Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1885, p. 5

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p;sfgi|pp tammm •^>i.wwrfir?rtnii ife &• WEDNESDAY, APRlIHy Railroad Time Table. Oft urni after Monday, Juno fp*s Jfetoflenry *tatlon M below: : ' 'T; SOCTil. Smeva T,ako l ,-«»senger l;4?»£- * JfJH *.* Geneva I.ake Express...,?,.! r t Geneva Lake Freight............... l:«r» p. n Geneva Lake Passenger.. 8:29 " t »' J v Mtrri. . ;• GFTI»O»A Lake ^REIGLIT. ..A.;, A. M -Jajiieva Lake Passenger" •- LUNTW'T IRVFF Kxprea»..W..,,..-I.,iv U Boauva LAKE Passenger 6:97 " B. Brss, Ygont. McHenry, 111 M VSOXl MTITKVRY Loooe, N«,)®T reeks thereafter. v. r. anrt A.*.-- iturriny on or moon anfl every two CHAS. C. Coi.BY, W. W, teintarCoatinitmcations the Saturday on or tefbre the fall of the An Agricultural Paper Free. Weikkve made arrangements where­ by we can furnish tlio Western Plow­ man to our subscribers, and propose to do ̂ o on tin? following terms: To ill iww subscriber? who pay one rear in advance, or old stibscrP.ers who pay up alt arrearages and pay one year in ad' . vfilKjtf, jve wii! send one copy of the W%*tern Plowman one year Free. This is ©ire of the best monthly Agricultural papers published, and should be in the. hands of every farmer. Remember, it ««8t8 you nothing. Meeting of Stock Holders. ̂ The Stock Holders of the Union fjompanv are requested to meet at Crlsty, Walker & Co.s office. Saturday April 4th. 1885 at 2 o'clock P. M.. to transact important business ' of the Company. To take a vote what shall be done In the future-with said COTU- |N||y; Let all turn out. w. S. COVK&I,, Pres. GKQ, W. OWEN. Sec. PERSONAL. • MRS. ALLEN WALSH spent last week with frieiuis in Junesvllle. WIN. HENRY COLBY tna<1* a business trip to Wisconsin the first of Ibis week. PROF. LKE; Principal of our Public School, is spending the vacation at Lake Geneva. Miss MAGGIE CLARK. Mt»s Cora Me- Omber and Miss Carrie Waite were visiting iirChicago last week. PROP. H. C. FABER, Principal of the Richmond Public School* mad'* our sanctum a very pleasant call on lion day. ' - •J. A. SHELDON,former Principal o' our Public School, was in town on Fri- day, an 1 made the l'LAUTIMALKK a pleasant call. He litis been in the In- e'nrance business the past winter, but is now engaged as Ptinelpal of th» Hur. Joy School for the balance ff the y«>ar. THE tfl^-lm ilnallv betn con- smnated and tlio Riverside Howe, In thl» village, Is now the property olr W. II. Ford, who Is already patting It in shape, and in about two weeks will have it open for tt-e accommodation of tthf niibli^,* It will be renovated, pniticetTanil newly furnished through­ out, and when opened will be second to no Hotel in this section. Mr. Ford will ^pare no pains iu~tlie arrangement and comfort of his House, and we predict a brilliant future for the Riverside. THE McHenry Brick Company are making arrangements to commence work as soon as the weather will per- m"'t and will push the work with rigor this season.j They now have plenty of mill! «!>:» hand to supply the' present demand, and are receiving and filling orders, daily from Elgin, Dixon a«td other point?. CAPT. WALTER HILL IS now busy put- ling the Stenmer "Mary Oriswold" in running order, and by the time the *ce peoples' Caucus. The legal voters of the town of Mc< Henry are requested io meet in .Town Caucus, at the Council Room, in the village of McHenry, on Monday April 6th, 18§p, at 2 o'clock p. M„ for the pur­ pose of putting in nomination candi­ dates for Town officers, to bejsupported at the ooming Town meeting, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting* . PER ORI&FT. OUR Public School closed on Friday, list Tor a two weeks vacation. AT the Riverside Skating Riuk, on Saturday even! lg last, the Ring Race was won by Mis%Kate How^, ̂ 4^ >; WE are under obligations to Dr. H, T, Brown for flies of NewOrleatoa pa* just received. ATTENTION is called to the report of First National Bank, Woodstock, to be found In another place in tiiis piper. A FINE boy arrived at the home of Jos. Buss on Monday last. Who^ says our population ie not increasing. WHY keep a cow when you can get good, frtsh, clean milk for five cents a quart, delivered a:, your door by A. L. Howe, the milkman, ^ OUR German friend Wlio MriMf bitten by a dog last week says that " te vill kill dot house if he has to go on de in­ side of dot dog to do it." F THE McHenry Dramatic Clnb are / rehearsing for the Comedy of the I "Gerinau Baron." which they propose \to bring out about the first of May. A TEN pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mr«, J. A.