Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Sep 1884, p. 5

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* mW,TW. . .-v~? , 4 WEDNESDAY, SEPT, S4,1884, w- CMveland and Hendricks olttjb. The Democrats of the Town of Mc Henry and vicinity are requested to Meet lit ^ Heimer's Ball, •V" - ' Saturday ImisL Sept. 27, '81 At 7 o'clock p. M., for the purpose of organizing a Cleveland and Hendricks Club, and to transact such other busi­ ness as may come before the meeting. Lft every man interested turn out. BY ORDER OP TOWN COM. McHenry, III., Sept. 22<l, 1881. CIRCUIT COURT is in session at Wood- Stock this week, Judg* Upton preeid- *¥• ------- QUITE a number from this section -attended the Lake County Fair at Libertyville last week. A KKVENUE officer entered the store of a merchant who never advertised and arrested him because he kept a still house. MADAM RUMOR says a wedding is to take place in this village to-day, but -as we are not officially informed, we will cnll no names until next week. R. A. Howard, of the Red Front Mar* ket, near the Depot, has Fresh Fish every Friday, White Fish, Trent, etc. Also A. Booth's Celebrated Oysters. MARRIED.--At Genoa Junction, Wls.^ Wednesday, September 3d, 1884. Mr! James Neish -and Miss Lizzie A. Pea­ ce ck, both ef Spring Grove. REV. W. NICKLE, will preach in the Methodist church in McHenry, next Sabbuh at 10:30 A. M., and a( Ring- wood at 3 P.M. I (' A game of Base Ball war played here this week between the first nine, of this village and the Fox Lake Club and resulted in faver of McHenry by a score of 43 to 5. ( I ON Friday last a Base Ball Nine from Richmond. Keystone and Hebron suddenly dropped down here and scoop, ped a picked up nine from this vllltge to the tune of 27 to 7. It was a de- piorallzer for our beys. THERE will be a Pigeon and Puff Ball Shoot at the McHenry Driving Park on Friday, September 26th, 1884, First shoot. Purse of 825, live Pigeon#. Second *hoot, fnrse or |10, live Plegons. Third shoot, Purse of $10, Puff Balls. Entrance 10 per cent. Sheeting " to commence at one o'clock sharp. BY OROBK MCHBNBT SHOOTING CLUB THE McHenry Cornet Band have sent for four new instuments, and are now practicing almost every night. The Band is composed/ of thirteen pieces and has the material for one of the best Bands in the county. We trust that our citizens will give them substantial encouragement and that they will continue to progress in the rood work. LITTLE SADIE ROBERTS. of Andover, N. Y., aged 13. committed sucide last week because her parents wouldn't let her attend the rink. If Sadie is not fitted out with a pair of gold-lined, inlaid club roller skatp^by this time, and a thousand-mile square floor of polished marble to skate on, things are run on different princples in the next world from what they are here. Let this be a warning to parents. WE have inadvertently omitted to mention the fine display of Poultry at our county Fair, made by Geo. W. Pratt, of Wauconda. He had the finest display everseen at our Fairs, and took first Premiums on every coop entered but one. His stock of pure bred fowls are not equaled in the Northwest, and he is daily receiving orders from al­ most every State in the Union. If you want to see a fine lot of fowls do not fail to call on him when in Wauconda. NOTWITHSTANDING the severe storm all day Tuesday and Tuesday night Riverside Hall was well filled to listen to the address of Senator Hunt, Repub­ lican candidate for Attorney General, on the political issuos of the day. His speech throughout was clear, forcible, logical and convincing. Time and space will not permit us to giro a full report of his speech as we would llks to do, but suffice to say it was closely listened to and well received by the large audience present. Senator Hunt Is a power in the campaign, ar.d is doing great good in the Republican cause. PKRSONAL. FRANK SCHNORR and wife, returned to their home in Dakota last week* FRANK PATTERSON and son, of - Chi­ cago, spent Sunday in this vilUge.J G. A. CANFIELIX of Reckferd, was calling on friends li*re on Tuesday of last week. MRS. GLIFC, CAKPiEia^of Rockford, is visiting with Iter motiiee, Stoddard, in this village. MRS. TRIPP, and daughter Bertha, of Belvidere. are visiting with friends in this village. MRS* CHAS. DICKERSON, of Kentucky, is visiting with the family of E. M. Owen in this village. C. B. CURTIS of this village, Is liv­ ing on the Petit Jurf £i Woodstock this week. HENRY MCOMBER wns taken sudden­ ly sick on Monday night, but at this writing is reported better. Northern Illinois Teachers' Association, The Fall Meeting of this Society will be held in the High School at Aurora, September 27th, 1884. An in­ formal or "Education Experience' meeting will be held in the parlors of the Hotel Evans, Friday Evening, the 26th. Saturday