Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jan 1885, p. 4

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18, 1886. Editor. of earthquake Mirnd sac-?^- saisigu j'reMiisiW. * shock »as felt, high moved rrcim tUe per- ai eccentric bill wan Kennedy at the Sohenc- Poor House, who thinks receive hie wages every Satur> and to satisfy him he Is •fpooafal of cm tor HtH* he accepts >i hit salary. ho United States Senate I resolutions relating to the aad the London explosion, liod by Mr. Bayai d Saturday were discussed, and after a speech by IQddloberger favoring postponement tbe reeolatlens were adopted by a vote . #f 88 to I. , . 80*Cleveland's civil service letter alias no doaht served the purpose for which It wis Intended. Since this Ijlttlt doOMSORt was sent out the office* tsektal ertso has greatly subsided and ; !?«• Mistake not this was Mr Cleve­ land's idea la his letter, for when one CNttN It care%lly he cannot hut j|otloe the open grasp or Are escapes. rf aflTAt the time of going to press the ^%owr Booso at Sprlngdeld had failed to organise, and the circus was still fotag on, with E. M. Haines in the Chllr. The people will hold the Demo* Oracle party responsible for this dis­ graceful and outrageous proceeding, ffce spectacle of one man dictating to iiventy-elx Is a humiliating en% Ills nothing loss than oowardlee. flS^The Capron Herald truly says: *^CIiartey Fuller, Boone county's favor- ItesM, is reoelving many compliments -' fihMa tho press ot the state, for the flsaMMT la which he has conducted him* atlf daring the tempest at Springfield. |N has proven himself to be thorough- ^ posted In everything pertaining to tilt aiairs of state. He will receive Jiia reward from the people to 4wa lime." itf1! ; * UPThe Chicago Evening Journal Compares Mr. Chas. E. Fuller and Mr. it. M. Haines In the following pat man- *' »er: Mr. Fuller, the accomplished leader •f the Hepatol lean side of the House. Is parliamentarian than Haines; he to* etpmlplocluan J his conduct is with- In tlM weU*deflned limits of law and Virdir. The contrast between a legis­ lator of good sense, good taste and good judgment and a man who Is a «sero otaoeky demagogue and a brawl- law dlsliiilmi of the peace. Is Illustrate ** *y the Republican leader on the flSoraiiMpaiM with the Democratic temporary presiding who impudently and falsoly to be Bposatsr of the House. champion of temper- '^ipM, Joba P. St. John, is In a vice, and etnoerely hope it will be tightened to aaka him assume the size a^ilch belongs to him. J. S. Clarkson, editor of the Iowa State Register, ttdM some very stinging assertions : *Am St. John, claiming that the Pfsocrats outbid the Republicans and fkm Jokm received about 840,000 for re •rising in the light, the Democrats siiteittiog the value to them of bis ^siiilMsif he aontinued a presidential omdldate. St. John has attempted to foply, hot failed to stigma^e (he eharf*. T» Tttm Big Show. For the beneflt of thoee of our read sntls are intending to visit the New Orleans Exposition, we will give a few items of information gleaned from Tattoos sources, which may be of in- toroer March and April are the best aroaths la which to visit New Orleans for roses, orange blossoms, mocking birds,soft air and sunshine are pre­ valent, and the city is seen at Its best, but in these months light overcoats and wraps are needed for evening, The weather in January and February is variable, with rain and dampness, The thermometer gets down to the forties and contrary to our Idea of foatbern climate furs are not unfre <iueatly worn dating portions of these months. 89*For the beneflt of the Incoming postmasters, who are doubtless Ignor- Ml of their duties, espcially In the for* of reports, etc., we give below one of the original ones in Buchanan1 day, which is still on file at the Post Offlae Department, and reads as fol- lowat * watterford, fulton co lis July the 9,1857 muster jams* bucanln. President of United Htates Dear Sur Bean required the instructions of the poet office report quartly, I now foolfll that pleas' ant inly by reportln as follows. The Harvoatin has been perty well and moet of the nabors have got cuttlu about dun, wheat is hardly a average crop, on rollln lans corn is yellowish <>!