Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Feb 1885, p. 4

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i<Cv > • rXiJsX v'i \m&$, ».&\?:*|£V> W*» f^Sjtas^a,,*' * -yt .- ?• >•.•«*»» "5LK la 1884 the inter QMW>»»|OT> & SB, 1880. Eklltor. if-,*- -w^ m fcstlif:!* itM uC'<iii H18>fl& ft» Jret at Sgaajpehi, looking toward tin elvetioa «HT.m United States Senator, JfclWl,', ' L-BJ EQTOaSaturday afternoon last, the ry In Hie great election conspiracy fWe at Chlcigo, brought In a verdict. »f guilty against Maclcln, Gleason and ti»ii«gtier. The attorneys Immediately applied for a new trial and the prison* crt were put under bonds pending jtjhe fcgariag of the court. * f£rMTbe Democratic party* • iMSrves the Washington Republican, •"never was more unsettled In. Its pur- ?:f oses. It has no views it cares or dares express on living questions. It bas no well-defined policy except Its natur­ al aptitude for obstruction. It is merely drifting. Not with public "sootlment, but against It." ,, S^The Sandwich w4ryM«lays oe the legislattto situation: Tbetv are two things the RenubM- ••tn members can do, and should do, one Is to stay at Springfield and not leopardise interests by absence, and the other Is if this overriding or the constitution and rales continues, prnpt- If impeach speaker Haines, tin gives Indication* of being bettor fitted for a (Had house than a deliberative body. ^ £9*It wou!d be a pretty good Idea |o ride Speaker Haines en a rail to the borders of the State and dump him over Into Indiana. His attempt to get the evidence of Joe Mack in'8 guilt away from the United States Court Mnaeked very loudly of the scoundrel. -Saturday livening Herald. The suggestion of dumping blm "*over Into Indiana*' Is very good, but vrbo is there in Illinois who would be willing toooil his hands to that extent. Of what point would permit the dump- t&g inch a noisome nuisance ?-- JnurnaL A"; WB IMVTbo condition of boslnest In Con­ gress Is soch that the minority in either bona* can easily force |au ex­ tra session, but the leaders of both houses express the opinion that the appropriation bills will all bo passed before March 4. This will require the abandonment of many important measures, which have been perfected in one house or the other, and it is ' tbouglit that not much general legis­ lation, other than that attached to ap* pfopriation bills, can be enacted! :: wgj^»An American who recently*1*ft- ed the river Jordan says he never saw IH this country, a stream so vile. It Is Ie?s than eighty feet wide, less than ten feet deep, and as dirty as can be. Its correal is as swift as a mill race. it half an hour on "Jord- tbanks," and saw all he It. The* banks are cal- because of the million of live there and storm !>eople who are fool* enough to travel hundreds of miles to see the river. The WortdWetr, In our opinion, has been a failure from the first. Not only this, but It li ati "enterprise** that should not be upheld by the Govern* roent or by any sympathizers of the Union cause. Not loog since a North­ ern lady who gained quite a reputation during the war AS & nuino, iviw appoint' ed superintendent of the ladies depart­ ment of the Exposition, and on account of the popularity of her heroic work was ostracised by New Orleans society and annoyed in every manner possible, which finally culminated by the women of New Orleans demanding of E. A. Burw, the Director Geueial of the Exposition, her dismissal; she was not allowed to present a resignation, but was peremptorily discharged. Her ability to do tl.e work was never ques­ tioned but just because she was a Union woman in a prominent position among sympathizers of the Confederate cause she was ignomlnioiiely discharged! and this in the Institution that claims to be given under the name of the United States