Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jan 1885, p. 5

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pr. JAN, 14, 1885, ffilu will MSOUTH flnm Geneve;--i,-^_ On)«n Mpnit Onen UU fWenW* tnwn wo*tHi. Oeee*a Lake »T*t*ht......... 8MMI I*ke Pwengor 3«M«S L«k« Bxpress •eneve bake Nun «r®r..; ... *480*13 MoltwniT LODBI, NO. W A. F and A. M, i and enry tw« GRAB. C. COLBT, W. M, KojjpaUlf OoraMQtttciitioD* the Saturday on_ or ir««ki thereafter. MomTOniPTH ar 0«iiT*cattan8 held FrMa« a m each mom NO. Si R. A. M -Regu- on the second and lonrtn noieh. „ „ JOBV I. 8TOBT. EL P. S«: & n. i f - L. C. MCKINSTRT aad <wlfe started for their home, at De* Moines, Iowa, on Tuesday afternoon last. GEO. HUNT, Jn., of Oak Grove 8tock farm, HebroA, made the PHINDEALKR a pleasant call on Tuesday. "FAHCHON THB CRICKET." at Grand Hall, this Wednesday evening. Do not fall te go. WM. MORTON, Algonquin, advertises an auction of a car of cows, to take place on Saturday next, the 17th. You win mUs a rich treat If yon fall to see Maggie Breyer In her cele­ brated character of uFanchon. the Cricket," at Grand Hall to-night, AN old cross eyed lady, with a red dress and plenty of pocket change, wants to get five or stx young gen tie- manto accompany her to Chicago. She will foot all the bills, v A SPECIAL communication of Mc- Henry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. and A. M. will be held on Monday evening next Jan. 16th. Work on the second degree. All members are earnestly requested to attend. • - LOST, January 3d, between the Mc Henry Rouss Barn and the Barber Shop, a Pocket Book.contalnlng #10, The finder will be handsomely re warded by leaving Barber Shop. the saral* it the U- fe imm Bonslctt & Stoflel. to be foand In another place In this paper. THK Barrel Race at the Skating Rink on Saturday evening next, prom­ ise f dcad^ loads of fiH^ani will draw out a geod crowd. P. GIES&LKR has an auction, Feb. 19, of stock, farming tool*, etc., and at the same time will offer !m farm for tale at auction if bidders can bo found. Mr. Gjeaeler has one of the finest farms In this section. Remember the data, Fob. 10th. He apparently and his friends WIMTER SICKNESS IN New ENGLAND some years sine#, in <l«ad •( winter, a contagious epidemic made It appear­ ance, which, after the first symptoms, a pain in the head, rout or face follow­ ed forthwith by unconsciousness, in the space or from Ave to twelve hours ul­ timate d la death. The ravages were fearful. It was called "spotted fever." IF everyone who owes small bills for groceries, dry goods, biavksmithlng or the newspaper, would make a little sacrifice, by selling enough produce to pay these email accounts. It would go a great ways toward bringing "good times'" to many who are In close quarters .on accouut of trusting so many people, who are slow to return the favor. Many honest men fall be­ cause their customers fall to pay them the three or five dollar accounts. BRYER'S Comedy Company, who have Veen playing at Grand Hall, in this village since Monday evening, have drawn good houses, and are giving uni­ versal satlsfact ion. They are, without question, the most talented 'company that ha« ever viiited this place. Mag­ gie Bryer has few equals In traveling companies, and she Is well supported by, the entire company. They play to-night "Fanchon the Cricket," and we trust they may have a full house, as It is one of thetiuest play* Qiltht boards. .*••••&#>,>< We <*9# tlie following from the Rome, If. Y„ Daifr Sentinel of Decern* ber 39th, !9W: William MePhea, who «rae prostrated by a paralytte attaek on the morning of Dec. to, died at his residence at i a. m. to-day. When taken 111 he was very low and It |ras thought he could live but a few hours. He ai improved, however, hoped for the best. But the Improve­ ment was cf short duration, Ha failed gradually daring last week and when :he end came he passed away peace­ fully. and without a struggle. Mr. Mo- Phee was born in Glasgow, Scotland, July 13,I80T, and was therefore In tils 78tli year at the time of his death. He emigrated with his parents to this country when 13 wars of aire, lint going to Canada. While in Canada he su9ered amputation of one of hla lege, the operation being necessitated by a white swelltnr. At the age of 14 years he came to Rome, and resided here from that time until his death. Not far from 1830 be went into biiainess for himself In Rome. and continued until bout 1873. Mr. McPhee joined the Methodist church about. 