-Goin^ this Wed­ nesday morning, f Another grey hair added to our he id. Verily grandpas 'honors are easy." THE Riverside Skating Rink will liot b® open on Thursday afternoon, but will be-open on Thursday evening and Saturday afternoon and evening, as usual. ' • /" AT the examination of Teachers held. / In this village on Thursday last byf I Superintendent Barber, a class of I fifteen presented theflisejves for ex- I nmination. ' ; Ot?it sportsmeh have been bringing in quite a number »f Ducks the past few days, and the prospects are that shooting will be good in •the cpKrw <>f a week or ten days. k -- cat., / JULY 1st the new postal law goes [into effect.changing the unit of weight iof letter postage from one-half ounce [so tftat no extra postage-will be charg* led on letters up to oue ounce. DON'T be in too mucit of a hurrffe about laying oil winter clothing. The winds will te chilly yet, and the pres ent is the time people i.eed protection, -if.ever, to prevent sore throats, fevers class shape, and will treat her to a ne coat of paint throughout, sparing ti J pains to make it pleasant for the plei s tire seeking public wiio patronize he WE learn, that many improvemeu s are going un at Fox Lake this sp«-in . Lehman, of Clucago is putting up L large Hotel, quite a number of cottage are being built, and everything look as'if it would be one of the livelie season known at these Lakes. In timi Fox and Pistaqua Lakes are bound to be the most popular Summer . Resorts n the Northwest. SU> C. HOWARD, Fox Like, has lately Issued the following Card: Howard SBouse, Fox Lake (Lake C».) Illinois. Ed C. Howard, proprietor. • This Is a »»«*w house, everything new, and locat­ ed in |u*t the place for the accommo­ dation of hunters and fishermen, and every way adapted for the comfort of pleasure seekers. The view from the porch of this house is grand, taking in Fox, Nippersink and Grass Lake?, Pen­ insulas, Inlands, etc. You can also see 'the location of the Egyptian Lotus Bed;- of Grass Lake, Parties seeking pleasure should not tail to visit this, one of the most beautiful Summer Re­ sort? in the Northwest. Boats, tshlng tackle and minnows always on hand. Experience?! oarsmen furnished on short notice. Good cool rooms. Terms 92.00. per d ty. He also add*) the tiitie of departure of trains fur Chicago and their arrival at McHenry. Vlsitors^at "ox Lake should bear this in mind. is out of the Lakes, will ha^e her readv * l^> make regular triH e i s o v e r h a u l - y ' e n t e f t a i n r o e n t b y t h e T e a c h e r s ing Tier engines, putting them in firsp a,u^ Pupils of the West Division of o«r i2..I.aa1 .. .It.t. i. _» AN exchange has the following good one : "A charming your.g inlss, accom- panied/1)y her a<re 1 graudmother,asked i spmce clerk the price of some ribbon IJe.replied that he would let her Ivave it for one kiss for each yard. "Very well." she said, "cue me ofl ten yards and grandma will pay you:'she always settles itiy.,bHls." The goods wet'e not Public School, which took place on Monday and Tuesday evenings, was well attended and highly appreciated bi' all. In short It was an exhibition of drill and training ef which Mr. Vasey ..might well be proud. It was one of the finest home entertainments ever given in this village. Where all done so well we shall not attempt to particularize. At the clo«e of the en< tertaiument on Tuesday evening Hon. F. K. Granger, It behalf of the patrous of the school preaented Mr. Yasey with a full set of Encyclopedia's, fifteen volumes, as a sligl.t token of their re­ gard and. appreciation of his eSorts and success as a teacher. It was a well merited co-npllment to an able and efficient teacher. delivered.**' £•§./£v..; TICKETS SHI® FR^'TFI# ,§TIIT!ON; commencing April 5th, and continuing until April 18th, to Chicago and return, Including a Jlpm Festival; for$3.00'. Tickets good two days from date of purchase. »As the tegular price of admission to the Festival is $1.00, this is a clear saving of t lat amount, $nd we presume many of our citizen? will take advantage of this reduction. ' THE following is a *Fnsible saying: "Whatever else you" do don*t "put on airs." If yeu Imve no money or brains to go with tlisui, you make you re If a laughing stock, aiid if yon have both brains and money, it is bad taste and disagreeable. Remember this and you will find the path of life easier. No man can deceive the public, for it measures every <nan by wlspl he is worth, no more, no less. " >• •>#?