Government, and which sub' scribed a million and a quarter dollars to help the plan! Secession never was killed, even though its supporters were whipped. This man Burke was in the rebel service, and did his best for the disruption of the country. Still he bas appointed a committee of three North­ ern men to memoralize Congress for a further appropriation of 8360,000 to ollaet a deficiency of the funds to that amount. Many of the States of the Union have been asked for more money. We hope none will be given; it is nut deserving of it. New Orleans, the hot bed of secession in 1861 and 1865, gets all the benefits, and mulcts all the visitors for everything they can compel them to pay. The old Liberty Bell was taken from Philadelphia to be used for a side-show at the so-called World's Fair; on the way it was stop­ ped In front of Jeff Davis' house, the railroad passing it, and lie made a bar- rangue. A fine spectacle. We are de­ cidedly down on the affair, and our reasons are above, -Noman shall in my presence call Jeflerson Davis a traitor without my ffspondlng with an emphatic denial." The above declaration was recently made in the Senete of the United States, by Senator Lamar of Mississip­ pi- If Jefferson Davis was not the chief ef traitors, than the people, North, East and West, were disloyal !« putting down the rebellion, and pre* serving the union of the States. Why ii it that Mr. Davis, if he be a patriot. Is disfranchised, and become an alien and etranger In the land ef his natl vl ty ? jp b* persecuted by this evil genora- because of his extreme virtue manifested in bis adherence to the principles ef disloyalty, secession and rebellion? We are sorry to have a southern senator wave the "bloody itilrt." The sentiment expressed by x Senator Lamar Is treasonable and Irands blm with the traitors garb. Jffhc Bepubllcftn party has made many mistakes, but the greatest of all is the 4K is take in not banging Jell. Davis for ^|ils unpardonable crime. * They Felt tfim. When a well known member of this community, now dead, was State Sena­ tor from this city, he was engaged in some very radical measures which sore­ ly cat Into many people whom he thought were In need of reform. They abused him very thoroughly, but In his hones'y be maintained (he fight strong, ly. A friend of his from the city visited him in Sacramento while the measures were pending. "Well, what do they say of me in San Francisco?" "They don't speak very well of yon.'* 'What do they say abou me? Taat's what I want to know." -Well, they say very rough things about yoa. I don't care to--" "Speak It out. Tell me how they talk." They call yon a liar, a scroundrvl, a thief, an Ignoramus, an Idiot --every­ thing they can think of that's bad." "Ah," said the Senator, rubbing his bands in glee and chuckling in perfect enjoyment,"they feel boy. they feel me!"--San Franscoci Chronicle, teenth year of its sxlalM**, Ol' confl'ienca bv the people In Ut has otcailfly frjwn to favor w wh n the publishers take that the paper poea Into mot. greater aanber of readers thaa aay nM tion west of iho &l!e«haalea. * From the tMraatin the inter OcembM efwd firmly by the principle< ef the BeMUIoan pa:-! •, and aas, is seat on amS out «r ««&» >&, irlcan indue Idem m'ssion of the Sopnbitoaa party la flaiahed; on t"e contrary it believes that, purified by ad v«r«lty, it will in the near fa tare again rise to the higher planes or theu«nt and action and lie completely restored to the eeefldeaeeef the iraeriean people. The most important Meneies In accomplishing this result wilt b> Republican Journals, ft a reliable, stsnaeh Republtoan newspaper was important when ths Republican paity was in power, ills doubly so no* that the Democracy central the National Government. 