Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Nov 1884, p. 5

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School Richmond Depa OONTRtBUTBD BY 3. BBKKBTT. On and •fl«i Kewlev. JtMto *H * m MeH--ry MMlw ii b«tow 001*0 SOCTS. ra Uk« Fwweger m Ukt WrSSt.....'..'i m Lake Faiijiiger--M O'tttiro w »*Tiff |MMv* I.*ke£jril*tu 3«m Lake ftMMnr l«MTaI<*k( BxpraM.. BM«TI Uk« PtiMUtr... SM, Trains will ..7.M A. M .8:15 " . . IMT . I I» «« 9-11 A. V »:W - 4 :48 p. M «:ST M B. Buss. Agent. McHenry, 111 KUONI3 McflavBT UDOI, WO. W A. r. and A. St.-- Jkeniar 0«fBa>unication* the Saturday on or Win UM tell rf the neon and every twe teeki thereafter. CHAS. C. COLBT, W. M. Monrar OaArraa K«. st R. A. M --Regu- ir OMrtettttu held ra the eenead and fourth frMttl ia eeca aoaeh. JOHN I. STOBY, H. P. TBB man who lost the bet EN election ii sure that tin country la going to ilio dogs. * LOST.--A flue initteu, Drab cloth and ftwk handed. Anyone leaving the tame at this office will confer a favor. ^ - «* ;s;'X f £ 'A'-. RBAI> the NEW advertisement of L. A. Parker's Meat Market, to be found In another place In this paper. PSRBY A OWEN have a new adver­ tisement Midweek, which the buying public wotttifjfe well to read, T«E poll Meal battle Is over. Now shako hands across the bloody chasm, act like a rational man, and settle down to buctnets. f . WOODSTOCK'S fraudulent candidate for Circuit Clerk ran behind Ms ticket It every town in Mcflenry. CJounty. with one or two exceptions. FotntD. on the streets In this village, a Gold Breast Pin. which the owner can hale hy calling at this olHoe and proving property. THB President ha* appointed Thurs day. Nov. 97th, as a day of Thanksgiv­ ing and Prayers. Turkeys will now begin to roost high. WE have received new advertise­ ments for Gelding Bros, and Price Bros., of Wauconda, which will appear next week. JF OVLWM BUGBBB and wife, formerly / residents here, but now of Sac City, 1 Iowa, are visiting with friends in this \ village. ^""RICHARDS, the fraudulent candidate for Circuit Clerk, seems to have run best on the Democratic ticket at some of the polling places at the election on Tuesday the 4th. LOST, on the SSd Inst,, between Mc- Henry and Grls wold's Lake, a Buffalo Kobe, nearly new. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning the same to this office. SUNDAY is the d*jr of all days. for It gives the Individual who has run for office the chance, on account of so few but Intimate friends being around, and they can be of so much help In figuring up which cost ihe most, the nomination or the election. We wonder how the footing tallied in the count over at Woodstock last Sunday. WE learn that the G. A7~R. I'ost, at Nttuda, will give a grand Parry and Skating Tournament in Ballon's Rink, on Wednesday evening. Nov. 26th,"1884. This h the largest Rink in %Henry County, and the G. A. R. boys promise to make this the grandest party of the season. Music by the Jahesviite Band. A programme giving full particulars will be issued in a few days. We hope ^yery eoldier boy in McHenry County will attend. Look out for'"the pro­ gramme giving full particulars. /WILURD COLBY met with A severc-- fnd painful accident this, Wednesday, Jrorenoon. He was driving his team from the Postoffice to his home, just north of the village, when the bottom boards of his wagon slipped forward, striking the horses, causing, them to run away. Hethtowu out an 1 hi* leg caught between a fence poet and the wagon wheel, UceratingJJit in a fearful manner. Dr. Chi Ids was called, who dressed the wound, and he i6 now doing as well as could be expected. It was a narrow escape from death. LATER.--We learn that lie also had tone or two ribs broken and isotherwke severely bruised. TICKETS lor the Thanksgiving Party, for the benefit of the McHenry Cornet Band, have been issued, and the parly will take place at Gr«n<I Hall, Parker House, on Thursday evening, Novem­ ber 27tli, at which time one of the pie asan test partie-i* of the season may be expected. The music, which is by Prof. Anderson's Celebrated Orchestra, of Janesvllle, is equal to the best to be found in the land, and no pains will be spared by the managers to make this Che party of the season. Tickets only $1.00. Those who desire supper will be furnished at a reasonable price and in Parker's best style. As we have said before, the Band boys are striving hard to make'themselves proficient, we trust our citizcns, whether they dance or not. will buy a ticket uud help the boys along. Remember the date, Nov. 27th. Friday and datunlajr only, Nov. 14 and 15,1 will offer S.000 yards of best standard