fsV , s-v,\ Q •#'u. T^Vf»VP I* • f« tlM namefswnaerlj- given to becaaae of a •apentltion that it couki be con4 by a king's touch. The world Is trhrttr now, and knows that \ >,'<r 4#IA8 STRUCK HIGH PRIORI i.;, -v •»••}<***!•.... SCROFULA r* m OWEN'S AND can llWB the disease perpetuates generation alter generation My business at home dps mm w «f itBf ft* "J attention, I hav KOP 89WII iada __ Store vli|»«.I"ea# Amonc earlier symjptomatlc developments are »d V*y s Eruptions, Tu- Carfentirles, Erysipelas, vows U:m IXJU iC-t).- .1 Art prepared to show you a large stock o tf4: f .. .* - i In tho IlllnoU or net ire Gov. » » of klKMftWtth- tin# Coatt oiraoty Showing Brand** elec- |#raro a contestant for tlon giicht be dlfier- Jifeaes ! sis nppof*?f!l*® j MoQiient vindication of |1|: discern lit*lit. It is an excellent teclini-l it may be made against the Governor in this mat* Is notorious that this pro- id the consummation of •roftg to ^rhlch Mr Brand fa party. The democrats have to gain b.v denunciation of r llattllton'e method when, as ilQKte knows, it was essentially ittf jttttfoe operating to prevent it fraud. The democrats, on intrary, have much to lose In rach fou. Their opponents will Mif over look defense of the pteitBtlW la the aesaalt they will In evitably make apon Mnckin, who is so orthodox* democrat that ha continues 1V* sceretary of pretty much every in Cook county. Is Governor Hamilton's technical usurpa tion to bo MBtioned In the same breath with tho sooumderllsm which ptPpMnUed the Eighteenth Ward fitiiif Jptilce forbids the association• --CW«v® JSeraW. MP*It wet roported some tine back IMIIMI had Invented a machine for up daylight, which would gas. He covered Jit iftteriorofa floor barrel with shoe-1 Itikir'i wax, held It open to the sen, | thon soidsoly op-onded the barrel. < light, of oourae,jttuck to the wax at night was cut up into lots to ault purchasers. Awvxcis *0 iconiBm. Are yoa dlstarbad at eight sod brok- •8%f jmt ml by a sick child suffering t with pala of cutting teeth? at «aoa and get a bottle of ' Wlnslow*B Soothing Syrup for teothing. Iu valne Is lncal- It will relieve the poor little 'Immediately. Depend upon It lis, there It no mistake about It. iMM dysentery and diarrhoea, regn- tho stomach and bowels, cures oolic, softens the gums, reduces imatlon and gives tone and en- *!** !• the whole system. Mrs. Wins- Ist Seething Syrup for children lathing Is njeaaaat to the tsste, and ll tln proscription of one of tho oldest ' host female physicians and nurses 1 the Pelted States, and is for sale b (giM throughout the worr i dents a bottle. Steal Collapse, etp. If allowed to con tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca tarrh. Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and van- ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by It. A/er's Sarsaparilla oniy powwfiil and ahrays reliable blood-purifying medicine. It is so effect ual an alterative that it eradicates from the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases aad merciifv. At the same time it en riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system. This great Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the genuine Honduras Sarsaparilla, with lellow Dock, Stil- lingict, the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and other ingredients of jrreat po tency. can-fully and scientifically coin- pounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical profession, and the best physicians constantly prescribe AI'Bii'a. IABSAPARILLA as an 1 ̂ Absolute Cur© For all diseases caused by the vitiation of the blood. It is concentrated to the high est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects ; are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi cine, In the world. Ayer*s Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY Or. J. C. A/er A Co., Lowell, fm [Analytical Chemists.] field by ail Druggists: prieaflf AH* bottles for 95. V I take this op* New I Year. I To all my "friends