Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1885, p. 8

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Warn fee Wa--»>d It how many of tlra poopl- lit fit lit worthy only so far Wattr iR8ke« Hit?in so? H<-re idlfliWtiig and true «tory, HMt I An sorry to be obliged to omit name#. There lived in i Brook- tMrdioffhous« gentleman, his wife HAd their pretty daughter. He WHS a >. Klwun in a Broa 'way dry geo*?s tomise, *nd Ills salary was 83,000 a year, had saved 910.090 in (flie course of thirty years of hard worV, Last sum­ mer his wife and daughter went to .JBridgehampton, Long Inland, for a 111- ; lle recreation, etui there met a young man from Chicago, who instantly fell Jttmpletely iu love with the young K^jjnroman, He seemed to have money, nnd the father WAS sent for to come down and look him over. The man of business ascertained In half an hour it'J' that the youngster was the *011 if a II. m rich merchant, who was rated among the millions by the commercial agen­ cies. Indeed, the Chicago merchant *nn ! his wife were at that moment in BrMgehampton. The Brooklyn man formulated a scheme and hurried to Brooklyn to put it into execution. In that city of churches there are to let full appointed mansions, iu which are only furniture, but bedding, table- wire, silver service, china lace curtains, j»i a no and library. The best of them fame high, to be sure, but they are ex f*edingly sumptuous, and to live 1. • them is to enjey life as though you |»wned them. Our Broadway salesmar, " -•* #3.000 a year hired one ol these ele- i*«tly furnished houses for six months r.-nt in advance, moved in ami sent *• >rd to his wife and daughter to in- f"e the Chicago folks home with them The Chicago folks accepted and rame Along. They found their new-made Brooklyn acquaintances liring in one Brooklyn's finest dwellings. The practiced eye of the Chicago merchant -**w that It must require an income of *t least 413,400 * year to even live in Mich a house--more likely it would require double that num. The Brook­ lyn man was evidently very rich, and $iis daughter was doubtless well wor- Uij to be the wife of his son. The boy pressed his suit. He was asked to come 4g.tin in a few weeks and get his ans­ wer. He did so, and was accepted. The girl could not then be married too •JOB, and December was named. Ac­ cordingly, just berore the holidays. : there was a grand wedding in the fiansion, There was a big handful of Chicago guests who congratulated the |oung man from Chicago on his good f;':4»ck in getting so pretty a bride, and •oe apparently with such well-to-do parent*. It was * very successful wed- 4i::g, aad the bride is very happy pre­ sumably in her Chicago home; hut the Brooklyn man's lease of the mansion ran out on the 15th of this month, and lie is now back in the boarding house, and still selling goods in the Broadway irixm at 93,000 a year. Almost all of the $10,000 be had save d is zone, too. But he has married his daughter to the •on of a milllonarie, and she has prom* i*«d to take care of hiu.-jjr. F. Corres­ pondence Utiea Observer, f^An Ashlacd, Wis., corresptfti^ent ®f the Lake Co. Patriot tells the follow, fug story of an Indian and dynamite: It being necessary to use dynamite In the removal of frozen earth and blasting rock, the contractors had use for considerable of this deadly com­ pound. A few days since the men with- >1ng to use some of the caps, were un­ able to find them, and another box was tent for. In the meantime an Indian brave of the reservation, prowling About the bridge work, found a nice box of caps and stole them. Thinking y§h»y would make a fine bracelet he was picking a cap to pieces with an old •mil. when the cap exploded. Well, the l»raye lest four fingers and one of his ; legs, and strange to say he is yet alive. Kansas man Bays in the West­ ern Rural that Johnson grass may do ; In the South, bnt anywhere north of the ttlrty-eSg»jt degree of north latl- tiide, it is a failure. It Is too tender t>ei«g neither a early spring grass nor a late fall grass In this climate. This Is sot only his experience, but that of imeortwo of bis neighbors as well «rho bought seed at the same time that be did. Also the Agricultural Report of Nebraska for 1884, speaking #f grasses, says that MJohnson graBs Is failure. ,. Mr A gentleman