Prints at 3 cents per yard, cash. Watch for bargains at Henry Colby's. * G. L,HUBBARD, of Nunda, Is selling Robes ar.d Hone-Blankets, to be paid for whoa Blaino Is sleeted. He has over $100 on the election. Look out for tiis advertisement next week. ft: iff: C. B. CHAPELL, of Algonquin, adver­ tises an auction of Cows, new milch and springers, to take place in that Tillage on Tuesday of naxt week, Nov. 18th, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. He has a very choice lot. THE Intimidation business would not work at the election as well a* at tho Caucus. We refer to the difference be­ tween the vote aTthe Dorr Republican Caucus and the sequence at the polls there on election day. MRS. C. A. KNIGHT and daughter Bessie, who has been spending the summer with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Brown, in this village, returned to the city on Monday last. They will occupy their new house, 8396 Calumet Avenue. 'JOHN WIEDEMANN has removed his larness Shop front Rir.gweod to Stron- irY building, oppoelte the West Mc- IearyJ£ost OBco'We re he ran here- alter bo round reaoy to attend to ail business In hie line. Kead his adver­ tisement. THE newspapers report a man, who was 91 years old. walking nine miles ,to renew his subscription to a paper, It is the general impression among publishers that there are a number of subscriber* who are waiting until they §:*; i>. ".are ninety-oue years old before they come and pay for their paper. GREENWOOI> IS another of those .towns who concluded that there Is one or two persous in McHenry County capable of performing the duties per­ taining to the Circuit Clerk's office be­ sides the present Incumbent. Yet the Sentinel says it was sorehead Republi­ cans that did it. There must h#*es*ral such In Greenwood. DR» W. H. STENNETT, for many years General Paseeoger Agent of the Chi­ cago A Northwestern Railway Com­ pany has surrendered that department of later to take the poeltlou of Assis­ tant (lateral Manager of the same company. Mr. B. S. Hair, late General ,v- Traveling Agent of the Company "takes charge of the General Passenger Agency beginning with November 1st. Ws are under great obligations to Jesse •. Baldwin. Esq., of Chicago, for late Ales of New Orleans papers. Mr. Baldwin left Chicago on the night of . the 4th Inst, on business connected with InAirance Companies, and hss visited the citks of Cincinnati, Ohio, Louis­ ville, Ky., and New Orleans. He says • Itae South la wild over toe election, and while be Is not a bluer partisan, be has beard so anob rebel ywlllng la the past -few days ha would walk a oslle to see a THE Baptist society ef Crystal Lake and vicinity gave another of their pleasant entertainments at the hoice of Mr. Anson Thompson on last Fridiy evening. The occasion was one of much pleasure, inasmuch as tli9 object was a surprise to their pastor. Rev. Millard, who, from the time the pastorate had called him, has been one of the most Indefatigable workers. After supper was over, a purse containing the pro* ceeds of the same was presented, with the compliments and best wisees of his parishioners, by Mr. D. M. Brown. Twenty-five couples were present, among whom was Rev. Joel and Mrs. Wheeler, of McHenjy. The fact of Rev. Wheeler being present added much to the enjoyment ef the evening, he having been for so manj' years en g;tged in furthering tlie interests of the Baptist faith In McHenry Co. Every one seemed espeeUHy delighted to welcome him as well as his amiable wife to their circle of brotherly love, relief and truth. Rev. Millard accepted the gift of the society by a neat little speech appropriate to the occasion, after which Rev. Wheeler dismissed the parly with an invocation to Deity to watch over and keep tlietu intact as an association. G. Friday and Saturday only, Nov. 14 and IS, I will ofler 2,<KH) yawls of best standard Prints at 3 cents per yard, cash. Watch for bargains at HENRY COLBY'S. . THESchofleld Mfg Co., of20 Sout>) Canal St., Chicago wants agents to handle a Specialty. 100 per cent profit and a Gold Watch worth $75 given free. Write them at once and secure the agency. M. c. r. a. • • The next meeting of the M. O. T. A., will be held at Cary, on Saturday Nov. 15th, 18®4, at 9:30 A.M. All who are interested in educational matters are urged lo attend. A full programme Is prepared. Teachers can not aflord to miss the meeting. Reduced rates on the R. R., lor members who attend- HKNHY B. BAM)*-!