Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1885, p. 5

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lllfi mm-; JAN. Jfc 1886, Vd, Trains will .T:W A* x ^ * I - *', "-SSS.'u ... ooivo »ov¥ii. 'feaeffjt lake P»uen*er ---- - f^ke t e i t t w . . . 8 : 8 5 " Lake FijUp.... ;..l:«n r. * I*ke fauMier ..3:99 " notva wo am. l.ake rrel*ht ..........9-n K. M L*ktPuNB(er . . . . . . .9 :98 <• Lake Express .4:48p. u Seneva Lake Passenger ... .8:67 " • ~ B. Bess. Agent. ;; . McHenry, 111 "1 1 MASON 13 <M' K MOHBNBT LODOB, NA 1&8 A. F. and A. M.-- .wjfnlar Communication• the Saturday on or 4 tefBre the full of the moon and every twe weeks thereafter. I V\ CBAB. C. COLBT, W. M. I . * ^ MOKKRT CHAPTKK SO. 34 R. A. M --Regu- , if Oouveoations held on the second and fonrth : ; frldaia In each moneh. '• * JOHN I. STOKY, H. p. OCK Public School, which bin been r' ^ dosed for the past two week*, opened |w Ti?«g *ln on Monday. ' y 1 , D o n o t f a l l t o r e a d t h e n e w a d v e r - tlsement of Henry Colby, to be found K tin another column. * TH* McHenry Dramatic Club will \.u,kriog out a Play soon, The programme •«e.*i|f^ate will appear next week. , ? ? B R T B R ' S Comedy Company, at Grand ®all, Parker House, ou Mondav even- ,* Ing, January 13th, lor three nighth h»' I - ' C. E. CHAPKLL, advertises an Auc­ tion of a car of Cows, to take place at ^ Algonquin on Wedneaday, January , )4th, commencing at 10 o'clock. >. We learn that the wife ot A. B. V Coon, Jr., died at Woodstock oil Suu- la,t* She had been In ill health j". - for a long time, RF.;. THE Managers of the Riverside C.\ Bkalng Rink are advertising lots of i v.:i^port for the comming week. See > "f|i»otiee elsewhere in this paper. ' L. A. PARKER, while cutting tee on , the Pond to-day, Wednesday, had the Mr 7 misfortuno to fall cutting his head severely, •' WANTED, by a man and wife, with a |l»aby ouo year old, a place to work on >. ja farm. Wages $18 per month for the Iwo. L. li., West McIIenry, 111. ^ THOMAS WALSH is the happiest man v In fourteen counties. It Is a boy, and ^weighs eight pounds. In the words of f . ,Tj #f Rip Van Winkle, "may he live long. * |iod brosper." J MRS. HAUBIET HOLMES wishes to re- • Jturn thanks to the ladies of McHenry b ..v^for kindness shewn to her during the V^ jTelidays. That they may all live to ^ , enjoy many more pleasant Holiday /"'iNreek, la her sincere wish. ^'HE Prises for the best lady skater, v ^ered hy the the Riverisde Skating * v'. jRInk during Holiday week, was award- M follows: First Prize to Miss : ^ ""*%laggle Clark. Second to Miss Mamie "M^wb»inph«f». The Potato Raoe waa won by Howard Perry. THERE will be a Novelty and Clay JPIgeon Shoot on the McHenry Driving "Park, on Saturday next, January 10th, ^885, at which time liberal cash Prizes "*,' '".Will he offered and "dead loads of fun.'> »' .Shooting to commence at 10 o'clock - .. .By order of McHenry Shooting Club. |MK;| THE ice crop is being rapidly bar- ;, '--^vested on the Pond this week, and by : ̂Saturday night nearly, if not all the 4ce houses in the village will be filled r ^tjriie buildings or Shedd A Co., we be- , flleve,are full of old ice, consequently they will not put up any here this win- ^Iter. The ice now being cut iafif very y 'flne quality. : »«. "V 1 1 ROWELL & HICKOX, Boston, Mass., |are American agents for Iaaao Pitmans Shorthand books which they sell at ngllsh prices. 48 cents will buy the 'our books required for learning the |pHnclplea of the system, and are de­ signed for self instruction. This firm |can supply the text books of any sys. ; tern at publisher's prices. i% • •• 1 • % IP our paper is a little thin this Week we trust our readers will bear with us ,ms- we have just returned from a ten days trip East, and consequently have i not had time to get ourself settled into . harness again. We feel better for our jBhort vacation, and shall now settle doifci to business and strive to give the ^readers of the PLAINDEALEK a better 'paper for 1886 thau ever before. REV. JOEL WHEELER received an ele- gant New Years present from two Elgin Ladies, Misses L, A, and M. E. iXuiin, who keep a Fancy Goods Store von Chicago Street. They hold him in grateful remembrance it seems, for numerous boquets received from his ||hand last summer. God bless the Jklnd ladies who have thus cheered the |heart of the old "Ptooeer'V fifing his retirement. .Air I flf- Hi THE Marengo Republican safs I "I f .you want "to see good times, money plenty and everything lively, let every man pay up what he owes, or at least pay