ON _ * f f j , \ - - i r m WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1,9 1884, Railroad Time Table. On and after M«nrlay, June '131, Tilling will i 88 Mcflenry station ::s below: lomo ••CTi&ii&v". / inner* !,ike Passnaxer 7.42 A. V ilea era take Espreaa JV... . .8:45 " S^mv* t.ake Freight ....... .I:i6f. M fteneva I/ike Passenuer $»'*•?,,? *-8:29 " » »T * » T»B fit J•?«»•"»% I.sk« Froiarht a. m leneva Lake Pa»*en#er . 9:58 •• Jeoera Lake Express........ 4:4*p. M " un<ra Lake Passenger 6:57 " B. Boss, Ajfent. Mclleary, III MA.SOXI3 MCIIKNKV T.ODGE, NO. I5» \, r. and A. Sf.-- Regnlar Communications the Saturday on or fee fere the full of the moon and every twe •reek* thereafter. OH AS. C. COLBY, W. M, XCBWRT CHAPTER tfo. 34 R. A. M --Ttegu- ir Canvocattons held on the second and fourth Fridays in each tnoneh. JOHN I. STOBT, H. P. f- A. ENGI.KN is to have a ltaffle for Turkey* at his saloon on Thanksgiving day. see the notice elsewhere. O. TO ELDREUGE l» building an addi- 'tion te his residence, putting a ne w roof on the old part'and otherwise Im proving It. JOHN HKIMER \* p-lntlng and decor ating tbe interior of his saloon in a neat and tasty manner. Geo. Curtis is doing the work. J. PBKOVSKT has his new building finished and ready for occupancy. He has newly painted the front ol his en- tire block, which much improves its appearance. BONSLETT D: STUFFKL are treating the front of tiieir store to a frefli coat Of paint, which will much improve its appearance. Ifl. Perkins and Frank Going are the artists doijtg the work. LOST, on the 23d Inst., between Me Henry and Griswold's Lake, a Buffalo Robe, nearly new, The Under will be ^'suitably rewarded by returning the Same to this office. I'RRSOMAL.. MRS. G. W. UKSLKT aud Miss Ef8e Gi)bert.\apeut Sunday lust J« Wauk*- «a».' - 'V ILL1RU Gouty, who was severtlv Injured by a runiwayieani, last w« ek. Is slowly improving. ^ .;-;s y- SlMOX <TOPFEL,W^|j^krm of lett & StofW, rej.iiVe* at the adesslnu to his family of a dXu^hter. FRANK CAtkix/and wife and J, S. Walsh and wife spent Sunday with friends in Wauconda. Do not fail to read the new adver- tnent of John I. Story, to be found in another column, in which lie otters Agricultural Machinery at cost. Farm ers, read it. It will save you money. WK have a new adveriiseiu-nt for O. W. Owen. which is unavoidably crowded out this week, but which will appear next week. Do not fail to read it, It will b« headed "A Ladies Gold Watch Given Away," TfIB Supreme Court has granted a supersedeas13i i tho case of James Dacy, sentenced to be hanged a Woodstock on the 21st,and A>SO in the case of Geo. Patilon, sentenced to be hanged on the same day at Bel videre. The aases will probably come before the court for consideration at Ottawa, next March, THE annual meeting FYF the election of o/Heors and teachers of tho M. E. Sunday School having been held, the Inauguration service will take placd next Sunday at 10:30 a.m. ill the churcl|» Programme: ' Singinar, under the direction of J J. Vasey. by the newly-elected Superintend- by Rev. Addre ent , J . J Vasev. A'tdres-. on behalf of the Teachers, J. K Basse It. Address by the Pastor. ROT. S. Searl. L w: Saturday, Nov. 22d; commencing at 9 o'clock, for that day only, we will offer 1000 yards dress Gingham, former price 12} to 15 cents, at 8 cents a yard; only J5 yards to one person. HENRY COLBY. REMEMBER the party and Skating » Tournament by the G. A. R. Post, t> f Nunda, at Ballot's Rink Hall, on ' Wednesday evening of next week, the 26th.. A good time may be expected; Music by the Janesville Baud. • WE would call especial attention to - the new_~advertisem«nt of G. L. Hub bard* Harness Maker. Nunda, to be found in another column. Read his "advertisement clear through and see if It win not pay you to call and see him. THE Schoffeld Mfg Cd„ of 20 South Canal St., Chicago wants agents to handle a Specially. 100 per cent profit and a Gold Watch Jwertli #76 given free. Write them at once and secure * QUARTERLY Meeting at the M. E. Church, Ringwood, beginning Satur day. 7:20 p. m. Preaching by the jpsst.or. Continuing Sabbath 2 p. in ' Preaching, At 7 p. m.. iovefeasti Preschlng by the new Presiding Elder, ,Rev. Van horn, fallowed by the Sac * raments of the Lord's Snpper. ; * Do not (ail to read the new* *^|S8r- t'sement of Price Bros.. Wauconda. to , tie found in another place in tills paper This firm are situated at the old stand •f R. Harrison, and have as well : selected a stock of Goods as can be found in that parr, of Lake county * which they are offering at prices to suit the times. * - R. BISHOP let the water out of the Mill Race last Saturday, and putting ill teams ;ind scrapers, lowered the same about two feet. This he claims will he a saving of water Iji running the Mill, and will also prevent the sand and dirt being washed into the water wheels. Mr. Bishop spares neither time nor ex pense in making improvements in and a r o u n d h i s M i l l , g&' 1^ >- : . GPLDINO BROS.. ' Waucond u iiars a new advertisement this week, which the buying public should not overlook. Their stock ror the Winter trade is complete, and comprises everything to be found in a general store, and their prices compare favorably with any. Read their advertisement and be sure to call when In so arch of bargains. ON Thurbday •veiling of next week, November 27th, will occur the Thanks givings Party, at Grand Hall,' Parker House, for the benefit of the Mclfenry Cornet Band. Anderson's celebrated ^Orchestra, of Janesvilie. will furnish y-tbt: music, and no one who attends can fail ol having * good time. Remember " the date and do not fail to patronize * the Band. Tickets only one dollar. ' 'WE acknwlejge the receipt from P. 