$£§WOflt eat more than ten or fifteen tbo aker the health ot the is only Tolerably meesiis have broke out In about 2 nod alMlf miles from hear, thalr arr a powerful awaken on the subject of rell|«a ln tbe poots naborhoed and mwpifirtl nrt being made to know theifpnil forgiven miss nancy Smith neihrn»*er bad twins day bafore •pi of them is supposed to a seven osonther is a poar tfelof, and won't live half Its l||fii!s about awl i know and have IImi present quarter giv my i|o Mrs, Bodcanln an subscrlh 'fOOM Abigal Jenkins p • at fpltoa Co tits. hatch of Wttiesses thM«*(*torofe th* Grand Jtiry on Moadfty frf last week, was In regard to our saloonkeepers, and we are informed they fotwd three In* dictinents agaiost Jeo. Stehllk. Mr. and Ml*. Henry Keyes gave a Card Party on Wednesday evening of last week. The entertainment consist- I 'tit" Uimt s «ii't f#« #ll'i ™ very pleasant e vetting spent, if mercury <vas 20 degrees below aero. The following guests were preseut: Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Dodd, Mrs. V. N. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wenhols. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sinnett, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wandrack, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Phllp Jr., Mrs. D. W. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. C<>ltriu, Mr. Mil Mrs. Dr. Nasen, Mr. and Mrs. J* B. Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter, Mrs. C. M. Blgelow, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bartels Mr. and Mrt>. J. Helm. Mr. and Mrs. W( , Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Ei Morton Jr. Fred Bartels was the champion In Play in Progressive Euchre. On Thursday of last week A. B. Coon and Slierifl Udell came down from Woodstock and took possession of the Russell Grimes farm. Said Grimes was sojourning at the hotel do Udell at Woodstock In the meantime. There were 20 couple at the dance given by Frank Pingry at the Algon quia House on Thursday. evening of last week, and a very pleasant time was had by sll present. Henry Henk gave us a little excite­ ment In the bliape of of a runaway, on Saturday morning last He had his team and hitched in front of Wenlioltz A Phlip's store. They broke loose from lit out, leaving the sleigh box and milk cans in front of Joe Johnson's black­ smith shop. The horses broke loose the sleigh nt>ar Doig's mill, and were caught down at James Stewart's, half way to Carpentersvillo." There was no serious damage done. There was a sleigh load of young folks from Huntley on Saturday last, visited with the Kingman family, here. They were former pupils of Mtr. King­ man. Misses Nellie Wandrack and Amelia Adainek, of Elgin, spent Sunday here with relatives and friends. I. V. Montanye and Miss Qarnier, of Elgin, drove up on Sunday last and made his sister, Mrs. J. Helm a short call. . Helm A Peter's sale of their lumber and coal business to Chas. Kublank, mentioned by us last week, has fallen through. George Donovan, formerly of Car- pontersvill'e, was in town on Monday of this week. Mrs. Wins Morton is on the sick list, She had an attaek of pleurisy. We are really going to have a now river bridge in the near future. The Highway Commissioners are receiving bids for the same. - »*••' i . -- wr* WAUCONDA* Editor Plaindealer:--A. C. Bangs lias returned from southeastern Dakota where he has bought a large farm. Col. Grlswold took a severe cold on his return from Minnesota, where be has been living for about two years, and was confined to the house for some days. We are glad to see him out again, John Cowman died last week at Mrs. 1 Parker's at Barrington. About 975r was received at Elder Brooks' donation Tj»nr*day evening. Miss Brainardof Iyanlioe, is visiting H, D. Wells. Ed Whorreil paid a visit to his old home some time ago, and at this time entered into the holy bonds of matri­ mony. He has just brought his wi fe to Wauionda, and the yoang couple have begun housekeeping in Mr. Clansy's house near the Baptist church. It was pretty cold