Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Mar 1885, p. 8

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3SMPS5 •iV- * vw, * v M8t® A% £ = < * - '3*:%' Kfe' •X'!' •.'* " "'• •Hi t ^ ^ v- t* #* J4 » ; * ! * * ^ Cherry Pectoral $# i^Tf^1 &£<i&- ' ?-" '»¥•% HAS STrt'JCK HICH PRICES, No other complaint* are so Insidious in their nttnek as those affecting the throat and lungs: none so trifled with by the majority of suffer- The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex poeure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAI. has veil proven its efficacy in a forty years' flght with throat and lung diseases, and should be taken in all cases without delay AND e prepared to show yon * large stock of 1 >* t ? * tat know pretty piec* |K»etry by Mr*. tlillM, *'Ca«abl- COM WO DUG "The boy stood on Hw burut^g fedc." The poetess states that the lad IRAA the SOB of the admiral commanding the flftgihip I/Orieut, which ttekflre and exploded; that jroimg Casablanca perished la the ex­ plosion, refusing to quit the position ettoued Mm by bis father, pending the tattle of Nile. I have been looking Into the official account of the In Ident. iilhe admiral was Broeye. who waa grounded in the head and hand early l«i the action. He continued to *Ne or­ ders until cut In two by a cannon ball; lie uttered the request to be allowed .%» expire on deck, which he did In the (Durei) of some minutes. <Oitoyne Casablanca, the father of Mile poetic hero, then took command; tiffs son was a middy, but only aged ten, not thirteen. At that period lads entered the navy very young" Casa- balanca waa also a deputy. Pending the action his son was by his aide; the father was mortally wounded In the iMtari by a splinter and became in f usible; he gave no injunctions to his io*t, but the latter would noue the lea* quit his wounded parent. By this .M-ne the ship waa on flr«. Several of the sailors had left and saved them- e -Ives on spars till picked up by En jrliMi boats. Aider! by the purser yonng Casablanca and hia f ather were lowered down by a piece of a mast Hunting by, but ihey had only got a | : atom distance from the 120-gun Orient vrhen she blew up, and nothing more was seen of the Caaabi micas. **!fut the noblest thing that perish there 'Was that young, faithtui heart." --Pari8 Cor. Newark (N, J.) Adver- . A Lesson la Politeneas. 1 want to tell you a story which ififewa the wisdom of being polite under all circumstances. says a writer In the Syracuse Standard. One day trlien Mr. Cornell was governor, a man eune to the executive chamber to urge that a murderer's sentence be commu­ ted from hanging to life imprisonment. Aulerk, of whom he made an inquiry, answered him 10 abruptly and ordered him areund so cavalierly that the man «r«s abashed. Re went home and wrote a letter to Mr. Cornell giving the rem* 4»tis for his application, and simply raying he had been prevented from seeing him. Mr. Cornell commuted the sentence, and it was the only cap- Ital sentence which be did commute. The n^xt time that man entered the executive chamber lie entered it as governor, and precisely at the same hour that clerk took a walk. Be care­ ful in entertaining strangers, for you maybe entertaining great nnknows Unawares. A Terrible Cough Cured. ̂ "In 18571 took a severe cold, \rh!cTi STOJftwf" my lungs. I bad a terrible cough, anil passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave me up. 1 tried AYER'S CHEKRY I'KC- TORAL, which relieved my lungs, induced Bleep, and afforded me the rest necessary for we recorery of mv strength. By the continued use of the PECTORAI, a perma­ nent cure was effected. I am now 62 years old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your CHERRY PECTORAL saved me. HORACE FAIRBKOTHKB.** Bockingham, Vt., July 15,1662. '* Cronp.--A Mother's Tribute. ••While in the country last winter my little boy, three vears old, was taken ill with cronp; it seemed as if he would tlie from strangu­ lation. One of the family suggested the use of AYER'S CHERRY PFCTOKAL. a bottle of which was always kept in tlie home. This ,W®S tried in small and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The doc­ tor said that the CHERRY PECTORAI, had tared my darling's life. Can you wonder at, our gratitude ? Sincerely yours, MRS. EMMA GETOTFY." 