*. I RR8. M. C. T. A. BELOW may be found the programme for the next meeting of the M. C. T. A., to meet at Oary, Nov. loth, begin­ ning at 9:30 A. M. This will be the second meeting of the jear, and a pro­ gramme has been prepared by the Ex-Committee which if carried eut will furnish an interesting days work. I am informed too, tiiajt the President of the Association Will make an earnest effort to secure reduced r»tes to those present who travel by R. R. Thlsfwitli the cordial invitation held out by the good citizens ot Cary slioaid insure a full attendance. PROGRAMME. Roll cull Respeinl by quoting from t>owell Music. First year in.Reeling Mr. Hirsb Phyaica! Geography first part ..Mis* Doerm* Second year in Nuinbcra Mafcgie Donnelly IMTERMISSIOK. Music Technical Grammar M- K. Lee Daily Secular I'aper in School Discussion Alextinniner m Hygienic Physiology first part. ...W. E. Wire The Teacher's duty outsi'le School-room Diacnssion K. L. Carr Querv Box •. Critics Reports Miss Florence Sessions FRANK L. CARS, COR. SRC. M. C, T. A. Walnut Extension per foot, at Justen Henry. 111. Tables 85 cents Bros., Me- Mens' all wool suits Chinchilla Overcoats only 95.00. Boots & Shoes sold below Chicago prl«e#at E. LAWLCS' MILK! MILIC! ' The best of Milk delivered part of the village is cheap as other man. Listen for the Bell. r % L„ HOWE. any per moil Number enrolled ........... ......40 Pressnt memtierahip 96 Average attetidanee per rent A*er^?e punctuality SS percent Itoll of Honor: Cora Paige 92 cent, Maud Van Slyke 90 per cent* IKTERMBD1ATB DEPARTMENT. . ' Knmber enrolled St umber attend ing now Sv Atieiutance, per cent ...98 Functuility, )>ercent ....9S Florence Searls, 95; Efffe Kennedy, 96; Nellie flill, 90: Maud Colby, 97; Alfred I'erry, 90; Chas. Nardquist, 96; Josie Wheeler, 95; Louuie Nina Wells, 96. * % PRIM ART DBFABTM8HT. Attenrtance, per cent... ......r.' I'uuctuaHty, percent. SI Smnlwr enr*Ue<l SI Number now present....^.,. M Names of pupils neither abseut nor tsrdy, whose deportment is 100 and scholarship average is 90 or over: Lon- tlie Smitti, Stella Morey, Mary Ourtls, Agnes Perry, Dora Colby, Frank Ser­ bian, Daisy Hill. Bernice Perry, Miles Colby, Willi* Neill,Nettie Jngenthron, Bay Lamphere. WEST M'HENRr DIVlSHMr. Whole Bumber rexistdrod,... ... v.; Present membersnip....-'.. . Average attendance, percent.. Punctuality average, per cent SS Roll of Honor: Eddie Granger, 96; John Ralston, 91; Chas. King, 90; Geo. Gilbert, 96:George Hanly, 90; Margaret McDonald, 92; Lillie Bieyor, 96; John Buss. 93; Oilie Blackinan, 92; Hanly, 94: Eddie Mead, 95; Nickels, 95; Bertha Nickels. 97. \ ! i To show the correctness of the Republicans in weighing the respective merits of the character and reputation of Messrs. Blaine and Cleveland; no record tlie verdicts of the most comp$ tent juries that can possibly be select ed to pass upon the subject--namely: the home acquaintances, neighbors and friends of the two candidates, as 8h<nvn by their vole. Mr. Blaine was indorsed l>y Carrying his own wsrd. Carrying Ids own city. Carrying his own county, • Carrying his own district. Carrying his own state. On the otiier hand, the people who knew the character of Grover Cleve­ land certified to the truth of the alle­ gations made against his character and lltnsss by casting a majoritjriof votes against him, resulting In Ilia losing his own ward, In his loosing ills own city. In his losing his own county. In Ills losing ii is own district. Iu his nearly losing Albany County, which gave a Republican, gain of over 2,500 over Garfield's vote, and which occured since he resided there as Governor. - The announcement that** Senator Conklin has been retained as counsel of the Democratic committee in tlie New York election count gives new interest to a speech ou Democratic frauds in New Yerk delivered by Seuator Conklin in 1879. Although Mr. Couklin's relation to the piesent investigation is purely a legal one. what he said five years ago is of inter­ est as showing what his individual opinion of New York Democratic managers is, So far as Republicans or the people at large are concerned, the Democratic clio fee of leading counsel wili l|e heartily approved, llr. Conk- ling will undoubtly do his best for his clients, but he will stoop to no trick­ ery, and will resoit to nothing that can be labeled dishonesty. Mr. Conkling may be a good hater, but be is as noted for his integrity as for Ills ability.-- Inter Ocean. 