a part of it, (and begin with the * " ..printer first). Therip Is plenty of money 35'° country, an if never better crops, 'j> so shell out and distribute your money . ^all around, and it will seem to be as ^ plenty as in the war times. And people will feel more cheerful and happy if ' ^they can see such evidences of pros ^ perity and plenty." EXCELLENT Cabiuet Photographs of Hon. John G. Ragan and his late com pan Ion, of Waukegan, forwarded to Rev. and Mrs. E.. D. Wheeler, being ehown us at our sanctum, we concur with the recipients and the very many friends, in saying that the likenesses are perfect, the workmanship of the artist complete, and that his politeness as In so many other Instances, leaves on us a tax of many, many obligations Mr. Ragan writes: "I received a Christ­ mas present from a dear, dear friend la Madison, Wis., of a beautiful Ebony, SUraHMtfcd MLQ0. BH £ On vuKIQH W lua in ay dAdUalng " PAUL BRO#§ l|>ent the Ilulidays With his patents in this villager J, C, CONWAY, of OFwego, IllM spent the Holidays with his parents South °f this village. Miss MARY FRISBY, of th«i Elgin Watch Factory, spent New Year's at home, near this village. C. A. KNIGHT, city Attorney of Chi- cago, spent Christmas with the Dr. and Mrs. Brown, in this viyag*. L. C. MCKINSTRY, of D.eaMolnes, Iowa, has been caliing on frteod« here the past week, ^ J. VAN SLYKE and wife returned to­ day, Wednesday, from a ten days visit with friends in New York State, |MR8. JULIUS MUNSON is visititig wilb her daughter, Mrs. Dodge, in Chicago, this week; MRS. SMITH COLBY, of Chicago, is visiting witKf^af parents here thl* week. F. K. BURRITT, who lia9 been en­ gaged in L. A. Parker's Meat Market, is sick, and gone to his hotoc in Wan- conda. JOHN IT KisH, the efficient Mail Agent on the Fox River Road, was on our streets on Monday, and gave the PLAINDEALER a calk CHAS. OWEN, who Is #lth Patterson Bro8, & Co. Union. Stock Yards, Chica­ go, was calling on friends here during Holiday week. LET who will be President of this Union the sun will rise and set; the stars will shine at night; the rains and dews ot heaven will fall; the wheat, the'corn and the rye will grow; there will be births, marriages and deaths; joys and sorrows, and men will toil on, "6o what is the use of squealing.*' IT will be a warm winter, for "the hornets nests ate built on the ground* instead of high up in the trees. When we were a boy, wa learned that' hor­ net's nests built on the ground would keep one warm, simply by sitting on the roof of one and leaving a sky light uncovered for,tire heat to escape. THE wife of Joseph Freund, who formerly kept the Meat Market near the bridge, in this village, but lately resided in Chicago, died quite sud».< denly at the residence of her father,' Wni Frett, near Johnsburgh,last week. She was sick with typhoid fever, but was not considered dangerous uutll a few hours, before her d<>ath. THERE are some people who go to Chicago for Photographic work, but it Is safe to say that none ever have after once giving L. E. Bennett, of this vil­ lage. a chance to show what ho can do. His Gallery is over Perry & Owen's store, and we do not exaggerate when we say he has no superiors in that line in the Northwest. The excellence of his work commends itself to all. When you want pictures of aBy kind in the best style and finish, call on L. E. Ben­ nett. You are sure to be pleased, - MRS. H. H. NICHOLS has fitted up the room in the second story of her block and now has the handsomest and best arranged Millinery an'd Dress making Parlors to he found in the county. She has just returned from the city with a new stock of Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Goods, to which she Invites the attention of the ladies of McIIenry and surrounding country, being confident she can pleas9 them in quality or price. Her stock is com­ plete and will be kept so by frequent visits to the city, and the latest styles brought out as sonn as they appear In the city. Remember her rooms are directly over her store, where she in­ vites all to call, whether in want of goods or not, , / CONCERNING what are kno vn as "standing advertisements,*' in news­ papers, which some merchants say are useless, it has been remarked, and truly, that they commaud confidence. The man who for years resides in a community and lives a respectable life, even though ho be of moderate ability, will grow in confidence and efeteem of his tellows. On the same principle a newspaper advertlsemnt becomes fa- miliar^?the eyes of the reader. It may not be carefully read every day, still it makes the name and business of a man familiar and its continued presenci in the columns or a paper in­ spires confidence irt the stability of the advertiser.