Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1885, p. 4

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IT, JAN. 7, IS85. KE, Editor. trees is about to take anotli- way of chcap postage, letter postage lias that it Is thought Ik will encourag# Congress to jflKr. Bingham's bill Insuring the it of single postage letters to one Instead of one-half ounce a« It may also result in the passage 111 reducing local postage to one •flFAt Springfield, Tuesday evening partie* held caucuses for the nom- t too of officers of the House. In llralOcratic pow-wow Cronkrlte •nil Haines were placed In nomination for Speaker, OB the Qtmt ballot Cronk­ rlte Tveeived 39 votes and Haines 32, and Cronkrite was declared the nom­ inee. The Republican caucus nominat­ ed the Hen. C. E. Fuller, of Belvldere, Boone county, for Speaker by acclama­ tion. The Republican Senatorial cau­ cus nominated W. J, Campbell of Chicago, for President protein, and Jthe Democrats the Uon. Henry Setter. give a brief histofy of I«er guests, ami made several inquires rega»-<llng the health of members of the different families whlcii were represented at the tubes. For once Michigan was mystified and four pair of ey«*s looked with astonishment at the shinning globe owhich appeared to possess so much knowledge. Again and again puzzling questions were asked of the unseen lady, and e»cli was in turn an­ swered correctly. For many minutes the Michigan people monopolized the ball, and mare than one of the party experienced a feeling akin to supersti­ tion as they thought over the mystery and endavored it) vain to solve the problem. Mr. Rice, of of the well- known Arm .of Rice & Moore, was one of the puzzled party, and endeavored before leaving the museum to induce an attache of the establishment*!*) re­ veal the secret. But his efforts were unsuccessful and they returned home wltb the mystery unresolved.--Herald. AUCTION SALE. mm Kv ^ The AMlst&nt Secretary of the In­ terior--Ron. M. L. Joslyn--lias ably ^conded ill of Mr. Teller's acts of jus­ tice to Midlers, and deserves eqnallv well It tbeir hands. He will of course retltHLWith ills chief upon the advent of tlflpiew administration. We sincere- ly heiifcthat the people of his District in Il||||ta will return him to Congress, and fnft soldiers should inaugurate and press forward to success suc«i a move­ ment in his behalf. Tbe above from ttie National Tribune In connection with a Well-merited tri­ bute paid to that stanqch frlenl of our ex-Union soldiers, Hon, Henry il,.Tel­ ler, Secretary of the Interior, we heartily endorse- Of the Hon. M. L« Joslyn It ciK truthfully be said tliat lie knows well what It was to have born "the heat and burden of the day" In tin* of actual war. Entering the service almost among the first to re spond to the call for troops in 1861, he remained until bis health was broken and served with distinction in that gallaut regiment, the 36th Ills. He was popular as an officer and left the service only when his failing health permitted bim no longer to remain. The honorable position Mr. Joslyn now holds he is well qualified to fill and adapted for; and never has the office of Assistant Secretary of the Interior been presided over by an abler, more humane and patriotic public official than at the present time. All of his official acts are tempered with justice to all concerned, and those that "wore the blue" will lose a true aud zealous champion of their rights when he shall retire from office. Besides being the >ldier, their widows, indent relatives. Mr. ly fair as far as unearned with tbe lie has been painstaking tin the exact and true facts in •r appeals of whatever nature bfonght before him, to pass upon. His decisions so impartial and reasons for such defined so clearly that any who have read them cannot but conclude that bis appointment was an excellent One. Mr. Joelyn's part in