1839, and was a consistent member up t6 the time of his death. He was a very pleasant and genial gentleman and always had a word of cheer and pleasantry for those whom he mit. He was twice married. A widow, an adopted daughter who re­ sides at MeHenry, 1H., and an adopted son whose residence Is unknown, sur­ vive. Mr. McPhee has a number of rela­ tives In this section, and although he never resided here, was quite well known by our eitlaene. The adopted daughter spoken of above la Mrs. F. G. Mayes, of this village. Mrs. McPhee was formerly Mrs. Freeman Harvey, of this town. McPhee was a man highly honored and respected by all who knew him, and his death is deeply m o u r n e d b y a l l . " • 3 • : i f f y good do a. iV; * SH.A r THE system of issue Ing 1.000 mile tickets by the various railroad compa­ nies, was abandoned January 1. Trav­ elers will hereafter be required to buy tickets from place to place as they re­ quire them A mew anesthetic has recently bean discovered. It la so eflectlve that when a man Is under Us influence he can endure a certain lecture from his wife and not wince or groan. Big thing for married men and work3 the same vice versa,.', , / • • AKTPR repeated fallores, the Advent itsts announce the endiof the world on 5th of January. 1885, (weather per lug). "Just our luck,"said a Demo­ crat who read the prediction, "even after we have elected our man he won't be Tnangurated and all the trouble and expense goes for nothing." WE learn that a firm by the name of 8exton A Wagoner have purchased the old shops of R. Bishop, near the Iron Bridge, and will open a Blacksmith and Wagon shop therein, I his. in former days, was one of the best stands In this village, and we see no reason jvhy the new firm will not good business there now. LILLINGSTON'S Weather Forecasts for 1885 Is a neat volume of thirty-two pages, brim-full of Information regard­ ing the weather. Plain, simple, prac­ tical, just what everybody wants. Get it, study It, and be wise. Send fifteen oents for four copies aad terms, or five cents for a single copy, to LILLINGSTON 6 PIERCE, 404 Market Street, St. Louis, ,*o. __J THE MeHenry Dramatic Club are now rehearsing the popular three Act 'Drama entitled "Nevada or the lost Mine," which they propose in a few weeks to bring ont for the benefit of the MeHenry Cornet Band. The play, is both exciting and amusing. The adventure of Silas Jube and Winkyl will keep an audience roaring. As soon is the date Is dcclded upon we will publish the programme in full. THE editor of a paper may speak favorably of some people and thank them for favors conferred week after week, wltheut creating the slightest ripple of excitemeut in their minds. Of course that class of persons consid *er that klud of treatment due them. But If the editor should uuthonght tally Insinuate that they have done something for which he does not feel thankful, a breexe Is raised and war is declared. 3E. A. SHEDD & Co.. commenced their lis Harvest on the pond on Tuesday aad have new a large gang of men at work. Their buildings here, we believe are all full Of old ice, and what they out this season wlllbe Immediately shipped to Chicago. We understand they intend to ship about thirty cars a day. This will make lively times here for a few weeks, aud furnish work for a large number of menVho hare been lying idle. N ;WE are sorry that there are certain JMtrtles In our village who are constant ly complaining either about what others do or do not do, and make no •floats to do anything .themselves but growl. They complain that the PLAIN DEALER says nothing to right the wrongs. If we have said nothing for light in the past we believe it will . strike right when we attack the growl <irs, if necessary, personally. If these persons want anything done why don't r Ifeey take hold and help. 'im THE Silver Wedding of Mr.inft Mrs. C. Stegemann, which was held on the evening of January 6th, was attended by a large number of friends and neigh­ bors, aud a royal good time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Stegemann were the recipients of numerous and valuable presents, an enumeration ef which we have not :he time nor spsce to give, but suffice to say they wtre both useful aud valuable. The company enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent during the entire evening, and departed wish­ ing the host and hostess many rstnrns of the enjoyable occasion. PROGRAMME for the meeting of the M. C. T. A., to be held at Nunda^Jan. 24th, commencing