- • j " "-•V .< ? - * < '•j-l' WW- '• £©ty&J&iii. zz~jsmss&m~ ~ 3SHK5 WtoMm&mmmm ible to determine h©w or how touch of human antmala are able to Now York Examln- filiates a story of a four- who thought tlia' exhortations of the , and unlike maoy hearera, he to obey It. mltiiiln4! pew WM a large, tr» one, vory near the pulpit and to a taking Are of eyes. Mr. Tyler, the minister, owned a Piarfe dog named Watch; and Watch JlM|t%ent on going to church with Mr*. ~ fir. She, In her turn, was much id to his going, fearing that It ;«ielt« the mirth of the chlld- 6v 3&" Ktcry Sunday a series of maneuvers tr*ok place between the two In which Watch often proved himself the keen est, Sometimes he slipped away very <rarly; and Mrs. Tyler, after having searched for him to shut him up, would pn t« church and find Watch seated in ihf family pew, looking v**ry grave urn! decorous, but evidently aware that it was too late now to turn him eot. Sometimes he would hide himself wnt«i the family had all started for church, and would then fallow the footsteps of soase tardy worshipper Who tiptotd In daring prayers with ^||vspr»»aking boots; and then didn't Watch |T r ; kn«>w that Mrs. Tyler would open the §&. ftew door in haste to prevent his whin* ijT ' I tig for admission?. When Mr. Tyler beeamo In earnest In his appeals, he often repeated the lame word with a ringing emphasis V and a blow on the desk-cushi«n that ^ ; atartled the sleepers In the pews. 4 One day be thus shouted out, quoting 'the well-known text-- x "Watch! watch! watch, I say!" when iR-ith a ruatle, rustle, and a bounce, 'Came his big dog almost Into his very arms. The bnys all took occasion to relie ved their pent-up restlessness by one up- roarotis laugh, before their astonished . fwnts had time to frown them Into Jjjw*'; silence. Honest Watch bad-been sitting with $&. l>ls eyes fixed, as ufeual on the mluister. At the first mention of his name, up ^ went hin ears and his eyes kindled; at the second, he was still more deeply amoved; at the third, ho obeyed, and flew completely over the pew-rail and pulpit-door, with leaps that did eqpal honor to his muscular powers and his desire to obey. After such a strict Interpretion of the letter rather than the spirit. Watch Was effectually forbidden church-going. The Spanish masters of Cuba maintain an iron rule. Every man, It Is said, who expresses sentiment not strictly loyal to the Spanish authority, is arrested and imprisoned. Conspir acy is punished by dungeon confine ment or death, and this practice has gone very (ar to encourage people not to talk politics. Of frequent notices in cafes and other public places In a conspicious playcard bearing the sig nificant legeud: "Please do n>t talk politics here;" and whenever you meet him, whether at home or abroad, the prudent Cuban, If he values his life and liberty. i« possessed of nonfiscat- able property, keeps his political opinions to htmseif. The newspapers p.re all subjected to censorship, the telegraph offices are under surveillance of police, snd it Is even said that the mails sre often examined for treason* able documents. fSTA writer in the St. Louljl Medi cal Journal advises young practitioner never to make fun of au old woman's remedy. They will not only give of- feuce but may miss a valuable aid In practice. The writer adds: "In 1830 while practicing In Madison county, 111.. I was Induced, by the representa tion? of an old woman, to make the trial, in dysentery and diarrhoea, of tablespoonful doses of pure elder vinegar, with the addition ol sufficient salt to be noticeable, and it acted so charmingly tiiat I havo new *)*«d anything else. £fe- sv- , L-> ,5.1 P; I/..': feySome time ago the steamers Michigan and Wisconsin were caught and frozen in the ice ID mid-lake. On Thursday of last week the Michigan, which was still in a field of ice, had her sides crushed In by the ice and sink. The crew escaped to a tug which had been sent to rescue the ateamer. The Wisconsin Is still in the Ire. These two steamers cost 9160,000 •ach and were built in 1882.- Wauhegan Gazette, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral' No other complaint* are ao insidious in their § Ktt»ck as those affecting the throat and lungs: none so trifled with by the majority of suffer ers. Tlie ordinary cough or cold, resulting ; perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex- ^ posure, is often but the l>eginnlng of a fatal ;~ sickness. AvKR's CHERRY PECTORAL has % well proven its efficacy in a forty years' fight ¥ with throat and lung diseases, and should be taken iu all case* without delay. 