deciding any matters pertaining to pensions all y»na«4r strongly of good common sense and it can readily be perceived that he does not consider all claimants falsi- fleis and cheats until such has been proven aga'.nst them. He has been long enough in the practice of law to perceive the first intimation of fraud and is as excellent judge of human nature even though he may arrive at condnsions upon the explanation of proof furnished and personal state- ments made by those whom he has never set eyes upon. In consideration of these facts the writer hopes with tbe National Tribune that so capable and good a pnbltc servant as Mr. Joslyn has proven himself to be, shall, when the proper time arrives, be tendered position of trust and honor where his services may be appreciated by all for Whom he has labored and hereby done his whole duty. The undersigned will sell at public auction on .the Jason Converse place, on the old Piank Road, one-half mile west of thd old Goodale Tavern. Lake County, on Thursday, January 8, 1385. Commencing at 10 o'clock, a. in., the following property: One mare vtiLh foal, 1 horse aud one mule, 2 yrs old, 6 cows wirh calves by their side, 6 heifers 3-yrs old, I Hoistein bull, 1 Jersey bull, 15 slioatS. weight 14t pounds, '12 shoals, weight, 120 pounds. 400 bush, oats, 450 bush, corn, 40 bush, wheat. 40 bush, •timothy seed, 20 bush, seed corn. 20 ton tame hay, 17 tons upland bay. 1 stalk stack, 1 straw stack and timothy stack, wagon, 1 pair new bob sleighs, 1 corn plow, 1 Iron beair. plow, 1 diamond teoth plow, 1 rtrag, I hajr rack, 1 eook tove, 1 clock, 1 barrel eider, 2 bushels pumpkin seed. TKKMS OF SALE:--All sums of Ten Dollars and Under, cash. Over that sum a credit nf ten mouths will be given on approved notes at 6 per cent interest. Two per cent ofl for cash. C. LUSK. WALTER WHITE, Auctioneer. * The uo. admims-1Instate li signed trator of late of Die mMMtiyw iWHonr#, an«t Illinois, hereby give notice that ho will ap­ pear before tiffe Canst? Oo'wvt of McHenry Couiiiy, at the Court House, In Woodstock, at the March Term on tiio Hunt Mon<tay in March next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate, are notiiied and re­ quested to attend for the purpose of having ine same adjusted. All persons indebted to 8.1 id Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated Clh day ofJauuary A. !>., kksft, WM. WJCLCH, Administrator. New Clothing, slett & Stoflel's. 'patented," at *,Bon- An Old Settler Proposes to Se Out. The undersigned, after an. active farmers life in this Town for over forty ears, new o3ers for sale his home farm of 4!2 acres, situated on what is known ts Ladd's Corners, one mile northeast of the village of Ringwood. Tliere is ?ood dwelling, four barns, three good wells of water, and in short it is one of he most desirable farms in McHenry County, there not being a foot of waste iar.d on the place. There is about 275 acres that has been under the plow and there is 70 acres good timber. Will be sold for $75 per acre, and possession given as soon as the crops are gathered. Also 80 acres in the Town of Rich­ mond, about two and a half miles from the above described farm. If the land is sold all my personal property will be «old at private or public sale. Also 327 acres of land in Dunn County Wis, 247 acre& of which is one piece aud within two miles of Downsville, a railtoad station,aud 80acres in another. Is finely located and will make a valua­ ble farm. Will sell the 247 acre piece for $3,000. The 80 acre piece for 91,000. Also 60 acres of land in Mitchell Co.. lowa, under good improvement. Is situated a mile antra half from Stacy- ville. Price $1,500. For further particulars inquire of the undersigned, at Ringwood, 111. WESLEY LADD Ringwood, 111., July 22d, 13£t. 10.1-im PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTI C, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs la the line of I>i?gmg Weils, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or will put iu New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work In this line. Can furnish yon a new Pump, either VM1 or iron, warranted, as cheap U any other man, Good references furnished' if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired era new Pump, gi ve me a call, *S*Orders bv mail promptly attended to. Post Office, Johnsburgn, 111. L. BANTES. Johnaburgh, 111., May 25th, 18W. JOHN WIEDEMANN, HARNESS MAKER WEST McHENRY. ILL. ' On hand at all times to make on shert notice Single or Double Harness,of the best material and warrant satisfaction. RhPAIltlNO promptly attended to. 8hop opposite West McHenry Post Office. BATRONA OE Si ELICITED, John Wiedemann. . ' * jHSHm.. r-r " jspf ' " * * " H/mNESS! HARNESS! Men Out lo Dm#. I recognize 110 competition. My store infilled from top to bottom. Heady- made goods on hind at all timet*: Here is the difference be­ tween Cash and Time: ' # t * SPIME ; * .#34.00j CASH .."•30,00 B*#t Harness for B«»6t Bridles 4.50.,. Best Inch Lines 3.60.. Hame Straps, two foi%;.,i:»;^"^»*** 30,/..........'. Breast Straps, 1} Iuch 65............. 11 a 111 e 8 .:. .-.v. «* a . . * t t4 . . . • 75. , • • . • «. ft • • Heavy Try Reins ...V............... 36 Five Kiuj^ Halters.OS.,,.*,.**".*'1*.... Horse Blankets, No. 1........... 2.26 ............ Collar, Hand-Made a.50i4.b.vV..... i "-w '* • " ' " "" r ' r I «r> - C. L. HUBBARD, Nunda, III 3.0» m -• S.F, 90S?: a.o» i Of W fiuoouda and Vicinity a want to see one of the Largest and best Assortments IN RIVERSIDE BLOCK, * , ; i ^ • WVe ^ .K5f- A • . "•Jj "• V JMh 1 '•* **'• ' " - V* '^m ,)f-. - * , ; I SHORT HAND BY MAIL, s Thoroughly taught by practicAl stenograph­ ers in Rowe'll A llickcox' Correspondence Glass of Phonography. Tuition (S a term (IS lessons) two terms in the full course, The most popular, the largest, the oldest, iroet re. liable class of shorthand In existence. Through it hundreds have acquired a thor­ ough 'knowledge of Phonography. Write fflflf particulars :ind ciiculnrs. B0WELL & HICKC0X, Boston Mass' American agents for Isaac Pitman's Phono* graphic Books, and dealers in all Shorthand Books and supplies. Io Mctleiuy or Lake Counties, at prices that distance all coj petition, call at , H. Mftiman', Waucoadi. 'WILL NOT EE UNDERSOLD," IS BIS MOTTO Olothinjr fth* Men, Youths and Boys. Also a tall line o| Furnishing Goods, Hats, (Taps, Boots, Shoes, K» ALSO A LARGE STOCK OP MeHENRY, II.I*r l.-.i • * f To sll mv fKenda and the pnbHc lii gwief.!; portunity ot wishing you a happy and prottperous New Year. I am pleased to announce that I nave made arrangements to occupy two columns of the PLAINDEALER for the year 1885, through which to inform the public, thaa I am again a candidate for their favors and patronage, 1 appreciate your trade and hope that by honest, squarl dealing, and uniforai low prices to, in & measure, merit a continuance ot the w»me, ^ssuring yon that I shall at all times have on sale one of the largest and most careful! selected stock of 'T!-- : ' f v • 1 * J ' * General Merchandise CLOAKS A1TD Which will be sold cheaper than can be found elsewhere in the County. , We mean business and are bound to please vou if you call. Also Age tit for the New Home Sewing Machine* Has a full and selected stock which she invites the ladies of examiaoaudJ.amprioag. , " Wauconda, Dec. 9 th, 1884. Having recently fitted up our snop neiir the \>ri<ige, we are now prepared to furnish our customers with resli ni Salt Heats, OF ALL KINDS, Sausage, Smoked Maas, &c.9 -AT THE-- f Lowest Living Prices. We buy none but the best ot Meats, and flatter ourselves that we can offer our cus­ tomers meats in better shape than any other sbo'p in this section. Thankful for past favors we solicit a con- tiuuanseof the same, and we will