at 9:80 a. m.: Roll Call Respond by quoting Whitiier Music Hygienic Phys.. Continued... W. E. Wire Defining Exercise das. G. Carr Technical Grammar Miles E. Lee Song E. L. Carr Teachers' Association, its Alma, Objects, and how to seenre them A. J. Kingman IHTBBMISSIOH. Phys. Oeeg., continued .....Miss Deerlng A Reading, L ..Lyman H, Yottni Fourth year in numbers .J.C. Pan * Story II. C. Faber Reading, continued Mr. Hiroh Query Box SS Critics Report Miss Ad»Granger Let every teacher who can possibly do so make It convenient to attend thta meeting and briu{ your friends. F. L. CA.KB, Sec. TBXT man who had predicted a mild winter has been invisible. Sereral hundred persons muffled In fun, were looking for him with blood In their eyes and their fists clinched. They were in as bad a rage as old red stock­ ings was the other night, when he was looklug for ye editor. He found him at his post oi' duty. "Why did you print tlmslyP" he said, at the same time raging like a roaring Hon. The citizens standing around trembled, and one man crawled uuder a shew case for safety. After red stockings had worked the surplus wind oil of Ills diapliram, and getting ready for % new supply, ye editor showed him the hole the carpenter made, when hs went hitherward immediately if not sooner, Ex. We ofsr bargains for cash if all Miida of warm lined goods to dose. rorasncMoxs * BvAxsox. Resolutions of Respect. At a commuincatlon of NundaLodge F. A A. M., the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, eur beloved brother, G. A Palmer, came to his death on the 19tli of Dec. 1884. Therefore. Resolved. That In the death of our lear brother, this lodgo hast los worthy member. Resolved. That we appreciate his simple, true and uuostentatious life auiont; u*. and that we rccognize in him an exemplification of those Ma sonic virtues sombvlized in our de screen. That by living as an apprentice he purged his mind of all the stibve sivo passions, which was an indlspen sable preparation for the goodconduct in lire; that as a companion he had learned to live orderly by labor, and a scrupulous observance of right and justice, a course which was marked out by rule, square and compass. Thus i laboring man he was an apprentice, then he became a felloweraft, and last a master, thus realizing our Masonic symbols. Resolved. That in the loss, tlso, of his beloved wife, society loses true, conscientious, and upright friends, and justice, temperance and virtue their warmest advocates. Resolved furthermore. That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the county papers for publication. COMMITTEE. P*rtyf Thnrsd: pLAOn>FTALK*:-A fishing frons here went to fox Lake on ay of last w«ek. bat we under­ stand that they met with poor success. Among the events of the past week was a cardnarty given by Mr. and Mrs F. D, Colmn on Thursday evening. There waiMH) invited gussts present. The evening was pleasantly spent with uames and refreshments. There was considerable miuuM«me:it derived In playing Progressive Eucher. Mrs. Ford and Mrs* dispell were the victors. As Mrs. Wm Smith and Miss Jennie McKee were returning home from I. C. Goodrich's on Sunday last, the horses took fright and tipped them out. They were not serlouslv hurt, but the carriage was pretty badly wrecked. There was a small blaze In Canada on Sunday last. It being Tubbles Man­ ure heap. The damages were light and fully covered by Insurance. Our regular weekly rain caught a very sudden cold on Sunday night lust, to the delight of all consendlng. Dr. Walker, Voter lary Surgeon, was In town on Monday of this week Inter- vie wing our Dairymen In regard to their disabled horses. At Robert Shufedt's Auction Sale of a carload of Milch cows on Monday of this week, cows sold on an averge of •38 per head. Riverside Sfctfitlg fi&i. "• The Riverside Skating Rlnk offers the following attractions for the next two weeks. Thursday Evealng, January 16th, to the most awkwsrd gentleman skater, to be decided by the ladles, a Silk Handkerchief. Saturday Evening, January 17th, Barrel Race for gentlemen. Prise a Skating Cap. The MeHenry Cornet Band will be present en this evening and dead loails of fun may be expected. Thursday Evening, January 22d, to the best lady skaters. In couples, a sea- sen ticket to each of six admissions. Ssturdsy Evening. January 94th, a Grand Masquerade. Skating to com mence at 7 o'clock. No skating without Masks until after 9 o'clock. The Mana­ gers will furnish Masks at 10 cents each. Admission