• L___ CHILDREN should have the use of the home paper. Even very young chil­ dren will read the local news with in­ tense Interest when they read nothing else. The PI.AINDEALER is the cheapest «M?d most wholesome educator you can obtain. •A SPECIAL CommiWeatlon o£ SFE- IJenry Lodge. No. 168, A. F. ai^d A. M., Will be held Thursday evening of this week, April 2d. Work on the Third degree. Every member is earnestly requested to be present. By order of the W. M. "> ON Thursday last the tee suddenly /and quietly moved down the river, and r f now the Fox is clear with the excep- I tionofaTew places near the shore. J The thaw has been gradual and no i trouble from higii water has been ex- Vperienced this season. JOSH BILLINGS say*: "After several years av reflekton I have kum to the konkluslon that the three most diffi­ cult th?ngs are. First carryin' an arm­ ful uv live eels np a steep hill without spillin1 an eel. Second aktlu as a referee at a dog fight without gettin' mad. Third editin'a newspaper. THAT telegram from Oshkosh, Wis., th« 12th tilt., apprising Mrs. Elder Wheeler of the death of a very dear niece, only daughter of Mr. Berry, was supplemented the 25111 by t'ie follow­ ing dispatch to her: "Mr. Berry is very sick o! fever. Jome at once." She accordingly left by the morning train and still remains absent. A statement has since reached us that ' lie is danger­ ously 111." , /LARGE catches of fkh haye been •nade through the ice on 'he diffcrent /Lakes in this vicinity the p*st week. Several parties have brought in two hundred and two hundred and fifty pounds each. The fi*h are plump, hard and fat^^nd much finer^th'au those caught in warm Weather, vl'he mania ha* been genial, and an ii.guiry for any individual who couM get away troiii business, ffer the past few days, was met with the answer "gone a fish- To printj ©Viiot to ptfnt," is wliat often puzzles a local editor. -Subscrib­ ers expect all tbe t (news, tut dlscretion forbids Ujyis, pubtl«^eiu« of uiany Items tliat "woiillily" interesting to a hundred readers, but which would make One or ti|feJg | l t i '1g mid. It Isn't the IrJiisiest nWflg in tfie' worid to steer clear of trouble in a country print shop. Jokes are considered very proper when cracked at tiie expense of other fellows but just keep "'our" names out of print, is what we,us and company say.--Ex. THE ' 'est business ma i In Elgin said last week that lie spent the most mon­ ey for advertising when people felt poorest. "Pint i* tin ti ne" lie said, "when people read advertisements. If they find a store advertising bargains, they will leave thefr old places and go to the Hewer., and the new one, if it is smart, will keep them every rime. The old-fashion business man will feel that he must do things in a modern style if he want? to swim with the current.--News. ON T uesdny inteligence readied Elder Wheeler, of the dealfi of his sister, Mrs. W. Hartly, which dates Feb. 14. aj;ed 86 years. Her residence was at Bow. N. II., five miles from Con­ cord, the Capitol. Up to that date she with Mr. Wheeler, have been the only survivors of the h msehold for many year?. The parents, two daugh­ ters and five sons are at rest. Now compassing the uncles aud aunts, with the "silent company," none but Elder Wiieelar is permitted to survive them. All have passed away since the death of Dr. U. G. Wheeler, of this town, March 28,1842. ioo«M With Poultry; MV EDITOR:--About one year ago my attentiou was called to an article entitled "Success with Poultry," which wss so practical, that as I was out of lemployment.'and had a family to sup* ^port, I at once concluded to try It. I got directions 'or making an Incubator which, when complete, he'd 250 eggs and cost 97. 1 hatched, from March fort***11 ehldt^n*. .of them. As soon as the chicks were from ten to twelve weeks old I sold theip for broilars. Chickens hatched in February, March and April will sell much higher than later chickens. I got for the whole lot 9426,60; t,.is f«*r a woman without any experience, and on a 8.nal! lot in town I consider pretty good. I now have another Incubator made and think I can make at least twice as much this year. I do not keep any hens, bitf j.iet buy eggs at the groceries for my Incubator. Any one can get directions for making an Incu­ bator like mine by sending ten cents in silver to Campbell & Co.. Zanesville, Ohio, I am; ure there are many in these bard times that would be glad to try such a business; it is pl-»asaut and pro­ fitable, I wish some of your readers would tell me whether New York is the best market to ship .to , so many tell me I could get much more for my poultry If I would ship it East. MRS. G. W.R. •• - aj- J-S HEBRON- • \ R PLAiNDivAt,'-R:--Is Vwllale gentle? j School closed on Friday for on/week vacation. There are several casea «f a fort of measles in this vicinity. The carols of tha bird! remind us that spring has come. The new goods at Frank Rowe's are worth calling to see. Mr. Miller's people will inoye soon into H »V. Mead's house. P. 11. Wolfrom started for Iowa again on Friday to puwhase another carload of cattle. Johnnie Pierce came home from Kan­ sas last week with the marks of west* ern March winds on his face. The ageqt recently delivered to$ub* scribers the copies of the Histnl^y of McHenry