'Lorillard & Co.. Jersey City, N. J„ of ' ,Ja very handsome picture entitled '^Representatives of Professional Base :,^B|tl in America." The picture shows the faces of all the prominent players whose names are familiar to lovers of f the pastime, and cannot fail to prove •of Interest to all. The plate Is by Root & Tinker, and is handsome £h to be hung in any parlor. THE McHenry Dramatic Club have re-organized and propose giving a series of entertainments during the winter, the first te take place about Chrlst-nas, at which time they will preseut tlie Drama of "Mosell, the Waif of the Sierras." This Club has no superiors as aniateilrs, and we pre dict will give our citizens some iutei- esting plays during the winter,^ The time of the first entcrtfetaifient and the programme will appear next week. • Great consternation is inanite9ted in the State of New York, by tlw manu facturers of Baking Powder. It seems there is a prohibitory law against adulteration; the standard being Soda jand Cream Tartar only to be used. There are only three manufacturers in the entire state that do not mix starch or flour or some filling, also ammonia, alum, etc. The most, important of the three is made by the great manufac<> turers of Saleratus and Soda at Fair- pert, N. Y., and called DeLand's Chemical Baking Powder, Yourgrooer McHenry Co. Agricultural Board 'I'iie Annual Meting of tlie McHenry County Agricultural Board will be held at the Court House, ii. Woodstock, on Monday, December 1st, 1884, for the purpose of electing officers for tha en. suing year. Let everyone interested in the good of the Society turn out. A. WHIGIIT, Sec. • THE RICHARDS BROS, have located for a few days in the Brick store, oppo site the Paiker Ho ise, where they are prepare I to clean'and dye Overcoats, Vests, Huts, Pants, and Dresses, or any other article of either Silk or Woolen. I'liey are experienced men at tlie busi ness, and will guarantee satisfaction in both workmanship and price. To any of our citizens, who have any of this kind otwork to do we take pleasure In recommending thftse gentiempf* to tiieir attention. F JOHN F. STORY and 'E. W. Howe have /rented Riverside Hall, and are now fitting it up for a SKating Rink. They are putting In a hardwood floor, and when completed will have one of tlie finest Rinks in tlie count)'. They pro pose to have it ready for a grand opening on Saturday evening ol next week, Nov. 29th. Due notice and the programme of the-opening night will appear in these columns next week. Tills is s,»me tiling that has long been needed here and we trust wiii be ap prec'ated by our citizens. " " ' Now that the campaign is over we propose to attend-strictly .to business, ant! niake"the PLAIVDEALER seond to no paper published iy tlie Northwest. The campaign lias IM«II, a warm and exciting one, our oppTiieuts have cap tured the'i'ort. ami have a right to reji»ict j." It may he that during tlie past few inontlis we have said some things that did not please the opposi tion. and if so we freely forgive them, and can assure them that we hold no hard feelings, s,nd hope to be on hand four ya;s heme and again giv^ them the best we have in the house. For the present we have not narteh to oAw politically. . ' • ' ' • ; GENTLE reader.,did you ever put in a mouth's time in a printing office, to say nothing about, years, worrying as to what you can write up for tlie paper, lose rest, pafence and llesh in an en deavor to keep hills paid up and want from tlie door, and have #500 or $1,000 owinjf to you b.r subscribers, any one of vvhoin w tuld dun you daily if you were owing t.liem, but w\o never think of calling an 1 settling witn you because you are running a local paper. If you never tried it, Mine tip and we will let you run the Shop a few months while we take a rest, and then if you don't say that, tlie hardest work you or any other man ever did was to run a local paper where the people never think of calling and paying, we will make you a pres ent of 920 cash, provided We succeed in collecting that amount. _ * MR. EDITOR:-- I b9g lea\*o to call the attention of our Village Board, to the shameful condition of some ' of tlie side walks on tlie most frequented streets in our village. For Instance the walk leading from Mrs; Schrelner's place'to the. West side post-office. It 18 a poor, oi l, brokeli down, board walk. Not as good as many that have been taken up during the summer and replaced by plank walks, and this too oti a gtreet that lias more foot travel on everyday than many of the new plank walks do iu a week. Wou!d it not be a just thi.ig for the village board to do to turn their atten tion a little while' to tlie Interest of the general public, even though in so doing they should be compelled to suspend individual Improvements and benefits for a season. Official action should not be governed by selfish feel- Tourst^';v; A CITIZEN. JUST as pres9 we re* coive the following sad news by letter: DIKI>.