--Ex, THE lovers of the Play will be glad to learu that J. F. Breyer's Comedy Company will open for a season of three nights at Grand Hall, Parker House, on Monday evening next, Jan. 12th, at which time the talented and charming Actress, Maggie Breyer, will appear In her beautiful rendition of the play of "Dora, or the Farmer's Iron Will." This company needs no recom­ mendation from us as they havo before appeared before a McHenry audience and are well and favorably known here and we predict for them full houses. During their 6tay they will bring out some df the most popular Dramas and Farces of the day, and no lover of the Play should fail to visit Grand Hall every evening. Fur full particulars see programmes, MARRIED.. WARD--BEADING--In #i&l8tock, III., Jan., 1st, 1885, by the Rev. R. K. Todd, Mr Albert J. Ward and Mis* Loretta J, Reading, both of Nunda, Mc Henry Co., 111. GRAY-- LOB DELL- January 4th, 1889, by Eider Joseph Owen,, at his residence, In Fort Hill, Mr. Joseph W. Gray, of Sheridan, Ind. and Miss Mary A. Lobdetl, of Grant, III. 3G inch } Cashmere, all colors, 27 Cents at Bonslett & Stoffel's. only Good yard wide heavy Sheeting,0 cents al Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. . Traveling Salesman Wanted. I want a good man to represent me, and sell goods in McHenry and Lake Comities.* A young man preferred. I want a reliable person who can furnish good security. Address me at Dundee m p*O.fVBALL. On Mon (lay forenoon, about eleven o'clock the community were shocked to learn that Mrs. Ed Wallace, Who lives Weit of this village, had fallen from a wagon and was fatally Injured. The particulars, as we learn them are as follows: She was at the residence of Mr. A, O. Whiting, and while driving into his yard In some unaccountable manner lost her balance and fell back­ wards from the. wagon to the ground. Mrs. Whiting and daughter immedi­ ately went to her assistance, carried her into the house, and did all they could to revive her but without avail- Dr. Child* was imraediatley sent for who pronounced life extinct, her neck being broken by the fall. She leaves a husband and four small children to mourn her loss, DWELL Y-THOMAS-- At the residence «i the bride's parents, Andrew Thomas, Esq.- January 1st, 1885, by the Rev. R. K. Todd, Mr. John Dwelly, of Raymond, Clark County, Datv>ta, and Miss Emma JU Ttioiuas, of Mc Henry, 111. , About thirty friends an£ relatives were present to witness the ceremony and wish the happy couple God speed on the voyage of life, which they have now promised lo travel together. The ceremony performed by Elder Todd, of Woodstock, was beautiful and im­ pressive, after Which the company sat down to a bountiful repast, which was enjoyed by all to the fullest extent. The newly wedded pair took the 8:25 train on Friday morning for Syracuse, N. Y., where they propose to spend a few weeks, after which they will go lo their future home in Dakota. The following is a list of the pres­ ents: Groom to bride twenty dollar gold piece, Father and Mother of bride fifty dollarf in gold, mother of bride one dozen silver knives and fork9, Mr and Mrs Joseph Draper, clock, Mr Julius Thomas set silrer spoons, Mr ami Mrs Geo Thomas, silver pickle castor and tongs, Mrnnd Mrs Win Thomas, silver sugar bowl and granite iron teap»t, Mr Warren Thomas, upholstered nicker, Mr and Mrs II. Dwelly, set silver knives and forks and pair all wool bed blankets, Miss Mattie Dwellr, silver butter knife ami majolica cake plate, Mr Carlton Bean and Mis* Dora Thomas large sauce disii and sauce plates, Mr Frank Thom­ as and Miss May lieM one set glass ware, Mr Frank Harrison and MiM Cora Colbv willow rocker, Mr l'liil Ilnrrtsoa, Mi«s Mattie Dwel. ly and Miss Cora Co!l»if, Scotts Poetical works MU* Georgians Drafter one pair damask tow­ els, Clarence Draper pepper and salt castor, Callaand Ray Thomas hand bag, Wm Wagner lamp. Riverside Skating Rinlc. The Riverside Skating Blnk offers the following attractions lor tlie next two weeks. Saturday Evening, January 10th, for the best lady and gent skaters. In couples, a $1.00 ticket. Thursday Evening, January 15th, to* the most awkward gentleman skater, to be decided by the ladles, a Silk Handkerchief. Saturday Evening, January 17tli, Barrel Kace for gentlemen. I'rize a Skating Cap. Thursday Evening, January 22d, to the best lady skaters, In couples, a sea- eon ticket to each of s!