0&*Harry Moss, a well kuowu jour­ nalist of Pascagoula, Fia., died lately leaving a will i n which was the folio v- ing: "1 desire that my body be dressed iu seasonable apparel and placed on Its back with a pillow under its head, etc., etc.. in a sapling pen sufficiently close to keep out a mink and with a good roofslauting but one way; bottle of water on each side tightly corked, a door in the p«n fastened on the Inside villi a latch without any string to it. There I wish to be left lor forty days and nights. If, after that time any one chooses to bury me they can do so if they are certain I am dead, beside my father in the graveyard at Bermuda, but I doii't enjein it upou any one to bury me at all." It Is evident that the testator wished every precaution to be takei^against burying him alive. BQy A disease now coming into vogiie, especially among actors and persons who live lu the superficial whirl of life and fret their nervous systems, is the same which attacked the late Chstles Dehnonico; paresis, a giving away of the spinal nervous power, and finally of the brain. The person sfllicted with it is said to want to put his hands in his pockets, and this is explained on the ground that he is unconsciously giving support with his arms to falling spJnal integrity.--New York Tribune Broadway Note Book. Friday and Saturdav only, Nov, 14 and 15, I will ofier 2.000 yards of best standard Prints at 3 cents per yard, cash. Watch for bargains at HENRY COLBY'S. The Great Russian Remedy. If you are suffering with Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache. Ear- ache. Sor«throat, use Russian Liniment, For Sprains, Bruises and Chilblains it has no equal. From 10 te 30 drops taken In a little sweetened water with • xternal application will cure I'ain in tlie Stamach and Boweis also Winter Chalera and Choleramorbus and it is equally R4 goad for the Horse. For sale by all Druggist, Call for Russian Linimeut and take no other. F6R SALE OR RENT. Two houses in the village of Ring- wood. Terms reasonable. Apply at once to WESLBT LADD. Ring wood, Nov. 10th, 1884. ^ AUCTION ! Prlees for odd coats for yottng and Boya only,at E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotil. _ Earl Eldredge captured a large wild goose on the "Nlppersltik" one day last week. v c . The next Methodist sociable will be held at the M. E. f-arSKiuage,. «©*£ Fri­ day evening, Nov. 14. The bean bag sociable at Spenser Cotting's en Friday evening %vas nu­ merously attended and passed olf Very pleasantly. - Sunday evening Jack Cain attempted to ride a mule with the result of being thrown and cutting $uhe a gash over the left eye. Tlie festive mule will always get iu his diabolical *vork if you will give him a Chanc*. a Who would like to hear SH Perkins "gain? His favorite lecture this win­ ter Is entitled "The Philosophy of Fun." The committee of Uie G. A. R. Post at Richmond are in correspond­ ence with his agent with a view to getting him one night.' They are laughing at Hamlla Fenner for getting &adly hurt by trying to fnount a Democratic platform. It was Lon Beck's milk platform, we hasten to announce, for we would.uot slander ?o staunch a Republican Fen tier, by carrying the impressnn that he Is fooled by Democratic political heresies. Any one wishing to buy a nice and eomfor&sble heme, shoitild make a note of Mjrs. Abbott's advertisement in this paper. In wiilch she oilers the premises forrnKflyowned t>.V Dr. D. Delaney, at Solon, for sale. It jvill be sold ver3r cheap for cash--for a considerable less tllau it cost Mrs. Abbdttj an# less than It is really worth. V I } R. C. Bennett has j^st received from a noted breeder of Emporia, Kansas, one of the finest Light Brahma cock­ erels we have ever seen. It Is a beauty in every respect and wotild mark very near, it not quite, 100'ln the standard of excellence. R, C. has just finished a warm and commodious hen house for his pets and will have eggs early for spring hatching. His fpwls »ie pure bred as any in tlie State. ft Richmond Post, No. 286, G. A. It., are making arrangements Tor a course of lectures or other entertainments for the winter season of 1884-5, Corres­ pondence is being held with various lecture bureau", and lecturers' agents. It is now expected that tlie first lecture of tlie course will be given by Col. R. P. Fiudley. of Lebanon, Ohio. He is said to be one of the most eflective and popular speakers on the American platform. His subjects are "Slierman's March to the Sea," "Through the Carolines," "Atlanta to the End," "Gen. Thomas and Ills Campaigns," and a new lecture, subject to be announced hereafter. It will be the endeavor of the management of t his series of lec­ tures to procure only the *»ry huKt •! talent, and so be able to give the public something worth their time. , The excitement attendant on the election IIHS been so great, during the past week, as to absorb tlie attention of everybody. Business