Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Oct 1884, p. 8

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' •? } k To All Wanting Employment. K ; We want, JLivr, Eiifigeiie and (JapR- Ol«- Agents in every county In ilie Uiiiifd States and tCana<la, to sell JI patent article of grrsit merit, on its merits. A" article having a large e-«le, giving (Iffer 100 per cent., profit, having M com petit Ion, and on which the agent la protected in ilie exclusire sale by a deed given for each and ever}- county lie inay'eectfre from us. Willi all these advantages to our agents, and the (act .f^tat it is an article that can be sold to every houseowner, It might not be iMMisaary to make an "Extraordinary Wff'r" tu secure good agents at •nee, |;Vbu« we have concluded to make it to show, not only our confidence in the mei its of our invention, but in Its sta- bil'ty by an agent that will handle it with energy. Our agents now at work are making from $150 to $6\,0 a month de;<r. and this fact makes it safe for us to make our ofler to all who are out of employment. Any agent that will give our business a thirty days' trial and fail to clear at least 9100 in this time,above CIU expenses, can return all goods unsold to us and we will relund the money pa d for theui. Any agent or general •g<Mit who would like ten or more coun­ ties and work them through sub-agents fm ninety days and fail to clear at least §7;c1 above all expenses, can return all -^uiis ild and get their money back. No other employer of agents'iyer aared to make such offers, nor would we If we did not know that we have agents now ^making mortk than double the amount We guaranteed, and but two s;iles a day would give a profit of over #125 a month, and that or.e of our agents took eigiiteen orders in one day. Oor large ulewriptive circulars explain our oftei I'ully, atid these we wish to send to •very one out of employment whe wil! tend us three one cent stamps for post­ age. Send at once and secure the agency in time for the boom, and go to W»rk on the terms named in our extra­ ordinary ofler. We would like to have tin- address of all the agents, sewing ma' liine solicitors and carpenters in the country, and ask any reader of this paper who reads this ofler. te send us at once the name and address of all inch they know. Address at once, or you wlil loose the best chance ever oil'-red to those out of employment to r juake money. i REKKKR MAKUFACTUBIKQ Co., m -Sraittafield St., Pittsburg, fa. 10-2-m3 f- v * * * * ( > ' f ^ ' Tke McHfitrr Brto.k M.tnnfactnring G»mpuiy are now readv to supply Brick in quail lilies CAR LOADS Their ltrick are second to none to he found in the market, and will be <ol<l at tlie lowest Market price. Persons intending Itt i * ' build, or those h.uillinjt brick, will; . do well to call and cee hh before purchasing. We invite an examination and comparison with any ltrick made in the Northwest. For further Information apply to or address McHENRY BRICK Manufacturing: Co. McHenry, 111,, June 11th, 1^84. Still put of The Ark of Safety. Mtny of you are. DANGER TO JL.IJFE Ac PROPERTY Besei you on every hand. The mutter of the sly coon, siekloon, saloon, cyclone, tornado, windstorm, or whatever name may be given it, is heard in some section of the country nearly every day. The Fire Fiend Mav break on tat any moment--the economy of a lifetime be consumed. Death must come to all. By a small payment each year you can secure to yourself a fortune, should you live, or, in the event of death before the time ex­ pires, your faniiiy is provided for. $150,000,1100 « represented by ihis agency. Our raiesare is low as experience has "found to be sate. Vou will save money by insuring with me. Geueial Insurance, "Life, Fire, Lightning and Tornado a specially. Thanking all mv friends tor their lilK-ruf patronage, and hop. injj, by square dealing, to loeril a continuance ofth aauie, I be* to subscribe myself, Respectfullv yours, C. A MOUSY. McHenry, 111.. June ,1883. AND WINTER} • w * 1 "V f * \ *>*• * ' ' i s r- •* '• - "ci* 5 ' RIVERSIDE BLOCK; MeHENBY, IL1« "-i Mt. More Good.