Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jan 1885, p. 4

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,,A;; r Iff, JAN. 14, 1S8A. Editor. Tito legislature at Springfield ©II the ragged i>dg?( ar?d cvldfut- ISalnss uold» the key to the eitua- l«i». How long before the House will pet properly organized no man can tell. fTlie Iad»peodent party, composed of |K. M. tt«lae&. has the democracy in a corner. Go It go It bear. £ MT"Dakota knacks for admission 31*1© the Union. We fall to see" why •he ahoutd not be accommodated. The ' population is large enough, and we be­ lieve of a desirable class. The products ore «>qual to any other State in the tJnlon,and her resources are unlimited. "We hope Congress will admit her. rv, IfiT'QerujJohn C. Fremont Is at the p; head of al exploring and- surveying 0§n, «xpeditIonthat will soon leave Chi- '• «ago to locate 13,000,000] acres of land f In old Mexico which a syndicate In |X r Chicago has recently purchased. As W** soon as located the land will be of- ft*red for sale at 49 cents per acre. s&[$$"},' v • i# < . #®*Qen. IGrant has declined the proffered aid of his friend; to relieve lilm from financial? embarrassment by Voluntary subscriptions. He. says, in Iiis note to Cyrus XV. Field: *1 appre­ ciate both the motive and the friend­ ship which have dictated this course ®n your (.art, but an matnre reflection 1 legard it as due myself and family ; |o decline this proflered generosity." t - --i-------- f 9GFBoston Herald: Andrew Jack­ son, rest bis soul, died a good many V^ars ago. There have been battles .fought within recent j*ears that reduce • the affair at New Orleans to the dt- uiensiotHof a scrimmage. Isn't It about time for the Democrats to get a more inodurn patron saint ? *'Gi i»eral Jack- fcon,", for whom the mossbacks in the country districts kept voting for thirty years after be was dead, ought to be given a rest. fr: SlWPlleecher Is in a bad way, and is •liable to be in a worse one. During the pass campaign lie made some very grave charges against tho women of ifcew York State, and his congregation took him to task for it. He apologized "Jbut iiis apology was none at all, al- though he lowered his diguity sonsid- erably. It is thought that iiis action will disruptaro the church, for many liave withdrawn, and the attendance is extremely slim. Cleveland should lake pity on him and send him as minister to Greenland* What »re 8* MI TlaswT People often cry "Hard Times," when there Is little reason. If war was calling men from the plow and work shop; if famine or pestiltHce was wides-prcad, or ml If general Insolv­ ency was threatening the land, there might be some mason for the frequent repetition of the tern- "Hard Times," But it is a time of peace. With but few exceptions general good hc-alll* prevails, while the store houses and barns over the entire land are bursting trom their fullness. It is true there are muttering about a shrinkage of business, but this need bo no real dis­ aster to cover the nation with a pall. The Providence Journal wisely re­ marks: "What wo call hard times are really very good for most men, tend­ ing to check the voices, correct the mistakes and quicken the virtues of of our broad, deep, national life." What the people seem to need is courage.--Chicago Inter-Ocean. ~ " 'k The Malta Mail gives the li*g very good reason wily Dakota will not be admitted as a State: Dakota is asking admission as a State Into the Union, and there is only one Objection that can be made against her request. At the iate election Dakota cast over 85,000 rotes, and of this vote there was 60.060 Republican majority. Her vote indicates a population of half a million which would give her two Senators, three members of Congress, and live Presidential electors. Ware she a State it would add just Ave merabets to the Republican count, and two Republican Senators to the United States.and that is just whit will continue her in a terri­ torial condition until she can be made to see that it will be for hor Interest to vote the Democratic ticket, Dakota now casts more votes than New Damp- shire. and Vermont combined, and is justly entitled to admission as