has been a secondary consideration. The very conflicting accounts of the first few days after election, made first one party jubilant, then the other. Not much bad blood was shown, although the excitement was intense. The only real fracas growing out of the cam­ paign was no worse than an ardent Democratic convert's getting a hard blow on the ear. When It became apparent that the result was so closc that an official count would be neces­ sary to decide it, the more sensible of both parties quietly "shut up" and patiently awaited the final summing up. Of course, during the campaign, hard thrusts were given and received whenever an opportunity ofiered, but those who got mad at such things, no doubt think better of It now, and we do not thluk any personal friendships are sundered on account of political difiereucos of opinion. Only a very foolish man would let political differ­ ences interfere with hyi personal friendships. We. most o||jag..can feel that we have made the best fight pos­ sible, and thU we will now accept wi thout kicking whatever result a fftlr count demonstrates. OPEN LRTTER TO A RICHMOND MOTHER. Lear Madamui-l shall not soon forget a conversation with you a few evenings since in which1 you were so good as to commend an article on Richmond bad boys, which appeared in thU column not long since. I shall not forget that you said such a warning to mothers had long been needed, nor shall I forget the look of motherly pride and trust on your face as you re- marke'l: "I am glad my bo}* is not one of that kind, and it would break my heart if he were ever to become such a boy." 1 remember, too, that you hesi­ tated when I asked you it you always knew where lie 8pei:t Ills eveni lgs. I respected and reverenced that mother love which shone in your face, ana which made you so trustful of your darling boy, and I couid nat find it in iny heart then,nor trust my lips to teil you the hard unwelcome fact that your love has made you blind--that you are deceived--and that your boy is one of tlie very worst of the lot who congre­ gate on the street corners evenings, jostling and impedlngtladies and others pasting by, and defiling the air with cursing and swearing and obscene taik. I tell you, Dear Madam, the solemn truth. Your mother love has blinded your eyes, and not yours alone, but the eyes of many other Richmond mothers. 1 could not tell you this if there were the least possible chance of the public's knowing whose bey is meant. But our conversation was private, and 1 run no risk of discovering your identity to the public by writing thii, ; |||s% to ftro not j'ou alone, but many more mothers who are also deceived. I tell yoy, as a friend, and in the greatest kindness that the only safety for your boy, and for other boys, Is to keep them at.hom*} nights, under your own cure and super­ vision, unless you know just where they a're going and what company they will be In. Ii may be a trial to do It, but are these boys not worth saving? They will grow up into noble young inen If kept out of bad associations for a few years. There ts a solemn cluty resting on you, mothers! The future of j-our sons is greatlv In your hands, and the best work you can do f«r their future h to ktep them at home nighli, IFor Sale. The house and lot at Solon Mills, Mc- Henry Co., 111., formerly owned by Dr. D, Delanev. Will be sold Cheap for casli. CalLon or address Mrs. E. F,. B. Abbott or Alfred I'avrie, I vanhoe, Lake Co-. Ill* or to Dr. S. F. Bennett. Rich­ mond, III. 10-lG-lm SHORTHAND BY MAIL, correspondence class fin phono- griYpTiy conducted by Rowell & Hlck- cox, Boston, Mass., is the oldest and without doubt the mopt successful class of the kind in existence. There are more thaii 300 members in at present We advlso those of our readers wht want to learn lite modern art-science, thoroughly and well, for practical purposes, to join this'class now. Tui­ tion fee received and" forwarded from this office. NOTICE. ' To persons wishing to attend the Fkt Stock Show hold at Chicago form Nov. 11, to Nov. 20, we wills sell Ex­ cursion tickets, Nov. 11, 12.13, 14,15 17,18,19 and 20, good to return until Nov. 31st. Price round trip 92.05. B. Buss, Agent To THE HOUSEKEEPER.--Insist on getting DeLand's Saleratus and Soda, and don't let your grocer argue you out of it. It will pay you In the end, and you will use no other. * .