--At Kearney, Neb., Wednesday, Nov. 13th, 1S-H. of Diphtheria, WIUUIK, veangest son of liyron O. and Callie Smith, aged about IS years. Mr. ami Mrs. Smith were formerly residents <»f this village, and ttielr many relatives and friends in this county will deeply sympathize with tlieui in their bereavement. Willie was a bright and promising boy. the pride of his parents and grand-parents, and loved by all who ki ew him. and his loss, so sudden and unexpected, is a sad blow to both parents and friends. Willie was 6lck. but four days, being taken on Saturday and dying the fol lowing Wednesday. Saturday, Nov. 221. com nencing at 9 o'clock, for that day only, we will offer 000 yards dress Gingham, former price 12J to 15 cents, at 8 cents a yard: only 15 yards to one person. HRNKT DOLBY. The G. A. R. boys cf Nunda Post will give a grand Dance and Skating Tour nament in Ballou's Rink,Nunda, III., on Wednesday evening, Nov. 26tf?, 1884. Music by Smith's Janesville Band, Tickets, including skates and supper, 91.50. No expense will be spared to make ttiift the grandest party of the season. Let everybody come and have a good time. WM. BDTLBB. P. 0. TURKEY raffle, Anil Free Lunch All :Day. At A. Englen's Saloon. McHenry, ill. Ph'iity of t urkeys to be Raffled for and lots of fun ni*y be cxpected. All are invited to come out on Thanksgiving Day and see me, A. ENGLEN. EDITOR PLMNDEALER:--The follow ing was written to me by Marioii Smith, a girl not quite twelve years of age. Her father, Ueorgo W. Smith, removed to Dakota last spring. Marion at'ended the Ring wood school three years, and during that time received all her school education. We feel that her letter is creditable to herself, and her parents, and her teaclfer feels that he is honored in having such a pupil. *VM. NICKLE. HIGHLANDS OF POTTER CO., Oct 31, '84. Dkar TKAUUER:-- I have cxpected to go back to Ringwood te school, so have not answered your welcerae letter which I was very glad to get; but no at as I am not geing. I thought I would wiito again and tell you a little about how wo hare enjoyed It np here thisauminer. First I will toll you about a picnic we had. There was a party of thirty- eight people from Potter Co. went fera pleas ure trip down the Missouri river. We arrived ^t our tlrst stopping place, Forest City, on the same evening. It is situated on the Missouri and Little Cheyenne Rivers. The Little Cheyenne River runs in such a way as to torm a nntnbcr of Peninsulas upon which the people have built their residences, and there arc some lovely places there. We stayed there three uights. White there we went down the river ten miles to Bull's Island, and also to Medicine Rock, which is one mile east of the town. This rock is where*the Indians used to worship and pray for their sick. On the way to the rock we passed through a do* town, and one of the jroung ladies of our party shot one and got the dog, and Dr Stone (an other of eur party) and Gl."nn skinned it and she took the skin home. Those who tented with us were invited out te lea one evening, and all went but tilvnn and I, and they said they had a nice time. We broke camp Thurs day morning and drove down the river about thirty miles te Fairbanks. As we were going into the city we ware upon a very high eleva tion of land and ceuld look doftrn upen the city and the winding river, with the great Buttes beyond. The scene was perfectly grand. When f a and Dr. Stone were hunting a camping ground, the Dr. came near driving off into tfie river, thinking it was a level plane for it wa»after dark new, though beautiful uieonlight, but they concluded It was rather too damp and soft a bod, so camped on the hank instead, and in the night we ceuld look out of the door ef the tent and see the river and the high But,tea beyond, and some #f the company say they will never forget that view by moonlight as long as they live In the middle of the river is an Island belonging to the Indian Reservation, and the next day a number went over there hunting, and one of the young ladies shot a bird, and she took the wings home, as she was making a eel lection ef D ikota birds' wings -and she lost off ene of her rubbers, so she traded the other to an old squaw for a moccasin she had jus' finished for a relic. We left i he river here and went to Ocobojo. It is situated on Orobojo Creek. We stayed there 6ver night and heard so much about Fort Sully, we concluded to re. turn lo the river