Forenoon, Mr. Earl B. Fersor. of the Chicago Manual Train­ ing School will present the subject, "Drawing." A full line of drawing work from the Aurora School (show­ ing the gradation,) will be exhlbiton. In the Afternoon Sup't O. S. Cook of Lake will Introduce tin subject "A Northern Normal." The Railroads eading to Aurora offer reduce rates. The Hotels of the city will entertalo guests at deduced rates. " We have just received seme Jerseys. Call and see them at H. Colby's. Late styles of transparent curtains, shades and lamberquius at Bonslett & Stnffel's. • V* -A" e,. ; ON Friday afternoon Sheriff Udell Came out from Chicago, having in charge the murderer Dacy, who Is being tried this week in Woodstock, on a change of venn*, for the murder of Alderman Gaynor, in Chicago. Dacy Is What might be called a hard looking citizen. He committed a cold-blooded murder, and will no doubt receive the punishment he deserves, and be hung by the neck until lie is dead; He is a desperate character, but is sure or being taken care of while under the charge of Sheriff Udell. Secretary's Report of Cemetery Aid Society* The Cemetery Aid Society lift* held seven business meetings during the past term, sriven one Concert, also an excursion to the Lakes. Have received donations from four persons, we have cleaned out grounds twice, built a beautiful Arbor around well, put in waste pipe at the pump. Our ex­ penses have been quite heavy the past term, but have been able to n^eet them fully and belli have an amount in the treasury. The following are. the offlcrs for the ensiling term: Mrs. J. Van Slyke, Pres. Mrs. J. I. Story, Vice Pres. Mrs. Allan Walsh, Sec, Mrs T. J. Walsh, Tres, , Mas. J. BISHOP. Secre Blaine and Logan Club. An adjourned meeting of the Blaine and Logan Club of the town of Mc­ Henry was held at He liner's Hall, on Saturday evening, Sept. 20th, P. s. Martin in the chair. The committee on Rules 'add By- Laws reported as follows; The Committee appointed to draft Rules and By-Laws for the govern­ ment of the Blaine and Logan Club of the town of McHenry.* would respect­ fully report as follows: ARTICLE 1--This Association shall be known as the Blaine and Logan Club of the town of McHenry, ARTICLE 2--It object shall be, by all lawful means, to secure the election of James G. Blaine to the office of Pres­ ident, and John A. Logan to that of Vice President of the United States. ARTICLE 3--Its officers shall consist of a President, three Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Finance Committee of Ave members and an Excutive Committee of three mem­ bers. the President of the Club to be an ex-officio member of said commit­ tee. ARTICLE 4--Meetings shall be held as often as the Club may direct. ARTICLES--Any legal voter may be­ come a member of this Club by subscrib­ ing his name to the roll. The following were then elected as permanent officers of the Club. President--Hon. F. K. Granger. Vice Presidents--Dr. H. T. Brown. J. E. Bassett, Jabez Carr. Secretary--J, Van Slyke. Treasurer-- Executive Committee-- James B. Per* ly. C. V. Stevens, H. C. Mead. Finance Committee--P, S. Martin, Isaac Wentworth, J. W. Cristy, C. T. Eldredge, H. N. Holmes. On motion tW following named committee were appointed to enroll names for the marching Club: Frank Ho$>ert, Chas, Going, Geo. Stevens. A. C. Granger, Lewis Holmes. The different lists showed about one hundred and twenty names, and more were being added every day We predicted that the Club will enrolj full three hundred voter« before the election, ' The Marching Cluly ̂ Blaine and Logan Marching ub was organized on Monday evening t Heimer's titall, and clected the, lowing officers : Captain.--J. Van Slyke, First Lieutenant,--Henry C. Mead. Second Lieutenant,-^-P. S. Martin'. Orderly Sergeant,--John Brents. Fifty uniforms were received on Monday, and as recruits nre coming in rapidly, fifty more Will be ordered at once. We expect to Show a marching Club of one hundred torses before jiext week. FOOD.--Some one wiio is not a French cook, but doubtless knows something about the art, says that Baking Pow­ der should be made from Cream Tartar and Soda only. DeLand Jb Co., who are large manufacturers of Saleratus and Soda, began the manufacture of their Chemical Baking Powder some time ago on above principles and our merchants are now offering it to an appreciative public, .Sold in cans only. Basket Festival, Donation and Social. At Ringwood,at the M. 15. church, on Wednesday evening,October 1st, there will be a Basket Festival, Donation and Social, the proceeds to be appliedjon the salary of Rev. Mr. Searl. If you wish to donate anything, bring along money,or anything that caii he readily exchanged for it. The ladies may fill a«y kind of basket they may have with enough for two, and enclose their own name. The gentlemen** part