., III. For further particulars enquiie of II. C. Mead. Mcllenry. or A. J, Raymond, Vein. 10-6--6m. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat­ form Spring Buggies Sox sale al B, Bishop's warehouse. - . Take Notice! I am new better prepared than ever to f ive you an INSUfiAHCX POLICY In a first-class Company Also can furnish jrou with a box of nice White Clover Honey, Or a S warm of YELLOW BEES, • < £ ' At 11 v Ins prices, please call on 4. ftpttaf Grove, 111. II you are In need ot such M Engeln, SpoftnuAs' Seadqnattstt. ALSO GENERAL MERCHANT, .vnd Dealer in All Kinds of G R O C E R I E 8, Farm Hardware, Pocket Cutlery Sporting Goods, Fiwhing Tackle Gun Material, Musical lnstru ment8, Tobacco, Cigars, etc., etc. Near River Bridge, Mc­ Henry, 111. mportanl to ttu ptured Persons The Excelsior Kupture Cure M'f'g Co., of Ogdensburg, N. V.. guarantee to cure any case of reducible Hertln with their Remedies. TlIK ttUl'TUKE Pl.ASTKH AND IlKAI.IMU COM- W)i ND. This treatment is endorsed by our best Doctors', Diuggists, and the general public. Send 6cU for free liook on ttuiitars or ask your Irugglst tor tbe Bemedy.^ - To Be found in the County, we have many ich we are almost ready to give you at your own price, IN DRESS We can astonish the World,- both in btauty of patternf* ^nd Lowness ot Prices. EVERYTHING NEW, GOOD AND CHEAP .. .. *•••.. . ' ; I3R®R» A mammoth Stock at unneard of Prices. It will p^ryou to sec ^ what we have before you buy. * We have just received the Largest and Handsomest Stock that ever-graced our Clothing Department, and we do not believe it i» surpassed, if equaled, in McHenry or Lake Counties. Our. Clothing Trade last Sprinar was way beyond our expectations and we have bought heavily in anticipation of a still larger trade this lull. Am we have nothing to ofter but we can guarantee to give excellent satisfaction. Not a thread of Shoddy in our whole stock. We shall feel proud at any time to snow you through our < lothing Department. '--M In this department our stock is complete. We keep none but the best and every pair guaranteed to do good service. We are offering a special line of Bargaius in this Department. . In short every Department of store is filled with •m : f -R*R f" ^ it an And we are bound to sell them at Prices thai will object for you to come many miles to trade with us. Call Early and Secure . ' Some of our Special BrtfJ^ns. Obliging help and plenty of it tlvruys in readincsb tp wait spoil customers. McHenry, HI,", Sept. 15th • v * .

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