County. Several familiar faces appear on its pages. The book will be of interest to many. Mi«s Jennie Giddirigs, after an ab­ sence of three years, returned last week to visit her friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slater and Mr. Horace Slater started for Florida on Monday. Frank and his father con­ template moving there should lie be suited with the country. The entertainment given by Misa Haliie Brown was well attended and gave good satisfaction. Miss Browu is a lady of rare elocutionary power and no one can fail to appreciate her reci­ tations. Friday evening the teachers and pupils of our public school gaye an en tertainment in Rowe's Hall. The Hall was well filled, but those who were absent cannot realize what they missed The selected recitations were good; tiM "Educational Journal" witty and Inter­ esting; the several sungs by seme of our young people who for the first time sang in public, were well rendered, [{jy, Currer gave some home thrusts, and we all know that nothing but good could be eaid of an address delivered by our funny itainister. Miss Hattie Browu gave two ef her selections, brought down the house, and the good night soijig. little Libbie Bough* tonis "Johnnie's so Bashful," capped the climax. The ad nission tec of ten cjnt8 ,-ealized the neat little sum of 919.60 which will bo appropriated to­ wards a bookcase for the school. ism*!* hoa*e on the Reeve term, know* the ffcmny Airn>. one mile of tovN^; <lAWfi on Monday night of last weefc ibe tenant, $(r. (ienieau, &>*ingMs entire MriKaehoIrl effects, the family barely escaping With their Uvea. The honse was insured in the Algunquie JCntnal insur. anceOo. for $500, and Mr, Gerdeaa has a poll, ey in tfce Aurera .nsurance Co. pu his house­ hold good*. We have not learned the amount. The Highway Commissiouors aivl County Coin mil tee tttet on Tuesday ef last weeaacd accept el the new bridge, paid Mr. I.ane,»nd made everything satisfactory. Now we have a good bridge, and the best «f U all is, it is paid for. r G. E. Chapelt and J. W. Kdt, of Chicago, were in town on Tttetday WMpreek. Ur. and Mrs. Win. Mnrllii'^pL a Progre*s- ive.Encta* party on Tite*d4f «IV(»nmg ef last week, and a very pleasant eifiring wa> spent by all piesent. • Dr. Nason attended the Nineteenth Annual meeting of the Alnrani Association of the Chi­ cago Medical College on Tuesday of last week and reports having a getd thnia. C.W.Gould came up on Thursday of last week to make arrangements with the patrons concerning our factory, bat as far as we ran learn they came to no definite understand­ ing. W . H. Jencks tuts bought the J. H. Land lot above the hotel bam and has er»cted a cow barn on it with a capacity for SI cows. Mi»« l.illie Sherwood, of tilgin, baa been vtaitlng with friends here the past week. Mrs. 8. A. French, of Chicago, ia visiting with friends iters, % Jos. Wieuke moved from here to his farm east of te«ra on Thursdsy of last week. In so doing he lias retired from ctty lift, Ed Morton, Jr., Rert Tiibhs and Gene Ben­ nett have been building an ice house for Win. MfrCready at the Spring Lake Chesse Factory, and they hare get it fllle^ with 22to2tin?.h ice. new is that f >r the Jast week of March? Continuation services were held at the Ger­ man Lutheran church opSonday last. There were seven persons coKArmed and one biby christened. There has been a ment supplied in the «ha Clias. Wandrack's to tb Highway Commissioners timbers frem the old bri(Cj tlen, donation aad lalior, we have got a side­ walk that would be a credit to any town. It is supplied with a good, substantial railing on the upper side. The railing is painted in good shtpe. There is much credit dne the High­ way Commissioners and the projectors of said tmprevemen n|* an ol rs lid! neede<t improve- Of a sidewalk from bridge The dnated plank and and by subscrip. QREENWOOO, KoiT(» PLAINDEALKK: --The LadiM'- 'jUd Society meets with Mrs. O. Garrison on April 8th. Ilerb Coudry has gon# to Chicago to look for ajeb. Ed Singer, of Harvard, visited wttft (Mends in Greenwood last wegk. Altera two weeks* vacation, school com. mences to-day (Monday) for the spring term John Wetterman, of Dnndee, was buying horses in these parts last week. Mrs. D. W. Sopor and Miss Grace PriHdte are quitejjek at present writing. Wall Peatt and wife start this week Tues. day for Janesville, where they have hlrod out for the coming year. A pleasant surprise party was gi /en Myron G xtdard and wife on Wednesday evening of last week. (John Wilson, who is in the mercantile bu -i- ANNUAL TOWN MBETINO.