of Denver, CM., %as invented a sheep-shearing m&dkfoe that, it all accounts of It la true* will revolutionize the clipping business: It Is said that it will clip perfectly six or tight hundred sheep in twelve hour*, and oelther breaks the fleece nor cuts the sieep. "Seeing is believing," but we have not seen It. KING'S EVIL Was the name formerly given to Scrofula because of a superstition that it could be cored by a king's touch. The workft fi wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA cam Hon , _ the disease perpetuities its taint througc. generation after generation. Among its earlier symptomatic developments are Bonms, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu­ mors. Boils, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy­ sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con­ tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca«- tarn, Kidney and Liver Disease*, Tubercular Consumption, and vari­ ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by iu Ayer 's Sarsaparif/a It the only powerful and abeam reliable blood-purifying incdicine. Itissoeffect- ual an alterative that it eradicates from the svstem Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the same time it en­ riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system. This great Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the genuine Honduras Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock, Stil- linffia, the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and other intrreilients of great po­ tency. carefully and scientifically com­ pounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical profession, and, the best Ehvsicians constantly prescribe ATMt'8 ARSAPARILLA as an Absolute Cur© For aH diseases caused by the vitiation at the blood. It is concentrated to the high­ est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi­ cine, In the world. Ayer's Sarsaparill# PREPARED BT Or. J. C. A/er £ Co., Lowell, iuit [Analytical Chemlsta.J' Sold by all Druggists: price fl; afcE*< oeiika iwr fo« & OWEN Another Cold Wave' » «• «f * i r\ \'W' ?<.* 7* ' ̂j."* 1" «« tots? -»;+ms *«»'? yx&r* ^*v«_ .7. -- -- . ws ; . A . : , ,l f > i t v •¥. J HAS bTrf JCK HIGH PRICES^ Boots I Sh06 * ' ' ' ' •<•****- *. 1 - limj- jbvw v 'v « " " nt* - il* *» ^BI * ' ~ McHENRY, JllluoiM ^ M %tf V f 'f ^ ^ ^ ^ " *• MclIEJTRY, IL&t, if We have just received our usuar large Spring Stock of the Xiiites*. designs in H'sill Paper and Decorations, consisting of the Ever received 111 this section. Brown Blanks, White Blanks, Flats, Satin Micas, Gilts and Embossed Brouzos. Afi immense lino ot' BORDERS to match. We have a few Inst year's styles which Yip will sell at halt price. Call and see the no\v styles. We have alhO recoived oar Spring Stookof Henderson's Celebrated Boots and Shoes To Builders ail Contractors, I TbeMeHenry Brick Manufacturing Ceunaay are now ready to supply Brick: inqaantitie* FROM SMALL LOTS -TO- Their Brick are second to nene to he found in the market, and will be (old at the l*weit market price. Persona intending, to build, or these handling brick, wul do-well to call and see us befor# - purchasing. J > We invite an examination and comparison with any Brick made in the Northwest. For further information apply to or address McHENRY BRICK Manufacturing' Co. MeHenry, III., June 11th 1884. "THE OLD FOLKS AT HOKB." White Seal Burning Oil .tT^N^?r.,York Board of Health estimate* 'that 30,000 lives have been destroyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every household should adopt the White Seal Oil for family use, none of these unfortunate ac «ident* weuld occur. White Seal laming Oil Haa nowft ef the defects usually fonnd In common Oila. It cannot be exploded, does not ctmr the wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive odor, and prevents the breaking of chimneys. New us, New rants, JNew Dress Qoods And Sew Trimmings. Great Slaughter in Wintei Goods every Lent. A Full Supply of FRESH GROCERIES. CASTORI for Infants and Children. "Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I Caatorla cures Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription I ®5?Hr St°mach- piarrhcea, Eructation, known to me." H A. ARCHER, M. D.. I ^elion.13' P> & P IU 80. Oxford St., BnwUyix,N. Y. | Without injurious medication. CUTMURIIINIMENTI An absolute cure for Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in the Back, Burns, Galls, &c. An Instantaneous Pain* relieving and Healing Remedy* ABV1CK TO MUTHKKSw Are you disturbed at night and brok- #0 t,f your rest by a sick child suffering •ml crying with pain of cutting teetb? M #* .