and visit the place. When we g«t In sight of the Fort, we ate ear dinner. After dinner we went up to the Fert, but it being Saturday the soldiers did not have te drill or ge on parade.So there was not se much to interest us as there would have been seme other day, but the soldiers did all they ceuld to make it plsasant for us. iur<d they seemed so glad to see any one outside the Fort. They tJave us water-melons, musk-melens, cantal- •Hpes, tomatoes and onions, to last neatly home, and the Chaplain tent us down some butter and eggs, so you see we fared pretty well there. From here we went te Spring CreeK, then on t<> the Indian Missies, where they have a chapel and school te Christalnizc and educate them, and I think they ought to be encouraged, for the Indians are cultivat- ing their fnrms, and they look as well as the white men's. Then we went on to Pierre, and we all thought it a very pretty place, and the most like an Eastern city of any we saw. We had been directed to camp In a ptr^ie- longing to the R. R. Co. before we got to Pierre so we went right there. It vfha a lovely place, large trees with their branches almost coming together,and forming a perfect shade over-head. Under foot it was kept free from brush and grass, so it was very pleasant torus. We stayed there two days and twe nighu, and would like to bave stayer a week, but bad to to on from there to Blunt, which is another very pretty town forty miles from where we live. We also stayed there two days and two nights, and then on home where we arrived at about half past ten in the even ing, being gone nearly two weeks, and having traveled about twe hundred miles. What do you think of that for a Dakota picnic? Glynn and I are going to commence studying and shall keep it up all winter. We have had a play-spell all summer, and Ma thinks it about time we were learning something. Pa don't know what he will do yet. .Maybe after one winter in Dakota he will be ready to go back to Illinois. I think I have written a long let ter this time and I hope you will think it will be worth answering, f*r I would like very much to hear from you again. MAKIOIT SMITH. Potter Co., Dakota. Saturday, Nov. 22d, commencing at 9 o'clock, for that day only, we will ofter luOO yards dress Gingham,former price 12J to 15 cents, at 8 cents a ytrd; only 15 yards to one person. HBMBT COLBT. c. II. Fargo's boots and «Uq by Bonslett 4b StoffeL shoes Twentjr-»lv« An«sw' lira Oig^-. rrom the New York Tribune. * A large black mastiff made the acquaintance of Policeman Trass in Avenue A on a stormy nlglit about throe years ago. The dog was hungry and the policeman^ fed lilin. After that night the dog visited the* officer on his post regularly, and gradually extended Ills acquaintance with mem bers of tlie force. In time the Fifth Street Police Station became liis home, and he was named "Policeman Jack." Among his warmest friends are Captain McCullagh and Sergeant Welsing. Jack spends the most of his time in their company except at night, when he patrols the precinct, rain or shine. Many of the patrolmen have found him a ready helper in running down escaping thieves or ruffians, and tor such service the dog Is credited on the books of the precincts with having made twenty-five arrests. Not long ago Policeman Fisher saw thieves at tempting to rob a drunken man, and started to arrest them, 'i'liey fled and Fisher gave an alarm rap as he pursued Suddenly Jack rushed past him,sprang upon the back of one of the thieves, and, fastening his teeth iu the man's collar, forced him to the ground in a moment. The other thief surrendered, and both prisoners were marched to he police station. Sergeant Welsing says that a few ntlis ago Jack captured a burglar in th)e rooms ot Frederick Bockel, in East Eleventh street, ttockel *as asleep when the thieves walked Into tlie house and opened the door of his bed-chamber. They were throwing some clothing out of a front window when Jack paseed along the street. The dog barked so loudly thnt Bockel was awakened. The robbers attacked Bockel, but Jack rushed iu and helped to capture one of them. The prisoner in that case was sent to prison for.tett years. An ex-policeman secretly took him to a barn in the Annexed District last Winter and matched htm tofiglit against a bull dog. He won tiie light. On another occasion the dog was made drunk on beer which was poured down his throat by some brewery men in One Hundred and Seventeenth street, but although ui-steady on his legs, he followed the first policeman he saw. When permitted to follow his own inclinations, Jack is a sober and ylgll- ant member of tlie force. „ A Radical Political Kconomlst. '"Thomas Stack," said the court, "you ought to be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. How can you stand at the bat> tliere and look me in the face? The idea of a gray-haired, intelligent looking man trying to put his foot iu the mouth of a law-abiding Htizen,*'. "Merely u p'litical arg'ment, sir; nuthin' more, 1 'sure jou," urged the prisoner. "I repeat, sir," exclaimed the Justice sternly, "that yon were attempting to insert your foot in a respectable man's mouth. He was on his back and in capable of resisting. It wfs shamend and cowardly.'