guarantee to satisfy yon both in quality and prroe. A. M- FRETT. McHenry, III., March 17tb, 1884. C. H. Farpo Boots and Shoes at Bon- slett & Stoflel's, I BED B„ NEAR THE DEPOT, McHenry You Will Again Find, 8. U Uncle Ben." At all hours ready to show^old amKQtners and new ones a choice line of FBUHS, SBOCEBIES MD mmms. To exchange forthe Produce of tbe Country or even Oash, fat <Uat it worth, - Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public to my Stable of Stock Horses, four in uuruber: two Morgans, one 3-4 Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep io r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, on Sunday. 10-7-tf No business idone N, S. COLBY . MCHENRY, ILL A. J Having fun with the Visitors A HM|in P*rty has an la ter e.ttt* Tln^e Trying to Solve a Little 1.'"w ' Mystery. A party o f ladies and gentlemen n froBi Grand Rapids, Mich., strolled in­ to tbe New Dime Museum on Ran­ dolph street yesterday. They climbed to the fifth floor of the building, and after admiring tbe harmony which , prevailed among the dogs, cats, coons, ttOttkeyB, pi?s, porcupines, and other members'of the "happy family," and fotiprvtewing Minnie, the sea lion, the caatea of rare birds and animals they <to|N|»Qded to the gallery of wax stat­ uary, examined ibe handsome sped- of (the taxidermist's skill, and varied allurements. In the tiftf the hall they discovered a la«ge brass ball with trumpet-shaped tubes extending from it, aud immedia­ tely over ft a sign which read: "In­ visible Lady; Speak to Me." One of ttyl gentle men--Mr. Davis--at once ac­ id tbe Invitation, and placing his to tbe tube, said: -Hello!" a ipbone. "Good morning," came pleasant feminine voice iHM sphere. By this time the member* of the party had around the tubes and were : with Interest. With a pat- |eling for his Michigan liome, Is, tbe volunteer spokesman ty. inquired if the lady id' t ever heard of Grand Rap* tbe answer came that could give any desired illative to that city or its " Several questions were members of tbe party •wered by theinvlsble Coeds, Green anil Driefl Frnits, And in short everything usually kept In a first class Grocery, and at PRICES as Low as tbe Lowest, quality of Goods considered. SWThe Highest Market Price paid for all kinds uf Country Pi od nee. B. GILBERT. West McHenry, 111., Sept. 1G, 1881. IO-9-3m.. .. Culver House, RICHMOND. ILL. C. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVIN 3 recently purchased the above Honse, I have put it in thorough repair, with new furniture throughout, and would respectfully invite the patronage of the trav­ eling public and others. The uible.s will al­ ways be provided with the best thM can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all Limes to attend to the wants of guests. No pains will be spared to make tins a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premises. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. SALOON and RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Fins Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, . Bsst's Mwaaks BIN By the Bottle or Case. Wc buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me an|l I will use you w^ll. ANTONY ENGELN. * Meflenry, III., 1884. Tin; Book Hanoi Bali! Powfle COMPANY EOBERT' C. 3ENNETT, BREEDER OF-^-- Lijrlit VOWI.S UlCHMOM), ILL. (VIB8T S&EMIUM AT HclIEKHT COITKTY TAIR) M+ fowls are of the celebrated DUKE OF YORK strain, remarkable for their great size and laying qualities. I can show a trio of last season's chicks weighing 31 pounds Eggs, per setting of thirteen, tl.50, delivered to purchaser In Richmond, Shipped, securelv packed, 82.00. Ir ' * ROBERT g. SJSAWf. ot Fashionable Winter Millinery, Wauconda and vicinity to call and H. MAIM AN, Given Away | AT. O. W. OWEN'S. My business at home requiring more of my attention, I have decided to stop canvassing tor Sewing