*x admissions. Saturday Evening. January 34th, a Grand Masquerade. Skating to com­ mence at 7 o'clock. No skating without Masks until after 9 o'clock. The Mana­ gers will furnish Masks at 10 cents each. Admission to Rink 15 cents. Use of skates 15 cents. Season tickets not good on this evening. Don't forget to come out and see the fun. . BTOKY & Hows, Managers. Collector's Notice. The undersigned. Collector lor the Town of McHenry, hereby gives notice that he will be prepared to receive Taxes, commencing en Monday, Jan. 12, 1885. Every Monday be can be found at the store of Lay A Adams, Johnsburgh, TUESDAYS:--At J, W. Orlsty's store, Ring wood. THURSDAYS :--At Kordquest A Web­ er's shop, McHenry. SATURDAYS:--At Fitzslmmonjr # Evanson's, West McHenry. " , , GEO. ROTHERMEL, Collsotor. Land For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale 160 acres of good land in Harlau County Nebraska, for the small sum of 91500. Or will exchange the same for property in McHenry or vicinity, This is a rare chance for anyone who wishes to go West. Call 011 or address ANDREW KENNEDY, McHenry^ 2 large boxes matcnes, 3600 for 36 cents at Donslett & Stoflel's. Don't fall to look over the bargains ollered at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. AUCTION SALE. ThlTttuderslgned having rent^l~%il farm, will sell at Public Auction, on the premises, two miles from Ring- wood, and one tuile East of Ladd's Corners. Saturday. January 10, 1885. Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following property: one span good work horses, one pair Cleveland bays 4 and 5 years old, 1 6 year old mare, 1 brood mare, 1 3 year old colt, 1 2 year Old colt. 1 sucking colt, 4 2 year old steers, 1 2 year old heifer, 14 yearling steers. 3 yearling heifers, 70 weathers, 40 lambs, 100 ewes, 20 shoats, 1 poland China boar, 2 lumber wagons, 1 open buggy, 1 top buggy, 1 pair bob sleighs, 1 twine binder, 1 Champion mower, 1 riding and 1 walking cultivator, 1 bay rake, 2 set drags. 1 riding 1 sod and 2 stubble plows. 1 corn planter. 1 cider mill. 1 corn marker, 2 fanning mills, 1 seeder, one caldron kettle, I corn shel­ ter, 3 stoves, 2 set double harness, 1 single harness, a quantity of furniture and other articles too numerous to mention. Free lunch at noon. TERMS OF SALE. All sums of 10 dollars and under cash. Over that sum a credit of 9 months will be given on approved notes at 7 per cent interest. WM L. SMITM. GEO H. STEWART, Auctioneer. -v Al Fitzsimmons & Evanson's you will find bargains in Ladies Cloaks and Circulars. We pay the very highest prices for all the good butter and eggs you can bring us, Bonslett A Stoflel. We have just added an elogant line ff.dress goods, which are offered at out usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby R:--The Mioses Carson. Hanks aftiirfWter of Arling­ ton Bights visited with Mrs. F. D. Coltrln a part of last week. A, C. Helm, of Chicago, spent New Year's here with relatives. Our Band furnlahed the music for a dance at Gilbert Station on New Year's night. The Gilbertites think there Is no band like the Algonquin band. Miss Emma Argard, of Chicago, spent the Holidays here with her sister Mrs. Chas Wandrack. * On Friday of last week a committee of the Board of Supervisors, consisting of Bishbp, Barber, and Dike met here to confer with our Board of Highway Commissioners in regards to a new River Bridge here. Aud it is hoped they will make a favorable report to the Hon. Board of Supervisors for we are greatly in want of a new bridge. Mr. and Mrs. J. Binney, of Chicago, spent Sunday here with M^, and Mrs. E. A. Ford. ^ Mrs. Ed Morton, Sr., has been very sick for the past two weeks, but at this writing she Is slowly recovering and it is hoped that she may soon be out again. The beys ar* having atiother fine run of skating on the raging Fox and they have improved it, as the ice Is black with them from earlyfmorn until dark. The' boys have succceded iu getting the "Flying Dutchman" in running order again, it having been frozen in the river since the breakup. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pingry gave a card party on Saturday evening of last week, at the parlors of jthe Palmer House to a company of Invited guests. Our Public School opened on Mon­ day of this week, after a two weeks vacation, Robert Shufeldt shipped a carload of fat cattle and a carload of hogs to Chicago on Mouday of this|week. At this writing it iooks very much is If we were going to have another break up. Wm Morton started Nortli ou Mon­ day of this week to buy Milch cows, and C. E. Chapell intends going the fore part of the week on the same er­ rand. Mrs. S. S. Chandler, llvUig east of town, is very sick. Frank Yerks has moved again. This time he has moved on to the Thos Mc­ Kay'farm. Henry Chandler, of Iowa, is here helping to take care of his sick mother. Grandpa Goodrich, of Iowa, Is here making his 'Children, Grand Children and Great Grand Otildrei^a visit. COJftHIBUTEH BT 3. F. BKRUBTT. WAUCONDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER: -"- Andrew Cook, one of the earliest'liid most prominent of Lake Counties citizens, died about 6 O'clock on the last day of the old year, at the age of 83. From the day of his settlement, over forty years ago, on the farm which had ever since been his home up to a compara­ tively short time before his death, he had always been active in private and public enterprise. He was a man uni­ versally respected lor his good judg­ ment, kind, obliging manners, and sterling iutegrity. Robert Taggart has been spending his vacation at home. He returns to­ morrow to Ann Arbor, where he will graduate In dentistry next June. Mr. Sweneon's enterprise in provid­ ing a good, comfortable hall, though rather small for a skating rink, good skates, and oiher attractions, Is being rewarded by a constantly in:reas!ng patronage, 'i'wo masquerades have been held, and another is contemplated soon, A change in Methodist church service will begin next Sunday. Until further notice Mr. Lee will preach morning and evening on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. The first and third Sundays he will spend in Volo He especially desires a full attendance next Sunday morning at the usual hour halt past ten. School reopens to-morrow, Miss Cooper continuing in the lower room, and Mr, Powers, from McHenry Co., taking charge of the upper room. C. L. Pratt h»s returned from Iowa. Miss Katie Wells is visiting iu Chi­ cago. Wauconda Is getting to be quite aristocratic. Apother young King ap peared recently, and though United States Is a little mixed, being a new arrival, we think he means to say that he intends to stay with us and learn the blacksmith trade of "Tony." 1 keg pure Sugar Syrup, $Hly ttjft at Bonslett & Slodel's. , Wheat Wanted* WANTED, at the Fox River Valley Mill, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash will be paid. R. BISHOP. Mellciiry, IU., April 14th, 1884. 16 lbs New Orleans Granulated Sugar for 91,00 at Bonslett & Stoffel's. It Is a well hnown fact in scientific circles that Baking Powder should be made from Grape Cream Tarter and Soda only. DeLand & Co., great man­ ufactures of Sodai and Saleratus, use onlythe above in their Chemical Bak­ ing Powder, thereby giving the con­ sumer full value and avoiding the use of alum, ammonia, or any other de­ leterious sub9ances. Their wide ex­ perience In the manufacture of Soda and Saleratus insure a perfect scientific combination aud give tiie consumer ono hundred parts Baking Powder, which means economy, health, an<T ex­ cellent pastry. 4 pounds of Tea for f 1,00 at Bonslett & Stoffel's. WANTED. * A few reliable men to sell all de­ scription of Hardy Nursey stock, adapted to the North and Northwest. To succeEsful men we can pay good salaries and give steady employment. First class reference required. Apply with reference to L. L. MAY A CO Nurserymen, ST. PAUL, MINN. l0-20-4w. Arthur Fuller and wife, ot Chicago spent the holidays with Mr. R. Fuller's people. ; ' * We have received tlie cards announ­ cing the wedding of our old friend Dr. G. D. Shavnr, of Springfield, 111* to Miss Allie Humphrey, of Farmingdale, III. Dec. 25th, 1^84. Dr. Shaver is a young physician of more than ordinary abilities, being ex-House Surgeon ^of Cook Co. Hospital of Chicago. If good wishes make success he can not fail to be decorated with the crown of vic­ tory. The G. A. R. boys had uiade arrange, ments for a series of popular lecturts and entertainments for the winter, but being discouraged by the small appre­ ciation of Prof. Meekes' superb read­ ings, and not caring to deplete their treasury to iuruish amusement and In­ struction to a community that shows Its appreciation of a realty good thing, by staying at homo, cancelled all eu~ gagements and gave the scheme up. S. L. Smith, who will be remembered by many of our citizcus as a student at the Richmond High school when Prof. B. F. Stanley taught it, came out from Waukegan to attend the,wedding of his old school-fellow. "Eddie" Robin­ son, and to call on other old frlenc's. He