and the puUlio in portunlty of wishing you a happy and am pleased to announce that I have trado anaagements to occupy two columns of the PLAIXDKALKB for the ymt tlfo thfongh which to inform the public, thaa I am again a eaadidat* for their fevors and patronage, 1 appveoiate your trade and kope that by honest, squarl dealing, and uniform low prices to. in a mea#ure, merit a continuance of the same, asau * on sale one of the yoa tint I shall at all times|have ever shown In this Obtwy. In I'm during very great bargains for cash buyers. To Biilte ai Contractors, II The McHenry Brick Mannfiicturing Oempany are BOW ready to supply Brick in quantities >1 RWAT.T. IVMMIWi -xo- Tke Great Rusgbui Remedy. Ifyonaro snflbrlngwlth Rheumatism Bead ache. Toothache, Ear throat, use Bsnslan Liniment Bruises and Chilblains it itfpsi 10 to 30 drops ttlo aweotnned water with lotion will cure I'aln In Md Bowels also Winter I rbos and It Is I for tbo Bono, for Call for Bassian •oothor. Their Brick are second t© none to he found la the market, and wilt be ;oKI at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or those handling brick, will do well to calland see us before purchasing. WA iHvice an examination and compariaen witk any Brick narfe i • the North WEAK For farther information apply to or address do not oennd a needless alarm ted yoa that the taint of It In jour blond. Inherited or Jilt there, aod Ayer's Sars- win effectually eradicate McHENRY BRICK Manulaetiiring Co*.. McHenry, 111., June llth, 1881. , MOW READY. recently thoroughly re- le Greenwood Mill by ] 1 a new cleaning machine bolts, and giving the ma-! chioery a general overhauling, . we are now^etter than ever pre- |WI»d to do all kinds of custom grinding. We make a specialty I oi Bookwheat and Feed grinding, ] every day in the wee*. T0LE6&60N. 111., Mey. n, MS* IS-V-tf Still M «r m Ark of Saftty Many oQyoa are. DANGER VOLIVB* PROPERTY ' Uui inventory jutt completed finds us with the largest stock of Clothing we have ever had in January, to reduce it a* much as pos sible before spring, I shall continue to oier tb* entaaeli»e without reserve at 20 per cent discount for cash. Ifew, Attractive, Desirable in Quality, Quantity and Price* Our Dresa Goods Department ' • . . Is Un8#f)fts*eil. In'DOMBSTICS we have more than ye know what to do with, hemce have adopted the plan of almost giving them away. It works nicely, and pleases our customers. Gloves, Hosiery, Notions and Novelties, a carload. , x.™ :KV ' Underwear and Furnishing Goods " In great variety. f^~Iri fact we have a store full ot Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, and Notion!, and shall let none of our competitors walk away with us on low priees. We invite inspection. Printers' ink will not show our stock. Groceries, Groceries! . A full line, and prices that cannot fail to please. fSjg^No trouble to show goods. w „ t COLDINC BROTHERS. Wauconda, 111., Jan. 28th, 1881 1 Pj.. OOODS AT WAUCONDA, ILL. We have just rec Ved from the city a K^Mr«tU'M,rllBW,3r ••Mr.terelnlha •a H I, For every Tan 8ewl«f*a«|,ta*»aeklt IWII1 G I V K A nrtas ami tll I tllUflif ao«e " ther win «»*el. ^ In tbelMlowi disinterested ope* in nine e If YON want a ITOW5M5TESE RA 9 -•onteatie, DUMID. n..I. No. 8t call at my itoft, llkj • McHenry, WOT. tstb, I«?' ^ WM. H COWLIN [srccsssoa TO H. 11. CLOtHIlt] H.S. VABCUnmm, AND ALSO NOTARY •U/- PUBLIC; any other elaina Blail«g U> the tote, In thib department w« hav« teveral lines wbloh I dfclrfr to clqee out and have conseauraily m*vked at cost and below according to stj les and sizes, tna can give you some splendid bargains for cadi. Our regular line will a* usual, be found th« largest and most complete in this market and aq heretofore sold on very^close mar- ,̂l18* ^ fit * A'" - •« " '" < , , * ™ u r%. ' " Suitable for tha season, including choice Novelties not to be found elsewhere. We have a very full assortment of % Dress Goods, Shaws, Qloakings, Underwear, Housekeepers Oooodn, And in short everything usually found in a General Store, which we offinrat Moderate price*. Ihe Celebrated V ', ?