machines, and in place thereof to offer inducements (pi. buyers to come to my St* re where I can snow tbe in a Largr Varity of Suhb 8 Than can be jennd in any other store In tha Northwest. My Plan is This: For every Ten Sewing Machines Bold, I will G I V E A W A Y A Ladies Gold Watch, In the following manner: I will allow some disinterested party to take ten plain envel­ opes in nine »t whifh they will place blank cards, and in the tenth one a card on which will be written WATCH. As each machine is sold the purchaser will bo allowed to choose one of these sealed envelopes, on which they will write their name. As soon as the ten machines are sold, the envelopes will be opened iu the presence of the purchasers and the Watch given to tho lailiy holder. ' -v; - _ WIST lieHSRBY* «If sou want a New American No. 7, Crown, smestic. Diamond, Davis, Eld red ge, House- hold, Howe Improved, New York, Springfield, St. John. Singer, White, Wheeler & Wilson No. 8, call at my store, try the machine, and I am sure I can piease you in price, and besides give you a chance to get a Gold Watch. O.W.OWEN. .McHenry, Nov. 26th, 1884 fs»." H.amM, • j & - • j4 ; .. 1* not so large a company as the ROYAL, or variaiis other companies, but it puts »1 absolutely pure, tresh powder, an 0iVES AWAY WITH EACH PACKAGE 1N> Ammonia, or Alum, or Lime, or Floor, or Bilk, and Wets fir Silver Spoois, and Jack-Knives and Broad-Axes, orans thing clseexcept the ingredients neces- sarvfora perfect |>owder. Tliese ingredients, and ttiese only, it does contain, and these, and thes« only, do you have to pay for. To lest its .noru* 1 invite you t<* call at the Drug Store and icceive a free tiial package. In this con- noction it may be said that the Cream of Tar­ tar, Hi-Carbonate ®f Soda, Tartaric Acid, Mus­ tard, Ginger,etc., which you f et here is guar­ antee I by the wholesale druggists of whom f.hev i re bought, to stand Any Test for Absolute Parity The economical advantages derived from ihe u»e of such Roods over those of a cheaper (?) cIstH.s, containing not only injurious out more or less useless material serving no pur- |K>ao imt to increase weight, bulk, and profit to the manufacturer, .Is apparent to every one t adept the motto of my wholesale drng- Ssts, and solicit a trial from every family ii anCJiida. "Compare >ml than In it go '» • • v {SO REWARD $50 ZF YOU FIND THE EQUAL OP lowsharI^ 5EUAAM For Sa^ By Fitzsimmons ft Evanson, West McHenry, 111 C F Hall ft Co., Ricnm<)pd, 111. A K Alexander, Riohmond, III. JF Packer, Richmond,|Ill. O C Celby, Nunda, III. F Rowe, Hebron, 111. E S Smith, Alden, III. r-ivr J ̂ Cristy ft Sous, Rinf«lr<XWt, til. Kuckmaa ft Rice, Wilmot, Wis. H 3eip, Lake Zurich, 111. Goldlng Bros. .Waaconda, 111. Wells ft Werden, Wauconda, IU, R Tweed ft Son, Spring drove, III. Ley ft Adams, Johnaburgh, 1(1. E Maner, Genoa Junction, Wit, C A Saner ft Co., Locg GroKQ. Iitl. H Rogers, Velo, III. 10-50- Ira The American Shorthand Writer. (FOURTH TKAR.) The Cheapest Shorthand Journal In the United States. Each number contains fac.sirnile reporting notes of eminent stenographers in the various systems of Isaac and Ban Pitman, Graham, Munson, Takgrafy, etc.,and all the news in­ teresting to the profession. Contributed to by leading stenographers. SUBSOIPTION 91.00 A TKAR. Single Numbers, 15 Cents. RowBIX A HICKCOX, Bosten, Mass. DO YOU KNOW THAT LoriM's Clin Plug Tobacco, With lied Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Fine Cut chew ing; Navv Clippings, and Black, Brown aud Yellow Snttffs ure the best and the choicest CLOAKS, OVERCOATS, -\Z BLANKETS. CAPS, YARNS) MITTtifrs, f M.OVES, VJESTSi WOOL HOSIERY, HOODS. NUBim% muRis. SHIRTS* DRAWERS, HORSE BmftKETS, ROBES, ARCTICS, . wooLfioom WOOL LINED BOOTS, RUBER BOOTS, Underwear of all Descriptions. BONSLETT, A STOFFCl, West McHenry, 111., March 24,188t. 