a State, but that 50,000 Republican majority was given this year--it should have beeu some other year. , t IVAt the last meeting of > the TToung Men's Republican Club of Syca- Snore, the following resolutions were ladopted: ' That we extend our con- to the Hon. Chae E. Fill- ^ 1 noon the events of his election to ^tlie House of Representatives of this State. We do not hesitate in saying tl)at we deem his election a proper recognition of one who is eminently well fitted and dnly qualified to fl!l the position of honor to which he has been called. Furthermore we are pleased to be privileged to communicate our sincere thanks and kin j regards for the master­ ly speech delivered to us during the recent campaign. The Mext Housed Hon, John B. Clark*. Clerk of tho House of Representatives, has prepared an unofficial roil of the membership of the House In the Forty-ninth Congress, it will coutain 182 Democrats, 140 Re­ publicans. 1 Greenback-Democrat (Mr. Weaver, of Iowa), and 1 Greenback* Republican (Mr. Brunam, of Pennsyl­ vania). A vacancy exists In the Nine­ teenth Congressional District of Penn­ sylvania. Of the members of the present House 187 have been re elected Arkansas, Delaware,Kansas, Maine and West Virginia have made no changes in their Representatives. Colorado, Nevada and Oregon, each with 1 mem­ ber, have changed their delegation. Of the Territorial delegates iu the pre»> ent House only one, J. T. Calue, of Utah, is returned to the Forty-nlath Congress. Arizona and Wyoming, which are now represented by Demo­ crats, will send Republican suzcesloi's, while Idaho and Washington have elected Democrats to succeed Republi­ cans. I Thou Mr. T. w, wrlu»:"fne your Kltetrl they «IV* m rapldiellera.' poreat and beet will positively cure Kidney And Liver ooniplaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bo#etfe» No ftoflljr lean afford to be wlthout them. They will save hundreds Of ftollars !Q doctor's bilh every year. Sold at fifty cents a b«sttlo by HEURT COLBT. ADV1CK TO MOTRKRS. Are you disturbed at night and brok­ en of your rest by a s)ck child suffering and crying with pain of entting teeth ? If BO,send at onpe and get a bottle of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething. Its value Is Incal­ culable. It will relieve.the poor little •uSerer immediately. Depend upon It mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysOntery and diarrhoea, regu­ lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces*, Inflammation and gives tone and en-: ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Wins-' low Soothing Syrup for children' le*thing is pleasant to the taste, and Is th * prescription of one of the oldest and be«t female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. 35 oents a bottle. RKPOUT OF THE O O T V D I T I O N --OF-- THI FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, -- 4T THI-- ( Close of Business, Dee. 20, '84. Loans and discount! .T\ fU«,999 9-2 Overdrafts . 790 52 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation... 60,000 oft Due from approved reserve agents. 4,884 66, I>ue from other National Banks.... , 7,265 4# Current expenses and taxes paid.... 523 Wif Checks and other cash items... 12 71 Bills of other banks , 2,855 *<• Frc'l cur. nickels A pennies...... 70 Specie ...wvVii • |3,4fi2 00 Legal tender notes 3,000 00 Due from U. 9. Treasurer, ether than A per cent redemption (oid........ 1,350 00 v- . UABIMTIM. Capital stock paid In fto.ooooo Surplus fund 16,000 00 Undivided profits 952 37 National Bank Notes outstanding... 