1 he j% i*r OOean will in the future as in the past be the medium through which the best feepv e. ip •n ipi and will giro as much attention te the a flair* epublioan thought will be given to the poo IA. ft will VAIM tHm OfMlVMOK r unfair even ti it be aggressively Republican without being bitterly partisan, pie. It will voice the oonvlctlons of advanced Republicans without being unfair even to Bourbon Democrats. It wfl of Cleveland* administration as it would have given to the administration of Mr. Blaine had he been elected, With an Associated Press franchise, with special wires reaching to w York and Washington, with special e trees porutents in all important points ef the coun­ try, the Inter Ocean will use Its facilities for collecting news without fear or favor, an t so far as governmental affurs or party move* inents are concerned will give a fuller record than any other paper. All of the old departments will he continu­ ed. The scope ot the WOMAN'S KINGDOM will be widened so as to take in all the Industrial and reform movements In which woman are Interested and engaged. Oca CURIOSITY SHOP, now % standard, will be given greater variety and interest. In the FARM AMD HOME and other departments the widest possible range ot topics will be discussed. Of original abort ttorie* and aertol*. the vei y best by American and English authors will be riven during the year. Arrangements have been made to publish during the year short stones by BOVESEN, HOWEIXS, LATHBOF and others, and a new serial by the author of "One Summer," and to publish all these in ftfiriitieu to the serials by Miss BEADDOM and other English authors. In every department of news and literature the Inter Ocean will make a better rocorc than it ever has done. TERMS TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS, POSTPAID. Dally, including Sunday, per year §12 00 Daily, excluding Sunday, per year 10 00 Wednesday's Edition, with Musical Sup. plemenl, per year 2 #0 Saturday's Edltl >n, slxtee pages, per yr. 2 00 Sunday's Edition, six een pages, per yr.. 2 00 ftenii-weekly Edition,published Monday and Thursiliy, per year 2 50 Weekly Edition, per year 100 Fsr the accommodation of the patrons of the paper, the publisher of the Inter Ocean has made some valuable combinations with the weekly edition, viz: Weekly Inter Ocean and Rational Stand- ard Encyclopedia $160 WeekW Inter Ocean and Mational Stand. aril Dictionary 180 Weekly Inter Ocean and Lives of our Presidents ISO Weekly Inter Ocean and Popular Bis tory of Civil War... 16U Weekly Inter Ocean and Ladies' Mahual. 1 3S Weekly Inter Ocean and Mythological Dictionary 1 36 Weekly Inter Ocean and Dictionary of Hynsnyms 139 Weekly Inter Ocean and Usages of Best Society 135 Weekly Inter Ocean and What Everyone Should Know 106 Weekly Inter Ocean and Dr. Danielson's Medical adviser |80 Weekly Inter Ocean and Inter Ocean Watch ... SOS Weekly Inter Ocean and Little Defect­ ive Scales 3 00 •veekly Inter Ocean and Family or Un« ion Scale 4 SB Weekly Inter Ocean and Our Curiosity Shop ISO Weekly Inter Ocean and Good Cheer 1 28 Weekly Inter Ocean and The Inter Ocean Sewing Machine IS 00 Sample copies of the paper sent on applica* tion. Remittances may be made at our risk either by draft, express, postofflce order, or regis­ tered letter. Money sent in any other wsy is at the risk ml the person sending it. Ad­ dress THE IXTER OCEAN. 8S Madison Street, Chicago. McHENHY ft . • ' d B • - Commencing Saturday, February 7th. V'f ,.J$ .1, (l *• ;rr : - •.it* l • r CONTINUING THIRTY ; ,-v^Vn.- Y • • v , ' . -M < * lit 'VsfdN ¥. ' *' , > Thia means for CASH on'y and it means that all kincs of Woolen Goods and Many Others must move if Low. Prices will do so. PIpKAai NOTB A new QttOTATtOft8i. • •* »• •• .• • • •.*«». i 2000 Yards Standard Press Glnghai&l 3000 " Good Prints... 