to Rlnk 15 cents. Use of skates 15 cents. Season tickets not good on this evening. All those wish ing costumes can see styles snd learn prices by calling on O. N. Owen, at Herry & Owen's store. This Masquer ade Is not what Is called (full dress, but those who attend can act their pleasure and wear such cesiums as they cliooae. The MeHenry Cornet Band will fur> ai8h music on this occasion Don't forget to come out and see the fan. . „ STOXT ft HOWB, Managers. MISFORTUNE--Efforts to make osr tain a certainty already admitted, might remind one of the posture of a gentleman who was bitten by a snarl ling cur, and eith one blow of his cane dispatched the treacherous oflender, but still continued pelting him. A slander by says "the dog is dead; why do you persist In beating himf He retorted by disclosing himself a be­ liever, in after death punishment. In dividuala suffering from adverse provl dances sometimes seem to witness something almost like similar treat ment. A live mouse may creep over the carcass of a dead lion. WAMCONDA- Mr. Rouson is the prlnclpsl la Oar school not Mr. Powers, and Miss Hattle Wells not Miss Katie Is visiting in Chicago as was published last week. Charlie Barker has moved to Liberty- v^lle where he has opened a harness shop. Julian North Is working with him. A donation for the benefit of Elder Brooks will be given In Malman's Hall January 22d, one week from next Thursday evening. Fred Burritt Is home, sick from a badly ulcerated tofcth. The Misses Lamphere and Watte, of MeHenry, and Mrs. L. C. Andrus. of Biogwood. are visiting in Wauconda. John West and Charlie Wells are homo on a vacation frcm Valparaiso, New Millinery# tt^s. H. H. NICHOLS wishes to In­ form the ladles that she hss just returned from the city with a fine line of new styles in Millinery, and Fancy Goods, etc, to which she Invites their especisl attention. No old shop worn goods, but all new and of the latest styles. Call and examine goods and learn prices, I am also prepared to do Drsss>Mak lng on short notice and guarantee satisfaction Call and see me In second story, of block. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Xhrtra heavy Sheeting, 6 eta per yard at Fitzsimmons ft Evanson't. AUCTION! Tuesday, Feb. 10th, 1885. Commons Ing at twelve o'clock. The nnderslgned will sell at Public Auction, four miles west of MeHenry, the following proper­ ty. Fifteen new milch cows, one three year old horse. 1 six year old horse, 1 lumber wagon. 1 four year old horse. 1 threw seated buggy, 1 top buggy. 1 two year old colt, 1 sulky cultivator, 1 diamond tooth cultivator. 1 bobsleigh, 3 plows. I drag, 1 reaper and mower combined, 1 doable harness, 1 single harness. TERMS or SALE. All sums of $10 and under Cash. Over that sum a credit of 9 months will be given on approved Notes at 7 per oent Interest/^ ^ lent. COKTBUHITBD BT 3. r. BBMKBTT. Eldredge Shipped a large amount of poultry last week. Where on earth all these fowls came from f^at^|ftt*ry to the average man. j \ Frank Potter nearly amputated a portion of one of ,his feet with an »*e, last week. Dr. Bennett, of Minneapolis, Is in attendance and the injured mem­ ber is doing well. The next Richmond Fair will be held Thursday, Jan. 29th, at which It Is expected a large amount of stock, etc., will be offered for sale.' The im­ mense success of the fairs heretofore is a good guarantee for what the next will be. A. R. Alexander has the nicest lot of val»utlne8 for the present seasons trade we have ever seet»-aad in prices rang­ ing from a penny, way up, and In quali­ ty from a cheap cartoon to an exquisite affair of silk, satin and g11t.\ . Call rtnd see them. Our public school opened after the vacation with full .rooms and a. good Interest. Miss Genevive Goodrich, of the Intermediate department, was sick a few days at the opening ot the termt and her place was temporarily filled by B. C^%aue^|, of tlte . jUi^ ment« •(<> viliiS In the last No; of"the^i^roiALitft- the subject of S. L. Smith's graduating thesis at the Chadwick Law School, is printed "Lex Lad." Please read "Lex Loci." Mr. Smith, If given to profani­ ty, must hate cursed just a little to see the Latin murdered by substituting an ' for an "o." ;:ihe other »»ftiiBj.iBiiiy through the eooftty ann «iw|^; Z0x Lake at what is known St Wlpoerslnk Point. The contracts made give the company nearly a free right of jray, with the cost of construction consider­ ably less by the Nippersink thah the Antloeh line, but as the latter Is two miles shorter than the former, the probability is that it will be the line upon which the road will be located. - -- as it 1 Collector's Notice. 