--Notice is hereby given to the citizens of the Town of Green­ wood, is the County of McHenry and State ef Illinois, that the annual Town Meeting for said To*rn will be held at Dailevs Halt in said Town, on Tuesday, the Seventh dav of April next, being the first Tuesday in said month, for the purposes following, v'ie: \ FIKBT--To choose a Moderator to presitte at said meeting. SECOND--To elect one Supervisor (who nhail bo ex-oflicio Overneor of the po>r), one Tmvn CI erk, one As»e»sor, one CoMector, one Com­ missioner of Highways, two Constables, two Justices ot the Peace, and as many Pound Masters as the electors may determine. THiBO---To elect one Sshoel Trustee; also to Vote on the Highway Labor System, ard to act upon any additional subjects which may, in pursuance of law, come before said meet- tngwnen eon ven ed. . Which meeting shall he called to order be­ tween the hours of eig^t and nine o'clock in the forenoon, and ke|n open until seven o 'clock in the evening. Given under ray hand at Greenwood, this SSd day of March, A D. JS8V WILL JE. WTKB, Townderk. SPRING? CROVC. EDITOR PLAINDKALEK Ed Hal de- man brought heme'the first duck of the season. Bob Tweed made Chicago quite an extensive visit last week, going Tues­ day and returning Friday. Wm. Henry Broadley Is on ilie sick ||st at the present writing. Salem Pterce has purchased a build­ ing lot from Samuel McElwaln and intends to build before long. The ice floated out of the Nippersink at this place en Friday last, and took part of the dam with .it. Mrs. N ancy Coats, of R! ng Wood, vlsl t- ed with friends in this place last week. - Quite a numberof the patrons of this chees* factory are going to try Johns- burg factory the coming season. Lewis Hatch and wife and .Warren Cole smarted for New Orleans last week. If you want a good wagon made give your order to Shotllfl A Pierce of this place. Joe Hetnbry and family have^ moved into one of Aaron Hoffman's houses, and E. Dalrymple and family have taken possession of the mill house. When you contemplate building a house, or anything In that line, give O. E. Churchill a call and be w II do it up iu the best and latest style, as he is considered a first-class workman. The remains of Mr. Henry Broadley, a former resident and old settler of this place (who died In Waukegan) were brought here for burial on Mon­ day evening of last week. A large pro­ cession followed the remains to their last resting place in English Prairie cemetery on the fjllowing day. Mr. Broadley was 81 years of age. ; Lattyes Muslin Underwear, from 25 cents dp, at MM. Schwaaoher'a. near the Depot. Richmond Department. Contributed BY F. BKUNKTT. Colds, measles prevalent; and pneumonia are Two of our eitizens are experiment­ ing with incubator. ^ , "Sp\pndld," is .the yerdict on the Hat dance at Culver's. ; The school vacafon ia to ba two weeks long. ^ » Why can't Richmond get BOmi great man, like Oglesby or Logan, to deliver the address next Decoration Day, So many new comers are filling the village, and there are so many changes of res'denco that we cannot begin to keep track of them. Dr. E. R. Bennett performed an im­ portant operation, and a successful one In plastic surgery, In. Burton, a^ few days since. There is where Hospital training counts. Miss Myrtle Mead, of Elgin, helps to make our house glad this week, and so doe6 .another young lady from the same fair city, but sha forbid us to put her in the paper aud so we will not mention it. * While we Write, a progressive enchre party Is in progress in an adjoining room, and judging from the sounds that greet the ear we judge there is lots of fun In the naughty, naughty game. Andetill John wriieth the Chron­ icles and sorely trmbleth tin spirits of the sensitive D'«, - Lo, lie traveleth and brlngeth forth children'of genius, but many a D laugheth in the dexter handle of his shirt thereat. Selah* Mr, Goughs diss in landscape and fancy painting yet meets at Dr. Ben­ netts and is making fine progress^ Those interested are Invited to call on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of any week and see What is being done. The epidemic of '•Rotheln,'> or "Ger­ man measles," with which Richmond has been afflicted, bus about subsided, probably forMvant of more material to work on. Few of the young people have escaped, but in most cases It has been a trivial affliction, only requiring a few days seclusion. A hard looking tramp looking for a job of wood sawing on Monday. Meeting a refusal of one citizen he ex­ claimed, '"Well thin! Could ye give me a tashte of terbacky ?" He was accom­ modated and went - on his way. If he i& willing to work, a hundred farmers as KeiLOelii.aDakft^ wit^jrgja,,. .stand ready to engage him for the tives here last week. ™ Herman Dailey start§ this week for Janes­ ville, Wis., where he Intends working at the carpenter's trade. Adam Wusterman. proprietor of the Green­ wood Butter an t Cheese Factory, contem­ plates running a cream wagon the coming sea t on. The concert given by the *abbath schools of this