1 A Terrible Cough Cured. ««In 1M71 took a severe cold, which »1 my lungs. I had a terrible cough, and pawsfd triifht after night without sleep. J'lie doctors gave me up. I tried AYKK'S CHKKKV 1 KF- THKAL, which relieved my lungs, induced Bleep, and afforded me the rest necessary for tlie recovery of my strength. Hy tne continued use of the PECTORAL a peima- nent cure was effected. 1 »ni now 6-, old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your CHERRY PECTORAL saved me. M HORACK FAIRBROTHJOU" Rockingham, Vt., July 15, ls#8. Cronp. --A Mother's Tribute. "While in the country last winter my little boy. three yearsoM, was taken ill with cronp; it seemed fts if he wmiUt <iie rri'in strjmgu- lation. One of the family su^csted tlie use of AVER'S OHEKRY I'KCTOKAI, « lu.ttl.' of which was always kept in the 1""»**'• i»"» was tried ill small ami frequent doses, and to our delight in less tlian huli an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The doc tor said that the CHKKKV I'M TORAL hau saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our cratllude Sincerely vours, Mits. KM MA CIMNEY. 159 West 12Sth St., New York, May 1G, lsS2- "I have used AVER'S CITFURV TK<TORAL in my family for several \ears, and «i« not hesitate to pronounce it tin- most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we lmve ,cvit. tried. A..1.CRAS&",, Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13,IS?2. " I suffered for eight years from Bronchi!'*, and after trying many remeiik-s with .no suc cess. 1 was cured by the use of Avi s Chi u- KV PKCToKAL tloSK.l'U W AliHOi. JUyUalia, Miss., April 6, lfrtsi. •• 1 cannot sav enough in praise of AYV«'« CHERRY PEIT'OKX I., believing as I do tl>R* but for its use 1 should lone since have die., from lung troubles ' r". BKAUIXJ®. Palestine, Texas, April 22, lt¥2. No case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AYEK'S CHUNKY RKIRUIT.w »nd it will always curt when the disease i» already beyond the control of uiaiieiw). PREPARED RY Dp.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold by all I)ru^;;sU. PERRY l - ' - * * » Ti? - - n : V • jllist- Arrived, f ; We have just received our usual large Spring Stock of the Latest designs in Wall Paper and Decorations, consisting of thti Finest Patterns and Best Paper "fiver received in this S6Ct!oii. Brown Blanks, White Blanks, Flats, Satin Micas, Gilts and Embossed Bronzes. An immense line of 'BORDERS to match. We have a few last year's styles which we will sell at bait price. ' Call and see the new styles; , * '< f ' * - * f0s§m "HAS STii'ICK HICH PftlCE ̂ AND v. ROWLEY & SON. r. MAOiiffteiurers r»f McHEXRY, thtto i a vir.g tented the store ef H. H. Nichols we sre now prepared to maoefarlnre Boot • and Shoes toort 'er, and 3r- •i " j, ; •, . -* WAUOONWA, IIjL. "" !l' ' Are prepared to show you it large stock of 'tit ~ "• r Is lONABLE Kew, Attractive, Desirable in Quality, Quantity and Price, Our Department %arran1 Satisfaction. We havo one of the beat workmen In McHenry County, and as we nse none but the best of stock will guarantee all our work ami warrant a lit every time, in either . . SEWED OH PEGGED \VORXi Repairing Promptly Attended to. Give us a Call. .;'3S The McHenry Brick Manufacturing Company are now ready to supply Brick in quantities FROM SMALL LOTS -TO--r OAR LOADS Their "Brick are second to none to he fonnd ia the market, and will fee toid at the lowest market price. Persons intending to J; build, or these handling brick, will ^ do woll te call and see ns before purchasing. AD VIC K TO MOTHERS. A t e you disturbed at night.and brok- •tu your rest by a sick child sufierinj ititl crying with pain of cutting teeth «< a» .send at once and get a bottle of Jttrr. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup for children te«thing. Its value is Incal »*niaule. It will relieve the poor little *ufl«*rer immediately. Depend upon it *tiutt»«r8, there is no mistake about it, it cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu the stomach and bowels, cures nrlt.'i colic, softens the gums, reduces »nllninmation and gives tone and en to the whole system. Mrs. Wins Soothing Syrup for children tr^tfitig is pleasant to the taste, and 1* tt<*» prescription of one of the oldest •wat oett female physicians and nurses % sn t n» United States, and is for sale by *U irugglsU throughout the world. s^i^je»oentt a bottle. ,, For Sale or Rent, I'ue Brick Store opposite the Parker ttouee, formerly occupied by G. W B«siey as a drug store, is oflered for Mlo or rent. Will be sold on long time To Buililerc and Contractors, 'P® i with any Brick made ia the Northwest, farther information apply to or address Far McHENRY BRICK Manuiacturing Co. McHenrj, Ill„ Jane lith 18M. have also received oar Spring Stock of Hendersons Celebrated Boots and Shoes Every pair warranted. A fine display of New Ginghams, New Prints, New Dress Goods And New Trimming!, Great Slaughter in Wintet Goods every day. ! Fish.! Fish! Fer Le»t. w . t ' •, Is Unsurpassed. \ In DOMESTICS we have more than we know what to do with, hence have adopted the plan of almost giving them away. It \Vorks nicely, and pleases our (Histomersi Gloves, Hosiery, No'tions and Novelties, a carload., Underwear and Furnishing; Goods In great variety. f^gPIn fact we have a store full of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, and Notiont, aud shall let none of our competitors walk away with us on low pfiees. We iofite inspection. Printers' ink will not show our stock. * Groceries, Groceries, A full liue, and prices that cannot fail to please. |^"No trouble to show goods. , Tt1 t COLDING BROTHERS. Wauconda, IU., Jan. 26th, 1885. A Full Supply of r-i,^ FRESH OROC Sat. " V 44V VW- CAST0RIA for Infants and Children. "Castori* Is so well adapted to children that I Castoiia cures Colic, Constipation,. [ recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." H.A. ARCHER, M. D., | Kil^^^n8' ̂ ves deeP- ^ promote! dl- 111 So. Oxford St, Brookljm, N. T. Kestion, Wttnout injurious medication. "THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME.' White Seal Burning: Oil TheNtir York Bonn! of Health estimates that'30,009 ItTe8 have l#een destroyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every household should adopt the White Sea! Oil foi famllv use, none of these unfortunate ac eidents would occur. White Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usually found In common Oils. It cannot be exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive odor, and pre vents the breaking of chimneys. • White Seal Burning Oil la a neb Oil for illuminating purpoies, it is as light in color as pure spring water. It jftves a strong, steady light anil burns much longer than common Oils. If this Oil is not sold in your vicinity, send your oidor direct to us for & barrel or a case containing two live gallon BROOKS OIL DO. 5!4Si'il}lV.'oVCti"8» ft. Totk. i PATENTS. at rented on reasonable terms. Apply tA. B. GILBERT. ; » Jrt McHenry, Kov. 8th, 1884. For Sale or Exchange., On* or two good houses, with goed barns and ether out-buildlngs; good •retards, wells, cisterns, etc. Well jooAted near the Depet In West Mc- Ifenry, toj<eMier with land, froin one acre t« fifty. Will sell very cheap or trade for * farm, or western wild land. 1 Also II kood bouse to rent. • B. BAYMOHD. West MeHenry, Ills. ENMURILINIMEINL An absolute cure for Bheamatism, Sprains, Pain in the Back, Burns, Galls, &c. An Instantaneous Pain- [ relieving and Healing Remedy. Bonslett & Stoffel WIST KcHXHBY. HI GOISI NC We are prepared to offer immense tmr^ains ior the Spring Trade of 1885 iii General Merchandise, consilting of DE7 GOODS, DOMESTICS, PRICE BROTHERS, WAUCONDA, ILL. We have jnst recieved from the city a Large Stock of Goods Suitable for the season, including choiec Novel ties not to befoun elsewhere. We have a very full assortment of Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloakings, Underwear, Housekeeper's 6roood». And in short everything usually found in a General -Stot®, which we offer at moderate prices. The Celebrated The Best in the market, and every pair warranted. GLOVES AND ~ MITTENS, A FILL LIHE. OurGrocery Department Is complete, (/all and see us. Wauconda, 111.. Nov. 17th, 1884. PRICE BROS. RESTAURANT. We also keep iqi connection with onr. Shoe Business a • First-Class Bestacra&t, Where Warm and Oeul Meals will be sdrred at all hours. OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON By the Di»h, Can or Built. ROWLEY & SO*. MeHenry# 111., Marsh 3«l, 188S. NOW READY. H ivinff recently thoroughly re- jwtired the Greenwood Mill by pm t ing in a new cleaning machine lew bolts, and giving the ma- shniary a general overhauling, nre now better than ever pre- {*11 *»«1 to do all kinds of custom III>ling. We make a specialty >f buckwheat and Feed griudin^, «vei y day in the wees. - TOLE8&SCN. 