speut the afternoon and night with Dr. K. R. Bennett, a former school­ fellow, and returned to Lake County on Friday. Mr. Smith graduated in law at the Chad wick law school, Iowa, not long since, taking tfie gold medal for the best Thesis, li!s subject being "Lex Laei." He lias opened an office for the practice of his profession in Waukegan with very flattering pros­ pects of succe s. . The masquerade at the Opera House Christmas Eve was a great success. Three hundred and seven admission tickets were sold at the office, and seventy-two for the dance. At least 400 people were In the house. Supper was served at Mr. A.4\ Gray's and won lor Mr. and Mrs. Giay much praise As near as we could count there were nearly one hundred masques, and many of the costumes were worthy of es­ pecial mention; anu were of everv variety from the aesthetic to the ludi­ crous. Two ladles skated together most of the evening the costume of one represented Morning .and the other Night. Winter was nuinerou£ly rep­ resented and tiiere was a !£rge darkey element. Clowns-and negro wenches. Chinamen and Turks, monkeys and men,all mixed up together and gliding swiftly around the great hall presert- ed a strange and incongruous spectacle. Mr. Coulman must have taken "a mint', of money. Dancing sommenced about 10 o'clock and was kept up all night. The music was furnished by Mudgett's band for the dunce and the Richmond Cornet Band played !n the earlier part of the evening for the skaters. . The festivities at the M. E. church on the eve before Christmas was very pleasant indeed. The altar was-arched and decorated with evergreens. Above the main arch burned 24 wax tapers which we suppose represented the date of the month. Beneath the tapers hung a silver star, and under the star, in kilver letters, the word "Jesus." The altar was loaded with Christmas gifts. The ex^rcisee opened with singing by the choir and school, followed by Sup­ erintendent Downing iu prayer; 3d singing; 4th recitation by four little gi rls; 5th, scriptural recitation by May McConnel and choral response, "Glory to God;" 7tli, song and responses by scriptural texts by school; 8th, song by school; 9th, Sauta Claus, wife and chil­ dren came in, causing much merriment hut the Santa Claus was a poor bur­ lesque and the family worse yet, and that part of the entertainment had better been left out; 10th, singing "Christmas Bells;" 11th, recitation by Geo. Wells; 12th, distribution of pres. ents by Messrs. liavthorn and Faber. who both should have spoken louder in making the announcements, as there in ay have been some one in the con­ gregation who wished to hear the names. Eddie Gillespie, Chase Cole and Santa Claus'distributed the pres­ ents as they were called oft. The very pleasant exercises closed with singing' and repeating a benediction by the whole Buuday school. of poems, Miss Ella CoppeamBIth ; Vol­ ume of poems. Miss An«< 8eymour, Geneva Lake; cups and itftfeers, Mr. Sam Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Robin­ son are young people very highly re­ spected In both Richmond and Genoa Junction society, and a thousand hearts wish them fair sailing the ocean of life, W all Paper, at Perry A Owen's. Good Cotton Flannel 5} cents at Fitzsimmons A Evanson's. • Overcoat, never such bargains as now obtainable at Henry Colby's. Black Cashmeres Perry A Owen's. and Dress Silks at Good Bedsteads for 91.70, at Justen Bros,, West McHenry. 111. Dress Flannels, all colors, atPerry A Owen's. " The Boss Barrel Story's. Churn, at John I Good fitting pants of good cloth, a] wool, only $>.00. Made bjr E. Lawlu3 Bring your cash to Fitzsimmons A Evanson's and receive sound value. All Mie Fancy Cutters at E M. Owen A Son's. 22 pounds broken Bonslett A StoffePs. MARRIED:--December 25th, 1884, at tbe real- <lcnce of the bride's nipihcr, Genoa Junction, by Rev. Charles Krazfer, MR. MARTIN EDWIN KOBINPON, of Richmond, and Miss STKLLA I'OWXEK, of Genoa J unction. ON the evening train the same day Mr. and Mrs. Robinson started for Chi­ cago, where they will spend a few days with friends and then visit other points In Illinois, making quite an ex­ tended wedding trip. Only a few friends and the relatives of the fami­ lies were present at the wedding. The usual custom of giving presents was duly honored and the subjoined Is as full a list as we are able to obtain: Hanging lamp, from Dr, and Mrs. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, James an Mary Fitzgerald; parlor lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Burnham, of Chicago; Pfckle castor, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Mead; Pickle castor, Miss Lizzie Holcomb; one dozen Napkins, James and Emma Dietrich; one dozen napkin rings. Mrs Wayne Ilildreth, Iowa; oi.e half dozen fruit knives, Mrs. Hiidreth's daughter; half dozen fruitknives,Mr. and Mrs.Frazer; silver butter dish, Schuyler and Bry Benson;pair fruit plates.Ethel Becker; willow rocking chair, Emma Stratford; pair napkin rings. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fernald; large family Bible, mother of groom; stand for Bible, Miss Mary Rubinson; fur cape, groom to bride; cake basket, Mr. and Mrs, Otto Free­ man and Adolph Freeman; scrap book, S.L.Smith, Waukegan; silver goblet, Lyman Mead; wisp broom holder. Mrs. Trow; five dollar gold piece, Mr. Hard, Rockford; toilet set, Mr. and Mrs. Weeks and Mr. and Mrs. Caroy; parlor Everything In the Hadiirare line at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Please Remember that my prices are as low as the lowest and 5 par Cert oft for cash. J, B. BLAKE. Wood Seat Chairs, 92.40 for 6 chairs, 5 per cent oft for cash at J. B. Blake's Finest line of Cashmeres in the coun­ ty, in all colors and qualities, at Perry A Owen's. Finest line of the new style ladies and Misses Cloaks in the county at Perry A Owen's. Walnut Extension Tables 83 cents per foot, at Juuen Bros., West Mc­ Henry, 111. Mens' all wool suits 94.00. Chinchilla Overcoats only >5»00. l Boots A Shoes sold below Clncago prioes at E. LAWLUS'. • New Lumber Wagons All complete for 950 at the Wagon Fuetory of R. Bishop. McHenry, III. MILK ! MILK ! The best of Milk delivered at part of the village is cheap as other man. Listen for the Bell. A. L. Hows, aay any 16 styles of Bureaus, 8 out of IS will draw a fine chiomo 24x30 at J. B, Blake's. Wheat Waued. WANTED, at the Fox River '^alwy Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price In cash will be paid. R. BlfiUOI', MeHenry, HI., April 14th, 1884. at FOR SALE OR RENT. Two houses in the village of Ring wood. Terms reasonable. Apply once to WESLEY LADD. Ringsvood,|Nov. 10th, 1884. ' AUCTION ! Prices fot odd coats for young men and Boy* only,at E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel. ^ i v k Notice • • v.; To those that waat work doWf tn ttiy line, such as Tanks, Vats and all other wotk done in a shop, as I get lumber direct from Chicago. • F. A. HBBARD. The snow has come and E. M. Owen A Son are bound to sell Cutters. Call and see them before buying elsewhero as they can and will sell you a better Cutler than any one. BOB SELIOHS FOR SALE. Warranted to last until the year 1900, Dou't buy until you call aud see them. R. BISHOP. Attention Ladies. We have just receivei atiout 100 Rus­ sian Circulars which we offer at two- thirds of regular price, with an extra discount of 5 per ceut for cash. In­ spection solicited. FITZSIMMONS ft EVAHSOK. No. l Ash Extensloo Tables for 65 cents per foot at J. B. Blake's. This week we sell Clothing and Overcoats at greatly reduced prices for cash. Be sure and examine our stock before buying, as we will give you BIO BARGAIFS to reduce our stock before our annual January Inventory. PEHRT ft OWEN. No.l Walnut Extension Tables, 83 cents per foot, at J. B. Blake's. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat form Spring Buggies for sale at R. Bishop's warehouse. BOB SLEIGHS FOR SALE. Warrauted to last until the year of 1900, Don't buy until you call and see them. R. BISHOP. Essex Pigs Tor Sale. I have a few fine Essex Boar Pigs for sale if applied for at once. Are Pure Blood. BRADFORD SMITH. Oue half mile North of McHenry. 10-20,-4w. What a Dollar will do. One dollar Cash will buy, 15 pounds standard Granulated Sugar. 16 pounds standard A Sugar. 17 pounds extra 0 Sugar. * /% On and after Friday. Dec. 18MN.V- 10 pounds choice Rio Coflee. 20 pounds choice Brown Sugar. PKRKY ft Ovrxv. Good Single Lounges for 96.00. Five per cent oft for cash. J. B. BLAKK. -^Bucklin's Arnica Salva. TheUeirssTve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Silt Rlieume, Fevar Sores. Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money' refun­ ded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by Henry Colby. Bed Lounges only 98,QQ at Justen Bros,, West McHenry. ^ New Lumber Wagons All complete for #50, at J. W. Grltn- olbyV, Rlngwood, III. 22-1 m Mens, Women's and Boya staple and Fancy Slipper* at Dwlght's, Wood' stock. No.l Bedsteads for 91.85, 5 per cent oft for cash at J. B. Blake's. CUTTERS CUTTERS. The finest Cutter that ever came to the county you can see at E. U,Dwen A sotT^ ' / " • -; . . - ,«*. -.'i. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Dressmaking. SHOKKBS, call for; High Art." They hi No trouble toJIMW goods or questions at B. IMftfcOp^- Buy the Estey < best, O. W. OwW»£1 « CI ty res! dences for solo. _ Asa W. Smith, Woo&tafc,III. Go to Mrs. M. Scboiaaebor's for In*ry, Dress Making and Fancy We carry the largast lino of sng in tbe market, and otir i always as low as good goodire The Lyman Barb Wire, botfc and galvanized,decided!' ' in the market, at John t.S The finest assortment of Bird Cago* in town, at John I, Story's. Bishop's Roller Mills Ptour.. For Sale In Wauconda, by IX Ifc Jencks. Try a Sack. It cannot tail to please you. Frank's Polish for Ladles not rob of! or soli the iltfits, by Hnrmr Building Paper, cheap, at John '%1 Story's. ' ^ i A fine assortment of verv Alio Gra*<^ Into Iron Wire at John I. Story's. E FITS All I Its stopped free bi Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, „ after first day's use. Marvelous Treatise and $2.00 trial bottle froe l*^ Fit cases. Send to Dr, Kline,*! Arck Stn Phila„ Pa. THE fluest assortment of Sewing Machines to be found in the county, at. O. W, Owen's. See our stock of Boots and Shoes be­ fore buying. PEBBT A Own. Fu'l and complete line of Men's and Boys' Clothing, at reasonable prices at Perry A Owen's- ^ Please remember that our stock in every department Is vet* complete ^ and that our prices are ifaran thM lowest that can be made, vn wUteoi^ be undersold by any house id' jtoHeftiiP Co, Henry Colby. For Sate or Exehangwi,^, „ ^ One or two good houses, with barns and other out-bulidlngs; orchards, wells, cisterns, etc. located near the Depot in Wefli Henry, together with land froa tili acre to fifty. Will sell very cheap OF trade for a rarm, or western wild land. Also a good house to rent. p| a lUYMOffDw Wert MeHenry, IU«< •; Cleaning and Repairing done in the. neatest manner, by E. Lawlus. NOTICE, Two flrst class tailors are OFLL| by E. Lawlus, to please tfao McHenry with good fitting F, Houck, of Beloit, guarant no silo, - Farm for The undersigned offers ~ Farm, containing 204 otie m'le West of tha ti Henry, on the W|^ buildings, llvlnl fruit, Hud a you] well adapted to Railroad St tory. For terms 11 inquire of the uudenlgi premises. MeHonry, July Mth, 1884. Thousands ot Will testify that ?tii Prescription saved their --• having milk fever. It In every case as soon is postlMol the cow calves. It will also eabft to do well, and inelMUS milk. It is worth fro» ||5 toalltho cow is worth to evory one using ll For sale by all Druggist*. Five Pouuds of tbe Choicest Japan, Tea for $2. Call and gel sample of ^f| what I give away, j / B. Ou GLASS ! GLASS I We keep Glass of all sfse*^ on hand. Special siaee ottt wl extra charge. JoHK L Sfolr. New Lumber Wfijfoiis All complete for $50, at the Wegon til Factory of R. Blsop, McHenry, III, '<M Standard Springfield Horse Blankets only 65 cents, at Perry A Owen's. FEED GUTTERS. The Belle City takes the lead; the strongest and best, at E. M. Owen H Son's-. ' E. Has Jnst returned from th# a fashionable stock of Cloths. should keep one eye open for fits. Store opposite Riverside McHenry, Illinois. -• For Sale or Rent The Brick Store opposite the Parker Houso, formerly occupied by Q. W. Besley as a drug store, is offered for sale or rent. Will be sold on mg jiiiit-,, or rented on reasonable tenm.. AtMly to. B. Qiuuotr. West McHenry, Nov. 5th, 1884L Good Bedsteads for 91,70, at J. B, Blake's, SMI*- Ash Extension Tables at tt eeats a foot at Juste u Bros., West MoBsatJ?, - , Clothing Notice, 1 will, on December 20tb, SBd, and 24th, sell 82 boys and yowtb* at the lowest prices on the tlsM Suits formerly |SJ0 down to suits formerly 88.50 down to #6.75 pants formerly 91^5 down to ft youi'g mens odd coats formerly down to $2.00; young men * coats $1.75; mens fine dress erly 820 down to <15.75; floe suits formerly $16.60 down to vests 50 and 70 cents, fine pants formerly $6.50 Now for Boots and Shoestff soled boots formerly ftjft $3.40; fine sewed shoes forsseH| down to 83.15; second best erly $3.50 down to $2.15. other goods the same. K. la Opposite Riverside Hotel. McHenry, ' The G reat Russian If you are suffering wltb Neuralgia, Headache, Toe ache, Soretbroat»tt»Boestag] For Sprains, Braises ai has no equal. Frost 1 taken In a little s wee fee external application wl the Stomach and Bowoi Cholera add Chole' equally as good flMT sale bv all Ltnlmeat and * IV

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