place last Sunday }venla$( was very tcrcuUn£. The programme was carried out jaottly by the children, an < their parts were well rendered. A collection was takon up at the close, the receipts of which were aboiit four dollars, A Town Caucus will be -,eld at Diiley's Hall, Saturday,'April 4th, for t .e purpose of putting in'nomination the various Township officers whose terms of office expire. AU'i for the purpose of electing eight delegates to the County Convention to be holden at Woodstock for the purpose of electing delegates to the Judicial Convention to be convened at Elgin, Kane Co., III., on Friday, May 1st, 1883, and to transact such other business as may property come before said caucus. ATTENTION, COMRADES?, Regular meeting of Richmond Post, A. R., at their new hall over R. Johonnott's shop, on Friday evening. April 3d. Visiting comrades cordially Invited. Work will be In -muster of recruits. Lot there be a full attendance* of the membership. Don't forget that the Richmond Post is alive and pro^res- "ing. ^ Mrs. Wal*h. an aged widow lady liv­ ing many years in Richmond, died at her home,of pleurisy and Inflammation of the lungs, last Saturday at 2 p, m. The fu-ieral services were held at the Catholic church in Richmond on Tues­ day. Mrs. Welsh was a quiet and much respected old lady and leaves a large family of grown up sons and daughters. Her consort died suddenly a few years since, of heart disease. C. N, Culver "did hunself proud" as auctioneer at the last Market Fair. Tha attendance was large. The town fairly swarmed with people, A large amount of stock and a variety of other prop­ erty changed h lids. The fafrs grow digger and bigger all the time, Parties having stock or other property to sell, are finding out that the fair is tlie best plaoe to cell it, and buyers too, are finding it to their interest to be on hand. _____ Miss Edith Fawcett, of Englewood, who has *>een visiting with Mr. aud Mrs. G. H. Reynolds, at A. L. Brown's, before her return to Chicago, gave a parlor reading, an impromptu aflulr. at Dr. Benitctt's, to quite a company. Miss Fawcett Is but sixteen years of age but as an elocutionist site is certait'ly phe­ nomenal. The young ady has a bril­ liant future before her In her chosen profession, and we wish her a hearty God speed in her delightful work. The exhibition given by the pupils of (he public school la6t Thursday evening was every way creditable, as an entertainment, both to the teachers aud members of the school. From the smallest toddler to the young gentle­ man and lady, evidence of careful study was apparent. Some did • etter than other-. It Is true., but the genera' stan­ dard of excellence was so high ns to be worthy of much praise. But there was one very annoying drawback to the pleasure of the evening In the deport­ ment of the audience. With shame we confess that of all rough and disorderly audiences we ever got Into, the ar.di- •ijce at that exhibition was the <vorst behaved. We do not think any one meant to be mean or to show any dis­ respect to the you ig people who were trying their best to do honor to them­ selves and to the school and village they represented, but the straight and lamentable fact is that the performers were insulted and embarrassed by loud talking, ah-ah-ltig, whistles, gioans and many other diabolical methods of disturbance. We saw, with profound astonishment, men, and women too, who ought to kuow better, and whose standing in society wf uld lead us to expect better things of, joiuing in the disturbance. It was too bad and the thoughtless display of bufloonery was really a disgrace to Richmond, We kuow we are saying hard things, but the facts justify them. There was Miss Bisby, a young lady of Englewood, one of the finest, yes the finest elocutionist of her age that^we ever listened to- She had been accustomed to recite be­ fore refined and intelligent audiences in Chicago and elsewhere. She favored the audience with two selections and in the midst of one of the most beauti­ ful and pathetic passages, a party who would feel insulted to be ranked below the "ereme de la crcme" of Richmond society, ali-ahe.l the beautiful and ac­ complished young lady, who was giv­ ing one of the finest Impersonation any one ever listened to. What will she. or any other stranger who might have been present, think of Richmond intel­ ligence, refinement or good breeding? Honestly, we never felt so humiliated for the town as wc did that night. We will not accuse any ono of anything worse In intent than mete thoughtless­ ness. But for IIeaven'8 6ak<\ citizens, think back and consi^r hjaw M ail looked and sounded! Republican CaucUft- Notice is hereby given that a Caucus of th° Republican electors of the Town­ ship of Richmond will be held at the Culver House, in the village of