* to be bought and more to be sold, and we propose to buy and sell our share of such Goods as we handle and shall make Prices do it for us. In addition to having one of the most complete lines of te' Old Settler Proposes to Sell Out. The undersigned, after an active -V* farmers life In this Town for over forty years, new o3ers for sale his home farm of 4 2 acres, situated on what is known •e LadiTs Corners, one mile northeast Of the village of Ringwood. There is ft good dwelling, four barns, three gi»od Wells of water, and in short it is one of the most desirable farms in McHenry County, there not being a foot of wa$tf > land on the place. There is about 275 acres that has been under the plow and tliere is 70 acres good timber. Will be •old for $75 per acre, and possession given as soon as the crops are gathered. Also 80 acres in the Town of Ricli- ttoi.'i, about two and a half miles from the above described farm. It the land §« sold all my personal property will be •Old at private or public sale. 1 . Also 327 acres of land in DunnCounty •i Wis, 247 acres of which Is one piece Slid within two miles of Downsville, a tiiilroad station,and 80acres in another. Is finely located and will make a valua We farm. Will sell the 247 acre piece for 8.1,000. The 80 acre piece for $1,000. Also 60 acres of laud in Mitchell Co.. F , iowa, under good improvement. Is Situated a mile ana a half from Stacy- *3lie. Price «1,500. ,.;L ^ For further particulars Inquire of the JBndersigued. at Ringw^d, III. WIIUT LADD. • pBfwood, 111., July 83d, 13P4- 10.1-4m I5 ADV1CK TO MOTHERS. Are yeu disturbed at night md brok- • ' Hn t»f your rest by a sick child suffering And trying with pain of cutting teeth? |f s«».send at once and get a bottle of Mrs Wlnslow's Southing Syrup for ^ Children teething. Its value is Ineal- culnnle. It will relieve the poor little t u f l e r e r i m m e d i a t e l y . D e p e n d u p o n it mothers, there is no mistake about it. It rtires dysentery and diarrhoea, regu- lates the stomach and bowels, cures Wind colic, softens the gums, reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en- frey to the whole system. Mrs. Wins- lew Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the ta6te, and If tli* prescription of ore of the oldest Slid he«t female physicians and nurses fn the United States, and is for sale by /nil druggists throughout the world. ' tit--* 25 cents a bottle. S Ui.lek's celebrated grades flour, Graham, Meal, Oat Meal, for 6ale by ' fjonslett & Stofiel. rKING'S~I LIVER and KIDNiY BITTERS Tliese Bitters are especially prepared for tbe masses »>t manKinit, snffcriiitr from Tor­ pid Liver, Weak ami L>Ucuse<l Ki'lneys.and constitnti»ns overwofkeil, bodily and men. tally. They cure Fever and A^u'c, Malaria, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous l>eliilit>. Headache, Constipation, give a (food appe­ tite, purity the blood,stimulate the Kidneys int» healthy activity, producing new li'fe and vigor to the body and mind. We Warrant These Hitters To be the best Tonio preparation made and recouimerd tlieni to fcveryboiiy for Family use to secure Health, Strength' and Happi­ ness DIBECTIONS:--A wine glass full taken three times a day, before each meal will accomplish the desired effect, without drug­ ging the stomach. Jolin A. King Co., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors 51 Lake Street,Chicago, II- «*Buy -Trv and you WillaUvays use llienil |«S-Bur D *rPrice 11 Per Bottle,JW Sold by Druggists generally. Which we are utmost readj to give you at your own price. IN DRESS GOODS Wtf can astonish the Woiftl, both in btaut|f{ of pattern* fehd Lowness ot Prices. EVERYTHING NEW, GOOD AND CHEAP t7XffX>B A mammoth Stock at nntieard of Prices. it will pay you to see what we have before you buy. ••PASTOPPED FREE Marvelous success, • • Insane Persons Kestored • • •SDr.KLIKE'S GREAT • • NERVERESTORER NWRVB DlSFASBS. Only sure Curt /or /Srrve Affections. Ftts% E-fit'Psy* 9tc. INFALLIBLE if taken as directed. Aj f its a/ttr •st day's use. Treatise and $2 trial bottle free to frit patients, they paying express charges on box whea I received. Send names, P. O. and express address of I afflicted to DR.KLINH.OIX Arch St,rhiUdelpbia,PA« 9 Druggists. BEWARE OF IMITATING FRAUDS. FOB BARGAINS IN i. H. F&rgo's boots and shoes tor islfi Ly Bonelett & Stofiel. Wheat Wanted