169 West 128th St., New York, May 16,1682. «•I have used AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAI. fanny family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most eilectual remedy for coughs and colds we have efer tried. A. J. CRAXE." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. •* I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with n<> suc­ cess, I was cured by the use of AYER'S ( IIER- • BY PECTORAL. JOSEVH VALUES. Byhalia, Miss., April 8,1S82. •• I cannot say enough in praise of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, believing as 1 do that but for its use I should long since have died from lung troubles. E. BEAODOS. Palestine, Texas, April 22,1882. Ko case of an affection of the throat or . lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, aad It will always cure when the disease is •ot already beyond the control of ntedicilik, PREPARED BY 1 Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Maw. Sold by all Druggists. To Builders aid Contractors, For Sale or Bent ' t >i< Brick Store opposite the Parker formerly occupied by Q. W II *>« eyst a drug store, is offered for :**1\ »r tent. JWlll be sold on long time ^ • nted on reasonable terms. Apply if*. B. GILBERT. '•> *» «t McHenry. HOT. 5th. Mt The McHenry Brick Manufacturing Company are now ready to supply Brick in quantities FROM SMALL LOTS TO Their Brick are second to none to be found in the market, and will be told at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or these handling brick, will do well to cal 1 and ace u s before purchasing. We invite an examination and comparison with any Brick made in the Northwest, fto* farther information apply to or address McHENRY BRICK Manufacturing MeHenry, III., Jane 11th, 1881. dives. Away W. OWEN': ? r v i. r s McHEl\RY,II public in and general. I , prosperous New this op- Iftar. I To all my friends and the portonlty of wishing1 you a happy am pleased to announce that I have made arrangements to two columns of the PLAINDEALEK for the year L8#5, through whicS to inform the public, thaa I am again a candidate for their favors and patronage, 1 appreciate your trade and hope that by honest, squarl dealing, and uniform low prices to, in a measure, merit a continuance of the name, assuring you thai I shall at all times have sale oue of «aro|nli seleot(Kl stock of ever shown in this Couny. In many very great bargains for cash buyers. leririg Oui inventory just completed finds us with the largest stock of Clothing we have ever had in January, to reduce it as much as pos­ sible before spring, 1 shall continue to offer the entcaellne without reserve at 20 per cent discount for cash. In thib department we have several lines which I diblre to close out and have consequently marked at cost and below according to stales and sizes, and can give you some splendid bargains for cash. Our regular line will as usual, be found the largest and most complete m this market and as heretofore sold on very close mar- Suitable for tho season, inchiding choice Novelties not to be found elsewhere. We have a very, full assortment of Dresf Goods, Shawls, Oloakings, Underwear, Housekeeper's <xooods. «hort everything usually found in a we offer at moderate prices. The Celebrated ; If , | The Inter Ocean. . In 1886 the Inter Ocam eaters upon the four-1 ftenih year of its existence. Gives unuaaal eonil tenca br the people in its enrly eaya it h is nttailily grr >wn in favor nntil inis day, « h n the publishers take pride in the fact the paper goes into more hemes and has 4 greater number of readers than any puhl iea I - tiim west of the Alleghanies. , Krom the beginning the Inter Ocean has stood trmly by the principle - of tho Republican art-, and has, in saacon and out of aeamn, intended for "preteetion to American indus- ? try." |lt does not agree with the idea that the Vj.nsion ot the Republican party is finished; t>-e contrary it