*- • **• *^*' ';l#fe said tiiat free,trade would bal ance t'e producing status of i'e various nations," / ";/.c . . "And you kicked hlj» l&, Jhe stom ach?" ... "Then lie said t'e money which was raised by t'e Government and sal*ed down In t'e Treasury at Wash'ton was simply burglars' swag." "And you choked hi at wkji both hands "He denounced specific Katies, and d< clared t'e advalorem basis w as t'e only true theory of import ̂ taxes.'" "And then you tried to stick your boot heel between his teeth?" Tlie prisoner folded liis atms and threw back his head. "Well, your Honor," italerleid. "if I cannot discuss the tariff without having a policeman Interfere, I am ready for tlie IfasMIe. Give ine liberty or give tile " 7. • . • "Ten doHjr*," obfiirf«4J^e calmly,--New York Tte.rahl. % WAiiftOfV OA- EDITOR PLMNDEALKR.--We have met the enctnv.aml we are "their'n." At least It seems so at the present writing. Our Deine- cratic friends were evidently prettvconfident that they were all right, but dldn't7 |i«ite dare risk wiiiting for the count to be all verified, so determined to celebrate S.-iturdav afternoon and eveniug b the lirnifr of cannon and dyna mite cartridges. The Republicans had no partienlarobjection as victories arc old stories with i hem. They ree«srniz« the tact that very few of the present generation of the other fellows ever got there and may never again, and that the desire to celebrate the election of a president once In a lifetime is natural and proper. From the absence of news for a few weeks past in the local columns of the county papers it would seem as if an epidemic had slrucir the correspondents. While the death of naif a dozen or so of these lights might seem to be no especial calamity to those who have gained soiuemnes through tlieiu an undesirable notoriety, it is prolwible that no such event has occurred. We are an irrepressible gang, and now that the political fight is over and we can he assured ot spice for the publication of our effusions we shall endeavor to make uu for lost time, by working the local war path with renewed rigor. Fo» a presidential year there has been verv little political excitement in Wauconda this fall. Messrs. Collock and Fuller made politi- cal speeches in Mtintm's htll one evening, and a numlMir of Democratic orators ad dressed the people in the Old Hotel haM an- other evening. This comprised the speaking, there was a considerable uetting on Ohio and loi* nfol..*vin* l bill f«M4tuu;itelv no bloo'i was anea. The lu^al election aho\v$<l (kuic the town was nearly two to one Republican, (hat it had a few mugwumps, and two St. John men. Aclmngc hat been made in tho Waukegan stage mute, Mr. Judge retiring and Stephen D irrell going on. Peter Johnson has been hull ting a very line house on the corner opposite his present resL dence. Frank Morrison has returned from Xunda. In addition to his old jewelry business, he has a press and is doing quite a irade in job print ing. It is rumored that i>ns«ibly we may be favored with a regular Wiucouda paper in the not very distant future. Ziba Osinan has returned from tlie East, and we understand intends making Wauconda his liume again. "Shortly after Ambrose Seirles' return to Chicago from his visit here he filled rapidly aud die I. Ills b »dy wao brought here for in terment. Mr. and Mrs. Albert -now paid Wauconda a visit recently, A verv quiet wed ling ocnu-ired not long ago by which Miss Sarah Brand became Mrs. Lon Anderson Ben Barker has be»n verv sick at Morris, town, liis father went oil lo took after liis son's business, and is still there, A recent letter reports Ben much better. Next sattir lay evening, Nov. 221, the G. A. R. Post wiiLgive an entertainment in Maitnati Halt Tha programme will consist of aterre- oplioan views, speeches, music, etc. A number of new books have been added to the Book ilaunl circulating library. FORT HILL PRECINCT-LAKE CO EDITOR PI.AIXDEALER We are again called to mourn tli« loss of one of our early settlers, in the person of Melvlu C. Hamilton,who died suddenly at Slusser's Grove, on Friday, Nov 13. ot neuralgia of the heart, age J about fifty years. Mr Hamilton came to Lake Comity-iu 1838, a id has at difler ent times resided !II the towns of I.ihertyville. Grant. Fremont-tud Avon. IIo has Doen in the employ of T. C. .Zinsser inns? of th« time tor the past five years, lib leaves a ividow but no children. Sheldon Wood, late of tlie town of Fremont, lias moved to Halnesvllle. and now occupies the Avery'House. Mrs. Walter White lias been a'ck for some ilir-'u week* pa^t. but I hear that she is now convalescent. Miss Anna McVIaiion will commence t|ie winter term of the public school at Hal liesvtlie. Moud y Nov, 17th. T. (J. Slusser has gmtt? »o Iwwa. . Saturday. Nov. 22 I, o'clock, for that day only, we will offer 1000 yds l)r«*ss Gingham, former price 12$ to 15 cents, at 8 cents a yard; only 15 yards to one person.