2; j undersigned, Collector for lf»e Town of MeHenry, lie re by gives notice that he will be prepared to receive Taxes, commencing on Monday, Jan. 12. 1885/ . , " Every Monday he can be found at the store of Lay & Adams. Johnsburgh, TUESDAYS:--At J. W. Crlsty'sstore, Rlngwood. TnuRSi)AYij--AijTorllque8t & Web­ er's shop, MeHenry. , {; SATURDAYS:--At Fitzsimmons , & Evanson's, West MeHenry. •'* ; ^ GEO. ROTHERMEL, Collector. Mi -i _ It- Traveling Salesman Wanted. I want a good man to represent mt, and sell goods in MeHenry , and Lake Counties. A young man preferred. I want a reliable person who can furnish good security. Address ine at Dundee III, c» F. HALL. Extra heavy red Twisted Flannel, former price 50 cents, now reduoed to 28 cts, at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. HOUSEHOLD WORDS.--DeLand's Soda and Saleratus have made their way into nearly every household in *the land ;and wherever the mistress prefers good materials to bad, they keep possesslop^fheg market. •P. GIESELER. three house also Everything in Forty per cent discount on Cloaks and Circulars at Fitssimmons 6 Evan- sou's. _______ Farm for Sale* I offer for sale my Farm situated four miles west of MeHenry, of land with good bulldfnj large barns, and a good good spring wi ~ good order. 10»9Mw Good Cotton Flannel at 5} cents per ysrd at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. Buy Day's Horse and Cattle Powder. Each package contains information valuable to the farmer and stock raiser. Doy's veterinary preparations are the best in use. Keep a package at your "i. Prlc PHILIP GIESELER. stables and barn-vards, five cents per pa<kage full weight. of ce twenty one pound. Russian Circulars cheap a| FiWslm mons A|Evanson's, ^ ̂ . S' . THE WORD "ON." This is a short word, but Its use is probably as general as longer ones, Now we wish that you journalist, biographers, professors and teachers may turn a deaf ear to the story we re­ late, for It Is exclusively for children snd youths, such as pupils in school, A letter written in Philadelphia by one of the most tilented and beet educated gentlemen In the city came to our pos session Tuesday last. That letter con­ tained so many "on's" that we number ed a part of them. They seemed nearly In place but It was presumed that there may be too many of them. Now for the opinion of our children: 1. The reported that the annual meeting was held on Nov. 20th. Query was there any need of Mou'- In that place f 2. Conference was held on Dec. Snd, In this sentence was ••on" needed f 8. The Sunday School sessions began on Wednesday. Wherein is the need of "ofo" here ? 4. The Alumni was held on De?. 8, Was there need of Monn In either case Mauy more esses were apparent but those quotations may give an example to show those needless embarrassing sylables which find themselves Incor­ porated Into all languages for the sim­ ple want of thought. Dear pupils, when you take a journal and read that "on" such s day an event took place you must conclude tlist such a day must of course be a sufferer, and that when you make a record you will omit "on" simply for the beauty of the sentence. Example: I may go to the depot Thur»dsyJ(not on Thursday). s * I shall writs 1 litter Monday, (ttot on Monday). I shall make my holiday present Thursday, (not en Thursday). Now, pupils, you will lnqulre why do the most cultured people make mis­ takes? I answer: It is because they write. Those people who never write, never make mistakea. Tour correspondent, dear children, may give Msome" more lessons on wjjg#j jiereafter. W. Wrltlnc Bitter Kdltorlals. "Let me tell you how I write bitter editorials my boy. Some time when a a man has pitched into me and 'cut me up rough,1 and I want to pulverize him, and wear his gory scalp In my girdle^ and hang his hide on my fence, I write the letter that is to do the business. I write something that will drive sleep from his eyes and peace from his soul for six weeks. Oh. I do hold him over a slow fire and roast him. Gall and aquofortls drip from my blistering pen. Then, I don't mail the letter and I don't print the editorial. There's always plenty of time to crucify a man. The yllest criminal Is entitled to a little reprieve. I put the maiiu- acript away in the drawer. Next day I look at It, The ink is cold;I read it over and say: 'I don't know about this There's a good deal of bludgeon and bowie knife journalism in that. I'll hold It over a day longer.