'I1'4"" ' w . ever shown in this Oouny. rer^r great bargains for cash In many er*. departments lam offering Oni inventory just completed finds us with the largest stock of Clothing we have ever haa in January, io reduce it as mueh as pos­ sible before spring, I shall continue to offer the entsae line without reserre at 20 per cent discount for cash, . *' - • "> - t j " -v V •; T** 1-kL amt nij ^ # iityfr • i n IB »'"ra tirpiiTfilinii TTU HOTV SCTf lal nnBS WIIICI1 I uioirG TtTCIO80 out and have consequently miaked at cost and below according to stales and sizes, and can give you some splendid bargains for cash. Our regular line will be as usual, be found the largest and most complete in this market and as heretofore sold on very close 1 am confident we ean show as fine and complete a line of staple and fancy Groceries as ever offered for sale in McHenry, many goods in this department are cheaper than they have been for 20 years. PABK HOUSE:, WOODSTOCK. ILL. P. J. Erctnbrack, AV Pf The best accommodations for Bearders and Traveling^men, Rooms all new and newly furnished, and no pains will be spared to make it pleasant for all. Good Sample Room, and Location Central. TERMS, 91.BO PER DAY. aoou sTABLima FOR HOUSES. Agents Wauled For ,aHistory, Romance and Philosophy of Great American Crimea and Criminals." The moat startling book of recent years. Biographical, Pictorial, 161 Superb Engravings with personal Portraits of the Celebrated Criminals. 689Boyal Octave pages. Low retail price, KM. It is a work of art as well as »f thrilling historic interest. Is bound to produce a profound impression. Agents sell it by the thousands. A grand chance for canvassers. Bend for particulars and be convinced that this Is the most salable and profitable book published; or, to save time, send 73 cents at ouce for canvassing Book ana state your choice of townships. Address X. O. THOMPSON ft Co., Publishers, St. Louis, Mo., or «ev York City. • 88-4w gpts Wantei For Sale. 1 offer the following Pure Brad Poul­ try lor sale: 1 Black Cochin Pullet 1 Black Java Cockerell. 13 Plymouth Kock Oxskerell# and 17 Pallets 6 Brown Leghorn Pullets, and Cockerell 2 vv'yaudott Coc^erells. These bird* will be *old al a low price for quality of stock. If bought soon. -vj - :>• G. W. PRATT. Wauconda, 111* AT .l^fSTVIT^IV * • % WANT CD to canvass for the sale of Nnr eery Stock! Kteady employment gurantoed Salary and Cxi at oncerstatinsaae: *: -?J. i. -S'.l .*:*. -j.;.!.- ~ ~ (Iftpfctmr,*. IAI Vjjf VV <*• * " ' : * " : . . * • This department is unusually complete special attention is clled, to our Black Dress Silks which are offered at extremely low prices, we also have a fine line of Cashmeres in colors and Black Ottomans, Dress Flannels, Velvets and many other Drees Goods at prices within the reach of all. jjff The largest stocq in Town, we buy them direct from the manu­ facturers and will sell extrmelylow for casl|| ^ •fil We always have th® latest styles and low pricey i :/>* : A large line of Ladies and Gentlemen's Under ware in Scarlet and White Medium and fine ouality many lots are now offered for cash at less than we paid for them at the mills where they were manu­ factured, during our invoicing we have found many odds and ends, to keep our stock clean we wish to close out these remnants of lots and pices, and in many instances you can purchase some for less than one half the original cost of production, for example we now have a few dosen white WOOL HOSE, former price 50 cents, we are closing them out at 10 cents apair, and many otbers articles corrispont ingly cheap, again ^ thanking many friends for the very liberal patronage we have recieyed dunug the past and soliciting your'continued favor ̂ i remain your ooidient servant. Id Henry Colby Riverside Block, » - '* c . . • nJV; • * ; V • McHenry, III. •' v - { * ff * i?': .. *' i

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