will be to buy the baskets, which they may do for 35 cents, and have the privilege of finding the owner and sharing the con­ tents. Children can buy for 15 cents. Then for the Social time: Every one must delegate himself to see that those around him are happy, and by so doing a good ti'ne is guaranteed. IN memory of Miss Maggie Knox who died at her home in McHenry, on Friday, September 12th, 1S84: Yes, she lias gone, deareot Maggto, > And bade us farewell, "r ' She hns Rone to meet our Saviour, Where bright spiri ts dwell. r ;"s* Ob wh» beheld the sorrowful tight. Or si iw the lonely bier; But at last lone and wearv We must check the falling teift § « Bach long day we sadly miss her* • It is said by one and all. Oh who but felt the touch of grief And sorrow at her untimely call. But alas her glueful, happv days on earth ' Are ended; tli»se days indeed were lew. Our blessed Savior called her home,, And why should she not go? She has reached her journey's ending^ v From all friends on earth did part. ; ; I Oh who can 111! that vacant plane, i Or sooth those aching he-irts. • ; * Slie has gone fr»m father, mother, sisters, brothers, Home and friends so dear. Gon« from all fond relations, never m*r« To meet them here. She is happy in that heavenly home, - • She is roaming with the blest. f , So cheer up fond friends and relations, Dear Maggie is at rest. And weep not all ye mourners, • Her sufferings are now e'er, and she Mis found a place el rest. On that yonder golden shore. --[BV A fc'KIBXD. RDITOR HEBRON. PLIINDEALER:--The geese are taking their departure for the South. The frost has done no damage at tliis writing, and the corn crop prom­ ises to be good. Miss Libble Cropper, from Cheshire, Mass.. is visiting her brother and friends here. A number from here attended Cul­ ver's dance at Richmond last week and report a good time. R. Farwell and sister Helen, from Oregon, Wis., spent a few days of last week with Mr. Fenners people. Mrs. C. Covell and Flora started Tuesday for Colorado fo the benflt of the latters health. Mr. and M re. G. Jennings from Bridgeport. X. Y.. visited relative and friends in this vicinity last week. We are to have a Millinery store in town. A" Mis* Stevens, from McHenry is having Mrs. Conkiin's ice cream parlor, fitted up where she will open a Millinery and ladies furnishing store. We say welcome. - Mrs. A. Saunders and Mrs. D. Cur­ rier, from Chicago, and Mrs. E. Mc- Ginnis and Miss Bell Currier from Syracuse, N. Y., are visiting fheir many relatives in Hebron. Rev. G. Clark preached his farewell sermon on Sunday. He has been with us three years, and we are sorry to have him leave. Ami now about the Rowe picnic, held at Twin Lakes on Saturday. There were thirty-eight representatives, all relatives, although three were some what distar.t. If the day had been made t<» order it could not have been lovelier and all enjoyed themselves for whoever attended a Rowe picnic that didn't. The trip around the lake on Capt. Ackermau's little steamer, "Lady of the Lake" was a pleasure long to be remembered. Nothing occured to make the day complete, but the de­ parture of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings, who after hand-shaking's good bye and God-speed from each ene left to take the three o'clock train from Genoa for Chicago. May the picnic be repeated another year and at roll call each one answer "here." SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL 8KKTCHKS, Of Prominent Members of the South- wrthglennowddwarhorM Combina­ tion. in Easy Lesson* for New Beginners. WAUCONDA- EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Meiftf&S. Jackson and Ambrose Searles, residents of Wauconda about 12 years ago, have been visiting old friends. Mrs. E. A. Gel ling and Mrs. George Hicks are in Michigan visiting their sister, Mrs. Ross Burton. Miss Julia Vanda has returned from Iowa. /w. H, Ford's sorrel mare "Daisy," And her half sister. "White Stockings," owned by Mr. Clark, of Nunda, have distinguished themselves in the run­ ning races at the Woodstock and the Libertyville fairs. The races were greatly enjoyed by the spectators, the horses being almost evenly matched, eacli running her best and closely to­ gether. We are regretfully forced to confess that White Stockings proved herself a little the better horse at both ^a i rs. 1 ̂ Vhe ladies of the Methodist Society wiH give an Ice Cream Festival at Maimau's Hall, on Thursday evening, Sept. 25, Sunday Rev. Mr. McNamer preached his last sermon before con­ ference. In two weeks (Oct. 2) the new minister for the coming year is ex­ pected. George Pratt was very successful with his fowls at the fairs, practically clearing the field against all opponents. In addition to the valuable premiums, he has gained large contracts to ship eggs for hatching. No. 3.