last Tuesdayeven- Ing, but net too cold to prevent a party of Waucondians from visiting the Nunda skating rink. They bad a spienid time, and Mreally were not In the least cold," A large delegation went to the McHenry riuk last Satur­ day evening. Wauconda certainly has the skating rink fever--has it bad and a large rink would doubtless be built soon, were it not for-the difficulty of securiug s suitable location. Dr. McChesney had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse last week. From the columns of the Lake County New* we learn ibat the Wisconsin A Chicago R R Company have declared their intention to locate their road soon, on one of the lines tfast of us, too far east to be of any special beneflt to Wauconda. It will be remembered that last summer when the surveys I wereibeing made, the possibility of Its | running through the village were sug­ gested. Owing to the storm the dance Friday evening given by the G. A. R., was not very luliy attended. The Post pro­ poses giving a series of dances every two weeks during the winter. The next will be Friday evening February 6th. Next Friday evening Nicholas Friend will give a dance and raffle, the prise being a buggy valued at 160. Feb. 'ifeO ftutin tor* *«bii« as the 1tth,1888, SO choice oo«a»:«aw: ers, 8 heifers OMklng wite calf, 1 l»ol*«uen bull two years old eaeh, 1 span with foal, 1 three .year old m More 15 good shoats, a quantity tamo quantity oat straw, 4001 bushels oats to be sold In lots to suit purchasers, 106 bnahels potatoes and other property not above mentioned. Tbkms. All sums of 810 cash, over 810 ten months tlm - on good approved notes at 7 per cent Interest. 1 per cent oft for cash. Free Lunoh from 11 to 12. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock sharp. W. A A. M08GROVE. F, K. Granger, Auctioneer. . V )«••• • . 1 WLLJQ- V AUCTION! , Feb. 10th, 1885. Ing at twelve o'clock, The nndersigned will sell at Public Auction, four miles west of McHenry, the following proper­ ty. Fifteen new miichcows. one three year old horse, 1 six year old horse, 1 lumber wagon. 1 four year old horse. 1 three sealed buggy, 1 top buggy, 1 two year old colt, 1 sulky cultivator, 1 diamond tooth cultivator. 1 bobsleigh, 2 plows, I drag, 1 reaper and mower combined, 1 double harness; 1 single harness. Terms of Sale: All sums of 810 and under Cash. Over that ;um a credit of 9 months will be; given on approved Notes at 7 per cent. Interest. p. Giassbaa. A Startling Discovery. Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Huron Salt,, writes that his wife had been troubled with acute Bronchitis for many years, and that all remedies tried gave no permaneut relief, until he procured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, which had a magical effect, and pro­ duced a permanent cure* It is guar­ anteed to cure ail Diseases of Throat, Lungs, or Bronchial Tubes. • Trial bottles Free at Henry Col by'e Drugstore. Large Size #1.00. - ADV1CK TO MOTHBHS. Are you disturbed at night and en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so,send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is Incal- culaole. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon It mothers, there Is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu­ lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation and gives tone and en­ ergy to tho whole system. Mrs. Wins- low Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and beu female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Pri«ae 25 cents a bottle. 'AYER'S _ Ottr Son*!*) Annnal Cl«at»nc« 3ale to Close Oat Winter Gooda and Make Room ftef Sprtoc Stook wtnOMttmeucse 3/-VjV;; ' JLASTINO 40 DAY* pill be i&e Principal Feature of M>|e 8alet fr oaf m Close* oat !