Rich­ mond, on Saturday, April 4th, 18S5, at 2 o'clock sharp, in the afternoon, for the purpose of putting In nomination candidates for the following offices, to- wit: one Supervisor, one Town Clerk, one Collector, two Commissioners of Highways, two Constables and two Justices of the Peace. Also for the purpose of electing Twelve Delegates lo the County Canvention to be holden at Woodstock for the purpose of el ct- ing delegates to the Judicial Conven* tlon to be convened at Elgin, Kane Co, III.,on Friday May 1st, 1885. And to transact such other business as may properly come before said caucus. J. V. ALDRICH, s*; s. R. W AHI). . S. F. BENNETT * , Township Committee. Auction Sale. •fWe undersigned will sell at Public Auction in the Village of McHenry, on Tuesday, April 7, !885, commencing at 2:30 p. m., a quantity of Agricultural Machinery, consisting in part of the following: 5 Corn Cultivators, 1 Star Sulky Plow, 1 Thompson Hay Tedder, 1 Gesley Sulky Plow, 1 Thompson Hay itaVe, 1 Wood Revo viiig Hay Rake, 1 Feed Cutter, 1 Steel I'ooth wood frame Drng.l Steel Tooth Iron frame Drag. 12 Hay Carriers, best makes, 7 Hay Forks, both double and single Harpoon, of the best makes, 16 Walking Pltrtv&, wood and steel beams, of the best makes, 1 Second Hand Top Bug y, and othei articles too nura-«ou8 to men­ tion. Sale positive and without re­ serve. TERMS OF SALE--All s iras of $10 and under, cash. Over that sum a credit of 8 months will be given on approved notes at 6 per cent interest. Two.per cent of! for cash. JOHH I. STORY. F, K. RANGER, Auctioneer. ^ ^ Barley lor Sal< sot Bushels good NV i 0ar sale. Is clean and good for seed. Ap­ ply to John Flusky. 2 miles from Mc­ Henry Depot, on Xunda road. Also will Sell or Rent my farm if ap­ plied for soon. JOHN FLUSKY. 10-37-4w • Business - _ to Mrs. Howe's for Dressmaking. SMOKERS, call for Barbft. High Art." They have few ec See our new spring suits, Bo( Stofiel'e. Spring styles Boots and Bouslett A Stoffel's. Red path's #3.00 Shoos* The b-n In the world for the mm- ey. Solid leather, solid sole, leather counter* and Inuersoles and nre made out of first quality calf skin, put to­ gether in an honest, substantial man- ner and warranted to give satisfaction Try a pair, For sale by Henry M>y>y. Easter Party. There will be an Easter Party at Heimer's Hall, McHenry. on Monday evening, April 6th. Music. Mudgett's Band, Five Pieces. Tickets 50 cent*. Yourself and la ly are respectfully In­ vited to attend. JOHN HEIMER, Proprietor. Beslcy's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's and A. Englen's. A good chance for a Wagon Maker- ' ishing to go out of business, I ofler my stock and tools at a bargain if ap plied for soon. Will rent shop. K. V. WKRDEN, Wauconda, 111. Fine Velvet and Velveteen Id 61 and colors at Perry & Owen's. No trouble to show goods elf questions at R. Bishop's. Buy the Estey Organ if you want 11 best. O. W. Owen. McHenry, Agent. City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, III. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for Mill­ inery, Dress Making and Fancy Gooda. Everything in the Hardware If seal bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Building Paper, cheap, at Jobs f. Story's. The Lyman Barb Wire, both | and galvanized,decidedly the beat in the market, at John I. Story's. GLASS ! GLASS • We keep Glass of all sizes constant on hand. Special sizes cut wltboi extra charge. JOHN I. STOBT. . FEED CUTTERS, The Belle City takes the lead: the strongest and best, at S. X. Owen Son 8, New Ginghams, new Prints, and 'vm Dress Goods at Perry & Owen's. We have just added an elegant of dress goods, which are ofieredr usual uniform low prices. Henry, THB finest assortment Machines to be found in the county! at O. W. Owen's. FOR SALE OR RENT. Two holies in the village of Ring, wood. Terms reasonable. Apply at once to WESLKT LADD. Rlngwood, Nov. JOth, 3334. Please remember that our stock in every department is very complete and that our prices are always the lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by any house in McHenry C o . H e n r y C o l b y . \ / * New Wall Paper. J New Wall Paper at Perry & Owen's Best quality of paper and no cheap trash. > Paints aud Oils at Perry & Owen's. The Boss Barrel Churn, at John I Story's. 1&0 per cent Oil iu 5 gallon lots at il cents per ga'lon. 4lbs good Te» for •1.00 at Bonslett & Stoflei's, Bias Embroidery, latest Invention, at Bonslett & Stofiel's. New Wall Paper and n«w Borders Over 400 different styles at^ferry dk Owen's. < ?