At the Wauconda Mills. Cash and the highest market price will be paid for good Milling Wheat, ] n: the Wauconda MilU. Join PFEHCBB. W*u< onda, Aug. 5th, 1B84. We Invite Inspection to our new fttock of trunks, traveling bags, satchels, I BoB8lett & Stoflel. K; W« sell the well known, well made, well wearing Beloii Overalls and thhtf, Bonslett A Stoftel. Notice To tliofte that waut work done In my line, Tanks, Vats and all other work done in a shop, as 1 get lumber direct from Chicago. F. A. HEBARD. Wheat Wanted. . ^Wjtirrxo. at the Fox River Valley Mill, good Milling Wheat, for which tbe highest price in cash will he paid. K. BLSIIOF. Mcllunry, 111., April 14tb, 1884. For Coal and Wood CALL ON E. M. HOWE Opposite Bishop's Mill, Who has a complete line of the best stoves in the market, as well as a large stock of Harfiware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, in feet, every thing In tbe hardware stove and tin line. H E W I L L N O T B E U X D E J i S O L D . Call at his store liefore buying elsewhere Jobbing aixl repairing promptly attended to. WKemember, extra gooU bargains can al ways be obtained at Ilowe'a. McHenry, Dec. J, 18S3j A vm Plowsl flows! P. HAUPERISCH, McHenry, Illinois, ; Would inform tbe farmers of Mcilenryand - aurronnding country that he is prepared to sell them a FIRST-CLASS PLOW, And warrant tbe same, at a lower price than I U be purchased elsewhere in tbe county, I Outters, Cotters t«A7C last received a number *f Cutters. 'l.fw style and flnisb cannot be beat. Call All kh«U ef SLA CKSMl THING, TMGOiV| |Mt CA9MZAOS work promptly attended to. MPAIBIISG, ion short notice. WGlve us a I W« vul uiwiu jwu botb in quality i of vofL P. HAUPKRIftCH. ,UL,0<*.7tim»*. O. W. OWE^i -DEALEK IX- Colcks, Watches, Jewelry Silver and Plated Ware etc. I keep in otoek tbe celebrated Springfield Watch, wbicb is pronouueed by all to be tbe best watch now on tbe market. WiH not be Undersold | Oiiuy (oom In my UM. OJF Qwt„ McHenry, Feb. *>, 18BI, rove" Your Land! ff \ > * <? h • * : ./ " • 4 r : PUTTING IN THE •A V\ ! "« * . • • iiADl if fHfi k- ..*i4 - 4- i Hflre ron a "soft forty.^a wet mrlna, or a eeld, wet and unprolltaiile plaee on yanr/arm? ,f so, it hns coal vou money ahtl is much ns any other pulcli of tne iiiime size. Does it rinse ft little sou i grass,'ei* is it nenrly goo<l enough «• that you plow and seed it vear after vear and then the crop Is browned out? Do you realise how large an amount of the best of foods tor profitable vegetable growth is carried into the soil by the rain, lor.ded with its carbonic acid gas? Ilnve you thought that if your land runs these showers off its surface you are letting it, at the same time, carry «IT your money? Have yor. considered I hut if vour land is in shape to drink it in anu carrv it off below, that then the soil ivill retain all these rch gases, and pro­ duce you a luxuriant growth ot vegetation? It you have not thought of these things', think of them now. and take the pains t* investigate fully and see if you can afford to to keep this land Idle 'onger. and at the same tini« pay taxes and expenses on it. Believing l lnnlv that the farmers of this region were awake to their interest, and knew what they were about, I have expended considerable time and money in fitting up a drain tile factory for the home produc tion of the tile necessary in this region. I have been fully determined lliat I would not manufacture an Inferior article, ami 1 now offer n tile to you with the utmost confidence in its quality m every respect. Those of you who know me, I think, will know that I would r.ot try to sell what was an inferior and would ultimatelv cause toss, when it had Iwsen at a considerable cost put in place underground. " Those v.-lio do not know me, I will reter to anyone in this community as to my personal (landing, and should be pleased to l»tve them examine the tile 1 urn making, which 1 am very conUdent will satisfy them. • * « Everything Guaranteed. r.<K»«ttlon tftt the 191te ot t9i« old SteMlllan Mill, ?Ve«r BARREVILLE. September 10,1884 W. D. GATES, Proprietor. 