--NEW SBRIKS. YM told me that when you had time you would tell me more about the Soutliworthgleunonoldwarhorse combi­ nation. Have they been up to any of their old tricks lately? Yes, my boy, they have succeeded in securing the nomination of the man over at Woodstock that wants office for life, llow did they do that? I thought the people wanted the old soldier and ex-Andersonyille prisoner that lives at Nunda? They did, my child; but with the "satchel" several times replenished and voting Democrats who are In disgrace in their own party, and who received moie or less of the contents of the "satchel," and by intimidation and by jother fraudulent means they succeeded In placing in nomination the man who Is bound to have office for life, no mat* 4er at what cost. . I heard an old man say the other day that this man tli^t got the nomination "was opposed to the war and came home after serving a short time tooting a horn, and talked awfully about the war and the Republican purtjr. Do you know if that is so? . I am tnformed by several, my boy, that such are the lamentable facts, and when over at Woodstock recently, two or three farmers who live near there told me that "this third termer" said once in their hearing in 1864 that If he thought for a moment that there was one drop other than Democratic %lood In his veins he would tap It and let it run out; that the war was a mis­ erable failure; and when another old "copperhead was trlking about McClel- lan being relieved from the command of the Army of the Potomac, saying if . . . he had been McCIellan he would have 5"? refused to have given up command,but would have turned his forces on Wash­ ington, captured the capitol and set himself up as dictator. And the man who wants office for life said, ^tliem are my sentiments." Nor was this all, my child. I have heard enough of his sayings and doings on the same strain to fill a boek. And yet he is to be given an office for life, while the old soldier who was suffering and almost dying by inches in Andersonville is left out in the cold, which was when the third termer was gloating over our dis­ aster in the field. What! do the voters of the county expect to put such a man as that In office again? I think he never ought to have been given any office, What do you think about it? My son. I am not quite ready to be­ lieve that the Republican voters of this grent and beautiful county will bo guilty of such an act of injustice to the soldierts, their widows and orphans, even though this third termer managed to tli rust himself where he had no right. 1- You said the last time talked to me about this third termer and his"M« too's" that you would tell me some more about "the editor who can not even write an estray notice." Yes, my hopeful, 1 will, and I have got some good things to tell you about him, but they will keep until later. Yes, 1 heard something that a boy who was fishing here, said, and who lives over at Woodstock, abeut their Sunday School Superintendent. Well, my son, it is getting quite late and we will talk about that another time. I will tlion tell you about that most disgraceful of all caucuses that was held over at Woodstock, and about all who took part in It. There are some rich and racy developments com­ ing to light about It, and I want to ar­ rive at the truth ere I tell you what I expect te, for those fellows over at Woodstock are laying what I talk to you about to several parties who know nothing about our conversation. They know that you are told the truth on every occasion, and it does net fall to cut deep. They would care little, my son, if what I told you were not facts, that they dared not deny. I am alone responsible, my child, for what you are tehl, and expect to tell yeu more from time to time about this combination and their hellish schemes. Richmond Department. New This Week. Mrs. H. H. Nichols, is in the city this week, buying Millnery goods torther fall and winter trade. The ladles of Me1 Henry and sourouridiiig country, are Invited to call and examine for them­ selves. We intend to fill in with a large and choice selected stock as can be found in any store in the couuty, and also intend to sell as low as the lowest. My stock of early fall goods will be ready to exhibit by next Saturday, the 27th. Look for Mrs. Nichols' advertisement next week. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS . McHenry. Sept. 2*Jd. 1884. * The Boss Barrel Story's. Churn, at John I Feed 813 Per Ton At the Fox River Valley Mills. lS40-tf R. Bisnor. Dakota Illustrated. A 32-pnge paper descriptive of the Northwest and Far West and a County Map of Dakota sent free for 2-cent stamp. Send your address to A. V. H. CARPENTER, General Passenger Agent, Milwaukee. , CHAS. KOliL. At the Board of Trade Pool Room, one door North of Riverside House, ftttaid Inform the farmers and others that he is prepared to repair machinery on short notice, and in the best of manner. If you want your machines repaired, or to play a game of Pool, get a good Cigar or a glass of Lemon­ ade, call and see me. CHAS. KOBL. McHenry, Sept. 10th, 1884. Ayer's Ague Cure acts directly on the liver and biliary apparatus, and drives out the malarial poison which Induces liver complaints and bilious disorders. Warranted torureor money cefuuded. surprise evening mother, seventy were all ef ene ALGONQUIN. EDITOR .PLAINDBALER:--Helmer and Maun's|pavillion show was in town on Wednesday of last week, and gave a very goed entertainment for a travel­ ing show. Mrs. F. D. Coultrin gave a birthday party en Thursday of last week. In honor of her M rs. Helm Sr., It being her first birthday. Her children present with the exception daughter. Miss Jessie McKay, who has been very sick, is now convalescent, and Mr. McKay is able to ride down town again. Our farmers have got pretty much through corn cutting, and some of them have commenced husking. It is pretty early, but they say they cannot do anything else as the grouud is so dry they cannot plow. Mrs. J. A. Sherwood hay a sister and a niece, from M'chigatf; making her a visit here for a short time, A. A. Hartquest and wife, of Nebras­ ka, have been making theit daugiiter. Mrs. Henry Benthusen, and old friends in this vicinity a short visit. He says he is well satisfied with his new home. , Frank Yerkes moved to Elgin on Monday of this week where he intends making his future home. Miss Annie Kee has been very sick fur the last week, and also Ernest Benson, but they are now on the gain, and we hope to soon see them ont again. The Scott Family will give a gift concert In the Congregational Church, in this place, on Thursday eveoiHC of this week. Come one. come all Feed 813 Per Tort At the Fox River Valley Mills. M-10-tf R. Bisnor. new goods We are dally receiving for the tall trade, L FUST A Own. OOHTBIBCTBD BT 3. P. BENKKT*. Miss Corle F. Davis, of Elgin, is spending a few days at Richmond. The party at the Culver Honse last Friday night was well attended and very pleasant. . Mr. Keyes Becker, of Elgin, spent Friday p. m„ also part of Saturday, with Rob. Bennett. c Last week Piersou Wright Wis driv­ ing near the residence of Mrs. Gibbs, when Ids horse suddenly fell dead in the read. The Methodist Sociable met with Miss Hhnnah Cottlng last Friday even­ ing. Pumpkin pie was the culinary triumph of the evening. Everybody had a good time. J. Nills Burton and wife, as well as a host of friends, rejoice at the advent of a son and heir to the Burton name and estates. The young stranger made Ills first bow to the family last Satur­ day evtning. . A newspaper-lrora G. P. Wodell con­ veys the Intelligence to his old friends In Richmond that he Is the nominee of tiie Republican party In his Iowa home, as Supervisor at Large, More than that, the convention which nominated him endorsed him warmly In *a reso­ lution. Good for "Perry."- A pleasant social event boeurred mt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers on the evening on Tuesday, Sept. lSth, it being the celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the marriage of the parties mentioned. A very large num* ber of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Myers were present to offer their congratula­ tions and join in the festivities of the occasion. The Richmond Cornet Band furnished excellent music for the occas­ ion, A bountiful repast was served to the guests. *Wie occasion was one long to be remembered as one of the pleas- an'.est In the social history of Rich- :nond. The presents offered were ele­ gant and appropriate. A list as com­ plete as we were able to procure is given helow: I ' ier Glass, Mr and Mrs M Hicks, Mr and Mrs Deunisnn, Ge» ShiWey, Mr and Mrs Car­ penter, Mr and Mrs J B Stone, Mr and Mrs I , Martin, I lr and Mrs A B Clark, Mr and Mvs P S Iteeder, Mruud Mrs. 3 B C«le, Ed I 'ot ter , Mrs Martha Evans, Mrs Josophene Soy ton, Mr umt Mrs D .v Potter , Mr and Mrs II Mr and Mrs Jesse Alexander, Mr and Mrs Jas llobWins, Mr and Mrs 3 Rotnonp, Mr and Mrs BC Covill , Mr and Mrs Voshurjt , DrandMrs Ward, Mr and Mrs Culver, Mr and Mrs I . Austin, Mr and Mrs . lol ionnott , Mr and Mrs II Cole. Mr ami Mrs J O Weeks, Mr and Mrs s Cutting, N P Taber, Miss Hannah Collins: , John Netheicut , Mr and Mrs A Reeder, Sir and Mi's Kben Weeks, Misses Goodrich, Mr and Mrs Kepa>s, K F Howes, Mr und Mr* ^ Andrews, Mr and Mrs B Martin, Dr and Mvs S K Bennett , Mr and Mrs .11 t 'enner, Mr and Mrs W Rotnour, Hazel Clark, Mr and Mrs \V Smith, Mr and Mrs Bry Bcnsvn. l t»l»oi t Clark, Mrs Maria Holmes; 'Silver Sutter Dish, I* Kull , O Freeman, K Manor, Mrs A Freeman, Mrs Chas Krazer, K Rotnour; Silver Cake Has ket , James Downing, A 1* Grey, K \V