• rocene: I am confident we can show as tine and completes line of staple and fancy Groceries as ever offered for sale hi McHenry, many goods! in this department are cheaper than they have been for 20 years. «£4p:jOLD FOLKS AT HOME.' White Sea L yea en every hand. The mutter ofl the alyeeea^aiekloon, saleon, cyclone, tornado, ! triad STORM, « whatever name may be siven tt, ta heard In aeae section ef the eenetry MSrly every day. Tint Firm Fiend ec?nomy •• a inviHN n ooMoaiea* UMtu must cmd^ te all. By a »AU payment each year you can •ecnra te yeuraelf a fortune, should yon live, or, ia tha event of death before the time ex-I tires, your ftuaily U provided for. SLM,OA\(IOO isrefneented toy this agency. Our rates are M low .AS experience has found te be safe. Ven win save money by insuring with me. „ „... uul OI - ?n*<ur*Bce.' Life,_yire. Lightning I »ffen«ive odor, and prevents •WS'*W7* Thanking all my chimneys. •rieaiator their liberal patronage, and hep- | " in(, by aqtfare dealing, to merit a contuiuance I ' aiibscribe m Beapectfuli lKeHenryJlU., June ,M BurningOil The New York Board of Health estimates that 30,000 lives have been destroyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every household should adopt tha White Seal Oil for family use, none of these unfortunate ac cidents weuld occur. White Seal Burning Oil Has none "of the defects usually found In common Oils. It cannot be exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no --- • • the breaking of , I beg te subscribe myself, tfuliy your C A MOBMY. Oil J. P. SMITH, ¥ § JEWELER, - Illinois. Is a rich Oil for illuminating purposes, it is as light in color as pure spring water. It gives a strong, steady light and burns much longer than common Oils. If this Oil is not sola in your vicinity, send your older direct to us for a barrel or a case containing two Ave gallon | cans. BROOKS OIL CO* Kveraeen in thia section, tfeefeyalar ray new tries' XHUnery Store te show te the buv pitUe aa floe a stock EF , Clocks, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware, AP*aa be found in the county, which I Offer : lit prices that cannot be beat. erv 8tore\ am*' ew York. frr flnest line of The Finger Ring:*, (Also Agent for SifBnw StwbgVMUu. AiTine Stock of CHOICE COMFECTIONEBY, AJTDCIGAKS 11 In, examine (ooda ber I will not be I eonaidered. J. P. SMITH. PATENTS, INVENTORS, send model or sketch ol your invention, when I will make careful pre liminary examination,and report as to patent ability, with advice, circulars, etc., free of charge. All business before U. 8. Patent office attended to for moderate rates. Information and references sent on application. No charge unless pa 'ent is secured. nl J- &. LITTELL, Washington, L. C, Directly opposite U. 8. Patent Office. Important to Ruptured Persons The Excelsior Rupture Cure M'f'g Co., ol Oguensutirg, Y.. guarantee to cure any case of reducible Henia w;ih their Remedies. THE RUI'TURK PLASTER AKD HKALINU COM POHND.- This treatment is f.ndersed bv «ur best Doctors', Uiuf?gists, and the general public. Send 6cts for tree i>»ok on Uunture or ask your druggist for the Remedy- TOTTD1 Kewa for Boys and Oifbll tl Young and Old! I A NEW UU VKNTION juct patented tot lor Home uie I Fret and Scroll Sawing, Turning! Boring, Drilling,Grinding, PoUshiac, Screw Cutting. Price tSto 100. " tend 6 oente for 100 BBOWU, This department is unusually complete special attention^ called, to our Black Dress Silks which are offered at exfrtmely low prices; we also haye a fine line of Cashmeres in colors »nd Black Ottomans/ )ress Flannels, Velvets and many other Dress Goods at prices; within the reach of all. The largest stock tn Town ; we buy them direct from the manu tacturers and will sell extrmely low for cash. ' » We always have the latest style* and low prices. A large line of Ladies and Gentlemen's Underwear in Scarlet and White Medium and