«nd at ©nee and get a bottle of Jlre. Winslow's Soothing 8yrup for -Jh«Mren teething. Its valufs is Incal- vtiiaule. It will relieve the poor little •nflerer immediately. Depend upon It •httfciiere, there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea, rezo- -ati'e the stMaaek and bowels, cure» W!M! celic, softens the gums, reduces a:flainmatkm and gives tone and en- to the whole system. Mrs. Wtaa- «•» Soothing Syrup for children «#"^t..iug I* pleasant to the taste, and t« the pceettription of one of the eldest a,-.d txM fewale physicians and nurses in Mil United States, and is for sale bv g. Wgiau throughout the worid. Fr. 2ft cents a bottle. For Sale or Rent. t'be Brick Store opposite the Parker ttuuee, formerly occupied by G. W B*«ley ae a drug atore, is offered for Mri* or rent. Will be sold on long time or rrnted on reasonable terms. ADDIV lO. B.QILHRT. * Mt MoBeory, Kor. 6th, 18S4. For Sale or Exchange. One or two good houses, win* good tMUD* and other out-buildings; good orchards, wells, cisterns, etc. Well >d near the Depot In West Mc- ury, together with land from one toflftjr. Will sell very efceap or for * farm, or western w»W land " hou&e to reot. i K StnOHD. ilia White Seal Burning Oil Ifia r,ch Oil for illuminating purposes, It is as light in color as pure spring water. It gives a atrong, steady light and burns ranch longer than common Oil*. If this Oil U not sold in your vicinity, send y»ur otder direct to ns for a barrel or a case containing two Ave gallon cans. BROOKS OIL CO. f ?-SmJWI Ave., Cleveland, 0. 114 aad 115 South. Street. New Yoife PATENTS. charge. All busineHe before V. 3. Patent oftiea attemieil to for moderate rates. Information and references sent on application. No charge unless pa'ent is secured. nl J E.LITTELL, Washington,D.C. Directly 0p(>08ite IT. 8. Patent Office. Importanl to Ruptured Persons The Excelsior llnpture Cure MTg Co., ot Ogdensbnrg, N.Y.. guarantee to core any case of reducible Hcnln with their Hemedies. THE RUPTURE PI.ABTER ADD HEAMNOCOK FOUND. This treatment is (indorsed liy our best Doctors', Druggists, and the general public. Send Beta for free book on Uupture or ask your druggist Cor the Remedy- Bonslett & Stoflfel, WIST XeHMBY. V Are prepared to show you a lirjfo wnck of SEASONABLE GOODS. New, Attractive, Desirable in Qnality, Quantity aild Price. Our B f G o o d s D e p a r t m e n t • ^ . Is Unsurpassed. ' ' than we tnow whnt to do wltfi, Iience have adopted the plan of almost piving'them"away. It works nicely, and pleases our customers. Gloves, Hosiery, Motions nnfl Koveitjes, a carload. . • ; . ». Ilnving rented the store of H. H. Vichftl*. . k i now prepared to manufacture ^ 9 vaQ«K Shoes to oraer, ami - ^ Warrant Satisfaction. ' best ot stoi.k will guarantee all our work and wnrrant a flt every time, in either SEWED Ok PEGGED WORK. Jteltairiifig Promptly Attended to. Give us a Call. ^ RESTAURANT. A # We also keep In connection Witb oat Shoe Business a . Underwear and Goods • I11 great variety. »|̂ WIn fact we have a store full ot Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, and Notion!, and shall let none of our competitors walk away with us on low prices. We invite inspections Printers' ink WfH not show our s^tock. Where Warm and COKI Meals »ill be serin#*' atalihour^. OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON ij^.tbe Diah, Can or Bulk. " ROWLEY & SOU* Mcfretiry, Hi., Mareh 3<1, 1883. ' , / ' « to show goods. ' Wanconda, 1J1., Jan. '2fith, 1§85. cannetrikil to pleise. fjgT'No trouble COLDING BROTHERS. PRICE BROTHERS. WAUCONDA, ILL. We have just recieved from the city a Large Stock of Goods Suitable far the season, including chpipe Novelties not to be elsewhere. We haVliiirvery foil assortment ^ Press Goodsp Shawls, Housekeeper's 6roood|^ r And in short everything usually found in a General Store, which we offer at nioderate prices. The Celebrated The Best iu the mprket, and every pair warranted. GLOVES AID M1TT11S, A FULL