* - . * ' ^-Haiitaycjo^,. A Startling Discovery. Mr. w til. Johnson, of Huron Dak,, writes that his wife bail b- en troubled with acute Bronchitis for many years, and that all remedies tried gave no permanent relief, until he procured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, which bad a magical effect, and pro duced a permanent cure* it is guar anteed to cure all Diseases of Throat, Lungs, or B onchlal Tubes. • Trial bottles Free at Henry Colby's Drug Store. Largo Size 8L00. ADVICK TO MOTHRKS. Are you disturbed at night uid brok en «»f your rest by a sick child suffering snd itrylng with pain of cutting teeth? If so.send at once and get a bottle of Mrs Wln8low's Soothing Syrup for Njhlldjen teething. Its value is Incal culable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend open It mothers, there is no'mistake about it. ft cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu lates tlie stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation and glv'es tone and en- ersry to the whole system. Mrs. Wins- low Soothing Svrup for children tr*riiing is pleasant to the taBte, and Is tin prescription of ore of tbe oldest 'and lieu female physicians and nurses in the United States, aHd is for side by all iruggists throughout the world, f'tl e 25 cents a bottie. Cl.lck's celebrated grades flour, Graham, Meal, Oat Meal, for sale by Bonslett A Stoffel. An end to itfone Scraping, Edward She pai d, of llarrishurg HI., Cays. "Having reclovcd so much bene fit from Electric Bitters, I feol it my duty to let suffering humanity know It, Have had a running *oro on my leg for eight years; my doctor told me 1 would have to have tlie bono scraped •r leg amputated. I used. Instead, three bot»les of Elec ric Bitters and seven boxes Buckleu's Ainica Salve, and my leg is., now sound and well." EIec;rlc Bitttrs aro sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Buckleu's Arnica Salve at 35«. per box by ileury Colb/. "Spaflirda.v, Nov. 22J. commencing at # h*t4l*ick. for that, day only, we will offer 1000 yards-dress Gingham, lormer price .12J to 15 C'Miis, at 8 cents a yard;only ]& .-pe r*. »u, " UKNBV COLBY. Tlie rea 'ers of the PLAINDKALKR full.v appn-ci-ife the efforts made by C. F. Hall, the Dundee Cash Store man. Now to add still further proof that the Dundee Ca«!i S.tore. ol O F. Hall is bou id to |<»ad and lever follow in tli«* mat ter of g ti»d good< and low nrices, C. F. II til will place niton liis couuler> 100 pieces full St intlard Prints iu best s'yh\-» at 4v< per yard. An el' gant line of all wool Cashmeres, made to sell foi 62 00 will he 80Id at 75c per yard. L Mlies wr ippers, always 50c, at t;. F. Hail'-i for 37. (**Mit« undershirts thcrough'y good, only 25c each Re cent additions to our imuieiiKe stock of Ladles and Mis»es Cloaks, makes my stock -equal to the best in variety. The true secret of flull's success--and is told in two sentences--viz: buying aud selling tor Cash. Now C. F. Hall is getting trade from At$or,<juifi. Crystal I.ake, McIIent v, ami all poiirs up and d 1 >w• the rortd. fleets it on un'ii' only, ii- a ImD price dealer in gmxi Mdse. Now he w:ll -ell you cheap erilian an*' store iu ihe N'f»hlnv«. Well, in ord<yr 10 give you no rea*on for ip»* vhsitiiig me. I will make voli t;;e follAw'nitf pro|io-i 1 j.>ii• Cuf tills local out and go and ti ndi* vv^yi C. F. H ill, and if v'oii eomcon *'f h" Train."' he wi-'-f (Uinn y tw /'areln and our in ca$f. you trade twenty dollar*-. « flie fare from Alsro'iquiii to nunlee it l$c.'Nunda to Dundee 34c. -McHenry ' to llund-e 56c, Kitigwood to .Dundee G8t\ C. F. Hail is reaching our ior trade, atTTi 17? niflfre than s--ttjfties all that comes. Xow w want people to understand us fully. and ranpinbe^ to cat out and brine this local. Han v nt our f'-i'-iid* and cusio iners h ivi linked tTTe 171b. of ' sugar lor 91. but diil not hringto*4w loci I so could not get it. Remember C. F. Hall is a one price dealer under all circmustances 1 you buy what you don't want at, Midi's, take it hack and get vounhonev. Store 22x140, by far die largest and finest in i dissect ion, and ft is full of Mdse Low expenses, no rent, selling goods so cheap that rhey sell them selves, enable C. F. Hall to carry out liis cash plaii, and sell goods cheaper than any store in the Northwest, Go and see C. F. Hall. A good lunch served to customers from ^ distance, always at twelve o'clock. Walnut Extension Tables 85 cents per foot, at Jniten Bros., -West Mc Henry, HI. Mens' all wool suits $4.00. Chinchilla Overcoats only 95 00. Boots & Shot* gold below Chtcago prices at E. LAWLUS' Merino Bucks for Sale. A few good full blood Merino Bucks for sale. inquire of D. E. SATLOH^ three miles west of McHenry. Will be sold cheap. From $5 to $15 per head . If people troubled with colds, would take A.ver's Cherry Pectoral before going to church-of daces of entertain ment, tli-y 'would avoid coughing, greatly to the comfort of botli speak e rs and hearers. Public