45,ooo no Individual deposits subject to check 116,222 01 Demand Certificates of deposit l.noo oo Total $2*29,154 36 I, John J. Murphv, CasAier of the above named bank,do solemnly swear that theabeve statement is trne to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MURPHY, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day ef January, 188&, EDWARD C. QDIRUX, Notary Correct Attest:-- E. A. MCRPHY, »iWH.H.8TBFFAHT, JOHN J. MCRFHV, ' ! D i r e c t o r s . Money to Loan Ofi Real Estate, in sums of $500 to $10,000. Time and payments to suit borrower. JOHN J. MURPHY. E Administrator's Notice. state of John Welch deceased. The un signed having been appointed adminis­ trator of the estate of John Welch deceased, late of the county of McHenry, and state or Illinois, hen pear before Conner, at the Court House, in Woodstock, a't ISK fir l^Tho citizens of Louisville' Ky having made a remarkable success of their Southern Exposition for two successive years,'now propose to inau­ gurate In their city the first of a series of inter-State competitive displays of agriculture, horticulture and mineral products, live stock and lumber of the whole country. The scheme Is framed upon a grand scale, and contemplates the holding of such displays from time to time tn various parts of tha country. It commends especially to the farmers stock raisers and owners of rich miner­ al and lumber lands,and will, no doubt, do much to encourage these most im­ portant interests. SQTJ. D. Houston and Robert Brew­ ster went to the Mascot office at New Orleans Monday, and upon entering, Houston struck the editor, George Osmand. with a cane, upon whichjOs- mand opened with his revolver and wounded Houston. The latter also be­ gan shooting, but his weapon failed to Work. A wood engraver of the estab­ lishment then took a hand in favor of Osmand, when Brewster took Houston's part. Brewster was shot four times and mortally wounded but both Os­ mond and Houston escaped with slight Injuries. The Moacot had attacked Judge W. T. Houston, a brother of one of tho combatants (J. D. Houston), who intended to chastise the editor. All the persons Involved 419 well known. . . 19*The track Is getting pretty fresh in regard to the proposed bargain and sale of J. P. St. John, the Prohibition candidate during the recent Presideu* tlal campaign. A letter is published written by J. F. Legate, a well knawa Kansas politician, purporting to rep­ resent St. John, addressed to R. C. Kerens, of St. Louit, which is bjind in some respects, but affords sufficient in­ formation to make St. John an object of suspicion. In this letter, dated at Clevelvud, Oct. 10, Legato said that he had arranged with St. John, for two- fifths of the sum to be paid by the 10 St. John insisting that the second pay-' ment should be made by the 17--these d «tes relating of course to the month of October, In which Legate'1 letter was written. Iu the course of the let­ ter Legate says that St. John bad told him that Senator Plumb, of Kansas, had promised that the funds should be forthcoming. From subsequent expla­ nations in the letter, it appears that the payment of two-firths included a cash transaction of $10,000, showing that the entire amount exacted by St. Sohn was 9*25.000. This letter, while not Inculpating St. John by direct testimony, is very damaging, and rend­ ers something more than a denial from him necessary. Snnator Plumb's infor­ mation regarding the proposed trans­ action is also made, by this publication a subject of decided interest. ereby give notice that he will ap< re tn« Oountjr. Court of McHenry ourt House, in Woodstock, at the March Term on toe third Monday in March next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate, are notified and re- uested to attend for the purpose of having e same adjusted. A1I persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated 6th day of January A. Dm 1885. WIL WELCH, Administrator. Senator Joseybrown, of Georgia according to Washington advices, Is pre pari rig and .will shortly deliver a speech charging the North with main­ taining corrupt elections, slandering tho sweet sunny South and misbe­ having Itsell generally in a scandelous way. We trust this report Is unfound­ ed--we trust the lank and blue nosed stateman from the land of yams aad sunshine will attempt no such W>r.»lo violence. The country is on the odgo of an era of sweetnnas and har­ mony and Democratic rule--and the North would dislike to mar the sweet concord of things by being provoked to lilt Joseybrown under the collar button with a snowball. Some friends of Joseybrown would do hi JI a real klndn^pt by taklug out a temporary Injunction to restrain his chin from op*ratios untiljafter the 4th of March. •Ij.xii'Ui1 i,„ The poorMflerer that has been