104-tf ] MIIK0ABIR TRE l et it be forever remembered thi|t the Ciiicap & NortMeri Hailva) Is the best and shortest route to and froir Chicag.i anil Council Bluffs (Om>tha) and that it is preferred by all well posted travelers when passing to or from California and Colorado, It also operate (he best route and the aberl line between Chicago an' St. Pau and Minreapolis Milwaukee, LaCros&e, Sparta. Madison, Fori , Y Howard (Green Bay Wisconsin, Winona, . Owitonna, Mankatv. Minn. Oedar1" llapid«, Dos Moines, Webster City, Algnna, Clinton, . Marshallt'iwn, Iowa Freeport, Elgin, Bock. :,l ford. III., are amon its 800 local stations en its '»'i4 lines. ig Amongafewof the numerous point" ef su-> . perioritv, enjoyed by the patrons ot this road. are its DAY COACHES, which are the finest that human art and ingenuity can create; its ' I'AI.ATIAL SLEEPING CARS, which are", moaels of comfort and elegance; Its PAI. ACE?*?'7 DRAWING ROOM CARS, which are unsur. ' ' , passe'i by any; and its widely celebrated : NORTH-WESTERN DININC Y CARS, n ; Tne like of which are not run by any othedb#fe road anywhere. In short, it is asserted thatP' S* IT IS THE BEST EQUIPPED ROAD IN*' THE WORLD. f- v All points of interest. North, Narthwest and* ' West ot Chicago, businets centres, *ummet resorts,and noted hunting and lishinggroundeT are accessible by the various branches ot thif roatl. " - '>-• It owns and controls over 5,0#0 miles of roa«l- and has over four hundred passenger c«n- dactovs constantly caring for its ur.ltioiieoi . patrens. •" Ask your ticket agents for tickets Tia thitv route, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. It cost!" ,io more to travel on this route, that givei',' " flrst-class accommodations, than it dees to gA '. by the poorly equipped roads. * "For maps, descriptive circulars and sum.1 „ me-- resort papers, or other information nol:la! obtainable at your local ticket office, wrlt4k to the V Gen'1 Pass. Agent. C. & N. W Railway Chicaeo 111. Tu be found la the County, we have many CLOTHING JOHN I. STORY, One Door West of the Riverside House, Has a complete UM of the best Stoves in tbe umrket, as well as # large stock of We have just received the Largest and Handsomest Stock that ever graced our Clothing Department, aud we do not believe it is surpassed, it' equaled, in McHenry or Lake Counties. Our Clothing Trade last Spring was way beyond our expectations and we have bought heavily in anticipation of a still larger trade thi* i? all. Am we have nothing to ofler but we can guarantee to give excellent satisfaction. iSot a thread of Shoddy in our whole stock. We shall feel proud at any time to show you through our Clothiug department. BOOTS AND SHOES. In this department our stock is complete. We keep none but the best and every pair guaranteed to do good service . We are offering a special line of Bargains in this Department . In short every Department of store is filled with And we are bound to sell them *at Prices that will make it an object for you to come man}' miles to trade with us. Call Early and Secure Some of our Special Bargains. Obliging help and plenty of it always in rcadinesb to wait upon customers. McHenry, Ul„ Sept. 15th, 1884. PRICE BROTHERS. AT WAUCONDA, li|»i A New, Clean Stock OF Seasonable Goods. We have one of the largest stocks ever brought to this market. These goods were bought for cash, which enables us to sell at very close tiguits. Do not take our word for it, but come and look through our stocK aud satisfy yourselves that we mean whut we say. Our stock consists of'Dry Ooods, .Notions, Groceries, tiats aud Caps, Crockery ami Glassware, Pain s and Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Y\ a'l Paper and Window hades, together with the most complete stock ol Ever brought here. Our line of ladies' and gents' hand sewed Shoe* is the best ever offered for sale in Wauconda. All kinds of Country Produce bought for cash or taken in exchange for gooda J Lamps, Chandeliers, Til, Cop aiil SM-Iron Ware And in short, Everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin Line. Be Will Not bo Undersold! CALL AT HIS STOltE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. f5jr*RKMEM BER, extra good bargains can always be obtaiued at I, STORY'S. MCHKHBY 111.., Jan. 21«t ,1884. OPENED AGAIN! Robert Schiessle Having pure liase<11 ho old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT* SlcHENRY, ILLINOIS, Has opened tho same as a flrst-clasa Saloon and Restaurant, Wbare he will at all times keen the beat brands of Wines, l.iquors and Cigars to be found in tne market. AIK® Agent For FRANZ FALK'S MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quail, ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. v, GOOD UTABLINU FOR HORSES, ^ITCall and see us. Robert Schiessle. McBenry, III., Sept. 1st, 1384. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat­ form Spring Buggiee for ulc al R. Blibop's warehouse, W M . H C O W L I N [SUCCESSOR YO M. M. CLOTHIER] 0. S. WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY iSjBLlC. Prosecutes pension or any other claims against the government, relating to the late, or former wins. Complicated cases and re­ jected claims mntle a specialty. If stamps are enclosed for replv, all communications Will be promptly answered. Office at Besidenoe. XAD80H ST., ^WOODSTOCK. ILL- References by permission «9 regards char­ acter, business ability, reliability, &c., &c : (ien. John A. Logan, U S. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gen. J.C. Smith, ."State Treasurer of Illinois. Hon. R Ellwood, M. O. 5th III. I>ist., Syc. amore, 111. Hon. John C. Sherwin, ex-M. C. 5th III. Dist., Aurora, III Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal,Chicago, 111 Col. Jas. A. sexton, Pres On ion Veteran Club, Chicago^ III. Jetse A. Baldwin, Ass't U. 8. Attorney, Chi­ cago, III. / Messrs. Selz, Schwab St, Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoo Dealers. Chicago, III. . Also hundreds of county and home referen­ ces. DEAI.BR IN FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Store two doors north erf Perry & Owen, v 1 have one or the largest stock!. of Furniture*of all kinds to bl found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing t(| buy will be sure to save mone) by calliug on me. ^ UNDERTAKING. I have 35 different sistes and styles ol COFFINS AND CASKET||| Always on hand. I keep J* Hearse of my own which will bft furnished at the most reasonable ratef:. 4. B. BLAKE. B. Sherman, WOODSTOCK, lldlr ~ DEALER IW-- Breech and Muzzle Lopd ing bhot Guns. * Powder, snot, Caps, Wads and Cartridges for sale. Fishing Tac ale cheap. Al. Kinds of ^porting? Good! AND REPAIRING DONE. A good Breech T.oading, Double Barreled Gun, warranted Twist, f2C. Winchester Rifle, 76 model, 15 shot», t25. Nickel Plated 6 shot Revolver, $2.50. Self-cocking British Bull Dog Pistol #5.00, . . A good Single Barrel Breech Loading, single . Gun, warranted, |5 00. I will undersell any hou*e in tbe county !• Guns and Sporting Goods. If vou want a good gun it will par vou to call anasco me. 1 war* rant every guii I sell. Clothes Wringers repaired and new Rolls pfit on. Price p«t pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July 15th, 1888. ^ PATENTS. INVENTORS, send model or sketch or your invention, when I will make careful pre* nminary examination,and report as to patent* ability, with advice, circulars, etc., free tf charge. Al! business before U. S. Patent ofllce attended to for moderate rates. Information ami references sent on application. No charge unless pa enl is secured. J- S. LITTELL. Washington, D- 0. Directly opposite U. S. Patent Office. DO YOU KNOW THAT Plug Tobacco, With Red Tin Tag; Rose I.eaf Fine Cut Chew* ing; Navy Clippings, an<l Black', Brown and Yellow Snuffs ure the quality considered. 3 Sack to Riagwood to Stafi And when vou want a First.Clas%j|U|»| Blaeksmithiii^> OR Repairing Of anything in Iran or Wood done promptly and well, at reasonable prices, just try me. do my own work and am willing to work chetp and do mv best to plense all who favor me with their patronage. I make a specialty HORSESHOEING, lloving had large experience in that branch of Blacksmithing T datter myself that I can , suit the most particular, lou wilt always And me at my shop in the old Warehouse near the Depot, ready to attend your wants. •3~Please call and try me. N. BLAKE. Ringwood, III., Sept. loth, 1884. 10 Try Eastman's patent MNtp, for tolift anil polishing, 7 cents a bar,4 for 36 c|>. at Bonslett & StofleFs, i *4

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