belieres that, purified by idver»it<r, it will in the near future again rise ko the higher planes of thougnt aad actionand te completely restored to the confidence of | lie nuerican people. The most important V; |.tencieB in accomplishing this result will b^ .. Republican Journals. If a reliable, staunch Itepublican newspaper was important when , ihe Republican party was in power, it is i; ' "uoubly so now that the Democracy central i the National Government. i he Ii irr Ocean will in the future as in the . , fcast be the medium thruugh which the best Itepublican thought will be siren to the peo­ ple. It will voice the convictions ef advanced 1 Groceries, Groceries, I am confident we can show as fine and complete a line of staple and fancy Groceries as ever offered for sale in McHenry, many goods j in this department are cheaper than they have been for 20 years. •!v 1 .^^Republicans without toeing unfkir even . :* $S.>urboii Democrats. ;Kite keing unfhir even te It will be aggressively being bitterly partitas,1 "THE OLD FOLK8 AT HO**." White Seal •f f mX - 4 " 'ltubliran without luni will give aa much attention te'tfie affairs I (>f Clevelands administration as it wenld have fiven to tbe administration ef Mr. Blaine bad e been elected. With an Associated Press ,Jfrancnise.with special wires reaching to New .. ,Tork and Wafhington, with special orres- i Vil>ondent8 in all important points ef tbe ceun- ,' t1' ;n v, the Inter Ocean will use its faaUitles tar collecting news without fear or faver, aa 1 so f:tras governmental affurt er party move. | ~ -menis are concerned wi*l give a fuller record > than any other paper. All of the old departments will he continu­ ed . Tbe scope ot the WOMAN'S KINGDOM will * . "no widened so as to take in all tbe industrial and reform movements in which wemaa are ' interested and engaged. OUR OUBIOSITY SHOI*. now a standard, will be given greater U. *ariety and interest. In the FAKM AND HOME and other departments the widest possible ft' • range ot topics will be discussed. * Of original short etorie$ and serial*, the very V' '• best by American and English authors will be friven during tbe rear. Arrangements have > ' been made to publish during the year short stories by BOTBSKN, HOWELLS, I^ATRBOF and . others, and a new serial by the autbor of "One Huminer," and to publish all these in adilitisu to the serials by Miss BBADDON and 5?\' . other English an thora. [*'• . every department of news and literature p! l he Inter Ocean will make a better record than , it ever has done. |F" TERMS TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS, FOITPAID. l>»ily, including Sunday, per year.. $12 M ii e*cl tiding Sunday, per year 10 00 y • i- Wednesday's Edition, with Musical Sup. *' * o P'enijent, per year. % so ' Suturaav g Ealtl^n, iixtee pages, per yr. 2 00 •s'i'v Sunday s Edition, six een pages, per yr.. 200 "i-Weekly Edition, published Monday 2 50 100 Cor the accommodation of the natrons of the paper, the publisher ef the Inter Oeeanhas made some valuable combinations with the weekly edition, viz: Weekly Inter Ocean and National Staad< ard Encyclopedia *160 Weekly Inter Ocean and national Stand! aril Dictionary IRA Weekly Inter Ocean aad Lives "of our' Presedents Weekly Inter Ocean and Peutiiar His' tory ef Civil War... ISO Weekly Inter Ocean and Ladies' Manual*. 13C Weekly Inter Ocean and Mythological Dictionary " ... Weekly Inter Ocean and Dictionary'of tiyneayms j# Weekly Inter Ocean and Usages of Best Society 135 Weekly Inter Ocean and What Everyone Shoatd Know . j JJJ Weekly Inter Ocean and Dr. Danielson's' Medical advissr . . jgg Weekly Inter Ocean and Inter Ocean "' Watch..... 3QS Weekly Inter Ocean and Little Detect- iveSeaies 300 Weekly Inter Ocean and Family or Un­ ion Seals 4 85 Weekly Inter Ocean and Onr Curiosity Shop 190 Weekly Inter Ocean and Good nheer. 