•; Henderson's celebrate*! Boo&s and Shoes, every pair warranted, at Perry & 0»ven"s. i BESLKY'S Ale aud Porter is the beat made. Un draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonslett 8 and A. Englen's. I have a lot of Selz Schwab $ CNrtl Shoes, ail sizes at one half price." o. v, STBVKKS. REMEMBER you can find Besley's Al#^ and Porter oir draught in this village, at Jacob Bonslett's and A. Englen's. All shades of Silk and Wotd Arraseae at Bonslett & Stoflei's. 0. V. Stevens will sell 100 coats* at half price. Call and look them over. Wall Paper trimmed free, at Boo* slett & Stoffel'a. 'M Fine line of Summer Silks at Henry Colby's. New Carpets and Bonsfett & Stoflei's. Oil Clothes, at A beautiful piece of Silk Velvet, worth 81,75 a yard, is being cloBed out at the small sum of 81.00 por yard. Call soon and obtain it at Henry Colby's. For Sale or Renjb. * On account of poor health f wish to stdl my Saloon and Residence in West McHenry. Is flnely located anti doing a good business, if not sold before I will Ksnt the Saloon, posses­ sion to be given May l*t. For further parti culars inquire of the undersigned, on the premises. Hi SDITP WlRVV West McHenry, 111. March 23, 1885. 10-36-1 m __ . . . .-Mi • . A few beautiful Wool Cashmeres at 30 cent a yard. Great bargains at Henry Colby's. , Blood Stock for Sale, Five thoroughbred Short Horn Bulls, from oue to two years old. for sale. For further particulars inquire of RUSSELL & SON, Volo, III, 10-36-tf. LATEST styles in Dress Trimmlntrs, Lases, etc., at Mrs. Schumacher's. Jersey WaUts always on hand at Chicago prices, at Mrs. Schumacher's. We carry the largest line of Cloth- sne in the market, and our prices are always as low as good goods can be sold Henry Colby. Salvation Oil, the celebrated Ameri­ can remedy. Is guaranteed to .;ure rheumatism, sear throat, swellings, bruises, burns, and frost-bUes. Price only twentj-five cents a bottle. Avoid by all means the use of calo­ mel for billions complaints. Ayer's Cathartic Pills compounded entirely of vegetable ingredients, have been tested for forty vears and are acknowl­ edged to l>e the best remedy ever devised f<ur torpidity of the liver, cos tiveness. Ad all derangements of the d igestl *» a pparat us. Notice To those that want work done in my line, such as Tank*. Vats and all other work done In a shop, as I get lumber direct Train Chicago. F, A . H *BAJU>. People wishing to buy gooda at low­ er prices than ever before will do welt, to cftli on me. • C. v. STBVBXS Lace Curtains, Tidies, Latnberklns, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs* Schumacher's, near the Depot. Spring Millinery. MRS E. W, IIOWE. has just rej from the city with a fell line Millinery, to which she invites; tention of the ladies ot Mcllei eui rounding country. The Iate4fi can always be found at this stoiNlptJair aud se® MRS. E. W. HOWE. Kelter'a Block, McHenry, III. This time or year every owner of a cow should keep ready tor use a bottle l|f Dickinson's Cow Prescription. It i^y save him the pric: of a cow. It siiouid be given in every case as soon a* the co" calves. It will cause her to do well and will prevent that fatal disease. Milk Fever. For sale by all druggista* Mrs. Schumacher. W ii.ld invite the attention of tbo Ladies to her new Spring stock of millinery, comprising the latest sty lee to be found in the city.and which site proposes to sell at prices that defy competition. New goods and latest styles received every week. Call and examine goods and learn prices. MRS. SCHUMACHER. Farm for Sale. undersigned offers for sale fetto Farm, containing 204 acres, situated one m'le West of the village of Mc­ Henry. on rhe Woodstock road. Good buildings, living water, plenty of small fruit, and a young bearing orchard, la well adapted for a stock farm. Handy to Railroad Station and a Cheese Fac­ tory, For terms and other uarticulara inquire of the undersigned * on the premises. . hikki c. Mua . McHenry, July Kth, 18SL •-im HEW THIS WEEK. MRS. 11. H. NICHOLS IS on hand again with the first Millinery Stock of the season. New plates, new goods and new styles. 1 have engaged Miss Maggie Clark for the season and any OIH wishing new goods before Easter this is the place to buy. We are nice­ ly located up stairs, over my former place of business, where I will be pleased at anv time to see all ray old, customers and any new ones that may" favor us with a call. We are pleaded to show goods and give prices which have always been ami still remains low as the lowest, VVe do not intend to lie undersold arid at all times you will find a line line of Clean Millinery and Fancy Goods to choose from. *»e have no old shelr worn goods, carried for the last 20 years to offer, but a fine ne-v stock bought for spot cash direct from the manufacturers of Bostoo, 'New York and Chicago. We mean business. Call and examine gftftfk. learn prices and be convinced for VOW* self tnat we have the finest MiUlaer? aad Fancy Gooda Stock in the Ooootft MRS. H. H. NICBOL*.

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