* The next day 1 read it again. I laugh, and say 'Pshaw V and I can feel my cheeks get­ ting hot. The fact is I am ashamed I ever wrote It, and hope that nobody has seen It, and I have half forgotten the article or letter that filled my soul with rage. I haven't been hurt, haven't hurt anybody, and the world goes right along, making twenty four hours a day as usual, and I am all the happier. Try It, my boy."--Burdelle Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is recom mended by physicians ef the greatest eminences on both sides of the Atlantic as the most reliable remedy for colds and coughs, and all pulmonary dis­ orders. it aflords prompt relief in every case. No family should be with out It. Everything In the Hardware line l bottom figures, at E. M. Hewe*» On Friday,Jan. 16, our neighbors at Salem, In Kenosha County, hive the annual msellnjt of the Kenesha Oountv Wool Grower's Association. Dinner Is to be served by the ladies at the M. E. church. The secretary of the society Is R. F. Roberts. WootUwortlis, Kenosha Co., Wis. i . 4 • •• Mrs. Raythoru and her choir are to give a concert for the purpose of rais­ ing funfs to buy singing books and other music for the use of the singers The date is not yet definitely fixed but it will probably be on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 28th. A full pro gramme wlllbe given later. The simple announcement that the Congregational choir is to sing ought to fill the house, A ten mile race on roller skates is to take place &t Coulman's Opera House on Thursday evening, Jan. 15. Two prizes are to b«i given. The race Is altogether too long. Five miles is as long a race as any one ought to skate, and especially as it Is dangerous for boys of 16 to 20, just at the gmwlng age to put forth such extraordinary fatiguing efforts as a ten mile race iu volves. • Why don't the highway commission ers give attentton to the Craine bridge It has been impassable for a loug time stopping all transit from Johnsburgh and MeHenry on the south road from northern points from that direction It ought to be repaired or rebuilt at once, Can It be fixed at this season ~ If people have to wait until next sum­ mer it will occasion a,great inconven ience. The cards are out for a grand "Clave land and Hendricks Party" af the Opera House, (formerly National Hall) Wood­ stock, 111., on Monday evening, Jan. 19, 1885. We notice that the committees on "arrangements," "reception," "invi­ tation," etc., are large and representa­ tive. P. K. Allen, of Richmonl, fs one of the floor managers, and Elijah Bow­ ers Is on the "Commltte of Invitation.1' The music is by Prof. Rosenbecker's Chicago Orchestra;dancing commences *t 8 o'clock sharp, and a general invi­ tation Is extended to everybody. Tickets, fl.50. Richmond Post, No. 286, will hold an open camp-fire, at the M. E. church in Richmond on Saturday evening, Jan. 24th, The entertainment will consist of an address by Hon. B. N. Smith, of Woodstock, music by the Richmond Cornet Band,singing by the celebrated Congregational choir of Richmond, recitations,etc.,and will close with an oyster supper. A fuller programme will be given hereafter. The Post will use every endeavor to make the affair pleasant one, to the public and a cordial invitation Is extended to one and all, old and young to attend and have a good time. t Go to lira. Bom* fto Dressmaking. SMOKERS, call for Bail High Art." They have fe] No trouble to questions at R. Bishop1 mZ m Buy the Estey OrAn if yon waaiti best. O. W. Owen,MeHenry, Agent. 4 pounds or Tea for #1,00 at Beissfett- & Stoffei's. Laud For Sale. "fli^itindersigned offers for tale 160 acres of good land in Harlan County. Nebraska, for the small sum of $1500, Qr will exchange the same for property In McIIeury or vicinity, This Is a rare hance for anyone who wishes to go pall on or address C AKDBEW KENNED*, / ? MeHenry, tn. 22 pounds broken Btee for 91.00 pt. Bonslett & Stofiel's. ,u Underwear marked down at Fitssim- raon'8 & Evanson's. , City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock,111. t*o to Mrs. M. Schnmaeber'a far MID* in*ry, Dress Making and Fancy We carry the largest line of Ototk- ";V- sng in the market, and snir pries# am : ^ always as low as good goods can be sol# i| Henry Colby. v/l The Lyman Barb and galvanized,deeido< in the market, at John The finest assortment of Bird CagM in town, at John I. Story's, Bishop'e Roller Wtlta Flour. For Sale in Wauconda, by C. Jencks. Try a Sack, It cannot fail to | please yeu. Frank's Polish for Ladles dises wilt not rub off or soil the skirts. For sale BY HENBY COLBT. Building Paper, cheap, at John I* Story's. _____ * A fine assortment of very fine Gran- Inte Iron Wire at John I. Story's. Health is Impossible when the blood is impure, thick and sluggish, or when it is thin or impoverished. Under such conditions, boils, pimples, htadaches. neuralgia, rheumatism, and one disease after another is developed. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and It will make the blood pure, rich, warm, and vita­ lizing. Rockford Flannels at a very liberal discount at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. stopped (Restorer, free V. fit* FITS All tits Kline's Great Nerve' after first day'* use. Marveleoa Treatise aud 92.00 trial bottle free ts Fit cases. Send to Dr, Kline,Mil Arch Phlla,, Pa. 4 St THE fiuest assortment or Machines to be fennd in the oi O. W. Owen's. New Clothing, "patented" at slett & StotfteFs. , | ' ' n r Bon- Overcoat, never such bargains As now obtainable at Henry Colby's. Good Bedsteads for 81.70, at Justen Bros., West MeHenry, 111. Fu!l and (asm pie to lioe of Men's and*-.Af Boys' Clothing, at reasonable prices at ' Perry & Owen's. Please remember that enr stock In ^ every department Is very oemplete ;£M and that our prices are alwaya the lowest that can be made. We viR sM be undersold by any house InMteHenrr " Co. Henry Colby. r %! The Boss Barrel Story^s. Churn, at John I Good fitting pants of good cloth, al wool, only 93.00. Made by E. Lawlu9 Bring your cash to Fitzsimmous & Evanson's and receive sound value, C. II. Fargo Boots and Shoes at Bon­ slett & Stofiel's," All the Fancy Cutters at E M. Owen & Son's. . 2 large boxes matcnes, 3600 for 25 cents at Bonslett & StoflePs. j Please Remember that my prices are US' low as the lowest and 5 per cer.t oft for ciuh. J, B. BLAKE. Wood Scat Chairs, 92.40 for 6 chairs, 5 per cent off for cash at J. B. Blake's 36 luch | Cashmere, all colors, 27 cents at Bonslett & Stofiel's. , only Walnut Extension Tables 83 cents per foot, at Justen Bros., West Me­ Henry, 111. " We par the very highest prices for all the good butter and eggs you can bring us, Bo'nslett & Stofiel. We have just added au elegant line of dress goods, which are ofieredat oui usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby .Mens' all wool suits #4!00. Chinchilla Overcoats only 95.00. Boots & Shoes sold below Chicago prices at E. LAWLUS'. New Lumber Wagons All complete for 850 at the Wagon Factor}' of R. Bishop, MeHenry, 111. MILK ! MILK ! The best of Milk delivered at any part of the village is cheap as any other man. Listen for tiie Bell. A. L. HOWE - 16 styles Of Bureaus, 8 out of 15 will draw a fine chtoujo 24x30 IV^,, B, Blake's. Wheat Waned. WANTKD. at the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price In cash will be pajd MeHenry, III., April ltth, 1884. Last Thursday, Dan Kilbourne and om Wilson, of Richmond, were at work shingling a barn oil the premises of Geo. Stewart, Keystone. Wilson was on the peak of the roof and Kil- bourn was at the top of the ladder which led to the scaffolding. A support giving way Wilson slipped and could not recover himself. 'KOn his way to the grouud Kilbouin was carried with him and both fell to the ground, a distance or 18 and 10 feet. Wilson was badly bruised and was Insensible fer some time. Kilbourn r ceived a very serious injury of the spine, In the lumbar re­ gion, resulting in paralysis of the lower limbs and bladder. He Is better at this writing but Is yet helpless. The Doctors Bennett, pere et filo, are in attendance. We are always on the lookout foi any news of that ignis fatieu* of thirty years standing, the Chicago & Wiscon­ sin Railway. The lollowlng clipped from the Chicago Tribune of Thursday, Jan. 8th, Is given for what it is worth: WEST LIBERTYVILLE, III., Dec. 7:-- (Special.]