Mead, A Cantleld ; Berry Pish, si lver standard, Mr ami Mrs Chas ltadc.l if l 'e , of Nexv York; l . ibrary Lamp, hand-painted shade, Mrs 'R I .earned, and Mrs M A Wright, of Chicago; Oil Paint­ ing, Mr and Mr? N M Radc' if l 'e , of Klj?in ; But ter Knile, Mrs W Austin, of Nebraska: fair elegantly painted Vases, Mr and Mrs Wash­ burn, Mr and Mrs Job Xoles, of Greenwood; Hand-painted Cuspidore. Marseil les Counter Pan ami Gold King;, J N Minor, of Kirkland; Bisque Vase, Mat t ie Myers; Halt DOE . Gob­ lets , Mrs Ransom; Crystal Tray and Syrup Jug, Mr ami M»-s Chas Allen, o 'f l i loomileld, Wis. ; Crystal Ice Cream .Set, Mr and Mrs H Mcllewen, Chicago; Ainaertne Finger Bowls, Mr and Mrs Clarence Dennison; Hand painted CryR .al Pitcher, Mr and Mrs K M Barnard, of Chicago; Sugar Bowl and Vinegar Jug, Mr and Mis I lenry Marsh; Check, J C Hiilgoio, father of Sirs G II Myers; Crystal Measure, front unknown ir ienu; Silver Pickle Caster, Mr and Mrs K W Howe, Chicago; Silver Tea P*t, V at . Cnrren, Woodstock, Fred Tryoiy Henrv Marsh, Bry Benson. Mrs S Robinsonf Crystal Sugar Bowl, Pitcher, Spoon l loldvr and Butter Dish, Mr and IIrs Fred Wallers; Cut-glass Ink Bott les ami Calender, George Hess, St , Louis; Amber Berry Dish, Pitcher and Cheese Plate, Mr ami Mrs John McCon- nell, Mr and Mrs A N My gatte, Mr ami Mrs Geo McContiel l , Mr and Mrs G W Eldredge, Mr and Mrs J W llavthorn, Miss Kate Wal­ ters; Silver Berrv Spoon, Mr and Mrs V Pax- son; Silver Pickle Castor, Geo Fostar; Crystal Water Set , Nell ie Snell , Chicago; Fancy ' l 'wilot Jug, Mrs Eliza IValker, Chicago. GREENWOOD EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--And now the corn cutting Is all "done up," as well as many of the cutters knees. S. Baldwin lias a new well. Henry Briton and family, of Elgin, visited a part ef last week with the family of J. II. Garrison. Dr, M. A. Adams, formerly ef this place, but now a dentist of Harvard, is building up quite a trade in his line about this vicinity. We are giad to know that Doc Is appreciated about his old home, and we know by actual work that he ranks among the first in his profession. . - Mrs Mina Toles visited friends at Richmond last week. Considerable sickness has prevailed about Greenwood the pa6t two weeks. Among those who are now under the doctors care are Mrs. L. B. Piatt, S. Baldwin, and G. Coudrey. Wm. Balrd and wife, of Astabula, Ohio, are visiting with the family of Carey Howell. Mr. Baird is a nephew of Mrs. Howell and in former days was a resident of Greenwood. Charlie is it according to scripture to invite people to eat watermelon with yeu on the sabbath? You say there is nothing said about it in the good book. True, .that i?, perhaps, about the melon, but the visiting and enjoyment is wrong, and we truly don't want you to answer, above, to so grave a charge, aud yet answer for Benjamin Butler. The first meeting of the M. C. T. A. will be held at Greenwood, Saturday. Oct. 4*.h, We hope to see a good turn out of patrons, as well as! teachers •to this meeting of teachers at Green­ wood. It is said there are places for all amusements and enjoyments. But. bovs, is uie church the place for suchf We think not. What we wish to refer to, aye, urge upon those who are accus­ tomed to smoking on the steps and in vestibule of the church, is to refrain from it at this place. We have noth­ ing te say or to criticise on those who wish to smoke, but boys, the church is not the place, and 1 think you will agree. Feed $13 Per Ton At the Fox River ValJey Mills. 10-10-tf R. BISHOP. Thousands Say So. Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kany writes: '"I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to my customers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Purify the blood and regulate fhe bowels. No family can afferd to be without them. Tliey will save hundreds of dollars In doctor's bill? every year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle bjr HENKV COLBY. Woodstock Department. OOXTRIBDTLD BT ASA W. SMITH. The eX'Sheriff does not take khidly to complimentary notices. Hot/. M. L, Joslyn, Assistant Secre- tary of the Interior, is at home. Jack Frost still delays his coming, for which a vote of thanks is due. Busy times render tions a necessity. short contrlbu- The visitors to the Marengo Fair report a stupendous success. Court week. Judge Upton presides. Dacy. the Chicago murderer, brought here by change of venue, is one case for trial. The Democrats are jnbilaut over Blaine's explanation of his marriage, and yet they are not happy since It is better than Cleveland's record, what­ ever view they take. V Some of our citizens feel slighted that our neighbors on either side east and west, the Earthquake shoul^ be felt, and Woodstock should have no knowledge thereof until the daily re­ ports arrived" By takiug Ayer's Sarsaparilla many a poor sufferer who submits te the sur­ geon's knife because of malignant sores and scrofulous swellings, might be saved, sound and whole. Tills will purge out the corruptions which pol­ lute the blood, and by which such com­ plaints are originated and fed. This is Business. 