dos- hlmsoif-Witb so-called Troches and upset his stomach without (ho troublesome cough, should . «r advloe end use at oncg Dr, InlTuCoiigb Syrup and get wall. • - * ; *9~A Washington dispatch report ing New Year's observances in that city says: "Mrs. Logan, who has al ways been popular in Washington society, received more attention than any lady at the White House to-day. She had a pleasant word for«everyone After she had concluded her duties as one of the receiving party|she went to her owu residence, where she had string of :allers|until]nearly dark. Six posts of the GraudQArmy of the Re public called|on berf ln|a body, and In other ways paid her distinguished honor," 9* Perhaps the saddest outgrowth of the hard times is the temptation to crime. The moral sensibilities wano before the promptings of hunger, and virtue fails in the zero blast. Now Is the time for the charitable to bo doubly benevolent. An exchange has this significant paragraph: A Boston police judge has been read lng a hot lecture to the charitable In stitutions of that city because so many poor persons are driven te the ex tremity of cummitting crimes that they unav be sent to prison and saved from starvation. Truly this Is a mat ter that demands attention not only in Boston but in Chicago, where<it Is not uncommon for persons to pretend to have violated some law for tho pur­ pose of passing even a night in a warm station house. S&"Puttiug in claims for losses sus­ tained by the south, and proposing pensions for southern soldiers Is one thing. Paying them Is another. Try it on. We would enjoy seeing one such act done. It would mean years Republican ascendsnor.v HEWH0ME e#9 MS?! | CUUItftl 0UT0F ORDER. NO EQ0^ 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK AQq MASS. FOR SALE BY Til 13 Buchanan Wind Mill UNEXCELLED FJt BEAUTY, DURABILITY AMD LIGHT RUNNING. DURABLE KXLLBUIUi. ALL. KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc MiHAIMI WHO DLL 00 OHANAN, MIOHIOAN. ' AYIR'S Cherry Pectoral. hth*r eotnpUlaU are no in their attaek a» thpM ktfwMlng the throat and lungs: , none no trifled wiih by the majority of suffer* •rs. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting pei'lias« iron) a trilling or unconscious ex- liottui'ti, iri often but Hits beginning of A fatal sickness. AYKR'S CUUBITV PECTORAL lias Well proren its efficacy in a forty years' flgbt \ritU throat and lung diseases, and should be taken ia all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Oared. "In 18571 took a severe cold, which affected *iny lungs. 1 had a terrible cough, and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave me up. I tried AYEK'H CHEKKY PEC- TOUAL, which relieved my lungs, induced Sleep, and afforded mo the rest necessary for tlie recovery of my strength. By the continued use of the PECTORAL a perma­ nent cure was effected. I am now C2 years old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your 4JUKUBV PECTORAL saved me. HORACE KAiiiBBOTHKa," {Rockingham, Vt., July 15,1«82. Croup.--A Mother's TrlbntP. "While in the country Inst winter my little hoy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; 1 it »eeuied as if he would die from Mr angu­ lation. One of the family sugpested the use of AYKK'S CHEKKY PKC'TOKA I., a bottle of Which was always kept in the house. This Wits tried in small and frequent doses, nnd to our delight iu less than halt an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The doe- tor said that the CHERRY I'M TORAI, had saved mv darling's life. Can you wonder at ' Otir gratitude? Sincerely yours, .i Wits. EMMA GEPNEY." , ! 159 West 128th St., New York, May 16,1882. "I have used AYER'S CHERRY PI CTORAI. 1b my family for several years, and do not liesitate to pronouuee it the most etleetual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. J. CRAXE." Lake Crystal, Mlnn.