126 Weekly Inter Ocean and The Inter Oceaa Sewing Machine 18 00 Sample copies of the paper sent on apphca* tion. Uemittances may be made at our risk either l>y draft, expresb, postofflce order, or regis­ tered letter. Money sent in any ether w«y is a* the risk ef the person ssndii ' dross THE IHTE tfi Madison street, Chicago. and Thursday, per year.. Weekly Edition, per year.. The New York Board of Health estimates that 30,000 lives have been destroyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every household should adopt ths White Seal Oil for fitmlly nse, none of these unfortunate ac­ cidents would occur. White Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usually found in common Oils. It cannot bo exploded, does not char tbe wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive odor, and prevents the breaking of chimneys. White Seal Burning Oil Is a rich Of 1 for Illuminating purpoWH/ltls as light in color as pure spring water. It gives i a strong, steady light and burns much longer 1 than common Oils. If this Oil is not sold in your vicinity, send y>ur oidor direct to us for a barrel or a case containing two live gallon I cans. BROOKS OIL 6ft Suolid Ave-, Cleveland, 0. 114 aad 115 South Street. Hew Yorlp, %e\ 100 185 fir PATENTS. send model or sketch o I will make careful pre ,and report as to patent ability, with advice, circulars, etcfree of charge. All business before U. S. Patent office attended to for moderate rates. Information and references sent on application. No charge unless pa'cnt is secured. j. a. LITTELL, Washington. D. C. Directly opposite U. S. Patent uince. Important to Ruptured Persons The Excelsior Rupture Cure M'f'g Co., of Oadensburg, ?«. Y.. guarantee to rare any <'nne of reducible HcriTa w th their Remedies. THK lll PTI RE PF.A8TF.K AN1> 11 RALINO COM FOifKD. This treatment is ".nduriicd liy our 11 fascists, and the general public. Send Sets for free book on Uupturo or aak your iruggist tor the ltemedy. HKx ^^^^^••Borsw TOYFUL News for Boys and (Hrbtl 0 Touni and Old 11 A KKW IJC. VlnxIOK just patented for them. juat patented for themu for Home u*ei frtt and Scroll Sawing, Turnings Boring, Drilling,Grinding, Folixhiic. " r Cutting. hic*|ito|60l Send 6 cents for 100 pagta. KPHEAIM BBOWV, Innrall, MMS, The Best in the market, and every pair warranted. Gloves eoid Mittens, a Full Line. OurGrocery Department ^s oomplete. Call and see us. This department is unusually complete special attention is called, to our Black Dress Silks which are offered at extremely low prices; we also have a fine line ot' Cashmeres in colors and Black Ottomaus, Dress Flannels, Velvets and majiy other Dregs Goods at prices within tbe reach of all. The largest stock in Town; we buy them direct from the manu tacturersand will sell extrmelylow for cash. - We always have the latest stylea and low prices. KNIT GOODS, A large line of Ladies and Gentlemen's Underwear in Scarlet and White Medium and, fine quality many lots are now offered for cash at less than we paid for them at the mills where ihey were manu factured, during our invoicing we have found many odds and ends to keep our stock clean we wish to close out these remnants of lots and pieces, and in many instances you can purchase some for less than one half the original cost of production. Yor example we now have a few dozen whit J WOOL HOSE, former price 50 cents, we are closing them out at 10 cents a pair, and many otner articles orrespom ingly cheap, again ̂ thanking many friends for the very cberal patronage we have recieyed during tne past and soliciting our co ntinued>fav®w»«r* I reaaaiii your Riverside Block* McHenry Attractive, Desirable in Quality, Quantity and Prire. Our Dfess Goods Department * Is Unsurpassed* t ' DOMESTTC8 we have more than we krfe# what td do with, hence have adopted the plan of almost giving them away. It works nicely, and pleases our customers. Gloves, Hosiery, Notions and Novelties, a carload^-.."