1 would hereby give notice that I will prosecute, to the fullest extent of the law, any one who uses my Beer Kegs to put Cider in. I will- t.<ot only procecute the man whe uses the Keg, but the Cider Maker who fills it. I cannot afford to furnish Kegs for that purpose. All will take due notice. GOTLEIB BOLEV. M*, McHenry Brewery. MILLINERY. Mrs. M. Schumacher has juat returned from the City with a large and well selected stock of Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Goods, Consisting In part of Laces, Buttons, Ha'ndkerchiefs, Beaded Trimmings, Lace Lainberkiiis, Oriental Laces, Embroideries, etc., to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of McHenry and the surround­ ing country. My Goods are all selected Willi the greatest care, and I will not be undersold, quality of goods considered. My stock of Millinery comprise* the latest stylos to be found in the city. Call, exan ine Goods aud learn Prices. Store Near the Depot., MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. FOR SALE. The Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, situated opposite the Pnrker House, in the village of McHenry. Is well located and doing a good business Will be sold with er without the Tools. Terms Reasonable. Reason for selling poor health. Inquire on the premises or E. C^ARPENTjpu, McHenry, Sept, 9th. 1884. 10-««^f. Don't fail to see our new styles in the celebrated Broadhead Dress Goods at Perry & Owen's. Black Cashmeres Perry & Owen's. and Dress Silks at DRESS.MAKING MRS. ALLEN WALSH. Would inform the ladle* of McHenry and vicinity that she has opened a I)re8*-Making establishment at her residence, and Is prepared to cut. fit and make dresses on short notice and guarantee satlslactlon. She also has a full line of Dress Trimmings, Lac«s. Handkerchiefs, Ladies Underwear, Neck Wear. Tidies, Lace Bed Spreads, Shams etc.. which she proposes to sell as low as the same goods can be bought anywhere. A share of patronage is solicited, MRS ALLEN WALSH. McHenry, Sept. 10th, 1884. Great Russian Remedy. Russian Liniment is a sure cure fer Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Dlphteria, To'othache, Earaehe, Sore Throat, Sere ness of the Limbs, Tumors, Ulcers, Sprains, Lame Back er Shoulders, Swellings, Contraction of the Muscles, Chilblains, Inflammations (no matter how long standing). In severe cases apply a-cloth, moistened in the Lini­ ment, over night for three nights. It is equally as good for the horse. For sale by all druggists. C. DICKINSON & SON. Barrington, III. Cook's Cider Mill. Two miles Northwest of Wauconda, is now prepared with TWO FIRST-SLASS PRESSES, to make your apples iuto Cider on short notice and in the best manner. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction in every par­ ticular. M, COOK. Try Excelsior shirt polish, for sale by Beuslett & Stoflel. Try Eastman's patent soap, for toilet and pelishiug, 7 cents a bar,4 for 25cts, at Bonslett & Stoflel's. FOR SALE CHEAP. One set of new Heavy Double Har­ ness. Will be sold cheap if called for at once. H. S, GREGORY. McHenry, Aug. 12to, 1884. We call attention to our strictly pure uucolored japan tea, 50 and 60 cents per lb. Guaranteed as above or no pay, Bonslett & Stoflel. Vest cellar and fan back Jersey's colored and black, at Bonslett & Stof- fel's. A good variety black and colored dress goods, new and cheap, at Bon­ slett & Stoflel s. All wool school suits, coat, pants and y«st #3.45, at Bon&latt & Sto&ijd?!. For Sale. Cider and Pork Barrels at Cooper Shop of Cristy, Walker & Co. Old barrels repaired. Prices very reason­ able. ROBERT WHITE. We carry a good stock of Crockery and China ware, Please examine. War­ ranted, Bonslett & Stoflel. The Novelty Wringer, only 93.00, at M. Englen's. Good fitting pants of.good cloth, al wool, ©aly #6.00. • f Business Notice, Go to Mrs. Howe's for Millinery Dressmaking. SMOKE us, call for Barbfan Bros High Art." They have few equals. , No trouble to show goods or autirsr questions at R. Bishop's. Buy the Estey Organ if you want the be4t. *0. W. Owen, McHenry, Agent., City residences for sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, I1L Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for Mill' In«ry, Dress Making and Fancy Good* We carry the largest line of Cleth- sng in the market, and our prices are always as low as good goods can be sold Henry Colby. H. Colby sells the Excelsior Shirt Polish. Trv It. t An elegant line of corsets 60 ot»l§'••- and up at Henry Colby's. <1 For good crockery, glassware and! Masons fruit jars go to Bonslett & Stof- fel's. The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized,decidedly the best Wire in the market, at John I.Story's. The finest assortment ef Bird Cages in town, at John I. Story's. Bishop's Roller Mills Flour. For Sale in Wauconda, by C. K. Jencks. Try a Sack. It cannot fai) t« please you. _______ Frank's Polish for Ladles shoes will not rob off or soil the skirts. For sale hy HENRT COLBY. Building Paper, cheap, %t John tr Story's. -. • ;f v.. A fine assortment of very fine Onm*" inte Iron Wire at John I. Story's. FITS A<! fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No fits after first day's use. Marvelous cores Treatise and 92.