UNI. Our G rocery Dei^fitmeiit (Is complete, (!!all and see us. Wauconda, 111.. Nov. 17tli, l884. PRICE BROS. We are prepared to offer immense bargains for the Spring Trade of 1885 in General Merchandise, consisting of AND HOTXOHS. A large aiu} well selected «tock ot Spiing Ajid Smaimer Styles Clothing, Clothing, Fo* all ages, at extremely low prices. The largest, and best selected, and only entirely new stock of TOYTOTi K«m for Boys utOtabll J Tamil Had Old! I A MEW II* VKKTIOS ju* pateatod for UMO. tar Horn* DM I Tret and Benll Sswiac, Torning^ Btortng, DHIltng^Hiadinf, WliMia &«t«w Cuttiof. PrioaffttotHL •end 6 cento for ie0 pafM. QDUIM BBOVV, Lemli, Of all descriptions, which we trim free of charge, both paper and border. A tull line oi the favorably known C. H. Fargo Boots and Shoes. •" New Styles in Hats and Caps, |5f*GrocerieB. only the very be^t, and at moderate prices. Crockery in great variety j Lustre Band, aud brown Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Water fcVste, Chamber Sets. etc. The Celebrated See or Trunks and Valise.?. Carpets, hemp, half wool, and 2-ply all wool; Oil Cloths, etc. Tin beat grades of Flour delivered free. Suit L»y the Barrel. £lFl West Moilenrr, IU.* March If. lM(| HOW READY 11 tvinar recently thoroughly re- .tirod the Greenwood Mill by i>m' <ng in a new cleaning machine •ftv bolts, aud giving the ma- •hn /jry a general overhauling, *? nre now better than ever pre- .Mi ed to do all kinds of custom W HI ling. We make a specialty >1 Buckwheat and Feed grinding, ivPI y day in the weeK. TOLES&SCrt. • ••eujrood, 111., NOT. 12,1891 1019-tf a cu n AT. O. W. OWEN'S. My business at home requiring'more of my attention, I have decided to stop canvassing tor Sewing machines, and in place thereof to offer inducements to buyers to coine to my Store where I can show them a Larger Variety of VocMbm Than ran be jound in any other store in the Northwest. My Plan ia This: For every Ten Sewing Machines sold, I wtl GJ- I V 13 AWAY A Ladles Gold Watch, In the following manner: I will allow some disinterested party to take ten plain envel­ opes in nine or which they will place blank cards, and in tlie tenth one a card on which will be written WATCH. As each machine is sold the purchaser will bn allowed to etioose one ot" these sealed envelopes, on which they will write their name. As soon as the ten machines are sold, the envelopes will be opened in the presenco of the purchasers and the Watch given to the lu:ky holder. We Have lust Received Our first invoice of spring goods, and in order to make room lor the largest stock ot Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to Woodstock, or into MeHenry Co., we will close out our fall and winter Boots and Shoes, re­ gardless of cost, for we must have the room. We can and will give you great bargains in these goods, and it will pay you to come from all over the country to trade with us» Good goods at low Cash Prices. Remember the place, Cor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, 111. N. B.---House Estab­ lished in 1865. - W. ll. DWICHV. If jon want a New American No. 7, Crown Bwmestic. Diamond, Davis, Eldredge, House hold, Howe Improved, New York, Bprinsrtleld St. John. Singer, White, Wheeler & Wilson No. 8, call at my storo, try'the machine, and I am biire I can please yon in price, and besides give you a chance to get a UolU Watch. , o. w. owjm i MeHenry, Nov. Mth, 1884 John Helm,' UKALBR IN i/ : : •••• : • : . ' Hardwate, Storei, Tiawwe, In short, we keep everything ' in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ing to the buy- , ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Call and See us. JOBBING & REPAIRING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN HELM. Algonquin, Feb. 18, 1886. • P. HAUPERISCH, | ' McHeurj, Illinois^ tVjiiil Inform the farmers of McHel^jy and "urrounUing country that he la prepared to sell them a PI RST-CLASS PLOW, | An 1 warrant the same,at a lower price ttoan • {| van ><a purchased elsewhere in the county, j® Ai« altala of BLACKSMlTfilNQ, WAQOlt f AHft 1 AGE work promptly attended ta | HEPAIRI^G, Ota.1 kinds on abort notice. WGive use out snd we witl please you both in quality aa«i «ee «f work. P. HAUPERISCH. ^ilenrjr, |H« Oct. 7th, IMi.

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