^ March 13,1882. . "I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with no suc­ cess, 1 was cured by the use of AYER'S CHEB- BY PKFTORAL. JOSEPH WALDEX. l>yhalia, Miss., April 5,1SJS2. " 1 cannot say enough in praise of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, believing as I do that but for its use I should long since have (lied from lung troubles. K. BRAGDOX. Palestiue, Texas, April 22,1882. No case of an affection of tlie throat or ;• Inngs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of ATER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, and it will always cure when the disease u not already beyond the control of niediciue. PREPARED BIT Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold by all Druggists. • th; p. p !Mv' 'm : * >1* f \l f S I B L E Y ' S 250 BEWABD $50 * T 1» TOO lTNb THE BOUAL OP TJto.fT.UBT) UOWSHARt^; WHIP TOBACCO. The "Dime Cuts' -- BM^MQU^CANDAACOOOEV-RYWAY. Ford ale By FUzslmmons & Evanson, West McHtonry, IH . f '.7 • F Hall A Co., Ricmnond, 111. ; •„ A B Alexander, Richmond, III. v V , ; F Packer, Richmond,fllll ' t i OCCelby, Nunda, III. • Bowe, Hebron, 11^ } • E S Smith, Alden, IIL W Cristy A Sons, Ringwood, Illi * Kuckmaa Jt Rice, Wllmot, Wis. H 5elp, Lake Zurich, IU. . ' Goidlng Bros. Wauconda, 111. Wells A Werden, Wauconda, 111, , R Tweed & Son, Spring Grove, III. Ley & Adams, Johnsburgh, III. E Maner, Gepoa Junction, Wis. 0 A Saner A Co., Locg Grove, lit H Rogers, Volo, III. . 10 S<Utat M«w mstliod of attach lag the Balls. JVrKk LRIIIO HUES nnd IHI'l.lIHENTN all Mail* Mailed FltFi: <>u application HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL Na22-326 E. Main St. 200-206 Randolph St. tfii'A si.', MCHIBT ^*iS * J* /•' v • <t£j. ^ »>- r^v; DRREIF AMGAT BARCAINSIN Cloaks, Overcoats; Blankets '• '>j' V '* ':VV ***** " TAOT, HITTms, GftOm, tfESTS, - Wool Hosiery, Hoods, VnUaa, Scarib, Shirt*, Srairirs, AT. O. W. OtTEN'Si .Sfy tnsincss at hasne requiring i»orc of nii attention, I have decided te stop ennvasstnc ' ' -« tor Sewing machines, and in pfaee thereof •prtadttc-emanla *• buyers t* coma la a Stare where I ean show them a Bona BlaaksU, Bobos, Arctics, Wool Boots,1 ] Uaod Boots, fiabbsr Boots. - '.ia 4'hI ' hi' tv H.' , * Si' ' i - ":ii" IU. . *0 ^ k 4 j ( We»t Mcflfenry.Hl., Varch N,! Largr Vuity sf Mftok ia i Than ean be jeand In any other store In tha Jlorthwtst. My Plan is This: For arery Ten Sawtttg Maehlnes soW,I mim ia-1 "V IS AWAT| A Ladles Odd Witch, In the folloartnir manner: I will allow so« disinterested^^art^ te take tan pfcila enra opes in nine af which tfcer will pSi!oe blank aards, and in tj»« tenth one a card on whieh be written WATCH. As each suehine ia said the purchaser will be allowed oa enoasa one of these saalad envelopea, on wMeh they will write their name. As aooa as tha tan, machines are sold, the envelopes will be opcaai in the prasanea of tha parohaaera and the Watch given to tha ln:ky Holder. •If sou want a New American No. 7, Crow*, domestic. Diamond. Davis, HMredfe, Hons*, hold, Howe Improved, Mew York, Springfield, St. John..Singer, White, Wheeler A Wilson No. 8, call at my store, try the maehlii*. tad r am snre I can please yon la i prtoe. and lola Watch fire yon a chance to gat a Gold ' O. W. OWENi- McHenry, Nov. 86th, 1884 IWSlS* Prices Oui to Death, i'^eettgnize no competition. My store is fiUed from top fo Keady-made goods on hand at all tiroes. Bere is the difference be- twetiLL fasli and. Ti mn • ' i Seat Hatnfeii fori B<*st Bridles..... Y# Jk i'#r »*1 ..< . 4 , . Best Inch Lines. Hanne Straps, two for., Breast Straps, Inch.............. Hames ....;.. Heavy Try Reins.... .. Five King Halters.... < ' 'A*' . » .i '•f ••••-, '••I'4 .% • « » fc*: • Wis * • 'W!"" 4.50. 3 50. 30. 65. 75. 95.... 2.60........ 4.00 3.00 as 50 50 25 75 I 90 2.09 ,< Ilorfee Blankets, No. 1........ W c l. HUBBARD, Nunda, Illi par v for a perfect powder. Thesa tagredients, and tt.ese only, it does contain, and these, ana %hese only .do yon have to pay for. To test its nerito l invite yon to call at Ike Drug Store " this MXIAI B. ii it • fwv « "Of W ftltoonda "Vicinity AS *] %1: , yow want to see one of the Largest and best Assortments ^ In McHenry or Lake Counties, at prices that distance all com- petition, call at . llc f:V v:'» i'.fj MicliiganBuggyCo. KALAMAZOO. Mich. Wholesale Manufacturers of all kinds of Open and Top BUGGIES aad ROAD CASTS. Agent# wanted everywhere* Write for catalogue aad price list. FINE WOBK A SPECIALTY. We also mannfacture a full lino of CLTXEllS, including Snoil Body, Portland, Square Bo^ two seat Portland and Poney Sleighs. k Bend for cuts and prices before purchasing. . MICHIGAN BUGGY C0.F '"^'KllAMAaOO, *Wu * Kovelty Joice Pump, TH PROTECT HU H PKOPEKTT. fc'.iVE ¥0i*B FBUIT. SAT>: vorn Fl-ow: - r .