fine auality many lot* are now offered for cash at less than we paid fey: them at the mills where they were manu* factured, during our invoicing we have found many odds and ends, to keep our stock clean we insh to eleee out these remnants of lots and pieces, and in many instances you can purchase some for less than one half the original coat of production. Yor example we now have a few dozen whitd WOOL HOSE, former price 60 cents, we are closing them ont at 10 cents a pair* and many etner articles correspond ingly cheap, again thanking many friends for the very iberal patronage we have recieved dating the lour continued favor** J remain your obedient past and soliciting servant. Riverside Block, McHenry, III, yfss ' * « I JLA& The Best in the market, and every pair warranted. tmd Mittens, a Full Our Grocery Is complete. Call and see us. Waueonda, 111.,-rKo?. 17tb, 1884, PRICE BROS. Of Waueonda and Vicinity If you want to see one of the Largest and bes't Assortments of In McHenry or Lake Counties, at prices that distance all com petition, call at NOT BE UNDERSOLD," IS .HIS MOTTO . Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Also a lull line of Gents' ^ Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OP 5:" • ' - . ... ' OXiOAKS AND DOLMANS, f^hlch will be sold cheaper than can be found elsewhere in the County. We mean business and are bound to please vou if you Also Agent for the New Home Sewing Maohiue. Prosecutes pensloc or ans against the government, relate. or former wais. Oompiieatwl CAWA'and""r?. Illinois ®* S«B»IOR, 6aieago, HSS' Treasnrtr ef Illinois. I»K%I°R5™°NISB""*- " M °- IIL Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal. Chicago. Ill oSSt OhteaĴ hxym* Fn* DnU |V̂ **n Jeese A. AMi >go, III. »nTs?Jfga.V.̂ SBS5^iL,rW-,*B«« ces l8° '>ua('re<'a eoauity sad ] iwiii, Ass't It. S. Attorney, Ohl- llwat referea. a woooarooK -DSAIRAM-- Brssofc sad HIMSIS Lsstfng shot fisss. l&NiSZ»«! • 6bum'" ALdndaof \ -M Powder, for sale. ] • - -45 SI AKD REPAIKIHO DOXE. Self-cocking |Mtiat«Ball DAG Pietol t&OH ailZUSBlt I will nndersellany tons* in the county ia Guns and SYEI^UURC^FR. If you want a G*W gnn It will pay wtniaUl and see ME. L war I rant every gnn 1 sell. Clothes Wringers repaired and new Rolls put on. Price pel pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July lAth,18CS. % " " i. i ' JOBBAMAHSU SMik - 4 - For Coal and Wood CALLOW-- E. M. HOWE Opp«atte Btehop l̂Ull, Who has a eomplete'llne ef the beat stores ia the aarkat, aa veU ,aa a HUGE atoek of Hariiara, lettoiM, rw, COPPER & 8Heer IRON WARE, And, IN'.fact. steve and tin llae. everythlag la tke hardware HE W1LL%JT BM UJVDSMaOLD. - Has a full and selected stock of Fashionable Winter Millinery, which she invites the ladies of Wauconda and vicinity* to call and examine and learn prices. Waaconda, Deo. 9lb, 1884. H. IWR ATM-ATV. G . M A Y E S , . /|EALEB I3V Ready-Made Clothing, Staple Pry Goods, Invites an inspection ot his stock, all ot which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash* Bern em br good goods at fair Prices at < he Centerville Store. ' , < • F. C. MAYE8. McHenry, 111., June 10,1884« Oall at his store before buying elsewhere. ^ fobbing and repairing promptly attended te. CrRemembes, extra goefl >ar>ata« oaa al.. ways be ohUiaed at BewVa. McHeary, Deo. 1. lMt. P. HAUPERI8CH, MeHeary, lllinoI«, • the faraera of JteHenry aad tew 1 an iron .s^M • m ij : eeuntry that be Is prepared te sell them a FIRST-CLASS PLOW, ^ AAII warrant tbesai*e,at a lever price than «aa be purchased elsewhere In the «enaty, Outtars, Cutters i L TT re jast received a aaatbar «f Oatters. : taat tar style and finish cannot BE beat. Call • TML s >« them. Alt cicds of BJUAOX&lilTMlIfO, WAGON WL' ARJTJAOM werk promptly attended ta. > »TEPAIRI]>G, •JTAU kinds on short aetice. ITQive AA a mil aad we will please yea, both la qaaiity «ad tHtiee ot work. pm HAimmcNe U elieary, 111., Oct. TTK» R ^ & ."li; iiMt li r : , : • » . • ' ' 'At . •> •' I... V V£-<: r .