•The Book-Worm." y t A unique, handsome, and de!f£M4%lly readable little MONTHLY MAGAZINE, containing for tlie year over 300 pages and many fine pictui^s, all for 25 cents a year, is a recent characteristic pro­ duct «f The Literary Hevofution. Each number contains attractive selections fro n some noted book,--tlie last pre­ sents Prescott's famous chapter on the "Spanish Inquisition." What will interest a vasi number of book-buyers will he the regular mwnthly news of tlie Revolution's progress,--an enter­ prise iTiat. lias wrought wonders in the book world. A specimen copy of THE ROOK WOHM will be sent fre** to any address. JOHN B ALDKN, Publisher, 393 Pearl Street. New York. K Mean Business. All persons knowing themselves itv debted to me are requested to call and settle the same without delay as I need the money and must have it. All ac omits not settled at once will be left with a Justice fdr collection. PKTKB SCHAIO. WANTED. 500 Marching Clubs either Republi­ cans, Democrats. independents or Pro hibitiouist will do to march down to Fitzsiinmons & Evanson's store, look over tlwir nice clean stock and if prices are right, which they always are, buy a winters supply. Do not fail to call and see the splen­ did display of Millinery Goods Mrs. Nichols', Cook's Cider Mill. Two miles Northwest of Wauconda. is now pr«pared with TWO FIRST-SLASS PRESSES, to make your apples into Cider on short notice and in the best manner. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction in every par­ ticular. M, COOK. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Cloaks, Dolmans, Russian Circulars, Newmarkets, eei., new goods manu­ factured by first class and reliable houses only, Hrices no object. Sales more important, inspection solicited. F1TZSIMMONS& EvANSON JBarre Sat At Bonslett & Stofiel's.' _ Has just returned from the city with 1 fashionable stock of Cloths. Gents should keep one eye open for good fits. Store opposite Riverside Hotel, McHenry, Illinois. notice. ; ' Two first class tailors are employed by E. Lawlus, to please the people of McHenry with gnod fitting garments F^ Houck,of Bejoit, guarantees a fit or no sale. We sell men's scarlet all wool under­ wear at 80c a piece. BONSLETT A STOFFBL. Good Bedsteads lor 91.95, at Jutten Bros.. West Molleurv. III. Avoid the h >r*h. liritHtlna:. griping emunumiilx MI often sold as purstin^ medicines, and correct xii*• irregu htriilesof tlie bowels by the ot Ay r's ( ailiai lie Pill*, which are miM ai.d g'Mitle, yet through and st arching, in tlieir action. •"'"tftfrg'fclnslii' 'underwear ami IffdMery At Bonslett & Stoflel's. ® Wo call attention to our strictly puro uncofored japan tea, aud 60 cent* per tb. <}uara»Vteed as above or no pay, Bonslett & Stoflei. Finest line ot irishmen's lu tho Coun­ ty. in all colors ftnd qualities, if'Peiry & Owen's. • Dress Fl uinelsytflTciJtprs. at Perry & Owen's. \ Finest line of the new style ladles and Misses Cloaks iu the county at Perry & Owen's. As as purifier, Ayer's, Sarsaparilla acts directly aud promptly. A single bottle will prove it« merits. Many thousands of people are yearly saved from dangerous fevers by the exercise ®f a battle timely care lu properly cleansing the system by U80 of tlds remedy. The latest styles in Millinery Goods all kinds, can lie found at Mrs. Nichols' A large variety of new, fashionable cloaks, tight fitting Newmarkets, Circulars, from $2,50, §3.00, $5.00, $5.50, #6.50. 07.50, up to 916.50, which we match against any garment in this county, and guarentee the price lower than others pay at wholesale. These goods were bought for "spot cash" of a firm in distress, which enables us to ofler these unusual prices for No. 1 goods. BONSLKTT & STOFKEL. Underwear, both Ladies and Gents never was so cheap. We want to move them. Prices 1.0 object. Come and see. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. MILLINERY, Mrs. M. Schumacher lias just returned from the City with a large and well selected stock of Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Goods, Consisting in part of Laces, Buttons. Handkerchiefs. Beaded Trimmings. Lace Lamberkiiis tJriental Laces. Embroideries, etc.. to which site invites the attention of the Ladies ol McHenry and tlie surround­ ing counlrv. My Goods are ait selected with the greatest tare.Hiitl I will not be uodei-oM. t|u tli v o| good- .considered. My * lock of Millinery eompri«w»> the latest styles to newfound in Hie city, ev;tu Uui.Xi<uida- amU- loain Htore Near the Depot. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER* New Lumber Wagons All complete for $50 at the Wagon Factory of R. Bishop, McHenry, 111. Black Cashmeres Perry & Owen's. aud Dre&s bilks at Big Bargains !e Cloaks, Russian Circulars, Dol- mntis, Newmarkets, with or without capes, at astonishingly low prices. Also a large stock of children*' and misses cloaks from 95 cents to $5.50. We can and H'ill undersell everybody, without exception, on above goods, which our sales of 97 to this date can prove; and can make it 200 iu another week. We ask tlie closest inspection of goods and comparison of prices with other houses. Respectlully, BONSLETT A SrorvaL. For Site or Rent. The Brick Store opposite the Parker House, formerly occupied by G. W. Besley as a drug store, is oflered for sale or rent. Will be sold 011 long time or rented on reasonable terms. Apply to. B. GlLBERf. We*t Mc Henry, Nov. 6th, 1884. A Remarkable Escape. Mrs. Mary A. Dai!; of Tunkha-nnock, Pa., was afflicted l <r six years with Asthma end Bronchitis, during which time the best physicians could give 110 relief. Iler life was despaired of until in la^t October she procured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, when imme­ diate relief was felt, continuing Its use for a short time she was com­ pletely cured,gaining In flesh 60 lbs. In a few niout lis. Free Trial Hottles of this cct lain euro of all Throat and Lung Diseases at Henry Colby's Drug Store. I.urge bottles 81.00. The Novelty Wringer, only #3.()0, at M. Euglen's. Good fitting pants of'good cloth, al wool, only $5.00 Made by E. Lawlus NOTICE FARMERS. 0. R. McClellen of Genoa Junction, having purchased a liMt-cla^s Birtlsell Clover Huller, is prepared to hull clover 011 short notice and in a work­ man like manner, as I have had eleven years practice, I think I ought to know how. * ROOMS TO LET. I Have finished ofl tlie rooms In the second story of my block. In West Mc Henry, suitable Tor a family residence, and now ofier the same for rent. They are neat, new and convenient. " FRED SCHNORP ( ,}f£8t McHenry, Pet. 28th. 1884. ^ R. A. Howard, of the Red Front Mar- ket, near tlie Depot, lias Fresh Fish everv Friday, White Fish, Trout, etc. Afee A. MW* tJelebrat**! Ojrttar* Try Excelsior shirt polish, for sale oy Bonslett & St.oflel. "*1 FOR SALE CHEAP. One set of new Heavy Double Har­ ness. Will be sold cheap if called for at once. H.8,431usaQBT, McHenry, Ang. lato, 1884. . Vest collar and fan back Jersey's colored and black, at Bonslett & Stof- fel's. A good variety black and colored dress goods, new and cheap, at Bon­ slett & Stoll*I s. All wool school suits, coat, pants and vest |>3.45, at Bonslatt & Stofiel's. Farm For Sale. f oflfor my farm for sale or rent. I prefer to sell it. It is two miles from McHenry, and contains 292 acres. 10-12-tf MKS. IJ. C. GATES. GLASS I GLASS ! Wofceep Glass of all sizes constantly on hand Special sizes cut without extra charge. JOHN 1. STORY. New Cloaks, Dolmans, Russian Cir­ culars, Newports in great variety and lowest prices (110 old stock) at Bonslett Stofiel's. Men's all wool #10.65, $11.90, at uiM,4& TS. 96.25, $8.06 tousle tt JE Stofiel's. New Lumber Wagons All complete for #50, at tlie Wagon Factory of R. Blsop. McHenry, 111, Feed 813 Per Tort At the Fox River Valley Mills. 10-10-tf K. BISHOP. We cariy a good stock of Crocksry and China ware, Please examine. War ranted, Bonslett A Stoflel. We sell the well known, well made, well wearing Beloit Overalls and shirts, Bonslett A Stofiel. These Are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach of suflering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of tlie Liver, Bili­ ousness, Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organ, «>r who ever requires an appeti­ zer. tonic or 11111d stimulant, will always find Klci-tric Bitters tlie best aud only certain cure knOwn. They act surely aud quickly, every bottle guarranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. JSold at fifty cents a bottle by I1ENI;Y COLBY. Buekltn's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Silt Rlieume, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions. and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refun­ ded. Price 25 cents per box. FttJfJjttJe by Henry Colby. , Wheat Waned. WAHTKD. at the Fox River VWtt^y Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price iu cash will be paid. R. BISHOP, GO to Mrs. Howe's for Millltie^ Dressmaking. ,, SMOKERS, call for Barbfaa High Art." They have few equals. No trouble to show goods or ausi questions at R. Bishop's. v !? Buy the Estey Organ if you want thai best. O. W. Owen. Mclleury, Agent. City residences for sale. , Apply |<®: Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, III. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for Vtu. inery, Dress Making amy Fancy Goods. We carry tKelargest line of Cletb- sug in the market, and eur prices a*W alwavs as low as good goods can be sold Henry Colby. Far good c\ockery, glassware and Masbtis fruit jars go to Bonslett A Stof- fei'sA The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized.decidedly the best Wlra in the market, at John I.Story's. Tlie finest assortment of Bird Cafes in town, at John I. Story's. / Bishop's Roller Mills Ftoun For Sale in Wauconda, by C. E. Jencks. Try a Sack. It cannot tall to please you. Frauk's Polish for Ladies shoes will not rub oft or soil the skirts. For sale BY HENRY COLBT. Building Paper, cheap, at Joha I. Story's. • A fine assortment of very Sne Gran- inte Iron Wire at John I. Story's. FITS All tits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No flit® after first day's use. Marvelous cures Treatise aud 92.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr, Kline, 931 Arch , SU Pliila,, Pa. ;vl?S • * '* THE finest assortment o f S o w i n g - J Machine's to be found In the countyk at *«.;> * ". W. Owen's. The finest line of Silver and Plated / / Ware to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. IF you want anything less than tiie ; Estev Organ 1 can sell you one for #40 = and upwards. O. W. (JwEN ; We have just addeifan elegant line of dress goods, which are oflered at oui i usual uniform low prices.,Henry Colby For the prompt and certain cure of erysipelas, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, whichrls the specific endorsed by the most eminent medical authorities. See our stock of Boots and Shoes be*. fOre buying. PERRY A OWKN. - - Ftf I and complete line of Men's and" * Bovs"Clothing, at reasonable prices at*'* yi Perry A 'Owen's. "••• '• ^ We pay the very highest prices for all the,good butter and eggs you oa||" bring us, Bonslett & Stoflel. Wheat Wanted. * WANTKI>. the Fox River Vall#y M^lls. good Milling Whoat, for which'-, the highest price in cash will be paid.: fe. BtsHur. MfHenry, 11! , April !4tb. 1884 T •Please remember our . stock in| every department is very {complete... and tlH»t our prices are always tlies' IOWHSJ that c#.n in"i"'fwt wili ::mf> be undersold by any house in McHenry Co. Henry <\>lby. Five Pounds <of the Choicest Japan Tea for $2. Call and get sample of . Vhat i.^«e-v-aw^r.»Jr- v;: Jk GII.BKRT. E , J , . a - e r : . For the largest stock of Fall iiid; Winter Millinery to be found in the county, Mrs. II. II. Nichols'. | Feed $13 Per Ton ^ the Fox River Valley Mills* ^ ,. 10.10 tt • " It. XilSWOR 1 Creat Saving to Dairymen* | The use of one bottle of Dickinson's^ Cow Prescription will cause the cow to do-well after calving, will prevent Milk" fever. Garget, Horn ail, etc. Will cause an increase in the .flow of milk, and is worth one-half the price of the cow to every one using I', Sold by all Drug- •' .J j - i . , a f C. DICKINSON & Sow. P»ntitoai ltarriiigton, III. '• ; • For Sale or Exchange. One or two good houses, with good barns and other out-buildftigs^ good orchards, wells, cisterns, etc. ^ToU located near the Depot in West ne*~ Henry, together with land from one acre to fifty. Will sell very cheap or trade for a larm, or western wild land. Also a good house to rent. ' < 8. RA YMOKD. S West McHenry, Ilia. Late styles of transparent curtains, shades and lamberquics at Bonslett A Stofiel's. at lOoot For Sale. Cider and Pork Barrels at iUeoper Shop of Cristy, Walker & Co. Old? barrels repaired. Prices very reason*'* able. ROBERT WHITE. Dakota Illustrated, A 32-page paper descriptive 0? tl# Northwest and Far West and a County Map of Dakot-a sent free for S-ceat.^ stamp. Send your address to A. V. H. CAIIPKNTER, General Passenger Ageut "i Milwaukee. * Feed 813 Per Ton, At the Fox River Valley Mills 10.10 if f R. BI The Boss Barrel Chura, af Story's, • "i 'r'M Farm for Sale- undersigned offers for sale Farm, containing ^4 acres, sitl one m'le West ©f the village Henry, on the Woodstoek road. buildings, living water, plenty of? fruit, a 11U h ytiuitg bearing wrobard. )a well adapted fer a stock larui. Haa#3^<; to Kiiilroud Station and a Cheese FHC-;; tory. For terms and other particulars! inquire of the undesigned on thai premises,, . ^ tiniT d Una „ Mcllenry, Jtaly Jffth, ISM. 7 % An Editor's Tritouta. Theron P. Keator, editor of the Fart Wayne, Iod, G<xzettet wrrtea: past five year* have always- King's New Discovery, for most severe character, thos* of a milder type. I^i to effect a speedy cure. Tl ' whom I have recommend* it In the same high term been cur#d by it of^very had for five years, I cooll only reliable and suro< Colds, etc." Call at Drug Store and get aDMTMU] Largo s*ze 91,00. Cleaning and Re KeMirios oai .hf-l-LawlPfc

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