2000 " 8heetl»g, (yard wide,; .. .I';, 1000 * Cotton Dress Goods | 2000 M Bleached Cotton (yard wide)....» 50 Hood, .... 100 Ladies Nubias, (former price 91.00).. 10-4 Double Blankets Zephyrs Good Cieah Cotton Batts Ladies Skirts Worsted Dross Goods (former brice 35 cents) Mens English West. Suits (former price 920) Ohfldrens Suits, (Coat and Pants)..: Chiidrens Suits (all wool) 50 Mens Coats at half price. 50 Mens Suits from 94.50 to 910.00 500 pairs SUpfgj Job lot, Half price. 1} cents. 3f " • . • ,« , • .......6 • .5 " . • • •* • . . . . . . . . . . . 8 " ..... .from 10 to 25 • • «• • 25 cents, ..90 * .5 rents per ounce. 10 cents .from .60 to 91.40 ... ..16 cents 915 ... ,95 cents NOTE 25 per coot, discount on Overcoats, 45 per cent, discount on Ladfes Cloaks. 20 per cent, disccunt on Shawls, 20 per cent, discount on wool lined Boots and Sliooii. 10 to 20 per cent, discount on Underwear. 10 to 20 per cent, discount on Flannels, 10 to 20 per cent, discount ou Yarns 10 to 20 per cent, discount on Gloves aod Mittons. 10 to 20gper cent, discount on Hosiery. l^*The Executive Committee of , l'1® Iron and Steel Association bave \ published an address, In which they ,.v« '-•#*press the opinion that the tusiness . depression Is apparently nearing its ^r^,?,end. The committee says: * With an abundance of good money, *• "ith good crops for all leading staples, *'th prices for all products and for all * ,1^ potable railroad and mining stocks j f0 they can not be expected %Mk %» go any lower; with the wide liqulda* tj°°t that has taken place in all business " •* t;, ,8» our productive energies :-AS fairly adjusted to the country's wants, ^ftnd with political excitement at an * yf<fcnd, only the element necessary to -:iOecuro arivival of business prosperity -• 'iff ® lacking, and that is confidence in the •$0 va*u<>' This element, we • believe, is now reappearing. There is j ; much io the bosiness situation to en- •4^ Courage a feeling of hopefulness, and V <r' x tber* is absolutely no ground what- wror open which to base th# apprehen* ": v; >*tol|t a prolonged continuance of , Alio present depression is possible. ; f *v, The statistics presented by the com' suittee bear out the hopeful predictions ^'of tbeir address. It Is shown that 1 with the exception of railroad rails, the manufacture of iron and steel prod *r- nets in 1884 oxoeoded that of any |previous year op to 1881, and was ' doable that of 1880. There was no ao> •• icomulatlon of stocks lo meichanv, a jbaitds from this activity of production $'-#v. I^but the entire manufactured supply* absorded by the business and Industrie* wf the country. The address concludes m follows: MIt is contended that the "next Congress will contain a majority of protectionists, and therefore the Massodatloo does not believe In ber- •|-v "rowing trouble about future unfriend *iy legislation."--Journal. 96^"The sudden and remarkable 4»wth of the roller skating pastime IM created a constantly Increasing de-'l lor a certain size of box*wood tor rollers, and where eighteen months tfft i ton of three>inch wood brought 93f it is now Impossible to buy a too tor 9120. The price has trebled in less that a year. At the present rate of eoi.snmption - the world will be prac. tically exhausted ot Its box-wood In oss than twelve months unless some tquallychcap and durable subatltuto itfoind to take its place. Box-wood lu Persia and Turkey, is of very «low growth, and in Its native country •trfugent timber laws restrict the de­ piction of the growing trees* Roller •kite manufacturers have tried rubber, lethilold. vulcanized fibers and com- irossed paper as a substitute for box voo.f rollers, but for one reason or another they have proved unsatisfac- tor?. Dog-wood, apple, pepperidge ourel and lignumvitae have already •oe' tried by the skate manufacturers, Out - hey have all been