speakers and singers fltnl that the Pectoral wonder fully increases the power and flexibility of the voice. Good fitting pants good cloth, al wool, only 95.00 Made by E. Lawliu Ayer's Sarsaprllla works directly and promptly, to purify and enrich the blimd, Imp ove the appetite, strength en the nerves, and brace up the system It Is In lie tni»st sense an a Iterative medicine. EV 'iy invalid should give fcrtg^'fv. '-y-P MACHINERY AT COST. Having on hand a quantity of Agricultural Machinery which I desire to close out at once, I now offer to the farming community Plows, both Hiding and Walk ing, Corn Cultivators, Corn Planters, Hay Tedders, Hay Rakes, Hay Carriers, and Har poon Forks. Also Wooden Pumps and Tubing: for same, and other farm Machinery and Tot Is, at prices that will pay them to invest now. This Machinery is all new and from the best manufacturers, and will positively, be sold AT COST, As I want close it out at once.4 - John I. Story. lftHtatiry, III., Nov. 19th, 18S4. _ • For Sale*. The house and lot at Solon Mills, Mc Henry Co., 111., formerly owned by Dr. D. Delaney. Will be sold Cheap for cash. Call 011 or address Mrs. E. F. B. Abbott or Alfred Payne^ Ivanhoe, Lake Co.. III., or to Dr. S. F.'Bennett,. Rich mond. 111. 10-16-1 m New Cloaks, Dolmans, Russian Cir culars. Newports in great variety and lowest prices (no old stock) at Bonslett & Stoflel's. WANTED. 500 Marching Clubs either Republi cans. Democrats. Independents or Pro hibitionist will do to march down (o Fiizslmmous Jfc Evanson's store, look over their nice clean stock and if prices are right, whlcii they always are. buy a winters supply. Do not lAll to call and see the splen did display of Millinery Goods at Mrs. Nichols'. E Lawlus Has just returned from the ci ty wltli a fashionable stock of Cloths. Gent* should keep one eye opey for good fits. Store opposite Riverside Hotel, McHenry, Illinois. Go to Mrs. Howe's for MSttitVif Dressmaking. SMOKERS, call for Barblan High Art." They have few eqita . . • No trouble to show goods or^tgiatW j questions at R. Bishop's. ;• V ' Buy the Estey Organ i r ydu wane tit best. O. W, Owen, McReury, Agent. City residences for sale, AppI? t# j Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111.- - . , .'-.f|i "" Go to Mrs. M. Schumseller's for Mill- IS ln*»ry, Dress Making and Fancy Goods. -c^ We carry the largest line of Clotb- sng In the market, and our prices are ' | always as low as good goads can be sold M? Henry Colby. The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain < and galvanized.decldediy the best Wire in the market, at John I. Story's. ;: The finest assortment of Bird Cagea iu town, at John I. Story's. • Bishop's Roller Mills ?!•«•*, For Sale in Wauconda, by C, It. Jencks. Try a Sack. It cannot tall Mk ^ please you. ^ Frank's Polish for Ladles shoes will ^ not rub off or soil the skirts. For sale : B? HEARAY COLBT. Building Paper, cheap, at Jstiik Story's. . . A flue assortment of very fine Gran* Inte Iron Wire at John I. Story's. FITS All tit's stopped free by Dr.? Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, No fits after first day's use. Marvelous cures ; Treatise and'92.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch ' St , Phila,, Pa. New Lumber Wagons All complete for 450 at the Wagon Factory of R. Bishop McHenry, 111. Black Cashmeres and Dress silks at Perry & Owen'6. We sell men's scarlet ali wool under wear at 80c a piece. BOHSLBTT & STOFFEL. FOR SALE CHBAP. One set of new Heavy Double .Har ness. Wili W soM cheap It called for at once. H. S, GBBOOBY. McHenry, Aug. ttto. 1884. GLASS ! GLASS J * We Keep Glass of al I slaes constantly on hand Special sizes cut without extra charge. JOHN I. STOUT. New Lumber Wagons All complete for 960. at the Wagon Factory of R. Bisop. McHenry, : Peed SI 3 Per Ton At the Fox River Va.ley Mills. lS-lo-tf It. BISHOP. highest prices eggs yon for can We par the ver#v htg all the good butte'r and bring us, Bonslett & Stoffel. Wheat Waned. WANTKD. iit the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which tlie highest price iu cash will be paid. R. BLSHOF. McHenry, III., April 14th, 18S4. Men's all wool suits. 96 75.96.25,98.04 910.65, 911.90, at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Good Bedsteads for 91.96, at Juste 11 Bros.. West McHenry. III. t Finest line of Cashmeres In the coun ty. in all colors HIIII qualities, at Perry & Owen's. TMF finest, assortment of Sewing Machines.to be found in the county, it O. W. Owen's. 1 The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found in t he county, at 0. W. Owen's. IF you want any tiling lees than 111* Estey Organ I can sell vOu one for $40 aud upwards. "O. W. OwEN We have just added an elegant lino of dress goods, which are offered at out usual uniform low prices. Heury Colby See our stock of Boot* and Shoes bo-:: Tore buying. PEKRT & OWRW. ! Fu*l and complete line of Men's and Bovs' Clothing.-at reasonable prices at Perry & Owi-n's. \ Wheat Wanted. --V, ^ WAKTKD. at the Fox River VtSlloy . "S Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which „ "') the highest p-iee in cash will be paid.