-Ofvcrv'.U nj tkat m.nkcs home p'nas-rt. r--l ' V. hnt no Fciual. It Uirotv* a j Cxi j ftct or laorc. With Bprink!cr attaohe l ifcr>T"a',s tlio wa'cr In agentlo Bliowor cr f pray. F". r v windows or cari iuRes, aud sbowuring law gsrdoug aii<t Meenhous<-s, it bas no c<; :«!.• It is ada^fod to throwing li<ni(<Jeoiii<f< n<3 of all kin's to destroy noxious ineoctH an>l r fcv< ry nature, on plant, vino or treo, uud clioiild be keiu *m ry bouso. Store and factory in tlie c«>u- try gs a liV^tvuUea SgailMt flr»:S.--ffnht by Traveling A "tut!. Send f< >r circulars and pi ieo liau. FERNANDO B. SMIDI, Manufacturer h Pat»n 180 East 4th SU| Caatea 'WILL NOT EE UNDERSOLD," IS HIS MOTTO Clothing for Men, Youths aii(| Boys. Also a lull line of Gents' . Furnishing Goods, Hats, ('aps, Boots, Shoes, etc. ALSO A LARGE STOCK or OLOAES AXTD DOLl£ANS| Which will be sold cheaper than can be found elsewhere in the County. We mean business and are bound to please vou if you call. J3F"Also Agent for the New Home Sewing Machine. 1 Has a full and selected stock of Fashionable Winter Millinery, which she invites the ladies and vicinity to call and examine and learn prices. > H. MAIM4IV. Wauconda, l>eiC. 9tl), 18W* THE GIKI I 1F.F;A 2?31" CQPYRIBHTEDIS71J^^ • F • - ~ ^ - •„ OMPANY • : ; \ - la not so large a company as the ROYAI+ Wt but other companies, bnt it pnts up al• / absolutely pure, tresh powder, and * GIVES AWAY WITH EACH PACKAtm He \mmonia, or Alum, or Lime, or Flour, W Dollar Bills, aid Tickets ftr , aid M-Kiir$ ail Broad- IDS, "i'if.t life). In i and receive a free tiial package. neotton it may be said that the dream of Tar. far, lli.Carbonate of Soda, Tartaric Acid, Mus* Ham, Ginger, etc., which you fet here Is guar- mieo l by the wholesale druggists of whom i.hev •> re bought, to stand AsyTtst for Abtolnt* Puitj The economical advantages derivad from me uhe of such goods over those of a cheaper (F) elnss, containing not only Injnrions but nore or less useless material serving no pur. pose t ut to increase weight, bulk, and profit to the manufacturer, is apparent to eiary one •*" I adapt the motto of my wholesale drug­ gists, and solicit a trial from every family in Wsiinonda. "Compare and then judge." What gives oar ( What cures their fevers, 1 Whan Babiea fret, and err by turns, What curse their oolic, kQla t" What quickly cures Constipation, Sour Stomach, Colda, indigestion: Caitorly Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and "Caatoria ia *o wall adapted to Children that I reeommand it aa superior ta any nail- etna knows to me."--H. A. Aacw, M.̂ Ill So. Oxford St., Btoaklya. V. T. An abaehrts ear* ft wistiais, laNlla, Pak ia tks Back,Buna,GalIa,*o. Ante' ataataneoea Paia- rsUaffr. OUustratod by tlie use of a Buggy mud KuKiry in this pictun'. but ril K : ' 11 nydViok's Safetv Kinp bolt uti'l 6 by 1 . . _ I,E4DI>>U Ol' AJIKMKM. I 1 „ Fifth Whuol. Ask vour deulor for tlie Tr. . II AY DOCK IIVGUV, with the Haydock Safety King Bolt and Flfili Wlic.:. I I.ife is insccute riding over any other. * (This pioture will tx furalibad aa a lar|« said, prinwd to «l«saal Myta, to tnyen. who will agroe to tHua« ^ 1". *P. H^-TTX>OC32i, tTiVoh^t? Pitoe LM. Cor. Plnm and T«el!tli sts.. CINCINNATI, O 1QEITS WAHTED WHERE WE HAVE V0HEI HO INVESTMENT 80 PROFITABLE: •WTl'i » V. ; ? • '#iK>' mm 4*xff '.d"**™** . v . . , 7 [ . V p D E A L E R I N * ^ • - Rcady-Made Staple Dry Goods, Invites an inspection ot his stock, all of which will be sold at the g°'J' at &ir MuHenry, III., June 10, mm S O D A est in the World. BswsfcflToys is! Ofalsti mi Old!I A VKW IB. MOW, SALESMEN " WANTED to canvass far the sale or Nur ry Stock! Steady employment guaranteed eery _ . _ .... Is" ,^L' i.S ... .. „ Ck ..t.feSi ' ; iv* W0SM i . . JjJa* .. •£. JL.' •&\A_ • r ; ; . iMA .*%.$1/5-i v," % ^}\ * , \ * , * J .

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