'I«eti>r»0(t, 111., Noy. 12, 1834 10 19-tf Given Away AT. O. W. OWEN'S Mj* bushipss sit home requiring more of my attention, I htive decuieil to stop canvassing tor Sewing machines, ami in place thereof to offer inducements to buyers to come to my Stare where I can show thera a Larger Variety of Machines Than can be jound in any oth6r store in the Northwest. - ^ My Plan is This: For oveiy Ten Sewing Machines sold, I wll • G I V E A W A Y A Ladies Gold Watch, In the following manner: 1 will allow some disinterested party to take ten plain envel opes in nine ef which thev will place blank cards, and in the tenth one a card on which will be written WATt'H. As each machine is sold the purehuser will be allowed to choose one of these sealed envelopes, on which they will wriie their name. As soon as the ten machines are sold, the envelopes will be. opened in the presence of the purchasers and the Watch given to the lujky holder. If son want a New American H«. ?, fr««a boniestic. Diamond, Davis, Kldredge, House hold, Howe Improved, New York, Springfield St. John. Singer, White, TTheeler A Wilson No. 8, call at my store, try the machine, and I am bure I can please you in price, and besides give you a chance to get a Gold Watch. O. W. OWEN. MeHenry, NOT. 96th, 188* A. fergc and well selected stock ot Spring and Summer Style? 5 For all ages, at extremely low prices. The largest, selected, aud only entirely new stock of myENTORS, send model or sketch ol •our mventien, when I will make careful pre liminary examination,and report as to patent ability, with advice, circulars, etc., free of charge. All business before U. $. Patent office attended to for moderate rti/es. Information and references senton application. No charge unless pa'ent is secured. _. , J- LITTELL, Washington, D. C. Dixectly oppenite U. b. i'atent omce. TOYTDLHew* for Boys and Ohlatl 0 Young md Old M A NEW IN VENTION just patented tor tliM^ for Home use; Fret and Scroll Sawing, Turnings Boring, OrUling,Grinding, PolUhiM, Screw Cutting. Ftice $8 to 9B0k Bend 6 eenU for tOO pagaa. BBOWXi LemU* MkMb Of all descriptions, which wo trim free of charge, both paper and border. A tull lip *>1 the favorably known C. H. Eargo Boots and Shoes. New Styles in Bats and Caps, A \4t lyvill) * ' w WS fc-/V WW) V/I1H ^vr,, *,1*;. The Celebrated Secor Trunks and Valises. Carpets, hemp, half wool, and 2-ply all wool; Oil Cloths, etc. The best grades of Flou rdelivered free. Salt by the Barrel. £Fl Bonalett West MeHenry, 111,, Mart h 1», 1MB. We Have Just Received Our first invoice of spring goods, and in order to make room for the largest stock ot Spring and Summer goods ever brought to Woodstock, or into MeHenry Co., we will close out our fall and winter Boots and Shoes, re gardless of cost, for we must have the room. We can and will give you great bargains in these goods, and it will pay you to come from all over the country to trade with us. Good goods at low Cash Prices. Remember the place, Cor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, 111. N. B.---House Estab lished iu 1865, W. H. DWICHT. Algonquin, III., BKUCB in Hardwan, Stow, Tinware, In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ing to the buy-. ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Call and JOBBING & REPAIRING, R PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN HELM. Algonquin, Feb. 18, 1886. Plots! Plows I p. HAUPERISCH, MoHenry, Illinois* «V *m l inform the farmers of MrHenrjr and «urroun<ling country that he ia prepared >11 tr to sell them a F1RST-CLASS PLOW, An<i warrant the same,at a lower price thaa tan t>e purchased elsewhere In the couitfi AH kirdg of BLACKSMlTHING, I\ AOON M'l ' ARR1AQE work promptly attended to. UEPAIKIISO, Ol H. kinds on short notice. WGive ns a sail - nd we will please you both in quality ip*1 t rice of work. P. HAUPERISCH. Myifenry, IlL, Oct. 7th, 1884. |¥' ;