." •- *f Iff-great variety. tSiPIn fact we have a store full ot Dry Goods, ; Fancy Goods, and Notiont, and shall let none of our competitors walk away with us on low priees. We invite inspection^ Printers' ink will not show our stock. Groceries ^Groceries, • A full line, and prices that cannot fail to please. to show goods. Wauconda, III., Jan. Mth, 18fl!5. My business at home requiring more , attention, I have deemed to stop canva \ tor Sewing machines, and in place ther offer Inducements to buyers to come ~ Store where I can show them a Than can be joand In any other store l„ . northwest. My Plan is This: For every Ten Sewing Machines sold,! ( B I V E A W A A Ladles Gold Watch, In the following manner: I will allow aoi disinterested party to take ten plain envc opes in nine of which thev will place cards, and in the tenth one a card on ' will be written WATCH. As each machinal sold the purchaser will be allowed to cb one of these sealed envelopes, on which I will write their name. As soon as the : machines are sold, the envelopes will opened in the presence of the purchasers ai the Watch given to the luiky holder. If jou want a New Amevican Ko. 7, Crowl Domestic. Diamond, Davis, Eld red ge, Hou« hold, Howe Improved, Mew York, SprlnKliel St. John. Singer, White, Wheeler A Wil No. 8, call at my store, try the machine, an am fcure I can please vou in priee, and besid< give you a chance to get a Gold Whtph. O. W. OWEN. McHenry, Nov. SSth, 1884 COLDINC BROTHERS. t Large BROTHERS VlifitlCONDA, ILL. We have-just reel ved from the city a Goods Store two doors north Perry & Owen's, oi Wo aid respectfully inform t| public that his store is full of ifohwttur: Wauconda, 111.. Nov. 17tli, 1884. PRICE BROS. Bonslett & BARGA! Cloaks, Overcoats, Blankets CAPS, YARNS, MITTENS, GLOVES, VESTS, Wool Hostaj, Eoodi, Knbiu, Scaib, Shirts, Drawen Soni Blankets, Robes, Arctics Wool Boots, I Wool Liaod Boots, fiabbtr Boots. OF ALL DESCRIPTION. willbc sold at tiie Jjp west Price) ! As you will see by notice el where, and will not be UND&B| SOLD by any house in McHenr; o4r McHenry County. UNDERTAKING. COFFINS AND CASKETS, Always on hand. I keep Hearse of my own which will b< furnished at the most reasonable ratefc. J. B. BLAKE. John Helm Algonquin, HI., DHALKB IN > Sarlwuo, Stom, Ttttttk In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lines which we are offer ingto the buy ing public as cheap as any othei house in this section. ICJall and 1See;,t JOBBING & REPAIRING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. * JOllN HELH. Algonquin, Feb. 18,1886. --r« WM. H COWLIN [SUCCESSOR TO M. M. CLOTBIBK] «. s. in cun miciroi Prosecutes pension or any other claim lagainst the government, relating to the lata pr former wais. Complicated cases and re Ejected claims made a specialty. If stamp are enclosed for reply, all communication Will be promptly answered. Offioe!at Residence, MAD BOH ST., WOODSTOCK, ILL. References by permission as regards char acter, business ability, reliability, Ac., Ac : : Gen. John A. Logan, U. S. Senator, Cnicago, Illinois. « si Gen. J.O. Smith, Sflite Treasurer of Illinoia Hon. R Kllwood, M. C. 5th 111. Dist., Sye amore, 111. Hon. John O. Sherwin. ex-M. C. Sth 111 Dist., Aurora, III Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, II Uol. Jas. A. Sexton, Pres Union .Vetera Club, Chicago, 111. Jesse A. Baldwin, Ass't U. S. Attorney, Ch cago, III. Messrs. Sell, Schwab A Oo., Wholesale Boo and Shoe I>eal4r«. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and home refaren cee. Bonslett &c Stoftel. West Mcnenry, 111., March M. 1834. DEALER IN Beady-Made Clothing, Staple Dry Goods, Invites an inspection ot his stoc , all ot which will be sold at the lowest prices for ca&h. Remetnb good goods at fair Prices at < he Centerville Store. McHenry, 111., June 10,1884. '. C. MAYE8. Plovsl sii .. M " j m,•it's H HAUPERISCH, MoHenrj, llliuolai, »Veul I Inform the farmers of McHenry anc surrounding country that he is prepared to sell them a FIRST-CLASS PLOW, And warrant the same,at a lower price thaa san »a purchased elsewhere in tbe county. Cutters, Cutters i na/e just received a number of Cutters, taat lor style and finish eannot be Uvau Call and s <e them. All Airds of BLACKSMlTJBlJfO, WAGON sad ' ARKIAUE work promptly attendea t» ft tEPAIHIING, otal kinds on short notice. a^Gire us a tail aad we will please you both in quality UKI I rice of work- P. HAUPERICH. Mollenry, I1L, Oct. 7th, 1884. L i . * A . * * . ' ̂

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