- ^ R. BISHOP. McHenry, III., April 14th, 1884. Please remember that our stork in every department is very complete * v and that our prices are always the. lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by any house In McHenry * ' ' Co. Heury Colby. ̂ V; * Five Pounds of the^ Choicest Japan 1 ,^§ Tea for 92- Call and get sample of- what 1 give away, J ^ •3 B. GILBERT. 'T '-'I For the largest stock of Fall aad^ Winter Millinery to be found inlhs* * county^go to Mrs. II. H. Nichols', M Dress Flannels, all cwlors, at Owen's. & Finest Hue of the new style ladies arid Misses Cloaks In the- comity at Perry ctOwenV. Tlie 1 a feat styles in M illinery Goods luTRinde, can lj« found at Mrs Niehols' . For Siie or Rent. " W liriek Store opposite the ViWif^r House, formerly <1 copied hv G. W. Besley as a drug store, is offered lor sale or ren . Will he sold on long time or rented on reasonable terms. Apply to. B. GILBKKT. West McHenry, Nov. 5th, 1884. The Novelty Wringer, only #3.00, at M; Englen's. MILK I ^MILK ! The be?t of Milk delivered at any part of the , vlllNge is cheap aa any other man. Listen tor the Bell. _ A, L. Hows. NOTICE FARMERS. G. R. McClellen of Genoa Junction, having purchased a ffnr.-class Blrdsell Clover Huller, is prepared to hull clover on short notice and in a work* manmanner, as I have had eleven years poetise, I think I ought to know how. Everything in the Hardware line at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe 's. FOR SALE OR RENT, v i- >T#o houses in tho village of King- wood. Terms reasonable. Apply at once to WESLBT LAPD. Ringwood, Nov. 10th, 1884. AUCTION ! Prices for odd coats for young men and Boys only,at E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside I^otel. .. , ------ "i ' Wall Paper, at Perry & Owen's. The Great Russian Remedy. If you are suffering with Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache. Ear ache. Sorethroac, use Russian Liniment For Sprains, Bruises and Chilblains it has no equal. From 10 to 30 drops taken In a Utile sweetened water with external application will cure Pain in the Stomach and Bowels also Winter Cholera and Choleramorbus and it is equally as good for the Horse. For sale by all Druggist, Call for Russian Idiiimeat aud take ao otlMlir, ; Peed 813 Per Ton • Ar the Fox River Valley Mills. * to 10. tt it. Bisaor. * -Great Saving torjDa«ry mw The use of one bottl« of Dickinson's Cow Prescription will cause the cow to do well after calving, wilt prevent Milk fever. Garget, Horn ail, etc. Will cause an increase iu tlie Sow of milk, and is worth one. half the price of the cow to ev«ry one using i'. Sold by all Drug gists. ' C. DICKIKSOK & SON, Propiietors Harrington, III. . J. > Por Sale or Exchange* ' One or two good houses, with good barns and ether out-buildings; good orchards, wells, cisterns, etc. Well located near tlie Depot in West Mc Henry, together with land from one acre lo fifty. Will sell very cheap or trade for a farm, or western wild land. Also a good house to rent. S. RATKOHO. West McHenry, Ills. Cleaning and Repairing done In lbs neatest manner, by E, Lawlus. . ' "For Sale* .< • Ciderand Pork B a 1 re Is atOaoper, Shop of Cristy.,,Walker & Co. Old barrel* repaired. Prices very reason* able. ROHKRT WHITE. - I •;> V * S J % ) , Dakota Illustrated, A 32 page paper descriptive of JfcibiC Northwest and Far West and a County Map of Diko'.a sent free for 2-oent stamp. Setal your address to A. V. H, ('AKFi NTKR, General Passenger Agent Milwaukee. Peed 913 Per Ton A t tlie Fox River Vali«,J*"HITflB. 10.10 TF A BISI IMie Boss B.irrel**"Churu. at John ^ Story's. -,1.*^ . ' . Parrn for Sale- The umlersigued ofters for sale bit Farm, containing 204 acres, sitaaf one tnsle West ef the village Henry. »u ihe Woodstock road. buildings, living water, plenty of fruit, mid ayouiig bearing ondtif^ well adapted f»r a stock farm. to Railroad Station and a Chew] tory. For terms and other oarllf inquire of tbe undesigned premises. NOT1CB, Two first class tailors are bv E. Lawlus, to please the : t. Mcllenrv with g>od fitting '|1>«iwmv F. Ilouck, of Belolt, guaranfeesa, |U or no sale. / « ' V ' A - ; - ' . MlLLlNEHy. . Mrs. M. Scluitnachcr has just returned #'•: from the City with a la.'ge and well t-': selected stock of Millinery aod Furnisliing Gooils, Csiuistittt;^!!^ of Laces, Buttons, Hani Beaded Trimmings. Lajje 'oriental Laces, EmbroiJerief. et whicli slie invites tiie a?te,iti<M» Ladies of McHenry and the sill lug country. My Goot5? are all with the greatest care, and I undersold, quality of £oods constdMf* My stock of Mi|)ine;*y comprtti|p:.|lB latest styles to he feu ml In tiw #!<$» Call, exatr i tie Goo# and learn PritM. Store Near tit* M SCHCMACgMU BuckHn'aArnloaSalv*., The best salve In tho WflNr^r Bruises. Sore*. Ulcers, 8>t| Fuvir Sores, Tetter, Cbi Ohilblalus, Corns, and tlosts. z::d podttfeiy pay reqjttireil. " perfect satisfact ded. Price as For Salt by Henry