rejected, and Willing bas yet been found which in all respects is as good for the purpose v box-wood. Dissolution Notice. The Co partnership heretofote existing an. d«r the Arm name of Helm & Peter is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm can be settled with either member of the late Arm, who will receipt for the same. The business of the late Arm will be COB. tinned at the old stand by John Helm. JOHN HELM, JOBS I'BTXR. Algonquin, 111., FeU. 9th, 1885. Dissolution Notice* The Co-partnerahip heretofore existing un­ der the firm name of Peter A Ooltrin is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All ac­ counts due the late Arm most be settled with John Peter, who alone is authorized to settle the same. The buEtneas will tie continued at the old stand by John Peter. JOHN PETER. _ F. D. COLTBIJF. Algonquin, 111., Feb.9th, 1%S. Men Wanted. To sell onr Nursery products, on salary and expenses paid by us, oi, if preferred, on com­ mission. Work every month in the year tor energetic and reliable men. Business essif learned. Wages liberal. free. Address, statin 6tamp, 1. (The Chase Nurseries. iy Terms and outfit IK age and Inclosing Ayer's Sarsaparilia is the best mod. Iclne for every one in the spring. Eral grants and travelers will find in it an effectual cure for the eruptions, bolls,? pimples, eczema, etc.. that breaks out ou the skiti--tlie effect or disorder In the blood, caused by sea-diet and life on board ship. AUCTlOjf ! The undersigned will sell it Public Auction on his farm, 3 miles North­ east of the tillage ef McHenry. On Saturday, February 28th. 1885. Com- mencing at 10 o'clock, sharp, the fol- 2 new milch cows. 2 cows that are coming in soon, 3 heifers coming In in spring, 4 one year old heifers, 6 spring calves, 1 three year old colt, 1 broo i mare.l feed grinder, 1 milk wagon, a quantity of rye feed, and 100 bushels oats. Also will offer for sale at the same time 31 acres of land. TBRMS OF SALS. All sums of 910 and under Cash. Over $10 one year's time on good ap provsd Notes at 7 per cent interest. ^ JACOB MILLER, 2nd. for market, Day's Is rm Horse aai Cattle Powdor Is the thing to gifo them. Stock raisers knowing $IBLEY:S TESTED* EED HIRAM SIBLEY k CO. •^35-326E.MiriSt" 200-SM R^do'ljfe. SO DA Best in the Wo r 950 REWARD S5C 2*roi^nro*raBQiiAko?_ __ 'lOWSHAfti For 8ale 9y Fitcsimmons A Evanaon, West McHenry, 111 0 F Hall tt Co., Bicnmond, 111. A B Alexander, Richmond, ttt. J F Packer, BichmondJIlii- O C Oelby, Nunda, gH« F Bowe, Hebron, III, B S Sntith, Alden, IIL J H Cristy *8ons, Bingw«edt III. Kuckmaa A Bice, Wllmot, WIS. H 3elp, Lake Zurich, 111. Goldlng Bros, Waucmtda, 111. Wells * Werden, Waneonda, 111. B Tweed A Son, Spring Urove, III, Ley; A Adams, J*hniburgh, III. S Maner, Genoa Wis. Towels, White Bed Spreads, Ladies Linen and Velvet Collars, Cardigan Jacketa, etc., «tc. OUR ENTIBK STOCK OF Gray Brothers 8hoeo at Wholesale Prices. We invite particular attention to our Lines of Gray Bros. Elgin and Bockiord Boots and Shoe.3, Rock ford Flannels, Yarns, Gloves, Mittens, Clothing, Underwear etc., all ot which are in every re­ ap** FIRS! CLASS anfl which the CASK BUYER will do well Disoount Except: for Xn rendering thanks to our friends and patrons tor past favors we hope by strict attention to the wants of the Trade to receive in the future a moderate share of public patronage. prf-jftilMMfiiiiig a iVlHUftli .. Onr Second Annual Clearance Sale to Close Out Winter Goods and Make Room for Spring Stock will Commence Monday, Jan. 5 w LASTING 40 DAYS* SWUPDfB BBJUCTlOIfS, CLEAKIHO OUT PBICIS VfiU be the Principal Feature of this Sale. , ' . : '^ufTni^ Oar Klegant New Stock of Men's and Boys' Readv-Made Suits and Overcoats will be Closed out Slick and Clean at Prices that will AstonUh the Natives of McHenry Co. Our