% l?evr gtoc-k-of Jlen's ami Boys' Rearty-Made 3uits and Ortreoatawill be Sick and clean at Prices that will Aston!»h the Natives of McHenry Co. ©a# Dry Ooods Department V. Contains Numerous Special Bargaina* PLAIN PLAID, BROCADE, AND FANCY DRh'SS GOODS, THIMM1NG SILKS AND SATINS, VELVETS, BUTTONS, Etc. WOOLEN UNDERWMA&, FLANNELS, HOODS, SCAUFS, HOSIERY, MITTENS, GUI article* too numerous to mention; ni t ut prices that would shame a thief. ' . A LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, WOOL BOOTS ARCTICS, OVERSHOES, FLANNEL-LINED SHOES for Men, Women and Children. WINTER HA7» AND CAPS These things most be closed out while Winter lasts. Come and Bee 27i| '"/.ft • ; ^ We Mee&fo Business. PETER & COLTEIN, Alppin, E Ic5D 'AOoiaplete Assortment <if CORSKTS, HJOP SKIRTS, BUSTLES, KID GLOVES AND at 10WE82 PR1CJBB, • YOURS TRULY, ;And Don't You Forget It." WAUCONDA vA#o prepared to ahow you a large stock of 4 £ ' i* Jp1; J#* ' ! " * W i >»*; , ' f ' ~ New, Attractive, Desirable in Quality, Quantity and Price. Our * '! » ^ fir* 7 , / ' Is Unsurpassed. i In DOMESTICS we have more than we know what to do witk * hence have adopted the plan of almost giving them away. It works nicely, and pleases our customers. Qloves, Hosiery, Notions and Novelties, a carload. M i >• <-(*'$ t A " * tJi ^ 1-1 No other eomplainto are so lnaidk>ns In their attaek as those affeeting the throat and lungs: none so trifled with by the majority of Bufler- mrs. The ordinary eough or oold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex­ posure, is often bat the beginning of a fatal sickness. AVKB'a Cbkk*V PKCTOaAL has well proren its effieacy In a forty yean' light with throat and long diseases, and should be takeu in all cases without delay. A Terrible Coagh Onred. " In 1BS71 took a severe oold, which affected my lungs. 1 had »terribleeough-and passed night uter night without sleep. The doctors gave me up. I tried Atxb's Chkrrv Pec- tobal, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded me the rest necessary for the recovery of my strength. By the continued use of the Pzctokal a perma­ neut euro was affected. I am now 62 years old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied rait? CantaT Pbctobal saved me. r L Horace FaibbbotuV# Rockingham, Vt., July 15,1882. Cronp.--A Mother's Tribute. "While in the country last winter my little boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; It seemed as if he would die from strangu­ lation. One of the family suggested the use of Ayer's Chkrby Pictokai,, a bottle of which was always kept in the house. This was tried in small and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The doc­ tor said that the Chkrrv Pectoral had saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude? Sincerely yours, line. Emma Gedkbv." 159 West 128th St., New York, May 16,1883. •• £ have used Aybb's Chkrby Pectoral hi my family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual, remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. J. Crake." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13,1882. " I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with no snc- eess, I was cured by the use of Ayer's Chf.b- itv Pkctobal. Joseph Waldes." Byhalta, Miss., April 5,1882. " 1 cannot say enough in praise of Ayfr's Ciierry Pectoral, believing as 1 do tliat but for its use I should long since have died from lung troubles. £. Braoix>k." Palestine, Texas, April 22,1882. No case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectobai,, and it will always cure when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine. prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. SeM brail I>ruggiste. $50 REWARD $50 P YOU FIND THK EQUAL OF Underwear and Furnishing Coods In great variety. |5gr"In fact we have a store full ot Dry Goocb, Fancy Goods, and Notion!, and shall let none of our cqmnetitors walk away with us on low prions* W© invite inspection* Frintertf ink will not show our stock. ? Groceries, Groceries, A full line, aud prices that cannot fail to pleise. |3g*No troubfo to show goods. fe ,™, • . iOLDlOO paOTNBB^' LOWSHAR ejPtttr BV'rfWIa S O D A B est in th e Wo rid. STOPPED FREE Marvtious ttuctss. Insane person* Restored Dr.KLINE'S GREAT NerveRestojrer . br alt Brain a Nkrve Diseases. On# sur* cure /or Nerve Afftcti»ns. fits, etc. IlWAixtBLB if taken as directed. No Pits a fur "ret day's use. Treatise fend trial bottle free to It patients, they paying: express charges on box whe* | received. Send names, P. O. and express address of • afflicted to DR.KLINE.oit Arch St..rhiladelphia.Pa. »Druggists. BEWARE OF IMITATING FRAUDS. SIBLEY :S A*TESTEDO O E E D o lewd fw wr 1 ILLUSTRATED and DE. BcHii^rivk Catalouijc. OF c c r n o Veacetable, Flower and Field attUA PI IIIT? BDLB8. fl.OKI.