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr, Kline, 931 Arch St, Phila,, Pa. THE Attest assortment of Sewing Machines to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. v IF you want anything less than th« Estey Organ 1 can sell you one for #40 and upwards. O. W. OwRN We just added an elegant line - of dress goods, which nre offered at oui usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby For the prompt and certain cure of erysipelas, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla* which is the specific endorsed by the most eminent medicnl authorities. , < See our stock of Boots and Shoes be* <• fere buying. PEBRY & OWEN. Fu'l and complete line of Men's and Boys' Clothing, at reasonable prices al Perry A Owen's. Everything iu the Hardware lineal ' ' bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. We pay the very highest prices ^ all the good butter and eggs yon Can bring us, Bonslett & Stoflel. Wheat Wanted. WAKTKI). at the Fox Rivee-VAWE# ^ Mills, good Milling Wheat, for Which the highest price in cash will be paid. McHenry, III., April 14th, 1681. R. BISHOP. • s f 1 <!> 'ij' '• i'PJiX'-,.:, . : ;v. - 1 • - • > • Please remember that our stock in every department is very complete and that our prices are always the lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by any house In McHenry Co. Henry Colby. We can new show the largest and most attractive line of Ready-Made Clothing in medium weights ever brought to this market. You are asked to examine goods aud pri<^^t,Hj|nr<R , Colby's. ' T, NOTICE. 1 am ready to fill orders for Winea and Liquors by the gallon and Cigars by th* box at Chicago bottom prices,u Also bottled Beer by the case. - A. SONNEXSCItmt, ' Gary Station 111, "• | Bucklin's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, - Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Silt Rheume, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Ernp* tions, and positively cure Piles, or n« pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money ream* . ded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by Henry Colby. ^ * Farm for Sale* - The undersigned offers for sale Ills Farm, containing 204 acres, situated one mUe West of the village of Mc­ Henry. on the Woodstock roau. Good buildings, living wacer. plenty of small fruit, and a young bearing orchard. Is well adapted for a stock farm. Handy to Railroad Station and a Cheese Fac­ tory, For terms aud other particulars inquire of the undersigned on tha - premises. HKNBY G. MBA* A McHenry, July 16th, 1881. ,f L E. Bennett, k* Photograper. whose rooms are *ve* Perry & Owen's store, is now taking Pictures by the new Process of "Dry ; Plates," whereby an exposure of from one to six seconds a better expression can be obtained than by the old pro­ cess. Pictures of children taken under ^ the most trying circumstances and sat* | , . isfactien guaranteed. Call and give me ^ a trial. Until further notice 1 will ^ take Cabinet Photos for #4.00 fter dozed. ' ' , V' ' L. E. BENNETT. ^ Mellenry. June l"th, 1884. • Wheat Waned. *> 1 • : • - ~ . i s r . * , - WANTED, at the Fox River Valley ; Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which ?i the highest price in cash will be paid. * . J . R.BISHO*. McHenry, 111., April 14th, 1884. 1 ^ J Cleaning and Repairing done in tlM) , - 'M, ' neatest manner, by E. Lawlus. f V -- * ; Malarial poison can be entirely «e- #. ^ moved from the system by the use of J * Ayer's Ague Cure, which" contains a . j .J^j surcs pecitic, in tqe form of a vegetable •]; J|,1 product, used iu no other remedy. 7- Warranted. , Finest line of Cashmeres in the cotta* - -1$ ty. in all colors and qualities, at Perry * & Owen's. ] Dress Flannels, all colors, at Perry # Owen's. Our stock ol seasonable Good* cannot , be excelled, prices and quality c*a* • side red. PERRY A OWE*. GLASS ! GLASS ! v We keep Glass ef all sizes constantly en hand. Special sises cut wlthoat « extra charge. JOUN I. SrOBT, Men's all wool suits, $5.75. •mux tn oi> .> Bmulatt SfnSlFl s,»v,,v

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