Dry Goods Department J Contains Numerous Special Bargains- PLAIN PLAID, BROVADH, AND FANCY ^1FJy£&S/JkKSAND SA T1NS> VEL VETS, BUTTONS, Etc. WOOLEN WEAR, FLANNELS, HOODS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, MITTENS, GLOVE&, and Other articles too numerous to mention; all at prices that would shame a thief. Of BOOTS, SHOES, A LARGE 8TOCK IFOOZ, BOOTSi • . - ARCTICS, OVERSHOES, SHOES tor Men, Women and Children. WINTER HA TS AND CAM, be closed out while Winter lasts. FLANNEL-LINED These things must Come and See Us. Money Talks. We JOHN PITER, Alionpi, 1 • • • Meam Business. „,A5?®P'et( Assortment of CORSETS, HJOP skiurak miaau.aa. inn uravi RIBBONS alwayeon hand at LO WEH1 PRICES, " YOURS TRULY, "And Don't You.Forget It" AND A Startling Discovery. Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Huron Dak,, writes that his wife liad been troubled with acute Bronehltls for many years, and that all remedies tried gave no Eermaneut relief, until he procured a ottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Ceosumptlon, Coughs, and Colds, whleh had a magical effect, and pro­ duced a permanent cure* It Is guar­ anteed to cure all Diseases of Throat, Lungs, or Bronchial Tubes. Trial bottles Free at Henry Col by *5 go Size *1.00. Drug Store. Overcoat, never sueh b a!cable at Hen Administrator's Notice. Estate of John Welch deceased. The an signed having been appointed adminis­ trator of the estate of John welch deceased late of the county of McHenry, and state of Illinois, hereby (?ive notice that he will RD- pear before the County Court of McHcnrr County, at the Court House, In Woodstock at the March Term on tlie third Mondav in March next, at which time all persons h&viof claims against said estate, are notified and re­ quested to attend for the purpose of havine 1 he same adjusted. All persona indebted to BAi<l Kstate are requesten to make lmmedia.ui payment to the undersigned. of January A. IX, 188ft. Barrel Chnro, at John I iff aper W 4 ; * . IL." j s W ! Arrived TelVed °,uLu8,,al !ar«e Stock of the Latu t desugus m n *U Paper ami Decorations, consisting of the r. ^ , J S<i&sst Fatiemis and Bost Papers °f 11°lliD,;iR? VVo wfa fewTaft we will &eJ 1 ktlj Call and see the new styles. % ^ ~~ •wynnwn i *, - «• i f V® h a v® a l 6° received our Spring Sto*k of Henderson'# Celebrated Boots and Every pair warranted, A fine display »f ams, Few Fnnts, Hew And New Trimmings. Great Slaughter in .Wintei Goods evfery day. A Full Supply of Our first invoice of spring goods, and in order to make room for the largest stock of Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to Woodstock, or into McHenry Co., We will close out our fail and winter Boots and Shoes, re- fardless of cost, for we must ave the room. We can and will give you great bargains in these goods, and it will pay you to come from all over the country to trade with us. Good goods at low Cash Prices. Remember the place, Cor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, 111. N. B.--HOUSQ Estab­ lished in 1865. m W. M. DWICHt. HARNESS! HARNESS! Prices Out to Death. I recognize 110 competition. Mv store is filled from to^ to bottom. Heady-made goods on hand at all times. Here is the difference be- twf^ o# and Time: < . Best Harness for. Best Bridles Best Inch Lines ... Harae Straps, two for... Breast Straps, 1J Inch.. Hames Heavy Try Reins....... Five King Halt ers.. .. , Horse Blankets, No.}.; P©W^r, lia.uti-Made. i... TIME ..|34.00. » . « . • 4.50.. 3,60............. 30. ....*.. w.## •••••*•••• • 75 CASH .930.00 • •• K-'i-.i • *,.». i ..W. •, 38.......... ........... •*»•••»....ii 4.0) 3.0(1 as 50 50 3d 1S . A C. L. HUBBARD, Wunda, III. . ..... I'*,!'. . 't1. . ;.f: *.. *\.t ri :.k- , . ' f..-* .t'M .. ..." 'A,A..

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