^T^^Hffp: fLIJIilO PUB8 and 1.11 PI, I MKNTN •f all kinds, mailed Fit EE on application HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL. v»22-326 E. Main St. 200-206 Randolph St i i . i n i i . i i i ' : f , i _ i i . i . i . 1 M For Sale By Flts8lmmon8 ft Evanson, We«t McHenry, III C F Hall A Co, Bicnmond, III. _ A ft Alexander, Richmond, III., "• J F Packer.tRichmoiyl,'!!!. 6 C Oelby, Kunda, IU. <- F Bowe, Hebron, 111. TS> S Smith, Alden, II!. J V* Cristy ft Sona, Ringwoodk 111. Kuckmaa A Rice, Wllmoty WI*. H 3elp, Lake Zarlch, III. y " Goldtng Bros. Waaoanda, Ut. Wells ft Weiden, Waaeonda, 111. v R Tweed ft Son, Spring Urore, III.' Ley ft Adams, Jehnsburgh, III. E Maner, Genoa Junction, Wis. O A Sauer ft Ce., ItOEg^QiOTa, 111. H Rogera, Veto, I1L v Administrator's Notice, Estate of John Welch deceased. The na signed having been appointed adminis­ trator of the estate of John Welch deceased, late of the county of McHenry, and state of Illinois, hereby give notice that he will ap­ pear before the County Court of McHenry County, at.the Court House, In Woodstock, at the March Term on trie third Monday- in March uext, at which time all )>ersong having claims against said estate, are notiiled and re­ quested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated 0th day of January A. D., 188ft. Wm. Welch, Administrator. ii 1-sv :-'ip t WIST UoHMBY. OFFER CREAT BARGAINS IN , Overcoats, Blankets . • 'fr::j, TARNS, 1UTTENS, QLOVES, VESTS, f Wool Hosiery, Hoods, Vnbiu, Soub, 8Urla, Sntvui, Bono Bla&kots,*Bobos, Aroticsf Wqol Boota, A iliiH 1 S^"When thieves fall out, bonast men gel their due#.1' O'Dynamite Rossa, Capt. T. F. Plielan and others af the gang are at war, and because Phe- lan gave a newspaper reporter tome points 1n regard to dynamite plots raised by Roesa he was stabbed very serioubly by one of Rossa's henchmen. Now that these dynamiters have fallen aut maybe some of them will point out wherein some or the others have broken the State laws. HopeUnWJba the beginning of the end, " \ Ayer's Hair Vigor Improves the beauty of the hair and promotes its growth. It Imparts an attractive ap pearaoce, a delightful and lasting per­ fume. Whll« it stimulates the roots, cleanses the scalp, and adds elegance/ to luxuriance, Its effects are enduring; and thus it proves Itself to be the best and cheapest article for tollat use. WM. H COWtTN [SUOCBSSOR To'*. X. CtOTHIEB] D. s. mjim SOLICITOR AND ATTORNCV. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Prosecutes pension or any other claims I against the government, relating to the late, | ar former was a. Complicated cases and re­ jected claims made a speeialty. If stamps are enclosed for reply, all communications Will be promptly answered. Office at Besideaee, MAD80V IT., WOODSTOCK, XXX. References by permission as regards char* acter, business ability, reliability, Ac., ftc : Gen. John A. Logan, U. 8. Senator, Ctuc&ga, Illinois. Gen. J.O. Smith, State Treasurer ef Illinois. Hon. B Ellwood, M. O. 6th III. Dlst., 8yc- amore, III. Ban. John C. Sherwln, ex-M. C. 0th III Dist., Aurora, 111 Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, III OoL Jas. A. Sexton, Pre* Union .Veteran Club. Chicago, IU. * Jesse A. Baldwin, Ass't U. 8. Attorney, Chi- eago, 111. Messrs. Selz, Schwab ft Co. , Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, IU. Also hundreds of county and home refsrea. ees. No suflerer from any scrofulous dis­ ease, who wllltairly try Ayer's Sarsa parilla, need despair of a cure. It will purge the blood of all Impurities thereby destroying the germs from which scrofula Is developed, and will Infuse new life and vigor throughout the whole physical organization. fHHI [2^203 Infants and Children , "What gives our Children rosy cheeks, <What cures their fevers, makes them sleep; -**1 ^Castorkk >*JWhen Babies fret, and err by turns, u What cures their colic, kills their worms. Castorls.f What quickly cures Constipation, * Stomach, Colds, Indigestion Sour I Cutorls.1 Tarewell then to Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and Hall Cantoris. A " Caatori* Is so well adapted to Children that I recommend it as superior to any medi­ cine known to me."