--Henry S. Hawiey, President of the Chicago & Wisconsin Railway, which surveyed their lines through this county during last summer, has receiv­ ed instructions from the directors of that company to locate the line inline, diately, and will close their right-of- way matters at once. The company has contracts for nearly all the rig>>t of way on the line* through the county, one running through Lake City via fjlbertvville to Autloch and the State R. BISHOP. FOR SALE OR RENT. Two houses in the village of Ring wood. Termi reasonable. Apply at once to WESLET LADD. Rlngwood,|Nov. 10th, 1884. BOB SEUOHSTFOR SALE. Warranted to last until the year 1900, Don't buy until you call and see them. R. BISHOP. Attention Ladies. We have just receive*1 about 100 Rus sian Circulars which we ofier at two thirds of regrlar price, with an extra discount of 5 per cent for cash. In­ spection solicited. FITZSIMMONS ft EVAKSOX. No. 1 Ash Extension Tables for 65 cents per foot at J. B. Blake's. No. 1 Walnut Extension Tables, 83 cents per foot, at J. B. Blake's. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat form Spring Buggies for saU at R. Bishop's warehouse. BOB SLEIGHS FOR SALE Warranted to last until the year of 1900. Dou't buy until you call aud see TLIEOI. B- BISHOP. Uood single Lounges for 96.00. Five per cent ofl for cash. J. B. BLAKE. Bed Lounges only 98.00 at Justen Bros,, West MeHenry. New Lumber Wagon* All complete for 950* at & W. Grlm- olby'f, Ringwood. 111. 32-lm No. 1 Bedsteads for 91.85, 5 per cent ofl for casli at J. B. Blake's. Sewing •otJ* at For Sale or Eiotiangii One or two good lionsaS, #ith barns and other oot-hnlldiRga; orchards, wells, c!sterna, ete. Veil located near the Depot In West Ha* I Henry, together with land froai on* acre to fifty. Will sell very Cheap or trade for a farm, or western wild land. Also a good house to rent. $ West Cleaning and Repairing done In tlM neatest manner, by E. Lawlus. NOTICE, Two first class tailors are bv E. Lawlus, to please the McHenrv with good itting F, Houck, of Beleit, gnaiaateita no sale. •r Farm for Mt The undersigned si Farm, oontalniug 9M » for t4»U* _ Aorsa, ait one mUe West of the *11" Henry, en the Woodstock • buildings, living fruit, and «young bear! well adapted fera stetik;! to Railroad Station and a1 tory. For terms aad other inquire of the undersigned premises. HKVBY OL MUA McIIenry, July 16th, WL Thousands ot Dairymea. , Will testify that DIcktwMVO** Prescription saved their eenrS from having milk fever. It should be gtvta In every case as soon as paHHWi1i>»t the cow calves. It will ate* eawa her to do well, and increase tha itt*r milk. It is worth from 90 to all lift!!i cow Is worth to every one oslng 1$, For ssle by all Druggists. / Five Pounds of the Choicest Japan Tea for 92. Call and get sample of. whatLirlve awsy, B. Gl ! ^ GLASS I GLASS ! We keep Glass ef all sliia eonstantly on hand. Special slaes ent wttihMt extra charge. JOBttl»-tNfpV% •"' New Lumber Ail complete fer 960, at th* Factory of R. Blsop, MeHenry, 111, FEED CUTTERS. 'i- The Belle City takes the lead; the strongest and best, at E. M. Owen 0 Son's. __________ E. Lawlus Has Just returned from the clt§%iifc f a fashionable stock of Cloths. Gtftte should keep one eye open for fits. Store opposite Riverside MeHenry, Illinois. ' ^ For Sale or Seat. The Brick Store opposite the Parker House, formerly occupied by G. W. Besley as a drug store, Is omiwl for sale or rent. Will be soldoa1 or rented on reasonable tei to. B. Gi West McHonrjr, Nov. Mb,: Good Bedsteads for Blake's, 91.70, at *. Ash Extension Tables at 99 oaata Hi foot at Jnsten Bros., West CUTTERS CUTTERS. The finest Cutter that ever came to the county you can see at E. M, Owen & Son's, rt;; Wheat Wanted, WANTED, at the Fox River Tailed Mill good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price In cash will be paid. B. Btsaor. Ho Henry, III., April JUtb. 1884. 16 lbs New Orleans Granulated Siigar for fi.oo at Bonslett & Stoflers. Italtno- Clothlng Notice, I will, on December soth, ad, *d and 24th, sel! 82 boys and yonths salts at the lowest prices on the time tablet Suits formerly 95£0 dowa U* §Mt« suits formerly 18.50 down to 96.75;knee pants formerly 91.35 down to 10e»ats; yourg mens odd coats formerly MJiO down to 92.00; young mem coats 91.75; mens fine dress erly 920 down to 916.79; suits formerly 916J9 vests 50 and 70 cents, Shop! fine pants formerly 99JB9down t*l Now for Boots and Shosa: r soled boots formerly 94jB9dasrapto $3.40; tine sewed shoes forflserirtfcflO down to $3.15; second best erly 93.50 down to 92.16. Hnadi«il of other goods the same. IE* . Opposite BiversMe Hotel. MtHwry, IU. The Great If you are suflbrlng with I Neuralgia, lieadach*, ache. Sore throat, use 1 Fer Sprains, Bruieee and has 110 equal. From 19 taken in a little sweeten* externa! application will the Stomach and Cholera and equally as, sale by all Llaimeat aadi NA UIKNIIII 'i™1 j*, mSSUM - ' > I

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