--H. A. Aacaca,' M.&* 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. CEHTAIIR LIHIMEHT An absolvta core for Ithen* aatism, Sprains, Palm In th* | Baok, Buni, OaUs, Ao. Aaiitr; «taitaasoBi Pain- rsUsvsr. O. OH OWEN'S. My business at home requiring more of my attention, I have deemed to stop canvassing tor Sewing machines, and in place thereof to offer inducements to buyers to come to my Store where 1 ean show tnem a Largor Varisty of ICacUnos Than can be jound in any other store in the Northwest. My Plan ia Thia: For every Ten Sewing Machines sold, I will G I V E A W A Y A Ladies Gold Watch, In the following manner: I will allow some disinterested party to take ten plain envel­ opes in nine or which thev will place blank cards, and in the tenth one a card on which will be written WATCH. As each machine is seld the purchaser will be allowed to choose one of these sealed envelopes, on which they will write their name. As soon as the ten machines are sold, the envelopes will be opened in the presence of the purchasers and the Watch given to the lii:ky holder. * If sou want a New American No. 7, Crown, ftomestic. Diamond, Davis, Gldredge, House­ hold, Howe Improved, New York, Sprlngtfetd, St. John. Singer, White, Wheeler A Wilson No. 8, call at my store, try the machine, and I am sure I can please you In price, and besides give you a chance to get a Gold Watch. p. w. owJsit. MoHenry, Nov. tttb, 1884 T07FUL News for Boys and Oirlslt it) Young and Old 11 A HEW 1W- VSNTIOlJ Just natsntsd for tbeu. torBomnssI Fret and Scroll 8awlnf, Turning: «,OriDdin|, Pon»kiii£ Sand • osnts for 100 pages. MOWN, JfaewsU, OPENED AGAIN! Robert 8ch lassie Having purchased the eld stand of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT\ McIIENRY, ILLINOIS, Has opened the same as a first-class Saloon and Restaurant, Where be will at all times keep thejbest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. Also Agent For ' FRANZ FALK« MILWAUKEE LAGER Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al< ways on hund, cheaper than any other, quail ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABL1NU WQM MOJUOBtt WOail.and see as. Robert •chlessle. MeHeary, III., Sept. 1st, 1884. Wool Liatd Boots, 8nbbor Boots. OF ALL DESCRIPTION • :<v"i West.McHenry, 111..March«, 1884. Sonslett StoftsL ' mL-ZC** a "' ' HARNESS f .HARNESS! Friees Out to Death -J ^ »" M0'- I recognize no competition. My store is filled from top to bottom. Heady-made goods on hand at all times. Here is the difference be­ tween Cash and Timfe: TIME Hit' Best Harness far.........*4.. Best Bridles Best Inch Lines Hame Straps, two for. Breast Straps, 1^ Inch.,..,..,....... Hames Heavy Try Re Ins Five King Halters. . . . Hor6e Blankets, No. I. Cullar, Hnnd-Made..........% I. ..984.00.. .. .WOM > . . • 4.80. a a . .• • . ... 4.00 ..*. 8.60 hSjOO so * 6 5 " 8 0 76 • 60 8 6 . . . . . . . . J ® 96 ......*> 76 J6............. 00 8.01 .« 3,60... 0: y. I# ^ 'fe- lh:-$? C. L. HUBBARD, Nunda, III O^Wnuoonda and Vicinity If you want to fee one of the Largest and best Assortments of: 4j> Hcllfwy bounties, at prices al I petition, call at 't E. Msdraan's, 'WILL NOT EE UNDERSOLD," IS BIS HOTTO (^lothin? for Men, Youths and Boys. Also a tulI line of Gent^; ) , Furnishing Goods, Hals, Cap*, Boots, Shoes, etc. \ ALSOA LARGH STOCK Of ... OZ.OASS AXTD DOLMAXTS, sf'Srsi.,;; Which will be sold cheaper than can be found elsewhere in tbe County. We mean business and are bound to please yon if you call. |3^~Also Agent for the New Home Sewing Machine, , S. BKAZ9KJLIV ' stock of Fashionable Winter Millinery, of W aucqiitla and vicinity to call Has a full and selected which she invites the examine and learn Waaoonda, Dec. 9tb, IW.' ' pi). -ant ' 'WAV t<-v, K,rnmJ.iffe f - •;* i • - fef-SicYfi . 1 * • "' <.'»

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